The Allentown Leader from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

of 3 02. THE ALLENTOWN LEADER MONDAY, MAY 8 1911. Boy wanted about 16 years of age. Good chances for advancement. at once.

On These Foundations (We are building a business that is already beyond the vision that we had when we started 10 years ago if you are not acquainted with Rhines of Allentown. We both lose -Woth small expenses we save you money by selling cheaper as we do than the majority of the stores. Comparison easily proves it- Compare. Good Goods Gentle Salespeople Instead of. selling, how cheap We mean gentle salespeople of a goods we clan buy, we prefer to neat counteous manner.

We mean give you better goods and make what a customer once remarked you pay a trifle more, it's better about one of our salesgirls her business to give good value than pleasing personality, they are to figure a big the kind you'll find alt Fair Play Efficient Service That is another term for the We take pride in our prompt golden rule, we know tricks delivery and getting ladies' of tire trade, we keep Don mind ready-to-wear out as promised, that for our final success the and also you get blue trading buyer must be benefitted as well stamps with every sale at as "Klines." "Klines." Passaic Batiste 14c Yard 1 New Messaline Silks 69c A new dress material for sum- Yard mer wear bordered effects, with Very popular dress material beautiful floral designs and dot and for spring summer wear effects, 40 inches wide. particular shade is here, 27. your Black Voile Dress Goods inches wide, worth all of $1. 69c Yard Bargains in Knit UnderEqual Ito any $1 value else- wear where, full 44 inches wide, guar- Drawers, lace bottom at anteed colors. Get a sample 25c and 49c a pair.

fast for comparison. Better grades Union Suits at 49c. at $1, $1.14 and $1.25 per yard. Ribbed Vests at 9c, 11c to 19cl Satin Plaid Dress Ging- each. ham 17c Yard White Dress Goods, Very Regutarly sold at 25c yard and Cheap elegant assontment of pretty 40 inch lawns, 19c quality per patterns, in all colors.

yard at 14c. Kayser's Silk Gloves Lawns, cheeks, stripes and figures, per yard at 11c to 21c. All double finger tips, in all colors, short gloves at and Madras, figured and striped, per- yard at 11c to 25c. 75c. Long silk gloves at 69c pair, Lace Curtains 39c to $4.98 Floor Mattings at 21c Yd.

Jap Mattings, linen warp, all Newest designs. If buy your curtain's here save from. Same sold all at you colors, 25 patterns to choose as lover money at any price you pay for 30c yard. them. Give us a Awning Ticking at 11c to Crex Matings and Rugs 29c Yard from Mattings 35c to 89c according yard.

to width, A. big assortment of pattennis. Matting rugs, according to Come in and look at our quali- size, from 35c to $4.25. ties and get tour prices before To judge their real values you louying elsewhere. must see them.

ton Street walk' in Kline Bros. Manton's When on HamilMay and investigate in our patterns, 10c teach, our values catalogue and patready Ito wear de- Hamilton 15c. partment. 805-807 Street tern Good Goods Popular BASE BALL SCORES. Following Is the Result of Games Played Saturday and Sunday.

AMERICAN LEAGUE. Saturday's Games. At Washington Washington, Athletics, 6. Batteries-Johnson, Ainsmith; Russell, Morgan, Thomas. At New York- New York, Boston, 3.

Batteries- -Ford, Sweeney; Cicotte, Nunamaker. At St. Louis- -Detroit, St. Louis, 4. Batteries- Mullin, Stanage; George, Gilfoy, Bailey, Pelty, Clarke.

At Cleveland- -Cleveland, Chicag0, 5 (8 innings; darkness). Batter-Blanding, Smith; Olmstead, Scott, Walsh, Sullivan. Sunday's Games. At St. Louts Cleveland, St.

Louis, 2 innings). Batteries-Ing. ling, Land; Powell, Clark. At Chicago- Detroit, Chicago, (10 innings). Batteries Lively, Stanage; White, Sullivan.

