The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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Buffalo, New York

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yrf BUFFALO IOVKiNING NEWS: FRIDAY JULY 3 iH9f Buffalo Eyening News aiueuAko mur duly a ism LOVE TURNS AWAY I Tlie Increase of ffuclieliirliowl Mild Hplusterlimnl "ife Independence Day-Turtle Tauni-A law Dnaa For July What Johnny Brought Homo lailoprartcnce Hay With pomp of waving Iwnncro With Ih-mI nf llirulililng mill! Ami shouts of happy H-nplc Tin Joyous morning com vs The n-ry sir Is Ihrlllliig Adam up thy hav th duty of malntalnln I th law of their country When they nr crown they will have the responsl- blllly of changing thou law lu any particular In which thou law iru wron It I not enauRh for ui to any that the majority ahould rul That I lierfectly true but a lnle man or woman who hn th UiHrt nf the Almighty In th majority It wu only a handful of men who lnrd the Ur clnratlnn nf Independence but It afterward proved that they were In th mi-1 Jnrliy And II happened lnlhe enure of ih hlRlory of our (lovernment mare than nneo that a few men and women have irneil their Influence to rhanen our law and by runllnual effort hav brmiht the entire Nntlun to ee that they were right And 0 while It le th first duty of nn American dlien to obey the In we It I hla neconcl duty to are thut th law or what lheynuht to be And thnt I tlio true Iraaun of Independence "It appear to uld Mr Perkin to the old niinlnter after the audience hml lvcn three hearty cheer for Ihe youn ehiHiintcr "thnt wan a pretty IPiad mrt of a apeech 1 have heard a Jot that were longer and I huve heard a (Umd ninny niieakcn that niada more Holer hut Mr Whitney neera to net at the kernel In the nut" "I think It waa bully" uld little Peter "and now 1 undemland why the people ought to make aueh a nolne on the Fourth And It doe eeem to me a If wo oucht to make a nolle In our village" Th older one thoucht too and One we pair nf hor One lilg basket with une little basket Inside nf It on knliy niNpenfier Twenty-six fish stories and One little fish dried herd by the sun It may aim he mill that he did not Iwmir the thih honks and lines which lie look with him having left them HP 1111 In the botlnui nf the river lie allowed all ihe large fish to remain Ill the water tngeiln'r with one can of iphmI angle for John has a lender heart Itul Jolmny Is Ming fishing again next week if Ills rmii-r will let him lie says he like II Girl's Butt green and rream-coliired wool rhalllr made lids atlraellve and graee-ful dresa the faney hretelle eiillar of green ribbed silk lielng trimmed with liuerro valeneliMines edging anil decorated with green silk curd over steel hiiltiuiH and rihlmn lielt with rosette how and i-iiiIh at tlie left side The walNt In I'liurai'lrrlxcd liy alniplli'lly of construction and Its dressy effect and can la finished without the hretelle collar If ho desired The fullness Is gathered top ami hutlnin and arranged over filled body linings to Mouse slightly lu front rhmlug Invisibly In center back The hretelle collar Is stashed at Ihe hotilder forming graceful tabs over the puffed sleeves: knotted Iimihi nf the coni being caught hy liuttons over the front and on the shoulders as shown A standing collar having tabs In front THE BUND WEAVER A blind bay stmd beMn Uia loom Anil wovo ii rubric T'gunri fru Ik-nenth III Arm iind aliiuly (ouoll Ha inuda th busy shiiitia And ofl (he tiuclirr imseed that way And inivii Hi' colors ihreud by thread But by III boy (ha iiuttern fair Wu 11 unseen Its Imre wore dand "Ilww run you weave?" wo pitying (tried The blind Iwy smlkrt "I do my ncet mnk Ilia fnluiu firm unit Hindi And Olio wilt) whmi dai'd all llw rout" Oil happy tholigtiti Reside life1 loom We lilliully Hlrlvi' our lirl to do And he who uniikcd (lie pattern out And hnlilH Uni llireudH will imike Ii true Brill Day III Youlli'e UuiniKinlan lLnnrtnnr rinrx 3 Tfodrih or jut stout Hy David A t'nrilo Til nrnm Bound (ho hew gngl Play th paltlo Let the Jawbone Jlnglel Fire off your dynamite and rln the For thlo I th Fourth of July! ton! bell There wo not much mimic almot llttlr Peter Perkin' performance although he thouRht he wu lnln the nnnaenoe he ad made up to celebrate the day What lie tacked In melody however he fully made up In notee Not for him were tlie Joy of irunpowder and firecrackers He didn't know what It wao to have pocket money and therefore such thin firework were out of hi reach even If such thing had been for aale In the villa He wu an American thnuRh and a boy and he felt that It waa hie duty to make a noloe The only quentloa In hie mind wu how he could make the moet noloe can we celebrate the Fourth pop?" heuked when heoameln to break -hat ''Celebrate" ald Mr Perkin who waa a very eolemn lookln man "The bent way to celebrate I to do your chore extra well "All dona pop" laid little Peter "I got up an hour ahead of time and 1 know you eald Mr Per- In MRS 6ARRETT A HOBART Mrs Hnhnrt wife of Ihe Bcpulillcnn Vloe-Prealrtrnttal candidate wns a dniigliliT of Hocnrir Tuttle of I'lilennm Wu- Isi'amr Mrs Hubert 11 Hunt twenty-live years ngo Bhe Is a comely nml accomplished woman sod pusaeMses a kero wit 1 The Hesaon You ask ms why this roue has bloomed Iiecsuse my Indy klKwU It To whiu Kid fate 'twould have lieen doomed If her fnlr llM hud missed It! Bhe'wnir It on her snowy A red heart to injr