The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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A A 3 THlt SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES WANTS WANTS WANTS SJ MJ Help Wanletf Help Wanted Women ALL KINDS ADVERTISING HERE I ALL RIGHT i SUNDAY DINNER 4 Illg i October 1911 i 4 II lb I CHARLES LYNCH WANTED i START EACH rs OR WRITE TRY IT OR YOUR LINES 12 fcr TO LET TO LET Let Koo ms Situations Men 4 'To Miscellaneous 1 WANTED Laundry work to take homeV 233 Quincy HORSES AND VEHICLES HIGHCOURT APARTMENT BIG SPECIAL SALE! Mi: 202 HIGH STREET BuslnfM Rooms fo Let 50 HORSES Very Desirable Stores in Our New $7 J2 rnO LET Best furnished chambers In city 1)6 Elliott st? BUILDING RANK DUNLAP 74 Main St Phone 490 MOSES A IOWER 7 room modern tenement 57 Mont rose st Inquire next door TEL all HORSES HORSES TYPEWRITERS I Dwellings to Let APARTMENTS DELMAR 2 Rooms Let CHANCES OR BUSINESS RANK DUNLAP O'QQ CHESTNUT ST 5 it nd 6 roum flats CO Inquire Dll II HARVEY on preui Hampden Bldg 274 MAIN ST Agents Wanted JAR WOOD modern 6 210 HIGH STREET TO LET rooms Secretary Kr Help Wanted Women Wanted 3tlceHnieoui MERCHANDISE ALL KINDS Wagons 385 Liberty St AUCTION SALES I OR SALE 15 WALL BOARD st Sts Box ILL Old Orchard Beach Me IS i I Mill at Hampden Indlow Mass 4 4 4 4 4 ABSOLUTELY IREPROO RAILROAD CONNECTION! LYNCH ACT: ROOM steam heated apartment Norwood and Pecowsic aw Tel the largest warehouse concern in Western England because we and per for 2nd floor 2 fnmily modern inquire tlrst DUTTON LUMBER CO 27 BESSE PLACE eeding All win now WEDNESDAY NOV 1 floor in heart of business 854 'v i Storage orwarding Distribution urniture Pianos Automobiles Warehouse 270 274 Liberty AUNDRY work' by hour by woman with references 522 Worthington st bell 8 RMSIIED room one or two gentlemen modern conveniences breakfast optional I DO J5KAI MOXT JVV house i roe: floor ver tenement 15 Winthrop BROADHURST 702 Mais 3 and 4 large rooms and closets heated: central quiet healthful location just oft State and Walnut cars See MR THAYER IDS High St ritO LET 4 rooin lower tenement suitable for two 41 Greene st VVTOULD like work by the day VV GRACE HAWKINS 18 Peabody lane TERY desirable rooms Will give meals 'rotoL'a limited number after Nov 1 43 Edwards st lower tenement orest Park Dis alt modern: $25 per month lu BUCKLER 356 Belmont are ROOM flat 3d floor modern conveniences: 1 private piazza Apply 27 High st 4 anti 5 Rooms modern quiet on high ground Inquire 19S HIGH TANDY concession wanted in department store anvwhere in New England WriteS MATCHETT Hartford Ct RECTORS wanted first class men tc semble pumps Apply la person DEANE' STEAM PUMP CO Holyoke SHERIDAN 4599 Nurserymen Manchester Conn rent 6 rooms modern: hot water adults 41 Grosvenor st OMS with board MRS PHILBRICK 133 lorida st Office 69 Lyman St ARGE ntesf Storage Rooms horses arc broken single bought them straight from i a horse SO I A SHECKLER 10 and 12 RANKLIN ST TUBBS has opened ur Par 389 Maili st Room 367 and rooni flats all outside Chestnut st Inquire DR 1st Hour or MOSES EHIl 310 Main st We are doing business of any or Central New have the best Situations Women BE sure to attend the private sale of household goods before Tuesday night nt 192 Pine st Must be sold by Wednes day noon at latest Good bargains for care ful buyers A BUCKLER ii 356 Belmont Ave? fiats new all modern $16 Sumner live and Bryant Tel 3062 4 AND RESTAURANT 365 Main St OVER 3 STORES mAKEX for debt an upright piano Burl JL walnut ease Will sell for $90 cash A A GRIITH 432 Main Room 7 SALE Antique bedstead secretary and rocking chair ELMER 19 Orleans st Small salary required or Upper 5 rooms $13 adults LO Inquire 198 High st STATE 2d and 3d floors 5 and XXtrr 6 rooms modern Inquire 123 West minster st Tel 214S 4 upper tenement 6 rooms $14 ing car WARE 168 Bridge st ANTED Dressmaking or plain sewing by the day Telephone Telephone 3388 rpiIE 86 Woodside terrace rooui apartment steam beat and hot water ft ROOMS half bouse modern conveniences MRS I'OMEROY 108 Carew st TK ENSE COME OR TERMS TICELY furnished rooms Ji '42 Maple st walking of center 27 fdadison ave ROOM