The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Sot, 7 om-2 nm WAITRESSES MORNINGS I rperience preferred hut prat necessarv. Excellent woring continns and pav. Annly 10: WAGON WIIEEL RESTAURANT 1547 Riverdale Rd. W. Sofid.

Masa. Ask Stegnuchner or Mrs. Green RARY SITTER College alri or vouna womion. For week end Ava, 22nd. occasional afternoons.

Own trons, 567-1038. BAKER'S HELPER Night shift 11 to 6 0. m. No experience necessary. will 1rmn.

Apply Liberty Bokerles. 10 Kendall near Liberty and Corew. ROOKKE! PER. small office, variety of work, friendly co workers. RE 6 6464.

ROOKKEEPER with some tvolna experience, Cambie of charge ol these duties In 0 small office A knowledge of proressing job orders would he helpful, but: not 0 necessity. Please send resume to P.0. Box 513 Westfield, Moss. BOOKKEEPER TYPIST, for recreational social agency. 40 hrs nor week.

Salory commensurate with experience, Our stuff aware of this Resume to Box A 173, Union office. BOOKKI EPER For medical office. Reply to Box 8640 Union Office. BOOKKEEPER experienced abllity to supervise 5 oirl office. Excellent! opportunity for qualitied Call appointment Holvoke Visiting Nurse Association, 532 9461.

FRK for our display advertising dept. Must be able to type. Re a part of our toom In our new air conditioned building. Apply Personnel Dept. Springfield Newspaners, 32 Cypress St.

CHAMBERMAID port time. Elsie's Motor Court 2121. CLERK TYPIST Mect neople, answer phones, toke type let: tors, reports. This is an unusually Interesting lob, working with really nice people in a small branch olfice of large finance Co. Attractive salary.

unusually! fine employee benefits. Public Finance Co. 1567 Main St. Sofld. CLERK TYPIST Experienced with swit.

chboard relief experience needed to fill opening In purchasing department. HOUrS 8 5 An Enuel Opportunity Emplover WICO THE PRESTOLITE CO. 42 Progress Avenue W. Sprinafied, Mass. EMPLOYMENT HOSTESS Dining Room Luncheon to 3.

Experienced preferred. Hostess Cashier daily from 11. CALL 788-7371 CLERK TYPIST AIR You looking for Interesting varied work which will keep you too busy to be bored. Position Includes fiaure work, posting. cashing.

filing duties, No experience required but helpful. Small but modern office. Pleasant working conditions Gd. starting salary in excellent company paid benefits. Call Mr.

Caniff at 737.4703 Commercial Credit 297 Bridge St. Secretary for the MOON? TODAY SICKLES TOMORROW WHO KNOWS! People at F. W. Sickles go places because we're moving our people UP all the time. Excellent opening for experienced secretary.

Must possess accuracy, still, speed and ability to work under infre. quent supervision, Experience with transcribing equipment and shorthand necessary. Call or Apply in Person F. W. SICKLES DIVISION GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORPORATION 143 POT SI.

CHICOM 165 FRONT CHICOPEE LY 4.4781 RE 3-6621 An Equal Opportunity Employer, MAr Several CLERK TYPISTS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! To support office staffs by handling various and callaneous roulines such as typing, hiling, ing phone calls, and pererally assist in processing duties of office schedules, These openings ore in Traffic, Accounts Retsiv ables, Mail sorting, duction and. Engineering departments. Mint be high school grad. vole or equivalent and have' some working Call or Apply In Person F. W.

SICKLES DIVISION, GINERAL G1 INSTRUMENT CORPORATION FRONT CHICONE LY4.4781 LY 2-9350 An love Capers A Female Salary 32 Female Salary 32 CLERK- TYPIST Mature high school graduate tor linteresting pusition in our inhalation therony dent. 8 30 A M. IM. Mon, Frt. Liberal benetit*.

Apply: Personnel Dept, SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER' Chestnut St. An Equal Opportunity Emplover. C.ERK. TYPIST For 0 general in Ludow area Busy c4 4r. In need of canobie typist, also duties, willing 10 net sublert form to various Union Office perience Send I resume to Box 8648 COUNTER WAITRESS mart time, or nights, no alls Annly Boston dirertiv Zavre's Snack Bar Rd CLERK We have a position open 101 a canable person to do posting and filing in production control department, 39 hour werk.

E. x- cellent fringe benefits Apply: The willlam Corte Co 31 Morris St. CLERK TYPIST Busy office need of tvnist, also willing to perio duties Paid vacation, cellent salary and working con. ditiont Call 781-4537 Equal Opportunity Emplover CLERK-SECRETARY To personnel officer in West Sotid, co. Experience preferred but not Light tvoino rea lent benefits and congenial phere.

Apply: VAMCO INC. 221 Western Ave. Sofid. Tel. 9.9665 An Equal Opportunity Emplover COUNSELLING COORDINATOR college arad.

preferably someone In area, CASHIF RS, 1st and 2nd in sh*tts. Good pay. fringe benefits. Apply Manager Coffee Shop. Bradley Flold or call for appointment 623 1962.