Standing of the Clubs. W. L. PC.I W. L.

PC. 19 2 905 Athletics 9, 9 500 N. 9 8 529 8 10 444 10 9.526 Clevelnd. 8 13 381 9 9 500 St. Louis.

4 16 200 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Saturday's Games. At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 12; Rucker, Brooklyn, 2. Schaidt, Bergen. Moore, Dooin; At Pittsburg Pittsburg, St.

Louis, 2. Batteries-Adams, Gibson; Golden, Harmon, Oakes. At Chicago- Cincinnati, Chicago, 4. Batteries- Burns, Gaspar, Clarke; Weaver, Pfeister, Archer. At Boston- New York, 15; Boston, 9.

Batteries--Crandall, Raymond, Marquard, Myers; Flaherty, Parsons, Tyler, Graham, Raridan. Sunday's Games. At Chicago -St. Louis, Chicago, 5 (10 innings). Batteries- Sallee, Harmon, Bresnahan; Ritchie, Archer.

At Cincinnati- Cincinnati, 8: PittsBatteries Suggs, Gaspar, Clarke; Liefield, Camnitz, Gibson. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. PC.

W. L. PC. 15 5 750 6 9 400 Pittsbrg. 6 667 St.

Louis. 4 11 267 York. 12 6 667 7 14 333 11 9 550 Brookin! 5 14 263 TRI-STATE LEAGUE. Saturday's Games. At.

Reading, 4 Wilmington (10 innings). Wilmington, Batteries- Bauswein, Brazell, Therre, Harkins; Ramsey, Horsey, Millman. At Trent 13; Lancaster, 7. Kerr; Wilkins, Porte. At Johnstown- -Johnstown, Harrisburg, 3.

Batteries- Torham, Ketter; Shawkey, Daly, Mays. At Altoona- York, Altoona, 4. Batteries Bentley, Carter; Schulz, Scott, Harley. Standing of the Clubs. W.

L. W. L. PC. 3 1 750 Wilmngn.

2 2 500 ca 1 750 2 2 500 3 750 Altoona. 1 00 250 No 2 500 0 4 000 The great soul that sits on the throne of the universe is not, never was and never will be in a hurry. -Timethy Titcomb. Northampton PEANUT DAY. Saturday was peanut day for Northampton, and everybody was eating nuts.

You could not do otherwise, for on every street and on every corner you would meet a fine looking young lady, dressed in ther very best smile, and with a demeanor no one could resist, she would hold you, up and would not let you go until you gave her a nicket, when in return she would hand you a bag of not less than five peanuts, after which she waited for the next passersby, Quite a sum of money was taken in for the Junior Classes of Zion Lutheran Church, 'The money will be used in remodeling the church building. Sixty-two dollars was real- LOST PART OF A FINGER. (Earl Dreissbach, son of G. W. Dreissbach, the restaurateur at 10th and Main 'Streets, while at work, on.

Saturday morning accidentally got the forefinger of his left hand into a bag machine at the Atlas Portland Cement Company's plant, and had the end cut off. Dr. Meixell dressed the injured member. INSTALLED X-RAY MACHINE. Dr.

'Meixell of Lower Washington Avenue on Saturday installed a Frahick X-ray machine into his office. This is the first electrical machine of the kind in town. Dr. Meixell is an upto-date practitioner and this machine will greatly aid him in his work, Albert Smith, formerly of this place, who was in the employ of the J. D.

Williams Bakery Scranton, for the 10 years, spent Sunday in town with friends. He left today for Carbondale, where he will take charge oft the Bruning bakery. William Blumer of Wilkes- was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blumer, 149 East Twenty-first Street, over Sunday.

He was accompanied by M. A. Kimmett, who is a brother. of Mrs. Blumer.

