S: Teleporter Plot 5 (2024)


  • 1 Session 26
  • 2 Session 27
  • 3 Return to basem*ntEdit
  • 4 Seir's panic
  • 5 Seir's Trip to Forsa
  • 6 Session 28
  • 7 Session 29
  • 8 Seir's scouting
  • 9 Seir in the kitchens
  • 10 Session 30
  • 11 In the kitchen
  • 12 Let's get ready to rumble
  • 13 Seir's escape
  • 14 Session 31
  • 15 Nolanos
  • 16 The Kitchen
  • 17 Ryleigh and Kendall
  • 18 Urica
  • 19 Later Urica
  • 20 Seir's Mistake
  • 21 Session 32
  • 22 Novaphine
  • 23 Urrak
  • 24 All together now
  • 25 Seir

Session 26[]

[9:49 PM] DM: All the touching happens and Seir hits the button, sending you all back to Poni's basem*nt. Eloise, previously sitting in a chair, is standing in front of you. Seir's bow is still on the counter with the rest of the components you've found.

[9:50 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak avoids eye contact with Eloise

[9:50 PM] Seirixori: "That was the worst place. Can we never go back."

[9:50 PM] DM: Your temporary conditions are gone.

[9:51 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I wouldn't be opposed." Urrak crosses her arms

[9:52 PM] DM: Eloise holds her hand out to Seirixori. "Before you go again, if you wouldn't mind?"

[9:53 PM] Seirixori: "Oh... Uh, is that a good idea?"

[9:53 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's a pointless one in any case" Urrak mumbles to herself

[9:53 PM] DM: She frowns. "Why not? You've been gone a whole day. I just want to make sure nothing's happened."

[9:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine takes the component out of her bag to put it with the others and sighs in relief. "One more down"

[9:56 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh coughs to get everyone's attention, "I apologize for my behavior back in Hux's office. I...well, I can't say I wouldn't have reacted that way, but I felt..off. I am usually more collected. I feel like a literal weight has been lifted." She turns to Seirixori, "I'm sorry for not being the support you needed."

[9:57 PM] Seirixori: Seir shrugs, "Kind of used to it." She mutters. And addresses Eloise, "I... I guess." Seirixori sighs and takes the items, holding one up to Poni and pushing the button.

[9:57 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine hesitates for a moment, trying not to cry, and jumps to hug Ryleigh and Seirixori in a group hug "I feel awful. I didn't mean any of that behavior"

[9:58 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I guess I'm glad yer all feelin' better..." Urrak stands there slightly confused.(edited)

[9:59 PM] DM: The portal comes back to life, showing Misha, the daughter, in another ballgown, this time sitting at a banquet table, eating delicious looking food.

[9:59 PM] DM: Eloise stands next to Seirixori and whispers a thank you.

[10:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh pats Ravaphine's back in comfort, "we all felt awful, what a terrible place, but all is forgiven."(edited)

[10:03 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori, uncomfortable with the attention, clears her throat and steps back away a little, "Yeah sure."

[10:03 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine looks to Eloise. Then she looks at the portal. Then back to Eloise. She wipes the tears off her face "Life is too short to not spend it with the ones you love". She grabs Poni from Seirixori and jumps into the portal

[10:04 PM] DM: The portal changes its image to Ravaphine in an empty bedroom. The furniture is well-crafted and expensive looking.

[10:07 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine gets scared and pushes the button to go back to the basem*nt "That was a terrible idea, I'm sorry. I'm normally not that impulsive" she gives the stick back to seirixori

[10:07 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "What is goin' on with all o' ye?"

[10:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh steps forward, "I'm with you Ravaphine."

[10:09 PM] DM: Eloise: "I have more to think about than just two people. Can you look a parent in the eye and tell them my child's life was worth more than theirs?"

[10:10 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine steadies her breath. "The components. We just need to find more components"

[10:10 PM] DM: Eloise nods shakily. "Please. Bring them all home."

[10:11 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at Eloise and raises an eyebrow, "Will you be able to tell your daughter that others were more important than her or her mother?"

[10:12 PM] DM: She squares her shoulders and looks at Ryleigh evenly, though with tears in her eyes. "She is a Moonstream. She would understand."

[10:13 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak yells in frustration, throwing her hands up as she turns to leave the basem*nt. As she leaves the muffled word "Bollocks!" can be heard echoing in the allyway(edited)

[10:14 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine goes to hug Eloise before bursting into tears. "I'm so sorry. We just want to help her and your wife. Time is too precious to waste and what if we fix the thing and it's too late? How can you be so levelheaded about this. If I could turn back time for my mother, I would do so in a heartbeat"

[10:15 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: ((Urrak is already heading to the Cask btw))

[10:16 PM] DM: Eloise: "The burden of leadership is not light. I am not strong enough to continue protesting. Please, don't make me continue."

[10:20 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine sighs deeply. "I understand," she says softly before leaving Poni's house

[10:18 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh nods, "I am moved by your ability to put your people first. Few leaders do so..." her eyes get a distant look for a few seconds, then they refocus, "We will help your people and then you." She then leaves to follow the others.(edited)

[10:16 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori follows Urrak, "Hey, uh, what's wrong?" She calls out.

[10:18 PM] DM: Gunnloda follows.(edited)

[10:18 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak stops, turns "What's it t' ye, tiefling?" She clenches her fists at her sides, "Leave me be, I cannae stand t' be in the same room as that Moonstream woman"

[10:22 PM] Seirixori: "Wh-what's it to me? I can't ask you what's wrong, I thought... Does being here make you that angry? I get that you all are trying to go home, but that doesn't mean you have to be an asshole."

[10:26 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak turns around and stomps towards Seirixiori. She stops inches from her and looms down, making her superior height known "You know nothing about my 'home', devil." she walks off to the Cask

[10:27 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "HEY" Ravaphine screams before trying to tackle Urrak

[10:29 PM] DM: Ravaphine tackles her around the knees, sending them both to the ground.

[10:30 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ye mad elf! " Urrak flips around and instinctively tries to kick Ravaphine off(edited)

[10:31 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh hurries up to where Ravaphine has Urrak grappled. She places a hand on Seirixori's shoulder in comfort than moves in front of her, taking a protective stance.

[10:32 PM] DM: Urrak kicks free and you both get to your feet.

[10:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Urrak! What is the meaning of this?" Ryleigh demands.

[10:32 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav rolls on the ground but stands up to dust herself off and takes a deep breath. "We cannot. Keep fighting like this. We're out of the Kraken's control so why are you acting like you're still under? Was it something you saw?"

[10:33 PM] DM: Nolanos appears from thin air since you're near the town square.

[10:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ask this elf! She's touched in the head." Urrak yells in Rayleigh's direction. She turns back to Ravaphine "The kraken? What does that sacof fish sh*t have t' do with this?"

[10:34 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori steps back in surprise by the support, but growls at Urrak's words and jumps at her, her form shifting into a brown bear.

[10:35 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak moves to catch Seirixiori

[10:35 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh attempts to step between the two and cast Command, "Stop"(edited)

[10:36 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine runs after them and yells "It made us dream things. See things. Feel things we didn't want to feel. I understand that we are getting frustrated with wasting time, but must you be so mean to our companions"

[10:38 PM] DM: And Urrak's on her back again, tackled by a bear.

[10:39 PM] DM: Suddenly water starts raining down from the sky over everyone and Gunnloda steps up. "Everyone needs to cool off right now."

[10:39 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori roars in her face and then shifts back, a little confused.

[10:40 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine stops running and puts her hands on her knees to catch her breath

[10:40 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urraks arms, which she had thrown over her face as protection, slowly lower as she starts to get up(edited)

[10:41 PM] Seirixori: "Seriously, what is wrong? I know you want to go home, but this isn't going to help us."

[10:42 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "...What in the hell is going on??"

[10:42 PM] DM: The "rain" stops once the 30 gallons has fallen.

[10:42 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine walks up to Urrak and offers her a hand

[10:42 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Get. The f*ck. Away from me." Urrak smacks her hand out of the way and walks off

[10:43 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine turns around and shakes her hand and silently says "ow"

[10:44 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos walks up to Ravaphine. "Are you alright? What even just happened?"

[10:45 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I'm not...sure. But I'm glad we are no longer back in Bleakmourne." She follows to the cask(edited)

[10:43 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh once again steps up next to Seirixori and nods her approval at the question, then runs to catch up with Urrak. keeping some distance(edited)

[10:44 PM] Seirixori: Seir shakes her head, "What the heck was that." She stares at her hands for a second before going after Urrak.

[10:44 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Urrak, we all suffered from nightmares that night. But those painful memories are what help us make it to tomorrow and become stronger. I can see you're hurting and if you need time than so be it, but do not hurt your comrades in the process." Ryleigh then allows Urrak to continue ahead the group.

[10:45 PM] DM: You guys filter into the Cask following Urrak. Cyan’s in her customary spot, perched on the end of the bar playing her lyre. She nods to you all, but seeing your faces, she changes the tune to something more soothing.(edited)

[10:46 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak sits at the bar a few seats away and looks for a temporary bartender. She doesn't notice Cyan at the moment(edited)

[10:48 PM] DM: Nobody's currently behind the bar.

[10:48 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori walks in and grabs two mugs of ale and slams them down in front of Urrak, "are you going to answer me or not?"

[10:49 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak shoots up, wiping some of the splashed ale from her cheek "Y'think I owe ye an answer, Tiefling? I barely know ye!"

[10:52 PM] Seirixori: "I have a name, and you know it, now cut the crap. Maybe I'll just chuck Poni again and not let you go back home."

[10:52 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh hoovers nearby, then intervenes, "Seirixori, we should give Urrak some space. Trust me, she needs time. Please."

[10:53 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine sits at the table nearest Cyan and shrugs to her

[10:53 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "What are you? The group mom?" Urrak turns to Ryleigh

[10:55 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh ignores Urrak, "Seirixori, she cannot be reasoned with right now. Please, come sit with us and let her anger subside. She will regret her words later, I assure you."

[10:55 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "f*ck ye too, y' tin can." Urrak sits back down and chugs one of the ales(edited)

[10:57 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos is just watching this all unfold, trying to be literally as unnoticeable as possible... jesus.(edited)

[10:59 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori growls again, slamming her hand on the bar. It breaks as her form shifts in the middle of it, the brown bear in her place, hunched over, and growling.

[11:00 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'think you scare me?" Urrak looks up under her brow directly into Seirixori's eyes. She doesn't move from her seat.

[11:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh throws her shield up to protect herself and maybe displace Seirixori's advance on Urrak?

[11:01 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori shifts back, "I... I don't know why that happened..." she says staring at her hands.

[11:03 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak stares coldly, saying nothing. She soon returns to her drink(edited)

[11:07 PM] Seirixori: "Forget it, why even bother coming back here if you hate me so much." Seir says, walking away to a corner table and plopping down, staring at her hands again, "what the hell was that?"

[11:09 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak places her forehead in her hand as she rests her arm on the bar. She wipes a bit at her watery eyes, hoping no one notices. Slowly, the notes of Cyan's lyre start to reach her ears. She grips the handle of her stein tightly

[11:10 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh pats Urrak's back as she walks back to the others after collecting drinks.

[11:11 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine tries to be like Urrak and drink a pint of ale in a gulp. It doesn't end well

[11:11 PM] DM: Gunnloda quietly sits down opposite Seirixori.

[11:12 PM] Seirixori: "I...I don't know what that was... that's never happened before."

[11:15 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "You shouldn't turn on your allies like that."

[11:15 PM] DM: Eloise appears at the door.

[11:17 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak turns her head slowly towards the sounds of the lyre, her eyes closed and mouth clenched tight

[11:18 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori shrugs, "sorry." She sniffs a little, "she just.. she called me..." She sighs, "I guess it doesn't matter. Sorry."(edited)

[11:20 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at Seirixori, "it does matter because it hurt you, and she meant it too."

[11:21 PM] DM: Eloise glances around, taking the temperature of the room, then slowly approaches the group in the back, avoiding Urrak.

[11:22 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori wipes her eyes, and just shrugs again, "it's never bothered me before...at least not like that."(edited)

[11:25 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Finally understanding what started this mess,Nolanos quietly responds to her. "Its always different when it comes from someone you consider a friend."

[11:27 PM] DM: Gunnloda reaches over and puts her hand on Seir's.

[11:28 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav sits down with her friends

[11:29 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah well, she doesn't want to be mine apparently." Seirixori laughs through tears she can't stop, "Figures my first friend wants nothing to do with me."

[11:36 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sighs, "it isn't that she doesn't want to be your friend. I don't know Urrak that well, but I understand anger. That doesn't excuse her behavior but it makes us say distasteful things, even to the people we care about." She stands and walks over to Urrak, "When you are ready, they're waiting. They care for you, but you were hurtful so bear that in mind."

[11:37 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak pauses, and moves her head slightly towards Ryleigh. After a long pregnant pause she says in a low voice "...Thanks."

[11:39 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh nods and goes back to the group in silence.

[11:41 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak returns to her drink. Her other hand rests on the bar in a fist

[11:42 PM] DM: Eloise: "I... I'll just wait at Mr. Ningel's."(edited)

[11:45 PM] DM: Cyan's song finishes.

[11:47 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine claps

[11:47 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak sighs, visions of her dream still swimming her head. She closes her eyes again, arms crossed on the bar. She bows her head for a minute, fidgeting her legs, and finishes the ale in front of her.(edited)

[11:54 PM] DM: Cyan hops down from the bar and heads over to your table, stopping next to Ravaphine with her hand on Rav's shoulder.

[11:54 PM] DM: Cyan: "Rough day?"

[11:55 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh butts in, "better now."

[11:55 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine nods slightly

[11:56 PM] DM: Cyan smiles and holds her hand out to Ryleigh. "I don't think we've met. Name's Cyan."

[11:57 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles broadly and takes Cyan's hand, "Ryleigh. It's a pleasure to meet someone so talented."

[11:58 PM] DM: Cyan: "I appreciate the compliment." She glances over at Urrak. "Is... everything ok?"

[11:59 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "It will be, Urrak is upset. She's been...rather difficult today, but she'll come around. I'm sure of it."

[12:01 AM] DM: Cyan: "Any particular reason?"

[12:01 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav whispers "I may or may not have tackled her which didn't help. We just came back from a weird city"

[12:02 AM] DM: Cyan grins at Rav, looking her up and down. "Tackled? That's quite a mental image."

[12:02 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "We just returned from a place that seriously affected the majority of us...and not for the better."

[12:04 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine flexes a noodle arm

[12:04 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh chuckles and adds, "it was quite impressive."

[12:04 AM] DM: For the sake of the newbie(s?), Cyan's on the short side, especially for a half-elf and wears her hair in a bright blue pixie-cut. She wears what you'd think of with typical bar wench dress, off the shoulder white shirt with a leather corset type thing around her waist and a short skirt over leggings and knee-high boots with a rapier at her hip.

[12:07 AM] Seirixori: "Would it be a bad idea if I went and apologized?" Seirixori says quietly.

[12:08 AM] DM: Gunnloda: "Apologies are rarely a bad idea."

Cyan: "...unless you're apologizing for something they don't realize you did wrong."

[12:08 AM] Seirixori: "I mean... I kind of tackled her too. As a bear."

[12:08 AM] DM: Cyan: "Wow. I missed all the fun."

[12:10 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "You're always more than welcome to join in our adventures"

[12:12 AM] DM: Cyan smiles at Rav. "Thank you. I'll try to remember that."

[12:14 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori gets up and slowly moves to Urrak and sits quietly beside her. "Sorry... for the bear thing." she says after a few moments of silence, fidgeting with an empty cup, "I... I don't know what's going on but..." Seirixori huffs, trying to find the right words. "I promise to try and get you home as fast as possible. All of you."

[12:18 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak tenses up at Seirixori's presence. She knows her outbursts have been causing the tiefling grief. She clenches a fist on the bar and pushes her empty stein down the bar a ways. She is silent for a moment, turning to Seirixiori slowly. She reaches beneath her collar, under her armor and mail. She pulls a small bag on a rope off from around her neck. She places this bag on the bar and slides it towards Seirixiori. "Ancy."

[12:22 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori opens it up and sees a gold ring. "I... is she...missing?" Seirixori cringes, "Sorry I just, don't want to say the wrong thing," she strings together.

[12:27 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Missing? That's a way t' put it." Urrak runs a hand through her hair, a sad yet frustrated look on her face "No, she...She left. My wifeleft me and robbed me blind." she turns her gaze towards the table "Those dreams, whatever caused them, were nothing but her. Her face, everywhere her face...I thought I'd finally started t' forget. But all this," she gestures to the general area around them "This brought it all back. Every memory." She places her head on the bar and covers it with her hands. Her body shakes a bit with soft sobs. "...I've been so terrible t' all of ye..."

[12:30 AM] DM: Cyan glances between the scene at the bar and the people at the table, then sits at the far end of the table next to Gunnloda.

[12:31 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding at the change in Urrak and Seirixori's body language. She then politely returns to her drink.

[12:34 AM] Seirixori: "What is wrong with people." Seirixori grumbles, her thoughts going back to the conversation with Gunnloda the other night. "How could they just... leave." she snorts. Seirixori reaches out her hand, pulls it back, and then reaches out again, placing it on Urrak's shoulder. "It's... it's ok. I... understand. Kind of? I mean... not exactly but I just." Seirixori rambles, "I'll be here for you, you could even beat me up if it made you feel better." She laughs a little, clearly uncomfortable, "I mean, as a bear. I'm a little bit hardier as that." Seir makes a face and says to herself, "I should really not talk to people, wow." yeah of course urrak can totally hear that if she wants

[12:36 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Th-thank ye..." Urrak says from under her arms. She takes a few deep breaths, working up the courage to show her face to the rest of the bar. She's worried she's made a scene.

[12:38 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori shrugs, "You... you helped me before... and you're.. you're my friend?" She questions it, still a little unsure.

[12:39 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak straightens up a bit, but still sits hunched. She turns to Seirixiori, tears still hanging in her eyes "...If you'll 'ave me."

[12:40 AM] Seirixori: "I've never had a friend before." She grins.

[12:45 AM] Alex - Nolanos: Quietly from the table, Nolanos had been watching with keen interest. As the conversation unfolds, his eyes grow larger and shinier and his heart is just experiencing too many feelings.

[12:59 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh pats Nolanos's shoulder in comfort, and gives him a encouraging smile.

[1:00 AM] Seirixori: "Do you... want to go sit with everyone?"

[1:00 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "S-Sure..." Urrak nervously walks over

[1:03 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori follows, sitting next to Gunnloda and whispers excitedly, "I have a friend."

[1:03 AM] DM: Gunnloda chuckles.

[1:05 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak sits at the table, her head hung. She attempts to avoid looking anyone in the eye.

[1:05 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I'm...sorry everyone."

[1:09 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine scribbles a note on a piece of paper and hands it to Urrak

[1:10 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Don't worry about it...I'm still surprised y'managed it, honestly."(edited)

[1:12 AM] DM: Cyan: "Well... this means everything's good then? Good."

[1:13 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak's head snaps up as she hears Cyan's voice. Her mind just now processing her presence at the table

[1:18 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh notices Urraks head snap to Cyan and raises an eyebrow in question.(edited)

[1:20 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Yeah...hopefully everythings...good" she flushes a little and looks down again

[1:21 AM] Seirixori: "Getting there," Seirixori flicks a little water at Urrak and grins. "Hey did you guys want to go after another component today?"

[1:22 AM] DM: Gunnloda: "It is still morning."