suite modern arranged for house 1 keeplug S3 Pearl st Tel 2997 15 Stenographers get out of the rut New practical copyright book tells how Circular free UNIVERSAL Box 114 Chico pee alls a IO ine auto salesroom in the auto building 531 Worthington st In quire GEORGE SMITH CO 531 Worthing ton st BOATS for sale 6l6 Riverdale st West Springfield Tel 3939 12 age or stable or 1OO Mill street Experienced and Competent Bookkeepers and Stenographers RECOMMENDED BY THE SPRINGIELD BUSINESS SCHOOL If you have a position you wish filled If you want a good position telephone 01 or call at THE SPRINGIELD BUSINESS SCHOOL Belmont ave tenement 7 rooms Box 1243 or Tel 3072 1 At once two plumber snd tw steamfitters 11 HAYES Lee ANTED 28 men to qualify for good driving aud repair positions in the early nave more than men placed AGENTS $2 article for homes compact and light sells on sight 100 profit exclusive territory to capable salesmen SHERWOOD'S 50 Maiden Lane New i'ork HITOWERS NEW APARTMENTS Pair of gray geldings 5 years old weight 3100: absolute sound and right PITCHER Suffield Ct 'Phone kNY kind of work 25 cents hour Chairsaued Postal QTTLEY 30 Maple st WANTED COMPETENT tvUULEN WEAVERS WOOLEN AND WORSTED SPINNERS Al PLY GERMANIA MILLS HOLYOKE MASS SA NEW aud Second hand 21 ljO open Saturday evenings All kinds of kevs Safes opened and repaired Tel 2673 A GIORD 26 ort st rpHE LINNLL 106 Chestnut st npart meat of 8 rooms: none better in the eily now ready to occupy Inquire A BURT PATTERSON SHORTHAND SCHOOL164 Main St corState A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE TO LET at 777 STATE STREET corner of IJawlcy stieet Thirteen looms and bath irst floor finished in quartered oak with oak floors On second floor there are five rooms and large bathroom with running Lot aud cold water in rooms On the third floor there are three rooms with water aud large billiard room Plenty of closet room Large laundry space in basem*nt or further in formation apply at office of A GOET T1NG 269 Bridge street Suite 71 72 Journal ort Hill 3475 Call REMODELED by experienced koi' 112 Spring st Tel 5877 TENEMENTS Inquire VOUXG man wants board with private family where there are other young peo ple Meals only preferred Address WALTERS Republican Office CT SUEAN Agent for Brunswick Balke Co BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Standard of the world Liberal terms if de sired Repairing a specialty Tel BY superintendent of institution for chil dren young woman as compan ion by educated English steamship stew ardess as traveling companion tor the South or West by Smith College matron a Mount Holyoke College assistant matron 2 stenographers an office assistant 3 sales ladies an expert timekeeper 2 cashiers CRAYL EXCHANGE OR WORK 374 Main Tel 5475 TO Desirable store on ground floor with cellar Harrison avenue Inquire Room 529 Court Square Theater Bldg 1710UR good business horses young fat and clean two broken to ride II HEMINWAY Suffield Ct Tel 28 12 ROOM apartment 16p Cedar st ever? modern comfort: $20 MR MEECHAM SELLS like hot cakes big profits new laundry starch perfumes clothes with lasting violet perfume Nothing like it on the market Easy to handle Exclusive ter ritory given Manufacturers 13 Water st New York BETWEEN 'now and ebruary 1st we will place about 5 young women between the ages of IS and 25 in responsible business po sitions paying above average salaries Good knowledge of simple mathematics required If you are to call for test and complete in formation address ELT TARRANT MG 1'0 318 Main st Springfield hand folders MORGAN CO DIV Harrison avenue OR RENT Very desirable ront Store on ground district TO borrow $2500 on 1st mortgage: 2 teue ment liou se Room 215 16S Bridge st fireman on Scotch 1111 duys a week MORGAN ritO Nlee residence 10 rooms best lo cation in iltv for renting rooms In quire BLANCHARD 36 Arch st Grammar and primary good salaries AMERICAN TEACHERS' AGENCY Besse Bldg City Draft Drivers or Speed for sale or exchange Largest stock In tills Vicinity ROST 87 Water st years ago to day the first steam watch clock jewelry repairing DOWNS CO 138 State Tel 6078 $211 $25 $15 $17 $18 $2250 $25 $18 $15 Tel 4348 tenement 8 st house off Maple MAIN lat five rooms $16 Inquire 14 Howard st 2d floor 1 ARGE pleasant well heated and lighted rooui modern conveniences use of 'Phone 100 Mill street outfit Horses Harness Wagon anil Sleds suitable for heavv team work II HEMENWAY Suffield Ct Tel V'iTANTED Lady agent to handle our ex elusive article as side line we help find customers pay good wages UNIVER SAL MG CO Coal Exchange Bldg Scran ton 241 Very pleasant rooms nicely furnished single or en suite for men only AU modern and up date Heat hot and cold water elec tric lights and telephone In all rooms Ele vator 1'ark entrance YOUNG Mgr 4 NY of work have worked in ma Yx chine shops low price 8 29 Ke 1 ubllcau Office ARGE sunny furnished room with board 1J 70 Temple st Man arouml 50 to look after our imstuess in unoccupied territory Special indtteemenf: permanent BURR ic CO Nurserymen Miincbesrer Conn A SUNNY steam heated room $2X 73 Spring st OR SALE AT WHOLESALE HYGIENIC ICE HAVE Mansfield repair your watch Clean ing $1 rnalu spring $1 Yes we repair clocks too MANSIELD Jeweler 2W Worthington st successor to Coe Co WANTED Place to do housework In small family by experienced girl Address 194 Hanco*ck st city XXTANTED To interest a man over 30 good tropositton HEATH CO Position by competent girl for VV second or nurse work 94 Oak st GOODALE DODGE PRACTICAL AUTOMOBILE I NSTRVCTi IRS 90 SUOLK ST HOLYOKE MASS BEAUTIUL blue diamond 1 16 carat Price is low RED LADD Diamond Merchant and Jeweler 432 Main St PARK CHAMBERS WORTHINGTON ST cor Stearns Park ALL CAREULLY CLASSIIED AND IN GOOD CLEAN COMPANY wav vessel ert ulton" was launched MEAT cutter wants a position compe tent to take charge of a store Ad CUTTEK Republican Office VWAITRESSES for second sailing January17th Write Middle aged woman for generalV housework SPAIGHT 19 Winthrop BY middle aged American woman as housekeeper: accustomed tx caring for elderly people 25 Repub Office 3 4 and room apartments inest equipped in city The Alhambra 2 85 Central st Tel DR JAMES SHEEHAN 3712 AT ACTORY West Springfield RAMAP0GUE ICE CO Linotype instruction at Lino type School 8 Dlx place Boston Mass four machine plant 8 hours each day 5 on running machines 3 on mechanism liberal course tboroughlnstruetiou booklet a THE PALMARY 158 Walnut Modern steam heated 3 4 and 5 room apart ments very reasonable See Janitor or BARTHOLOMEW 'Phone 5674 ypHREE slate and tile roofers union men only Address or apply POST WICK 10 Hoadley Place Hartford Conn A competent second girl refer VV enecs required Crescent road Long meadow Tel 2727 HORSES AND VEHICLES Automobiles: AUTO ACCESSORIES AUCTIONS REAL ESTATE HOUSES AND ROOMS SCHOOLS AND TEACHING HOTELS TOOLS AND MACHINERY 1 A MAGAZINE Lower tenement X4J adults only Inquire upstairs rOR SALE Soda double Ital Xinn marble Idrn onyx trim solid ma hogany counter Will Hell cheap GEORGE O'CONNOR DRUG co Holyoke I70R RENT urnished largo front room also side room Call evenings or Sun day 64 Avon place tip one flight PHYSICIAN'S office and residence No 6 Chestnut st No better location in this1 city Occupied by physician for nearly SO years New and modern plumbing Will decorate to suit tenant i DICKINSON 190 State I TUNE half house field within Apply to day HORSES OR 1 pair grays 2U0O' fat sound good workers 1 gray horse 1400 7 years old sound good worker 1 chestnut 9 years fat 1301 good worker sound 1 chestnut mare 1100 7 years old sound good driver Several other workers ami drivers Livery to let LEE GUER TIN 25 Stockbridge st Tel 3 882 1 STATe'" I STORAGE WAREHOUSE I COMPANY I POSITION by stenographer good refer ences 144 On Main Street Just North of the Arch 4 ROOM apartment 166 Cedar st: every modern eonifort $20 MR MEECHAM jvj BROAD Groom lower tenement: modern Inquire SLATTERY 65 Elliott st Tel 1710 SALE Bar fixtures TOOMEY COPY co corner Main and Congress sis rHRAINED and practical nurses furnished promptly for short or resident positions anywhere by CJtAYL EXCHANGE 374 Main Tel 5475 THE HARVARD AND OXORD APART MENTS cor State and Myrtle sts 5 6 and 7 rooms Inq Janitor 20 Myrtle ter rm or Tel 5826 i ONE second story