The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 SPORTS THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1956 CLASSIFIED 15 Comment Two Surprises Mark WM Basketball Week AIC Victory Over Amherst, Jeffs Upset of Holy Cross Top Feats in Western Mass. By JERRY RADDING. prises in or Western cod Massachusetts There were a couple big surcollege basketball last week and Amherst was involved in both them. The fell American International Wednesday and this was the first time the Aces, were able to solve coach Rick Wilson's master-minding in the series between the two teams. But the Jeffs, apparently undismayed, went to Worcester on Friday and completely befuddied usually superior Holy Cross.

Can't Claim Powerhouse It. all proves that college basketball is just as unpredictable as ever and what loomed as a mediocre campaign for WM teams now appears to be an interesting one. To add further complications the New England picture, Connecticut, figured by most to be head and shoulders above the rest of the area, was tripped up by Boston College Saturday. While Western Mass. really can't claim a powerhouse, teams are making strides towards winning seasons.

beaten. UMass and The Springfield Redmen arende: coach Bob Curran have collected five victims. The Maroons have made new mentor Ed Steitz happy with two victories. AIC coach Bill Callahan said a few weeks ago that he would be satisfied with a .500 season. He's won three out of four.

Amherst is 3-2 and Williams is 2-2. Callahan admits that things are going better than expected. "They've played beyond my expectations so far," says the AIC coach. He attributes it all to the great play of Co-capt. Johnny Jones and the added strength from improving subs Lou Sammo and Sonny Zulaski.

"Tremendous Desire" "Jones has never played better," Callahan claims. "His shooting, rebounding and riefensive work have left nothing to be desired." Sammo, a small fellow basketball wise but a real speed merchant, has scored 11 and 16 points last two outings. wowing Callahan really added. "is surprised the tremendous desire the boys have been exhibiting. They're giving everything they have." Aces have two games this week--both at home, -before the holiday recess.

Vermon: Wednesday and St Anseim's Thursday. St. Anselm's has one cf its best teams this year. The Hawks belted AIC last year but two years, ago thee Aces soundly thrashed them Field House. AIC racked up 111 points -it's highest ever--in beating New Britain Saturday.

Maroons at Upsala Springfield, after a rather listless first half, rolled to victory over MIT Saturday for Maroons' second decision. Coach Steitz says veterans Ed Bilik and Wayne Wilson are playing their "soundest basketball ever" and that's the big reason for Springfield's success. UMass, idle until Friday when it entertains Brown, has Northeastern, Trinity, Tufts, BU and Middlebury on its conquest 1 list. The Redmen are getting top performances from Jack Foley, New Larkin, John Edgar, Bucky Wiiliams, which nosed out WPI Adamezyk and Don Akerson. Saturday, entertains Middlebury is at Upsala (East Orange, N.

Tuesday. Springfield's only game tonight. Amherst rests this week. FREE THROWS Amnerst's Bill Warren is off to a good start in the race for WM scoring honors He had dunked 122 points in five games for a 24-plus average Steitz claims the main trouble with sophom*ore Al Byrne getting him to shoot His is floor. game is good but he seems to lack the confidence to shoot from the outside AIC's bad Henry ankle Zukowski still has A and might not.

he able to play this week The 'Aces, incidentally, had 114 points against teams Quonset last year, but service don't count in the official records. WM College Leaders Warren, Amherst Bilik, Spild. Jones, AlC Foley, UMass Wilson, Spfld. Larkin, UMass Plante, AIC Parker, Williams Pts Avg. 5 50 22 122 24.1 2 15 9 39 19.5 4 23 30 76 19.0 5 31 25 87 17.4 2 10 14 34 17.0 5 35 14 84 16.3 4 25 19 62 13.5 4 21 14 56 14.0 Furgol Figures May Prove Fatal Furgol achieved his goal of shootSanford, Dec.

16 (P--Ed better 275 in the Sanford Open Tournament--and and then found out all may not have won him the Vardon Trophy as the year's best scorer in golf. Furgol, former National, Open champion playing out of St. Andrews, had an average 78 of 70.54 strokes a round for rounds going into this tournament. Cary Middlecoff of Memphis le.l with 70.35 and did not play here. Furgol figured or better woil'd lower his average beneath Middlecoff and win him golf's equivalent of the baseball batting championship.

Today after shooting 273 over the 72 holes, he refigured and said -Sanford score probably only lowered his average to about 70.40. All the figures are unofficial. Official averages will be released later by the Professional Golfers Association. DeMarco to Face Ortega in Week's Outstanding Bout Rematch Listed Friday in New Fights York; Tonight. Scortichini Tony DeMarco, the former welterweight champion from Boston, will try to get even with Gaspar Ortega for an upset defeat at the hands of the Mexican Nov.

23 in a Friday rematch at Madison Square Garden. Little Heavy Action The appearance of DeMarco, who is the No. 1 or N. 2 contender depending on which ratings you read, probably is 'the most important event of the preHoliday week which finds little heavy action. The Wednesday series comes out of the Chicago Stadium where Pat MoAteer, the British Empire middleweight champion, will meet Spider Webb, fast-rising Chicago middleweight.

Among Webb's victims this year are Charlie Cotton, Rory Calhoun, Holly Mims and Charlie Green. McAteer's lone American appearance was Sept. at St. Nicholas Arena in New York where he optpointed Jerry Luedee. Wilfie Greaves.

Edmonton, Alberta middleweight who has been moving fast during his brief pro career, bumps up against experienced Italo Scortichini of Italy and New York in the Monday feature at St. Nick's. It will be Greaves' 12th start of the year. He has won his last two, since dropping a disputed decision to Ralph (Tiger) Jones in Washington. Scortichini whipped Hardy Smallwood, Nov.

at St. Nick's in his latest outing. The Monday schedule for an interesting lightweight pairing at Boston between Boardman of Marlborough, a top ranked 135-pounder, and Orlando Zulueta of Havana. The Scortichini-Greaves match will be seen on television (Dumont) in some sections, McAteerWebb on radio TV (ABC) and DeMarco Ortega on NBC radioTV. The week's fights: Monday--At.