seeming That tills my slumlier with The vlHlon of my dreaming It would have been a blighted bud If her fair lips had missed It Hut It Is tilled with my heart's blood Because my luily kissed (I IllUHirated Hit ILL-HEALTH VERSUS MARRIAGE To the Metal philosopher one of the must (IlMiiurnglng tendench' of the tlnicH I the (llHissiltlon of young men xml cHKH'tally clty-hri'd young men to rcninlii single ami grow up 10 old bch-elurliiKHl In the crowded Eastern sections nf our country tlie imn-entage of lim-lii'lors and spinsters to thr total population In tremendous A wise olil physician In dlarumlng the situation raid: Ton will nlmerve that thl tendenry la In the main confined In the large ell-lea anil tlili'kly-aetlliHl enniniunlllea Th young woincw are by nu mean blameless hut Innocently the ynung women ure also ut fault The fact of the matter la that city and town-bred girl are ton frequently aemt-lnrullil without fully realising It "One of the Maddest thing In life la tn watch young women rommlt slow suicide Of course they don't know what they are doing Htarllng with good health strength and good links everything ahead nf them seems promising Hut they don't know how tn live and take care of their own health Their mothers are mainly at fault They bring up their daughters In an almosphere nf false delicacy and In utter Ignorance of the anatomy distinctly feminine and lla all Important functions "These young women study Latin and Greek go In for mathematics and Othles but are faulty In their habits of eating breathing walking sleeping drewing and working Worse than all rise they are as Ignorant as unborn babies nf the real and Hubllmc Importance of ramble motherhood and of the graver results that follow neglect of the delicate organ that make It pooalhle Moreover Health I Beauty and Health la Happlneiai Where there la health there la always amiability and some degree nf beauty There may be a sickly Imitation nf It aueh as wc see but too frequently on the city street! and tn the rlty drawing rooms But thla transient hot-house loveliness of the Invalid 1 such as tn excite pity sympathy and rnnirideratlnn hut not to awaken love In the heart of robust hard-headed young men And the consequence Girls grow up to womanhood and pan on Into unnatural aplnsterhood because of their Ignorance of the Importance of the health and welfare of the womanly organism They suffer In illence from weakness and disease that rob them nf their health their beauty and their capability to perform the dutlee of wifehood and motherhood They Imagine In their pitiful Ignoranrie that tha III from which they suffer are Inherent In all women They do not understand that health la the normal tendenry of nature and all lllneua abnormal "From these Innocent sufferer love turn aairtr Thr ynung man who la worth marrying I ambitious He look! forward tn making a fortune In bul-nrn or a name In a profession He unilrratunda that he cannot live always and dream nf perpetuating that fortune or name In a line of healthy capable descendant He want a healthy wife who will preside amiably In hla hums and be a capable motherly mother to rnliuNt and promising children "That kind of a young man and It la the only kind fitted for young hus-bamlhmid shies at thr evanescent beauty of the seml-Invalld He hn seen Invalidism In the home of hi friend and If he Is a city-bred man haa seen little elae and with mhrtrm hard-head-rilnera wants none of It While watting for hla Ideal the hahlla of bachelorhood become fixed with the result aa In France that the Government may noon have to drive men to marriage by a tax on bachelorhood'' There la no necrralty for this deplorable state of affulre If all young women were taught by tliclr mothers the supreme Importance of the perfect health of the organa that make wife hood and motherhood poralhle invalidism among women would soon be a matter of anrlent history There Is hardly a disease either general or local from which women suffer that (lore not have its inception In weaknesa of the distinctly feminine organism The suffering wife and mother racked with pain petulant sickly and unfitted for the duties nf life la only at fault In 0 far aa she la Ignorant of her own physical makeup and th importance nf her womanly health If she will take the proper care of herself and resort to th right rem-edy'any woman may be a healthy happy capable wife and mother and In Momredegree beautiful For all weakness and disease nf the delicate organs that bear the burden of maternity Dy Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a safe sure and speedy cure It acta directly nn there organa making them strong and healthy It allaya inflammation sooth pain and slops all debilitating dralria It banishes th a-discomforts of the period preceding motherhood and makes baby coming almost painless It Inaurea the health of bahy It transform a weak nervous sickly fretful woman Into a robust healthy happy and amiable wife and mother It does away with the necessity for the embarrassing "examination" and application 1" so objectionable to mod-rat sensitive women Thousand of era-men have testified that It la thr beet of all medicines for suffering women Those who wish to know more about It should write to Dr Pierce chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo All good druggist sell For her own rain and that of her children every woman should have and real Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser It Is the brat home medical bonk ever written It contains 1000 pages and 100 Illustrations Several chapters and Illustration ere devoted to the reproductive physiology of women It'ls written In plain everyday language with no confusing technical terms It contains prescriptions and advice Invaluable to women Over 180000 copies have been Mid at the original price of 1160 each A re edition haa lust been printed and will be given away absolutely free If you want a copy In heavy manllla cover rend II one-cent stamp to cover the coot of mailing only If you prefleC-a copy In fine French Moth' beratltolly stamped rend cents extra (11 cento In all) Addrera the World's Dispensary Buffalo ft cm YonuiF! I'K Hlg eitMIIHIIWt Meldrum Anderson Co Foment lor Western New-York tor Friday: Fair egeept ihowera os thn lakes freak te brisk southerly winds Friday July 3 The store will be closed day to-morrow To-day Special ains in All Departments i Best Bargains in Buffalo Adam Meldrum Anderson Co The American Block COUNTY COURT ERIE Otto against Cliaylnr Frederick Radford Flora Hartford his wife Chsrles Robinson Krmlna Kolilnson his wife Henry A Fonda Frank II Drown Until Hrown his wife Frank Veiny Cora Veiny his wife Harry A Allan Lyman A Daniels Joseph Klaus John llulihell Jane Ward Msllmon Abraham Uergnmn and ili'rgman his wife Herbert Uarmliy Domlnlro Loreto MsrtaGulaepp Loreto Julin Bmlth Iuella Lewis Josephine Rune Harriet Welch Stephen O'lstry Charles Bmlth Albert Wing end Eugene 1L Hartt 'as survivors of themselves and James Wing deceased Ijouls laanburger Gustave Fleiach-mann Frederick Bonner Lillian Lewis Charles Dltfin Eunice Lewis William Stevenson Louise Alibntt william Retd Samuel Allen Oerman-Amerlcan Bank Alexander McCabe end McCabe hi wire: William Iwts Jamil Red-fern Abram Ifiefendorf and Dle- fenrtorf hi wife Frank Cullen Mary Dlefendorf Daniel McIntyre Isaac XL Railfnrd Defendants To the above named Defendants: You ere hereby summoned te answer tbs eompleint In thl aetlon and to rerve a ropy of your answer on the plaintiffs attorney within day tfter the service of this summons exclusive of the day of service and In cere of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded In Ihe complaint Trial to he held In the County of Erl ItattethlalTaf January Plaintiffs' Attorney Olfie and Postofllce address ilt Mooney Brisbane Building Buffalo To the defendants Clara Rewion Frederick Rartrorri Flora Radford hla wife Abraham Bergman and Bergman hla wife (whoaa first nama Is unknown) John Bmlth Luella Lewis Josephine Buna twhoaa proper -rams la Josephine Biioae) Frederick Banner Lillian Iewla Charles Dlffln Eunice Lewis William Stevenson Louisa Abbott) WMIIIam Lewis Abram Dlefendorf Mary INefrndorf and Frank Cullen: Th foregoing summons la served upon you hy publication pursuant lo an order of ths Hon Edward Emery County Judge of Erl County dated tna I7th day of April ISM and filed with a copy of tha complaint In the above entitled action In the ofllc of the Clerk of th County of Erls on tba 8th day of April 1M the nrigfnal complaint therein having been filed In raid office on tha 17th day of January UN SUMS Plaintiffs' Attorney Office and Poet office address No TM Mooney A Brisbane Building Buffalo mayatjulyl-frt DEFAITMEIT OF FIRUG VORU Buffalo June IML Sealed projassla forawork and supplM office of this department County Hull uptU o': No proposal will ba considered anises It I accompanied by a certified check py-hle to the order of Ihe Board of Puhfio Works In tha amount specified In sped II-catlous or by a bond conforming to law such bond to bo fifty par cent of tho sum it Plan and speclAratkme and estimate of iiairtltles can be seen and printed forma proposals and any desired Intarmutlon ran be had on anplfrallon at the Burra of Building on and after thlo date This Department reserves' th right I reject any end all bids For ths'lnatallatloa of new system of ventilation at School No S7 located ra the corner of Peach and Carlton streets bidders to prepare their own plana and apectgeariona and to submit them-to Urn Board of PubUd I Works -tor or approval July! XOTICE VO OKKDITOl (rotor CttluvR Book WtUIOM ind RtwnHi iti hM eoimtsy oa or I 'U MART BPi RTLBB BARTH for Atainlotimr And every heart Is say tor once shmIii wc ai-lcum Our Jiuli'iK-iult-ni-c Itay Twus very little Nation linn sot sisri "the Fourth:" Tlss NhIIuii strong snil mighty lili-li keeps II Anith anil North Our dug of stsm Is IlnsMng From surging sea to wu And Ig'iiiath 11 folds we gather A H'iiplr gri-st and free Not the older Mugnn Charts Idivlgo nf braver heart Thiui Ihe inter lieelsrstl'in mJfrVu thl proud ily atari souls they were that framed It Hlniit hands Hist signed and scab'll birthright luu they gave us never more will yield Bo to gsllnnt martial miwle urVI luwn Ihe streri I IT "J'rilllng bugles railing A11 drum exulting heal "hU'1 from every spire ami Hlrrpl There llnlters blithe slid gay The Msg we love and honor hi InrliirnfltiMi iJiijr SangsliT In Harper! Hound Turtt Tmim Four young women In New Bruna-wlek have a fimdneu for strange Pci They have three rinxen- turtles confined In a pen Twn of the reptiles are land turtle and the other are of the variety that usually make their homes In the mud When they were little children the girls were playmates and they manl-fimted a fondness for snake turtle lieen and other animals