The Virgin: Revenge (The Virgin, #1) (2024)


2,082 reviews885 followers

March 1, 2015

Shannon hasn’t been able to move on from a sequence of events that took place ten years ago. There is one man that is at the center of these events, Drake Gallagher. She was just seventeen when her crush went further, when he pushed her away. Now, ten years later, Shannon is trying to move forward by revisiting her past.

Okay... so I had a little problem with this story. Shannon. The way Shannon describes herself is like pages full of backhanded complements. I don’t need my heroines to be conceited, but come on, they can at least know that they are attractive. The putting herself down theme, sort of added to the way this character was developed. The start of this story had a lot of moments where the situation was stated over and over again. The fact that the job interview was a group interview was mentioned several times in the course of the same scene. But back to Shannon. I don’t know exactly what took place ten years ago, I am hoping that book two gives one helluva revelation – because if not, Shannon might be the weakest woman in fictional history. She’s clinging to a moment between her and an older guy she met one summer, one failed attempt that has stopped her from moving on for ten years.

There wasn’t really anything about this story that stood out for me. Part of me is torn because I want to know the actual events that led her to make this her life mission, but not sure if I want to actually read it.

The writing was okay so my feelings on this are sort of personal in relation to the lead character just turning me so off that I couldn’t enjoy the story too much.

The Virgin: Revenge (The Virgin, #1) (2)

Christi Lofton

408 reviews

September 9, 2013

Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review. I will admit that when I started this book, I was not really expecting something that I might truly enjoy but I am pleased to say that I really did like this book. In fact, I am really looking forward to the next book in this two book series.

The story centers around Shannon who is seeking some sort of revenge on Drake Gallagher. Drake had broken Shan’s heart years before and took what Shannon felt like was everything in her life away from her. She has spent these years in between basically just living with as little emotion as possible.

Upon going to work for Drake in an effort to exact her revenge, Shannon finds that she really isn’t sure what she is looking for. As time proceeds, she becomes less certain of what her motives are and her emotions try their best to come to the surface. The story shows deep pain and what that pain can make a person do in their life.

The story leaves you wanting more Drake and Shan. You will be intrigued by both of their personalities and the twists and turns of the story. You will definitely want to finish the story with the 2nd book. This story was well written and was more than I expected it to be. The author did a good job and I would give it five stars.


663 reviews154 followers

January 16, 2014

Revenge: The Virgin is one of those books that may not have any huge, glaring flaws but just won't stick with you.

I enjoyed the original idea of a woman seeking revenge for being wronged by a man, in more ways than one, when she was young. I like the idea of a power woman using her sexuality to her advantage and getting said revenge.

The first three quarters of the book somewhat delivered that power woman. She was strong and defiant in the face of her handsome enemy. However, when it came time to getting what she wanted...that strong woman fell apart and I lost a connection with her.

She reverted back to that naive seventeen year old girl with the hurt heart and bruised pride.

Which, in turn, just made this an average read for me. Nothing all together special but not really horribly bad either. Just okay. Just forgettable.

I wish Shannon would have stayed fierce and taken what she wanted from Drake. Knock the co*ckiness out of him, bring him to his knees. Unfortunately, that just didn't happen and I had no feeling that it would in any upcoming title.


2,318 reviews726 followers

December 22, 2013

3.5 Stars.

Shannon and Drake have a past. it's not pretty, and Shannon is looking to avenge the past.

There is only one thing in the way.....She wants Drake, she always has, and revenge is difficult to exact when you have feelings for the recipient.

The start to this series shows promise, a few small editing issues need to be cleaned up. But I am intrigued to see where J. Dallas takes this story, and Drake is definitely worth getting to know a bit better that's for sure!

ARC provided by the author via Netgalley.


323 reviews5 followers

September 24, 2013

*This honest review was done in exchange for an ARC through NetGalley*

I have to say, I was surprised by this little book. It kept me gripped and intrigued from the first page. I wanted to know more and had to know what happened and how Shannon became the way she did. And why oh why was she so scorned!