New York St. Nicholas Arena), Greaves, Edmonton, Alherta, vs. Italo Scortichini. Italy, mid-1 Boston, Larry Boardman, Marlborough, lights, 10. VS.

Orlando ZuTuesday--At White Plains. N. Bob Provizzi, Freeland, V5. Calvin (Chuck) Davis. Now York, middles, 8: At San Jose.

Carlos Chavez, Los Angeles, vS, Tommy Romulo. Manila, lights. 10: At Richmond, Lyle Mackin. Oakland, vs. Jim McCoy, Orick.

weltere, 10. Wednesday At Chicago (Stadium), McAteer. England, vs. Spider Webb, Chicago, middles, 10. Thursday--At Los Angeles.

Kid GaviHavana, vs. Ramon Fuentes, Los Angeles, welters. 10. Friday--At New York (Madison Square Garden), Tony DeMarco, Boston, ve. Gaspar Mexico, weltere, 10, Saturday -At Hollywood.

Jimmy Moser, Loy Angeles, vs. Vince Delgado, Angeles, feathers, 10: at Stockton, Dave Gallardo. Los Angeles. Leo Alonzo, Manila. lighte, 10.

Cheers for Lavelli Cleveland, Dec. 16 4P-The crowd gave Cleveland end Dante Lavelli of cheering today at the Browns' game which the Chicago Cardinals his plan to retire was announced over the public address system. Lavelli has sald before the probably, would season, retire but at today's the" announcement made definite. lowa Takes Off For Rose Bowl Heavy Fog Doesn't Dampen Sendoff Ceremony For Hawkeyes Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Dec. 16 -The weatherman Shrew in the first string today and the Rose Bowl-bound Iowa football team had 4 hard time getting off the groupd.

Meets Oregon State Heavy fog, blanketing the Cedar Rapids airport, didn't dampen a royal sendoff ceremony, but it first postponed and then cancelled the scheduled aerial departure of the Hawkeyes from here. Early this afternoon. lowa time, the team, coaches and others in the traveling party boarded special busses for Moline, where two chartered commercial transport planes were scheduled for a delayed late afternoon takeoff for California where the Big Ten champions will sharpen up for their Jan. 1 game. Iowa.

winner of its first undisputed Big Ten Conference championship in 35 years, meets Oregon State at Pasadena Jan. 1 in a rematch unique in Rose Bowl history. Iowa beat Oregon State, 14-13, in the regular season. The Cedar Rapids airport was the site of festivities which brought an estimated 1500 out to wish coach Forest Evashevski and the 44-member squad a happy trip. Mayor Jim Meaghan of Cedar Rapids was host to the Iowa coaching staff at a breakfast attended by 100 mayors and civic officials from northeast Iowasome from as far as 150 miles away.

Coach Evashevski. in a brief talk, hailed "this typical Iowa spirit" and expressed hope that Iowa "can represent the Big Ten the manner to it has become accustomed New Year's Day." Squad members were each presented foot-long black and gold keys a 1957 Rose Bowl victory" by the city of Cedar Rap ids. Mrs. Evashevski was presented a silver bowl of roses by the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce. The squad also was given io huge Iowa hams and 96 cases of Iowa popcorn to present, to the California welcoming committee after arrival at the Burbank airport.

Carol Morris of Ottumwa, Iowa, the reigning "'Miss Universe," was scheduled as a memthe welcoming group. Two new honors came to the Iowa souad on the eve of their departure. Quarterback Kenny Ploen was voted winner of the Big Ten's "most valuable player" award and coach Evashevski was chosen by the Touchdown Club of Washington, D. as "coach of the year." U.S. Davis Cup Team Ends Rout of India Perth, Australia, Dec.

16 (P- The United States completed a 4-1 rout of India in the Davis Cup interzone finals today and named the same four man squad to face heavily favored Australia in the challenge round at Adelaide, South Australia, beginning Dec. 26. No Job Clinched Bill Talbert, nonplaying U. S. captain, designated Vic Seixas, Herbie Flam, Sam Giammalva and Mike Green for the gargantuan task of trying to recapture the historic tennis trophy and announced the singles assignments are "wide open." "No man his job clinched on this the dapper young Wall Street business executive said.

"The men who' play will win their places in the next nine days of practice." It is generally figured Talbert will use his experienced handsSeixas and Flam -in the singles and team Seixas with Giammalva in doubles. But Talbert, now that the team has reached the challenge round, is toying with the idea of throwing youngsters into fray for experience purposes. "'We have to start developing some time," Talbert said. "This is the year." Nineteen-year-old Green, from Miami, by many as Uncle Sam's brightest prospectbowed to Ramanathan Krishnan, India's fantastic young slugger, in one of the two final singles matches today at the King's Park Courts, 7-5, 6-4, 6-3. Giaminalva, 21, from Houston, turned on the power to dia's captain, 6-2.

a Inoverwhelm Naresh Green and Giammalva substituted for ailing Seixas and cramp-ridden Flam, who won the opening singles Friday and set the stage for a clinching doubles victory yesterday by Seixas and Giammalva. Seixas flew back to Adelaide overnight to have his ailing shoulder treated by special osteopath there. Flam, whose legs still ache from his five set marathon victory over Krishnan Friday, watched the day's matches from the sidelines. Krishnan, who one of the world's most improved players, continued to rake the court with fantastic angled passing shots in beating Green. Kumar's soft game WAS no match for the rockets from Giammalva's racket.

Harry Hopman, Australian Davis Cup captain, also named his squad today accordance with custom. It was no surprise when he handed over the names of Lew Hoad, Ken Rosewall, Neale Fraser and Ashley Cooper. The little, sandy-haired court wizard said the job again would be placed in the hands of the Sydney twins, Rosewall and Hoad, and he predicted Ameri-, ca's resistance would be the weakest for "This team is well below the standard of previous Davis Cup squads I have faced," said Hopman, whose teams have beaten America in five of the past six years. "But it is not a team without a threat." Hopman continued. "Seixas is always a dangerous man and he is able to reach top form quickly.

