The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, AUGUST. 7, 1953 SPORTS Cubs Score Four Runs In Ninth to Top Bisons Daugherty Plays Big Hand in Beating Buffalo, 5-3, With Homer and Triple By VIC WALL Buffalo, Aug. 6-Blasting out five hits in the ninth inning for four runs, the Springfield Cubs handed the Buffalo Bisons a rude jolt here. tonight when they won, 3. A Bison, Hal Daugherty, natormer big hand in beating his former He hit a home, run second inning triple in the ninth inning, as the Cubs turned seeming defeat into victory, because Buffalo had rallied in the eighth inning for two runs 0 off Sheldon Jones to ruin "a brilliant pitching effort.

And so when Springfield came to bat in the ninth, the Cubs were behind. V. Burbrink Doubles They 'had scored their lone talky in the second on Daugherty's third homer, a drive over the right field wall. But Buffalo had retaliated with two off. Jones in eighth and everything pointed to a Buffalo victory.

u. Harrist Walt Derucki open the singled ninth. off Earl Then Daugherty drove a triple against the right field wall. 3 Nels Burbrink doubled to left center for another Tony Jacobs, who had relieved Jones in the eighthhe was the eventual gled home Burbrink with a line drive to left. Sparky Adams stopped the rally with a force play but Jack Hollis hit his second double off the left field wall for the fourth run of the frame This drive was against Milt Jordan who had relieved Harrist after Jacobs' single.

For seven innings Jones gave a brilliant pitching exhibition. Aided by four double plays, he set the Bisons back on their heels. He put the ball the just where he wanted it. But started to tire in the eighth. Harrist reached him for an opening single.

Some pressure went off when Buddy. Hicks failed to sacrifice, Harrist being out on Burbrink's smart play. But Frank Bolling dropped a single, near the line in left field and Jack Crawford did the rest, a double to right center for two runs. Jones left the box after this hit, presumably a beaten pitcher, with Jacobs taking over. Tony purposely walked Jack Wallaesa and then coaxed Frank Carswell to hit into the fifth Buffalo, double play.

The way play ball, however, or the way any tailend club plays, that run looked big enough to win. Even as Daugherty's homer loomed as the winning tally the way Jones was pitching. But the Cubs fooled everyone with their rally in the ninth, four straight nits without a man being retired for three runs. 7 Minor League Scores AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Charleston 3, pt. Paul 2 1 Louisville 7, Toledo 4 Minneapolis 6.

Columbus 4 EASTERN LEAGUE Albany 3, Wilkes- Barre 0 Schenectady 3. Reading 2. (10) SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Little Rock 4, Memphis 3. Nashville 10, Chattanooga 1 Atlanta 6, Birmingham 1 New Orleans 4, Mobile 0 PONY LEAGUE Hamilton 15, Batavia 7 Bradford 16, Wellsville 5 Olean 18, Corning 3 Jamestown 2, Hornell MOTORCYCLE RACES AUG. 8th 8:30 P.M.

HALF MILE TRACK STAFFORD SPRINGS SPEEDWAY CONN. A. M. A. Sanctioned Hal Hurts Herd ab Adams, cf Hollis, It Freese, Northey, Derucki, 3 Daugherty, Burbrink, Jones, Jacobs, Totals 37 18 17 BUFFALO (IL) Hicks, Bolling, 2 Crawford.

Wallaesa, Tuttle, cf Chapmano Erautt, b-Johnson Harrist, c-Restaino 0 0.0 Jordan, Totale 33 3 10 27 15 SPRINGFIELD 010 000. 000 021-3 004-3 BUFFALO RBI-Daugherty, Crawford Deruckl, Burbrink, Hollis, Restaino: CBHollis rucki; HR Daugherty; SH-Bolling: DPCrawford, Burbrink: 3B-DeJones, Hollis and Freese: Hollis and Freese Left2: Springfield Daugherty, 7. Buffalo 7: BR- Jones 1, Hollis and Freese; Harrist 2. Jacobs 2: S0-Harrist 7 1-3; 5, Jacobs Jones 4, 1 in Jordan 1. 2-8: 1: Harrist 12 in 8 (none out in HO--Jones 9 in 9th); Jordan 1 in 1: nnd ER-Harrist HP.

