WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)

Friday, June 21, 2024 3:36 AM Local Time (about 1 day and 24 hours ago)

Peter Park Wins First Bracelet and $240,724 in Event #51: $1,500 Super Turbo Bounty

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (1)

After a 16-hour marathon day of poker, a champion has been crowned in Event # 51: $1,500 Super Turbo Bounty No-Limit Hold'em here at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas in the form of Peter Park. Park has officially won the grand prize of $240,724, and his first WSOP bracelet by defeating Mark Dube heads up.

Park overcame a field of 2,110 players in this freezeout to claim his share of the $1,761,850 prize pool, while Dube took home $160,474 for his runner-up finish.

Final Table Results

1Peter ParkUnited States$240,724
2Mark DubeUnited States$160,474
3Adria DiazSpain$117,451
4Qing LiuUnited States$86,821
5Jungyang LinChina$64,828
6Jose RodriguezUnited States$48,899
7Zhigang YangCanada$37,264
8Julio NovoUnited States$28,693
9Joe KuetherUnited States$22,326

PokerNews caught up with him just after he won. "Oh, I'm still coming to reality…It's a very big deal for me," The new bracelet winner said, still trying to process what just happened.

According to The Hendon Mob, this is his career-best score, as his previous was from taking down a Hustler Casino Employee Appreciation event for $101,181 back in 2019.

"I used to play full time, but then I found a job I really like, around two years ago. I work at an aviation company in Dallas, which means that I don't have as much time for live tournaments anymore, but I still play online every day."

Park explained that this could be why he had an advantage in a turbo structure, as most online tournaments use the same format.

With 20-minute levels throughout the day, the action promised to be fast-paced and it was from the start. Park said he was lucky enough to score several bounties early on, which allowed him to play a lot more loose and aggressive.

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A lot of notable names took their shot in this event, like Koray Aldemir, Ryan Leng, Joe Cada, Adam Hendrix, Ryan Riess, and Jesse Lonis, just to name a few. They all eventually fell to the wayside as the turbo structure turned the event into a virtual shove-fest where players had to win scores of flips to make it deep.

The field was rapidly shrinking throughout the day and before the players knew it, they were at the final three tables, then the final two, then the final within just a few levels' span.

Coming into the final table, it was Qing Liu as the frontrunner with 6,000,000 more chips than Adria Diaz in second. Liu had just come off of a hot run as he busted multiple players in rapid succession to amass a giant stack.

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Once at the final table, the action still had no brakes as Liu claimed another victim in the form of Thomas Moore, who exited in tenth place. A few orbits later is when Park started to chip up, first by picking up pocket aces to bust Zhigang Yang in seventh, and then picked up aces once again to bust Jose Rodriguez in sixth.

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Dube, who at that point had played fairly passively as he quietly laddered, came alive once it got to five-handed play. First, he knocked out Jungyang Lin in fifth place then he scored a massive double through Li and then finished him off in fourth soon after. At one point, Dube looked poised to take home the bracelet after eliminating Diaz in third place, but Park had other plans. The two players got it all in on a flop of ten, ten, three, with Dube holding a three, but Park held trip tens. Park only improved to a full house on the river and a majority of Dube's stack was shipped across the table. It was only one or two hands later that the two players got it all in for the bracelet, and Park won the hand to emerge as the winner.

Well, that does it for the PokerNews coverage of this event, but make sure to stay tuned as you will find all of the 2024 WSOP updates right here!

Friday, June 21, 2024 2:25 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 1 hour ago)

Mark Dube Eliminated in 2nd Place ($160,474)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (5)

Mark Dube opened to 2,400,000 on the button and Peter Park called in the big blind.

Park checked following the flop. Dube continued for 2,000,000 only for Park to respond with a raise to 5,000,000. After some thought, Dube moved all in and Park called for his remaining chips.

Peter Park:
Mark Dube:

Park had flopped trips and improved to a boat on the remaining runout to leave Dube with crumbs.

A couple of hands later, Dube moved all in for 2,400,000 on the button with Park putting him at risk.

Mark Dube:
Peter Park:

Park was marginally ahead and remained so after the board completed to eliminate Dube in second place.

Stay tuned for a full tournament recap to follow.

Peter Park52,750,00031,750,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (6)
Mark Dube0-30,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (7)

Friday, June 21, 2024 2:06 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 1 hour ago)

Level 39 started

Level: 39

Blinds: 600,000/1,200,000

Ante: 1,200,000

Friday, June 21, 2024 2:04 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 1 hour ago)

Adria Diaz Eliminated in 3rd Place ($117,451)

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Adria Diaz moved all in from the small blind and was snapped off by Mark Dube in the big blind.

Adria Diaz:
Mark Dube:

Diaz was in good shape to double but was unable to maintain his lead on the runout to send him packing in 3rd place.

Mark Dube30,000,00012,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (9)
Peter Park21,000,000-2,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (10)
Adria Diaz0-11,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (11)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:58 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 1 hour ago)

Park's Turn to Double

Mark Dube moved all in out of the small blind, and Peter Park quickly called off for his remaining 11,100,000 in the big blind.

Peter Park:
Mark Dube:

Dube was behind, that was until the flop came . The turn improved Park to a straight, however, with the river further improving him to a flush to secure the double.

Peter Park23,200,0008,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (12)
Mark Dube18,000,000-4,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (13)
Adria Diaz11,000,000-4,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (14)

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Friday, June 21, 2024 1:50 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Diaz Gets a Double

Peter Park opened to 2,000,000 on the button and then called off after Adria Diaz moved all in for 6,500,000 out of the small blind.

Adria Diaz:
Peter Park:

Diaz was comfortably ahead but the flop did give Park a straight draw. It did not come in on either the turn or river to hand Diaz a full double, evening out the chip stacks in the process.