Flam must im-1 prove but he has nine days to do 60. He reaches form by hard, gradual work. I think we have a distinct advantage in the doubles since Giammalva has had so Little Davis Cup experience." bert would use Seixas and Flam Hopmay said he, felt sure Talin the singles and Seixas and Giammalva in the doubles for Australia. "If Bill didn't intend toa use Seixas and Flam against I don't think he would have used them against the the Australian captain said. "'These are both boys of international experience who hold victories over our men.

Flam, you must remember, defeated Rosewail as late as last September, in the Southwest Pacific championships." Talbert has announced that, unless Seixas and Flam can prove to him in practice that they are capable of beating the two Australians he may use his younger men, with an eye on hardening them for a future challenge. some timed' the captain said. "We must a start using them The American team leaves plane Monday night for Adelaide, where practice for the challenge I round will Tuesday. Holy Name Five Nips St. Pat's of Chicopee Dupre's Basket Brings 44-42 Win; Lady of Hope, Holy Gross, Sacred Heart Win Fetchick Victor In Sanford Open Beats Stranahan by Two Strokes; Thornton Low Amateur Sanford, Dec.

16 UP -Mike Fetchick shot a steady two under par 68 in the final round of the $15,000 Sanford Open Golf tournament today and won it by two strokes over fast finishing Frank Stranahan. 17 Under Par the 72 holes, Fetchick scored 263-17 under par and only 4 short of the all time PGA tournament record. Stranahan at 265 and Dow Finsterwald at 268 joined Fetchick in breaking the record for the tournament. Al Balding of Erin Dale, won last year with 269. This time he was out of the money at 294.

Fetchick's $2400 first prize gave best year on the professional golf circuit with about, 500. The 34-year-old pro from Lake Mahopac, N. won the Western Open at San Francisco in October and with this victory he shot up from 26th place in money winning to around 15th. Stranahan missed a' five-foot downhill putt after coming out of a wooded area along the left of the fairway. Billy Thoraton of Jupiter Isle, recently discharged from the service and enrolled at Florida State University, was low amateur with 274.

He' shot par 70 on the final (3 Scores of the leaders with money winnings. Mike Fetchick, Lake Mahopac, N. 65-63-67-67-263. $2400. Frank Stranahan, Toledo, Ohio, 66- 66-65-68-265.

$1800. Dow Finsterwald. Bedford Heights, Ohio. 64-67-67-70-284. $1400.

Tommy Bolt. Houston. 65-70-67-68-270. $1200. Jay Hebert, Sanford, 65-68-68-70--271.

$900. Dave Douglas, St. Louis, 69-66-67-69- 271. $900. Julius Bores, Southern Pines, N.

8528. Arnold Palmer. Youngstown, 66- 68-67-71 272. $528. Don January, Lampasas, 65-70- 68-69-272.

$528. Jim Ferree. N. 68-70-67-67-172. $528.

Doug Ford, Lake Mahopac. N. 71- $328. x-Doug Sanders, Miami Beach, 69--273. Ed Furgol.

St. Andrewe, 71-66-68- 68-273. $302.50. Doug Higgins. Midland, 68-69- 66-70--273.

$302.50. Leo Biazetti, St. Paul, 70-66-66-71- 273. $302.50. Dick Turner, San Angelo, 66-67- 73-67-213.

$302.50. Ragan. Orlando, 69-67-70- 68-274. Mike Souchak. Grossinger, 63- $230.

Mike Dietz, Lake Orion, 89- 67-70-68-274. $230. Chuck Malchaski, Addison, 73-60-274. $230. -Billy Thornton, Jupiter Isle, 70- 67-67-70-274.

Bill Nary, Wayne, 88-71-64-12- 375. $180. Wally Ulrich, Austin, 72-68-68- $180. Walt Burkemo, Detroit, 275. $180.

Ohick Harbert. Northville, 72- 68-66-699-275. $180. Toby Petershurg, 68- 67-71-69- Howie Johnson, Houston, 67-69-72-67- 275. $180.

a-amateur. x- have played professionally las than six months and therefore ineligible to win cash in PGA tournaments. Big Ten (Non-Conference Games) Pc A Purdue 4 0 1.000 301 279 Illinois 8 0 1.000 250 011 Ohio State 1.000 272 205 Indiana 3 294 266 Michigan .500 209 299 Northwestern .500 314 280 Iowa .500 101 124 Michigan State. 1 .300 132 121 Minnesota .333 221 230 Wisconsin .200 253 278 Tropical FIRST: $240, claiming, 4-year-olds up. 6 furlongs.

xIgnition 114 Noble Warrior 110 Ton 109 xQuiet T. 104 Hasty Dream Sweet Very Ultra 106 Vermouth' 104 Thunderbird 112 Fly-Lo 115 War March Limewater Lu 111 Longleat Cash 106 Niringo 109 SECOND: $2400, claiming, 4-year-olds up, 6 furlongs. Sir 109 Rayson Jett 115 Irish Guided Bomb 104 Gay Marvin 114 Slipper Double Dealer 115 Yours 115 Flarespur 109 Briar Creek 109 Compass Box 106 Tackie Van 109 xDeep River 104 Springhurst 109 Kentucky Kid 915 olds. THIRD: niodens, $2400, 1-16 claiming, 3 1 miles; Les xMr. Vegas 110 Temps 112 xGladdies Gift 109 Talybont 114 Yusuf 117 Heres Trouble 114 Royal Pursuit 117 Proscenium 120 Hero Hour 114 Cold Bunnys Night 114 Impossible Best 114 FOURTH: $2400, claiming, 2-year-olde, maidens, 6 furlongs.

