Starter Guide + Pro Guides (2024)


  • 1 The Beginning:
    • 1.1 The backstory/Starting:
    • 1.2 Quest(s):
    • 1.3 Training / Stats / Tokens:
    • 1.4 Gems / Ancient Items:
    • 1.5 Kills / Reputation:
    • 1.6 Bounty Tokens:
    • 1.7 Rank-Up:
    • 1.8 Fusion / Transformations:
    • 1.9 Multipliers - Training Areas
      • 1.9.1 Islands
  • 2 Pro Guide (Sort of)
    • 2.1 How to gain Rank and Fusion quickly
    • 2.2 Redeem Codes:
    • 2.3 Use Robux:
    • 2.4 Just do Overnight Grinds:
    • 2.5 Do the quests, dailys, weeklys, and others:
    • 2.6 Buy Items:
  • 3 Guides for Ranking Up/Fusioning
    • 3.1 Early Game
    • 3.2 Mid Game 1
    • 3.3 Mid Game 2 (Max before Halloween)
    • 3.4 Mid Game 3
    • 3.5 Late Game
    • 3.6 End game/Space Era

The Beginning:[]

The backstory/Starting:[]

Scrolling through the Roblox website and trying to find a simulator game to play, you've stumbled upon a game called "Super Power Fighting Simulator" and chose to try it.

After loading in, you find yourself in a laboratory, and this is where your adventure in this world begins!

This laboratory is found on the Main Island, the first of many islands present in this game, but to access other islands you will need to get stronger (or Rank-Up, more on that later).

Your objective is to become the strongest superhuman that ever existed, and to do so you will have to train both your body and your mind, while surviving against the other superhumans that aim at the same objective.


The first thing you want to do is go up to the NPC (his name is Inferno), as you do a message above the screen says "Click here to Talk".

After talking to the NPC, you'll receive a quest with tasks to do, which can be found in the "Quests" button in the Menu on the left.

This quest will ask you to train some stats (in the case of the first quest, to reach 20 Strength and 20 Endurance) and it will show a progress bar with a number under it followed by a golden coin, this is your reward in Tokens, the main currency of the game.

When you're done, go back to Inferno (It shows you a green line of arrows that leads to him) and he'll give you some tokens, which you will be using later.

Talking to him again will give you the access to a new quest, with a different objective, and more tokens to earn, but between this token rewards, there are a few quests that give skills too (there are 10 of them), which will help you survive and thrive in this game.

As you progress and do more quests, the difficulties will increase but will give you better rewards.

Training / Stats / Tokens:[]

When you spawn, you receive 3 training items/tools, and each one of this will give you the possibility to train one of the three main stats:

  1. Strength tool - when selected, if you left click (or press the screen on phone/tablet) you'll throw a punch, which will increase your Strength and damage whoever is in front of you at close range.
  2. Endurance tool - when selected, your character will put himself in a push-up position, and when you left click (or press the screen on phone/tablet) you'll do a push-up, which will increase your Endurance.
  3. Psychic tool- when selected, your character will put himself in a meditation position, and your Psychic stat will increase.

Each increase in stat can happen only once every tick, which is the game's unit of time, and corresponds approximately to one second.

In the map there are zones where you can increase the amount of stat you gain through multipliers, but this zones require a set amount of that stat (you can check more about these zones in the pages for each stat [Endurance|Strength|Psychic]).

In the laboratory on the left (while looking at the exit doors) there is a map of the islands present, which shows you where are the training zones and what amount of stat they require (red number = strength, green number = endurance, pink number = psychic)

Another way to obtain multipliers is using tokens.

These can be acquired through quests (in the previous section we only talked about the main quests, but there are other types, check the Quests page for more info) or once each minute based on your rank (as of now you will gain 25 Tokens each minute), and will allow you to increase the training multiplier for each skill, you just need to go in the "Stats" button on the left, click it and it will open a card with all your statistics (check the Menu page, in the Stats section for more info about every information on it).

Clicking on the "+" sign beside one stat will make a pop-up message appear, which asks if you are sure to buy the multiplier, in this message it is shown both the multiplier you will acquire (which is 2 times the one you had before) and the number of tokens to upgrade it.

The multiplier will multiply the amount of stat you gain each tick by the amount shown, so if you have a multiplier of x2 you will get an increase of 2 Strength for each fist you throw instead of only 1.