CLERK General office work, 40 hours, fringe benefits. Indian vicinity. Call 783 1269 for Interview. CULTURAL COORDINATOR Some college bar karound desired. Able work with vehildren 733 2238.

CLERICAL OPPORTUNITY in small Answering telephone, waltlug 'on customers. pricina. Some typina. Paid Blue Cross. holidays, vacations.

life insurance and pension plan Anolv in person Dale Bros. laundry, 472 Union St. COUNTER GIRL In drugstore. Day hours. Call CLERK for- lincoleum file store.

Must have knowledge of typing. For opt. Call 734-9261 DRUG STORE clerk, over 21. driver's license. Dovs, 737-1184.

DENTAL ASSISTANT to work in modern congenial office Must enjoy working with Experienced preferred. Call afier 6 M. 567-5150 DENTAL ASSISTANT. Choir side expeience pieterred, 2 airl office. Reply to Box 8646 Union Otfice.

DENTAL ASSISTANT In Enfield. Must be reliable, neat personable. Excel. salary for right Office applicant. Will train.

Write Union Box 8649. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST office in Medical Center. Resume perienced for employ in modern requested. Reply Box 8643 union Office, DESK CLERK for large franchised motel 40 hr. wePk, hours 7 a.m.-3 pm.

Must be able to work some weekends, a00d starting Dav and realer Increases. Fringe benefits el and hospitalization uniforms plan, paid vacations furnished. Excellent chance for advancement for the right person, Box A 178 Union Office. steady EXPER. position, ALTERATION WOMAN, apply in person.

Bridals, 1541 Main St. Spfld. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY wanted! busy Windsor Locks area ton dental practice Salary to $125 for alrl. Send resume. Box 431, Warehouse Point, Conn.

EKG TECHNICIAN Port Tima Weekends Port time permanent onening our heart station. 8.30 5 m. Sat. Sun. Excellent salary.

Apply: Personnel Dent. SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Chestnut St. An Equol Opportunity Emplover FOUNTAIN CLERK, full tine. Days. Many benetit* Apply only Fri.

Sat. 815 16 Spring St. Drug, 121 Spring St. FOUNTAIN heip, 8 to 4. 5 days week.

Apply In person, 361 Boston Rd, FULL OR Part time LPN RN or mdes 73 shift. Part time shift. Full time RN 11-7. liberal fringe benefits. Apply Director 568.

2341. MANAGER. EX. PERIENCED, Salary and mission Call 736-4901 for Interview between 10-6 p.m. FASHION FROCK has openings for manapers counselors.

In this area Further information 533-1915 nit. 5. GOOD COOK for 3. adults. Nr.

Boston. Fee pold. $105. Newman Agency, N'Homnton 584 4006. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK with! experience as telephone operator' and recentionist for manufacturina plant in Feeding Hills.

Good typist! and book experience helpful. Hours 8:30 to 1. 5 dav weck. Position will be otter Sent. 1.

Own transportation necessary. Call. 734 2148 for CDpointment. GENERAL LAUNDRY WORK. Excellent wages and benefits, work unitorm furnished.

Apply Americnn Linen Sunnlv Co 601 Congress St. An Equal Opportunity Employer. GENERAL OFFICE WORK for small office. Experlence preferred but not required. Many fringe and others.

benefits a encl. paid vacations, pold holidays, Blue Cross BlUP Shield Apply: VAMCO INC. 211 Western Avr. Solid RE 9.9665 An aval Opportunity Employer GENERAL LIGHT Shop Work, and necessary Personal interviews only Mechanic Dept No from 9 to 21 Industrial Etching Mfg. Co Fisher Ave.

Eost Long. GIRL FRIDAY, tamiliar with office routine. Bookkeening a must, salory open. Small contractor's office, West 5ptld 737 5313. GENERAL Memorial OFFICE WORK.

Industrial Hours Pork area. Call 788-0901 for interview. HOUSEKEEPER In. light duties, for middle aged couple in picasant surroundings for thon high desires wages. home rather HAIRDRESSER wanted, Indion Orchard shop, full time.

543 after 6 p.m. or Operators, available. Excellent working conditions. Borsom's Broufy Salon 782.9843. with car, Monday to Friday.

day, Reply to Box 86 44, Union Office. HOUSEWIVES MOTHERS Eg-n white children learn. No work when out Friendly ice Cream Shoo. 10 Bliss Rd Long. 11-3, for appointment.

HAIRDRESSER or operator salory with commission. Gino's Beauty Solon, Ludlow 583-1595 HOUSEWIVES PART TIME LUNCII HOURS $2 Hiring net now for fall openings. Over hr Hours arrange to suit vour needs No workends. no holidays, may have off if Must be Personable, neut reliable, Anply between FRIENDLY ICE CREAM 1240 Ave. ST 2 0324, HOSTESS DAY SHIFT Some clericol Restaurant work.