[1:22 AM] DM: Gunnloda suddenly disappears.

[1:23 AM] Seirixori: "Noooo." Seirixori pouts.

[1:23 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I will never get used to this"

[1:26 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "I hope I never do."(edited)

[1:26 AM] Seirixori: "Well, now I wish I had something of hers so I could see that she's ok."

[1:26 AM] DM: Cyan frowns. "Is it selfish to be sad she's gone?"

[1:27 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I think Seirixori would agree with you, so no."

[1:27 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Gunnloda's tough. she can handle 'erself. I think we'll all miss her in the meantime though..."

[1:27 AM] Seirixori: "Yeah, but...what if she can't?"

[1:29 AM] DM: Cyan: "She's just serving at a temple though, right? She's not in any danger. I'm just going to miss talking to her."

[1:30 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Aye. Out of all of us, Gunnloda seems t' have the safest home t' go to."

[1:30 AM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shrugs, "With Gunnloda gone that means you could join us, Cyan? If you'd like." She flashes a smile in Cyan's direction.

[1:32 AM] DM: Cyan smiles back. "I might like that."

[1:32 AM] Seirixori: "I think I'll ask her for something when she comes back." Seirixori says, still pouting.

[1:33 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak stands up quickly, nearly knocking her chair over "R-right then. Let's head out."

Session 27[]

[5:42 PM] DM: DAY 7 9 AM BELLBURY TIME- Dordan, 11th of Jaqmont 3Y53

You're in the Cracked Cask. Gunnloda poofed. Cyan's there. Eloise came in, but seeing all the tension, she chose to wait for you all in Poni's basem*nt. Urrak stood abruptly to leave, and Seirixori vanished. Aaaaaand.... action!

[5:46 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I seem t' have everythin'--" Urrak quickly pats her swordbelt and bandoleer and turns to start walking outside

[5:52 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Urrak, wait. Let me walk with you" Rav says as she also gets her bearings together to head over to wherever Urrak is headed

[5:54 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We'll be waitin' outside!" Urrak yells back as she exits the Cask(edited)

[5:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Out of earshot she asks "why does that elf always get you so antsy all the time" with a slight chuckle(edited)

[5:56 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's...complicated." Urrak whispers back. Once they reach the streets outside, she goes to stand by the horse tie down bars

[5:57 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She nods without wanting to push further. ((are there any horses around and can I mount one))

[5:57 PM] DM: There are a couple, but they belong to the guards that came in with the caravan the day before.

[5:58 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav pets a horse

[6:00 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: But before she forgets, she grabs poni from the cask and waves for cyan, ryleigh, and nolanos to come over(edited)

[6:01 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos gathers his things and comes over.When he sees Rav petting the horses, he joins in, because why not. Horses are soft.

[6:02 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh gets up, "well shall we?" she gestures for Cyan to walk with her.

[6:03 PM] DM: Cyan follows. "I should probably warn you, I'm not quite as useful as Gunnloda probably is."

[6:06 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I'm sure you'll contribute to our band of misfits."

[6:06 PM] DM: Cyan: "Are we headed to the teleporter?"

[6:07 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav says bye to the horse and joins the rest of the group. "I've got Poni, let's head back to the teleporter"

[6:10 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos just sort of... blinks for a second. "what the hell..." he mutters to himself. He glances briefly at Cyan and, grinding his jaw slightly, follows Rav.

[6:09 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh clears her throat, "Cyan, could I have a word?" She smiles and quirks an eyebrow, "alone?"

[6:10 PM] DM: Cyan: "Sure? Uh... we'll catch up." And she will step aside with Ryleigh.

[6:12 PM] DM: What you guys see is Ryleigh step in close to Cyan and whisper something in her ear. Cyan's face flushes and Ryleigh winks at her before Ryleigh returns to you guys. Cyan takes an extra second or two to catch up, but she follows behind.

[6:13 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "What in the nine hells is she grinnin' about...?" Urrak whispers to Ravaphine(edited)

[6:14 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She shrugs. "I'm never too sure. Also what's gotten into you too Mr. Grumpy Gills?" she asks Nolanos

[6:15 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Huh? Oh, uh. Nothing. I've been feeling off since Bleakmourne I think."(edited)

[6:16 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Well that feelin's mutual, friend. We understand."

[6:17 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She hugs Nolanos. "It's been a little rough since Bleakmourne. But we're away from that town now and can forget about that darn Kraken."

[6:18 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos hugs her back. "Thanks, Rav."

[6:20 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She hesitates before letting go and clearing her throat. "Anyways, we should head over to the portal. got some people to save!" She skips over to Ryleigh and Cyan

[6:21 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh approaches, meeting Ravaphine in the middle, "I see I've missed the feelings exchange."

[6:21 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I could say the same" she winks

[6:21 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "She's been real huggy as of late. I'm sure you'll get yer turn."

[6:22 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "You two have a nice chat?" Urrak asks Ryleigh(edited)

[6:25 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks bemused by Ravaphine's comment but turns to Urrak and answers, "Yes, we did" while raising her eyebrow in question.(edited)

[6:26 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Excellent." Urrak starts to walk towards Poni's "Let's go then, eh?"

[6:26 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav follows

[6:27 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh follows too!

[6:27 PM] DM: Cyan follows at the back of the pack.

[6:27 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos also follows, subtly keeping his distance from Cyan.(edited)

[6:28 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak clambers down the steps of Poni's basem*nt(edited)

[6:29 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Alright who's got the stick man?"(edited)

[6:29 PM] DM: Eloise is there. She stiffens a little when she sees Urrak first.

[6:29 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ah, uh, hello."

[6:29 PM] DM: Eloise: "Hello. Is... everything ok? It looked a bit tense in the Cask."

[6:31 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Aye, things should be okay...Listen, I--" Urraks words catch a bit in her throat

[6:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She scratches the back of her head and places a hand on her hip. Stammers a little. Eventually she decides the silence has gotten too big to get out from under and so she walks to the other end of the lab, pretending to inspect a bit of metal scraps.(edited)

[6:35 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine heads downstairs and says hello to Eloise

[6:36 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh watches the exchange, "Urrak, if you want to apologize we will wait."

[6:36 PM] DM: Eloise: "It's not necessary. I appreciate the concern."

[6:37 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak stops her fake investigating, dropping a bit of metal she was turning about in her hand, her body ram-rod straight(edited)

[6:37 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos steps up to Eloise with a hand out. "Hi! I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Nolanos. Who are you?" Slightly awkward interactions are the way to fill an even more awkward interaction, right?(edited)

[6:38 PM] DM: She takes your hand gently. "Eloise Moonstream. Baroness of Bellbury. Are you part of the group trying to fix Mr. Ningel's mess?"

[6:40 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Yes, I am. It's really nice to meet you."(edited)

[6:40 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'see? Not necessary..." Urrak says quietly and mostly to herself. She goes back to playing with the chunk of metal(edited)

[6:42 PM] DM: Urrak clicks the trinket she picked up and it sparks into a flame.

[6:43 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Holy Gods!" She drops the flaming bits

[6:44 PM] DM: It stops burning.

[6:43 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine notices the sparks, "How cool! What do you have there?"(edited)

[6:44 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She turns to look at Ravaphine "I uh...I'm not sure."

[6:44 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine picks up the metal chunks

[6:46 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos moves over to where the fire is happening and takes a look too

[6:49 PM] DM: It's weird. It looks like it's a combination of arcane and science, making it unstable. In fact, that's kind of Poni's hallmark. Trying to reduce the magic cost of items by using science.... but he can't quite get it right.

[6:49 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ah well, Seirixiori was hopin' to go and find some more components so I suppose we might as well...do that."(edited)

[6:48 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over to Urrak and pats her shoulder, "so where are we going?"

[6:50 PM] DM: Poni: "Push the button and I'll show you the next one."(edited)

[6:51 PM] DM: Eloise: "If you don't mind... just a quick peek to see my wife before you go?"

[6:52 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "This is Poni's fire starter." She holds up the metal chunk and puts it back on the table and turns to Eloise, "Yes, ma'am. Do you have an artifact of hers?"

[6:54 PM] DM: She holds out the bracelet.(edited)

[6:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine puts it against the sensor and pushes the button

[6:56 PM] DM: The portal fizzes to life and you see Cae again. She's up in a tree still, her bow in her hand, looking out into the forest below.

[6:59 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She puts her hand on Eloise's shoulder. "Are you sure we can't go and help her?"

[7:00 PM] DM: Eloise looks at Ravaphine with this almost pleading look. "Every time you ask, it gets harder to say no."

[7:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh steps in, "let her be, do not make her feel more guilty."

[7:02 PM] DM: Looks like a tree. You don't recognize the type, really... the leaves aren't like any of the trees in Rodoza.

[7:03 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine pushes the button

[7:07 PM] DM: Poni wants to show the component, so with the button press, the image changes. You see part of the arch. It's hard to tell exactly where it is though. It doesn't look like anything you've seen. The ground is smooth, but there's a blue tint, like it's underwater. Only... there's a faint glow to the water. Maybe magical? The ground isn't dirt or sand or rock. It's just... smooth and possibly white?

[7:08 PM] DM: Seirixori comes down the stairs to the basem*nt.

[7:08 PM] Seirixori: "Why is it more water?"

[7:13 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak nervously puts on her new Mariner's Armor

[7:14 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav puts on the cloak and does a little spin

[7:14 PM] Seirixori: Seir slips on the ring and hordes the potions for when she'll need them.

[7:16 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos puts on the new leather armor and slips on cap of waterbreathing "Neat."(edited)

[7:16 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh puts on the ring of water walking, "at least we're prepared this time."

[7:17 PM] DM: Cyan: "Is this where we're going?"

[7:18 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, want a potion just in case?"

[7:19 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over to Cyan and hands her a ring of swimming, "would you like this too?"

[7:19 PM] DM: Cyan takes it from Ryleigh and slips it onto her finger with an odd look. "Thank you. If I need the potion, I'll let you know. I don't really have anywhere to store it right now."

[7:20 PM] Seirixori: "That's... a good point."

[7:21 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh whispers to Cyan, "don't be like that" and grins mischievously at her.

[7:24 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak eyes the two a moment, unconsciously digging her nails into her palms. "Alright..." She walks over to Ravaphine and places a hand on her shoulder. "Well, let's get on with it I suppose."

[7:24 PM] DM: Cyan: "Maybe I should just skip this one."

[7:26 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shrugs, "your loss, but I can understand wanting to avoid all of that" and motions to Urrak.(edited)

[7:26 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "You sure you don't want to come with us?" she asks Cyan with a pout

[7:28 PM] DM: Cyan's eyes flick from Ryleigh to Urrak and back to Rav. "I don't want to cause any problems in there. It might be better for everyone if I wasn't around."

[7:29 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Problems? What problems could ye possibly cause? We're all...great." Urrak eyes Ryleigh

[7:31 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh raises an eyebrow at Urrak's look, then comprehension hits her - she laughs.

[7:33 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak knits her brows at the sounds of Ryleigh's laughter and after a moment turns towards the commotion

[7:31 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav's eyes widen, and she nods to Cyan. "I would love for you to come with us, but if you would like to stay back here, we understand" she says sadly

[7:31 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "You should come if you want to"

[7:31 PM] Seirixori: "I don't know, I wouldn't mind the company or the help keeping these guys up. Cuz Gunnloda poofed and we don't have anything to check on her and I want to but no, we're here, finding more components. Or I could just shove everyone into the portal? Cool, okay."

[7:32 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori tries to push Rav into the portal.

[7:32 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos catches her, or tries to, at least(edited)

[7:34 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav stumbles into the portal

[7:34 PM] DM: Ravaphine, Seirixori, and Nolanos find themselves in a room, not underwater. The image changes as well, showing the three stumbling into a wall.

[7:33 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh strolls over to Urrak and says, "it isn't what you think."

[7:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I'm sure I don't know what yer talkin' about."

[7:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Oh good. They lived."

[7:34 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "what the what?"

[7:34 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shrugs and walks over to the portal.

[7:34 PM] Seirixori: "Oh look, a wall."

[7:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak follows(edited)

[7:35 PM] DM: It’s a room in some kind of building. There’s a glass pane window to the outside where you see other buildings of strange make. It’s nighttime here, which you can tell from the dark sky outside. Inside, the walls aren’t the exposed wood most of you are accustomed to. It’s like… smoothed stone that’s been colored. The floors have what you can only describe as strange rugs that cover from wall to wall. There are brightly colored robes piled in corners and hanging from furniture. On the walls, there are triangular pieces of fabric with strange runes on them. There’s a sort of dull pumping, thumping noise coming from somewhere nearby and voices speaking words you don’t quite understand coming from the other side of the door.

[7:36 PM] DM: It's muffled and there's too much talking over each other to figure out.

[7:37 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos also checks the runes

[7:37 PM] DM: It's weird. They almost look... Dwarven maybe? But they're not.

[7:38 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over to the window and looks out of it.

[7:39 PM] DM: You see buildings. They're all lined up one after the other. You are on the second floor. There's a wall around the building, and judging by the length of the wall, the building you're in is probably pretty big.

[7:40 PM] DM: You don't see any actual Dwarven.

[7:41 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks for a way to open the window

[7:41 PM] DM: Yeah, no... there's just no way to open it.

[7:42 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Maybe we should crack the door and see what's out there."

[7:43 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I'm on it."

[7:43 PM] Seirixori: "I can... be something small and maybe fit under the door, or that?"

[7:45 PM] DM: Ok! You crack it open?

[7:46 PM] DM: You don't see any people in the hall. It's a hallway lined with tapestries and portraits of humans in strange black and white robes.

[7:48 PM] DM: No, the ones inside the room are colorful, some are striped, but most are darker or muted colors. You don't recognize it.(edited)

[7:50 PM] DM: The sound out here is louder. It's accompanied by a lot of noise that sounds like it's coming from below you and down the hall. Voices raised in chants, you notice the thumping sound is rhythmic and there’s something of a strange garbled music, maybe. The notes are weird and the instruments that they must be using are unlike anything you’ve heard.

[7:52 PM] Alex - Nolanos: He motions to the group to wait just a minute while he checks things out and leaves Reyes with the group just in case.(edited)

[7:53 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves to the door and peeks out to watch Nolanos move down the hallway, in case she needs to help.

[7:53 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Can y' see anythin'?"

[7:54 PM] DM: Once you move out into the hall, you see it goes pretty far. The floor's still covered with fabric, the walls are the same stone-like texture. Along the walls, you see both portraits and doors that look like the one you're coming out of. Down the hall, you see a gap in the wall that probably leads to a staircase.

[7:55 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "There seems to be a group chanting down the hall," he whispers. "I can check it out and leave Reyes here and she can give the signal to follow?"

[7:57 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh nods and whispers back, "just be careful."

[7:58 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I always am, friend"

[7:58 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She then turns to the rest of the group, "Nolanos is going to go ahead, but it looks like a hallway is just outside. It's covered in old portraits."

[7:58 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Sounds...unnerving."

[7:59 PM] DM: It's probably worth noting that the portraits are all of men, and all likely in their early 20s.

[8:00 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos carefully continues forward, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

[8:02 PM] DM: You creep down the hall. The fabric is very much muffling your footsteps, but you don't think it would matter much with as much noise as there is downstairs.

[8:04 PM] Alex - Nolanos: He continues on.

[8:05 PM] DM: There's stairs about mid-way down the hall, and at the bottom, you can more clearly hear the music and talking. You can also see movement at the bottom.

[8:12 PM] DM: You can see bits of people downstairs. You can see one woman with what looks like cat's ears and a tail and another with rabbit ears. There's also what looks like a skeleton wearing a cloak pushing through the people.(edited)

[8:14 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Reyes hops on the floor to get everyone's attention an d hops down the hall

[8:15 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh follows the construct bird.(edited)

[8:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav follows behind

[8:16 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak follows as well, hand on the handle of her dagger

[8:16 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori trails after, slight pout on her face.

[8:19 PM] DM: You walk through the hall. Seirixori catches a horn on the door jamb on the way out and yelps a little.

[8:19 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh turns around and gives a "WTF" look followed by a "Sshhhhhh"

[8:20 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak whips around at the sound, motioning to Seir "You ok?"

[8:20 PM] DM: You can all get to the top of the stairs where Nolanos is.

[8:20 PM] DM: There are a lot of people down there, you can hear. Also loud chanting and thumping music. People who aren't chanting along seem to be shouting to each other to be heard.

[8:20 PM] Seirixori: "Sorry, these doors must be... smaller." She mumbles. "Yeah, no worries."

[8:21 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "This some kinda...kinky party?" Urrak whispers to Ryleigh(edited)

[8:22 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Sh no kink naming"

[8:22 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh frowns, "I hope not" and shivers.

[8:23 PM] Seirixori: "Hey maybe they want that headdress I stole from the spider sex dungeon."

[8:24 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh whispers, "we might want to find another way out."

[8:25 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos nods in agreement

[8:29 PM] DM: A door opens behind you and a man in a dark cloak and black and red robes, pale face and fangs steps out into the hallway.(edited)

[8:30 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Uh oh."

[8:30 PM] Seirixori: "...hi?"

[8:31 PM] DM: Vampire: "Hello. Are you lost?"

[8:31 PM] Seirixori: "Are you?"

[8:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh steps forward, "we ended up here by chance, so in a manner of speaking, yes we are lost."

[8:33 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We're the entertainment..?" Urrak offers

[8:33 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "seems like a fun party you have here"

[8:33 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh audibly sighs.

[8:34 PM] DM: He smiles at Seir. "No, no I'm not.... and thank you." He looks at Ryleigh with an appraising look. "I like your armor."

[8:36 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh quirks an eyebrow and replies, "its one of a kind, like me" and she flashes a smile.

[8:37 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori waves awkwardly and steps back.

[8:37 PM] DM: He grins, baring his teeth a little more. "Would you like a personal tour of the house?"

[8:38 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "That sounds lovely. The uh. The architecture is very interesting."

[8:39 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We would love a tour!"

[8:39 PM] DM: He pulls his eyes from Ryleigh and seems to really look at the rest of you for the first time. "A devil, a dragon, an elf, and an orc. Quite the group you have."

[8:39 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "We like diversity."

[8:40 PM] DM: He laughs.

[8:40 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Unlike the CW. At least from what I've read in books of the past"

[8:41 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori frowns and mutters to herself, "...I'm not..."

[8:41 PM] DM: He gestures down the stairs. "Go and have a drink. Have fun. And you..." he raises an eyebrow towards Ryleigh. "The invitation's open."

[8:43 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Can I ask what the occasion is?"

[8:44 PM] DM: He looks confused for a second. "Maybe you've already had too much to drink."

[8:44 PM] Seirixori: "It's a possibility."

[8:44 PM] DM: Vampire: "Maybe you should come with me to sit down."

[8:45 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh chuckles, "we have! And sir, you flatter me, perhaps I'll take you up on that offer later. But first I must look after my confused friend." Ryleigh pushes the group down the stairs.

[8:45 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Nice t' meet ye!" Urrak yells as she's hurried down(edited)

[8:47 PM] DM: Downstairs, the sound is almost oppressive. It's loud enough that it almost hurts your ears. There's tons of bodies pressed together, some of which have a glazed look to their eyes. There are many with animal-like ears or tails as well as more of the undead- zombies, vampires, clothed skeletons.

[8:48 PM] Seirixori: "... there are way too many people here..."

[8:48 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "At least we don't stick out too much..."

[8:49 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She looks around the room

[8:49 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sticks close to Seir, "we'll get out of her soon" and Ryleigh yells over the noise, "STAY TOGETHER"

[8:50 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks for the nearest exit.

