The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

LINE RATES IN OUR CIRCULATION AREA ONLY 30 Time Ad Per Line, Per Day 7 Time Ad Per Line, Per Day 4 Time Per Line, Per Day less Time Ad Sunday Per Line, Per Day Discount (Your Ad in Union and Daily News) A Line A Day Is What You Save When You Order Your Ad For 7 Times EMPLOYMENT Male Salary 33 A CONSCIENTIOUS mon to learn maintenance of electron machinery. Excellent working conditions in modern airconditioned plant Apply pioneer Valicy Plastic: Co. Inc. 325 Silver St '3 Agowom, Mass. between 9 a.

ni AUTOMOBILE HANDYMAN for large Chevrolet Used car lot Inquire of Fred Chloro Balise Chevrolet 60 3 Columbus Ave. Springtield 785.1311. A PROFESSIONAL search firm recruiting for client companies College grads to PhD's. No tees No contracts. 14 Maple St.

(rear 736-2161 UNIVERSAL PERSONNEL AN ASSOC. ASSISTANT SHIPPER -Port time. Wholesale beauty supply house Apply Shakour Laboratorles, 189 St. Automotivo Trainces 1 VEHICLE SALES TRAINEE SERVICE SUPERVISOR TRAINEE SEE SERVICE SERVICE TECHNICIAN SUPPLY TRAINFE TRAINEE A malority of our highest paid most skillful emplovees started with US as trainees, They worked to a planned program that Included periodical sessions a GM Training Center and advanced In rioton to their abliy to learn and apply themselves. Basic qualifications Include high school diploma, at least 2 years of stoody empoyment, mentally aert, attitude and physicaly fit vald a no cooperative no arres driver's Icense.

APPLY E. A. NACKE or DAVID Ed Nacke Chevrolet 120 Suffolk Holyoke AUTO BODY painters helper ex perienced. Good benefits and conditions RE 6.2336. ALPHA MACHINE CO.

Is Hiring 54 Mvron St. W. Spild 739.3878 AN UNUSUAL JOB OPENING WITH LARGE PEST CONTROL FIRM For Area Service Representative. Will Train, Steady ion, must have Drivers License. Fringe Benefits vacation, etc.

Fine opportunity for advancement. For appointment, send resume to ABALENE PEST -113 Firglade Ave Sold ACCOUNTANT for CPA office, previous public accouting experienced preferred. Excellent fringe benefits Include company paid Master Medical and Life insurance. Apply Mr. Smith 781- 2103.

EMPLOYMENT Immediately National Organization now expanding in Springfield. We need two men here and surrdunding area. This is permanent work with advancement opportunity. Car helpful. CALL 736-3640 MAN MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE IN PLANT Permanent Position Good Wages, Liberal Fringe Benefits CORP.

2 PLAINFIELD ST. CHICOPEE, MASS. ARCHITECTS DESIGNERS Draftsmen Interior Designers IMMEDIATE OPENINGS SUBURBAN LOCATION CALL OR WRITE Russell, Gibson von Dohlen Architects 80 So. Main W. Hartford, Conn.

06107 203-521-4600 Experienced OFFSET PRESSMAN to operate NEW HEIDELBERG Air Conditioned Plant Free Parking Easy Access The M. J. O'Malley Co. 52. Wayside Avenue West Springfield 734-5688 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS BOILERMAN ELECTRICIAN TOOL CRIB ATTENDANT See our advertisem*nt in the SPORTS SECTION.

COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Windsor, Connecticut An Equal Opportunity Employer A Plans For Progress Company McDonald's Hamburgers Four New Unit Openings Require Staffing. MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS MANAGEMENT TRAINEES SHIFT SUPERVISORS SALARY $7000 $12,000 Benefits Pension Plan Hospital Insurance Major Medical Life Insurance Paid Vacations FOR INTERVIEW SEE: MR. ROSEN or MR. CHENEY McDONALD'S 385 ENFIELD T'VILLE 745-8888 Female Salary 32 Keypunch Operator Applicants, should have to years experience on and NCR bookkeeping machine. mediate opening.