Apply Flaming Pit Easttield Mall. 'HAIPORESSER Beouly Operator full conditions. par! time. East excellent working Lonamendow die Adams Cut Curl $25-6060. HIGH SCHOOL student, part time afternoons to bap par mant: Belmont Laundry, 333 Belmont Ave HOUSEKEEPERS for large local motel Please anplv In person Schine Inn, Mass I'-Pike exit 6 Sofid.

HOUSEWIVES. Annly now for fall at Friendly's Steak and Shop, Rilss Rd, Moss Hours: 11 3, 11,30 to. 30. 5 to 9, 5 1o 10 gr similor sh*tis. Start or Os soon as possible und coll Deon 1.

Indouist for Interview pointment 567 Act now and don't put it off. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Apply: Fast Lonameadow Home. 305 Maple St. INTERESTING POSITION available with Kav Jewelers Eastfield Mall knowledge of office procedure ore the requirements, opportunity for ndvancement. See Mr.

Gaudel Mor, INTERESTING position available in our Advertising Department for person who is free to work Mondays thru Saturday with day off during machine week. Typing or office not required but and prefer someone, who is accurate enloys PERSONNEL detailed work Apply: DEPARTMENT SPRING1 IF.ID NEWSPAPERS 12 Cypress Street INTERESTING POSITION AVAILABLE IN DOWNTOWN SPRINGFIELD Various duties. Include; Personnel interviewing, Light work. HoUIS 8.30 to 5. "Fringe benefits.

Send resume to: BOX A172 UNION OFFICE T. V. NURSE our New full expanding time staff position of 1. on nurses. Evening shift, 5 day week Inclu, some weekend duty Liberal beneflts 10.


KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Start to $90. Fee Paid. Call Ruth Sims. BAILEY AGENCY 145 State 781-3191 KITCHEN help full time and part time. Please call Ingersoll Grove Nursing Home.

732-1068. KEY helpful. PUNCH operator. Exper. Fee Neg.

NEP Consultants 785-5331 KITCHEN and housekeeping help wanted. Excellent working conweek ditions end 8 paid bonus. 2 holidays, weeks sick DOV, with pay. Apply West Springfield Nursing Home 217 Westfield St. West Springfield, Mass.

788 6126. LEGAL TERRIF SECTY: JOIN ELITE CO. BOSS WILL TRAIN IF BRITE. LOVELY OFC. FEE PD $390 JANE ROME 781-0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE Moll LEPRECHAUN GIFT Sop Eastfield needs part time clerk who enjovs meeting people.

543-3169 LICENSED EXPERIENCED hair. dresser. Frank Tito's, Ludiow 583-4069. LOVE PEOPLE? Sitter needed for child core, elderly, convalescent care. Women over 21, top rates, port time We Sit Better, Inc.

736-0802 MEDICAL SECRETARY Experl. Doctor's office. Call 732-2670 MATURE WOMAN that does not! smoke or drink for part lime small rest home. No incontinant patients. 734-1539 733-7162.

MANPOWER, INC. 1383 Main Johnson's Bkstr. Ridg. PITYSICAL, THERAPIST Opening for state registered or eligible theronist, Comprehensive rehabilitation fen nhvsical therapist, occupational a 010 speech theranist New. rehabilitation building In progress.

Prooressive tenchino hosmitol. Liberal benefits. Apply: Personnel Den't SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Chestnut St. An Equal Opportunity Emplover PART TIME CLEANING HELP 734-8744 PACKERS FOR ALL SHIFTS. 7 10 to 11, to 7 Arnly between and 30 Plastics Pocknaing CorD.

1227 Union West Spild Eastficid Mall needs tull time help, fringe benetit*. No phone calls please. Equal opportunity employer NURSES AIDES 7-3 and 3-11 full time. Ingersoll Grove Nursing Home 732-1068. NURSE AIDE experienced.

7 to Ring Nursing Home 781-1141. NURSE REGISTERED school criopled children. Start $6600 plus free room and board. Picturesaue New Jersey area 40 miles from New York city The Matheny School, Peanack, N.J. or call collect 201-234-0011.

NURSERY SCHOOL. Girl over 18 to help with children. References. Repiv to Box 8652 Union Office. NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER, time, 5 mornings 9 to 12.

Starting Sept. For interview call or write Country Dav School, 1236 Entield Thompsonville, Conn. 745-2632. NO. 1 IN HOLYOKE Holyoke Personnel Services "The Experienced Agency" 536 3013.

OFFICE GAL FRIDAY 1. In small West Springfield machine shop needs a take choroe person for the office, pleasant working conditions. Please call Mr. Jomes for interview 739-2521 ONE DAY A WEEK. bookkeeper, 732 8851.

GIRL shorthand Good and with figures Apply in person Holiday Inn, 711 Dwight St. Mon-Fri. 104 on. OPERATORS for small light precision production ports machines on Experienced only. Dav shift Call 9 pm weekdays, 732 3105.