[8:51 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori just nods and looks to see if there's a way out.

[8:51 PM] DM: Another vampire comes up to your group and stops in front of Seirixori.

[8:52 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine whispers to Ryleigh "There's a window across the way"

[8:53 PM] DM: Vampire: "What an interesting devil... so... horny."

[8:53 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos tries really hard not to cringe.

[8:53 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak turns around "Did I just hear him correctly?" She walks next to Seirixiori

[8:54 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Hey there, babe. I thought I lost ye!" She puts a hand around Seirixori's waist(edited)

[8:54 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Who's this fellow?" Urrak smiles at the Vampire

[8:55 PM] Seirixori: "Uhh..." Seir looks at Urrak and back to the vampire, "Just wanted some.. .space?"

[8:55 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh steps in front of Serixori, "she's not interested, move along."

[8:56 PM] DM: The vampire smiles. "Just appreciating the view. No need to get hostile."

[8:56 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Trust me, boyo. You'll know when I'm gettin' hostile." she tightens her grip on Seirixori (edited)

[8:57 PM] Seirixori: "I think I might appreciate people ignoring me in Limabey more now," Seirixori whispers.

[8:58 PM] DM: He looks Urrak up and down, sizing her up. "Enjoy your night."

[8:57 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh says over her shoulder to Urrak and Seirixori, "Ravaphine says there's a window over there" and points.(edited)

[8:58 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak watches as he walks away

[8:58 PM] DM: He does.

[8:59 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Whew. That was a close one, eh?" Urrak smiles down at Seiri(edited)

[8:59 PM] Seirixori: "Thanks... that was ... new."

[8:59 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "what a creep. but yes, there is a window across the way. should we try leaving from there or looking for a door?"

[9:00 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak finally releases Seirixiori and looks over to Ryleigh. "What do ye think?"

[9:02 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I think we should try for a door, I don't want us to draw an unwanted attention - moreso than we already have."

[9:06 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I think the window...might be a door? Also it seems we might be a tad too late with not drawing attention to ourselves" she whispers to the group while eyeing the room(edited)

[9:06 PM] Seirixori: "Great..."

[9:07 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Alright well, lets make our way over to the window, door, whatever it is and leave as quickly as possible." Ryleigh moves that direction.(edited)

[9:08 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'feelin' alright there, paladin?" Urrak nudges Ryleigh with her elbow

[9:08 PM] DM: Once it's pointed out, you can all see that a lot of the people in the room are looking at you.

[9:08 PM] Seirixori: "No feelings, just leaving."

[9:09 PM] DM: You make your way through the room towards the window and you do see other people passing through part of it. There's a bit of shine from the magical lighting on the glass to one side that's missing on the other like it's just empty space.

[9:10 PM] DM: And outside you see a big glowing pit full of water with lots of the people sitting around it talking. The music's not quite as oppressive out here in the open air.

[9:10 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "This is swanky... Unsettling but swanky," he says with Reyes perched on his head.(edited)

[9:12 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Let's head outside, hastily." Ryleigh's eyes bounce from person to person.

[9:12 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Sounds good t' me." Urrak follows Ryleigh

[9:12 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori gladly does that.

[9:12 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav follows

[9:12 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos follows behind

[9:13 PM] DM: Ok, you go outside and you can now all see the wall that surrounds the house and the pit of water.

[9:13 PM] Seirixori: "Does this look similar to where the component was?"

[9:14 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos walks over to the water, trying to determine its nature

[9:14 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over to the pool of water to see if she can see the component in the depths below.(edited)

[9:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine kneels near the water to also take a look at it

[9:15 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak follows towards the water, but just stops near it without investigating.(edited)

[9:16 PM] DM: There's a strange smell to it, but it looks like water, with the component sitting at the bottom, in the middle. It's kinda glowy.

[9:17 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos sends Reyes in to get the component.(edited)

[9:17 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over to a party goer and strikes up a conversation.

[9:18 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak stands at the side of the pool and crosses her arms. She watches as Ryleigh starts to talk to someone in the crowd

[9:19 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Since Reyes couldn't lift it, Nolanos sticks a finger in the water

[9:19 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "What's yer game..." she mumbles.(edited)

[9:20 PM] DM: There's a very... dazed looking woman sitting next to the pool alone. She's got horns and a forked tail.

[9:20 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine gasps and pulls nolanos's hand out of the water

[9:20 PM] Seirixori: "That is a sizeable chunk, so probably."

[9:20 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "What? It's just water..."(edited)

[9:21 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "What're ye thinkin' stickin' yer hand in there? You mad?"

[9:21 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She pauses "...Glad you're ok."(edited)

[9:21 PM] Alex - Nolanos: He shrugs. "Have to find out somehow right? And Thanks. I'm happy it worked out well myself/"(edited)

[9:22 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs and shakes her head, taking a seat, not at all helping.

[9:22 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I feel like Ryleigh has a plan. Maybe it's best we wait 'ere."

[9:23 PM] Seirixori: "Yes, like a distraction, so please grab the thing?"

[9:23 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Here goes, I guess." Nolanos slips into the water(edited)


[9:22 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Why, hello there." Ryleigh smiles charmingly.

[9:23 PM] DM: Woman: "Hiiiiiiiii."

[9:24 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh's posture changes and it becomes more casual, "What brings you here tonight? other than a good time?"

[9:24 PM] DM: She looks past you at the others. "Wow... Did you see that?"

[9:25 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh turns around and slaps her forehead, "idiots! all of them!" and storms back over to the group.


[9:24 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "That boy has a deathwish!" Urrak stands at the pool's edge and looks down for Nolanos(edited)

[9:24 PM] DM: People around the water stand and gasp in shock, watching Nolanos go under the water.

[9:24 PM] DM: Nothing happens.

[9:25 PM] Seirixori: "That is not... exactly what I meant..." Seir mumbles.

[9:25 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "So much for a distraction." Urrak looks around at the partygoers, hand resting on her dagger

[9:25 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Well, what did you mean??" he says, treading

[9:25 PM] DM: They're all looking at Nolanos or talking to each other.

[9:26 PM] Seirixori: "I didn't say dive in."

[9:26 PM] DM: You can easily swim down to the component and pull it up to the surface.

[9:28 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "WHAT IN THE HELL? DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED?!" Ryleigh reaches down and grabs Nolanos to pull him out of the pool.

[9:28 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "NO no wait," he says as he climbs out(edited)

[9:30 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Sorry, I just didnt want you to touch me, just in case." he says, shaking off some excess water and standing within arms reach of Rav(edited)

[9:29 PM] DM: Some of the people start making their way towards you.

[9:28 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak looks around frantically "We're all gonna die"(edited)

[9:30 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We should...probably leave..." Urrak steps back a bit

[9:30 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravpahine has her finger on Poni's trigger just in case

[9:31 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Do you want me to keep that safe? We can put it in my bag" she asks nolanos

[9:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh pinches the bridge of her nose, speaking under her breath "morons, absoultely no finesse."(edited)

[9:32 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Ryleigh, put this in your bag please" she points to the component

[9:32 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "here you go," and he puts the component in Ryleigh's bag(edited)

[9:33 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She steps forward and grabs the component to put into the bag of holding.

[9:30 PM] DM: A vampire is in front of the group walking towards you.

[9:31 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak steps back again, and nearly falls into the pool behind her

[9:31 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Hey there...buddy..."

[9:31 PM] DM: Vampire: "I can't believe you just did that."

[9:32 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It was absolutely so...very rude. I agree."

[9:32 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "So we'll be going now..."

[9:32 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs and stands up, inching closer to everyone.

[9:32 PM] DM: He reaches out to touch Nolanos's face.

[9:33 PM] DM: Vampire: "How long did it take to make?"

[9:33 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "how long did what take?"

[9:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Oh, my friend's...costume"

[9:34 PM] Seirixori: "A few weeks, give or take."

[9:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Glad ye appreciate her craftsmanship"

[9:34 PM] DM: The vampire laughs and shakes his head. "I can't believe you'd just jump in wearing it."

[9:35 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "my... skin?"

[9:35 PM] Seirixori: "That's the 'give or take', he can be a bit reckless, had to prepare for it."

[9:35 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's waterproof, too. Fine quality leather."

[9:35 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Rav, press the damn button."

[9:36 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "The finest clockwork..."

[9:36 PM] DM: He reaches out and sticks his finger in the corner of Nolanos's mouth.

[9:36 PM] DM: He gives it a little tug.

[9:36 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos jerks his head away "what the hell?"

[9:36 PM] Alex - Nolanos: he grabs Rav's arm

[9:36 PM] Seirixori: "Ooohkay buddy, ask first," Seir tries to push his hand away and grasps onto Nolanos' shoulder.

[9:36 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "QUICK EVERYONE GRAB ONTO EACH OTHER" ravaphine pulls Nolanos out of the vampires way, makes sure everyone is touching each other in some fashion and then pushes the button

[9:36 PM] DM: You're suddenly standing in Poni's basem*nt with Eloise.

[9:36 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Seirixori's handiwork is quite fragile and takes much skill."(edited)

[9:37 PM] DM: And no vampire.

[9:37 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Oh uh...we're back."

[9:37 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Weell that was easy."(edited)

[9:37 PM] Seirixori: "Hey, I make costumes, you guys." She laughs.

[9:37 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "The best in town" Urrak laughs at her own joke(edited)

[9:37 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Are you okay? That vampire was such a freak" Ravaphine asks with Nolanos' face between her hands

[9:38 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I - uh. Y-yeah. I'm ok" he says, blushing lightly(edited)

[9:39 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO LEARN SOME KIND OF TACT! You're going to get all of us killed!" Ryleigh stomps out of the basem*nt in anger.

[9:39 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Wow I don't think I've seen her so angry...."

[9:39 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Without being cursed with apathy a'course"(edited)

[9:40 PM] Seirixori: "So... do you want to go talk to her?"

[9:41 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She sighs, "I probably should. She helped me." Urrak follows after Ryleigh, lightly jogging up to her(edited)

[9:43 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos runs after her as well "Ryleigh!"

[9:41 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ryleigh. Wait."

[9:42 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She turns around, attempting to collect herself.

[9:42 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Hey, hey, y'alright?" Urrak reaches a hand out

[9:45 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sighs in frustration, "our party is irresponsible and if we continue on this way, we'll all end up dead. We must think before we act!"

[9:47 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I'm sorry for causing you distress and for being irresponsible but sometimes, you can't test things to absolute certainty, you just have to take the plunge."

[9:46 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I mean we certainly don't think before we speak sometimes, but we've lived this long" she attempts to joke

[9:50 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I have a duty, I took an oath, I made a promise that I must keep and in order to honor my duty, uphold my oath, and make good on the promise I made to my b..." she takes a deep calming breath, "if I perish, who will stand for those who have no voice? I value my life and the lives of those around me. We don't die for our friends, for our loved ones, we LIVE for them - death is easy. I refuse to die yet."

[9:51 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We won't let ye die that easily." Urrak rests a hand on her pauldron

[9:55 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I understand and feel the same; living for our loved ones is far more valuable than dying for them. That's why I promise you the decision to go in wasn't taken lightly. As for tact in general, well. I tried my best."

[9:58 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "When you entered that pool, you thought of only yourself and the immediate goal. What if we couldn't teleport immediately? How would we have escaped Nolanos? What if we had to fight? There were over 100 beings there, we could not have fought them all. You have to use your head, even when you're ruled by your heart." She glances at Urrak to as she finishes the last sentence.

[9:59 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'tryin' t' say somethin' about me?" Urrak moves her hand, looking into Ryleigh's eyes intently

[10:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh meets Urrak's gaze, "No, I'm saying something about me, but I feel like you may need to hear it too."

[10:05 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak steps a bit closer, her body almost looming over Ryleigh

"I'm fine with the way I am. Even if it ends up killin' me one day. I'm not wastin' precious moments worryin' about 'what if?'. When someone y'care about is in danger, every second counts."

[10:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh doesn't back down and looks up into Urrak's eyes, "I agree, every second does count. And you should never be fine with the way that you are, there is always more to learn and ways to grow." She breaks eye contact and heads back to the others to give them the component.

[10:10 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos sighs lightly and returns to the group as well

[10:10 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Feh, some kid thinks she can lecture me?" Urrak crosses her arms as she watches them leave. Staying behind a beat or two before following.

Return to basem*ntEdit[]

[9:43 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori turns to Eloise, "Hey uh, do you have books on myconids by any chance?"

[9:44 PM] DM: Eloise: "Myconids? No, our books are more... local."(edited)

[9:45 PM] Seirixori: "Oh... do you know who would?"

[9:46 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine hears the exchange outside and decides against angering Ryleigh more so she stays with seir and Eloise

[9:46 PM] DM: Eloise: "There's a library in Riverrun. It's only a day to the east, but... I'm not sure that's any help to you until the... thing is fixed."

[9:47 PM] Seirixori: "Well, maybe then." She sighs.(edited)

[9:47 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "That's where Ryleigh came from, so I'm sure she can point us in the right direction when the time comes"

[9:48 PM] DM: Eloise: "It's not hard to find. The glowing light from the Temple of Vydea can be seen from outside town. The library is inside."(edited)

[9:48 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Poor friend deserves to go back home"

[9:51 PM] DM: Eloise: "Stool? Yes... I'm not sure there are places here for them. They're under the Cask now, you say?"

[9:51 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah, Gunnloda set up a little space for them. They seem ok in there."

[9:53 PM] Seirixori: "Okay, well... what about the citrus grove? I think Takara might be a little... salty and I wanted to maybe make up for it. Later.. a lot later."

[9:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Who is takara?"

[9:54 PM] DM: She nods. "I will try to take care of them if you all end up back where you came from. There are a lot of books on citrus and on Takara at her temple and in the bookshelves behind my desk. You've... talked to her?"

[9:55 PM] Seirixori: "The goddess in the grove? Um.. yes? A couple times?"

[9:55 PM] DM: Eloise: "That's... wow. What's she like?"

[9:56 PM] Seirixori: "Annoying." Seirixori huffs. "

[9:56 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "That's disappointing"

[9:56 PM] DM: Eloise chuckles. "That's... unexpected."

[9:57 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori shrugs, "I mean... she's kind of nice too, but don't tell her I said that."

[9:57 PM] DM: Eloise: "I'm sure I'll never get the chance."

[10:00 PM] Seirixori: "I could ask her? Although, she really doesn't like answering questions at all." Seirixori notices her bow and reaches for it, out of habit, but pulls back, "Uh, did you need any help with the town? Cleaning up or anything?"

[10:02 PM] DM: Eloise: "Captain Usan is doing his best to check the town for threats. I'm afraid there's just not much that can be done with our limited manpower. The best we can do is fix this teleporter so we can get my people back home where they belong."

[10:02 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine notices Seir's hesitation with the bow

[10:03 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We found one more component! One more down...and I'm not quite sure how many more. How many more do you think we need, poni?" she pulls him out of the bag

[10:04 PM] DM: Poni: "I don't know. If they were all as big as that, we'd only need two or three."

[10:05 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Can you show me the next component?" she says but stealthily puts a part of the bow at the sensor and pushes the button

[10:06 PM] Seirixori: "What are you doing?"

[10:06 PM] DM: The portal zaps to life.

[10:07 PM] DM: There's someone in the center of the image, a dark cloak with a hood pulled down so you can't make out any features.

[10:07 PM] DM: They're moving from corner to corner through an empty alley.

[10:07 PM] DM: In the distance, over the hooded figure's shoulder, you can see someone uneasily glancing around as they hurry down the alley, away from the person in the center.

[10:07 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine instantly regrets it. "I'm...I'm so sorry. I didn't know what it was going to show"

[10:08 PM] DM: The hooded figure stops as the fleeing person reaches a dead end.

[10:08 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Do...do you want me to turn it off?"

[10:08 PM] DM: The person taps some bricks in a particular order and the wall opens to let them through.

[10:08 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori grits her teeth, her focus only on the portal, "You could have asked!"

[10:09 PM] DM: The hooded figure watches, then crouches down and pulls a notebook out. You see a pale, feminine hand using the pen.

[10:10 PM] DM: They write down a note about how to open the passage, then dart away down another alley. When they reach a crowded road, they blend in, pulling the hood down to reveal a pale-skinned human woman, slight with short, black hair.

[10:10 PM] DM: She merges with the crowd, though the 'camera' still follows her.

[10:10 PM] Seirixori: "I don't know who that is," she mumbles.

[10:11 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Woah what's happening in here?Another component already?"

[10:11 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine gets startled and pushes the button accidentally

[10:11 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori turns around quickly, "No." and leaves.

[10:11 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Um. Ok?"

[10:12 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh enters the room, pulling the component out. She stops, "What the..."

[10:12 PM] DM: The portal vanishes as Ravaphine pushes the button.

[10:13 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Who was that woman?"

[10:13 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I'm not sure. I may have upset Seir by scanning her bow without asking"

[10:14 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak sighs

[10:15 PM] DM: Eloise: "Is it somebody she knows?"

[10:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I think it might be her mother"

[10:16 PM] DM: She's holding the hairclip and bracelet of her wife and child.

[10:17 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's her mother's bow but...I don't think that was her."

[10:17 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Interesting"

[10:18 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I know tieflings can come outta nowhere, but I didn't see any kinda 'family connection', if y'know what I mean."(edited)

[10:18 PM] DM: Eloise looks at the items in her hand. "Does that mean that it won't always work?"

[10:18 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak looks to Eloise "They getcha...close."(edited)

[10:19 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Hey Poni, can you show us the vampire house again?" she says as she pushes the button

[10:19 PM] DM: Poni: "Don't we have better things to do?"

[10:20 PM] DM: Eloise: "But if it's not showing her mother... could the magic wear off? Could they be lost to me?"

[10:21 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I uh...I don't have the answer t' that I'm afraid...."

[10:21 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We will get them back as soon as we can"

[10:22 PM] DM: Her eyes water and she bites her lip a little.

[10:23 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Whoa there uh...please don't...cry..." Urrak moves to hug Eloise but stops halfway through(edited)

[10:26 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak looks back to Eloise quickly, trying hard to meet her eyes. "We'll get them back as soon as we can. I promise ye."(edited)

[10:23 PM] Seirixori: "Ravaphine, use the bow."

[10:24 PM] DM: You hear the voice coming from upstairs.

[10:24 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak looks up towards the noise

[10:25 PM] Seirixori: Seir peeks over the hole in the floor, "Ravaphine."

[10:26 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "are you sure?"

[10:27 PM] Seirixori: "No." She pulls back and makes her way back down. "But do it anyway."

[10:28 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine nods to Seir. "Okay." She scans the bow and pushes the button

[10:28 PM] DM: The portal flashes to life again with the woman in the center.

[10:29 PM] DM: She ducks into another alley.

[10:30 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "What do you want to do, Seir?"

[10:31 PM] DM: She's looking over her shoulder constantly, making sure she isn't being followed as she hops fences and ducks around corners to lose any tails.

[10:33 PM] DM: There is something familiar to how she's moving... but sneaks are sneaks. There's not really anything unique about it.

[10:35 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori growls a little and takes the bow from Ravaphine, "Let's just focus on the components."

[10:36 PM] DM: She ducks into a doorway.

[10:36 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine jumps a little

[10:36 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She pushes the button to turn it off

[10:46 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "You know, this makes me realize something... If we get separated or something, we have no way of finding each other."

[10:47 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Yer right, Nolanos..." Urrak thinks a moment "Poni says it's somethin'...close to ye right? Somethin' personal?"

[10:48 PM] DM: Poni: "Yes, finally something gets through that thick orc skull."

[10:48 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I almost forgot y'talked..."