Hours 8AM to Excellent working conditions. Interview call salary Mr. and venetit*. For 737-1481. Form 310 Credit State Bunks of Spfld.

Street KEY perienced PUNCH preferred, but OPERATORS, will eXtroin recent keypunch benefits school graduate. Excel. Include poid vacation this year. Apply to Mr. lust Felnberq, off Rte.

Sweet Life Foods or tel. 732 3131 159, Suffleld, Conn. for day, we. or Sat. anpt.

LPN PART TIME 734 3065 LEGAL SECRETARY experlence. mature permanent RE 2 3173. LPN OR AID 3 to 11 PM Friday, Saturday Sunday small rest' home Warehouse Point Conn. 4163. Call Nurses Aldes.

Full time. Mrs. Poules Director. 732-1068. Ingersoll Grove Nursing Home, LIVE IN position.

MOTHER'S HELPER. Permanent LY 6-4994 L. Fri. P. OR AID 11 p.m.

to 7 a.m. Sat. Small rest home, Warehouse Point, Conn. 623-4163. LOOKING for girls to work In general office.

capable of working with figures. Please apply at 42 Emery St. L.P.N.'S. AND NURSES AIDES wanted. Various hours.

Mrs. Lynch 592-7737. MEDICAL SECRETARY for Doctors office. Reply Box 8275 Union Of. fice.

MATURE PERSON, to babysit In my, home days. have a. car. 737-7542. D.

EMPLOYMENT. UNIROYAL TIRE CO. Has Immediate Openings for KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Call or apply at our Employment Office 154 Grove St. Chicopee Falls Open 8 A.M. 4:30 P.M.

Monday Friday Call Mr. Jarret 594-4611 Ext. 450 An Equal Opportunity Employer EMPLOYMENT Female Salary 32 MAID Wesffleid Pilgrim Hotel, 16 Washington my MATURE home. woman to baby sit in 16. acres.

11.30 to 782-4182 Mon. thru Fri. 734 7343 or 1383 MANPOWER. INC. Main Johnson's Bkstr.

Bido. for MATURE 2 WOMAN wanted to care board school age children, room Wilbraham call plus salary. North RE 6-2566. MOLDING shifts. MACHINE operators, 2d Ludlow Glendale Plastics, 583 8362, MIDDLEAGED woman for light Box housework Union with license.

Reply Office. MATRON Crestview Locker room. Apply Shoemaker Lane, Country Club, April 301 7 thru 11th 11 AM to 2 PM. IS HIRING Pension Plan Analist Accounting Clerks Contract Writers Stenographers Math Clerks Mail Clerks Typists START NOW Time off for a summer vacation con be arranged MASSACHUSETTS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Please Call 788-8411 An Equal Opportunity Emplover NURSES' AIDE Class May 12, 1969 Pald training program In basic nursing procedures. Assignments to permanent position on nursing units after 5 week training program.

High school graduate preferred. Excel. salary and benefits. Apply: Personnel HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Chestnut St. An Equal Opportunity Employer EMPLOYMENT RN's LPN's "PSYCHIATRIC NURSING" Immediate openings on all shifts' in one of the foremost private psychiatric hospitals.

Ex. perience not required. Active in-service education program. No rotation. Excellent personnel policies.

Salary commensurate with education and experience. APPLY: INSTITUTE OF LIVING DIRECTOR OF NURSING 400 WASHINGTON STREET HARTFORD, CONN. TEL. 287-7950, EXT. 445 SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS Diversification Excellent salary and fringe benefits await you! APPLY KAMANI CORPORATION OLD WINDSOR ROAD BLOOMFIELD, CONN.

INTERVIEWS MONDAY FRIDAY 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. For After Hour Appointment Call (203) 242-4461 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WESSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL STAFF OPENINGS NURSING DEPT. Registered or recent RN's grad. week.

All Alternating shifts, 40 week. hr. ends. F1 LPN's Days, nating 40 hr. weekends.

week. Alter. I. V. Days, 40 hr.

week. Alter. NURSE nating. weekends. Nights, 11 P.M.