There are other ways to obtain multipliers other than upgrade and zones multipliers, but we will talk about that in the future.

Under the psychic stat in the stats card you might have seen another stat called Speed, or you might have seen while running around a little lightning with a "+1" under it, that stat is what will increase your movement speed and jump (and in the future your flight speed), but it is not considered one of the main stats as there are no training zones or skills for it, and after a certain amount the movement speed and jump are capped and can't grow anymore.

There is still one way to get tokens and increase further more your multipliers, and this are Chests.

Chests are present once on each island of the map (with exception of the Main Island, which has 2 of them), and can be collected to obtain a big sum of tokens, but once collected there is a 7 hours timer before you can collect them again.

Gems / Ancient Items:[]

Together with tokens, each minute you can gain Gems, which allow you to purchase Chests that contains particular items called Ancient Items.

This items give a multiplier to different stats, and the more you get, the higher the multiplier you can reach.

There are various tiers for items, and each tier chest costs 50 gems more than the previous, but grants higher multipliers, but it is not sufficient to collect all the items to get the maximum multiplier.

An item can increase its grade if you have copies of the same item, and an increase of grade means an higher multiplier from that same item.

The number of copies required to increase the grade depend on the grade itself and on the rarity of the item (common, rare, epic, legendary), for more info check the Ancient Items page.

Another way to obtain more gems and get your hands on more items is through Mini Chests, which are mini version of the normal chests that contain gems.

These spawn randomly throughout the map after some time, but are shared between everyone, so if you want to get a chest you have to get there before the others.

Kills / Reputation:[]

One of the major things you can do in this game, as suggested by the name, is to fight other players.

To do so you can use skills (gained through the main quests) or hitting them with a punch, in both cases you have to be aware of who you are fighting with.

Each player can do a damage equal to his strength with his/her fist, but has x10 his/her endurance as Health Points, so killing someone is harder than surviving someone.

Skills can partially change this, as each skill can increase the amount of damage dealt, increase the defense or even not consider both in the case of psychic skills.

Once you kill someone on the Tab leaderboard your name will have a killstreak different from 0 and a status different from Innocent.

The killstreak simply tells you how many players you killed since you last died (there is even a leaderboard for that), while status shows if you are a player are one of the good guys (Savior) or on of the bad guys (Outlaw).

Each kill gives you a certain amount of reputation based on the status of the player you killed, and this reputation is positive when you kill a bad guy, or negative when you kill a good guy or an innocent.

There are many statuses for both sides, to know more about the argument check the Reputation page.

Bounty Tokens:[]

Bounty tokens are a currency in the game.

They are gained upon killing a player with a bounty or some bounty tokens.

Bounty Shop:

Look on the right of your screen and you'll see this 3 dots with 3 lines. Click on it and keep searching until you see "Bounty". Once you've seen it, click on it and it'll show up with a Gui. There are 4 categories in the Gui: Bounties, Shop, Hunt and top bounties. You most importantly want to check the store first. Upon clicking, you are shown with 5 things you can buy. Of course, not all of the items on display is permanent, it refreshes daily.

If you have enough bounty tokens to buy a item, you can proceed to buy it. You'll receive the wanted item. The bounty tokens will of course, be spent.


After training for a while, you will encounter a quests that requires you to "Rank-up to E-Class", which is your first real step into the game.

A Rank-up is a reset of all your stats (so you will maintain your kills, your reputation, your tokens/gems and your multipliers) which grants you another multiplier, which stacks upon the ones you already have, and a token multiplier, which allows you to get even more tokens each minute.

To Rank-up you need to click on the "Upgrade" button in the left menu and look at the first section, this will show you a badge of your current class, the boost you gain from that class and the requirements for the next class.

To reach E-Class you need 1 M power, which is usually called "Total Power" and is the sum of all your stats combined, once you reach that threshold you will be able to click on the upgrade button and you will be immediately teleported outside the spawn area, all your stats resetted to 0, but now much stronger.

At the beginning ranking-up might not seem worth it, as you only get double the statistics, but the higher the rank you reach, the larger the multiplier you get, and at the highest class (XYZ-Class) one second of training corresponds to more than 1000 days of training at F-Class.