[10:48 PM] Seirixori: "I will break you when we're done."

[10:48 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak places her dagger on the table near Eloise. Once it's off her bandoleer, you can see it's much too small for her to actually use in combat.(edited)

[10:49 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "There, that should do..."

[10:50 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori pulls out a misshapen wooden figure and places it next to Urrak's dagger, "We couldn't have thought of this before Gunnloda left," she mutters.

[10:51 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine goes into her pack and takes out a book of lore. She places it on the table

[10:52 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos digs through his bag and pulls out his tinkering tools. From the kit, he pulls out a small screwdriver that looks a lot older than the rest of the tools in the kit, a lot more worn. He places it on the table and returns the kit to his pack.

[10:53 PM] DM: Eloise: "It does seem prudent."

[10:55 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Would we also be able to have a token of yours, Cae's, and your daughter's, Eloise? Just in case we get separated again"

[10:55 PM] DM: Eloise: "Why would you need something of mine? I'm not going in the portal."

[10:56 PM] Seirixori: "You could get teleported again. We do from time to time, as you've seen."(edited)

[10:56 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I'm just always worried with us getting poofed unwillingly"

[10:56 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "You've already been transported by it, it would mostly be a precaution."

[10:57 PM] DM: Eloise: "None of the other people who have been returned have disappeared."

[10:58 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "You have a fair point. I apologize for overstepping"(edited)

[11:00 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ravaphine...what are ye...?" she trails off, and places hands on her hips

[11:02 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We just want to be as prepared as possible, given the circ*mstances"

[11:02 PM] DM: Eloise sighs. "I know what you're trying to do."

[11:02 PM] Seirixori: "We aren't exactly subtle... at anything."

[11:02 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine sighs

[11:03 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "You two...seriously?"

[11:03 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "You tried,"Nolanos mutters, lightly patting Ravaphine's back

[11:03 PM] DM: She looks at the things in her hands then sets them on the counter. "I can't stop you from doing what you will and... maybe you'll be able to focus better once it's done."

[11:04 PM] Seirixori: "Better than dealing with this," Seirixori says while placing the bow behind something.

[11:04 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine hugs Eloise

[11:05 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak puffs some air through her nose and looks down at the objects

[11:06 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine hands poni to Urrak

[11:06 PM] DM: Poni grumbles.

[11:08 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "...Thanks..." She flits her eyes to Eloise. She takes a breath and bites her lip "Sorry about this." Quickly she rushes forward, grabs the bracelet, presses the button, and jumps head first into the portal(edited)

[11:08 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We'll be safe! Bye Eloise!" Ravaphine also jumps in

[11:08 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "U-Urrak!!" Nolanos runs after her

[11:09 PM] Seirixori: "This is probably the stupidest idea. Like they all are." Seirixori sighs. "Are you sure you want to watch this?"

[11:09 PM] DM: Just before you put Poni through, you did notice that the scene had changed. She was on the move and quickly. As you go through, the image changes to a forest.

[11:09 PM] DM: Eloise: "I'm not leaving this room."

[11:11 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori hesitates, goes to grab her bow, "I think I might be grateful my mother sent me away..." and finally goes in.

[11:11 PM] DM: You see forest.

[11:13 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Guys...I hear what I'm pretty sure are...well...wolves."

[11:14 PM] Seirixori: "She was running right? I'm betting that's who they're chasing."

[11:14 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Please be regular wolves..."

[11:15 PM] Seirixori: "I think I have a better idea." Seirixori says and shifts into a dire wolf.

[11:16 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "You are one smart cookie, Seir"

[11:16 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak places the bracelet in front of Seirixiori's nose

[11:16 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sniffs at it.

[11:18 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori hesitates and whines a little, but takes off semi-slowly towards the sound.

[11:18 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine follows the wolf

[11:18 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak follows her, drawing her greatsword as she walks(edited)

[11:19 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos follows as well, trying to stealth as he follows

[11:20 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori stops.

[11:20 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Is she in the brush near here?"

[11:20 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav hides behind a tree

[11:21 PM] DM: Rav and Seir both hear something moving swiftly through the underbrush towards you.

[11:23 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori turns towards the sound quickly and waits.

[11:24 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak sees Seirixiori turn around from her hiding place behind a tree and tightky grips her sword

[11:24 PM] DM: An elf, Cae from what you can tell, bursts through some of the undergrowth, comes face to face with the wolf, and takes a quick turn to the side.

[11:24 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "That was her!" Urrak jumps out of the brush

[11:25 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "CAE! WAIT!"

[11:25 PM] Alex - Nolanos: he follows her

[11:25 PM] DM: You also hear a lot more noise coming from behind where she was.

[11:25 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I don't think she's alone, gang!" Urrak yells back as she follows Cae(edited)

[11:26 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Quick let's run and follow her but stay close. She might mistake us for the enemy" Rav says and also runs after Cae

[11:27 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori drops the wolf form and grabs her staff, making a motion to the ground where Cae came from "Time for some spikes... I think." and casts Spike growth on the ground. before following the rest.

[11:29 PM] DM: Cae takes another turn around a tree, trying to lose all the new followers.

[11:31 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "CAE! We're here to help!! Please trust us!"

[11:31 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine shouts in Elvish "Cae! We are trying to help you and Eloise. We want to bring you home and mean no harm"

[11:32 PM] DM: Cae: "If you are friendly, you should run faster. You don't want to meet them!"

[11:32 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She continues while running, "We come from Bellbury"

[11:32 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: The thought that she hadn't heard elvish in years comes and goes through Urrak's head as she continues to follow Cae(edited)

[11:32 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori also casts entangle on the ground behind them when she gets the chance.

[11:33 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Aye! We're employed by Eloise!"

[11:34 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine casts web anchored between the trees to try to trap the others

[11:34 PM] Seirixori: "Uh by the way, they aren't normal wolves!"

[11:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "OH GOOD."

[11:34 PM] DM: Cae leaps over a bush and you hear a yelp and falling stones.(edited)

[11:36 PM] Seirixori: "Damn it," pushes forward to see if she can see what happened.

[11:36 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Cae!" Urrak follows close, looking to see what happened

[11:36 PM] DM: On the other side of the bush is a steep embankment that Cae tumbled down.

[11:37 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Hold on!" Urrak tucks and rolls down the hill

[11:38 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos quickly pulls out a rope and a piton and anchors the rope to the ground

[11:38 PM] Seirixori: "Please tell her not to be scared of a giant spider ok, great!" And shifts into a giant spider making her way down the embankment.

[11:38 PM] DM: Urrak only takes 2 points of damage from the fall, but she's at the bottom. Cae's looking like she's about to get up and run again.

[11:38 PM] DM: Seir can climb down with no problem.

[11:38 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Cae, wait." Urrak struggles to get up in her new armor

[11:38 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Once it's secure, he goes down to get the fallen friends

[11:38 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She holds out the bracelet, breath heavy

[11:38 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Eloise...She's lookin' for ye..."

[11:39 PM] DM: Cae looks back up frantically. "It doesn't matter where you come from. If they catch us, we're dead."

[11:39 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Cae please slow down! We will get home instananeously if you just slow down"

[11:39 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Like the elf said, we have a way t' get out quickly"(edited)

[11:39 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine uses the rope to also get down

[11:40 PM] DM: It takes you several anxiety-inducing seconds, but you manage to get down without issue.

[11:40 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Quickly, everyone! Touch!" Urrak holds a hand out to Cae "Please trust us..."

[11:41 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine grabs onto Urrak's shoulder and reaches out for Nolanos(edited)

[11:41 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos reaches for Serixori's leg(?) and Rav's hand(edited)

[11:41 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori shifts back and puts her hand on Urrak's shoulder.

[11:42 PM] DM: You hear a howl from above and Cae looks like she's about to run for it again, but she takes Urrak's hand.

[11:42 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak presses the button

[11:42 PM] DM: You all appear in Poni's basem*nt.

[11:42 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Holy sh*t..."

[11:42 PM] Seirixori: "That was the most stressful five minutes."

[11:42 PM] DM: Cae looks around. "What... happened?"

[11:42 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine sits on the ground, out of breath

[11:43 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Literally. Oh my god."(edited)

[11:43 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We have a way t' teleport, it's a long story, but...We're back in Bellbury. You're safe."

[11:43 PM] DM: Eloise pushes forward past Nolanos. "Cae?"

[11:44 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak smiles as she tries to catch her breath

[11:44 PM] Seirixori: "Ryleigh is going to yell at us again."

[11:44 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Right. I'll just... Bye."

[11:44 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "It'll be worth it"

[11:44 PM] DM: Cae moves towards her and goes to throw her arms up around Eloise, but she hisses in pain when she lifts her arm. You see now that one of her arms has a tear in her shirt and blood seeping through the cloth.

[11:46 PM] DM: Cae looks down at her arm in confusion, then in fear. Her eyes widen and her face goes pale. "No....Ellie... I-- I'm so sorry."

[11:45 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "She can take it up with me." Urraks smile breaks as she sees the wound. "S-Seir, can you help 'er?"

[11:45 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos backs to the exit and waits for the others to come with him once everything is settled.(edited)

[11:46 PM] Seirixori: "Oh! Hey, uh..." Seirixori walks up to Cae and goes to place her hand on the wound, "Um, can I?"

[11:47 PM] DM: Cae: She nods toward Seir, but she looks like she's on the verge of tears.

[11:48 PM] DM: Eloise steps up and kisses Cae. "Don't apologize. You're home."

[11:48 PM] Seirixori: "What's wrong?"

[11:49 PM] DM: Cae: "It... it must've got me."(edited)

[11:50 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Seir...y'said that those wolves weren't ordinary. What did ye mean exactly?"

[11:51 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "they weren't werewolves, were they?"(edited)

[11:53 PM] DM: Cae's only looking at Eloise, her tears finally falling.

Eloise: "Werewolves?"

Cae nods.

Eloise: "Can any of you fix it? Isn't there something that can be done?"

[11:54 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We know a healer. We'll find her an-an-an help me fix all of this..." Urrak starts to sweat a bit

[11:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "There's got to be a fix to this"

[11:55 PM] DM: Medicine- you can see she's still hurt from her fall, and though the wound has stopped bleeding, you can see where there was a definite bite on her arm.

[11:55 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We need t' find Gunnloda."

[11:55 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Seirixori, you said you spoke to Takara, right? What is she the goddess of? Maybe she can help?

[11:55 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori huffs, "I'll be back." and takes off.

[11:56 PM] DM: Eloise: "I'm so sorry, Cae. I should've let them come after you sooner."

[11:56 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Did ye just say Takara?"

[11:57 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Yeah, she mentioned it earlier, I figure it could be a big lead"(edited)

[11:58 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ain't that some kinda goddess or somethin'? You sayin' she talks to gods on the regular?"

[11:58 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Apparently"

[11:59 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Well then..."

[12:00 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "Right?"

[12:01 AM] DM: Eloise and Cae are just crying on each other over to the side of the room.

[12:01 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I feel like we should leave them be fer now..."(edited)

[12:02 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav looks across the room and nods in agreement

[12:02 AM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos is already by the exit so he quietly heads upstairs

[12:03 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine looks to the couple and the heads upstairs too

[12:02 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I just wish I knew about werewolves..." she says with so much resentment in her voice. "How have I never studied them"

[12:04 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I've never come a'cross 'em before so I don't blame ye."(edited)

[12:04 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "I thought they were just a myth..."(edited)

[12:05 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I'm going to go to the temple and try to find any books on them. Would you both like to come?"(edited)

[12:06 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I guess Seirixiori has this as covered as it can be..."

[12:07 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "Theres no other place I can think to be."

[12:07 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Let me borrow Poni for a moment"

[12:07 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak hands him over

[12:07 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav takes Poni from Urrak. "Poni, can you think of anything to help cure a werewolf bite or scratch?"(edited)

[12:09 AM] DM: Poni: "There were cases of it cured with a curse removal spell.... Not always."

[12:10 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Do ye know it? Rav here's good with spells."

[12:10 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Where can I learn them? Do you have any spell scrolls or books in your basem*nt?"

[12:11 AM] DM: Poni: "Don't throw me, remember I only have the one crystal left, but the best option here would probably be to kill her and be done with it."

[12:11 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Poni, y' rat bastard, come on!"(edited)

[12:11 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine holds in a scream

[12:12 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Please, poni. From one spellcaster to another" she pleads with desperation in her voice(edited)

[12:13 AM] DM: Poni: "The werepeople we had here... they became too powerful for the curse removal. There was a country-wide eradication. They were all killed. Every last one. You think things've changed since then?"

[12:14 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "There's gotta be somethin', Poni!"(edited)

[12:14 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She drops to her knees, feeling completely useless in this situation. "We need to find a spell scroll"

[12:15 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "There might be some in that temple we saw when we first poofed here."

[12:15 AM] DM: Poni: "It's not one I knew. It's not one I had. The best you could do is send word for a wizard to the college."

[12:15 AM] DM: Poni: "I'm -- I was a conjurer, not an abjurer."

[12:16 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Let's go to the temple first and then find a wizard college"

[12:16 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine starts sprinting to the temple

[12:16 AM] DM: Poni: "The College is days of travel away."

[12:17 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "H-hold on, Rav" Urrak follows her

[12:20 AM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos follows as well. As he runs, he remembers, "The college I went to in Ardabeh was close to a magical college. If there's a way we can teleport there, we might be able to get help."

[12:21 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We'd need something there to home in on. Like how Poni locks on the the components. I don't think it works that way."(edited)

[12:22 AM] DM: As you guys rush towards the temple, you see the other steel-clad person that had showed up in the caravan leaving it.

[12:23 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine enters the temple

[12:24 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "That guy looks familiar, eh Nolanos?"

[12:25 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She attemps to look through the books to find anything on werewolves

[12:25 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "Does he?"

[12:26 AM] DM: You find a lot of books on agriculture and Takara and a couple of the basics of other Vyonese gods, but no, there's nothing about werewolves here.

[12:26 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Yeah he looks like one of the blokes Ryleigh came in with."

[12:27 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "Maaybe he can help us send word to the College?"

[12:28 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It'll take days, Poni said. I dunno if she has days."

[12:28 AM] DM: You get the feeling, looking through here, that the priests aren't really spellcasters. They're acolytes. There aren't any spell-related tomes or scrolls.

[12:28 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine sighs, defeated. And goes back outside with her companions. "No such luck here"

[12:29 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Nothin at all? Gods..."

[12:29 AM] DM: Just the books in Eloise's collection.

[12:29 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak runs over to the man in steel plate

[12:29 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Excuse me, sir."

[12:29 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Nothing. Just religious texts and agriculture"

[12:30 AM] DM: The armor's fully encasing the person, including a face-plate and helmet, but the voice sounds young and feminine. "Do you need assistance of some kind?"

[12:31 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Oh uh...so sorry, excuse me ma'am"

[12:31 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I require great assistance."

[12:31 AM] DM: She reaches for her sword. "How so?"

[12:32 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "A friend of our has been stricken with a terrible illness, and we need t' get word to the nearest wizard college."

[12:32 AM] DM: Woman: "Sick? That doesn't call for wizards. Take me to them. I'll see what I can do."(edited)

[12:34 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ah she's quite contagious, I'd much rather you just send word somehow. We feel that a strong wizard can heal her...from afar."

[12:34 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's almost like a...curse? Figuratively speakin' a'course."(edited)

[12:35 AM] DM: You're pretty certain you can see the deadpan glare through the steel of her face-plate. "I can cure diseases." Her stance changes slightly when you say curse though. "Curses are different."

[12:37 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I'm not sure about this whole magic business, never really dove into m'self. Sometimes y'piss off some old lady and well wouldn't y'know it she's a witch so these things just..happen, y'kow? Are ye vomiting blood from some torn up lungs or has a witch made all your blood come out yer mouth? Who knows in the heat o' things."

[12:37 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "So about that corresspondance..."

[12:37 AM] DM: Woman: "Mhm. So what kind of curse did this one catch? If it is a disease, I can help myself."

[12:38 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's been makin' her very...irritable. And wild...almost like...an...animal..."

[12:39 AM] DM: Woman: "Why don't you take me to her and I'll see what needs to be done."

[12:39 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y-Y've twisted my arm you have. Sure let's take you...over to her..."

[12:40 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak widens her eyes at the group as she walks back with the soldier(edited)

[12:40 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine screams bloody murder and falls to the ground, rolling andd thrashing about(edited)

[12:41 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "RAV!! PLeASE BE OKAY!!!!" NOlanos cries, playing along

[12:41 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Oh uh....here she is!"

[12:44 AM] DM: She turns on Urrak. "Waste someone else's time." She leaves in a huff.

[12:44 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav just lays there

[12:44 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak scowls at Ravaphine "What...the f*ck...was that?"

[12:45 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I had to find a way to distract! acting was never one of my stronger suits"(edited)

[12:45 AM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos is kneeling at this point, having held Rav in his "despair" and now is trying his hardest not to laugh hysterically.(edited)

[12:46 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Nine hells, y' really should work on that..."

Seir's panic[]

[11:57 PM] DM: You get to the grove. It's empty.

[11:57 PM] Seirixori: "Takara?" Seirixori shouts.

[11:57 PM] DM: There's no answer.

[11:58 PM] Seirixori: "Ok, you said..." Seir grabs her staff and smacks a tree with it.

[11:58 PM] DM: There's no answer.

[11:59 PM] Seirixori: "Why are you all so useless?!" She shouts, she can feel herself involuntarily shifting.

[12:00 AM] DM: "We are necessarily limited, not useless, child."

[12:02 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori snorts in her bear form before she shifts back. "That is really disorienting... Ok, sorry but ... do you know anything about werewolves? Or... people being scratched or bit by them?"

[12:03 AM] DM: Takara: "There haven't been any cases of lycanthropy in Vyon in... generations."(edited)

[12:04 AM] Seirixori: "Well, how do you feel about talking to the Moonstreams? Because that stupid ass gnome has turned everything horrible, so now you might have one."(edited)

[12:04 AM] DM: Takara: "Might have... a werewolf?"

[12:05 AM] Seirixori: "Well, I don't know how the whole turning into one happens, so... possibly?'(edited)

[12:07 AM] DM: Takara looks at Seirixori sadly. "I know what you're asking for but I'm sorry... my powers are... limited. We can't act directly on this plane. Only through champions. I can't do anything for her."

[12:08 AM] Seirixori: "What... exactly makes someone a champion? And is... is there something I can do?" Seirixori throws her hands up in frustration, "I don't know, can anything be done? I really f*cking hate that gnome."

[12:10 AM] DM: She smiles a little. "Champions are those chosen by the gods to act on our behalf. But I'm sorry. You're not powerful enough. Even my own Moki isn't quite capable."

[12:11 AM] Seirixori: "Of course I'm not! Ugh... th... thanks. I guess. Sorry for the... tree." Seirixori hesitates, like she wants to say more but turns to leave and heads for the Cask.

[12:12 AM] Seirixori: To see if Cyan or Gunnloda are around.

[12:14 AM] DM: You don't see either of them, but sitting in the back corner is a blonde human man, half in his cups, staring absently at a lyre on the table.

[12:15 AM] Seirixori: "Hey! Uh, have you seen Cyan or Gunnloda? Do you know who I'm talking about?" Seirixori says as she walks up to him.

[12:16 AM] DM: Man: "I-- no... maybe? Why?"

[12:16 AM] Seirixori: "Because I need their help? Unless you know... how to cure curses?"

[12:17 AM] DM: Man: "No... I'm sorry."