Jones Jones: 2-2; (Chapman) Jacobs 1-1; Jordan (9-3); -Harriet (4-3): U-Serafin, Feleraki and Courtney; a-Grounded out for Erautt In seventh A-2151. b-Grounded out for Ryan in in ninth, ninth. c-Grounded out, for Jordan treated the contest as more or less as a lark but their defeat certainly didn't add to their prestige. Oshawa played as though the championship of the world was at stake. Who can blame Hal Daugherty's homer in the second inning was a low line drive over the right field wall.

It was Cub Chatter Buffalo, Aug. 6-Springfield and Buffalo went without batting practice tonight because Junior League baseball teams took over the baseball early festivities. Junior League booms here, the same as sandlot and pee wee baseball does in Springfield. The program is sponsored by the Buffalo Evening News and is similar to the program sponsored by The Springfield Daily News. Manager Jack Sheehan didn't come to the park.

He turned the club over to Reggie Otero while he worked on his Chicago report before taking a night train for the Windy City where he is to huddle with Chicago Cub officials Friday. From out of that meeting may, come something definite about Springfield's 1954 future. Buffalo is determined to make a strong bid for the International League pennant, officials of the Detroit are reported working hard to obtain a couple more pitchers for the Bisons for use during the stretch drive. As to be expected, Big Jack Wallaesa is extremely popular in this city where he is more. or less a hero because of his home run hitting.

He has 26 of them up until tonight. Springfield presented two players who are former Buffalo, players in Herb Adams Hal the City of Homes in the Daugherty. Daugherty, of course, Wallaesa deal. Cubs didn't get too cited over their loss Wednesday night to the Oshawa team of the Intercity League. They his third.

Sheldon Jones drew boos fronr the fans when he hit Ken Chapman in the fifth to and then Joe threw Erautt, a but pitch they closere purely accidental. The Cubs closed the third, fourth, and fifth and sixth Buffalo NOTICE FEEDING HILLS COUNTRY CLUB GOLFERS Your new road now under construction will be completed AUG. 7th. Now Passable Open Daily PIONEER VALLEY, CONST. CO.


to 11 P.M. Teddy Takes That Sweet Swing Ted Williams, making his first appearance since his return from the hitter in the ninth inning of yesterday's Red Sox-Browns game at catcher, watch the ball. The crowd gave Ted a standing ovation as bench. Bosox lost in the 10th, 8-7. Rookie Bill Miller Hurls Yankees to 5-2 Victory Enables New York to Sweep Series With Detroit; Reynolds Furnishes Relief Aid in Ninth Markell of Chiefs Pitches No-Hitter Stops Toronto in Seven Inning Opener, 4-1; Leafs Take Nightcap, 3-0 Syracuse, N.

Aug. 6 (R- Harry (Duke) "Markell hurled a no(hitter tonight but his own wildness and a tardy fielding play spoiled his shutout bid as the Syracuse Chiefs defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs 4-1 in the seven-inning opener. of a doubleheader. The Leafs. won the nightcap 3-0 behind the one-hit pitching of little Viv.

Lombardi and Don Johnson. Hit by Batted Ball Lombardi was struck by a batted ball after six and one-third innings whitewashing Johnson's. Lombardi needed help in and. Johnson fanned eight batters and walked none. Markel gave up seven bases on balls and 3 three of them led to Toronto's lone twilight game run in the fourth inning.

SYRACUSE: (IL) (First Game) ab 1 1 Blaylock, 6 Rodriguez, 3 Workman, 10 3 Schult, Gillenwater, rf 01 Zientara, 2 Markell, Kinaman, 3 Totals 23 21 6 Demars, TORONTO (IL) ab A Segritt, rf 0 Addis, Colman, cf 0. 3 1: Goliat, 1f 00 Del Greco, 3 01 O'Neal, Hogue, a-Stevens Shore, 0.0 -Wilson 0 Totals' 22 1 0 18 8 SYRACUSE 400 000 TORONTO 000 100 RBI Zientara; Stevens: 28 Schult; SB-Segrist, Verdi: Left--Toronto Svracuse BB- -Markell 7. Shore 2. Shore HO--Hogue 6 3. Shore 9 in 3: and ER-Hogue Shore (0-0) Markell (1-1); (11-9); I Hogue (8-9); U- Regan, Lingalata.