Parties wishing to take stock in the new knitting company now being organized should not fail to attend, the meeting at the (Mt. Vernon Inn o'clock. connorrow (Tuesday) evening at 8 Picnics will soon be the order of the day. MADE TRIP TO NORTH CAROLINA. George Roth of 16th Street and Washington A Avenue left today for WinstonSalem, North Carolina, where his brother-in-law, Arthur Tucker, is employed as foreman of 'the Ore Works.

Mr. Roth was accompanied by the wife and children of Mr. Tucker, who will remain and reside at that place. He will stop over on his return at Washington, D. and other points of interest.

VALUABLE HORSE KILLED. James E. Brinker, steward at the Jeffersonian Democratic Club, lost a valuable "horse yesterday through an accident. His son Frank and Ed Ryan went driving during the and about 4 o'clock the horse afternoon, left the road and ran down and embankment of about 10 feet at Spring Mill, The animal was instantly Rilled, but the occupants of the team, who were thrown down the embankment, escaped injury. The wagon was demolished.

John N. Lynn, proprietor of the Nonth iCoplay Hotel, happened along at the time, and he went to the ance of the boys. Lewis Kleppinger, clerk in H. A. Miller's store, is the proud father of a girl baby.

The mother and babe are doing well, with the exception that the mother has the mumps. JOIN THE 10,000 CLUB; Trinity United Evangelical Sunday School has selected Saturday, July 22, as the day to hold its annual picnic at Waldheim Park. Services in the different churches and Sunday Schools were well attended yesterday. The Junior Bible Class of Zion Lutheran Church, Siegfried, will hold a strawberry ice ice cream festival on Friday and Saturday evenings, May 26 and 27, at the church. SINK DIGGING AND EXCAVATING.

The undersigned wishes to announce to the public that he is prepared to contract for the digging of sinks, cesspools, excavating for pavements, cellars, etc. Will also do concrete work. Apply to Daniel Haldeman, 1364 Main Street, Northampton. ti MEXICAN INSURRECTOS MUSICALLY INCLINED; GUN PICTURESQUELY PLANTED IN DOORWAY INSURRECTO CANNON TRAINED ON JUAREZ El Paso, have had a compensations. in off hours regaled with At times rank surrectos have light heartedness consider the casion warranted, planted in a ready to belch May Mexican insurrectos across the border line hard time in the field, but their lot.

has not been without its There are men of musical inclination in the ranks, and when not fighting or foraging revolutionists have been the dulcet tones of the violin, banjo and the mandolin, the, outsiders who have been admitted to the camps of the inenjoyed the music and expreazed admiration for the apparent of these men who are fighting desperately for what they rights of the people. One of the instruments which, had ocwould have made a different sort of music is a cannon doorway at a village near Juarez, trained upon that city, forth its hoarse notes at the word of command. FIRE DESTROYS MOUNT POCONO INN. The Devonshire Pines, a newly-built summer boarding house at Mt. Pocono, was destroyed by fire yesterday.

The loss is $15,000. The owner, Miss S. A. Cornish, who formerly owned the Belmont at Mt. Pocono, was getting ready to open the new house.

New furniture was installed only a few days ago. The Devonshire Pines is the third summer boarding house destroyed by fire in two weeks in the Pocono region. ANYTHING NEW IN HOME FURNISHINGS? To Be Sure There Is LOTS! Come to DUNGAN FRY'S and see "ALL the NEW things. EMAUS FRIENDS ASSEMBLE TO HONOR MISS KOSTENBADER. Miss Florence Kostenbader of Emaus was agreeably surprised on Saturday evening when she was ushered into the home of Miss Prunella Hensinger to what she thought was to be a meeting of the E.

Q. Sewing Circle, which, in view of the fact that she will leave town shortly, proved to be a farewell party in her honor. Numerous contests were held, one of which was a sewing contest wherein each gentleman was compelled to wield needle thread, which proved to be an intricate and laborious task to the amateur needle manipulators. Wether this was only preliminary to what is in store for some of these young men in the future could not be decided, but nevertheless they all presented a sorry spectacle in this art. Each gentleman was equipped with a fair damsel as an instructor, which greatly relieved the monotony of the allotted task.