[12:18 AM] Seirixori: "Ugh the one time I want to go back to Limabey." Seirixori stomps into the kitchen, "Please tell me Gunnloda left something in here..." She says as she starts trying to see if she can find anything that might belong to her. "I don't even know what to look for, why am I doing this..."

[12:19 AM] DM: You find stuff.

[12:22 AM] Seirixori: Frustrated and upset Seirixori lets out a yell and stalks down to where Stool is, hugs them .(edited)

[12:23 AM] DM: You just walk down hug them and leave? lol

[12:24 AM] DM: Stool: "Seirixori! Are you sad? Or mad?"

[12:26 AM] Seirixori: "A bit of both, buddy. I'll be ok."

[12:27 AM] DM: Stool: "Did something happen? Is Gunnloda ok?"

[12:28 AM] Seirixori: "She's ok, just back home. Eloise's wife... well, none of us can do anything about werewolves so..."

[12:29 AM] DM: Stool: "I don't know anything about werewolves. ....do you miss her?"

[12:30 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori sniffles a little, "More than I think I was prepared for."

[12:31 AM] DM: Stool: "I have a secret, but I'm only supposed to tell if you really need to know it."

[12:31 AM] Seirixori: "I... well I would like to know it, but I'm not going to make you tell me."

[12:33 AM] DM: Stool: "She said only if you really needed to find her."

[12:35 AM] Seirixori: "... this... this is important and I don't know when she'll be back." Seirixori taps her fingers on the ground, "I don't even know if she can do anything, but she might know someone who does..." Seir sighs, "I don't know what to do."

[12:36 AM] DM: Stool tilts his little cap to the side. "I don't want you to be sad. She left something on the shelf over there and told me to guard it and only give it to you. It's our secret."

[12:38 AM] Seirixori: "You're the best." Seir hugs them again. "Our super secret." Seirixori goes to the shelf to see what's there.(edited)

[12:38 AM] DM: There's a metal disc with a ribbon attached. It's embossed with some kind of seal.

[12:39 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori picks it up and pats Stool, "I will return it soon, ok, thank you." She heads out to find the others, more specifically Poni.

[12:46 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori walks up to the group, "What... what is going on? You know what, I don't want to know, where is Poni?"

[12:46 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Rav has 'im."

[12:46 AM] Seirixori: "I need him."

[12:46 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "here" she hands him to Seir while still on the ground

[12:46 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "So she can get off the floor now..."

[12:46 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "what did you find out?" she says while dusting hersel off

[12:47 AM] Seirixori: "Cool thanks," Seir takes Poni and starts heading off to the basem*nt, "That I'm useless, as always." she says as she keeps walking.(edited)

[12:47 AM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos stands, offering her a hand to get up, but then, realizing she already got to her feet, he awkwardly makes it look like he was going for a high five instead

[12:47 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Well that's not the answer I was expectin'...." Urrak follows Seir(edited)

[12:48 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Hey slow down" rav says while trying to jog to keep up "I know that feeling one hundred percent right now, but we need to stick together"

[12:50 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori doesn't say anything for a few moments, "Honestly, this might... this might be something I need to do by myself."

[12:50 AM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos just sort of lets his hand rub the back of his head when the high five isn't even acknowledged and moves on with the others

[12:50 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'think y'can handle that?"

[12:50 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine slows down her jog and stops

[12:51 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak reaches into her pack and pulls out a potion of healing. "It's dangerous t' go alone. Take this."

[12:51 AM] Seirixori: "How... how badly do we need Gunnloda? Or her advice or knowledge or just... I don't know if I should do this."

[12:52 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "She's lookin' like our only option at this point."

[12:52 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We have no other options" Rav says softly while looking at the ground

[12:52 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Well besides the...not happy one..."

[12:54 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I could go for a walk or borrow a horse to go to the neighboring wizard's college, but that will be a few days and it's not guaranteed"

[12:54 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "There's a lot a' variables...."

[12:54 AM] Seirixori: "Ok, I just... Stool said..." Seir sighs, "I feel like I'm invading her privacy or something."

[12:54 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It's fer a greater good."(edited)

[12:55 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "Do you think we should talk to Eloise or should we give her a bit more time? She may have a faster way of contacting the college than we're aware of.I mean, with Poni doing crazy things here, she must have had frequent contact with the college, right?"

[12:56 AM] DM: Poni: "They were not crazy things. You of all people should appreciate the melding of magic and science."

[12:58 AM] Alex - Nolanos: "Sure, but also, staying away from things that could potentially destroy the fabric of time and space also seems like a sound idea to me. It's not exactly my forte."

[12:56 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Well if Seir's set on goin' alone, we can all try something..."

[12:56 AM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "It seems as though the only correspondence was via post. At least from the letter she was writing before to Poni's old headmaster"

[12:57 AM] DM: Poni: "Qarius that buffoon."

[12:57 AM] Seirixori: "But what if..." She trails off not wanting to finish the thought. "We can ask, I'll... find Gunnloda if she's the very last option. But... could you guys not...stay and watch?"

[12:59 AM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Either way we're wastin' time. Gunnloda's our strongest lead. Everything else is a 'what if?'"

[12:59 AM] Seirixori: "Yeah ok," Seir mutters, walking down into the basem*nt.

Seir's Trip to Forsa[]

[5:26 PM] DM: You head down the stairs! Eloise and Cae are still down there, though the tears have mostly shifted towards conversation.

[5:27 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori hesitates to address them, but she does. "Could I... I'm sorry but could I ask if you'd be willing to make sure no one comes down here?"

[5:28 PM] DM: Eloise's brow furrows. "I don't understand. Why not?"

[5:30 PM] Seirixori: "Because... I'm..." Seirixori twists the metal disk in her hand, "I'm hopefully getting help, but it's also kind of personal. Just not sure to who," she whispers the last part.

[5:32 PM] DM: They look at each other and Cae nods. "We can go upstairs if you like."

[5:34 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori nods, "Please." She doesn't wait to see if they've left. She holds the disk up to Poni's sensor and pushes the button.

[5:37 PM] DM: The portal fizzes to life. You see Gunnloda in a sparsely decorated room with several beds and trunks, similar to the one in the back of Takara's temple. She's going through a chest and when she finds the small box she was looking for, she pops it open, then shuts it and pockets it. She shuts the chest, and when she turns to leave, she's startled by someone standing in the doorway.

[5:40 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori grips Poni tightly, "Please don't hate me for this," she takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly and walks into the portal.

[5:45 PM] DM: The world around you changes. You're in a town that's probably comparable in size to Bellbury. It's much more crowded here though, lots of people, from halflings to half-orcs, humans, elves, and more. You get a look here or there, but not nearly the treatment you've gotten in the past from the people in Ardabeh.

[5:49 PM] Seirixori: Seir doesn't move for several moments, the amount of people making her nervous. Getting her bearings, she looks around in hopes of being able to spot something that looks like a temple. Slightly worried because while Gunnloda had said Vyon lumps their gods into groups, Seir isn't sure that means a singular temple.

[5:52 PM] DM: In this particular area, you don't really see anything that isn't warehouse or storefront. Nothing that really looks like a temple.

[5:52 PM] Seirixori: "Poni, why can't you be a little more accurate?"

[5:53 PM] DM: Poni: "Look, Candy Cane... if the arch was still whole, I could be."

[5:55 PM] Seirixori: "If the arch was still whole none of this..." Seir shakes her head, she doesn't want to think about any of that right now. "I don't want to talk to people." She whines to herself, while heading to one of the storefronts to ask for directions.

[5:56 PM] DM: Closest one to you is a halfling selling housewares. He kind of double-takes when he looks at you, then launches into his spiel. "You look like you could use a new set of dishes. Maybe something to impress that special someone in your life when you cook them your best roast?"

[5:58 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori chokes on a laugh, "Yeah if she wants really bland roast. Actually, um... could you tell me where the temple is?"

[5:59 PM] DM: He puts his chin in his fingers. "Closest one is... well, there's the Host up that way," he points. "Then there's the Silver Flame back that way," he points in the other direction.

[6:04 PM] Seirixori: "...f*ck." She mutters trying to remember if Gunnloda mentioned which one. "Thanks." She steps away, finally taking time to look at the metal disk in her hand to see if it might clue her in on something.

[6:06 PM] DM: It's kind of a crest of sorts. Sharp angles, Squared images. Looks like maybe very stylized hammers or something. Definitely looks Dwarven.

[6:09 PM] Seirixori: "...I really do know nothing." Seirixori rolls her eyes, "Poni do you know anything about dwarves?" She says as she heads towards the direction of the Host.

[6:10 PM] DM: Poni: "What about them? They're bigger than gnomes. Hairy. Tend to live underground. Most of them come from Dhog Lodir."

[6:11 PM] DM: Poni: "Shouldn't you know more about them?"

[6:16 PM] Seirixori: "Probably," she hasn't really encountered too many, and she hasn't really tried to push for more from Gunnloda after their conversation in the Oyster. " Do you know what any of the crests look like?"

[6:18 PM] DM: Poni: "Pointy. I haven't been that far west since I was a child."

[6:19 PM] Seirixori: "Informative." she puts him and the disc in her bag, "guess I'll have to ask her later."

[6:20 PM] DM: It's only about a 10-15 minute walk before you see what's probably the temple the halfling talked about. It has the same stylized blue and yellow "H" on the sign as Gunnloda wears on her tabard.

[6:23 PM] Seirixori: "Hah! I did remember." Seir heads for the doors to enter, "Please still be here."

[6:25 PM] DM: There's a half-orc woman inside in robes with the Host's H emblazoned across her chest. She approaches you when you step inside. "Do you need the guidance of the Host today, child?"

[6:29 PM] Seirixori: "Um no, I'm looking for someone. Do you know if Gunnloda is here?"

[6:32 PM] DM: She smiles slightly, a quirk of her lips around a protruding tusk. "She has thankfully returned, but she's in council at the moment. Would you like to wait?"

[6:34 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori nods, "I don't have much choice." Council, what? she thinks to herself.

[6:35 PM] DM: She gestures towards some benches that you can sit at if you'd like, then excuses herself.

[6:41 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sits, briefly, but gets up and starts pacing. She starts talking to herself as she paces the floor. "Please let this be important enough. It is right? Why didn't I think to ask about this sooner? Ugh!"

[6:41 PM] DM: Very soon after the orc disappears, Gunnloda comes out of the back, looking a little anxious. "Seirixori? What's happened? Are you ok?"

[6:43 PM] Seirixori: "Gunnloda! Hi, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm fine, I swear! Stool said if it was important and I... I mean I guess this is really important? We kind of went after Cae, Eloise's wife." Seirixori fidgets with her hands as she rambles. " well, actually we went to get a component first and Urrak pretended to be my girlfriend because some Vampire tried to hit on me, and he was gross."

[6:45 PM] DM: She puts her hand on your arm to interrupt. "I want to hear all about it, but... you said it's important?"

[6:49 PM] Seirixori: "Oh! Yes, sorry I just..." Seirixori bites her lip, and looks around, leaning in to whisper to Gunnloda, "Cae got bit by a werewolf and we don't know what to do. I want to help, but I'm not... I can't. And you're our last option, next to killing her and I don't want to do that, and from the sound of things werewolves are not something they like in Vyon. I don't want her to be taken from Eloise" Seirixori can feel the tears burning. "I don't want other people to leave." she whispers softly, quieter than the rest of her words.(edited)

[7:11 PM] DM: Gunnloda frowns and says, "Come with me. " She heads back to the back where she'd come from and through a door to a room with a table surrounded by chairs. There's another person back there in robes like the orc but much much smaller. A halfling woman with short golden curly hair and the beginnings of wrinkles at her eyes and mouth. She looks up in surprise when she sees you follow Gunnloda into the room.

[7:14 PM] Seirixori: "Um, Hello..." Seirixori says and waves a little awkwardly.

[7:14 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "This is one of the people I was talking about. I know it's... it doesn't fit into your retirement plans, but I can't help with what they need."

[7:16 PM] DM: Halfling: "And what is it they need, dear?"

Gunnloda glances back briefly. "Curse removal."

[7:21 PM] DM: The halfling chuckles. "You know I can't remove the curse of Asmodeus, love."

Gunnloda frowns again. "Not her. Werewolves. Back in Bellbury, where I've been. " She turns to you. "You have Poni right? "

[7:22 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori bites her lip again, looking between the two, she sighs, "Yeah, of course."

[7:29 PM] DM: Gunnloda nods and turns back to the halfling. "We can teleport there, then we can use your hat to get home. Just a few hours if you have it prepared."

The halfling hops up from her seat with a sigh. "If it's important to you, dear. "

Gunnloda: "You don't have to pretend you're doing me a favor. I know you don't want anyone to suffer like that."

The halfling grins. "You're right." She turns to you and holds her hand up to you to shake. At only 3 feet tall, she's about waist high to you. "Kendall Sammes. What's your name dear?"(edited)

[7:34 PM] Seirixori: "Oh are you..." Seirixori shakes her head, glances at Gunnloda for a second and holds up her hand to introduce herself. "Seirixori. I...I'm sorry for interrupting, but...I... well, thank you."

[7:43 PM] DM: Kendall smiles. "It's no problem, dear. I was just giving her a hard time. I don't do much spellcasting these days, except when it's too hard for the rest of them. If you don't mind, I'd like to take Rimands with us so we can go straight back to Vecbony when we're done."

Gunnloda nods, but she's looking at you, trying to read your expression.

Kendall walks out to go get Rimands.

[7:49 PM] Seirixori: "Is... is that who you mentioned in Bleakmourne?" Seir asks quietly, chewing on her lip and picking at one of her bracers, unable to keep eye contact with Gunnloda.

[7:56 PM] DM: Gunnloda's expression shifts to sudden understanding. "She is. When I disappeared, Karimah sent her a message-- well, anyway, she came to check on me. I've only just started telling her about everything that's happened. I'm sorry if that was... awkward for you."

[8:00 PM] Seirixori: "It's okay. I'm just... conflicted. She... hurt you at one point and I..." she chuckles and shrugs, "she's willing to help though and I can't be mad at her for that."

[8:06 PM] DM: She smiles softly at you. "She has. She's also a very good friend of mine and literally the reason I'm still standing today. I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't need you to be protective. I get enough of that from her." She sighs and puts her hand over yours. "I wish it were under better circ*mstances, but I'm glad you found my crest. I trust Stool was a very good guard? It only took a couple hours," she laughs.

[8:11 PM] Seirixori: Seir grins sheepishly, taking Gunnloda's hand and places a kiss on her knuckles, "I can only promise to try and not get too protective." She clears her throat, "Stool was the best guard. I almost didn't let them tell me. I didn't want to... um, invade your privacy? Still kind of feel like I am."

[8:15 PM] DM: Before she can answer, you hear a voice from the doorway. "Privacy? What privacy? You two coming or do you need to make more kissy faces?"

Gunnloda blushes, but doesn't let go of your hand. "Kendall..."

Kendall: "I mean, I thought she came for curse removal, but if it's you she's really here for..."

[8:19 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori's skin turns red, "I can't want both?" she pouts.

[8:22 PM] DM: Kendall full-on laughs. "Oh, I like her. A little young for your taste, I'd think, but that's better for you." She turns to you, still chuckling. "Is there really a werewolf?"

[8:25 PM] Seirixori: "Well, we have a friend that got bit by one."

[8:26 PM] DM: Kendall: "Then let's go. Someone owes me the rest of a story." She heads back out the door.

[8:28 PM] Seirixori: "I think you might owe more than one person a story," Seirixori says to Gunnloda, with a grin, "When you're willing to share, of course. Oh and she likes me! That's good, right?"

[8:33 PM] DM: She chuckles. "It's better than bad anyway. And... I will. I'm going to come back with her when we're done with Cae to settle some things, but... I've already told Karimah that I'm planning to leave soon. I have some traveling to do."

[8:41 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori squeezes Gunnloda's hand, "I'll be waiting." She turns towards the door, "Oh! Uh I also have some things for you, uh... maybe later..." She says more to herself, "werewolf first. Right."

[8:45 PM] DM: Gunnloda smiles and follows you out of the temple where Kendall's waiting with Rimands, her riding dog. He's a big shaggy dog with a saddle on his back.

Kendall: "So... teleporting, right?" She puts her hand on Rimands's neck and holds her hand out for Gunnloda who takes it in one hand and yours in the other.

She looks at you and smiles. "Ready when you are."(edited)

[8:48 PM] Seirixori: "That... is a brilliant idea" Seir mutters to herself as she looks at the dog, pulling out Poni and pushing the button.

[9:50 AM] DM: So Rimands, Gunnloda, Kendall, and you all appear in the basem*nt. Kendall's a bit confused, but she rolls with it.

[9:50 AM] DM: Kendall: "So where's this friend of yours?"

[9:52 AM] Seirixori: "They're upstairs, I asked them to wait there." Seirixori steps forward to lead the way, but her eyes land on the components and she frowns. "I'll... catch up in a minute, there's something I need to do." She says as she pulls the bow off her back.

[9:53 AM] DM: Gunnloda puts her hand on your back. "We'll be upstairs if you need us." Then she leads Kendall and Rimands out.

[9:55 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori let's out a shaky breath, "That was easier than I thought. Hey Poni," Seirixori whispers and sets the bow down, "do we need to put the pieces together or will they do that on their own once we find them all?"(edited)

[9:56 AM] DM: Poni: "Well, of course they'd need to be put back together. What good would the wizard scientist be if the pieces just put themselves together?"

[9:56 AM] Seirixori: She shrugs, "You seem to like shortcuts, would make sense. Can I start doing that now or do we have to wait for all of them?"

[9:58 AM] DM: Poni: "How good are you at solving puzzles with only some of the pieces?" He sighs. "I suppose I can do that part. It will be the actual putting them back together that will be the difficult part. I don't have hands anymore. Or spells. Perhaps your wizard friend could help with that."

[10:00 AM] Seirixori: "I just wanted to see if we could tell how many more pieces there would be..." She sighs, picking up the smallest piece.

[10:01 AM] DM: It's maybe the size of your palm.

[10:06 AM] Seirixori: She places the piece down, puts Poni behind some books, grabs the piece again and shoves it in her backpack. "Hopefully this will give me just a little bit of time before..." she sighs sadly, "well before we probably all go back." Then she heads upstairs.

Session 28[]

[8:16 PM] DM: So you are all reconvening after a short bit apart. Eloise, Cae, Gunnloda, and a halfling in white robes with blue and gold trim and the same stylized H on her chest as Gunnloda's tabard are all standing in what was once Poni's basem*nt. She's older, maybe in her 60s in human years, but she's still pretty spry and has golden curly hair. Ryleigh's coming up from the slums area of town across the main street, Rav is coming from the town square, and Seirixori is coming up the stairs from the basem*nt.

[8:22 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori walks up to them and places a hand on Gunnloda's shoulder, "Thanks," she whispers, chewing on her lip and fidgets with her cloak.

[8:23 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "It's no trouble, dear."

[8:24 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine head's to Poni's approaches and notices the robes so she bows in respect to the stranger

[8:25 PM] DM: Kendall kind of just chuckles. "I'm not that special, dear."

[8:25 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Hello and welcome to Bellbury. I am ravaphine" she says with slight sadness in her voice, "Seir, is everything okay?"

[8:26 PM] Seirixori: "It's fine just... personal." Seir clears her throat and forces herself to stop fidgeting.

[8:27 PM] DM: Kendall: "So. Are we ready then? Who's bit?"

[8:27 PM] DM: Cae stands from where she and Eloise were leaning against a wall and Eloise follows, taking her hand.

[8:28 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "are you...can you fix it? Do you know the reversal spell?"

[8:29 PM] DM: Kendall: "We'll see. It depends on what kind of problem we're looking at."