Holmes: a -Walked for Hogue in 4th. b-Flied out for Shore in 7th. Game) TORONTO (IL) ab. De Mars, 8. Wilson, 2 Morton, Stevens, 1 13 Rossi, 1 O'Neal, 2 Addis, cf.

3 2 Goliat, If Segrist; 3 Del Greco, 3 Lombardi, D. Johnson, Totals 32 3 27. 12 SYRACUSE (IL) Verdi, 5 1 Zientara, 2 Rodrigue, 0. Schultz rf 3 Gillenwater, 0 2 Welaj. Alf 4 Kinaman, A- Drescher Partee.

2. 0 Workman, Blaylock, 11 0 Lovenguth, Totals 29. 0 1 27 9 RBI Addis. Morton, Dels Greco; TORONTO 100. 000 101-3 Morton, Del 8B- Addis De Mara.

Wilson and Stevens: Parter and Zientara, Kinaman and Blayblock; Left- Toronto 8. Syracuse BB- Lovenguth SO- Lombardi Lovenguth Johnson 10-Lombardi 1 8 Johnson 0 2-3: W- (7-6); (9-8) U-Lingalata, Holmes and Regan. A New York, Aug. 6 -The New York' Yankees swept their threegame series with the Detroit Tigers today, winning the finale, 5-2, behind rookie. Bill Miller, making his first appearance since returning from their Kansas City farm club.

Preserves Lead victory preserved the Yankees' five-game lead in the American League race. Miller had a two hit shutout going into the eighth inning but the Tigers came life at that stage and picked up. two runs. Pinch hitter Matt. Batts, who had just received notice that he was again eligible to play after being suspended by the American League office, lined a single to right and took third on a double by Gerry Priddy.

Ray Boone then drove in two runs with a single. Batts was notified before the game that he was under suspension because he had delayed in mailing a $100 check for a fine levied against him. During the game, however, the league office wired that the money had been received. NEW YORK (AL), ab 0 McDougald, 3 Noren, 1t Mantle. cf Berra.

Bauer. Art Triandos, Collins. Martin, Rizzuto, 03 W. Miller, Reynolds, Totals 32 5 12. DETROIT (AL) Kuenn, 1 Priddy, Boone 3 Dropo, 14 Nieman, Delsing.

ci Souchock, FI Bucha, Aber, a-Lund Herbert' 04 b-Batts c- K. Miller, 0 0 Totals 30 2 5 24 13 NEW YORK 020 200 01x-5 DETROIT 000 000 020- RBI- Rizzuto 2. Martin: W. Miller. Noren, Boone 2: 2B-Rizzuto.

W. Miller, Bauer, Priddy: Sac- Martin, W. Miller Triandos; DP-Rizzuto to Martin to Triandos, RiZzuto to Martin to Collins: 5, New York 11: BB-W. Miller 4 Aber 3, Herbert Miller 5. Herbert: HO-Aber-5 in 4.

Herbert 4 in 3. R. Miller 3 in W. Miller 5 in 1-3, 0 in 1 2-3: 4-4 R. Miller 1-1, W.

Miller Winner, W. Miller (2-0); loser, Aber (1-3), U- Flaherty. Berry, Hurley. Rommel. A-9852 8-Called out on strikes for Aber in 5th.

b--Singled for Herbert in 8th. c--Ran for Batts in 8th, West Aug. 6-Elsie Warner scored low gross for guests today in the Springfield Country Club's guest day for women golfers from Wilbraham and Monson. She had 92. Estelle Wysmutek of Monson had low net, 76, while Lil Handyside of Wilbraham was low with putts with 31.

Margaret Calonico captured low gross honors for the home club with a 93, while low net went: to Grace Otto with 73. Rose Anziano had 31 putts: to lead that departIn the second division, Agnes Ferriter took low gross honors with 104. while Tisch Guernsey was out in front for low net, 72. Jean Winkle used up only 31 putts for the 18 holes. The nine-hole division was won by Shakour with 59.