The Virgin: Revenge (The Virgin, #1) (7)

Can I also say how refreshing it was that our Alpha male is a redhead?! Drake is a shrewd business man who has taken the reigns of his fathers company with his brothers to new levels. 10 years ago Drake first met Shannon, while he was trying to purchase her family's hotel. Shan was instantly drawn to Drake and Drake also found himself drawn to her. Drake is 7 years older than Shannon and when things almost went too far with then 17 year old Shannon, Drake uttered words that would haunt Shannon for 10 years.

Flash forward 10 years and we have Shannon who is obessesed with revenge and making Drake suffer. His words that fateful night have molded her and her life goals. She only strives to make him pay. Shannon finds herself employeed by Drake, replacing his former assistant and she wants anything for him to remember her. Weeks pass and she continues being a structured uptight assistant to Mr. Gallagher until one night when he crosses the line..... The book ends with a cliffhanger and I found myself searching the authors's site for the next book (Redemption). That is a clear indicator of how much a like a book, when I find myself hunting down the next one!

I loved the style of writing and found myself swooning over the dark and evil Mr. Gallagher but I couldn't help but feel so sorry for Shan as her whole life has been guided by those words he uttered that fateful night. I think when Shannon got what she thought she wanted, that she may have realized that maybe she is really lost but only the next book will be able to tell that. Love to have some more of Drake...

The Virgin: Revenge (The Virgin, #1) (8)

The Virgin: Revenge (The Virgin, #1) (9)



1,230 reviews18 followers

September 29, 2013

WOW !! This book is a smart and sexy read!

OK , first off, this is a sort of Novella in a series. Be prepared to be sucked into the story quickly and then scream a little when it just kinds ends. There will be a book 2 so no worries there. I am not a big fan of cliffhanger books but this book was just too terrific to care about all that. It is a great story and holds you captive right until the end. You do not get the whole story of Drake and Shannon but you get enough pieces to understand where Shannon is coming from.

At times, my heart was breaking for Shannon. She had already lost so much and was just so numb. I should warn you, Drake kind of remains a bit of a mystery in this book. I think we will get more of his story in book 2.

Yes, there is some great sexy scenes in the book. They are done so well that you get all hot and tingly right along with Shannon!

This is great quick read that will pull you in and leave you dying to get more of the story in book 2. Was book one good? Hell Yes! Will I read book 2? Yes! I cannot wait! I would like book two now.

Angela Bee Bee

716 reviews135 followers

October 7, 2013

I enjoyed this beginning to their story, I liked the tension of seeing him after so long. I liked their chemistry and the sex scenes were good. There were some continuity problems. She thought he wouldn't remember her name? The book is titled revenge, yet she immediately gives up on her plans, not knowing why she's there. "Maybe I should have thought this through a little better." Yes, maybe you should.

Minus one star for typos.
The grammar errors need to be fixed before this goes out for sale. I personally feel it's unethical to offer a book for sale without proper editing. The reader purchases with the expectation of a readable story, and feels duped when they find no one has looked closely at the text.

I'm happy to do the editing for you, $100 and you'll have a readable legit copy.

"It was far simpler than way."


Johanna Sawyer

3,463 reviews39 followers

September 5, 2013

This was received for free in exchange for a review. I'm not a fan of cliffhanger endings and that is the reason for low scoring. This girl Shan waits ten years to enact revenge on Drake and the story so far does not reveal the whole plot. I wasn't pleased how she gave her virginity up so quickly and then resigns from her job. What....mission accomplished.. I know it's supposed to make you want to keep reading but for me it's a cluster f*ck waiting to happen. I've been told before I don't appreciate real drama and this could be true. Would I recommend.... No.. Clusterf*ck remember. Would I read more. Nope, my time is spent giving others a chance to wow me.


2,435 reviews416 followers

September 15, 2013

At 74 pages, I would consider this more of a novella than a novel. It was a quick, easy read. I understand this is part of a series and I have to say I'm absolutely interested in the following book(s). I've seen several reviews that say this is basically a rip-off of 50 Shades, but I didn't really see that many similarities. There's no S&M in this book. Drake is a sexy, powerful alpha male, but so are a lot of men in books of this genre. I will say that though this is a short novella, it had some serious steam. It also has one hell of a cliffhanger, so consider yourself warned.