room 50x60 light lirf1 four sides One first floor room 25xBV Apply at HAMPDEN BRASS CO foot of Heywood and Warwick afreets Drug cierk must be a good nll around man with criptIon experi ence references reqnireu Write to PRE SCRIPT ON Republican Office SHJ NGKJ ELD UN DAY REPUBLICAN OCTOBER 29 1911 1011 SALE Steam Inuudry In Connecticut city no competition splendid opportuni ty shiiill capital require'! Repub lican Office ew middle aged gentlemen VV with good references to corer Spring field Chicopee Mittlneague Longmeadow Southwick Granville Agawam 1 fills Brightwood and er's job $275 per day Commence GLEN PKfiTIIERS Rochester quire A Tel 2930 rno rent St Mutual Bld Cringle HOUSE IO Crystal ave 8 rooms kl bath gas furnace heat Inquire 616 Court Square Theater Bldg Tel 3 irst class watchmaker perma VV neut position if satisfactory Must have references TRIT BROS 408 Main st 1RACT1CAL hardjvare man to grow into the management of a Jive retail hard ware business must be a man of good exec utive ability and a worker Give reference experience and salary GEORGE PE TERSON CO 1S8 Charles st Providence MATTOON Rooms suitable for ORDERS SOLICITED OR GENERAL TRUCKING Either Motor Trucks or Horses urnished RAM APOGUE ICE CO 1UR Wholesale and retail liquor busiueoi best place in Springfield do ing a business of over $75010 a year Chno 'e of a lifetime WM IL KING CO 307 Main st 4272 IpLUNISHED room pleasant and warm In i family in nice neighborhood ronvenient to 3 car lines to gentleman or bushjess woman 31 Harvard st BEST LOCATION IN CITY 6 room flat 248 Pearl st 1st and 2d floor Inquire of Janitor or GAGNIER ANGIERS Tel 776 or Tel 309 Holyoke I PAY CASH for rags uietals rubbers and bottles Tel HALL 129 Cedar at C5inpetent machinists must be VV able no others need apply good wages and steady work call Monday at 29 Mon trose st citj8 ypHREE furnished rooms for housekeeping with private bath steam heat hot water gas range $6 per week Inquire A BUCKLER 356 Belmont ave Tel 2930 PINE ST COURT 5 room cottage: bath set tubs furnace: new paper and ing IL ROBERTS 24 Bay st you want from 1K to J7tW As good as van' be found in nny market in the country We also have three second hand large mules have been used together: weight of three 3700 good team Will sell them for $450 Now is your chance Our next shipment will arrive November 3 THE IRA JOHNSON HORSE CO A LAIRD Manager 14 and 16 EMERY ST SPRINGIELD MASS 'I'erms: $5'0 rush balance on mortgagee payable $7500 every (' months DWIGHT WINTER AUCTIONEERS WORK OR WAGES Earn 5 to $15 daily Be your own bos We show you how Particulars REE Address Lock Box 58 POULTNEY VT Second hand furniture Highest VV cash price Also feather beds and an tiques NG rv 583 Main st Tel PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 1 BOUTIN 11 Myrtle st Tel THEACHERS WANTED Immediately for de slrabie positions in high schools graded schools and district schools $lo to $25 per week for bulletin ALBANY TEACHERS' AGENCY Albany BELMONT and PLAZA furnished rooms steam heat hot water private bath gas lange fitted fur housekeeping 2 to 4 rooms $4 to $10 per week A BUCKLER 350 Belmont ave Tel 2930 DUHN COMPANY Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE WAGONS AND DRAYS The kind that have stood the test ull line of SINGLE EXPRESS WAGONS on hand All Our Own Muke Carriage Wagon aud Automobile ainting Office and actory Cor ulton and Emery Streets CROWLEY The Worthy Tel 2280 I you rent rooms or give board vou should be listed on the bonrd and Room Registry of the CRAYL EXCHANGE OR WOMAN 374 Main Tel 5475 1 MAIN ST single room jX Jii PHOENIX ST upper 6 rooms MALDEN ST lower 5 moms QI'INCV ST single house rooms PALMER AVE half house 6 rooms WM HANLON CO Earn for THIS week We have assisted women to po sitions paying from $5 to $20 a Week If YOU wish a position as housekeeper com paulon office assistant traveling couipnn lon bookkeeper stenographer nurse ma tron etc call at CRAYL EXCHANGE OR WOMAN'S WORK 374 Main Pel 5475 CjELECT help and 'ference's promptly fur Kj nlsh'd ael 4333 RELIABLE 499 Main st Tj'OR sealskin coat length 42 bust: in good condition Room 1 Stearns Park Hotel A