Kay Klug took low net honors: with -36 and Margaret Witherell captured the low putts prize with 14. Elsie Warner Is Springfield Victor Johnson and Lopat On Hill In Yankee Opener New York, Aug. 6 (P)-Connie Johnson, a 31-year-old rookie, will face a well-rested Eddie Lopat tomorrow in the opener of a fourgame showdown series between the Chicago White Sox and the leagueleading New York Yankees at Yankee: Stadium. Manager, Paul Richards, sent word from Philadelphia he was gambling on Johnson; a Negro righthander who shut out Washington with eight hits and. "struck out 10 Saturday.

"We look at this series the same any 5:45 series with New he said. "It's going to be tough. But: I wouldn't say this is Young's Homer in 10th Foils Red Sox by 8-7 Browns Win After Boston Ties Score in Ninth; Williams Pops Up in First Plate Appearance Pirates Win, 4-3, the As Sandlock Stars a in Bats Ninth, Drives in Winning Run Against Reds; LaPalme Saves Lindell Cincinnati. Aug. 6 (P Mike Sandlock, dropped to ninth in the Pittsburgh batting order, responded brilliantly today as he scored vital run in the eighth and then drove in the, winning run in the ninth to beat Cincinnati, 4-3.

Works Perfectly In an attempt to help the Pirate attack, Manager Fred Haney batted starting pitcher Johnny Lindell fifth in the lineup and dropped Sandlock to the bottom of the order. It worked out perfectly as Lindell was credited with the victory, although he needed Paul LaPalme's help in the eighth," and Sandlock won the game with his two timely blows. Summary: PITTSBURGH (NL) ab a Bernier, rf 2 I O'Connell, Rice, 1t 1 2 Thomas, cf Lindell, LaPalme, P. Smith, 3 3 Pellagrini, 2 1 E. O' Brien; 0.

Sandlock, 0 0 Totals 35 4 27. 2 CINCINNATI (NL) Ab Bridges, 2 5 Adams. 3. 3. 03 Bell.

cf 0 Kluszewski, 13 2. Greengrass, 1f 3 0 Marshall, ri 0. 0 Seminick; McCillan. 8. Raffensberger, 3 A-Hatton King, 00 b-Borkowski 00 Trtals 32 3 5 27.

16 PITTSBURGH 200. 000 011- CINCINNATI 000 100 101-3 RBI--O' Connell. Rice 'Sandlock, Bell. McMillan in 9th); (Marshall scored 2B-O'Connell, on Pellagrini'8 Pellagrini, error Sandlock, Marshall: HR -O'Connell, Rire; SR -Bridges, Adams: DPBernier and Sandlock: 6, Cincinnati BB-Lindel 6, Lal'alme King SO--Lindell 6. Lapalme 1: HO--Lindell 4 in 7 1-3, LaPalme 1 in 1 2-3, 'Raffensberger 5 in T.

King 3 in ER-Lindell 2-2. -La Palme 1-0. Raf- fensberger 2-2, King 2-1; W--Lindell (5-12); L--King (2-5). U-Dagcoli, Goetz, Secory, Roberts. A-2054.

for Raffensberger in 7th b--Flied out for King: in 'Should Have Banged It, Says Ted of First Try Baseball (Associated Fress Wirephoto) forces, pops out as a pinch Clint Courtney, St. Louis he walked dejectedly to the Today's New York, Aug. 6 (P Probable pitchers for tomorrow's major league games. (Won and lost records in parentheses). AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago at New York Johnson (1-1) vs Lopat (10-2).

Cleveland at Boston (night)Lemon (15-9) vs Parnell Detroit at Philadelphia (night)Branca (2-1) vs Kellner (9-9). St. Louis at Washington: (night) Brecheen (4.9) vs Marrero (6-5). NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn at Cincinnati (night)Podres, (7-3) vs Perkowski (10-7). Pittsburgh at Milwaukee (night) -Dickson (8-14) VS Bickford (1-5).