Shannon Crosby is looking for revenge and Drake Gallagher is her target. When she was 17 and he was 24, they had a bit of a fling. She fell for him and offered herself to him, but he turned her down because she was a young and naive virgin. He broke her. She has come to blame him for the failure of her relationships since him. Drake was sexy. Dominant. He was a powerful man and he knows what he wants. He oozes sex appeal. He wasn't a complete ass. He made some sweet gestures throughout this novel.

In an effort to get her revenge, Shannon applies for a job as Drake's assistant. Her plan is to make him want her. I keep getting hung up on this though. Sure, it's been 10 years, but it's not as though they just had a one night stand. He knew her, he knew her family. Did she not think he would recognize her name on the application? That part of the story bothered me. Though, honestly, I think what she really wanted more than revenge was for him to recognize her, tell her he was wrong, and admit that he wants her. She begins to work for him and the chemistry between them is palpable. The attraction they share is intense.

I needed the story to be flushed out a little more fully though. I needed to know more about Shannon's father's murder. It was mentioned, but then dropped. The connection between Drake and her father and a business deal in the past also needed to be cleared up. Hopefully there will be more flushing out of the story lines in the following book(s).

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

    arc netgalley reviewed

Kumiko Lei ~Lost In A Book~

222 reviews19 followers

September 22, 2013

Also reviewed at Lost In A Book

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Well, first things first, this is short, but for being so short it did pack a punch.

I liked it. A lot.
I'm not quite sure how to explain it. I think there is something about the utter heartbreak and devastation that Shannon went through that just pulls at me. It isn't gone into very deeply, but you can tell its there and you can tell it cuts her deep. And then I can feel her desperation when she is around Drake. That there in itself is something, this book made me feel what the character was feeling and that is not always easy to do.

Drake, oh boy, Drake. My mind is just spinning, wondering about him and what has happened to him over the past ten years. I really need to know what is going through his mind. I must know. He can't be so clueless as to not know how he left her all those years ago but he acts as if she owes him some sort of explanation. It's odd really.

Yes, this is short and it does have a cliffhanger of sorts. It did leave me hanging, but not floundering and not without some measure of resolution to tide me over.

Do I want to read the next one? Absolutely, the sooner the better.

    2013 netgalley


1,490 reviews33 followers

September 9, 2013

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in place of an honest review.

Shannon is a woman on a mission, one that has taken ten years but she is finally getting the closure that she wanted. When she fell in love with Drake Gallagher at seventeen and had him take everything away from her all in one day. She now has bad dreams and can't sleep. When she hears that Drake his hiring an assistant she goes and applies for the job.

In this book you never know what Drake is thinking. You think that maybe he doesn't think anything but he is a strong man that keeps his feelings to himself. He knows who Shannon is, the thing he doesn't know is why did she want to work for him?

In this book there are many things that are left unsaid and you are still wanting answers at the end. I will be going completely crazy until the next book comes out. This is the kind of books that I just love to read. They are hot and get your juices flowing but you are still left with questions at the ending. I can't wait for the next book.

Boxy Frown

764 reviews16 followers

October 29, 2013

10 years ago, Shannon was naive 17-year-old Shan, and had a great summer romance with 7 years older Drake. Their fathers were in business together, and subsequently, the couple spent a lot of time together at the beach. Just when it looked like they were going to go all the way, Drake broke Shan's heart with one cold statement, and walked away. A few short days later, her father was murdered in front of her, and between those two events, she turned into a harder woman - and a woman who never found the opportunity to go all the way.

10 years later, Shannon wants to get her life back, and thinks exacting revenge on the man who broke her heart is the way to go about it. She wants to make him want her the way she still wants him. An CEO in his father's company, he is powerful and in the market for a new administrative assistant. When the opportunity arises to interview as his assistant, Shannon sets out for the job and gets it. What happens next is a page-turner.

For the full review go to Miss Boxy Frown!

    erotica http-missboxyfrown-blogspot-com netgalley


1,324 reviews531 followers

December 19, 2015

*ARC received through Netgalley*

"Revenge" is a novella about a girl, Shannon who is living in the past. Ten years ago she was full of joy and happy but she was also a little naive and she learnt the hard way that sometimes life isn't fair. She was left heartbroken, and lose everything she loved at the time (explanations about it are given more and more but we don't know everything about it yet). She also lost her father two months after that summer and it didn't help her nightmares.