-7 A.M. ORDERLY 40 hr. weekends. week. Alternating Excellent salary and fringe benefits.


TRAINS YOU! FEE PD. $325. CAROL GRANT 781-0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE IN CREDIT SALES DEPT. Positione availahle for clerical personnel desiring the following: -Steady Employment -Good Income -Profit Sharing -Other Benefits Typing only reauirement-no other experience necessary. Our Coordinator will do the rest.

Apply Personnel Manager SEARS AND CO. 135 Memorial Ave. West Spfld. Mass, An Equal Opportunity Employer ONE GIRL OFFICE for interlor designer and furniture. 5.

day week. Steady employment. Salary open. Send resume to Box 8274, Union Office. OPENINGS in several depts.

Steady employment for those who aualify. Paid vacations holidays. Free Blue Cross- Blue Shield. Many other benefits. Belmont Laundry, 327 Belmont Ave.

OPENING for General Laundry help. Will train It Good starting pay, many benefits. Apply. Standard Industrial uniform, 350 Walnut St. Agawam.

Ask for Mr. Female Salary 32 NEED A BADLY clerk typists to $75, Secretary to $95. Fee Paid. Active. Personnel Employment, 335 Walnut St.

Agawam. NURSES AIDES Home. Mature woman preferred, 3-11 1 shift. E. Longmeudow Nursing experience not necessary 2 openings now available, Apply: 305 Maple East Long.

NURSES AIDS full and part time. Apply: Heritage Hall Nursing Home, 100 Harvey Johnson Drive. 781-1456, NURSES AIDES 3 to 11. Own transportation. Mary Lyon Nursing PERSONNEL PAYROLL CLERK Excellent opportunity for someone Interested in public contact and on ability with figures.

8:30 A.M. to 4.30 P. M. hours add to the convenience of downtown employment. Liberal fringe benefits.

For an immediate op. pointment call 733-1141 and ask for Personnel. THIRD NATIONAL BANK 1387 Main St. An Equal Opportunity Employer PHONE CLERK start $80 a ANSWER BUSY PHONE LITE TYPING Call Fran Cook BAILEY AGENCY 145 State 781-3191 PRESSER wool part or full time. Apply Daves Cleaners, 120 Island Pond Spfld.


781-6880. EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Female Salary 32 PART TIME woman to supervise fitting room, 5 dav week, no Saturdays, no evenings. Apply Mr. Rosenbaum, Lerner Shops. 1427 Main, PERSONNEL OFFICE CLERK $80 to $95.

Must be attractive neat dresser, Meeting public. Holyoke Placement, 326 PXB SWTCHBD-TYPIST: SUNNY SMILE, WELI SPOKEN TO CHARM PUBLIC, LOVELY NEW OFC. $300. PEGGY CRAIN 781- 0235, SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE PART TIME POSITION In sample mailing department of West Manufacturer, West Sufid. or Agawam resident preferred.

State salary desired and when available when replying to: Box 349 Union Ottice. PART TIME woman or girl to work as chambermaid Sat. Sun. year round more during summer, His. approx, 9-2 p.m.

Apply in person between a.m. 4 m. Crossroads Motel, corner of Riverdale St. Elm W.S. PHOTOGRAPHIC due to expansion, century, color labratory, Eost Hartford, Is taking applications for PRinters, Color Printers and film and paper.

processors. Also looking for ambitious young man to assist plant manager. Paid holidays, pleasant working conditions. 203-289-9501. RECEPTIONIST needed one who enjoys handeling the phone.

Mutual Of Omaha Insurance Co. 1160 Bav Sr. 737-4771, RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST: NEW FACES EACH DAY VARIETY MAKE TIME FLY. AAA CO, $325. CAROL.

GRANT 781-0235. SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE RECEPTIONIST- SECRETARY $100 agency tee. Very modern office. Sold. area.

Greeting people. Must be neat. Holyoke Plocement, 326 Appleton RN'S-LPN'S NURSE AIDES Top wages. Riverdale Gardens Nursing Home, 42 Prospect Ave. West Sold.