New York at St. Louis (night)Gomez (9-5) vs Mizell (9-6). Philadelphia at Chicago -Drews VS Minner (7-11). Pittsburgh 36 13 35 Games Today INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Springfield at Buffalo Baltimore at Ottawa Toronto at Syracuse Rochester at Montreal AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland at Boston (N) Chicago a at New York Detroit Philadelphia (N) St. Louis at Washington (N) NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn at Cincinnati (N) Pittsburgh at Milwaukee (N) New: York at St.

Louis (N) Philadelphia at Chicago Yesterday's Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Springfield 5, Buffalo 3 Baltimore 8, Ottawa: 3 Rochester 11, Montreal 6 Syracuse 4, Toronto 1 Toronto 3, Syracuse 0 (2d) AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis 8, Boston 7 (10) New York 5, 2 Chicago 6, Philadelphia Washington 4, Cleveland 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh 4, Cincinnati 3 Brooklyn 4, Milwaukee 3 (1sty 11) Milwaukee 3, Brooklyn 2 (2d) New York 12, Chicago 6 St. 2, Philadelphia 0 (N) Standings INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE L' PC GB Montreal 64 44 593 Buffalo 62 45 579 Rochester 62 47 .569 Baltimore 59 48 551 Toronto 55 56. .495 Syracuse 51 59 .164 14 Ottawa 47. 63 1427 18 Springfield 72 321 29 AMERICAN LEAGUE Pet.

GB New York 70 34 .673 Chicago 66 40 5 Cleveland 61 41 .581 Boston 59 49 .516 13 Washington 51: 56 .477 Philadelphia 43 62 .410 Detroit 38 67. .362 St. Louis 36 72 .333 36 NATIONAL, LEAGUE Pet. GB Brooklyn 68 37 .648 Milwaukee 61 45 .566 Philadelphia 57 45 St. Louis 56 47 11.

New York 53 49 Cincinnati 49 58 .158 20 3 39, 63 382 Jets May Join IHL Johnstown, Aug. 6 (PL The International Hockey League, meeting 20 In Marion, will decide, whether to enlarge itself to a loop by admitting the town (Pa.) Jets, now a member of the Eastern Hockey League. Permission for the Jets to seek admittance to the IHL was granted at an EHL meeting Tuesday in Altantic City. "Johnstown has been a winner In EHL'9 three years of operation--it won the pennant the; first year, the pennant and the playoff the second year, the playoff last year, beating Springfield, Mass. Giants Tally Eight In Eighth for Win Over Cubs, 12-6 Boston, Aug.

6. (UP) -Bobby Young's 10th inning home run gave St. Louis Browns an 8-7 victory over the Boston Red Sox this afternoon after pinch-hitter Ted Williams fouled out in the middle of three-run tie-scoring Boston rally the last of the ninth. Dramatic Appearance After Williams' dramatic Gappearance before the 6792 wildlycheering fans, Jimmy Piersall singled to center, scoring Gene Stephens for the tying run. Williams went out on four pitches.

He took a called first strike, the second was' a ball The first pitch on which he swung was a foul fly to the first base boxes. On the fourth pitch he popped out to first baseman Dick Kryhoski. Young's homer, his fourth, and the third for the Browns in today's game, was just inside the right field foul pole. The winner Marlin Stuart gained his sixth victory after relieving Dick Littlefield with one the ninth inning. The win was St.

Louis" first in the threegame series and only the Browns' fourth against Boston this season. Before Williams' appearance, Billy Goodman had walked, Karl Olson" had struck out and Dick Gernert drew a. base on balls. George Kell's double high off the center field wall scored Goodman, Gernert stopping at third. Summary: ST Hunter, LOUIS (AL) ab 4.

A a-Kokog 1 0 0 0 Berry, Kryhoski, 1 6 8 Lenhardt, If 2 2 rf Y. Stephena, 0 4 Courtney. Groth, cf 0 Young, 2 Kretlow, Littlefield, Stuart, Totals 30 8 13 30 11 BOSTON (AL) a Goodman, Olson, If 0. 1 10 Kell, 3 0 1 b-G. Stephens White, Wilber, 00 13 Baker, 3.