The first prize, a smoking set, was awarded to Raymond Houser, and the booby prize, a large, mixing spoon, to Harry Goldsmith. Numerous games were indulged in, after which the guests partook of a sumptuous repast. The table was beautifully adorned, the centre con-taining large cake illuminated by twelve candles in honor of the twelve young people constituting the party. Favors were awarded and each "one was presented with carnations. After the guestsarose the table showed damaging evidence that the supper was fully appreciated.

Music was nished by Miss Florence Kostenbader and Miss Prunella Hensinger. The guests reluctantly departed during the wee hours, voting their host an excellent entertainer. The following were The Misses Prunella Hensinger, A. Tillie Gumph, Fannie Florence Kostenbader, Mamie Hamman, Marguerite Tolan, of Catasauqua; Messrs. Clayton C.

Kratzer, Floyd H. lobst, Harry Goldsmith of Catasauqua; Arthur Houser of Catasauqua; Wayne Goldsmith, of Catasauqua; Raymond Houser, of Catasauqua; Mr. and Mrs Frank Hensinger, Sylvester Hensinger Mrs. S. D.

Smith, of Philadelphia; Mrs, Rollo Maitland, of Philadelphia. WILL PLAY IN CHICAGO. FAREWELL PARTY. Vermond Knauss, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.

Henry: M. Knauss, of corner Fifth and Broad will start for Chicago to-morrow. to join the Liberatis band, being expected to report on May 14th. Mr. Knauss is well known as an musician rare abilities, not alone in town but throughout this whole vicinity.

He conducted two orchestral concerts here, both of which proved musical treats of the highest standard. His services have always been in demand to take part in concerts where the best musical talent was required. He began his musical career as a clarionet in the Emaus Band, having also been a member of the Pioneer and Allentown bands. He is a graduate of the Dana Musical Institute of Warren, Ohio. (En route he will visit his brother Roy, who is at present taking a course in the same institute at Warren Ohio.

The Emaus-Salisbury Choral Society, which rendered such a delightfull concert in St. John's church on Wednesday evening, rendered the same program, in the Western Salisbury church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock before a large and appreciative audience. The large pipe was at the disposal of the oranist in this church and added greatly to the enjoyment of the different selections, The Board of Elders and Trustees of the Moravian Church will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening in the church. Emmaus Council No. 456, Jr.

O. U. A. will meet in regular weekly session this evening in their hall on North Third St. Firing Squad will hold drill after meeting.

The Board of Education will convene in special session this evening in the Washington building on New St. Important business, which could not be acted upon at the last regular meeting on account of the absence of sevenal members, will be acted upon at this meeting. The Emaus Fire Company and the Firemen's Relief' Association will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening at the company's headquarters. TO MAKE SEARCH FOR COOK RECORDS Harry Whitney and Party Will Visit Etah. New York, May attempt will be made incidental to a hunting trip to determine if the records which Dr.

Cook alleges he left at Etah are there. The expedition is being organized under the auspices of Harry Whitney, big game, hunter, and' under personal direction of Captain Robert A. Bartlett, who commanded the Roosevelt, the ship in which the Peary expedition sailed in search of the North Pole. This announcement is made by Captain- Bartlett. The arrangements for the expedition are in an advanced state and it will start in the middle or latter part of June.

Captain Bartless commanded the Boethic, on which CIGAR MANUFACTURER SUCCUMBS TO STROKE OF APOPLEXY. The well-known cigar manufacturer of the Tenth Ward, Ambrose F. Stahler, died suddenly at his home, 450 Washington on Saturday afternoon following a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Stahler enjoyed good health until a year ago when he suffered a slight stroke.

Four days ago he took to his bed and remained there until his death. He was born at Old Zionsville 60 ago and the son of the late pears, and Mrs Charles Stahler. He is survived by his widow Rebecca (nee Geiger) and two brothers, Albert of Grand Rapids, and Horace of Buffalo. He was a member of the. Knights of the Golden Eagle, No.