[8:30 PM] DM: She looks up at Cae, almost twice as tall as she is. "Do you think you could sit, dear? Might make this a little easier."

[8:30 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine pulls out a chair for Cae

[8:30 PM] DM: Cae smiles a thanks at Ravaphine, but sits right on the floor.

[8:32 PM] DM: Kendall takes her arm and starts a bit of an examination, poking and squeezing here and there. The wounds heal at her touch.

[8:33 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks into poni's and sees the group. She raises an eyebrow at all the new faces, but doesn't comment on it. Ryleigh can tell that something important is happening, so she silently joins the others.

[8:33 PM] DM: She puts her hand on Cae's forehead, speaks some incantation, and there's a flash of light under her palm, but it stops.

[8:34 PM] DM: She frowns, and tries something else. She says the incantation, and there's a soft glow that stops at her hand.

[8:35 PM] DM: Kendall: "Well...."

[8:37 PM] DM: Eloise's voice wavers. "It's not working?"

Kendall: "I hate to ask... I can try one more thing, but the components are expensive."

Eloise: "It doesn't matter. Cost doesn't matter. Please."

[8:39 PM] DM: Kendall roots around in her pouch at her hip and pulls out a smaller bag. She sprinkles diamond dust into Cae's hair and puts her hand over her. She speaks the command again, and the glow is brighter, more forceful. It extends from her hand, like a bubble around Cae... but when it contracts around her, it dissipates.

[8:39 PM] DM: Kendall takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

[8:41 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine is trying not to cry while sitting on the ground closest to the stairs(edited)

[8:41 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "We... we could ask the Host. You could ask Olladra."

[8:42 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves to sit next to Ravaphine and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

[8:44 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs and sits down.

[8:44 PM] DM: Kendall puts her hand out for Gunnloda. Gunnloda steps forward and takes both of Kendall's hands in hers, around Cae.

[8:44 PM] DM: Kendall: "Does anyone else serve the Host?"

[8:45 PM] Seirixori: "I doubt it."

[8:46 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "The host?"

[8:46 PM] DM: Kendall: "Or.. worship them at all?"

Gunnloda shakes her head. "Not likely. Cyan might know them. Has anyone seen her?"

[8:46 PM] Seirixori: "She wasn't around before I went to find you."

[8:46 PM] DM: Eloise: "Urrak came looking for her, but I haven't seen either since."

[8:48 PM] DM: Gunnloda and Kendall turn back to each other. Gunnloda bows her head and Kendall starts a prayer.

[8:50 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav closes her eyes and lowers her head

[8:50 PM] DM: Kendall: "I call for the aid of the Sovereign Host. Arawai, Aureon, Balinor, Boldrei, Dol Arrah, Dol Dorn, Kol Korran, Olladra, Onatar... hear our plea. Please, help me heal this woman. Let me cure her so she can continue doing good things in this world and not succumb to the blood of the beast. Heal her."

[8:51 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh watches the prayer with interest and at the mention of 'the blood of the beast' she audibly gasps.

[8:51 PM] DM: Nothing happens.

[8:54 PM] DM: Their hands drop and everyone just looks at Kendall with the question on their faces.

[8:54 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "She's infected? but how? They don't exist anymore."(edited)

[8:55 PM] DM: Eloise: "Not here in Vyon, no."

[8:56 PM] DM: She kneels next to Cae and hugs her from the side, crying on her shoulder. Cae just holds her, refusing to shed more tears.

[8:57 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh stands, "where were you when you were bitten? What realm, country, or continent?"

[8:57 PM] DM: Cae: "I don't know. It had fruit I've never seen. It wasn't Vyon or Ascus."

[8:59 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "We should send her back, or she should leave. We don't know what she can do."

[8:59 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine stands up and pulls Ryleigh back to ease up on Cae. "Please...give her some respect"

[9:01 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori stands up, moving in front of them. "Not yet."

[9:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I'm sorry, I really am, but we shouldn't risk the innocents living here. We all know the stories." she lets herself be pulled back(edited)

[9:01 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "There has to be something else that we can do. Something we can all help with"

[9:02 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Were you there? During the original breakout?" she asks Ryleigh

Ryleigh turns to Rav, "No, it happened over 100 years ago. But they were vanquished for a reason."

[9:03 PM] Seirixori: "We won't, at least not for long." Seirixori sighs, "I refuse to send her away or otherwise until we bring back their daughter. They deserve a goodbye."

[9:04 PM] DM: Cae: "We'll figure something out. And if we don't... I'll do what's needed."

Eloise: "Cae, no."

[9:04 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "NO nobody will be saying goodbye. Nobody will be leaving. We are not giving up without a fight" she says with her voice louder than usual and on the edge of tears

[9:05 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She then says to Seirixori, "then we need to make haste, we don't know how long she has before the transformation."(edited)

[9:06 PM] DM: Cae turns to Eloise and takes her face in her hands. "Ellie... you know she's right. You love this town as much as you love me and Misha. We'll do what we can, but this... might not be enough."

[9:06 PM] Seirixori: "Let us get your daughter, first, please." Seirixori says to Cae with tears in her eyes, "I... please."

[9:06 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "They didn't try hard enough"

[9:06 PM] DM: Kendall frowns at Rav, but doesn't say anything.

[9:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves closer to Ravaphine, opening herself up but she doesn't try to touch her, "Ravaphine, take a deep breath, they've tried their best and this time - it wasn't good enough. Some things can't be fixed, but I think a goodbye is a doable final wish."(edited)

[9:08 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori laughs, "The gods only have so much power, and just as useless." she mutters. She goes to Kendall, "thank you for trying."

[9:10 PM] DM: Kendall nods. "I'm sorry."

[9:11 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine approaches Kendall to hug her with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much for helping in such a short notice"

[9:12 PM] DM: She's a bit overwhelmed by your height, but she takes it in stride.

[9:12 PM] DM: Kendall: "I wish I could do more."

[9:14 PM] DM: Cae stands and pulls Eloise to her feet. "Just... please, if I could ask one favor. I don't want this news to get out. I don't want it to hurt Ellie more than it already will and we don't need another extermination scare or hunt."

[9:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Please let us know how you want us to proceed. I still want to try to fight this. But we will respect your wishes"

[9:17 PM] DM: Cae: "I know a place. An old ruin. If we can't find a solution by the time the moon rises, there's a place inside where I can be locked away safely. At least as a short-term solution."

[9:18 PM] Seirixori: "We should go get Misha, quickly."

[9:20 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh gives Cae a sympathetic look, "you're making a hard but necessary choice."(edited)

[9:20 PM] DM: Cae: "Where is she?"

[9:21 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia strolls in.

[9:22 PM] Seirixori: "We're not really sure, but she doesn't look in too much trouble." Seirixori groans as she sees Brimeia walk in.(edited)

[9:23 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine notices the familiar face stroll in. "Brimeia, it has been a while my friend"

[9:24 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at the person who just walked in and says, "so many new faces today."

[9:24 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Miss me?" Brimeia grins

[9:24 PM] Seirixori: "No."

[9:29 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Good to see you too, Seirixori," Brimeia flashes her a wink.

[9:29 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "So what are we punching today?"

[9:31 PM] Seirixori: "You." Seirixori grumbles, "Hopefully no one."

[9:25 PM] DM: You see a lot of new faces in addition to Seir and Rav. There's a half elf and an elf, Gunnloda, a halfling, and a human in heavy, black, plate armor.(edited)

[9:27 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "My mother...my mother is a wizard. She specializes in conjuration and I'm not sure if she will know how to help reverse the curse, but I'm sure she will understand the situation. I need to pay her a visit soon anyway. Would any of you like to visit home with me? or should we go find Misha?" she asks the group

Seirixori: "We need to go find their daughter."

[9:31 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine tries not to look upset for not being able to visit her mom but she nods to Seir. "Yes. we should find misha"

[9:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Are you two siblings? You bicker as such." Ryleigh says to Seirixori and Brimeia.(edited)

[9:33 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia blinks, pauses.

[9:33 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: ...

[9:33 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "HAH"

[9:33 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori glares at Ryleigh.

[9:34 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh realizes she must have said something offensive, "ah, I didn't mean to say anything rude but I think I may have..."(edited)

[9:35 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Not all tieflings look the same, Ryleigh"(edited)

[9:36 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She whispers to Ravaphine, "They're roughly the same color and my brother and I used to bicker like that" she points between the two.(edited)

[9:37 PM] Seirixori: "Can we go? We're wasting time."

[9:37 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Just trying to find humor in the situation," she whispers with a small smile, "Also, used to? Do you no longer bicker?"

[9:40 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh solemnly shakes her head, she looks away, as if reminiscing "no, sadly we don't."

[9:41 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine notices the change in demeanor and decides not try to push further

[9:42 PM] DM: Poni's downstairs.

[9:42 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs and turns to Kendall and Gunnloda. "Did you want to go back now?"

[9:43 PM] DM: Gunnloda looks at Kendall, questioning.

Kendall: "I think... we can stay just a little bit longer."

[9:45 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "We'll wait out here and watch for trouble in case we need to leave before you return."

[9:46 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh comes out of her daze and clears her throat, "then should we go?"

[9:46 PM] DM: Gunnloda steps forward and hugs Seir. "Be careful. If I'm gone when you return... you know how to find me and I'll be on my way back soon."

[9:48 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori nods and kisses Gunnloda on the cheek. "We left some of our things next to the components in case you need to find us."

[9:48 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav makes her way downstairs

[9:51 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori goes down the stairs as well.

[9:52 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav looks for Poni(edited)

[9:53 PM] DM: Poni's yapping at the wall from behind some books. Complaining about being left back there like some kind of forgotten trinket.

[9:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav pulls poni out of his hiding place

[9:54 PM] Seirixori: "Oh... Whoops."Seirixori says, full on sarcasm.

[9:54 PM] DM: Poni: "It's about time. You're lucky I don't have a nose or I'd have an allergic attack from all the dust back there."

[9:54 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "How did you get here" she laughs while looking at Seir

[9:56 PM] DM: Poni: "f*cking Candy Cane."

[9:56 PM] Seirixori: "And who's the one that let it get all dirty in the first place?"

[9:56 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "So, no such luck on finding a cure" she tells Poni

[9:57 PM] DM: Poni: "I don't care. We need to find components."

[9:57 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Not now, Poni."

[10:03 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Poni, we're going to get the child because this is a time sensitive situation."

[10:04 PM] DM: Poni: "Look, blondie, every hour is another villager dead. I don't really give a f*ck about any of them, but the numbers at least point to components."

[10:07 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori breathes in sharply and closes her eyes,trying to calm down, "And who's fault is that?" She asks quietly.

[10:07 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "How do you know that? About the Villagers?"

[10:08 PM] DM: Poni: "Excellent deductive reasoning."

[10:10 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh grabs poni, "listen, stick-man, if you cared at all about your neighbors, friends, and townspeople than you shouldn't have been experimenting right here in the middle of the town. THIS. ALL OF THIS. is entirely your fault, so you will take us where we need to go and you will shut your mouth, because we WILL find the components after bringing a lost child home to her parents!"(edited)

[10:10 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Wait what?"

[10:10 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "People are dropping off?"

[10:11 PM] DM: Poni: "Don't have a mouth to shut, sardine, and that child is an adult in a fancy castle."

[10:11 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh ignores him and places the sensor to the clip. she pushes the button(edited)

[10:13 PM] DM: The portal fizzes to life and you see Misha. She's out in a garden, reading. Flowers are in bloom, it's pretty.

[10:13 PM] DM: Poni: "See? Safe."

[10:14 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks to the others, "are we still going?"(edited)

[10:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Yes." Ravaphine grabs poni from Ryleigh and hops through

[10:15 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Where?"

[10:15 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh grabs Rav and she passes through.

[10:16 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia shrugs and follows

[10:15 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori roars, her form shifting into the bear again and she steps back breaking something, but ignores it. She makes her way upstairs to ask the Moonstreams if they know when the next full moon is.

[10:27 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori shifts back once she's in front of everyone, breathing heavily and asks about the full moon, then pulls Gunnloda aside and whispers, "Do you know how long this trip will take you?"(edited)

[10:28 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Which? It shouldn't take long to settle things, but... I'm not sure. I may need to wait until the arch is fixed before I make permanent travel plans. It seems... unsafe to try to travel by boat."

[10:29 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "And I may be poofed back here any time."

[10:30 PM] Seirixori: "Right..." She says, almost forgetting. "I'm sorry it's just... Gods, they're all dying the longer it takes us."

[10:30 PM] DM: Gunnloda frowns. "Is there anything that can be done more than what we're doing now?"

[10:34 PM] Seirixori: "Not really unless we don't want to rest... I just, I can't let their daughter lose her mother without saying goodbye."

[10:36 PM] DM: Gunnloda nods and puts her hand to your cheek. "Do what you think is best, dear. They're called tough decisions for a reason."

[10:39 PM] Seirixori: Seir closes her eyes and nods, "Yeah, we'll try and make it quick." and she heads back down and steps into the portal.(edited)

[10:16 PM] DM: The world changes around Rav and Ryleigh and you're in an empty, but extravagant banquet hall. There's probably 30 seats around the table, if not more.

[10:18 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks around the room.

[10:19 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "This doesn't look lived in in the slightest" she whispers to ryleigh and brimeia

[10:20 PM] DM: There are several doors, but the two largest are at either end behind the head of the table and at the foot of it. The others are likely servant's entries, kitchens, or other residential uses.

[10:23 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves to the nearest door and listens.

[10:23 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine walks up next to her and does the same

[10:24 PM] DM: You stare into each others' eyes with your ears pressed to the door... and you hear nothing.

[10:24 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh cracks the door to peer out.

[10:25 PM] DM: The next room looks like a ballroom, also empty.

[10:25 PM] DM: Across the room is another, larger set of doors.

[10:26 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She opens the door entirely and walks in, then moves to the larger set of doors and listens.(edited)

[10:27 PM] DM: You hear nothing.

[10:27 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh cracks the door again and peers through it.

[10:29 PM] DM: It's what looks like an entryway. An even larger, fancier set of doors is across the room.

[10:30 PM] DM: There's also a pair of winding staircases on either side that lead to the upstairs portion.

[10:30 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks through the room to the larger, fancier doors and presses her ear to it.

[10:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh cracks the door and peeks into the next room.

[10:32 PM] DM: It's outside.

[10:32 PM] DM: The sun is shining. The greenery looks fresh and well-maintained. There's flowers blooming everywhere and there's a pleasant scent of fresh-baked pie and flowers in the air.

[10:38 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh continues into the grounds, looking for the Misha.

[10:40 PM] DM: Seirixori steps out of mid-air behind you.

[10:42 PM] DM: After several minutes of skirting around the grounds, you see what looks like maybe familiar ground? Possibly the garden?

[10:43 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves to it, but her head is on swivel - trying to keep a look out.

[10:45 PM] DM: You... see Misha. Sitting on a bench. She's wearing a beautiful ballgown, her golden hair's pulled up into a complicated twist, and she's reading.

[10:46 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh slowly approaches Misha.

[10:47 PM] DM: You're coming from behind her.

[10:47 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Misha."

[10:49 PM] DM: She spins around, startled. "Oh, hello. Are you... do you work for Prince Caruhm?"

[10:52 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "No, your mothers sent us to return you to them."

[10:52 PM] DM: You have no idea.

[10:54 PM] DM: Misha: "My mothers? Are they here? They should be here."(edited)

[10:56 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at her questioningly, "they're back home, in Bellbury. One of your moms is very ill and its urgent we get you back home quickly."

[10:58 PM] DM: She looks very concerned, but also somewhat conflicted. "But... maybe they should come here instead. It's so wonderful here and I'm sure Prince Caruhm will be able to help her. He's very powerful."

[11:00 PM] Seirixori: "He sounds very gross..." Seirixori whispers.

[11:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh steps forward and grasps the young woman's arm, "I'm sorry about this but we really need to go, EVERYONE GRAB ON!"

[11:02 PM] DM: Misha: "What are you--"

[11:01 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori grabs Ryleigh and Ravaphine.(edited)

[11:01 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav grabs on too

[11:02 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh presses the button.

You all touch and the button is pressed and you are back in Poni's basem*nt where Gunnloda's waiting.

[11:03 PM] DM: Misha pulls away from Ryleigh's grasp. "Why-- where are we?"

[11:04 PM] Ravaphine: "Misha, do you know where Bellbury is?"

[11:04 PM] Ryleigh: "Please, Misha, calm down. We're back in Bellbury."

[11:04 PM] DM: She gives you that dumb teenage stare. "Of course I do. It's where I live."

[11:05 PM] DM: Cae and Eloise are both coming down the stairs at the sound of Misha's voice. Eloise practically pushes you all aside to hug her.

[11:06 PM] DM: They all take a moment to hug in a big group hug, with Misha looking very confused in the center of it. "Yeah. Hi. What?"

[11:07 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves away from the reunion, silently observing the exchange.

[11:07 PM] DM: Eloise: "Where were you? Were you safe? Are you hurt?"

[11:07 PM] DM: Cae: "And what's with the dress?"

[11:07 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori goes to Ryleigh, "Mind if I take Poni for a bit?"

[11:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh hands him over, "he's all yours..and Seir, be careful." Concern painting Ryleigh's face.(edited)

[11:10 PM] DM: Misha: "It's pretty right? You guys should come back with me. It was so beautiful and Prince Caruhm! He's wonderful. And guess what!" She puts her hand out to show a ring with a huge ruby on it. "We're betrothed!"

[11:10 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah." She whispers. She freezes at Misha's words. "Is... This normal?"

[11:11 PM] DM: They both look at her and simultaneously say, "You're what?"

[11:11 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh turns her attention to the family, "she said betrothed..."(edited)

[11:12 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "That place was very...odd...not sure if it was charmed but it was not normal there."

[11:12 PM] DM: Misha: "We're getting married? It's going to be so wonderful there and I'm going to be the Queen."

Eloise: "No... you're a Moonstream and you'll be Baroness of Bellbury when I'm gone."

[11:14 PM] DM: Misha: "But Mooooom... he's perfect, really. You should be happy for me."

[11:16 PM] DM: Eloise puts her arm around Misha and hugs her close again, kissing her on the head. "We'll deal with that later. We... have something to talk to you about."

[11:16 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori goes to Gunnloda and whispers, "Is that normal?"

[11:17 PM] DM: Gunnloda smiles at Seir. "Are you judging someone on how fast they fall in--- well... let's just say pot, kettle."

[11:18 PM] Seirixori: Seir blushes, "Right... Poni..." She doesn't say anything else and just pushes the button.

[11:17 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We should give the moonstreams their privacy. But stay close just in case...anything happens"

[11:18 PM] DM: Eloise: "No need... I'm going to take them home. We'll... please, if you're still here... join us for dinner later in the mansion."

[11:21 PM] DM: There's a component. A larger looking one. You can see it by the very, very faint glow, but it's just darkness all around.

[11:22 PM] Seirixori: "Oh... That looks... Fun."

[11:24 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori turns to everyone else, "I don't really want to wait, but I'm not exactly prepared to go into another fight today..."

Session 29[]

[8:23 PM] DM: DAY 7, 1:20 PM, BELLBURY

You're back in Bellbury after rescuing Eloise's wife, Cae, and their daughter Misha. Cae was bitten by a werewolf and unable to be healed by Gunnloda's "friend", Kendall, brought here by Seirixori. Misha, on the other hand, is betrothed to some guy named Prince Caruhm.