-Williams Umphlett, 5 ct Lipon, Brown, Nixon, Kinder, 0 0 0 0 d-McDermott Totals 41 12 30 12 Kinder WP-Kretlow; W--Stuart (6-2): Nixon, (4-5). U-Summers, Soar, Fooese, a-Grounded out. for Hunter in 8th Stevens. A -6792. out for Umphlett in 19th d-Flied out for Kinder in 10th ST.

BOSTON LOUIS 020 300 010 020 003 003 RBI- Lenhardt 2, Stephens 4. Young. Brown White, Kell, Baker, Piergall; 28-Hunter, Goodman, White, Piersall, Kell; HR-Lenhardt, V. Stephens, Young; S-Kretlow, Groth, Young. Lenhardt; DP-Gernert (unassisted), Stephens, Young and Kryhoski: Left-St.

Louis 10, 2. Boston 10; BB-Kretlow 4, Littlefield Brown Nixon S0-Kretlow 1, Littlefield 4. Stuart 1. Brown 2, Nixon 2. Kinder HO--Kretlow 6.

in 4 2-3, Steuart 2 in '1 Kinder 2-3, Brown 7 in 1-3. Nixon 6 In 5 1-3, 0 in 1-3: ER-Kretlow 4-4, Littlefield 1-3, 3-3. Stuart 040. Brown 4-4, Nixon Sanford Pitches Orioles to Win b- Tripled for Hrabesak. in 9th.


today. TERMS TO FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK MOSS STUDEBAKER TOOL FAKIR USED CARS SALES MEMORIAL AVE OPPOSITE SEARS ST.ANNES CHURCH Phone Ottawa, Aug. 6 (P)-Baltimore pitcher Jack Sanford allowed only eight scattered hits tonight as the Orioles jumped three Ottawa hurlers. for 13. 3 3 safeties to beat the Athletics, 3 8-3.

before 3878 International League fans. BALTIMORE (1L) ab Rackley, cf Wilson, 5 Weatherly, Graham, Kerns, 3 1 3 1 Lohrke. 3 Caballero, Kluttz. Sanford, Totals 39 8 13 27 13 OTTAWA (IL). ab Kell.

5 0 Littrell, Taylor, cf 2 Wright, Limmer, If 15 0 Rogers, 1. Gerken, ri 3 0 Shantz, 0 Mackinson, Kume, p. a -Revan 0.0 Irabesak, b-Spruill Totals. 33 8 27: RAT. TIMORE 100.

403 OTTAWA 010 000 002-3 RBI- -Weatherly Sanford. Rackley Gerken, 28-Wright. Caballero: 3B Weatherly. Spruill: HR-Weatherly; 8-Kluttz, Sanford; Tohrke to Graham, Caballero to Lohrke to Graham; -Mackinson left--Ottawa Sanford: 8, 5: Baltimore Mackinson 9: BB 2. Kume 1, TIrabesak-1.

Sanford 5: 10- Mackinson 10 in 6. Kume 3 in Hrabein 2: 8-6; Kume 0-0. 0-0; Sanford 3-3: HBPKume. (Sanford): Sanford (12-8): Mackinson (6-8) U- A-3878. Gugleilmo, Tatler Chylak; 8-Singled tor Kume in 7th.

Chicago, Aug. 6, -The New York Giants busted out of game losing streak by parading eight runs across the plate in the eighth inning today to walop the Chicago Cubs, 12-6. "In winning their only game of the four-game series, the Giants needed but six hits to manufacture the fat spurt since the Cubs conall but two of the runs untributed two vital errors to make earned. NEW YORK ab Lockman, ct 5. Dark, 8.