RE 3-3151. REG'D. Nurse for Doctor's Office full time. Some typing, air cond. office.

1.584-4295 between 9-12 noon RN'S LPN'S FULL TIME 7 with 11 Salary commensurate experience Evening and week-end differentials LUDLOW HOSPITAL Tel 583-8365 Carol Brindle Director of Nursing Services RN LPN for 11 to 7 shift for I.C.U unit opening soon. Salary excellent. Many fringe benefits. Contact Nursing Office, Noble Hospital, Westfield. 568-2811.

RN LPN, N.A. Would YOU like to be part of the health teom in the new expanding field Gerlatrics? Come in or call for personal Intervlew to sce our premises and meet the staff. Call Spruce Manor Nursing Home. RE 4-4986. RECEPTIONIST To answer telephone.

Must be capable typist. Full benefits. TOOLKRAFT CORP. 700 Plainfield St. Apply Personnel Dept.

262 Liberty Spfld. R.N. OR L.P.N. 11 to 7, two nights week. Mary Lyon Nursing Home Hampden 566-3426.

SALESWOMAN Interesting position with a growing company. Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits. Free parking. Sales experience desired but not necessary. 40 hour work week.


CLERK TYPISTS NOW you can work close to home with your friends and neighbors in a modern office, within 15 minutes of Thompsonville, Hazardville, Windsor Locks, Suffield and East Granby. YOU NEED: A high school diploma. Some business experience. Typing filing ability. WE OFFER: An excellent starting salary.

Free life and health insurance Automatic salary reviews. Give your career a shot in the arm! Stop in to our Personnel Office at 580 Spring Street Windsor Lock, Connecticut any weekday between 9:30 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. or call Mr. Maurice W.

Condon 203-623-2481 HI-G, INC. An equal opportunity employer. REGISTERED NURSES! RN's! LPN's! DIRECTOR ASST. DIRECTOR CHARGE NURSE FOR NEW. GERI-CARE NURSING HOME of SPRINGFIELD OPENING MAY, 1969 Unusual Salary and Fringe Benefits Discussed At Interview.

CALL ADMINISTRATOR MR. INGALLS 785-1501 9 A.M. 5 P.M. DAILY EMPLOYMENT Female Salary 32 SALESWOMEN Interesting positions of In the new business deportment forge national sales organization. Our people work 35 hours a week, with no evening or Saturday nours, We offer above overage guaranteed salary, paid vacations, benefits and opportunity tor advancement, A car is necessry.

We care about your success, CALL MR. LACASSE 734-8211 Monday after 12. SWITCIIBOARD OPERATOR Must be experienced to work on 2 position, 608 switchhoard in modern office. Excellent salary, benefits and working cond. Apply In person Milton Bradley Co.

Denslow East Mass, An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY gd. sec. skill plus ability take respnsibility. Car nec. Fee pd.

To $110 Another sec, but shthnd not rea. Some exp. in sales dept. helpful. Fee pd.

To $110' BARKER PERSONNEL SERVICE 1383 Main St. 737-2667 SEC. good skills req. excell. work cond.


MEG POST 781-0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE SHARP TYPIST to learn Computer work $100 wk. Co. pays our fee. Holyoke Placement, 325 Appleton ENIOR STENOGRAPHER A position is open for an experienced Stenographer with the initiative and the ability to work efficiently without close supervision. Applicants must have the ability to! take In shorthand with moderate speed and to transcribe accurately dictation of more than average difficulty and they must have the ability to type rapidly and accurately.

All replies confidential. Send resume to Springfield Redevelopment Authority, 73 State Springfield, Mass. Equal Opportunity Emplover STENOGRAPHER to work at CEP, poverty program, shorthand typing nec. Apply Buckingham Jr. High School, 141 Monroe Spfid.

781-5630. SHIRT LAUNDRY wants 2 operators for automatic pressers. Our new piece rates will pay you the highest salary in the area plus other benefits. It will pay VOU to investigate now. Call ot Shea Cleaners 629 Main Spfld.