Mid Hour 111 Ram Bam 114 Sanctimonious 111 Spearman 114 Art of Living 120 Lloyds 114 Mercia Park 111 Teddy 109 Naeise 114 Tiger Matches Combahea 120 Celestine R. 114 Peter Prophet 117 Riochet Boy 114 Lady Beaver 114 Stratmat 420 xMor Hose 100 Irrepressible 117 FIFTH: $2400, claiming, 4-year-olds up, 6 furlongs. Man 109 Flying Bry Campus Cat 115 Ashenden 114 Ben R. 104 Melzar: 115 Morse Jim Flash 109 111 American Plunk 115 Muscles 109 xGrey Hour 104 Comeaway 109 Josies Boy 115 Big Mark 115 SIXTH: $2800, allowance, 2-year-olds. 51 furlongs.

seofire 109 Nature Trial 109 Henaurora 109 a-Crossland 109 a-Boone Blaze 109 Amuse 106 Sags Gem 109 Trumpington 109 Merry Self 109 Turn Down 112 Tiger Dip 109 a--Calumet Farm entry. SEVENTH: $2800, claiming, 3-yearolds up. 6 furlongs. Our Prince 116 Senator. 109 Sour Note 116 Charier 109 In Clover 111 Madams Hunter 112 Activate 116 xJay Jay Gee 104 Fire King 112 Stumpie 118 EIGHTH: $2700.

allowance, 3 4- year-olds, 6 furlongs. Royal Ferry 122 Oherrons Boy 113 Flight Bird 119 Piesporter 1101 xEI Hawa 113 Lady Kiski 105 Stimulating 119 Guarico. 115 King 110 Ky. Admiral 116 xL. Cavalaris 105 zToque: 115 Reaping Return 122 Patrolman Pete 116 xStory Luck 117 NINTH: $2700, claiming.

3-year-olds up, 1 1-16 miles. 109 Sito 112 Model Jeep 108 Helianthus 111 Chris Cross 111 Armed Truce 1499 xLarchall 103 Gratuity 112 Our Enhlem 111 The Posse 109 Z-3; x-5 lbs. AAC. Listed to post. Other Sports On Page 13 Russell Appears Ready to Accept Celts' Contract Brown Says Lanky Hoop Star Will Sign With Boston Wednesday Boston, Dec.

16 0P-Bill Rus- sell, giant All America and Oiympic basketball star, said tonight he has agreed to sign with the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Assn. No Trouble Celtic President Walter Brown said a news conference that Russell will sign a contract probably Wednesday. No terms were The announcemer University of San Francisco standout, who led the United States' Olympic basketball team to a gold medal in Australia, arrived in Boston tonight with his bride, the former Rose Swisher. Brown said "I haven't signed him yet but I don't anticipate any trouble. you, Bill?" he asked, lookling at "We've Russell.

agreed to terms," Russell said. Russell turned down a reported $30,000 offer to play for the Harlem Globetrotters last week. Brown said Russell probably will play his first game for the Celtics in Boston next Saturday against the St. Hawks. The game will be televised nationally.

One of the Boston' players must be cut to make room for the 22- year-old Russell. Brown said the contract signing was held off because the Celtics will be without the services of injured back court star Bill Sharman when they play in New York Tuesday. He said he did not want to, cut a man when the team was one player short due to injuries. Says Rosewall Will Turn Pro Melbourne, Dec. 16 (P) Melbourne newspapers this morning were confident Australian Davis Cup star Ken Rosewall would join Jack Kramers' professional troupe.

Top tennis coach Harry Hopman, writing in the Melbourne Sun, said "I think Rosewall will accept Kramer's offer. Rosewall is a planner when he thinks about himself and he is a real down to earth individual when money comes into the reckoning. 'Although he is receiving an excellent salary now I believe the promise of a small fortune in the space of 18 months will be more than he can resist." Suffield Cagers Win Loop Opener Stafford Springs, Dec. 16-St. Joseph's of Suffield beat Stafford Springs, 65-64, here today in the opening game of the Farmington Valley Semipro Basketball League.

Joe Lewandowski, was high man for the winners with 25 points. Summary: St. Joseph's Stafford Springs Pts Pts Sullivan 4 2 Pelegrini 3 2 8 Stewart 1 0 Ceppilelli 3 1 McDonald 0 0 Fontanella 2 10 Chase 0 Ca'grande 4 13 Corbin Scucoc Edwards 8 Lusa 6 Barnett 17 8 T. Kerpina Lusa 3 05 Cain Lew'ski 11 05 Totals 26 13 65 Totale 20 24 64 Score at half time, St. Joseph's 35, Stafford 30.

Manchester Five Noses Out Allies Holyoke, Dec. 16-In a battle to final seconds of play the Allies AC of this city dropped a 73-71 contest to the Green Manor Pros of Manchester (Conn.) this afternoon at the City Hall court. Wally Widholm's long one hand push shot broke a 71-71 deadlock with eight seconds of play in the game after the Allies had rallied to tie it. A twin bill was scheduled with the Allies and Chicopee Colonels continuing their Sunday bookings here in Central League play. The Colonels, how-: were forced to postpone their tilt against Cyril's of Hartford.

The visitors notified officials here that several players sustained injuries in an accident Saturday making it impossible for full team to appear today. From the whistle the Allies and Merchants were at it nip and tuck with a disappointing crowd of Jess' than 100 on hand. Summary: Manchester Holyoke Allies Ptak Pts Carlson 2 Olapin 8 Kleckner 4 13 Ferriter 8 9 6 Cassidy 3 6 Widholm 6 Mal'ski 2 10 Haberl OP 0 0 Fountain 6 20 Fhr'preis OH 2 Sikora Reddy 8 0 0 Bartley A Prohovich Christolini Totala 22 29 73 Totals 25 21 71 Score a.t half time Manchaster 32, Al31. Referee Collamore, umpire Dean. Two Holyoke Teams Seek Reinstatement of Players Holyoke, Dec.

16-In an unprecedented twist to schoolboy sports in this city the varsity quintet of Holyoke Catholic High has joined forces with Holyoke High varsity team members and student body in seeking reinstatement of two banned Holyoke ketball players. It was learned that petitions from the varsity teams of both local high schools have been presented to the local school board asking for action concerning the dropping of Dan Constance and Captain-elect Bob Kelliher. The high school committee of the Holyoke school board recentIly meted out a decision dropping' ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements 7 ALL INSURANCE COVERAGES Holy Name needed a spectacular last-second basket to preserve its unbeaten Catholic Junior Basketball League record yesterday at the Holy Name Social Center. Ed Dupre tipped in a frantic last-second heave by Mike Ashe to give Name a 44-42 win over St. Patrick's of Chicopee Falls.