55, and P. 0. S. of No. 11, and also of the Dubbs Memorial Bible class.

Services will be condueted at his late home on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and later in Dubbs Memorial Church, at which Rev. Kresge will officiate. Interment will be made in Greenwood Cemetery. MRS. REHM SURPRISED.

DEATH OF A. F. STAHLER. Mrs. John Rehm was most pleasantly surprised by her friends at her home near town in honer of her 24th birthday anniversary.

The was despent in Mrs. evening, Rehm furnished musical selections on the piano. Refreshments were, served in the course of the evening's merriment. All departed at a late hour, wishing Mrs. Rehm many happy returns of the natal day.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Rehm, Mr. and Mrs. John Reichenbech, Mr.

and Mrs. Milton Angstadt and daughter Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Moyer and daughters Dorothy and Arlene, Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel German, Mrs. Benner, Mr. and. Mrs. James Bauer and daughter Edna and son Raymond, Mrs.

Wilson Hoffman and daughter Clara, Misses Emma Merkel, Lena Haefeli, Anna Dotterer, Lillian Griesmer, Minnie Miller, Messrs. Herbert Osman, Harry Miller Samuel Christman and Amos Hoffman. NEW SILK MILL. The board of trade met in special session on Friday evening to act upon the proposition of Messrs, Stansfield, Messenger and Kidd for the erection of a new silk mill. The proposition as presented was accepted by the board and the finance committee was instructed to proceed once in securing the necessary financial aid, namely $8000.

A suitable site for the new mill has been secured W. lobst, at the Northeast corner of Seventh St. and the East Penn Railroad. The new mill is to be built 45 by 100 feet and will have a capacity of 50 looms, The Emaus Mercantile Club- will hold its regular monthly meeting this evening at their quarters on Railroad St. The Riverside Country Club received three new members at their last meeting, held at their quarters on the Little Lehigh.

The club has perfected arrangements for the formal opening of their summer quarters, to be held next Saturday and Sunday. Beautiful invitations, arranged in folder form, have been issued and a gala time is assured to all who have. been invited to this auspicious occasion. Rev. Daniel E.

Schaeffer, pastor elect of the Salisbury Reformed church, conducted the first services on North Third St. yesterday morning in the German language. He will be formally installed as pastor of the charge at the services to be held next Sunday evening, Revs. Elmer H. Leinbach of Kutztown and Thomas H.

Krick Coplay being designated by Lehigh Classis to conduct installation services. Col. T. H. Good Camp, No.

208, Sons of Veterans, will meet in regular weekly session this evening, in the Bank building hall. George Unger delivered the second lecture of a series of five in the Stortz Eisenhard building last evening. The theme of last night's lecture was "Origin, History and Destiny of the Nations of Europe," Mr. Unger is a the scriptures, his lectures proving fluent speaker a and is well versed in both interesting and instructive. Whitney and Paul J.

Rainey mad. their trip last summer. Bartlett said that for the coming trip a new boat of the tonnage of the Roosevelt would be chartered. 1 It is for this purpose he is going to. Boston That harbor is a clearing place for ships of sufficient tonnage and stoutness to brave the northern waters.

DIES IN PIT OF HOT GLASS Workman Meets Fearful Death In Window Glass Works. Fairmont, W. May 8. George Dehaunt, a blower at the Fairmont Window Glass plant, met a fearful death when he fell into a pit of molten glass. He was blowing a piece of glass, when suddenly it broke and he lost his balance, falling into the pit.