SECRETARY, mature, experienced dictaphone general office work. I. 0. Lantz Lumber, 543-1299. SECRETARY Challenging position available In our distribution management division for a person who likes to work with figures and possesses secretarial experience.

Excellent starting salary and a liberal benetit program. Apply In Person M-F 9-1 1AM 1-3 PM BUXTON, INC. 1265 Main St. Agawam, Mass. STOCK CLERKS Bright energetic persons for interesting lohs.

days, many benefits. McKesson Robbins 88 Birnie Ave. STENOGRAPHER downtown Insurance office. 5 dav week. Salary open Box 310 Union Office.

train a dependable woman Os a telephone reporter for an Sprinafield immedaite prening in our West branch office. Light typing. pleasant voice and manner required. Excellent company benefits. Phone collect Mon.

or Tues. Walter Gill, F. W. Dodae 1 Professional Park Div. Farmington, Conn.

of McGraw-Hill, Inc. equal opportunity emplover. WANTED WOMEN DRIVERS to SECRETARY Experienced, with good accurate shorthand, typing and skills for sales service and varied, hour week, excellent benefits. For Interviw appolntment Call Personnel Manager 781-3600 DIAMOND NATIONAL' CORP. Packaging Products Div.

140 Wilbraham Sofid. An Equal Opportunity Emplover SECRETARY, Typing. shorthand and prefer someone with experience. Transportation necessary. Salary open.

Hours from 8:15 a.m. 5 p.m. Friden Co. ask for Mrs. Hughes 592-5121.

SALAD WOMAN EXPERIENCED PART TIME BAKER 10 pt EXPERIENCED Steady Work Days only, no Sunday work Apply in person Cottage Hill Restaurant 315 Cottage St. Industrial Park Springfield, Mass. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Western Mass. Hospital, 3 to 11. p.m.

Saturday thru. Wednesday. Starting salary $77.60. Call 562-2371. TYPIST mature, permanent, for law office RE 2-3173.

TYPIST Start to $90 Company benefits, on bus line Contact Fron BAILEY AGENCY 145 781-3191 TELEPHONE REPORTER The leading publisher of a dally construction reporting service willi drive taxi. No experience needed. Apply in person, ABC Taxi Co. 5 Liberty St. WAITRESS, full or part time.

Apply person, 122 Chestnut St. Y.M.C.A. WAITRESS for morning work. Bridge Spa 296 Bridge St. EMPLOYMENT COUPLE Experienced Cook and Houseman.

Live in. Top salary. Framingham, Mass. area. REPLY: BOX 8280 UNION OFFICE Several CLERK TYPISTS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! To support office staffs by handling various and miscellaneous routines, such as typing, filing, answering phone calls, and generally assist in processing duties of office schedules.

These openings are in Traffic, Accounts Receivables, Mail ing, Production and. Engineering ments. Must have high school training or equivalent, or industrial office routine experience. CALL OF APPLY IN PERSON F. W.

SICKLES DIVISION GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORPORATION 165 FRONT CHICOPEE LY 4-4781 LY 2-9350 An Equal Employer, MLE EMPLOYMENT Female Salary 32 WAITRESSES to work LUNCIIES STEADY WORK NO SUNDAY WORK Apply in person COTTAGE HILL RESTAURANT 315 Cottage St. Industrial Park Springfield, Mass, WAITRESS shift only. Must bo Excellent earnings. Hours flexible, Apply Flaming Pit Restaurant, Eastfield Mall. WAITRESSES Increasing waitress statt.

Excellent working conditions. RE 4-9515 684 Page Blvd. Spild. Moss. WAITRESS co*cktail lounge Sat.

eves. 783 5825, WAITRESS WANTED for part time evening work Apply: Stellas Restaurant, 84 Maple Agawam, 736-9832. WAITRESS, part time. Inguire atter 12 noon at the Maln Cote (Oasis), 671 Main West Springfield, In-person interviews only. WOMAN to work on counter light meals, sandwiches, good hours, The Sandwich House, 2161 Riverdale West Spfld.