PART TIME evenings and Saturdav. Alvins Leothers Eostfield Mall. PERSONNEL SECTY: Prominent firm ho riaht arm to wonderful boss. Challenge Mea Post 781 0235 Sucilina Snelling, 135 Stoic. PROGRAMMER Experienced in RPG, BAL, come COBOL.

disk or tape backaround. resume to Box 472 Mass. 01089. RN IPN FUll or port time 3.11 11-7 shifts HERITAGE ITALL NURSING HOMIE 100 Harvey Johnson Dr, Agawam, Mass. 781.1456 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT SECOND COOK DINING ROOM MAID HOUSE MAID These positions open starting in Soptember.

Cook must have knowledgo of tity cooking. These are all "live in" posi. tions, with salary, completo maintenance, two paid vacations. Write Box 54, Northampton, Mass. 01060.

R. L. P. Aides. Ex cellent pay, weekend bonus.

8 pod holidays, pair sirk days. Master Medical pion. Call West Nursing Home, Mon. thru Fri 6126 RN OR LPN 3 in 11 ond full time. to wart time Please call Ingersoil Grove Nursing Home.

732- 1068, REXCEL OF DART INC. Applirations Now Being Accepted For Femoie MACHINE OPERATORS And PACKERS 2D sh*t 3 to 11 p.m. 3D sh*t 11 pm. to 7.0 0 m. Must have transportation.

APPLY AT: REXCEL West Ave. Ludlow, Mass. An Equal Opportunity Emntover RECEPTIONIST TYPIST: NEVER, A DULL PHONES, MOMENT! PLUSH OFC. ENJOY FEE PO PEOPLE 368 EVE PARISH 781 0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE ROUTE DRIVER Morninas m. Company car, Standard Photo 616 Dwight RN'S-LPN'5 NURSES AIDES TOD wages.

Riverdale Nursing Home, 42 Prospect West Spfld. RE3-3151. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST and general office work, must hove experience in accounts payable, payroll accounts receivable, Mature woman desired. Apply Goodhue Mfg. Co.

430 St. James Ave. Spfld. Mass. RECISTERED NURSES Full or part tune positions for gl shifts.

We have on opening in our Emergency Room. We offer excellent salary and liberal fringe benefits. Apply in HOLYOKE HOSPITAL BFECH HOLYOKE RELIABLE WOMAN for general housework. Must have transportation. LA 5-2512 or LA 5.7451.

AND LPN'S 7 To 3 and 3 to Part and full time, pleasant staff and surroundings. We do not rotate shifts. For interview, call Mrs. Parzych at Ludlow Hospital, 583-8365, SANDWICH MAKER part time. Stewart Sandwich Service, 23 New Bridge West Sofid.

SALES, solary SECRETARY nlus light commission. office Nick Ferrelti 593-5881. SALESWOMEN CASHIERS full or part time. Sterns World of 1050 Riverdale Rd. West Sofid.

SECRETARY LEGAL Take charge gal exp. rea. top salary. HPI SECRETARIAL CLERICAL help. Commercial high school aroduates.

Some office experience desirable. Good Day and all fringe benefits. Call Conn Water Warehouse Pt. 623-3354 for interview 00. pointment.

SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR 'To work 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Experience preferred, but will train Good. rate and fringe benefits.

739-7321 Wesson Maternity Hospital 735 Chestnut. Si. Springfield, Mass. SEWING MACHINE Operators and bund stitch operators, steady work, good piece work rates, time and a half after 35 hours. Kinsier Coat 18 Pork SECRETARY, typing, shorthand exper.

in office procedure necess. Initiative and imagination desired. Start Sept. 1. Call 781-1053 Spfld.

Action Comm. SHORTHAND or Speed Writing, Typing and General clerical work in small office. Excellent workina conditions. Call 781-6436, Mr. Krevalin.

SECRETARIES For Israel Bond Campaign. Full time employment from -Dec Excel. Working conditions sal. Box 8641 Union Office. Stenos-Kevpunch Operators Temporary Office Work Apailable KELLY GIRL 95 State St.

TEMPORARY INVENTORY CLERKS NEEDED FOR 90 DAYS ONE TYPIST STANDARD ELECTRIC TIME CORP. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM89 LOGAN STREET A SPRINGFIELD, MASS. PLOYER SILK PRESSER. Part time, Exp. ABC Cleaners, 65 Walnut St, TYPIST Opening in estimatina denartment for good typist, Must enjoy working with figures.

HAMPDEN BRASS ALUM. CO. 262 Liberty St. Personnel Dept. 736-4663 Toy Demonstrators Earn $5 Per Hour With con mission to 25 per cent plus green stumps.

Win one of four Ford Mavericks! BUD IMLER 782-0134 FAITH TRESCH Americon Home Toy Parties, Inc. Plumirec Mass. TELEPHONE salesperson for ad toking position in our new modern air conditioned office. Interesting pleasant work selling and taking advertisem*nts over the phone. Must be able to type.

hour day Monday thrit Saturday day off. Anniv Personnel Deot, Newsoners 32 Cvoress TYPIST. Accurate and fast typist. tull benefits, downtown location. Send auglifications and typing sample to Box A 174 Union Office, TypisT Expericned to work at home.