In the other games, Lady of Hope stopped St. Patrick's of Thompsonville, 37-25 Sacred walloped Holy Family, 42-23 and Holy Cross edged St. Mary's, 33-30. Summaries: KG Notre Dame Division Lady of Hope St. Pat's T'rille E.

Ptsl Pts Pratt 3 Tyler 3 0 Russell 1 0 Bennett 0 0 Jim Pearce P'ers 0 2 6 0 Secondo Henning 3 (Bakers) 0 4 Richards Sheehan 15 Whitley Jan P'ers Philbin 5 Maloney O'Conner 8 0 4 Motola Totals 15 7 37 Totals 11 4 25 Score at half time Hope 17, St. T'ville 13. Referee Burke, umpire Tougias. Sacred Heart Holy Family Ptsl Pts Murphy 3 2 Earhart 10 Gallagher 4 4 12. White Peloquin 00 0 Sheehan Farrel Flaherty 3 0 0 3 Callahan O'Connell A Simonds 7 Mazzette 63 Upson 0 0 Quinn 8 3 Totals 16 10 Totals 11 6 Score at half time Heart 16, Holy Family 8.

Referee Hart, umpire Skeeber, Holy Name St. Pat's C. Falls Ptal Pts Gallagher 3 3 8 Splaine 5 11 01 Sampson'1 0 0 0 Moran 0. Marsh 7 1 15 Dupont 1 1 O'Hara 0 0 Cove 3 3 9 Dupre 2 2 Sullivan Anderson Watson Ashe sakota. Siddell 11 Costello Kinney 81) Brien Har'ton 8 41 Ashe 21 Totals 19 6 441 Totals 11 20 42 Score at half time Holy Name 20, St.

Pat's Chicopee Falls.30. st. Christopher Division Holy Cross St. Mary's Pts! Pta Phelps 12 1 5 Shakour 1 Julian 0 0 Calabrase 1 3 Fitzgerald 0 1 Foley Cummings 2 0 O'C'er O'C'er 4 Donahoe Folleg 0. Deffley 2 1 Treleaso 71 Totals 13 Totals 13 30 Score at halt Holy Cross 22, St.

Mary's 13. Olympic Victor Jenkins Is Wed Boston. Dec. 16 (P) Olympic 400-meter champion Charlie Jenkof Cambridge and the former Phyllis G. Randolph of the Roxbury section were honeymooning today at an undisclosed resort.

The 22-year-old couple was married yesterday. at St. Richard's Roman Church before 400 well-wishers including three Olympic colleagues. The Rev. Edward J.

Mullowney, SJ, offciated at the double-ring ceremony. 7. East- Stars To Arrive Today San Francisco, Dec. 16 (P) -Forty-eight football stars arrive here tomorrow to start preparations for the 32d annual game for the he Shriners Crippled Children's Hospital. The 48 seniors from 29 colleges will be coached by Notre Dame's Terry Brennan for the East, and the Air Force's Buck Shaw for the West.

The Dec. 29 game at Kezar Stadium here matches two of the nation's top passers Notre Dame's Paul Hornung vS Stanford's John a chance to the series Brennan's Easterners, will at 14 each. There be have been four ties and the East made it 13 wins to 14 for the West in winning last. year 29-6. The 48 players represent 13 corferences and three independDame, Navy and Colloge of Pacific.

There are players from big schools Jon Arnett. Southern California and Abe Woodson, Illinois--and front the small institutions-guard Dick Foster, Idaho, end Steve Junker, Xavier of Cincinnati, Ohio. Hornung will have as target like Tom Maentz of Michigan. Joe Kopinsky of West ginia and Brad Bomba of Indiana. East include Bob Dougherty of Kentucky, Woodson.

Terry Michigan And Penn State's Milt Plum and Ray Alberigi. Brodie can throw to his Stanford teammate Carl Isaacs, UCLA's Pete O'Garro or Southern Methodist's Tom Gentry, all 6 foot plus ends. Arnett heads up a running unit which includes Jim Crawford of Wyoming, Don Dhinnick af UCLA, Washington's Dean Derby and California's Herb Jackson. Brennan takes the Easterners to Santa Clara on Wednesday to begin drills. Shaw takes the Westerners on the same day to Stanford.

The game, which will be nationally televised, is expected to draw about 60,000 fans. Budget Payments Chernaik Ins. Agency 1694 Main Tel. RE 4-5794 ATTICS Cellars cleaned. light trucking interior painting.

RE 3-0196. Vet buys rags, paper, metals. F. Haarmann RE 6-0901. RE 3-8273.

A-1 snow removal service. Parking lots, driveways. RE 9-6128. Fred Giordano. ANY ATTIC yard, Cellar.

F. garages cleaned. Pessolano. RE 2-8731. A-1 CHAIN saw work, trees cut, lots cleared.

ST 8-4685 or JU 3-8854. A YOUNG man with truck cleans cellars. yards, attics, etc. RE 6-6633. AUTO INSURANCE MOTORCYCLE-TRUCKS Time Payments.

Rapid Service Open Every Day 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. M.

NICHOLS Tel. RE 3-1209 Mass. 36 NEW DWIGHT ST. ANT CLOGGED sewer or drain pipe electrically razor-cleaned or no charges Roto Rooter Tel. RE 4-3734.

BULLDOZING chain saw work. Cellars dug, lots cleared. RE 6-2992. CESSPOOLS, Septic tanks, flushed and cleaned, quick, odorless, Phone RE 4-3754. Roto Rooter of course.

CORD wood sawed, trees removed, wood RE 4-0258. lots cleared, a driveways plowed, Tel. cleaned, waxed, polished. Reasonable. RE 4-2054.

FLOORS cleaned waxed. wall wood work washed. JE 3-0497. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING. REPAIRING.