WOMAN to work In Catholic rectory, live In. Reply Box 8281 Union Office. WAITRESS experienced. Apply Blue Eagle Restaurant. 932 St.

WOMAN wanted for full time counter work Monday thru Saturday. 40 hours. Must be able to do Pleasant working conditions, vacation with pay. Good hourly rate. Apply: One Hour Martinizina, 1205 Sumner Ave.

WAITRESS, make sandwiches Mon.Frl. 11-2 p.m., 16 Acres area. 783- 5825 for WAITRESS experlenced. Apply Canton Restaurant, 111 Wor-1 thington St. WORK DISTRIBUTORS For our busy sewing department.

Light work. Full time only. Union wages. CROMWELL MILLS 34 Front St. 6th fl.

1.0. WARD CLERK Part Time Weekends to perform clerical and Mature high school, graduate receptionist duties on nursing unit. 8 a.m. p.m., Sat. and 30 a.m.-6 p.m Sun.

Typing not reavired. Apply: Personnel Dept. SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Chestnut factor work. We will train. Permanent all fringe benefits, no weekends.

Apply National Tran. Sparent- Plastic Co. 1195 Willamansett, An Eaual opportunity employer AMBITIOUS Retired-Moonlighter Friendly Ice Cream Shop, 10 Bliss Rd. Longmeadow has openina for light cleaning man 4 hour shift, 3 to 6 davs, good working conditions and pay. Call 567-8303 for appointment.

A ROOT BEER DRIVE- IN Now hiring Inside help for our dov shifts. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.. 11 c.m. to p.m.

Apply in person: 555 Memorial Drive, C.F. ASSISTANT TO SHIPPING RECEIVING FOREMAN Some supervisory exper. helpful must have gd. handwriting. Excel.

Fringe Benefits: Pension Pion Paid Blue Cross Blue Shield 10 Paid Holidays Send resume, to Union Office Box 3276. All replies to be held confidential. An equal opportunity employer AUDITORS- Worcester office of certified public accounting firm has permanent positions for 3 staff accountants with 1 to 4 vrs. public experience. Start Immediately.

Write Box 8272 Union Office. AIR refrigeration mechanic. Experienced only. Call 733-2609 A GOOD CHANCE to pet Into sales, retail, Industrial, route, trainee, Insurance and many others. Sal 5.2K to 11K Accounting positions open In systems, auditing, Tr.

ir. cost analyst, tax dept. and bank mgt. trainee. Sal 5.2K to 9.5K fee pd.

EMPLOYMENT 145 State St. 785-1533 A PRODUCTION control Pos. open indiv. Looking for career w-chance to advance. Will train.

Sal. 98.50-115.00 Fee Pd. A chemist DOS. for Indiv. w-textile bkrd.

sal. 10-13K Liaison chemist limited travel. textile exo. 9-12K. Research chemist recent dearee or A YO.

7-9 5 K. Methods enar. 8-12K All Fee pd. 145 State St. 785-1533 EMPLOYMENT.

ASSISTANT TO ENGINEERS To $200 wk. Hrs 8-5. Will hein In doing technicol recruiting, like Engineering knowledge. Sofid. area Co.

our fee. Holyoke Placement, 326 Appleton AUTO DAMAGE CLAIMS Former service mor or auto body exp. qualified $170 salary plus new car furnished. FEE PAID Co. needs to hire five men.

Personnel Placement, 20 Maple ACCNTANT, LRN TREE: FINE LOCAL COST WORK. QUIK FEE PD $7500 MR SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE An Equal Opportunity Employer WAITRESS Must be over 21. Call Sheraton Inn, Westfield 562-6505 $80 $100 Girl needed for credit department. Prior experience In credit and or bookeeping good. 40 hour week Including 1.

night. Picase contact Bailey-Wagner, 855 State St. Male Salary 33 NOTICE Discrimination in employment because of sex Is prohibited by the Massachusetts Practices Act (G. L. C.