and Insect thnt are uauully the terrors of youth At that time they began collecting turtle nd they have continued ever alnre Many of the three don-n turtlrii have lieen pets for year but dome are of recent acquisition! In thidr younger dny the girl train-rid the turtles to draw their iloll coaches and It I doubtful If ever diril had such queer hone as did the doll belonging to the little girl In New Ilrunawlck The turtle were not very ieedy but what did thnt matter to rhlldren who had no definite place to go and had all day to go there? The turtles seemed to like to be up" and there Is no record that the dolls ever complained that the ooache were too slow The turtles did the bcsl they could whlrh Is more than con ba Bald of many cab horses The turtles look alike to thr casual observer except In the matter of alia nd many of them are Identical In that respect Hut the girls have nn trouble in Identifying the reptllea and each turtle haa a name os an Individual right One Is called Grover Cleveland another Is Mrs Cleveland Lillian Hua-avll la also honored Adelina la another name and even George Washington was not forgotten Coder the rareful training of the young ladlrs the turtle have learned to eat strawberrirea rake and other delicacies to which they were unaccustomed In their wild etate but they still prefer angleworm inalla and raw meat The mud turtle are fond nf fish nd eat It voraciously They are always hungry and have never been known to top eating os long a the supply of fond lout Mira Florence Irene Parker Mira Jeanette Hmlth Miss Florence Vernnn and Mira Rlttle Burnell are the owner of the menagerie The xtork la held In common and the turtles are kept In the bnck yard of Mlm home on Georgs street Every fall the turtle dig hole In the ground In which they go to sleep and stay until ipring and during the winter the young Indie have to be content with remembering the antic of their pets In the summer A Now Dees PUr Jaly 4 ITnrle Sam la to have a new flag and It will be unfurled on July 4 according to the proclamation of President Cleveland The new ensign will have another tar for Utah whluh was made a State on Jan 6 last The present arrangement of the atari on Gld Glory I thought to be too Irregular and Utah's star Mil mix up the design still more An arrangement that wlH not call for any future change I what Congress want most to see The tripes will not be changed and the alls of the blue field In the upper right hand corner will remain the rams The design most likely to chosen Is that made by Mrs Mary Custer The following description which form part of Ihe designer's applleatlnn to the Senate and House of Representatives best describes what the new flag will be like The flag of the United State shall be II horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union ot the flag shall oonilat of a blue field containing 36 whit stare arranged auto form a large five-pointed star and making a complete circle the whole number of etare being 46 which represents tha whofe number ot Btates now In the Unlnn that this design remain permanent os there are spaces between each two arms or outstretching points of the large star for the five now existing Territories that may come Into the Union that In the center of the largo tar are space or spaces for (tar or stare that may be used for State or States that may be divided that thla design shall be the great combining link of the sisterhood of Btates for the arrangement of the tan on the field of our new flag of tha United Btates that the five-pointed star hall remain intact throughout the whole design aa a memorial tribute to our departed Washington by whom It was recommended to and adopted by the Continental Congress aa the regulation flag of tha United States Look out forvthla splendid new flag on the Fourth of July and give a rousing salute when It la run up the pole Mrs Custer by the way la a cousin of Gen Geo A Custer th famous Indian Recorder What Jokaay Braeghl Ham One day thla week Johnny went flailing He went two long days In getting ready digging worms buying Hoc and hooka and tolling how many fish ba wae going to catch He started at 4 o'clock In the morning with a little basket of lunch and a big basket tor the fleh Ho was whistling gayly and wondaring how he could carry all hla fish home lu(tM evening Ha ran moat of tha way to tm he and th other and this le what he brought home lata In tha afternoon: On appetite On blistered no On skinned thumb One headache frozen (reflnjs th? atest lllrjrclN and lint Weather Are Driving llultalo Women to loe Cream Hods Mast Take Hack Neat There ta no disputing It hot weather and hii-yt-lc are driving Buffalo women to drink In swarms anil hordes they congregate around the soda fountains and lluiu-r their (lulnty ribbons and laces ami remind one nf gsy-plumaged humming lilrils hovering round a cluster of hnm-y-laden llnwers After Shopping all dny In the scorching heat It Is plain enough to see how hard it lu for the tired women to resist the ever-refreshing soda fountain but the "bleycle" aide nf the question la more difficult tn aolve Thla la how It la: There Is a little fart running Juat nnw for bicycle parties to start out of an evening and see who can up" under the biggest "Jag" of Ice (-ream rod a a Every time a drug ton-la sighted the party atops and Imbibes Word fall tn describe the fun and ruined stomachs that this little fad cause