Eloise invited you all to dinner later at the mansion, and at the sound of potential feast making, Gunnloda decided to volunteer her services, so she and Kendall will be following the Moonstreams back, leaving you all to decide what you want to do for the next few hours before dinner's ready.

Ravaphine's gone, Urrak's walking up from the direction of the town square, as is Nolanos. Ryleigh and Seirixori are still here from last time.

[8:30 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh is just standing around waiting for the others to get to poni's.

[8:24 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "It's still weird, every time..." Nolanos mutters to himself as he walks to the group.

[8:27 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak walks through the town square. As she walks she spots Nolanos and lightly jogs to catch up to him "Hey! Nolanos!"

[8:28 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Urrak! Hi friend!"

[8:30 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She looks a little worse for wear, but all and all she's the same half-orc you've always known. "Hey, uh...about Bleakmourne..."

[8:31 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos stops in his step for a moment, looking at Urrak and waiting for her to gather her thoughts

[8:33 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: She stops walking to talk, "I'm sorry I put my hands on ye, wasn't right. I've had a rough couple days but I ain't tryin' t' excuse my actions. Can ye forgive me?"

[8:37 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I understand, friend. I didn't want to make you talk about what was on your mind at the time, mostly because it wasn't the right time or place, but I understood then too. Of course you're forgiven." Nolanos offers his hand to Urrak.

[8:39 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak shakes his hand. "You're a good man, Nolanos. Come on, I think everyone's waitin' at Poni's."

[8:39 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Before he releases Urrak's hand, he adds, "Just. Know that I'm here to lend an ear, should you be going through a hard time. You're not alone."

[8:40 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I...thanks, Nolanos. I'll keep that in mind." She smiles a bit, with tired eyes

[8:42 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos smiles a little as well, "Come on then."

[8:43 PM] DM: So you join Ryleigh at Poni's. Gunnloda and Seirixori are a bit outside talking.

[8:47 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh acknowledges the others entering, but doesn't say anything.


[8:30 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori keeps hold of Poni and goes to catch Gunnloda, while she digs through her bag to grab some things.

[8:33 PM] Seirixori: "Gunnloda! I almost forgot, I brought you some things!" Seirixori tugs out the spices and such she bought earlier while in Omubagi.

[8:35 PM] DM: Gunnloda nods at Kendall to go ahead with the Moonstreams and stops. "Oh? Oh!" She chuckles. "I didn't think you'd get them so fast."

[8:37 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori grins, "I was in a town when I went back, got lucky."

[8:39 PM] DM: She smiles. "Thank you. I... have something for you too, but now's not the time."

[8:42 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, you didn't ... have to get me anything." Seirixori shuffles shyly, "Um, I'll leave you to the food, and I'll go take care of some other things." She steps back to leave but stops, "Oh! Do, do you think Stool can go? I don't even know if they want to..." she mumbles to herself.

[8:43 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Go... where? They don't much like the outside and the sun."

[8:45 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, I know, I just meant to hang out with us at the dinner thing, but I guess that might be too much." She pouts. "Oh well."

Gunnloda: "Oh! I'm sure Eloise won't mind if they join us for dinner."

Seirixori leans down and kisses Gunnloda, "See you in a bit." She grins and takes off back to Poni's basem*nt.(edited)

[8:46 PM] DM: "Be safe!" She waves you off.


[8:47 PM] DM: And Seir joins you all as well.

[8:48 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ryleigh! Good t' see ya..."

[8:49 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Urrak." She smiles.

[8:50 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Hey Ryleigh" Nolanos smiles, "Hi Seirixori"(edited)

[8:51 PM] Seirixori: "Hi," Seir says grinning.

[8:51 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: A slight chill runs through Urrak's body. "So, what's uh, the situation?"

[8:52 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh stares at Seirixori for a moment then replies to Urrak, "another component?"(edited)

[8:53 PM] Seirixori: "Oh! Yes so uh, who likes puzzles?"

[8:53 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos raises his hand enthusiastically, "I do!"

[8:55 PM] Seirixori: "Cool, great. So I have a suggestion. Sort of." Seir says walking down into the basem*nt, motioning for the rest to follow.

[8:55 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Sure, what is it?" he follows

[8:58 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh clears her throat, uncomfortable. "Puzzles, great."

[9:00 PM] Seirixori: "I mean... you can make sure I don't die while they figure it out."

[9:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "alright then, lets go." She heads downstairs to the teleporter.

[9:04 PM] Seirixori: "Right so," Seirixori grips Poni and motions to the components. "So I figured we could piece that together as much as we can and see how far along we are. But this asshole," she waves Poni around just to piss him off, "said a wizard or something would help. But also puzzles. So Rav could finish it but we can at least get a head start." She clears her throat, now nervous.

"Also I was thinking of going to scout out the next component. Alone."

[9:05 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Wait what? Alone?"

[9:05 PM] DM: Poni: "Oh yes, Candy Cane... take me in there alone so you can die and I can be trapped elsewhere forever. That sounds brilliant."

[9:05 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Yer mad! Ye could be killed!"

[9:06 PM] Seirixori: "That's why I said, alone. If I get into any serious trouble I can just teleport right back without having to worry about making sure we're all touching."

[9:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I don't know, Seir. Someone should go with you, other than Poni. Maybe not all of us but at least one of us...."

[9:10 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "I'm with Ryleigh. I get how a huge group slows things down, but going alone just flat out isn't safe."

[9:10 PM] Seirixori: "Besides, we kind of make a mess of sh*t every time we go in without knowing what we're doing..." She sighs at Ryleigh's suggestion, "That's why I suggested maybe you watch out for me, because you could just jump through if something bad happens and you'd be right there."

[9:11 PM] Seirixori: "I was just going to scout around, just to see if there's anything we need to know before going tomorrow." She mutters.

[9:12 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sighs and rubs her temples, "alright, I'll agree to this against my better judgement. You're right, I'll be able to see if there's trouble - but Seir - first sign of trouble, I'm coming in or you better get out."(edited)

[9:14 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs in relief, "Thank you." She turns to Nolanos, "You'll try to put the components together? As much as we can?"

[9:14 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak nods in agreement

[9:14 PM] DM: So just so everyone's clear on what that means... when you look through the portal, it's centered on the person/component/poni... and it's visual only. You can't hear anything. And, if it's dark, the portal can't show anything either because darkvision doesn't work through the image.

[9:15 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Okay." Nolanos nods slightly. He looks like he wants to say more, but doesn't really have the words, so he stays quiet.(edited)

[9:17 PM] Seirixori: "I promise I'll try to make it quick," she says as she pushes the button on Poni for the component.

[9:18 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Just stay safe, friend."

[9:18 PM] DM: Again, you see darkness. The faint glow of the component isn't enough to illuminate any distinguishing features around besides the fact that it's sitting on the ground.

[9:19 PM] Seirixori: "Here goes nothing," she mutters and steps through.

[9:20 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Once she steps through, Nolanos starts working on the arc.

[9:20 PM] DM: The image changes to one of all black. No more component in view.

[9:21 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Seir??"

[9:22 PM] DM: As you watch, you can make out just the slightest bit of motion. It's not quite pitch black, but you can't make out much.

[9:23 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shifts uncomfortably in front of the teleporter.

[9:25 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Where is this thing? Inside a whale?"(edited)

[9:29 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Might be, but it could also just be night where ever it took her..."

[9:30 PM] DM: There's the slightest glimpse of some sort of catlike creature visible in an absence of darkness, almost like a reverse silhouette.

[9:32 PM] DM: You do see a tiger, just barely visible in a very, very slight light coming from in front of it.

[9:35 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "At least it doesn't look like shes in any danger, but its hard to tell."

[9:41 PM] Alex - Nolanos: When Nolanos sees that Seir is okay, he releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding and gets to work.

[9:42 PM] DM: You actually do start finding pieces that should mostly fit together. Of the six pieces sitting in front of you, you can make three connections right off the bat. Unfortunately, they seem to be broken from the explosion in ways that tinkering probably won't fix. It looks like it might need some sort of magical repair.

[9:43 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos casts mending

[9:45 PM] DM: So over the next few minutes, you turn six pieces into 3, a 3'4 chunk, a 3'6" chunk, and a chunk just over 2' in length, but they don't appear to connect to each other further.

[9:48 PM] DM: Nice! Judging by the size of the arc blasted into the wall behind the teleporter's image and the pieces you have, you'd guess you've got a bit more than half the arch.

[9:51 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Alright! If my measurements are correct, which I'm sure they are, we're more than halfway through the components," Nolanos says as he puts away the arc pieces. Looking for something else to distract himself with so he doesn't anxiously watch the teleporter, Nolanos gently picks up Reyes and starts working on how to make some cool modifications on her.(edited)

[9:53 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "We're half way there? Excellent." She says to Nolanos.

[9:51 PM] DM: You see the tiger moving through a smallish room, about 30' by 40'? The floor's covered in dust and there are shreds of old tapestries on the floor. The walls are covered in deep gouges, and there's a cracked, slashed altar against one wall.

[9:49 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Great Gruumsh this is nerve wrackin' t' watch..." Urrak folds her arms, eyes staring intently at the portal

[9:52 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh doesn't take her eyes off the screen but smiles at Urrak's comment, "you seem to be in a much better mood."

[9:53 PM] DM: There's suddenly more light as the tiger pushes open what must be some sort of door.

[9:54 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I am yeah. Had a very... interesting talk with Cyan."

[9:56 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh does look up at that, "Good, you two needed to speak - the tension was palpable."

[9:54 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Oh? How'd that go?"(edited)

[9:58 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "It went well...all things considered. And was it?"

[10:00 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Um, a bit. Something was off about her though...I dunno."(edited)

[10:00 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh quirks an eyebrow and chuckles, "by the Gods Urrak, surely you aren't that thick. I thought you were going to punch me when I spoke to her."

[10:02 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I suppose I...let my emotions get ahold o' me. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble to ya." Urrak blushes a bit with embarrassment

[10:03 PM] DM: The tiger has pushed on two walls now, though you can't really see why.

[10:05 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I find plenty of trouble without anyone else's help" she shrugs, "what is Seirixori doing?"

[10:06 PM] DM: Again, there's more light as she pushes on a wall, this time, though, you can see a bit of a white marble slab standing in the center of the passageway like a door that pivots on a center point instead of the edge.

[10:11 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "What in the world..." Urrak grabs her chin, her brows knitted in confusion

[10:13 PM] DM: You see the tiger push against something else and flinch.

[10:14 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine makes her way back to Poni’s house after not seeing anybody familiar at the Cask. She sees everyone gathered around watching the teleporter

[10:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: “Who is th-is serixori by herself?”

[10:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: “Also hello everyone”

[10:16 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Hey Rav. And yeah...She insisted she go alone."

[10:16 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos briefly looks up from Reyes, smiling when he learns Rav is there. "Rav! Hi! Yeah, she was very stubborn about it."

[10:17 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Dammit..." he mutters.

[10:17 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks over at Ravaphine, "Hello Ravaphine, Seirixori is just scouting our next mission. She's supposed to return if it gets to dangerous, but I'm watching just in case she needs extra help."

[10:17 PM] DM: Nolanos, you're... just not really sure how to go about what you're wanting to add. You'll need to think on this one a bit more. Try to figure out how to get a tank in a thing that's already full of gears.

[10:19 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "I'm just hopin' she's safe..." she finishes the thought in her head I don't want t' lose anyone else...

[10:22 PM] DM: She's walking between rooms, and then shifts into herself again and starts talking to Poni.

Seir's scouting[]

[9:21 PM]DM:You take force damage as you teleport into the chamber. You're in a hallway. One end is collapsed rubble. The other goes on in front of you.

[9:22 PM]DM:A soft feminine voice sounds out in your mind suddenly, faint and distant. “Hello? Is someone there? …oh please, I need your help! I have been trapped in the dark for so long… so very long. Please, won’t you help to free me?”

[9:26 PM]Seirixori:"Oh this might have been a very bad idea," Seirixori whispers to herself. She shifts into a tiger and sniffs around and walks forward, slowly.

[9:29 PM]DM:Ok, so you move ahead. Along the wall is a large stone diorama of what seems to be a powerful noble woman in her prime, surrounded by attendants, slaves, and other trappings of wealth and power. A vista of fantastic floating cities covers the wall.

[9:31 PM]Seirixori:Seir heads farther along, seeing if she can smell anyone or anything around.

[9:32 PM]DM:All you really smell is dust, but as you continue down the hall, it makes a sharp turn to your left up ahead.

[9:32 PM]Seirixori:She follows it.

[9:34 PM]DM: The hall opens into a room. Across the room you see this massive white marble slab, possibly a door. You see shreds of dusty tapestries scattered across the floor and on the wall across from you, you see a frieze defaced with deep gouges, making it unrecognizable.

[9:35 PM]DM:The room's also just barely brighter than the hall behind you.

[9:38 PM]Seirixori:Seir goes slowly into the room and towards the marble slab.

[9:39 PM]DM:Once you enter the room, you also see an altar of pale gray stone standing gouged and cracked against the north wall and another of the marble slabs along the south. This one has a beaten bronze layer, now turned green. Looking back, you can see the one that was once on the other lying on the ground, covered in dust.

[9:42 PM]Seirixori:'Goddess this is creepy," She thinks to herself, changing directions and heading to the pale gray marble to check it out.

[9:43 PM]DM:It's just a flat, empty table-like surface with some massive cracks and slashes in it.

[9:45 PM]Seirixori:'Right...' Seir goes back to the white marble.

[9:48 PM]DM:It's a big marble slab.

[9:49 PM]Seirixori:Seirixori hesitates before pushing on it.

[9:52 PM]DM:The marble slab spins along a central axis, revealing a passage. The door's now parallel with the walls, in the center of the passage, so you'd have to squeeze by either side to go through. Inside, the light is dim, allowing you to see as if there was real light with your darkvision.

[9:53 PM]DM:Inside, you see some stone sarcophagi.

[9:54 PM]Seirixori:Seirixori cautiously backs up and heads towards the bronze door and tries to push on it as well.

[9:55 PM]DM:Doesn't budge.

[9:56 PM]Seirixori:Growling, Seirixori goes back to the broken slab and sees if anything happens when pushing on it.

[10:00 PM]DM:There's a stone altar at the north, then the two marble slabs, one is now an open door to the east, and the south one.

[10:00 PM]Seirixori:She goes to the south one and tries to push on that.

[10:01 PM]DM:It creaks a bit across the floor, but it does open... revealing a second slab behind it.

[10:03 PM]Seirixori:'If I didn't already hate this place,' Seir attempts to push on that one too.

[10:05 PM]DM:The door swings open and again, you see a room, dimly lit, but more than there was. Inside, you see a niche in one wall full of clay canopic jars. In the 'center' of the room, just offset from the door, is a wide stone sarcophagus on a black marble bier.

[10:08 PM]Seirixori:Seir sneaks in and checks around the sarcophagus.

[10:09 PM]DM:Entering fully, you can see that there are niches along both the north and south walls. The sarcophagus's lid is inlaid with dust-covered mosaics depicting great floating cities high above a beautiful landscape.

[10:12 PM]DM:You hear a booming voice. “YOU HAVE DISTURBED THE TOMB OF BRYSIS OF KHAEM! ACCURSED ARE YOU, MOST MISERABLE OF CREATURES!” And you have disadvantage on attacks and saving throws until further notice.

However, the lid does get pushed aside, rather easily, and inside is a life-sized statue of the woman, Brysis, that you saw in the hall and on the sarcophagus, sculpted and painted to look like she's sleeping comfortably.

[10:15 PM]Seirixori:Seirixori shakes her head and backs up slowly making her way back out towards the other room. 'This was a terrible idea and I hate it.' but she goes to the other room she opened anyway, 'Gunnloda is going to kill me.I'mgoing to kill me.'

[10:16 PM]DM:Yes, yes you are. You go in this room and you can now see that each of the four stone sarcophagi in this room has the sculpted image of a robed human figure in repose.

[10:18 PM]Seirixori:'No, nope.' Seir backs out and sits in the room for a minute.

[10:20 PM]Seirixori:Seirixori sighs and shifts back to her tiefling form and grabs Poni. "Poni... quick question, once we put this whole thing back together, do we all just get teleported back to our homes right away?"

[10:20 PM]DM:Poni: "I don't know. You think I've ever done this before?"

[10:21 PM]Seirixori:She snorts, "Wow, you don't know something, amazing." Seirixori says sarcastically.

[10:22 PM]Seirixori:Seirixori pushes the button to teleport back because she wants to gtfo.

[10:24 PM]DM:You take force damage, but I'll still let you teleport out cause that was my fault.

[10:26 PM]DM:For the flavor of it, it felt like you were being SQUEEZED as you teleported in and out.

[10:33 PM]DM:You do feel that unsettling feeling deep in your bones that tells you the curse followed you back to Bellbury.

[10:22 PM] DM: Seir appears in the middle of the basem*nt.

[10:23 PM] Seirixori: "You know, I thought that place with all the skeletons was creepy. I was wrong." Seir says, shivering a little.

[10:24 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "What happened in there? We couldn't really see much"

[10:24 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Dark as night in there..."

[10:24 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: “I’m glad you’re safe”

[10:26 PM] Seirixori: She staggers a little. "Really wrong."

[10:26 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Are you hurt??"

[10:27 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves forward, helping stabilize Seirixori.

[10:29 PM] Seirixori: "I think... I need to sit down. That... that was a terrible terrible feeling and it was worse leaving." She leans on Ryleigh for a few seconds before plopping on the floor, "There's... some kind of force or something when I popped in and when I popped out. Also creepy sarcophaguses, sarcophagi? A few dead people in fancy boxes and someone yelled at me in my head. Do we really need to go there?"(edited)

[10:30 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Sounds cursed t' me...but if there's a component there...we may not have a choice."

[10:30 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "why did you want to go alone?" rav asks seir sadly, with a hand on her shoulder

[10:31 PM] Seirixori: "Cursed? Cool, great. Awesome. Gunnloda is going to kill me, oh gods," She groans, "Please don't tell Gunnloda."

[10:32 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'coulda died in there, Seir. She should at least look at ya, make sure yer ok."(edited)

[10:33 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I have healing powers, but they aren't nearly as good as Gunnloda's."

[10:33 PM] Seirixori: "I just wanted to be prepared for when we all went, I can be more help if I know what we're going into. It's also easier for one person to leave quickly than all of us." She groans again, and attempts to heal herself. "And also, hey I set off a trap so maybe no one else will get hit by it."

[10:34 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak's tired eyes shut as she pinches the bridge of her nose. She sighs softly.

[10:34 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "You're very brave. Thank you. There is strength in numbers though and we would never want to lose our friend"

[10:37 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Hopefully nothin' followed ye home..."

[10:41 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah," She stands, still uneasy and uncomfortable, "Ok so, I'm going to go ask Stool if they want to join us for dinner."

[10:41 PM] DM: Ryleigh: "Do you need more healing?"

[10:46 PM] Seirixori: "Only if you can remove curses," Seir says to Ryleigh,

[10:43 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Y'don't seem 100% Seir...we really should get Gunnloda t'check on ye." Urrak places a hand on Seirixiori's shoulder and squeezes softly "Y'gotta take care o yerself."

Seir turns to Urrak, "Can... can we do it after? After the dinner? I don't want to make it worse..."(edited)

[10:48 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Sure we can wait on telling Gunnloda...if ye feel y' can make it through dinner."

[10:46 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav searches for poni. "Maybe we can skip that component and go back to it when we have more things to protect ourselves with"

[10:46 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Can we skip components, poni?"

[10:47 PM] DM: Poni: "I only have a connection to one at a time, in whatever order they appear to me."