few fancy woolen weavers on Knowles Crompton looms Steady employment aud gnod pay Apply at Office SO YIERS VILLE MG Somersville Connecticut I vou need a high grade sewing woman bv the day or as house seamstress tele phone 5475 CRAYL EXCHANGE 374 Mulu CHAUEUR: 25 yrs of ace Ist class re pair man 9 experience in public and private service Best references Address 25 Republican Office One six room housekeeping apartment and one 3 room unfurnished suite Maple street entrance Public tliniug room first Boor MRS DAVIS Telephone 3406 Use Clark Stringent Liniment AND HAVE A SOUND HORSE for a DOLLAR Why have a lame or disfigured burse when Stringent will remove any burvh any sore ness without blistering or removing the hair? Causes uo Inconvenience A Cure not a dope Price per bottle WARREN CLARK 4 ULTON ST SPRINGIELD MASS Most folks plan for a little extra fare on Sundays Business cares are put aside aud more attention is given' the individual treat ing one's self to at least a good dinner Every Sunday we serve some extra special for instance Roast Turkey other good things also Three large dining rooms fully equipped for the comfort and quick serving of each patron Come In to day for your Sunday Dinner soring We In this city to day NEW ENGLAND AUTO SCHOOL 216 Main st rooms steam heat Tel TEACHERS WANTED Manual training $7'0 prim grammar $76(1 primary and Intermediate grades $550 CARY TEACHERS' AGENCY Hart ford Conn BY hotel housekeeper by hotel pastry cook 2 private home cooks a hotel waitress 3 fine second girls 2 experienced nurse girls a linen room woman 4 general housework women a priest's housekeeper 2 housekeepers for homes refer ences furnished with each woman sent from CRAYL EXCHANGE OR WOMAN'S WORK 374 Main 5475 or the fall and early winter trade you will find me with a stable full of the very best Horses the country affords Among them are horses suitable for farm grocery express general purposes heavy draft aud drivers My prices are no higher than any other dealer who sells first quality stuff My description and guarantee 'Is second to none I return all money If not ns repre sented Give me a call when looking for anv kind of a horse nr pair RESH CAR LOAD JUST ARRIVED LORENCE (Not Heated) lorence St 4 Rooms QAbbLE I have two jod saddle kJ horses for sale also a full line of Busi ness Wagons Hoad Wagons Harness and gs varrs ana rarai repository in Easthamptoa Main st Easthitnipioii TO A large light office dpp6site 'the? post office and just off Main st here' Just the place for an architect Only $10 THE MCDONOUGH REALTY CO Middles town Conn rr tu tit*lr ROOMS ami board MRS 236 Union st Tel 6075 TAM7 is the time to plan your all LNkJVV circularizing a good idea to use only the best fac simile letters letters accom plish what many letters fail to bring results Why Vy not let us help you all we can Xl Kz THE PRICE LEE COMPANY 279 Dwight Street Telephone 5629 VOUN'G man would like position to learn good manufacturing or wholesale business where there is opportunity for advancement Address Republican Office TO MANUACTURING SPACE 2d floor HAWLEY CO 419 Main st 1 STATE Desirable furnished i sj rooms Central location THE WENDELL SO MAIN COR WENDELL AVE One 3 room and one 5 room apartment 1 nq 811 MAIN ST 156 TO 178 LYMAN ST A Sidetracks ireproof and heavy Mill Constructed build ings Equipped with Automatic Sprinklers lowest insurance rates Central location no long hauls Stores floors and basem*nts to rent Suitable for manufacturing or business purposes Large or small lots of merchandise or fur niture taken on storage at low rates Negotiable warehouse re ceipts issued if desired TELEPHONE 981 I EN wishing to earn three to five dollarsXtX per day write for terms immediately IRST NATIONAL NURSERIES Roches ter bus el ma Apply i jnie 847 High st lloiyoke W7ANTED irst class man for turning VV lathe for chair factory located in Bald winville Mass Only sober Industrious men need apply Address LATHE 27 Republican Office COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE STORAGE CO NEW AND ABSOLUTELY MODERN STOREHOUSE or Household Goods CENlRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 98 