When I started reading the e-book, I was a little confused by the extract given before the first chapter. I thought it was useless and made the book a little disorganised. I liked better the ending of the book than the beginning and I could feel the characters in some of the scenes (you know the ones ;)). While I enjoyed "Revenge" I didn't loved it, but I am looking forward to the next instalment.

Amy H

561 reviews23 followers

September 18, 2013

I got this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review!!


Ok, this is more of a novella. it was a very quick read, and also enjoyable. this is every girls worst nightmare.

Shannon was 17 years old when she met him. Drake was the one. She liked him, and he was doing businesses for her family. She was flirting with him, and he flirted right back. Everything was going good. That was until he told her her doesn't do virgins. He left her heartbroken, embarrassed, wanting more, and revenge.

now, 10 years later she was going to have her revenge. She now had an interview at his office for his own company. would he remember? she was going to make sure he felt what she felt all those years ago...

that was until she realized he knows who she is and he still wants her.. can she go thru it?


Colee Porter

1,127 reviews26 followers

November 14, 2013

I have just been introduced to Drake Gallagher, and oh my is he fascinating. The story opens with a young woman by the name of Shannon going to a job interview. And this young woman is very controlled and organize and I would say that this works towards the basis of the story.

If you are interested in a story similar to The Boss and the writing style of E.L. James you are in luck. This book touches on office fantasy romance and naive virginal girls.

Drake is an ass but oh so Yummy.

I was given this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

    2013-goal arc bosses-and-employee-love

Peta Benjamin

738 reviews22 followers

October 2, 2013

What a little gem of a book this is. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. I absolutely loved it. Very fitting title. Have had it on my TBR list and decided it was time to read. What a surprise I got as I got further into it. This was a short read/novella and I wish it was a full novel as I was just really getting sucked into it and it finished. Revenge, Shannon has spent the last ten years thinking of how to get it and when the time came ??? Was it bittersweet? Was it all she thought it would be? Drake, the gorgeous man who ten years ago stole her heart and subsequently her life for the next ten years. When she came face to face with him, would he know who she was and would he know how bitter she was and how far she would go to get her revenge? Looking forward to more.


225 reviews7 followers

November 6, 2013

This book was a great read. Shannon was seventeen when she meet Drake and fell in love with him. Shan want him to take her virginity and when Drake said I don't f*ck naive little virgins, Shan. It crushed her whole word. Ten years later Shan wants her revenge on Drake, she interviews to be his assistant. Shan gets the job wondering if he even remembers her or not. After a couple of weeks working together, he sees her home and one thing lead to another and Drake didn't relies that Shan was still a virgin until after. Shan got what she wanted from him and resigned from her job while Drake was away on family business. Book 2 should be interesting, since he come looking for her after she resigned.


1,302 reviews2 followers

October 13, 2013

Shannon is a young woman looking for revenge. She wants revenge on a man who is 7 years her senior. He basically leaves her after refusing to have sex with her. This leads to a series of unfortunate events that ruins her life. She wants her revenge. She wants her life back.

This writer has talent. I enjoyed her style of writing. I just didn't enjoy this story. I felt the premise of the story was unrealistic and rushed. I didn't really care for the characters. And of course it ends on a cliffhanger. Except can it be a cliffhanger if you don't care what happens to the characters.

***ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review***


Ismailiah Williams-akueteh

7 reviews4 followers

October 10, 2013

Pet peeve: This was a novella. So as much as I was enjoying the story of Shannon and Drake, it was incredibly abrupt the way the story cuts off mid-action. (rant over). I was intrigued by the way a choice made years ago can impact the way our relationships as we age. Dismissed at 17, Shannon finds herself haunted by Drake's rejection. Her romantic life since their encounter in their teens has been stilted. And when given a chance to work as Drake's assistant 10 years in the future, she jumps at it and sparks begin to fly. Just as the romance is getting ready to burn a hole through my Kindle . . . the story cuts off. I can't wait for the rest of the story to see how there story ends.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Ashley Schoen

402 reviews29 followers

September 6, 2013

Shannon has had many heartbreaks in her life. The night her life took a turn for the worse was the night Drake Gallagher rejected her. Shannon's heart shattered that night and she hasn't been the same since. That was ten years Shannon is hell bent on Revenge.