4) The use of and "Female" columns on this page IS solely for the convenience of the reading public and all iob opportunities advertised on this page are availmble to both sexes unless a bona fide occupational qualification is stated in the ody of the ad. SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS BOX NUMBERS FOR INFORMATION THE SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS will not disclose the identity of onv classified advertiser using a box number. Readers answering blind box ads who desire to protect procedure: Enclose your reply fo the box number an envelope addressed to the Classified PRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS together with a memo Jisting the companies you do NOT want to see your letter. Your letter will be destroved if the advertiser Is one you've mentioned. If not It will be forwarded in the usual manner.

AUTO MECHANICS, wanted. Exc. pav, fringe bene. Apply Ted Gebeau. Berselll Sales, 380 Main Wilb.

REAL ESTATE maintenance and carpenter's helper w-drivers Ilcense. Inquire 28 Maple St. 12-1 p. m. only.

APPLY NOW for Immediate openings on all shifts In general for creativity for optimism for lova'ty for logic for executive potential proomina for enthusiasm for growth ability for resourcefulness for ambition for dependability for unhesitanry for awareness tact for for stability If you have the Universal Personnel is for youl UNIVERSAL, St. PERSONNPL (rear) 736 2761 ASSOC ALL AROUND COOK to work In CAPE COD, (Orleons) from Mot 15 to Oct. 15. Call collect Mass. 255-1550, ask for Mr.

Nicoli. must not be afro'd of HELPER to Instoll eavestroughs Apply Colonial Engineering 2011 Riverdale West Sold. EMPLOTENT Female Salary 32 A RICHARD P. RITA LISTING Job requisitions flow to Springfield from 30 Richard P. Rita Offices In New England.

our working hours pour Into channeling avolified candidates to openings at every level Line and Stot. If you are manquement mindert of technically trained, we will try to GET YOU THE INTERVIEW THAI A JOB OFFER. Our fee will be paid by the emplover. Many openings are local or cusy commuting. Your salary requirements are not problem it background Is compatible with lectives, Please do not send your resume, We believe you have the right to appraise our services before telling us anything about yourself.

Fred Bishon RICHARD P. RITA PERSONNEL 145 State St. 3262 (See BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES in this paper "30 New England RI1A Offices" AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTOR needs outside salesman tor local established territory. Must have automotive backaround. Interesting! and rewarding for right person Contact Mr.

Hulnern, Holvoke Auto Parts Eauloment, Inc. AUTO MECHANIC for new cor agency in Chicopce Fulls, excellent nav plan plus incentive. dav week. Many benefits. Call 593 6767 ask for Terry.

AUTOMOTIVE must have some exn. but we will train! ambitious man for specialized brake work. Apply In person, Newhouse Automotive service, 64 Howard St. Sold. ARE you interested in retailina sales as a pathway to a successful future? Sce US for the opportunity! to work in pleasant surroudnings tor $110 to $120 week.

Some: retail experience helpful. 145 State St. 785-1533 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ESO AUDITORS--ACCOUNTANTS Blue Chip area corp. has asked us to recruit several persons with accounting and auditing experience. These positions offer a very bright future, excellent working environment and superb benofits.

Salaries to 11K. NO FEE. Phone or send resume In complete confidence to Don Curtis. DYNAMIC PERSONNEL SYSTEM 1431 Main Street 781 0100 ALL FEE PAID adlusters to $8500. Chemists to $13,000, Draftsman $10,00 0 a incer to $13,000.

Foremon to $11.000. Trainees 1 $7500, Sales to $16,000, ins. recruiter to $10,000. Actover Personnel Employment, 335 Walnut St. Agawam.

ANIMAL HOSPITAL WORKER: Gonl. ward work, MUST LIKE ANIMALS. Good, sober. industrious duty man needed. required.

Every Time other and weckend after 40 hrs. Exp. helpful but not essential. Apply in person Rowley Moml. Hospitol.

SPCA, 53 Bliss. ALL around work in shop. Capable of some responsibility, Tucker Garments, 887 State St. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for summer work, age 16 or over. Apply In person McDonald Ham.

burgers 352 Riverdale West Spfld. A MAN TO WORK on heating and cooling equipment. Steady iob with excellent future. Call Davis Daagelt Co. 736-1869.