rpo LET lodgi nff house fifteen rooms Howard st inquire 52U Court Square Theater Bldg HORSES HORSES Several Good Acclimated Horses Weights from 1050 to 1400 lbs All horses warranted ns represented OX CASEY SALE STABLE 14 LIBERTY STREET ENVELOPE CO Hnrrisoii ave PAPER cutter with experience on printed work can find steady employment at good wages by applying giving references to f' 2S Republican office 1710 SAIE CHEAP Second hand boards I and lumber COLLINS SONS 156 Lyman st Lady agents to sell a new rain skirt to protect the bottom of the skirt ROBINSON KAIN SKIRT MG CO S7 High st Holyoke IN rurlian Block 27 29 Wilbraham road 4 and 5 room heated apartments all modern Inquire Janitor iu block or MOSES EHRLICH COAL CO 810 Main st MILDRED mini and wife private family 6 gei era! girls 2 in families references 2 competent cooks Second giri count ry thoroughly competent Middle aged woman1 for small wages General girl for 1 lady Northampton THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE 389 Main st UPPER and lower flat modern $12 to $22 Wilbraham road Inquire 404 Wilbraham road Tel 5 rooms each Rent $13 BELDING 455 State st TYPEWRITING Multigraphing Mimeographying acsimile Typewritten Letters a Specialty 1 GALLAWAY 374 Main St 'Phone 3415 SUMNER AVE Upper 7 rooms range and waler heater Tel I EXPERIENCED elastic weavers on Jae 4 quard looms Good pav and steady work NOVELTY WEB CO 416 11th street Mill SA Second hand lumber doors 1 windows brick from 20 tenemeBt block Sale begins Nov 5 '11 at Maple tst ave See UleT ow t682 Main St a ULLER 132 lorence st XPERIENCED stenographer desires posl I tion can give Al references Address 26 Republican Office LYMAN BUILDING NO 374 MAIN STREET DESIRABLE BUSINESS OICES BESSE BUILDING ab meni NO 21 BESSE PLACE f' i'NEWLY INISHED OICES AVORABLY LOW RENTS Apply Room 400 Besse Building BESSE'1 HANOVER Third floor 5 rooms $12 AUot 7 roem apartment MRS SHEL DON 52 Park st West Springfield A young girl to assist with VV housework: no heavy work Address AV' Republican otlice OR SALE A good compact milk route 150 quart with equipment or phrtieiihirs address Republican Office IjtOlt 6 good lodging houses 12 lo 31 rooms $500 to lioardiiig house low price flne street rental $450 Room 414 1 Eini si im WANTED To buy all kinds of second hand house aud office furniture will pay highest cash price We also buy feather beds let us make you price before you Address PAL 10'17' URNITURE CO 152 154 Bridge Tel 6016 Typewriting Duplicating copying Meacham Hotel Kimball Tel 2860 ROOM apartment steam heat and hot water in the new Worthiu 522 Worth ington st Apply GEO SMITH CO 531 Worthington st MODERN furnished house Apply 124 Mulberry st' Takes the piece of lath plaster and wall paper 011 tile walls of bungalows dens facto ries mill offices attics ami low cost build ings urnished 32 inches wide 7 8 It and 10 foot lengths Ask to see our samples MELLEN CO 16 TAYLOR ST (near Malli) Tel 956 i HELP WANTED i SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEHOLD' NEEDS BUSINESS NEEDS SPECIALTIES LOST AND OUND I TYPEWRITERS OICE SUPPLIES NEW PROPOSITIONS XT ICE place as waitress by inexperienced fJi girl Nurse girl wants place House keeper for widower references Experienced wfiiiTPSP THE EXCHANGE 389 Main st Tel A housekeeper in widower's home by a ijc neat capable American Protestant lady ood cook best of references Address I 29 Republican Office USEUL household specialties save time and labor SPECIALTY CO 21 Spring iPOIl SALE urnishings and 5 year lease of largest homiest and finest clientele hoarding house in Hartford Conn ortv guests rooms Rent only $15000 pec inemth ifty to sixty regular boarders Can keep elghtv Business this past year over $2'000 Splendid income to right party or terms address Republican Office IVARGE upper front room for couple orgeptleman NEWCOMB 15 Central st BOOSTERS co*ckerels? Wyandotte White and Barred Rocks Parkers strain Tel 1812 2 i rpHE SALEM' cor Pearl nud and 6 room suites lei 4 old establislied yV OICE BUSINESS paying $4000 a year an opening seldom of fered Sl'io'M required Address I i 2i Republican Office VOTICE Manufacturers desiring new