In his fall he came in contact with a lot of broken glass that split his skull, tore out an eye, cut off an ear and almost severad one arm. The future is purchased by the pres- Organ Sale! Organs $10 Organs $12 Organs $15 And Upwards 1328020 TERMS down balance 50c a week. TAORSU8 380M 000 0 038 is 30015 AN "Kramer's Music- House 5 10 544 Hamilton Store 2 Monday, May 8. 1911. IMPORTED Chime Clocks New Lot Just Received.

of mechanical genius and ability. Deservedly famous As they strike the quarter, half and hour, the deep and rich--yet limpid tones are delightfully pleasing to the ear. There's always a demand for them. This is why we carry the large assortment we do. Come in, see and hear them Two Gong $8.50 Westminster $25.00 to $35.00 E.

J. Faust, Jeweler and Optical Specialist 728. Hamilton Street. TELEGRAPIC. BRIEFS Three thousand suffragettes paraded in New York and carried banners inscribed "Votes for Women." Cleaning out the cellar of the Bonni building, St.

Mary's, workmen found $47 in nickels wrapped up' in paper, undamaged, despite a fire that destroyed the building. Suffering from ptomaine poisoning, caused by eating old ham, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hawk and Mrs. Owen Hawk, of Bloomsburg, became deathly ill.

The condition of ali three is still critical. Miss Helen, Taft, daughter of the president, attended the midshipmen's dance at the naval academy gymnasium in Annapolis, as the guest of Mrs. A. D. McCormick, wife of Medical Inspector.

McCormack, ranking medical officer at the academy. In response to a petition signed by 16,000 voters, Governer, Plaisted, of Maine, will issue a proclamation for an eletcion in September for the purpose of allowing the voters to pass upon the Davis direct primary bill, which applies to all state officers. James Bebeau, a Chippewa Indian boy, aged fourteen years, was arrested in Pittsburg, as a runaway. He was a pupil at the Carlisle Indian school and became homesick. He said he was making his way to the White Earth reservation in Minnesota.

He will be taken back to school. On the ground that base ball is about only thing under the sun that has not been made a subject of investigation by the Democratic house, Representative Rodenberg, of Illinois, a Republican, introduced a resolution providing for an immediate inquiry into. the national game. Fouls, pop flies and are specified among the subjects needing Umpires are to be compelled to give sworn testimony, but are not to be sworn at. INQUIRY AT JERUSALEM Turkish Officials Probe Report That Relics Were Found, London, May Turkish offcials are on the way to Jerusalem to inquire into the report that English excavators desecrated the Mosque of Omar in their search for sacred Jew ish relics on the site of Solomon's Temple.

The explorers are said to have carried away the tables of the law, the ark of the covenant and other priceless antiquities. There is no doubt that the promoters hoped to discover the ark of the covenant and the seven branched candlestick, but a Constantinople dispatch says it is believed that they really found Solomon's crown, his sword, his ring and an ancient manuscript of the Bible, CAMP ALVIN WANAMAKER DEAD. Alvin Wanamaker died at the home of his parents near Lynnport of liver complaint and dropsy, aged, 42 He had been employed by the New York Standard Slate 'Co. until about a month ago. Besides his parents, the is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Benjamin, Slatington; George, Mosserville; Sylvester, Lehighton; Lewis, Reading; Francis and John, at thiome; Mrs.

James Leiby, Allentown: Mrs. Howard Snyder and Mrs. Allen Horn, Lynnport. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon, with services in the Jacksonville Church and interment in adjoining cemetery. For any pain, from top to toe, from any cause, apply Dr.

Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Pain can't stay where it is used. m. Misses' and Children's Shoes, Strap Sandals ant be and Tot 000 Roman Sandals AM3MOW IN ALL LEATHERS Champagne, Russet, Leather and White Canvass All sizes, the largest variety to select from, prices to please. John J.

Hauser Co. 641 Hamilton Street. 1209 Dr. LOBB, Race Pa. St.

Call or write for book (Free, on private diseases of men and women Old DR.THEEL,535 N.611 Philadelphia, 44 years practice. 6 years Exp. his German Preanuent only eurefor SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON past Tudiscretionn.Decay, Lessen, Drains, Impotenee, assertion of all others. Beok tree..

The Allentown Leader from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.