I found The Virgin: Revenge refreshing and cannot wait till the next book comes out. I hope Shannon is able to climb that wall she built ten years ago! The story was well thought out and the characters were believable. The only problem I found were a few editing problems.

    all-the-drama hard-core-lovin life-changing-meet-cute

Deelylah Mullin

Author29 books11 followers

September 9, 2013

I really like the idea of guy-meets-girl, guy-breaks-girl's-heart, girl-seeks-revenge. A. Lot. I read romance to catch that moment when someone's heart stops beating for a breathless second when eyes lock. That thrill of adventure during the conquest stage. The way the conflict happens, and mostly how it resolves. This lil novella's got it all!

Speaking of resolving, the main conflict resolves, but the secondary conflict... notsomuch. Which leads me to believe that there's a second book to come! Yay!

    2013-books-read my-darlings

Formerly Known as Spoiler W

1,417 reviews344 followers

January 2, 2014

In this short story we are introduced to a woman(Shannon) wanting revenge on a man(Drake). In order to do this, she must get close to him, again. Her revenge is seven years in the making. She's lost a lot. Her innocence, trust, family and she blames this on Drake. We don't get the full story on their past, just little glimpses. The characters are likeable and I like how they reconnected even after the time being apart. The story wasn't bad but I needed way more to connect with it. Will I be reading the next one? Of course! I want to see how everything will play out.


870 reviews29 followers

September 9, 2013

This review can also be found at

Really, really short story. Maybe 70 pages. A total knockoff of FSoG without the BDSM craziness. Plus, it ends in a cliffhanger, supposedly making you want to read more. Since the main story of the book is revenge and MC drops that mission like its hot, the rest of the book became kind of pointless, and therefore I will not be continuing the story.

*ARC received for honest review.*


3,697 reviews8 followers

October 31, 2013

Be aware, this is not your typical steaming romance novel, rather this is a tale of obsession that has lasted ten years, brought pain and heartbreak to the principals involved. Finally, there is the confrontational scene between Drake and Shannon where she gets her revenge and her man. But the obsession is not done with them yet. The reader is left hanging on what the final resolution will be. Enjoyably written, great job.

    adult-fiction romance


365 reviews42 followers

March 13, 2017

The characters did not appeal to me. It felt fake and forced.
The writing and editing need major work.

    1-star arcs netgalley-arcs

FV Angela

1,368 reviews127 followers

November 22, 2013

Review originally posted at

Shannon is out for revenge against Drake Gallagher. At seventeen she fell in love and spent a lovely summer with what she thought was a lonely man, until he ends their budding relationship cruelly. The series of events that follow have stuck with her so completely that she is unable to trust anyone and won’t settle down in any place that might feel like home. She can’t sleep for the nightmares and hasn’t been able to form an intimate relationship in the last ten years. Maybe if she gets her revenge she can finally put her past behind her and forget about him. Her chance comes when she finds out he is looking to hire a new assistant. So she goes to the interview, and gets hired. It’s obvious he doesn’t remember who she is. Or does he?

There were things I liked about this story and things that bothered me. The overall premise and plot is a good one and also the main reason I accepted for review. A good revenge story is hard to find, and the blurb is intriguing.

Blurb from Goodreads:

I was seventeen when I met Drake Gallagher. Seventeen, naïve, foolish…and in love. Or so I thought. That summer, and the months that followed, set the course of my life.

Ten years later, I’m still struggling to put the pieces of me back to together.

It’s time to stop struggling. It’s time to take control…and maybe, it’s time for a little revenge.

He doesn’t have time for naïve little virgins?

Well, I’m not naïve anymore.

Shannon (or Shan) comes across at first as an angry, hurt woman who needs to find some closure with the man who hurt her badly as a teenager. She’s standoffish, but not mean, distant to Drake, but not a rude person to others around her. That I liked. When the story opens she is interviewing for a job at Drake’s company and as determined as she is to get the position, I had the impression that what she really wanted to know is if he would remember her. Their first meeting sets the pace for the rest of this short story. I found myself intrigued over whether he was playing with her or not, and if he was, what her reaction would be.