lo cations write to BOARD Ob 1IIADL EustUaiupton Mass WANTED Refined woman over thirty VV eapible of dealing with good class of xia I opporixMiny ivi tuuiiu to start Highest references interview address Box THE CHATEAU ELEVATOR APARTMENTS MAPLE COR TEMPLE STREET Universal milling machine No VV IV back geared Cincinnati dr Brown Sharp preferred NOBLE MACHINE CO I' Box 995 Springfield Mess Your ire Insurance VV WALSH Hitelicmk Bldg DOUBLE HOUSE 53 55 ALLENDALE ST AT AUCTION Monday October 30 12 Noon Tins double house has rooms on each side New open plumbing nml newly papered tlionghout slate roof etc Could be made into 5 tenements Quick renting neighbor 1 Engineers' aud In struction to obtain a license largest school system in the United States 3000 iCieu have obtained licenses through us In thia state 500 In Springfield engines boil ers pumps etc In full class now ic ralng nJ! Instruction given under the personal direction of Thos Myers and Reardon weekly payments day and evening courses start any time MASSA CHUSETTS ENGINEERING SCHOOL 41 Sharon st Springfield All makes sold Good bargains Ribbons Carbons for all machines! Rentals $250 month Repairing a specialty Agents the TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Room 202 Myrlck Bldg Tel: 3481 TTOUSEKEEPER care of Invalid intelli gent experienced references Box 129 estfield Mass By competent girl housework or second 'work Call at 47 Essex st LOCUST ST Ji rooms steam heat Xcr 70 Oak Grove ave 7 rooms 26 Willard ave 7 rooms 70 Wellington st 7 rooms 52 Kensington ave 5 ii) Bloomfield st rooms 712 Sumner ave 5 rooms 26 Monmouth st 7 rooms 388 No Main st 8 rooms 271 Orange st 7 rooms 113 Alden st 5 rooms LAMPSON 310 Main IQ CENTRAL Upper rooms: inoaern nrst uc on upper Central st riMIREE rooms with front vei'iinda for light nousekeeping Tel 37 Windsor st? AGENTS wanted for the best and cheapest hand vacuum cleaner In existence If vou can't make $6 a day It's because you're lazy Cail or write MARVEL MG CO 168 Bridge st City Agents either sex sell guaran VV teed hosiery 7i profit goods replaced free if hole appears: experience unnecessary Address WfiAK I esc ona i QfW) WESTORD A new arrangc ment 7 room apartment in new 2 famlly house WM II DEXTER 25 Elm st WATER BUG EXTERMINATOR Absolutely guaranteed 117 lorida st Tel SWEET CIDER or sale in Springfield by the leading deal ers Ask for it If you wish a barrel or keg flled with the pure juice of apples Jet us hear from you Apples grown on Springfield mountain Now is the time to order Sound apples bought Making days Monday Weducs i rv A vxizi a rup I el 1 aauress No 2 Itepnbliv 'H' SALESMEN mak $25 a lay and upward haii Iling our wy electric sidewalk adve' tlaer biggest hit yet GILIIAM'S BUREAU Bide Boston 'Phone from 6 to 16 evenings rom $400 to $10(10 per week Tel 2930 I fou need a good home for the winter 1 consult our Board and Room Registry 'I el 5475 or call at CRAYL EXCHANGE OR 'WOMAN'S WORK 374 Main Special attention to out of town inquiries W'ANTED Two good sheet metal workers Como ready to work PITTSIELD CORN ICE WORKS T'lttsfleld Jlass WESTERN brtu desires hustling specialty VV salesman for Springfield Holyoke West ern Mass No oompetition Immediate en Sulery oniwission Republican Office i Competent pharmacist to man VV a op country drug store one having bad long time experience preferred Write to DRUGS 27 Republican Office QQArtn $10 "oo YEARLY in the Real (wvuUKstate business without capital we will teaeh yon Hie business bv mall appoint vou special representative in your locality ot trading real estate company list with you readily salable properties co operate with 1 assist you to permanent success thorough cohitnerciiil law course free to repreo ntatives If you are honest and ambitious our REE 62 page book will surely interest yon Address INTERNA I ION AU REA LT C' iRP Dept 336 Chicago Hl X7ANTED An experlencpa salesman for local house to sc'1 heavy mill supplies pringueiq ano vir for the right man 2G0 PEARL STREET 5 and 6 rooni apartments with separate furnaces newly remodeled 82 WOODSIDE TERRACE Lower tenement steam heater THE HADDING 4 room and 1 5 room apartment