Mark Dube22,000,000-12,600,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (16)
Adria Diaz15,000,0007,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (17)
Peter Park15,000,0005,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (18)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:43 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Level 38 started

Level: 38

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

Ante: 1,000,000

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:43 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Dube Running Away With It

Mark Dube has been leveraging his stack to put more distance between himself and Peter Park and Adria Diaz.

Mark Dube34,600,00011,800,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (19)
Peter Park10,000,000-5,600,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (20)
Adria Diaz8,000,000-4,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (21)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:32 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Qing Liu Eliminated in 4th Place ($86,821)

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Mark Dube moved all in preflop and Qing Liu made the call for less to put his tournament life on the line.

Qing Liu:
Mark Dube:

Liu would need some help to stay alive, but the flop of was not his friend as it gave Dube a pair of fives and the nut flush draw. The turn gave Liu three outs to a four, but the river came the to send him home in fourth place.

Mark Dube22,800,0007,800,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (23)
Qing Liu0-6,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (24)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:25 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Dube Doubles Through Liu

Mark Dube limped in the small blind before snapping off for his stack of 7,200,000 after Qing Liu moved all in out of the big blind.

Mark Dube:
Qing Liu:

Dube was ahead but Liu did have two live cards. The board ran out to keep Dube best, handing him a double while leaving Liu as the short stack at the table.

Peter Park15,600,0002,500,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (25)
Mark Dube15,000,0008,700,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (26)
Adria Diaz12,000,000-2,100,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (27)
Qing Liu6,000,000-11,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (28)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (29)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:23 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Level 37 started

Level: 37

Blinds: 400,000/800,000

Ante: 800,000

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:16 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Jungyang Lin Eliminated in 5th Place ($64,828)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (30)

Short-stacked Jungyang Lin dramatically moved all in preflop and Mark Dube made the call, equally as dramatic to put Lin at risk.

Jungyang Lin:
Mark Dube:

The runout of spelled the end for Lin and he was sent to the payout desk in fifth place.

Mark Dube6,300,000550,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (31)
Jungyang Lin0-2,000,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (32)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:04 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Jose Rodriguez Eliminated in 6th Place ($48,899)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (33)

Jose Rodriguez moved all in for 3,750,000 from under the gun only to see Peter Park re-jam one seat over. The remaining players got out of the way to put Rodriguez at risk.

Jose Rodriguez:
Peter Park:

Rodriguez had run right into aces to leave himself needing a lot of help to survive. None came on the runout to send him to the payout desk in 6th place.

Peter Park13,100,0003,200,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (34)
Jose Rodriguez (MI)0-4,650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (35)

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:03 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Level 36 started

Level: 36

Blinds: 300,000/600,000

Ante: 600,000

Friday, June 21, 2024 1:00 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 2 hours ago)

Zhigang Yang Eliminated in 7th Place ($37,264)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (36)

Zhigang Yang moved all in preflop and then Peter Park shoved over the top for more while the rest of the table got out of the way.

Zhigang Yang:
Peter Park:

"Oh Sh*t, Aces!" Yang yelled at his rail, who assured him his lucky hand would still prevail. The runout by the turn did give Yang a flush draw, but the river was the brick to send him to the rail in seventh place.

Peter Park9,900,0004,450,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (37)
Zhigang Yang0-2,650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (38)

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Friday, June 21, 2024 12:45 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 3 hours ago)

Julio Novo Eliminated in 8th Place ($28,693)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (40)

Adria Diaz opened to 800,000 on the button and Jungyang Lin called off for less in the small blind. Julio Novo also called in the big blind to setup action on the side.

Both Novo and Diaz checked through the flop to the turn at which point Novo checked again. Diaz bet 1,300,000 only to see Novo move all in for 4,725,000. That did not seem to sit well with Diaz but, after asking for an exact count, he committed calling chips with the covering stack to put Novo at risk.

Jungyang Lin:
Julio Novo:
Adria Diaz:

Lin had turned a flush to be in the lead for the main pot while Diaz had Novo crushed in the side action heading to the river.

The river bricked off to hand Lin more than a triple up while forcing Novo out in 8th place.

Adria Diaz14,100,0004,650,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (41)
Jungyang Lin2,000,000575,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (42)
Julio Novo0-4,600,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (43)

Friday, June 21, 2024 12:43 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 3 hours ago)

Level 35 started

Level: 35

Blinds: 250,000/500,000

Ante: 500,000

Friday, June 21, 2024 12:36 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 3 hours ago)

Joe Kuether Eliminated in 9th Place ($22,326)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (44)

Jose Rodriguez moved all in preflop from the cutoff and was called by Joe Kuether in the big blind for less.

Joe Kuether:
Jose Rodriguez:

Kuether would need some help to stay alive, but the flop of left him drawing slim, and the runout of sent him to the rail in ninth place.

Jose Rodriguez (MI)4,650,0001,150,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (45)
Joe Kuether0-1,940,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (46)

Friday, June 21, 2024 12:30 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 3 hours ago)

Thomas Moore Eliminated in 10th Place ($17,557)

WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (47)

Qing Liu opened to 800,000 from the cutoff and then called after Thomas Moore moved all in for 1,900,000 out of the big blind.

Thomas Moore:
Qing Liu:

Liu had Moore dominated and continued his red-hot form on the runout to send Moore packing in 10th place.

Qing Liu17,200,0001,700,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (48)
Thomas Moore0-2,100,000 WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (49)

Friday, June 21, 2024 12:04 AM Local Time (about 2 days and 3 hours ago)

Break Time

The remaining 10 players have been sent on a 20-minute break. They will return to blinds of 200,000/400,000 with a 400,000 big blind ante

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WSOP | Tournaments | Event Updates (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.