For. Pk. dieg Apply Box 8642 Union Office WAITRESSES wanted apply In person only, Student Prince and Fort Restaurant, WAITRESSES luncheon full time banquet. No perience necessary. Apply person Hadleith House 489 Grand So Hodley.

Falls. WAITRESSES 2nd shift. Good DaV, trinan bonef.ts. Apply Coffre Shon, Bradley Field or call for appointment 623-1962. WAITRESSES Day, shift.

Must he 21. Apply Flaming Pit Rest. Eastficid Mall. WANTED full time airl for clerical work. Palmer 283.3403.

WOMAN WITH BURRING perience and some knowledge of Inspection procedures to do Intricate Burring on small parts and hondle $0110 Inspection duties. Apply: Triple 77 Coleman Ave. West field. WAITRESSES Full vrellent or port time Dav or Night and menis furnished. Please see Mr.

GUY. ALICE'S KITCHEN 406 Sumner Springfield WARD CLERK 1 A.M. P. M. OR 3:10 m.

11.40 p. m. Mature high school oreduate to perform clerical duties on nursing unit Mon Fri Typing a not reavired. teresting position and a' bendits. Personnel Den't SPRINGFIFLD HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Chestnut St.

An Equal Opportunity Emplover WAITRESSES needed, tull time, part time, morning or evening hours Apply in person. International House of Pancakes. 1324 Boston Rd evenings Cotton A WAITRESSES needed In Person Matador Lemnos East Acid Mall Male Salary 33 ACCOUNTANT 10 for supervise super karnind Alvision mortal Large core ability cal sharing. retire convenient Interview. Apot.

Mr. feinberd, 732-3131. Maic Salary 33 NOTICE Discrimination employment because of sex prohibited by the Massachusetts Fair Practices Art (G. C. 1518, 4, The Use of and columns this sulely for the con.

venience of the reading public and oil job opportunities advertised on this page are available to both sp unless bono fide occupational qualification is stated In the body of the od. SPRINGFIELD NFWSPAPERS BOX NUMBERS FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE NEWSPAPERS will not disclose thei Identity of any classitied advertiser; using a box number. Readers swerina blind box ads who desire to protect their Identity mav use this procedure: Enclose vour reply to the box number In an envelope addressed to the Classit ed Manager. SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS. 10- nether with a memo listing the companies you do NOT want to your letter.

Your letter will be destroved the advertise: is one vou've menboned. not It will be forwarded In the usual manner AUTOMOBILE MEN WANTED Of all discrintions. Stating an entire new organization for new dealershin America's fastest grow.11 Import TOYOTA now being organized by on nugressive dealershin. Get In the ground floor, plenty of room for advancement. NEEDED NOW Toyoto Salesmen voto Mechanics Tovoto Parts Manager woto Service Manager Body Foreman Men Painters Ton wages, fringe benefils galore.

HAMPSHIRE LINCOLN MERCURY Call 536 4783 Ask for Mr. Kalish or Mr. AUTO mechanic wanted. Harold Kent Ford, Chiconee AUTO WASHERS (2) A chance to move up in New most progressive Dodge dealership. Must have Mass.

drivers license. Apply Mr. Bossert. I 648 HAMPDEN State St. Spfld.

DODGE AUTO MECHANIC, experience In front and alanments. Broke mutfler instolations. Full or part time. Apply in person Minit Auto Care, 1245 Liberty Sofid APPLY IN PERSON for lahti delivery. Farmer Brown, 1688 Riverdale West Springfield.

AUTOMATIC PUNCH PRESS OPERATOR Second Shift An Eaval Opportunity Emplover WICO PRESTOLITE CO 42 Progress West Sotld. AUTO SALESMAN HAROLD KENT, FORD, CHICOPEE. ATTENDANT for service station. tull time, dav sh*tt, not summer work, year round. age no barrier If au all fied Apply In person Thrasher's Mobile Service 13 No Main St.

East Lonameadow, Mass. APPLIANCE SALESMAN EXperienced. Opportunity for good' man to earn $15,000 vr. with store in Western Mass. largest volumn TV and appliance Mr.

Stoudemire, House of Television, 1900 Wilb. Rd. Spfid. 782.1381 ASSISTANT maintenance man. AM-12 noon, 5 dovs, $40 sal.

Start 1. Call Mr. Brinn 788-8018. ASSEMBLERS Eiecrical and mechanical. Exerienced on machine assembly.

enefits. A Also field erector opening. xrellent opportunity with ture. STACY MACHINE CO. INC.

270 Main Agawam AUTOMOTIVE BODY Shop helper 10 do supervised body work. Full time employment with fringe benefits. Apply to Hank Sterling A. Orr Inc. 10 Mill St.

Spfld. ATTENDANTS wanted. Full or port time, all shifts, excellent nav, fringe benefits. Apply in person. Mobile Training Station 1830 Wilbraham Rd.