Also uphol. furn. cleaned in your home. free est. RE 3-4590 anytime.

SNOW REMOVAL CALL RE 7-2577 SUPER DUPER comp. simonizing 36. 23 yrs. exp. 58 Seventh St.

RE 7-2394. sNow removal done suitably reas. Tel RE 2-0970. TV INSTALLATION antenna repairs. Reas.

W. O'Brien RE 3-0467. TREE WORK CALL RE 7-2577 WE GAURANTEF rid roaches. mice, ants $5. Walker's RE 0 00061.

Personals 9 ALL TYPES OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS WHITNEY DETECTIVE SERVICE Suite 208 Vernon Spild. RE 3-7170 Night LI 3-4930. ARTIFICIAL flower material. Betty's Flower Craft Stulio cor. Oakland Dickinson St.

RE 9-6406 or RE 6-1600. BERKELEY DAY NURSERY SCHOOLspaces now part or full time. to 5 yrs. Tel: ST 8-6763. BAIL BONDS--Furnished for all courts 1570 Main St.

ST 8-0471 DRIVING to Miami, Jan. 2nd. 1 or 2 persona to share expenses. Call after 6.30 p. m.

JU 3-2826. MRS. ANTHONY'S NURSERY SCHOOL (deal facilities, trained staff. ages TRANSPORTATION RE 9-5260 N-E-W-S Your car delivered. Reliable Drivers Term.

Box 186 Union Office. Convalescent Homes 9A. AT Convalescent Horne in City, vacancy RE 3-7162. HILLTOP REST SANATORIUM, Open for admittance of patients, 24 hr. nursing care.

Margaret Dapelo, RN, Tel. Ashfield, Mayfair 8-3282. Lost and Found 4 RE BLACK ans. 3-0467. to white part "Tuffy" 10 Collie Reward since Nov.

$100. LOST lady's Longines watch with stones vic. Winchester Sq. Lg. reward JO 6-3766.

LOST--Brown and white pointer, since Dec. 10. Answer to Butch." Reward. RE: 3-7490. LOST: Small Brown puppy named "Pudgy" vic.

College St. RE 4-2419. LOST white grey angora male tiger cat. 9 mo. old.

Wandered from home on Collins St. (off Eastern Ave.) Reward. RE 6-1229 or RE 9-0045. LOST green Buxton lady's wallet. important papers.

RE 3-4808. Reward. LOST gold charm bracelet with names dates. Call RE 6-9426. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 AT THOMPSONVILLE FORD 1956 FORD Vic.

Exec. car 1956 FORD Cust. 4 dr. Exec. car.

2095 1965 FORD 2 dr. Fully equip. 1495 1955 HUDSON Custom Rambler 1495 1953 CHEV. Bel Air hardtop 995 1953 OLDS, 88 Fully Equipped 1095 1955 OLDS Super 88, 2 dr. 796 11953 PACKARD Clip.

Del. Ultra. 795 1953 FORD 2 dr. Black 795 1953 Plymouth Cran. C1.

Cpe. 895 1951 DODGE Cor. 4 dr. 395 Others to Choose From WOLF FORD SALES 875 Enfield Thompsonville. Conn.

Tel. RI 5-6586 Route 5 OPEN EVES. AT BETTER USED CAR EXCHANGE '56 BUICK Century H. Top PS, PB 2795 '55 top coupe '55 OLDS SA8. H.

top. 4 dr. PS: PB 3495 '35 PACKARD DOOR PS. PB 2195 '54 LINCOLN CAPRI PS, PB. FSe 1885 '53 OLDS 588 Conv.

PS, PS 2495 '53 OLDS 98, 4 dr. PS. PB 1393 '54 88 Top PS PB 1795 OLDS 88 4 Door 1395 '54 CHEV. Deluxe Door 1193 '50 BUICK Spec. 4 Dr.

Dynflo, 495 '51 CHEV. Deluxe 4 Door 495 '55 OLDS 98 H. Top 4 dr. all power 2695 '53 BUICK Rdm. Cpe PS.

PIV '53 CHEV. Deluxe 2 dr. Fower Glide 993 '52 LINCOLN 4 door Capri 1095 '56 MERCURY H. top. Merco.

82490 '55 OLDS 98 PB 2495 '65 BUICK Super H. Top PS. PB 2495 '55 FORD 1-8 H. Top. Fdmt.

1895 '55 CHEV. Bel-Air H. Top' 1895 '54 OLDS 88. Conv. PS.

PR 1993 '54 BUICK Century H. Top Power 1795 '54 PONTIAC H. Top. Hydra. 1595 '54 BUICK Spec.

4 dr. PS 1695 '54 BUICK Spec. 4-dr. Stand trans. 1495 '53 BUICK Super Conv.

1195 '53 CHEV. Bel-Air Sedan 1043 '53 MERCURY Monterey 1193 '52 OLDS Conv. Cpe. 995 OLDS 88 4-dr. 913 FORD PONTIAC V-8 2-Dr.

Conv. Chief. 8 795 '51 PLYMOUTH H. Top. Cpe.

595 '51 OLDS 88 H. Top Cpe. 693 '50 OLDS 88, 4-Dr. 495 '50 62 Sedan 1095 '50 CADILLAC Limousine 1295 MOST HAVE A RADIOS HEATERS Many, Many More 1567 State Street AT RALPH D. JONES INC.

1948 Chevrolet dr. sedan 1953 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan 1950 Dodge 4 sed. 1952 Pontiac 4 dr. 1930 Stude.

Cp. cpe. 1954 Ford Nash dr. Rambler Cross Country Ford Country Sed. 4 dr.

Wag. FOM 2 1956 Ranch Wagon 1913 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sed. 1951 Buick 4 dr. 1950 Buick Special.

2 dr. 1953 Chrysler N. 4 dr. 1956 MG-A Sports Car 1933 Super. Hard top 1049 Packard.

4 dr. 1952 Plymouth Club Coupe 1047 DeSoto. 4 dr. Clean 1948 Studebaker, dr. 1955 Volkswagen conv.