Fusion / Transformations:[]

Transformation / Fusions are a mechanic in the game achieved upon reaching S Class. There are about 5 main fusions in the game (excluding Fusions / Transformations that need to be bought with via Tokens or Gems).

To fuse with a certain fusion, you need a certain requirement of total power, when you reached your requirement, on the left screen, you need to click on "Upgrade" then click on "Fusion" or rather "fuse". Once you've fused, you will gain multipliers and increased the quantity of Gems you get overall. And a badge depending on what fusion you got. However your total power will reset back to 0 but your multiplier will stay the same. You will be teleported in spawn once you've fused.

The first fusion when you reach S Class is werewolf. Total power you need is 5 Sx (5 Sextillion) in order to get the fusion "Werewolf". Once you've fused, there are still more so you must repeat the whole process again but the multipliers on your journey will help you achieve your goals faster. You can check your current fusion by clicking on upgrades and next to it is the total power of a new fusion you need to reach.

Purchasable Transformations:

There are about 9 total transformation that you can purchase in-game with the current currency.

Each transformation will cost a certain amount of gems or tokens you need in order to receive it.

The first one is the Ninja Fusion: It costs about 5-k Tokens and grants you (the player) +50 more speed and 75+ jump power. These buffs & boosts can possibly make you harder to predict and could make the opponent have a slower reaction time since you're so fast thanks to those buffs. However, it does not grant any Strength, Endurance or Physic Buff, only speed and jump power. I'd recommend better transformations like, Void Emperor or anything that multiplies your overall power. In my opinion, I would use (the ninja transformation) this for a flanking style or get to places faster. I would NOT use this in PVP since some skills could be more efficient and faster than you. (Some have a giant hitbox)

I'll just list the Pros and Cons(for ninja of course):


  • Grants speed boost
  • Grants Higher Jump Power
  • Fast and Unpredictable (Depends on the user's overall stats)
  • Hard to catch or attack.


  • Mediocre buffs
  • Doesn't support any other useful stats.
  • Speed can go against the player
  • Jump is useless for most situations
  • Skills can be potent and can catch the person Of course, this is just MY opinion. Don't get angry or make a fuss in the comments.

Special Exceptions:

There is a bounty hunter transformation upon purchased with 10-k bounty tokens.

Once purchased, it will grant you a slight buff(for bounty tokens). You will get a 10% more bounty tokens when killing a player.

Multipliers - Training Areas[]

As you progress through the game, you will see that it's harder to get power. You can make gaining power easier by Upgrading Multipliers, Training in Training Areas, Ranking Up, Doing a Fusion, Get a Transformation, and Buy Items.

Simply to say you'll need tokens to Upgrade Stat Multipliers, and the others will be explained later on, or even already explained.

Training Areas are essentially area where you train to get power faster. When you get to a certain amount of power you may go to the next training area. Training areas are available for all stats excluding speed. There are currently 16 Training areas for each stat (15 for psychic, because Devs didn't add the 100 psychic training area), requirements being 100, 1k, 10k, 100k, 5m, 500m, 50B, 30T, 10Qa, 25Qi, 10Sp, 5N, 100Dc, 6DD, 150TD, and 150Qui. (These are info for Upd 2.1)

Training Areas are spread on the whole map, some locked behind islands, and some requiring you to be able to fly.

Training Areas starting from the 50B one tend to follow a certain pattern, being that their stat multiplier amount will raise by approximately 30x.

Next is Islands as a Sub-Heading


Speaking about training areas, some of them are locked behind islands

Islands can be unlocked by Ranking up, and Fusing will lock them back until you get the ranks needed again.

There are currently 6 Islands (Upd 2.1) being the Main Island (It's your spawn), Desert Island (C Class), Lost Sea Island (A Class), Prison Island(SS Class), Ninja Island(X Class), and also Sky Island (Fly is required and no certain ranks are required.)

Each Island will hold 2 tiers of training areas except for the Main Island (a total of 6 each island).

More information here: (Training Areas: Strength Endurance Psychic)

Pro Guide (Sort of)[]

How to gain Rank and Fusion quickly[]

So, people complained that the game is too hard, and I agree with that not gonna lie.

The key to being better are Higher Ranks and Fusions, Currently the best Rank and Fusion is Omni Dragon. But getting better Ranks and Fusions are very time consuming.