Sce Mr. Brown. AN EXPERIENCED BAKER Or BAKERS HELPER For steady full time work, niaht shift 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Apply Liberty Bakeries, 10 Kendall Near Liberty Carew.

AL AROUND WANTED' Also, davtime, full time or part time welder. Good wages and benefits. 749 New Ludlow Rd. Hadley MACHINE TOOL CO. 543-3306 ASSISTANT wanted part time in shipping room, Apply in person.

Monday Shakour Lab. 189 Tavlor St. AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS HELPERS, some spray experience, benefits, Call 739-7317. A ROOT BEER DRIVE INS Now hiring counter help, and PM kitchen or 11 help AM to Hours 5 11 PM. AM Apoly to al the following drive ins.

901 Boston Road 603 555 Riverdale Dr. c. 8: AUTO BODY MAN PAINTER, stradv work, 0000 company benefits Apply West Side Auto Body, 1050 Main West Spfld. AUTO I BODY collision man Fy. cellent conditions Valentine's 734- 1418.

AUTO ATTENDANT INDOOR PARKING GARAGE Permanent top-paying position for aualified responsible man davs. STATE BLISS GARAGE 16 BLISS, SPFLD. EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANT MANAGER Position with a rapidly panding restaurant chain. porienca helptul but not neces. sary.

Salary open. or Fast vancement to manager position. APPLY: Le Petit Cafe EASTFIELD MALL EXPERIENCED IBM Key Punch Operators Ist or 2nd shift. Available immediately. Pro Brush Division Vistron 221 Pine St.

Florence, 1 Mass. 584-1780 Male Salary 33 ATTENTION MEAT CUTTERS Work On Your Day Off TOP PAY for EXPERIENCED MEN Apply In Person Or Call Springfield Beef Co. 202 Lyman Springfield, Mass. Telephone 736-1891 ASSOCIATED ELECTRIC CO. INC.

"CONTROL PANEL WIREMEN" SOME EXPFRIENCE PREFERRED An Equal Opportunity Emplover Call Ken Hanno AUTO MECHANICS FXD. 5 dav wk. EXC. nAy program, Group Ins. Uniforms.

Pd holidays vacation 676 Belmont Ave. 733 2141. ASSISTANT MANAGER with food experience. For midnight shift. Good pay, fringe benefits.

Apply manager Cottee Shop. Bradley Field or call for appointment 623- 1962. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a coreer? Offset Printing Collator, Operator, or Trainee. hr. week.

Paid holidays vacation. Insurance pension plan. Many other liberal benetit*. Apply Philip Hono Co. Inc.

99 Guion Soring field. 737 0247. ALERT MAN to run and help setup Inventory Control of industrial supplies and tooling. High school graduate preferred. Apply at Metal Improvement Co.

145 Addisen Rd. Windsor, Conn. (203) 688-6201. ACCOUNTING CLERK, JR. All areas of general and evening college student.

Dearee not monufacturina a accounting Preter necessary. All benefits, STACY MACHINE CO 731-4992 A FULL TIME cook days. Call 583- APPLIANCE SERVICE man perienced only. C. J.

Roberts Engineering Co. 737 4741. AUTO PAINTER 1st class. ray over $4 per hour. Vacation: DaV 623-0988, and nights, holidays.

623-7854. Windsor LOCKS AUTO BODY MAN 1st class. Startina pav over $5 per hour. Vacation pay and holidays, Windsor Locks 623-0988. nights, 623-7854.

ALL FEE paid opportunities. Active Personnel. i 335 Walnut St. Agawam 781-4870. AN OPPORTUNITY to become associated with New Eng's larget Dodge dealer.

Openings for: New car prep. mech. Bodyshop helper Top DAY plan, working conditions and benefits. Apply Mr. Walter Salia: 648 State HAMPDEN DODGE, ACCOUNTANT: RECEIV PAYABLES.

SPVSE STAFF. BRANCH NAT LCO. FEE PD $10000 MR ARLEN 781-0735 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE ASSEMBLER components, machinery Steady and work. elecExcellent benefits. 788-0938 between 8 AM and PM.

A FORGING DIE SHOP wonts man to learn E.D.M. Will train. Some tool or die experience, helpful. Die needed. This is a fast arowing finisher and trimmer -maker shop with aood opportunities.

Top wages. Full insurance, paid vacation holidavs. Call Bourdon Associates, 1170 East St. Suffield, Conn. 203-623-7029, Accounting Clerk Recent accountina school graduate to handle all phases of accounting.

We offer pleasant working conditions and convenient hours starting at 8:30 a.m. Apply: CHOICE VEND Turnpike Rd. Windsor Locks. Conn. EMPLOYMENT Male Salary 33 Painting, Papering 23 HANGING 737.9621 PAINTING PAPER SONS IN 1 men Ins 40 In 133 745 1074.

CRAY STATE SAINTING motelal. RE Moving, Trucking Storage 25 light household moving In cured Cell IM 9113. 5E WA WALSH MOVER Local Western Mass. Feds RE IT OURSELF Sent truck cheoner. Call 13.