1956 Volkswagen conv, 1954 Volkswagen Sed. 1955 Chevrolet Station Wag. 1965 Chevrolet. 2 dr. 1905 Oldsmobile 4 dr.

med. 88 1956 Volkswagen Sun Roof 1033 DeSoto: V8 conv. PS Firedome 1947 Ford, 2 dr. 1056 Plymouth V8, Station Wagon, 4 dr. 1948 Ford 4 dr.

1953 Dodge dr. sedan 1955 Olds. 68. 4 dr. Hardtop 1948 Frazer dr.

sedan 1950 Nash Statesmen 4. dr. 1947 Willy's Station Wagon 1951 Pontiac 4 dr. sedan Hyd. 1933 Ford 4 dr.

R. H. 1953 Oldsmobile Hardtop Cpe. 1956 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia 1976 Volkswagen 2 dr. spd.

1936 Ford Ton Platform Truck 1974 International Ton Truck 1957 Jeep new 1945 Willys 4 Wheel Drive Jeep MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Authorized Volkswagen Dealer 721 Worthington St. Tel. RE 6-6301 AT FENTON'S IN WESTFIELD CHEV'S CHEV'S CHEW'S 55 Chev. Bel-Air 2 dr. Chev.

Bel-Air 4 dr. PG V8 54 Chev. 210 2 dr. PG 33 Chev. 210 dr.

52 Chev. Bel-Air Conv. PG OLDSMOBILE'S 53 Olds Super 88 2 dr. Hyd, 53 Oids Super 88 4 dr. Hyd.

52 Olds Super 88 2 dr. Hyd. 51 Olds 98 4 dr. Hyd. 51 Olds Super 88 4 dr.

Hyd. 51 Olds 98 4 dr. Hyd. PONTIAC'S 55 Pont. Catalina Standard Shift ve Tinted glass 50 Pont.

4 dr. FENTON'S USED CAR PLAZA Corner Main White Westfield. Open eve. till 9 p. LO 2-9669 AT LOUIS MOTORS.

'56 Ford Victoria Loaded $2345 135 Ford Rambler Custom Sta. 6 sed. Wag. auto. 1645 1647 '55 Rambler 2 door, hydra.

1547 53 Plymouth sedan, 995 '54 Ford Victoria, FOM 1450 '53 Dodge sedan 943 '53 DodzA 2 dr. 745 '52 Hudson Hornet Hollywood, Hydra. 943 LOUIS MOTORS -RAMBLER DEALER 595 Main St. Tel. RE 4-8894 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 AT BOSTON RD.

MOTORS 1955 Ford Thunderbird. PS. Elen. Wind. 4 way seat.

Cont. kit. Hard top soft top 2695 1955 Plymouth 4 dr. OD, V8 1495 1936 Ford Ranca Wag Bird Engine Ford-o-matic $4195 1955 Chev. conv.

PG 1895 1900 Chev. dr Was 1693 1935 Chev. 2 dr. PG. 1493 1935 Chev.

Bel Air dr. PG 1695 1955 Mercury Mont. cpe. auto. 1895 1954 Chev.




$2195 '53 Ford Victoria Fordomatic, 2 dr. 795 Chev. 2 dr. P. Glide 845 '53 Ford Convt.

895 Ford, 2 dr. (8) clean 8 695 Studay Champ. 4 dr. 195 '52 Ford 4 A steal 395 Ford 2 dr. (8) clean 345 '50 Pontiac 4 dr.

clean 295 TRADE TERMS Tel. RE 6-5239 65 Exposition W. Scoff Memorial Ave, one street past the Blue Grotto AT THE A. V. REOPELL CO.

1951 Chev. Del. 2 PG 597 1951 Chev. Del. 4 dr.

577 1953 Chev. 4 dr. Sta. Wag. 997 1951 Nash Rambler, Conv.

497 1956 Ford 4 dr. Country Sed. FOM 0297 1953 Ford Cust. 8. 2 dr.

895 1957 Ford Fairlane Town Sed. 1377 1950 Chevrolet 2 dr. 397 1955 Chevrolet dr. 1497 1953 Chevrolet 2 dr. 1952 Chevrolet dr.

sedan 197 1903 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan 897 1934 ('hevrolet 4 dr. sedan. 1197 1954 Chevrolet 210 2 dr. sedan 1037 1954 Buick Sup.

Riv. H. T. 1697 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air, 18. H.T.

1895 MOST OF THESE CARS HAVE 47 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM THE A. V. REOPELL CO. Chevrolet Sales Service Headquarters for Value 707 State St. Open Eves Tel.

RE T-0251 AT R. J. JOHNSTON 1957 Plymouth Belv. Big Savings 1353 Chevrolet dr. I owner.

Like new 915 1955 Ford 4 dr. FOM, low miles owner, 2 tone blue 1395 194 Chev. club P. W. W.

1395 1952 Olds. '98 4 dr. PS. PB. cln.

805 LOW BANK RATES R. J. COHNSTON INC. 1095 State St. Tel.

RE ALWAYS THE BEST USED CARS AT SANFORDS 1956 Ford 4 dr. Fully Equipped $2295 1951 Chevrolet 2 dr. 495 1951 Chevrolet 4 dr. 545 1955 Nash Rambler sta. wag.

2295 DeSoto 4 dr. Sed. 1965 1955 Chevrolet. 4 dr. 1695 1951 Plymouth dr.

405 1954 Doo te dr. V8 1595 1054 Mercury 4 dr. mom 1695 1953 Dodge dr. 995 1934 Buick Riv. Dyna, 1625 1952 Dodga 2 dr.

Sed. 505 1949 Dodge 4 dr. 295 1955 Dodge Royal P. S. 2195 1950 Dodge dr.

sed. 395 1935 Dodge Cor. V8 1995 1953 Ford Club Coupe 695 1954 Ford 4 dr. Fom, 1695 1953 Dodge CI. Cpe.

995 1954 Plymouth Club 1295 1951 Buick, 4 dr. 1795 Most Are Fully Equipped And Fully Guaranteed F. I. SANFORD CO. Dodge-Plymouth-Dodge Trucks 648 State St.