Just now let cream sodas are taking a rest Frauen creams the summer girl rails for and frosen creams she must have They are the latest fad In Chicago anl have nnw struck Buffalo In time for the Fourth Drop Into the leading candy store nn Main street and ask for a frosen cream It will be served to you In a dainty little eut-glasa cup In aueh tempting style that It will banish from your mind the old Ice cream Mda picture forever Frosen cream I simply Ice cream with the syrup over It nnrt the soda left nut Thla week the soda fountains will reap a rich harvest No one knows this better or appn-elstra l( more than the man at the Mila fountain This word however la altogether Inadequate to express the real significance of the modern affair In the beginning a little two-by-four flxturr nf white marble which supplied sweetened effervescent water was the only thing used Hut the up-to-dste thirst refuses tn he quenched with any such simple "soothing syrup" The new woman wants a drink with snap and fin and go to It Of course she does not want' anything that will go to her head and as a rule her still womanly palate refuses to take tn the hitter flavor of hops and bur And whisky she abhors because It burn a hole In he-throat Hut If she ran get a substitute that looks like them she la content And when she orders her drink at the soda fountain she usually order something that looks prstty and never mind the taste fibs Two ladles were being shown the wonders of the X-ray recently hy Prof Robinson and one wu looking through the other with the fluorosrope It wu my privilege to do In the cau of the Ilowdoln senior you are the asked the polite professor yes very wu the answer "but I never knew before that they extended up and And then It wu the duty of the scientist to explain that steel comet riba well human bone rib are dlarlosrd by the merciless Lewiston Journal RAVAGES have he! thy 0 children Sfrcalled uncivilised women haveno trouble in the bearing of children-'- They have no dek-eomnua-little pain at time It ia be-they live natural live It i certainly unnatural that there rfwuld be pain and danger attending the greatest and moat wonderful fraction of which human being i capable Civilised women are the onn whou live and training seem to unit them for the performance of the Md- and motherhood ere kept in a perfectly thy eomfition during the duties However if they strong end heeltl 0 DC not one woman was heard to ray to another on the ferryboat this morning not a bit!" returned the other woman stylish" "Nor gnnd-tmred" "Nor "No" "Hhe doesn't dress wrell either" "I ahould say "Nor talk well" "I never heard her ray a clever thing In my you know how dreadfully she dances?" "Oh yes Indeed Why she can't do anything well What do you suppose the men see In her?" nlnervrd the first woman meditatively can giggle" "Thut'i said the second woman even more meditatively can Near York Evening Bun jVidsflnjnjer Qotfi) SUMMER COSTUME One of fjjs- JJeriDoos Borne time ego the eon of a distinguished clergyman (lately deceased) wu requested ta preach In the church which hie father had been vicar of Hs accepted the offer and preached there The next day an (fid gentleman called on him and abused him roundly far his urmon "How shacked your poor father would have bun to have heard you say what you did yesterday" don't think he would have been very replied the young man smiling "That urmon wu one which my father wrote himself Just before his Illness and never used so I thought might uwell uu It for Answers Aa anniversary Across Ui field there eomra to me The plea amt eound of lede at play Oh for thou other lads who once Marched In the rank! away! Tto off and dim their lives appear To them Inheritors of penes As any fabled heroes wrought Into th lals of Greece Far off ui unto'my heart Where grief and pride are blent today living when Uieee mother eye Beheld them march away II Packard In the Independent hake lata Tear Alten'e Foot-Kina a powder tor the feet It cures painful welling! of the Joints and blatantly take! th etlng out of corn and bunions It'a the greatest comfort discovery of the age Allen's Foot-Easa makes tight-fitting or new chose feel eoiy It la a certain sure tor sweating cel loo and hot tired nahlng fut Try It today Bold by all druggist and shea rime Me Trial package me by null Add rue Allen Olmsted Le Ray A Clear Case Jock Merton propose! In this letter I wonder If he really loves me hs hu only known me a week The Oh then perhaps hs doss Tit-Bits A ha near "Yes It's awful to see a woman of her as so painted and Misled but they say ah wu a great charmer In hu day" Detroit Tribune Pleas send notice ot non-receipt of patterns after five days have elapsed With HI Father (lea some nf the men arranged to Are a dilute of 100 ehnte at sunKt each man using hla own shotgun And the old minister appointed a committee of boy to ring the church bell for an hour And the women declared that Mrs Perkin should not make a feast for everybody but that they would all help And little Peter helped to ring the bell and was allowed to shoot off hla father's gun and went to bed happy (Jesses 3t A woman can almost never lave a man whose will 1 weaker than her own see A mm and woman who have been In love with one another and have separated eon never afterword be entirely agreeable mutually even though they hav wholly recovered from their love and regard it a irrevocably peat It