EMPLOYMENT Female Salary 32 SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS ROM NUMBERS FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE NEWSFAFERS will not disciose the leertity any cimsified advertiser USIng blind box wha desire bor Readers to protect their identity mov use this procedure: Enclose vour reply to the har In an envelope noColssified Monoget, SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS to, with memo listing the com. you do NOT wont to see vour letter. Your letter will he destroved the advertiser is one vou've men 11 not will te forwarded in the usual manner. NOTICE Discrimination In amolovment because of sex is prohibited by the Massachusetts Fair Proctices Art C. 151 41, The 114.

of and columns on this for the con. of reading and ril 1ch opportunities advertised An this pope ore available to bolh sexes unless bono fide occupational ouchificatian stated In the brdy of the cd. ATTENTION PACKERS ALL SHIFTS SECOND SHIFT: 3 THIRD SHIFT: 11 Pold Lunch 4 day week Overtime after 40 hours Amply A1 PLASTIC ST CORP. WEST MASS (Hear Memorial Drive in) AGGRESSIVE Individual with mitan IPA for ersonnel Interviewer, downtown loc. nice office 575 to DOE Pold.

Stole 81 Employment Servica 785-1533 144 ACCOUNTING CLERK Account reralvable, pavroil, 10 work with fraures, and good typist. Varied duties in 0 En office Annly A ochrina Solid, Can Berkshire Products DI. Mass, ADVERTISING agency needs aol Fridav. Grr for bright vouna aol to fIN the secretariat rer entionist snot in well opency. All skills required plus ability to learn and accept broad ronor nt Adverlising background preferred Salarv commensurate with experience.

Futh details. Write Box Ra5l Union Office. EMPLOYMENT NEEDED AT ONCE Office Clerk General Secretary (Girl Friday) Salary Arranged, based on experience. Hours 8. 4:30.

Apply in person. Desley Fabrics Entrance 165 Front St. Chicopee, Mass. Female Salary 32 wont a challenging Small downtown offire axe typist Advancement fringe Only ambitious women need apply. 730 7.346 A DIGNIFIED SALESGIRL 10 sell irweiry.

In store day week all benefits and pond Qualitied person. Write Box Prion QUIET. ACCOUNTS RECRIVABLE CLERK. preterted. Call 8520 between pm.

Abdow's Big Boy HOs anenings for tull and nort time dining room 01 evening shifts No experience We preter 10 tro.n and hero vou net started at in very pleasont lob. Earn $2 hour take home pay. Apply at 1244 Boston Solid Riverdo: Rd. 34 Ent eld St. 1414 Memorial For view AMBITIOUS SECRETARY $125 starting solory.

Modern Air conditioned offire in East See Mrs. Kelly Personnel Plarement 20 Maple ASSISTANT responsible RESIDENCE woman Director. 10 supervise college residence WOn en, Some experience preferred put meols not recuired included Salary, plus letter room of onplication and references Dean of a Students, keene State College. Keene, N. 11.

03431 A NUMERICAL TYPIST to start Avuust 18. Annlv at 527 Belmont Ave, Sntld. between week dava, ATTENTION Accounting Clerks Is this the time for a change? Excellent position for person with soma book good pepino perience. Accurory, and maturity are essentiol. Picasant working conditions, excentionot security ond benefits.

Annlicants must have personal transportation to our modern suburban otires. No but Plagta mall Employment Secretary. For an Interview appointment FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CORP. 1855 Boston 20 No. Wilbrahamn, Most, An Emplover Ed.

1 443 2400 AVON NEED MONEY To heln vour family budget? AVON needs you to serve customers Call Spild. 732-5935. In Conn. 749-6658. Westfield Adawom 533-2240.

AT HOME By phone. or In person. Contact rust In vour arra. Mar. trainees needed, Fuller Brush Co.

A ROOT INS REFR Now hiring counter help. kitchen heln and car hours 11 AM to 3 PM 01 11 AM 10 PM hours con be arranged for housewlies Apply at the following drive int 901 Boston Road 133 Riverdale Memorial St. V. p. ASST.

SEC'Y Pt time or full time Shind typing necess, Call 733-4120 EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST with experience In Chemistry, ful time, Apply: Wesson Maternity Hospital Ext. 335 or 336, R. N. 7 A.M. 3 P.M.

40 Hour Wael Private Duty Nurse Salary Mary Lyon Nursing Home Hampden, Mass. 566-3426 Cooks Assistant Cooks To feed 35 to 85, 40 hour week, straight shift. Schedules include Saturday and Sunday work. Liberal benefits, paid vacations and holidays. Room and board available.

Smith College Lmployment Office 30 BELMONT AYENUE NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 01060 Attractive part hours. Evenings and Saturdays, For women in fashion. Good pay, merit raises, discount, other fringe benefits based on hours worked. APPLY Personnel Department SEARS ROEBUCK CO.