This had the feel of a typical billionaire romance. Drake was the rich, playboy who needed to be in control and Shan was the naïve virgin who he becomes infatuated with. The only thing missing was the bdsm elements. Despite all that, despite realizing when I opened to read that this was a very short story, therefore would most definitely end in a cliffhanger (which I despise), I was drawn into the pages and found myself very interested in their story. I didn’t really fall in love with or dislike either character, even though Drake is supposed to be the bad guy. He did lead a seventeen year old girl on when he was a twenty-four year old man, and that I did find icky, but I decided that just had to figure into her revenge and the overall plot. I was ready for great things to play out, Shan to make Drake beg for forgiveness, the two of them to circle around each other and sparks to fly, and then there was table sex, then office sex, but then all of a sudden…. to be continued.

It’s my own fault really. I didn’t pay attention to the word count or how many pages were listed on Goodreads. Overall I did enjoy this story, and I will be reading the next installment, but the serial format doesn’t appeal to me and I’m not a fan at all of cliffhangers. Also, when there is a cliffhanger I want to be able to go somewhere to find out the tentative release date of the next book. Even if it’s just a “we think it might be in the winter” or something. Shan and Drake’s story will continue in Redemption. Not sure when it will be released, but let’s hope it’s soon. Final Grade- C

Favorite Quote:

He’d once made me feel like I was everything.

Then he cut me down to nothing.

    contemporary read-in-2013 reviewed-for-fiction-vixen


199 reviews

November 13, 2013

I received this book through the GoodReads giveaway and was asked to provide an honest review.

If you're looking for a fast read with an average story line, this book is great. I finished the whole thing in less than two hours. There are some steamy scenes, enough to make you think about putting the book down and finding your own Drake/Shan for a quickie but nothing that makes you want to rip off the clothes of the next passing sexual partner you may encounter.

If you're looking for a story with an in-depth character development and a story that keeps you turning the pages, I recommend trying something else.

As has been commented in other reviews, this reads very similar to 50 Shades of Gray...only shorter. Much shorter. In fact, it feels a bit like the introduction to a book rather than a whole book in and of itself. Great for an eRead, if you're looking for something fast you can read on the go. There are really only two characters to keep track of, so if you can't finish it in one sitting, it's easy enough to jump right back in.

My biggest complaint through the story was the overuse of the "unexplained mystery" as a plot device to keep the book moving. What did Drake do to ruin Shan's life?

The answer...cannot be found in this book. The question is raised approximately every fifth page. But the answer...?

Apparently, you need to wait for Redemption to get a better understanding of the characters' backgrounds. And maybe that's just me. I do like to reach a climax in my books where things are clearly laid out for me. I left the book with a general understanding of Shan's motivations, though it was mainly through the teaser for Redemption. As for Drake, he is very one-dimensional. A sexy, rich, red-headed businessman. That's really all there is to him.

Additionally, and I don't know if this is because I was reading an ARC or not, but there were a number of typos that threw me out of the book and into editor mode. But again, that may just be me, since I've worked as an editor before and those things leap off the page in a glaring "FIX ME NOW" neon sign when I read. I find errors to interrupt the flow of my book and draw me out of the world I've created when I'm reading. For me, it's like breaking the fourth wall - but not in a clever, desirable way.

In sum, a good, quick, easy read with some mildly interesting sex scenes and an average storyline.