Is far easier for friends to become lover than It 1 for those who have been lovers ever to become friends It would be well for husbands to remember that It Is not very much harder to cure love In a woman's heart than It wu to Inspire It originally Woman Is not by nature Inclined to philosophy but she nearly always exceed! man In her practical knowledge of what may be called sentimental metaphysics The one love that la constant unvarying eternal la selMove and 111 complete self-indulgence ensure the misery of the Indulges A moet picturesque place ere unwholesome and Inconvenient to live In no In society most picturesque person would be as companion very dull and Harper! Baiar tjjollttcal on)fn Bach Party Mesa te Blast Its Caul Mata All Might lla Faaeafally Adjaatad l( Oaa Mda or tha Othar Waa Id Com Over Tha woman's political clubs of New York are now wide awake planning their campaigns In vigorous measure They seem to have taken on a common political phase In that each party la building keen-edged sarcasm for the other which they fling back and forth In true manly fashion Recently Ootham's West Bide Republican auxiliary launched a desire that party linn might be obliterated all women Joining in a struggle for a reform In National affairs Mr Fatrman had hardly finished this peace speech when Miss Boswell of National fame as a gentler Republican loomed up In the meeting and cheerily exclaimed "Dear me no! I -thank tha Democratic party every day for Ha existence Where should I be without it to tight against?" Mrs Falrman had a ready reply to tha effect that the Republicans stand for all that la correct ana wIk and that the Democrats should "come over and be peaceful" Which was to be sure the way the average woman wants "party lines" obliterated In various conditions of life Bhe wants the opposition to over" and up" and then all may be a lovely as If dlfferences hod never existed The bother Is In the given case the opposition being also of the gentler sort the feeling la similar that reconciliation cannot ensue Both si dee want the spirit to prevail Therefore neither will advance and the party line will not be obliterated The political women of Chicago are wondering why Miss Mary Krout long Ungers In London since the Republican band hu begun He campaign refrains on this side of the sea Miss Krout hu accomplished so much clear-cut work for the party that she Is greatly missed when plans are being formulated for future efforts But let the Republican women take courage Although Mias Krout Is Just now Intently watching the political situation In England and hag an eapedal eye out for the effect of American lames In Britain Is hardly possible that she will be deaf to tha booming of tha Presidential campaign It Is IB to she will be In It before th full bloat of the elution la on Whr KOa haagka "1 always laugh to myself" ah uld I au that sign of Pickpockets' I haven't had a pocket for New York Times ibor Thla You can go to Chautauqua every Bun-day via Brie Train at A Only 11 round trip including a team boat ride of 4 miles It! "Mamma why Is th ocean so sngry-looklng?" "Hccauu It hu been crossed often Washington Times PsBbtlsm esussedsssw bleed reritet srbelld-Ine up awdlcis Thea tab Hood's 6niarill Na ae-aiRL'a drisb flnlshe the nerk The full puffs are slightly mounted at the top of fitted sleeve linings faced to the elbow with material the wrist being plainly completed The full round skirt I gathered at Ihe top and Joined tn lower edge nf walt the plaeket being formed In center hark Fancy or plain llk velvet batiste or pique will make pretty collar to combine with (I treses nf silk wool linen nr rot inn fabric lace gimp Insertion and fancy buttons providing ultable garniture Th quantity nf material 44 Incite Mde required tniak thl drex for a girl 10 years nf sgc-l 314 yards- Thr pattern Nn 68J la cut tn xlac for girls nf 6 6 10 and 13 years of age Cut out thl picture and lend to the NEWS wHh 16 cent to cover poatage and receive In return pattern of Girl' Dreaa Bend notice of non-receipt of pattern after a week ha elnprd A till re 11 letter to Department Buffalo NEWB pacts boOt erfflnje Lavender which goes to form the base nf tho mnlipniulr cologne water of today I grown tn nn enormous extent In England and France Musk vanilla amtiergrl vertlvct and benxnln are known aa the fixer that Is they are used to drag together and make lierinanent the mure volatile odors The odnr nf all plant are antiseptic and It le related that In the great cholera epidemic of 40 year ago nut a single workman employed In the manufacture of perfume In Parle or Lnndun took the disease The term "sub I said to hve rlirn from the circumstance nf the Pope of nnclrnt Home presenting consecrated roue to be placed over the cnnfeulnnall to denntc secrecy the ruse being a symbol of silence Acre of Europe ami Asia are devoted to the cultivation nf fiuwera In Italy Sardinia and France some half a town Jasmine rose acacia orange tube row bergamot and are extensively grown and form the hulk of the world's perfumery At Nice and Cannes there are mile of luch Bower forma On the ground floor of the Palace of Elisabeth' time waa a room called the room'' where the Indie of the court amused themselvea distilling fragrant waters All great men's houses contained such an apartment anil ladle took lesson In the art of preparing perfume and wishes To this day some old English houses support