ATTENTION-MANAGER Burrs Gas House, full time excellent chance for advancement. Blue Cross, paid vacation. Apply in person: Westfield St. West Spfld. Monday thru Friday 7 to 4.30.



of Firm projects has openings for architects. Experience required to fill positions of projects architectural, design, client contact. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMEN Experienced only. Post. tions of job captain and senior draftsman.

Excellent salary fringe benefits. 203-233-6244 203-236-2947 PARTS MAN IMMEDIATE OPENING For Experienced Man Chrysler Plymouth Excellent working conditions. Full benefits. KENNETH S. PEASE, INC.

HOLCOMB ST. WESTFIELD, MASS. 562-2319 IBM COMPUTER OPERATORS Needed to supplement data processing staff in expanding operations. Will train on IBM 360 Computers 'in modern DP center. Must have minimum 6 months experience on IBM-EAM equipment.

Good starting salary and excellent recognition. CALL or APPLY IN PERSON F. W. SICKLES DIVISION GENERAL 9 INSTRUMENT CORPORATION 165 FRONT CHICOPHE LY 4.4781 LY 2-9350 An Equal Opportunity Employer, MAP Springfield Republican April 27, 1960 83 EMPLOYMENT Male Salary 33 Conn. 745-0361.

ACTIVE Personnel Employment, 781. 4870. 781-4871, 335 Walnut Annwam Fee Pd. EXEC: LEADNG FINANCE INSTIT. UNUSUAL OPPTY.

HIGH LEVEL' MGMT. ACT NOW $100 00 MR HUNT 781 0235 SNELLING SNELLING 135 STATE AUTO BODY COLLISION MAN helper. Too and conditions, fully shop. Valentine's 734-1418. AUTO ME.CHANIC WANTED.

Ex perienced. Excellent nay, excellent fringe benefits. Apply Dick Coneland, Enfield Chrysler Plymouth, Enfleld St. T'Ville. BRIDGE SPA MANAGER CALL 736-0880 for appt.


339 Worthington St. Springfield, Mass. BAKERS HELPER or one willing to learn donut making fine portunity, no experience necessary. Apply Bess Eoton Donut Shop, 1219 State St. BUSINESS INCREASE We need men who are Interested in full part time work.

Mechanical sales experience and car melpful. Appliance company, commission and bonus. Call 736-3640. EMPLOYMENT SPRAY PAINT Sub-Contractors YOU'LL MAKE UP TO $1000 A WEEK WITH PERM 567-1127 MAN for GENERAL PLANT WORK Permanent Position Good Wages Liberal Fringe Benefits CORENCO CORP. 2 PLAINIFELD ST.

Chicopee, Mass. 8 Vi BUSINESS MANAGER Agawam Public Schools TEACHER CERTIFICATION REQUIRED Business Functions Purchasing Transportation Maintenance Personnel Building Maintenance Miscellaneous Duties Detailed Job Description Office Supt. of Schools 100 Main Street, Agawam, Mass. 734-8045 YOUR COMPANY LAYING OFF? TRUCK DRIVER for retail fuel oil delivery. TRUCK MECHANIC to maintain fleet of trucks.

OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN experienced capable. Excellent opportunities for positions. Many benefits. JOFFE OIL INC. 160 Springfield, Rocus St.

Mass. 732-7487, 734-8873 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Need for structural gineers. Experienced only. Capable of handling complete jobs. Wide range of projects.

Excellent salary and fringe benefits. 203-233-6244 203-236-2947 RETAIL APPAREL DEPARTMENT MANAGER Lerner Shops Eastfield Mall has opening for an experienced woman to take charge of a department. Children's wear experience preferred, but not necessary. Apply Mr. Rosenbaum Lerner Shops 1427 Main St.

Great Opportunity In Route Sales Permanent work. Excellent earnings with chance for advancement. All replies confidential. Call Mr. Mrorissey for appointment, 413-733-2203 PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO.

of HARTFORD. SPRINGFIELD, INC. 1050 Kennedy Rd. Windsor, Conn. (off Rte.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 5674

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.