Manle Maple St (rear 736.7761 No a experience needed for most. BAKERY WORKERS Openings tor: Porters 7 a.m. 3.30 p.m. and 6 p.m.12 p.m Shipping Clerks, 12 midnight to 10 a.m. Truck Driver, 4 a.m.

tn 12 noon Bakers, apprentire bakers, bench honds, MAGAZINER SBAKERY BRIDGEPORT OPERATOR Parr Mfg Co. Inc. 724.7793 BUS BOYS Full part time, Apply In person. Oaks Inn, State Thompson 51. nr afternoons, No experience Steady part time A work.

RE Mornings BAKERY CLEANERS necessary. Apply Liberty Bakeries 10 Kendall near Liberty and Carew. BUS BOYS over veors old Evenings. part time. Apply in person.

Bickford Pancake House, 1296 Riverdale West Springfield. COUPLE to work on Calld Care Stall with physically handicapped children Apartment (three rooms and bath) and all meals provided Excellent frinne benefits Including one month paid vacation, Wrile The Malhanv School, Poonock, N. J. nt call 234 0011. CHEF.

Coll Sheraton Inn, Westfield 562-6506. ICAR-ENTERS, needed. Top wages 783-5662. CUSTODIAN. Need full time man to perform lanatorial tasks 101 new plant.

Metal Improvement Co. 145 Addison Rd. Windsor, Conn. (203) 688 6201. CROMPTON KNOWLES CORP.O 1000 Suffleid Agawam Permanent positions open DESIGNERS, MACHINE Draftsman, layout Draftsman, detall Milling, horiz.

vert. helliarc ASSEMBLERS, MACHINE Coll 785-1301 or annly In person betwern 8 A. M. 5 P. M.

Interviews nights Saturdays by appointment COUNSELLING COORDINATOR colieue preferably someone in 5nfld. arco. 733-2238. CULTURAL COORDINATOR Some college backaround desired Able to work with children 733-2238. CLERK5 to work in wholesa't Tobacco Company.

Apply 4. Lyman St. COOK part time weekends, at DeMarco's Steak House, Center Ludlow. COUNTERMEN stock clerk, must be mechanically inclined. Gd paY fringe Apnly in Persot Keystone Plumbing Supply 55! Cottage St.

CUSTODIAN at private school. Cal 596 6811 between 8 a. p. Ask for Mr. Moraan.

COOK TRAINEES Full or part time work. Excellent opportunity to loin fast growing Company, good starting DOV, training bonus and other benefits. Must be over 18 years or older. Apply at: ABDOW'S BIG BOY 1616 Memorial Dr. Fairvip'N 1284 Boston Rd Sofid.

34 Enfield St. T'ville CHICOPEE MFG. CO, Salvage Hand, 1st shift Utility 2nd shift Apolv person: West Main Street Chicopee Falls, Mass. An Equal Opportunity Emplover 782-0510. CARPENTERS and helpers.

A J. Tenczar, contractor. Eves. 583-8238. EMPLOYMENT CARETAKER year 'round lob 1n childrens Summer Camo.

in Berkshire's for worina caretaker with good maintenance skills. Yearly salary plus comfortable home on grounds. Write complete details to Box No. 8361 Union Office. COUNTER MAN with drivers license wanted Thursdoy and Fridov Boston Sea Foods Inc.

982 Main St. 737-8333. CHEF wanted immediately. Salary open. Other male personnel for winter day help.

Sveden House, 1177 Boston Sold Call Fred Heini. Manager for appointment. SALES CAREER We are looking for two career salesmen who wish to earn $15,000 per year. We are a full line Chrysler, Imperial, Plymouth dealership with 75 used vehicles in steck at all times. THE FINEST PAY PLAN IN WESTERN Guarantee, high commissions, new car demonstrator and bonus system.

Excellent repeat business. We want 2 salesmen who look and act like professionals. Experince preferred, but someone who has sales experience will be schooled to meet our rigid requirements. This is your opportunity for a career position. See Mr.


Truck Mechanics PEPSI COLA COMPANY 1050 KENNEDY ROAD (off Route 1-91) WINDSOR, CONN. This is a responsible position with a growth company. Steady, full-time employment, with excellent wages and fringe benefits, Telcphone 733-2203 3..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

What was Springfield, MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

How old is Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

Why is Springfield called Springfield? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

What sports were invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today. Springfield College students continue to be innovators and leaders in their fields.

What is Springfield, IL famous for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

What is Springfield or known for? ›

Springfield, Oregon is believed to be the famous typical American town behind the acclaimed Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation's "The Simpsons". Take a self-guided and unofficial Simpsons tour around the city.

Why did The Simpsons choose Springfield? ›

In an interview with Smithsonian Magazine's May issue, Matt Groening revealed that the animated town is based on Springfield, Oregon, near his childhood hometown of Portland. He also was inspired to use the town's name after it was featured on the 1950s television show "Father Knows Best."

What is Springfield Armory famous for? ›

Reopened in 1978 as the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, the original 1840's arsenal houses the world's largest collection of historic American military firearms. Year-round public programs, exhibits, and special events are hosted on the grounds of the National Historic Landmark.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.