Riv. Super Dyna. PS. PB. air conditioning $2499 1953 MERC.

hard top ex, clean 1199 1953 PLYM. 4 dr. hy drive 809 1952 OLDS 4 dr. Sun 88 929 1952 BUICK Riv. cpl.

dyn Sup 999 1952 FORD Victoria, FOM 89A 1952 FORD Club Custom 8 799 1952 HUDSON dr. Hor. hydra 699 1952 PLYM. C'Brook 699 1951 PLYM. clean 699 1951 BUICK 4 dr.

dyna. Sup. 729 1930 STUDE dr. OD. reg.

dix. 299 1948 DODGE 4 dr. clean 199 AND MANY MORE 1089-71 Main St. Open 9-9 RE 4-5719 AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'S 1956 CADILLAC Sed D'ville. PS, PB 4895 1956 LINCOLN CAPRI 3695 1956 Sed.

Full Fower 4395 1955 CADILLAC Cpe. PS, P3. PW 3695 1955 CADILLAC Sod. PS. PR 3423 1953 CADILLAC El Dorado, PB 4295 1274 CADILLAC Cpe.

De'ville PE PB 3595 1032 CADILLAC sedan 1695 1953 CADILLAC 4 dr. PS. Elec. Wind, 23,000 miles. Like new 1953 CADILLAC Fleetwood PS 2195 1964 OLDS.

98 Conv. PS, PB 1995 1956 MERCURY H. Top Cpe. All pwl. 2595 OLDS Hol.

PS. PR 2695 1955 OLDS. 4 dr. '98' PS, PB 2395 1951 OLDS 'SSS' conv. 750 1951 OLDS 'SS8' dr.

595 1956 OLDS SS8 4 dr. PS 2595 1973 OLDS 4 dr. sedan. PS. PB 1395 1956 BUICK Super 4 dr.

PS. PB 2795 1950 CADILLAC Fleetwood 4 dr. 1095 1955 MERCURY Hardtop 1995 1955 OLDS '88' dr. HT. PS.

PB. 2295 1954 PACKARD 4 dr. PS, PB Auto. 1435 1965 PACKARD Con H. T.

PS. PB 2395 1955 Bel Air Sed. PG 1695 1955 CHIEV. '210' Cpe, PG 1493 19.33 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. OD 1956 FORD Ranch I FOM 2195 Va 1495 1953 CHEV.

2 dr. Sta. Was. 1645 1955 CHEV. Conv.

V8. PG 1805 1935 DODGE Roval Lancer H-top 2095 1953 Super 4 dr. 1195 1955 BUICK Sup. Riv. Cpe.

PS, 1954 CHEV. model 010, 2 dr. 1195 PB 2395 1950 CHEW. Conv. Extra Clean Above Cars Equipped Guaranteed THE ORIGINAL LEO'S TEL.

RE 2-0453 or ST 8-0601 1174 STATE ST. OPEN EVENINGS A BARGAIN LIST OF BETTER BUYS NO MONEY DOWN per mo. '54 FORD 4 dr. sdn. $60 '34 STUDEBAKER Coups 35 '53 CHEV.

dr. 12 '50 DE SOTO 4 dr. 30 PLYMOUTH '51 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon NASH 4 dr. '52 NASH dr. Hyd.

AMB '52 LINCOLN Hardtop '32 FORD 2 dr Sdn. '51 RUICK Hardtop 32 '51 FORD 0 dr. Hardtop 30 '51 '50 CHEVROLET Sedan 20 FORD 4 dr. 22 '50 CHEV. Conv.

30 '49 DODGE 4 dr. 49 PLYM. 4 dr. 15 '49 FONTIAC 4 dr. 15 WEST SPRINGFIELD MOTORS "Across from Union Trust 280 Memorial West Springfield Open Ever RE 6-5269 AT FLEETWOOD AUTO SALES INC.

1608 STATE ST. MASS. BUICK Sven. H. Loaded Save PLYMOUTH Savoy.

PF V.A Save '56 CADILLAC Conv. gold white PR. P. Seats low -1. 2395 '36 DE SOTO Sportsman Fireflite 2 dr.

Seats. Windows. Steering, Brakes, all power 2996 FORD 4 dr. cust. V8.

FOM 1895 CADILLAC 1 Dr PS PB 3695 Corv. 1993 CADILLAC (62) Coupe P3 1833 CADILLAC conv. like new '53 BUICK Rm 4 dr. fall power 100.5 FORD V8, FOM. Cust.

'37 CHEW. Bel A1; V8 PG PS '55 Century dr. loaded 2597 '54 Century Riv 1797 '52 BUICK Supe- Riv Two Tone 095 '34 OLDS Super 8. 4 dr. PS TB 1795 CADILLAC 4 dr '62 693 CHEV.

Station Wagon 09.7 OLDS Super 88 1203 '53 PONTIAC 4 dr 905 '50 DODGE Hard Top 597 49 CADILLAC 3 dr 6- 695 Open to 9 RE 4-6226 ALL FEARLESS BUYS the two atheletes as a disciplinary measure for violation of school rules. Other developments in the case last week had a request of one of the parents of the youths requesting a hearing before the board. No official announcement has been made though by school authorities pertaining to this request. On Friday night members of the high school student body joined in seeking action. During the game against Agawam large signs were displayed about the high school gym calling for action by school authorities and asking for reinstatement of the youths.

1 Year Guaranteed NO COST TO YOU PARTS AND LABOR '35 Chev. 4 dr. 210, like new $1395 '35 Chev. 2 dr. 210.

1'8 sharp 1665 Chev. 2 dr. 11-130, clean 1195 '54 Chev. 4 dr. 210 a beauty 905 Chev.

2 dr. 160 extra clean 843 '53 Plym. 4 dr. 28.000 miles 605 '32 Ford cl. conv.

Fordomatic 595 '52 Pontiac hardtop Hydra. 693 '50 Chev. cl, Conv. Powerglide 685 CASSELLA AUTO SALES 1039 Memorial West Springfield Bank rates-30 mo. to pay.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.