a "atlll maid In their retinue of servants IJafriotfsn) All Gone at I A Obeyed Orders Mis Mary remember I am at home to none but Mr Vere Brownkln thl afternoon Mary (half an hour I've told four gentlemen callers that you were at horn to none but Mr Vere Brownkhie mlra and they all went away very angry Indeed Tld-BIU rae the women are bent' on having roof gardene this eson" "On their "Na On thtlr Detroit Free Pres Dr PERFECT Tooth Povdor AN ELECANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for overt quarter of fi oeatury I Th Behonl-Taaeliar's kina dryty "Youmadw nolo enouh to get everybody ele up" "Well" uld little Peter la the day when every cood American ought to make noloe Dkln'tPrealdent'Adamiaay that we ouht 'to Are off cannon and rtn hello and kick up all aorta of a tuna on the Fourth or wu It President He turned to hi father a he spoke and father uld: better tudy your eehoolhook a little more eloeely and you wouldn't have uk that question But I can Ml you jow to celebrate The youn man who I (coin to teach achool In the dlatrlct next fall la In the villas today and If you tret rjt the boyi and trlrli tocether thla afternoon I'll have the hi barn cleared nut and set hhn to some over and make a Fourth of July apeech to you And I guera your mother will have tome kind of a little feaat for you all after the apeech" That (truck little Peter a very (food idea and before 10 o'clock he and four or live of hla playmates were scourln the villa to get all tha youngetera ttf prom Ice to come down to the Perkin farm at 1 o'clock In the afternoon Then when the time came to Peter1! astonishment there wu a peat crowd Not only did the children come but nearly all the grown people well and the echoolmuter wu there too The old white-haired preacher waa there among the other and he first uked the people to Bin "America" Then he Introduced youn Mr Whitney who wu going to be the schoolteacher and he without any fun or nonsense began talking "I am not iota to make any set he (aid have had oration and addreuea and ipeechea on th Fourth of July so long-and a often that It Mnu to me that we are beginning to loae eight of what we are trying to do In celebrating tha day All I shall try la to Kt before the youn people some of the reason why they ought to be glad they are American eltlsens and why they should remember the people who on the Fourth of July more than 100 yean ago made it possible for to live ae happily and well as we da "We an a oommunlty of quiet' farm-era Then le no excitement and no hue-tie and no gnat struggle for existence hen such then le In th greet cities but then le Just the ume opportunity hen that then Is anywhere elu In this great country for any one of the boys and girls am talking ta Any one of them may become famous and great distinguished and wealthy If ha or she hu natural talent and th genius for I hard work "All that may sound commonplace hut It Is only becsuK you hav heard It often It would not have been bo if It had not been tor the Fourth of July and what wu dona that day Before them laws were made for our people without their consent They were governed not by thenuelvee as we or today but by strangers in another country who were sometimes friendly to them arid sometime were not They were subject to what was called the divine right of king which means that 1 God In some mysterious way select certain men to rul over nations and keep the people In some Mrt of a condition of bondage Ae yoti know wo do not believe In anything of that kind now And no king or ruler can claim obedience from ua We make our own laws and put our servants In charge of thlnge to see that thou laws are oh-' served "I am saying all this principally to the younger continued th young school teacher "hut It seems to me a good thing that some of us older ones should stop end think about It from time to time so that we may realise bow simple It la and yet how Important And'tbe Fourth of July which we are proud to call Independence Day Is th time of all times when we should do this because on that day some of pur forefathers took their lives In their hands and algned that declaration of human rights which resulted in free government They were called traitors and In a certain sense they were guilty treason but their treason woe gio-fSoua loyalty to the human roc "And now what I want (he children to rrn from all thla le first that each one of them la reapooalbl for th good government of thla land As they grow period of gestation there is no reason why the oomiug of bebyrimnld be dreaded Perhaps tha greatest naeftUneas of Dr Picroe'a Favorite PreecripHen ta in preparing tromen lor this ridaoL It acta directly on tha organs distinctly feminine and make them strong and healthy It insures the well-being of both mother end child Thonunde of letter elmitar te the following hove been received "I sea NeoMMud Heim's teamtl udriniMne tor ihrad of soy utter me daitferawawsiT ipjetuguMBtfr- IHwton cMMraa fer the IrritwB I Mred cate teu fertweteehaan Briber 17 tori child wm bom I look -Favanti PrncitpliM' ri roly three holtlaa of It aod wk I waiesauM I very Uttlei eud wee le labor ooly i wy Sort Mu" Mi Kooey tenor of Xadarjr Mo-uaooCa Iowa Bvtiywnmoulu Aiurrieo Marec-o'-C a koodow woaro It wfil bo MuTyopof-booud atoaMbtr firt 00 iMriet of 1 teats to lorrrot MMUQto wait tecuch doth Madias to dtslred Ira onto taUo IhklyoBoctololuoU mnalrtbfrat 5s je lA I.