543 I 1 2 2 2 2 Thompson, 3 02 Irvin, lf Mueller, rf Gilbert, Williams, 3 Noble, 6 Grissom Corwin, Hearn, a- Rhodes 0 Wilhelm, 0 Totals 40 12 11 27 CHICAGO Baumholtz, 8 5 Fondy, 2 Kiner, If Jackson, Miksis, 2 4 McCullough, 2 Sawatski, ct 0 Jeffcoat, Hacker, 1 Church, b-Serena 01 0 00 Simpson, Willis, p. 00 1 0 0 1 Totals 39 6 13 27 12. 3 NEW YORK 000 202 080-12 CHICAGO 000 042 000- 6 RBI--Mueller 2 Hacker, Bumholtz 3, Brown, Thompsor Irvin 4, McCullough, Williams, Lickma. Dark 3: 2B-McCullough, Mueller, Bumholtz. Brown, Miksis, Williams, Lockma; 3B-Thompson; HRIrvin, Dark; S-Grissom; DP-Williams and Gilbert; Left-New York 5...

Chicago BB- Grissom Hacker 1, Church 1, Wilhelm 1, Leonrd SO Grissom 2, 0 Hacker HO-Gissom 3 in 4 2-3. Cor0 win 3 in 2-3, Horn 2 in 2-3. Wilhelm 3 0 in 3, Hacker 8 7 1-3, Church 3 in 0 1-3, Simpson 0 in 1-3. Willis in 2-3, Leonar: 0 in 1-3; ErGrissom 4-4. Nicker 8-5.

Corwin 2-2, Hearn 0-0, Church 4-0. Simpson 0-0, Wills 0-0, Leonard 0-0. Wilhelm 0-0: BalkCorwin; Wilelm (7-5) L--Hacker (7-13): U-Barlic) Dixon, Gore, Jackowaki; A-paid) 6753. Boston, Aug. 6 (P)-Thumpin' Ted Williams resumed his active' baseball career today by an inauspicious appearance as pinch-hitter in the Louis ninth game inning which of the the Browns Boston-St.

won 8-7. Saw Ball "Good" Ted popped out to Brownie first baseman Dick Kryhoski on the who had relieved Dick Littlefield fourth a pitch from Marlin Stuart earlier in the inning. saw the ball real good," Williams said afterward, "and really should have banged it out, but got under it." He said all four throws were "screwballs," a Stuart specialty. Stuart's first throw was called a strike, the second a ball. Ted swung "on the third pitch, sent a foul fly to the first base.

boxes. "I am too stiff to play regularly and my. hands are too Williams said later. 7 Red Sox nranager Lou Boudreau went along the bench in the ninth When he reached Williams pinch he said, inning, looking for a "I've got. to use you, Williams didn't answer, but stood up and moved over to the bat rack.

Fans in the left field stands saw what was happening and began to cheer wildly. The rest of the fans, sensing what was happening, took up the jubilation as the lanky outfielder emerged from the dugout. returned to the Red Williams, ago after his release from the. Marine Corps in which he had served as a fighter pilot in Korea. Though he had been working out twice a day since his return, today was the first time Williams was called on to play.

Before today's game, Williams had a five-minute workout against southpaw Maury McDermott. Previously, Williams had practiced hitting with the team's coaches. Boudreau came by commented: "You look pretty good up there, Ted. Do you think you're ready?" SVell, I might a's well try it," Ted answered. City Leaguers Set To Play Holy Cross A baseball team composed from members of the Springfield Rifles, Sacred Heart and Little Devils will play as the City Leaguers against Holy Cross at Emily Bill on Sunday afternoon at 2.

The City, Leaguers are seeking games for Wednesdays at home and Sundays at home or away. For games, call Al McCarthy, Tel. 2-8846. Rockingham Mutuels Race $214.20 Races $277.20 7 Races $334.00 Three Races $147.40 Five Races $203.80 Seven Races $334.00 BASEBALL TICKETS With or: Without Bus Transportation For All Red Sox Home, Games RED SOX. VS.


We're still going to have 45 or 50 games to play after it's Casey Stengel, Yankee manager; has been carefully grooming his staff all week in hopes of crushing the White Sox: bid. Lopat, fact, hasn't pitched since last Thursday. If the Yanks. can break even or better, Stengel will have time running on his side in his race for a fifth straight pennant. A Chicago sweep or three out of four could throw the race into a turmoil.

The series "start finds the Yankees leading the Sox by five full in three days with so doubleheader games. Four games will be played on the program for Saturday..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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