centrally located I iiq2 'oom 4 120 My in St Tel days evenings 'I'RNISHED front room 3 mm valk eom $2 per week' 15! Main st top floor Steam beared nicely furnishol electric lights nil IXTOHK horse for sale Can be seen in the 1 harness Price $6500 ABBEY 43 Exchange st Chicopee Mass Carload horses drivers ami weight loop to 17X) IIs These broken single and double I the farmers In Some nice matched pairs Every warranted as represented MASSA STABLE 33 Railroad St Springfield GEO RUSSELL 1 Top Tel 19 TYPEWRITERS All standard makes $15 up Rent $250 per month 3 months for $6 Agents for ox Visible Typewriter Repairing quickly done Carbon Paper Ribbons and Office Supplies TEXCH 274 MAIN ST TEL SHORTHAND It will pay you to investigate the Patterson system It you are contemplntiu" taking up a course in shorthand It is a system that can be easily mastered in 36 days or short hand and 'typewriting in GO days Why spend more time and money to accomplish ate tnsti uellons day ami I'osRions secured Cull Young men who want to act as general ngeuts managers and open up an office or rent desk room hi their own town they can make $1200 to $700o a yearvp nhin shows them how to do It with our winning fountain pen: we do not want salary grabbers but men who can put up $100 to $500 and then earn money easier and faster than by any other position they have ever tried Yon will have your own staff of this menus continued sales without bind work Address DIAMOND POINT PEN (' 86 88 ulton st New York erory WORTHINGTON ST Modern 5 room DOI heated flat $22 SETH II BARLOW Tel 3111 1 11 TWO furnished rooms to rent The Maa Chester 133 Carew st Nicely furnished room jQ every modern convenience Tel Col Hicks wilt be here with a ear ot RESH INDIANA HORSES Col Hicks says bo lias one good load a nd? well bought Among them he lias a pair of Blacks 3200 pair ot Grays fiC OO pounds 'qinfr of Grays 2700 other good Business Horses We shall have fully 40 seeoud hand horses HICKS BROS Holyoke OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OAK ROLL TOP DESK 782 State Street TEL 1235 ONE sot of blacksmith's toots JOHN I I KELLY 112 Main st Chicopee alla VOTN'G man wants position as local sales man collector laundry driver or any good outdoor employment best of references Address Republican Office 1JAPJI A first class paper ruler a position on first machine or in charge dept some experience in binding Address Republican Office ii WAI II AUTOMOBILES AND DRIVE THE IRST LECT1VH TYPE TOUR1N GETS CAREUL I 43 MAIN STREET 7 rooms with bath steam heat and conveniences 26 PATTON STREET Eight rooms aud bath all newly decorated urnace heat A GOETTING 269 Bridge St and i MODERN URNISHED APARTMENTS b'la 2 3 and 4 rooms 'arranged 1 1 HORSES AND MULES Anyone In the market for either would save money by culling at 14 and 16 Emery street the place where we sell them Wq have nothing for the horses or mules to do We run a sale stable ouly We have most WESTMINSTER HOUSE 3 and 5 room apartments: steam heat hot water vacuum cleaning all conveniences REED REALTY' TRUST 786 State St Tel TNACI'ORY for Automobiles at Ashland Mass Located on state road excellent railload shipping facilities TUT'I'LE Chicopee LODGING HOUSE Spring st 12 rooms Jj modern all rented well furnished Main st 12 rooms a bargain $5o0 15 room house stcarn heat $300 COSSACK 332 Main St ffAfc Vir I 1 a it tj A fX 1 V'ieSf 4 Bl? i I I 00 I 2 LI 4 1 I I I.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

Is the mayor of Springfield MO a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Republican Herald? ›

Scranton-based Times-Shamrock Communications, which bought the Republican Herald in 2003, sold its newspapers to Colorado-based MediaNews Group in August.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

However, they are only one of many clients that have been housed in the Springfield Underground throughout its extensive history. The Underground is a private, family-owned business. John Griesemer is the third-generation of the Griesemer family to serve as CEO for Erlen Group, following his father and grandfather.

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.