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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


What happened in Buffalo, New York? ›

On May 14, 2022, a mass shooting occurred in Buffalo, New York, United States, at a Tops Friendly Markets supermarket in the East Side neighborhood. Ten people, all of whom were African Americans, were murdered and three were injured.

What caused the decline of Buffalo NY? ›

Suburbanization and decline, 1957–2010

The city's population gradually began to decline in the decades after World War II. A key cause was suburban migration, which was a major national trend at the time.

What is the name of the newspaper in Buffalo, New York? ›

The Buffalo News | Buffalo NY.

Is Buffalo NY coming back? ›

For the first time in 70 years, the city of Buffalo has increased its population and has become one of the most livable and affordable cities in America. Buffalo natives expect cliché assumptions about where we're from. It's bitterly cold and snows a lot.

Who was the serial killer in buffalo NY? ›

In September 1980 Joseph Christopher began his killing spree. He murdered three black men and a 14-year-old boy in a 36-hour span in Buffalo linking a more tragic history of hate crimes in Queen City.

What happened to the buffalo and why? ›

The decline of the buffalo is largely a nineteenth-century story. The size of the herds was affected by predation (by humans and wolves), disease, fires, climate, competition from horses, the market, and other factors. Fires often swept the grasslands, sometimes maiming and killing buffaloes.

Why are people leaving buffalo? ›

The blame for this decline has traditionally fallen on failed government intervention, lack of quality local leadership, an overcompensated and under worked union workforce, environmental concerns, natural resource depletion, and oppressive taxes.

What is the problem in buffalo? ›

Poverty and inequality are the worst problems afflicting Buffalo Niagara, and the primary cause of most of the others. While poverty rates in the region as a whole are roughly average, the city of Buffalo consistently ranks as one of the poorest in the nation.

Who is the biggest employer in buffalo, NY? ›

Principal employers
#Employer# of Employees
1State of New York23,600
2Federal Executive Board (United States of America)15,000
3Kaleida Health8,301
4M&T Bank7,400
6 more rows

Are the owners of Buffalo RiverWorks fighting over ownership? ›

— Buffalo RiverWorks owner Earl Ketry is facing a second claim tied to ownership interests and investors at the waterfront restaurant and event venue. Ketry was sued in May by developer Douglas Swift, alleging unauthorized changes in ownership interests and financial irregularities at the venue the two founded in 2013.

Who publishes the Buffalo News? ›

Tom Wiley

What is the oldest newspaper in New York State? ›

The first New York newspaper, the New-York Gazette, was started November 8,1725, by William Bradford. It was printed on a single sheet, published weekly, and ran for nineteen years.

Is Buffalo a good place to live in? ›

In fact, it's one of the best places for real estate in the entire country! Taking these factors into account, it's no wonder Buffalo is considered one of the most affordable cities in the country.

What is the nickname of Buffalo NY? ›

And of course the “Queen City,” earned when Buffalo was the second-largest city in New York State and a key location at the western terminus of the Erie Canal. Following the 1901 Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo earned the nickname “City of Light” by being the first electrified city in the US.

What is Buffalo, New York famous for? ›

Buffalo is known as the largest flour milling city in the world. Buffalo's Nightlife doesn't call it quits until 4 a.m., rather than 2 a.m. like most other cities in the U.S. Buffalo is the home to the New Era Cap Company.

What was the killing of the buffalo? ›

To make matters worse for wild buffalo, some U.S. government officials actively destroyed bison to defeat their Native American enemies who resisted the takeover of their lands by white settlers. American military commanders ordered troops to kill buffalo to deny Native Americans an important source of food.

What historical event happened in buffalo New York? ›

President William McKinley was assassinated in the city while visiting the Pan-American Exposition (1901). The Ansley Wilcox Mansion, where Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office following the assassination, was dedicated a national historic site in 1966.

What happened in the buffalo hunt? ›

Generals William T. Sherman and Philip Sheridan sent soldiers to the plains with U.S. Cavalry guns to kill buffalo. The soldiers would use buffalo as target practice, killing them in massive numbers daily and then leaving them there to rot. They only took the buffalo tongues and their meat of choice.

What happened in buffalo 66? ›

The plot revolves around Billy Brown (Gallo), a man who kidnaps a young tap dancer named Layla (Ricci) and forces her to pretend to be his wife to impress his parents (Gazzara and Huston) after he gets released from prison, while also seeking revenge on Buffalo's kicker who he blamed for losing a championship game.


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.