There are several ways to do it:

Redeem Codes:[]

(This is mostly for starters who want a quick boost but can be used for Late Pros too.) Note that the majority of these codes may be outdated and therefore invalid. Check the codes page for a more up-to-date reference.

Rainway3000 Tokens
Rektway3000 Tokens
Rektway100K5000 Tokens
Pieover3000 Tokens
Sub2Cookie3000 Tokens
MehDiable3000 Tokens
JustHamNoTurkey3000 Tokens
JakDNoob3000 Tokens
HyperDjano3000 Tokens
xbutterflies6000 Tokens
50M5050 Tokens
750KMembers5000 Tokens
65KLikes5000 Tokens
200KFavorites2500 Tokens
VIPTokens5000 Tokens
Elemental5000 Tokens
Buff5000 Tokens
Poseidon250 Gems
AncientItems250 Gems
Gems300 Gems
Sciborg500 Gems
Bounty500 Gems
20KSupreme1000 Gems
Alien500 Gems

Use Robux:[]

Using robux is an efficient way to fasten your overall progress and total power. However, you should spend your robux wisely, I'd recommend and suggest to buy the Sci-Borg & Legendary Otherworldly Hammer. With the combined boost of 5.5x multiplier from the cyborg and the 8x power from the hammer, you'll be leveling up very efficiently and quickly. However, this pack is rather expensive for players, so if you don't feel like saving, I suggest you buy the "Chest Pack". You will receive very useful items that will boost and support your way to achieving a certain rank or fusion.

You can also buy VIP. It is a good way to earn tokens and gems instead of waiting for a very minimal and little quantity of gems & tokens.

Every 15 minutes, you will receive 1k tokens. This is WAY more efficient than some ranks.

From gems, you get 5k per 15 minutes. I think this is more efficient than fusions in my opinion.

Note that VIP becomes almost useless when you get to later ranks past reaper because these ranks give more than the 15 minute bonus in only a few minutes.

Just do Overnight Grinds:[]

I recommend people with performance-wise PC to Overnight Grind. You must HAVE and I mean HAVE a lot of spare time grinding.

Overnight Grinding is the key to these types of games. Kind of, I mean it is the prospect of the game, you grind, get better, bully noobs (just kidding it's a joke), get killed, then grind to get better again. Not that I would recommend this for those with strict rules on gadget uses (i.e. something that has to do with parents).

Do the quests, dailys, weeklys, and others:[]

They are ways to gain in game currency being Tokens and Gems (Bounties are another topic). Finish the quests as soon as possible, and do the Anubis quest, although it seems pretty small (5k-10k tokens/hour) it still helps. Daily and Weekly Quests are essentially the only way you can get tokens other than buying them from bounty shop or doing anubis or getting chests. The Daily Quests may seem very little but in the Late Game it's pretty decent giving more than 200k per week if done right,while the weekly is always good for tokens. In the end it's still hard to get tokens, so don't be shocked if you found out that you're gaining upgrades very slowly.

Buy Items:[]

There was an argument about which one is better, buying the Void Emperor/Sci-Borg Transformation which are 50K and 60K respectively or buying items for that amount of gems. Either way it's good i guess, I personally choose to buy items, but it's up to personal tastes.

More on Items here

And that concludes How to Gain Ranks and Fusions Quickly, if you disagree then alright.

Be Patient and use token multis:

If you don't want to spend hours upon hours of in game time grinding (I suggest doing this at least past xyz -legend class) then you should be patient and:

  1. Collect chests as stated earlier- these add up if you can do them twice a day
  2. Do anubis quests and daily/weekly quests (not every hour but whenever you can helps)
  3. Be patient - there are multiple ways to collect tokens in the game, but if you're ultimately someone who can't grind the game afk overnight or doesn't want to spend hours a day (ie you have a family no auto clicker or touch grass) playing the game, then it takes some time, but at least this way its not all in game time:)

Guides for Ranking Up/Fusioning[]

Alright before we get into this, just a small disclaimer. This is not for those 24/7 Grind Players (they'll have it easier), it's for more "casual" players like me who only plays 8 hours a day. Please do note this while reading and also this is all using the fusion transformations

Early Game[]

This contains F Class all the way through X Class, This stage isn't that hard so I won't be discussing much about it, just do remember to use all codes and spend the tokens wisely, buy items, finish quests, and try to not focus on rep at these levels

Mid Game 1[]