Sweet and Spicy Books

175 reviews

September 17, 2013

This was a fast read for me, maybe more toward a novella, but it was a fun read, that you get wrapped up in.
You meet Shannon on her way to a job interview. She doesn't really care about the job per say, she want to look into the eyes of the man that changed her life for the worse at the age of seventeen.
Ten years ago Shan fell for a boy seven years older then her, they spent the summer together and she thought she loved him. Only one night after fooling around a bit he informs her,
"I don't f*ck naïve little virgins, Shan."
Left reject and humiliated, she then learned that her home life was forever changed. That summer changed Shannon, she shut down emotionally, grew distant and lost interest. She tried a series of boyfriends only to find that she to would lose interest with the kinds of boys she attracted.
So Shannon wants to see Drake, see if he remembers her, if he still lusts after her. She wants revenge.
'I'd settle for seeing the want in his eyes. I'd like to make him burn for me. Long for me. Ache for me. I'd like to make myself an addiction in his blood, like he's been in mine for all this time.'
She soon realizes that he is an addiction to her. That as much as she try's not to be interested in him, she is.
'That was when I began to understand the truth about the wall inside me. until I had him out of my system that I'd have a real chance with somebody else.'
So, Shannon comes up with a new plan, sleep with Drake. Once she can get over the feelings she has been harboring for the past ten years, she believes that it will be purged and she can move on to have a normal relationship.
But she is under the assumption that Drake doesn't remember her. What happens when he does? Will he fall for her like she hopes? Or will her emotions spiral first? She lives her life not becoming attached to anything, but will she become attached to Drake again?
This book did leave off on a cliffhanger with a sneak peak of book two coming soon.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Jeannie Zelos

2,824 reviews55 followers

November 4, 2013

The Virgin (Book 1). Revenge. J. Dallas
Arc supplied by Netgalley.

I like romance with an edge to it so thought I’d like this. Well, I did - and then I didn't... Its a curious book, well written but I felt I was detached from the story. There's so much unsaid, references to the background issues between Drake and Shannon, but no real detail. Clearly Shannon is out for revenge, but apart from his rejection of her for being a virgin there's more, but we don't get to see it in this book. I warmed to Shannon a bit as the book went on, she clearly wasn't the cold, solitary person she presented herself as, which we could see by her helping another interviewee, and by her closeness to Drake's assistant (Mia?) whose place she was taking when she left on maternity leave. Drake though – we only see parts of him, have no insights into what he's thinking and the man remains an enigma – he seems almost kind at times, trying to help Shannon to find accommodation, turning up to help her unpack and then at others he's a burke, turning up early on her first day etc. Its clear there's more to him that meets our eyes.
And then... the book ends! Very abruptly and I was left wanting more. This book felt unfinished. It wasn't even the cliffhanger ending I so love to hate, – (my real big no no in novels is cliffhangers) as with those at least you feel you've learned something about characters and events through the course of the book, but here it just felt like the author had stopped writing/typing for the day and that was all. The book ended. Very disappointing, and the reason for my low star rating. I think it reads more like a serial, than a two or three part book, and I just don't get anything from those. If it had been a complete story I would definitely have gone four stars, maybe four and half even but as it is I just feel discontented, as if I’ve wasted my time on an unfinished book. I want to read the next part as there's so much potential here but as it is I'm unhappy :(
Stars: two and a half.


478 reviews42 followers

October 30, 2013

There are stories that can be as little as 10000 words long, and still make a difference. This one wasn’t one of them.

When I first read the plot, I was captivated. “Revenge is a dish best served cold,” they say. I’m not sure how I feel about that statement, but I know that revenge is fun to read about, especially coupled with romance and good humor. Therefore, I came in to this book with really high expectations. Unfortunately none of them were met.

First off. Why is this so short? I finished it, and seriously went back to check and make sure I hadn’t gotten a bad copy. Had it been longer, maybe I could’ve grown to give it at least 2 stars…

Forget Short, There was No story what so ever. All I got is an angry girl wanting to get back at the guy that ruined her life over 10 years ago with no personality, and a millionaire who is captivated by her for no reason we know of, with even less personality. Less because he wasn’t the one telling the story, so we know nothing about him other than he is a workaholic, who likes sex, doesn’t commit, and is rich. Let’s not forget how incredibly short this book is, and since most of it was sex scenes, well…

Does this sound familiar to anyone? It sure does to me. You know that smash hit, best celling trilogy that has caused incredible controversy in the last couple of years? Yes, Folks. Its 50 Shades of Gray I’m talking about.
Whatever I may or may not think of the gray books, they sold, and sold well. I just don’t understand why the need to copy the tropes? Why not find a unique trope and set of characters that we can relate to and even grow to love as a classic love story? Or as a voice teacher once told me, “If you’re going to copy the tropes, do them with conviction, otherwise people will know they’re fake.”

Trust me. In 20 years no one will remember even 50 Shades, but they will remember Gone with the wind! Doesn’t that mean anything anymore?

The Virgin: Revenge (The Virgin, #1) (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.