Phoenix and Y Class will be easily achievable with 32 Million Stat Multi along with 100x Item Multi; By now you should make sure you're deciding your main stat

Yeti and Z Class will be easily achievable with 64 Million Stat Multi along with 150x Item Multi

Mid Game 2 (Max before Halloween)[]

Starting from this point it will be harder to progress through the game (significantly)

It's recommended to have at least 64 Million Stat Multi along with at least 200x Item Multi for Hydra, while 268 Million Stat Multi along with 200x Item Multi for XYZ

Mid Game 3[]

Reaper is the last fusion by Update 5.0 (Christmas part 1) it is recommended to have 1B Stat Multi for it along with 275x Item Multi

Legend is the third last rank by Update 5.0 and it is recommended to have 2B Stat Multi with 325x Item Multi

Late Game[]

By now the time to get these ranks will increase significantly

Immortal is the penultimate rank by Update 5.0 recommended to have 4B Stat Multi with 350x Item Multi

Ruler of Time is the final rank by Update 5.0 and it is recommended to have 17B-34B Stat Multi with 500x Item Multi

End game/Space Era[]

Dragon is the last fusion by update 10.0 and it is recommended to have 68b-272B with 750-1k Item Multi Artifacts will be important and it will help to have at least 2 artifacts for your main stat

Universe Ruler: By now at some point you may want to hunker down and buff your multi to somewhere in the trillions which may take a few weeks but is worth it to ward off an impossible grind If not yet then simply a 250B-2t multi may be enough to get by and 2k+ ancient item multi

Multiverse ruler - good luck, now is the time where you really can lay off the game a bit and collect tokens and just focus on making sure you have enough tokens to make sure you multi is good. Anywhere from 4t-136t is reasonable and 3k+ ancient item multi will be sufficient. (Note that below 1t multi is doable for Omni but it will take a very long time which I guess is to be expected for this game

Omni- You beat the game no more ranks will be added for years. You can go outside now:) Or grind the leaderboards for kills

Starter Guide + Pro Guides (2024)


What is the 6 digit code in the beginners guide? ›

After climbing some more stairs, the player, in order to get to the next part, needs to guess a 6-digit number (which is 151617), which again is quickly spoiled by the narration by default.

How does pro guides work? ›

ProGuides is an esports training platform that provides one-on-one coaching with the world's best players, as well as video courses with the top pros in every category. Players like Doublelift for League of Legends, Clix for Fortnite, s1mple for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and MkLeo for Super Smash Bros.

What is every possible 6 digit code? ›

If digits can repeat and it can start with zero then there are 10 options for every digit so that we have 10 choices for every six digit such that the answer by product rule is 10*10*10*10*10*10 , or 1000000.

What are the chances of guessing a 6 digit code first try? ›

A six-digit code has 1,000,000 possible states, hence allows for a 1/1,000,000 chance to correctly guess it on the first try.

Who is the CEO of Pro Guides? ›

“Gamers don't just want to get better—they want better access to the pros,” said Sam Wang, founder and CEO of ProGuides.

Can you pay ProGuides monthly? ›

If you purchase a recurring Subscription, you will be charged either the monthly or annual Subscription fee, plus any applicable taxes, and other charges (“Subscription Fee”), at the beginning of your Subscription and each month or year thereafter, at the then-current Subscription Fee.

How much do ProGuides coaches make? ›

Salaries for ProGuides Coaches

According to a report in the Business Insider here (could be behind a paywall), these coaches can earn anywhere between $4000-5000/month. Face to face coaching sessions can cost up to $12/half hour, but depending on the demand for a particular coach, this rate can be tweaked up or down.

How to do the 6 digit code in roblox? ›

How to log in with a one-time code
  1. Press the Email Me a One-Time Code button on the login page.
  2. Enter the email address that is verified on your account. We will email you a six-digit one-time code.
  3. Enter the one-time code to log in (if your email is verified on multiple accounts, you can choose one).

What is the 6 digit identification code? ›

An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a six-digit number that prevents someone else from filing a tax return using your Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

What is the 6 digit number? ›

What is a 6-Digit Number? A 6 digit number is a number that has 6 digits, where the first digit should be 1 or greater than 1 and the rest of the digits can be any number between 0-9. It starts from one lakh (1,00,000) and goes up to Nine lakh, ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine (9,99,999).


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.