[10:47 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "...I take that as a no..." Nolanos says, frowning(edited)

[10:49 PM] DM: Poni: "That was a no, simpleton."

[10:49 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Really. Is that really necessary."

[10:49 PM] DM: Poni: "Explaining things in the simplest possible terms? Apparently."

[10:50 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "You must be fun at parties"

[10:50 PM] DM: Poni: "I am far too busy for parties."

[10:50 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I do have a question for you, Poni. What do we do when your batteries run out?"

[10:51 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori heads out, trying to ignore the building anger from Poni talking.

[10:51 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Ah, leave the stick man 'ere. We should go see the Moonstreams, anyway." Urrak crosses her arms

[10:52 PM] DM: Poni: "I suppose you suffer for the rest of your meaningless lives. I can't operate with them, and unless you can convince that walking colonoscopy bag Qarius to part with some of his preciousastromanic crystals, you won't be able to use- or fix- the Quantum Riftshift Slipstream Teletransmitter.

[10:53 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Well, how did you get them in the first place?"

[10:53 PM] DM: Poni: "Through feats of incredible resourcefulness."

[10:53 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "So, thievery"

[10:54 PM] DM: Poni: "Again, simple for simpletons."

[10:56 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Thanks, Poni," she says as she places him on the top shelf in between some books

[10:56 PM] DM: Poni: "What are you doing?"

[10:56 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Bloody devil rod, he is." Urrak walks out of the basem*nt

[10:58 PM] DM: Poni: "You have a component to find, or have you forgotten what you're all doing here?"

[10:59 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We need to make sure the component isn't located in some cursed death hole before jumping in"

[10:59 PM] DM: Poni: "Well of course it is. Haven't you noticed a pattern?"

[10:59 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine stays behind to look at what's left of Poni's work station

[11:01 PM] DM: Poni: "Candy Cane didn't even look that hard for it. Probably more worried about that dwarf pet of hers and what'll happen when the Quantum Riftshift Slipstream Teletransmitter is fixed and the envirochronic resonance architecture restabilizes."

[11:02 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Gunnloda is our friend and an asset to our group. Do not speak down on them like this"

[11:01 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "Bleakmourne, the place where Misha was, and now this new component all seem driven by some external force. But we haven't seen too many patterns. Have you noticed one?"

[11:02 PM] DM: Poni: "Death, destruction. They haven't exactly been in meadows full of friendly deer and rabbits."

[11:03 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "So all the components landed in places as dark as your heart"

[11:05 PM] DM: Poni: "Har har. I don't have a heart anymore, you preposterously maladjusted neanderthal."

[11:05 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "That's certainly clear enough."

[11:04 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine picks up Poni's notebook and thumbs through it

[11:05 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "you know, for somebody so brilliant, you sure are inept in the emotions category"

[11:07 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: Urrak's footsteps resonate through the basem*nt. She yells down through a hole in the floor. "Forget that cantankerous old sod, we'll come back for him later. Let him sit in silence for a bit and think about what he's done."

[11:09 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Should we take out the batteries to extend their life?"

[11:09 PM] DM: Poni: "Don't you dare."

[11:09 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine hands the stick to Nolanos "We only have one battery left, might as well save as much as it as we can"

[11:10 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: She smirks

[11:10 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "goodnight Poni"

[11:10 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Glad you agree," he says grinning with her.

[11:12 PM] DM: You do not take out the batteries.

[11:14 PM] DM: Poni: "That's a very bad idea. The better idea would be going after that component."

[11:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "We aren't ready yet. Maybe tomorrow. First, dinner with the Moonstreams"

[11:15 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine starts to walk up the stairs and motions for Nolanos to follow

[11:17 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Rav catches up with Urrak upstairs

[11:17 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "What an insufferable old man"

[11:18 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "Agreed. He's a real piece o' work." Urrak points a thumb behind her "We've some time t' kill before dinner, wanna head to the Cask?"

[11:18 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Well... I mean.... he's not that bad.... he just kind of. I dunnooo, he just gets a little irritable sometimes. He's cool though."(edited)

[11:20 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "He's brilliant. If i could have an ounce of his magical abilities, I would be incredibly happy. But he is very irritable"

[11:20 PM] DM: Poni: "We need to go get the component. The longer we wait, the more people die."

[11:20 PM] Wingy - Urrak D'Akshi: "We're stuck with him regardless..."

[11:22 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "I don't even want to think about how many people have perished from us taking too long" Rav looks away, trying not to think about her mom

[11:22 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "He makes a fair point, you know."

[11:23 PM] DM: Poni: "Of course I do. Besides, if Candy Cane managed to go down there and come back alive, you lot should be able to do as well. She's not exactly the brightest flower in the bunch."

[11:23 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "She's a lot more powerful and smarter than you think"

[11:24 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "That's our friend, you're talking about."

[11:24 PM] DM: Poni: "I know her about as well as you do. I saw her in there. Walking around pushing on walls. Not searching for anything. Who knows what she missed."

[11:26 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: "we have saved Cae and Misha, and we promised to save the others. So I do feel very guilty taking this long to find components"

[11:27 PM] DM: Poni: "As you should. A smarter person would choose the lives of the many over the lives of the few."

[11:28 PM] DM: Poni: "Go. Find the component."

[11:28 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Okay then." Nolanos turns back to the portal and walks toward it(edited)

[11:29 PM] Jaymes - Ravaphine: Ravaphine follows with slight hesitation "Are we sure about this?"

[11:29 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "we have to..." he says like its the most obvious thing(edited)

[11:31 PM] DM: Nolanos puts Poni through the portal and disappears into the image.

Seir in the kitchens[]

[10:55 PM] DM: K. You get to the Cask. The sad guy you asked about Cyan earlier is gone and you don't recognize anyone else in here.

[10:58 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori heads down to where Stool is, "Hey, Stool," she says, pulling out Gunnloda's disk thing and placing back where it was. She looks in her bag and hesitates, closes it and goes to sit across from Stool.

[10:59 PM] DM: Stool: "Seirixori! Did you find Gunnloda? Was she in trouble?"

[11:00 PM] Seirixori: "I did! Thank you so much for your help. No, she was okay. She was with a friend." Seir sighs. "She might be mad at me though." She mumbles. "Hey, did you want to come with all of us to Eloise's? We found her wife and daughter and they invited us to dinner."

[11:02 PM] DM: Stool: "Why would she be mad at you? You're nice. And yeah! Well... is it outside?"

[11:04 PM] Seirixori: "I kind of went to do something I shouldn't have by myself. I'm okay though." Seir pats them on the top of their toadstool head thing. "We'd have to go outside for a little bit to get there. I can, I can cover you with my cloak?"

[11:05 PM] DM: Stool: "As long as it's not far. And you're there too."

[11:06 PM] Seirixori: "Of course I'll be there, Gunnloda too! Did you want me to bring you some uh some stuff you like to eat?"

[11:06 PM] DM: Stool: "I think I've eaten enough today. I'll just come sit with you."

[11:08 PM] Seirixori: "Okay!" She gets up, glances at her bag again and shakes her head. "Just let me know if I need to cover you more, ok?" Seir takes off her cloak and picks up Stool and covers them as best she can and heads back out. She heads towards the Moonstreams' place.(edited)

[11:08 PM] DM: Stool kinda waddles along behind you, pretty content.

[11:30 PM] DM: Ok. You take them to the mansion. The sounds of cooking and laughter is coming from a side-room from the big open room with Eloise's desk and the big tables. The Moonstreams themselves don't appear to be present down here.

[11:31 PM] Seirixori: Seir takes the cloak off Stool, "Is this ok?"

[11:32 PM] DM: Stool wiggles their little cap in what might be a nod. "You're my best friend. I'm happy to be anywhere you are.... as long as it isn't too big or bright or scary."

[11:37 PM] Seirixori: Seir kneels down and hugs them, tearing up a little, "You're definitely my favorite, don't tell Gunnloda," she jokes. She pops her head around the door? of the side room just to see whats happening.

[11:38 PM] DM: Kendall's sitting up on a counter top while Gunnloda's cooking and they're chatting like old friends who know way too much about one another, laughing over shared memories.

[11:44 PM] Seirixori: Seir fidgets for a few seconds, wondering if you can just tell someone's cursed by just looking at them, "oh boy" she whispers and then knocks lightly to get their attention, "Hey, Stool came with me! Also they said I'm their best friend!" She grins, "So, I'm gonna go hang out with them and wait for the others."(edited)

[12:24 PM] DM: They both look up at you, grinning.

Kendall: "You can always hang out in here. I don't bite... except you know," she gestures in Gunnloda's direction where she's still cooking, "food. Who's Stool?"

[12:40 PM] Seirixori: "Oh um..." she nearly trips over her tail that's trying to curl around her leg, "they're a friend, we found them in this creepy spider prison thing. H-hang on." Seirixori goes to get them, "Hey. let's go sit with Gunnloda and her friend!"(edited)

[12:41 PM] DM: Stool's standing close to behind you, giving you space to turn around and leave and generally not get hit by your tail. "New friends?"

[12:44 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah!" She says, moving into the kitchen. "This is Stool, and that is Gunnloda's friend, Kendall." she points out to them.(edited)

[12:44 PM] DM: They follow you into the room and Kendall's eyes widen. "A myconid? I haven't seen one of these since," she looks at Gunnloda again who is clueless about what she's referring to. "Oh, we hadn't found you yet, right. Where'd they come from? A spider prison? What?"

[12:48 PM] Seirixori: "When we went to find Eloise. That's where she ended up and Stool was there too." Seirixori shivers, "I didn't want to leave them there. It was uh.... kind of a mess when we left."

[12:50 PM] DM: Stool walks up and puffs Kendall in the face with spores.

Gunnloda: "Ah! Stool, not near the food, dear."

Stool: "Sorry... Hi new friend!"

Gunnloda: "It was some sort of drow slave pen that we escaped from. Stool here was a prisoner."(edited)

[12:51 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori snickers at the puff of spores, "I forgot about that."

[12:54 PM] DM: Kendall's face pulls into a worried frown. "Drow slave pen? Are... well, you're here and seem fine, but were you ok?"

Gunnloda waves her off. "I'm fine, and in the moment, well... I had something of a lucky charm," she smiles at you, "that kept me from... " She turns back to Kendall. "I'm fine. Really."

[12:58 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori blushes a little, "I actually missed a lot of what happened. I kind of snuck away from everyone after I found Poni." She shrugs, her tail flitting around her, "...I realized I am not a fan of chains."

[1:01 PM] DM: Gunnloda laughs. "Few people are, dear."

[1:02 PM] Seirixori: "At least it was easy enough to get out of them," she mutters. "Also spiders. Not a fan...even if it's sometimes useful."(edited)

[1:05 PM] DM: Kendall: "So... lucky charm. Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do? How's the family?"

Gunnloda: "Kendall..."

Kendall: "What? I'm just making small talk," but she says it in that way that means she knows she's busted. Then she turns to you, "Of course anything I say is small talk."

[1:14 PM] Seirixori: "Um..." Seirixori shifts nervously, her hand going to the pocket she kept her comfort in these situations, but remembers she doesn't have it and she sighs, "I'm from Ardabeh, currently in a forest." She taps a finger on her leg, "I don't... I don't really do anything and," she tilts her head, looking at Gunnloda for a few seconds before looking at the floor, "...it's new."

[1:17 PM] DM: There's a pause, then you hear Kendall hop down from the counter. She pats Gunnloda on the arm as she walks towards the door. "It was nice meeting you. I'm going to go check on our future werewolf and see if I can do anything for her."

[1:18 PM] Seirixori: "I didn't... I didn't mean to make her leave."(edited)

[1:20 PM] DM: Gunnloda sets her spoon down and smiles, coming over to take your hand in hers. "You didn't, dear. She just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Well... more uncomfortable. I'm almost certain there was some discomfort intended. Are you ok?"

[1:23 PM] Seirixori: "G-generally speaking." she visibly winces, "just uh... yeah. Fine."

[1:25 PM] DM: She gives you that look like she can tell you're not, but she just squeezes your hand. "I'm here if you need to talk or anything."

[1:27 PM] Seirixori: "I guess... that depends on if you want to know not good news before or after dinner?" Seir says, her voice rising in pitch like she hadn't exactly expected to say it.

[1:28 PM] DM: "You have not good news?"

[1:29 PM] Seirixori: "Yes? Kind of? I mean... um...I just really don't want to mess up this dinner thing so... maybe aftER?"

[1:32 PM] DM: "I'm not sure this dinner can be messed up more than it already is, but... if you're not ready to talk, it can wait."

[1:36 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah, ok." Seirixori leans down to hug her for a few moments and then turns to leave, "Stool, keep her company for a few, I'll... I'll be right back." She hesitates when she gets to the door, but eventually leaves to find Kendall.

Session 30[]

[4:30 PM] DM: DAY 7, 2:30 PM, BELLBURY.

While waiting for a special Moonstream hosted, Gunnloda catered dinner, Ravaphine and Nolanos got the funny idea to try to remove Poni's crystal. Now Nolanos has entered the portal that Seirixori said was full of bad things and Ravaphine and Urrak are coming down the stairs... and it's just a dark portal, like it was when Seirixori went through.

[4:32 PM] Ravaphine: "NOLANOS NO" Rav yells as she runs up to the portal to look through it, but not entering it

[4:32 PM] DM: It's just black.

[4:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak sees Ravaphine yell at the portal and sprints down the stairs, stopping short of the portal "NOLANOS?" she looks around the portal wildly, trying to find something in the inky blackness

[4:37 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What's that kid think he's doing?!" Urrak runs a hand through her hair, her breath labored by the sprint down the stairs and icy creep of dread down her spine. She turns to Rav "We've gotta go after 'im."

[4:37 PM] Ravaphine: "How could he just do that. He knew what happened to Seirixori," she says while still staring at the darkness

[4:38 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Last I heard ye two we're screwin around with Poni, threatenin' t' take his magic rocks out" she sighs, "Maybe he somehow....guilt tripped Nolanos to go fetch the component Seir located?"

[4:41 PM] Ravaphine: "I didn't...we didn't think he would be this vengeful. But I wouldn't put it past a powerful wizard like Poni. I need to save Nolanos. I feel like it will be my fault if he gets hurt." You can see the gears turning and panic forming in Rav's face

[4:42 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak puts her hands on Ravaphine's shoulders and tries to catch her eyes "Hey, we are gonna save him. I'm not lettin' ye go in there alone." She gives her shoulders a light squeeze "Breathe."(edited)

[4:45 PM] Ravaphine: Rav closes her eyes and steadies her breathing at the contact. "We were fools. This kind of magic is nothing I will ever be able to comprehend, and I know it is Poni's selfish doing for controlling whoever holds him." She looks at Urrak apologetically. "We need to save him. I need to fix this"

[4:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I'm goin' first. Stay behind t'...make sure I'm...y'know alive." Urrak clears her throat awkwardly in an attempt to hide her own concern "Let's do this."

[4:47 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She enters the portal

[4:49 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine, not sure what to do, counts to 10 and when she still sees darkness...walks through the portal as well

[4:49 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Well that didn't feel too nice..." She looks around for signs of Nolanos

[4:50 PM] Ravaphine: "Are you okay?" She whispers as she follows the sound of Urrak's voice

[4:50 PM] DM: You both appear in a hallway, dusty and abandoned. It's collapsed at one end. You don't see Nolanos, but you do see Poni sitting in the dust and a some footprints in the dust.

[4:51 PM] Ravaphine: "Oh no..."

[4:51 PM] DM: Along the wall is a large stone diorama of what seems to be a powerful noble woman in her prime, surrounded by attendants, slaves, and other trappings of wealth and power. A vista of fantastic floating cities covers the wall.

[4:52 PM] DM: You don't recognize it. Looks pretty awesome though.

[4:52 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak follows Rav a moment but stops mid stride. She starts to look around the room, looking for a voice "What's that...help...you need...help...Who?"

[4:53 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Rav, Rav did ye hear that?" She sort of stumbles a step "Did ye hear that...voice?"

[4:53 PM] Ravaphine: "What do you hear? I didn't hear anything" Rav says while trying to steady Urrak

[4:54 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "She said she's been trapped here and she...she needs help. Rav, come on, we're wastin' time!" She reaches for Rav's sleeve(edited)

[4:56 PM] Ravaphine: "Urrak please! You don't know if it could be dangerous. What if they're trying to just lure us in. We came here to save Nolanos, not the voices" she says, trying to pull back the half orc

[4:56 PM] DM: Poni's sitting there in the dirt at your feet.

[4:56 PM] Ravaphine: "Remember what Seir said. She also heard the voices and came back very hurt"

[4:57 PM] Ravaphine: She eyes Poni on the ground and is hesitant to pick him up

[4:57 PM] Ravaphine: But picks him up anyway. "Poni, please tell me what happened"

[4:58 PM] DM: Poni: "What do you mean what happened? That scaled simpleton disappeared and dropped me."

[4:58 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Rav come on! Forget that arsehole!"

[4:59 PM] Ravaphine: "Was something attacking him?"

[5:00 PM] DM: The footsteps go down the hall beyond what you can see in the dark.

Poni: "No? It was just me and him, and me and Candy Cane before that."

[5:01 PM] Ravaphine: "I see." Rav puts poni back in her bag

[5:01 PM] Ravaphine: "Urrak, let's take a minute to just figure out what to do first"(edited)

[5:03 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Why?! We're followin' paw prints not dragon...feet...!" She yells, pointing to the tracks(edited)

[5:06 PM] Ravaphine: "The paw prints are probably just Seirixori's from before wouldn't it be? If Poni was just dropped...maybe nolanos was able to poof out of here. But there's no way of knowing"

[5:06 PM] Ravaphine: "What are the voices telling you? It could be a trap because I don't hear anything"

[5:07 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "How do ye not? It may be a a whisper but it echoes all a'cross this empty place" She looks around again "She...she's been trapped here so long..and she needs me to free her..."

[5:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): “What in the...where did they all go?...surely they didn’t...oh no. IDIOTS!” She yells as she steps through the portal.

[5:09 PM] DM: It's super dark and Ryleigh can't see sh*t.

[5:09 PM] Ravaphine: "I'm so sorry Urrak, I don't hear a thing...maybe we should follow the tracks"

[5:10 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Ryleigh!" Urrak yells through the darkness

[5:10 PM] Ravaphine: Rav casts light on her quarterstaff

[5:11 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Ryleigh, great, you're here."

[5:14 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): “What are you guys doing!? We’re supposed to be going to dinner!”

[5:15 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Nolanos jumped in here like some kinda...idiot."

[5:16 PM] Ravaphine: "NolanosandIhadthegreatideatotakeoutPoni'sbatteriesbutthenhekindofcharmedNolanosintofindingthecomponentbyhimselfandIt'smyfaultifhediescausewecan'tfindhim" Rav says all in one breath

[5:16 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Aye what ah, she said."

[5:18 PM] Ravaphine: "All we found was Poni and some footsteps, but no Nolanos. And Urrak is hearing a woman asking for our help, but I can't hear it. Can you? I'm afraid it's one of those mind tricks again like with the Kraken" She asks Ryleigh

[5:19 PM] DM: Seems like a partially collapsed hallway.

[5:20 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): “Alright, everyone calm down.” She turns to Ravaphine, “we’ll find Nolanos, but I can’t see anything. Let me go first so I light up my shield, you guys stay behind me, hopefully whatever is in here will just see me - it’ll give you guys time to leave, if you need to.”(edited)

[5:21 PM] Ravaphine: Rav casts light on Ryleigh's sheild instead

[5:21 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles, “Thanks.” And moves to the front of the group.

[5:21 PM] Ravaphine: "No. No more solo missions. We need to stay together. If I push Poni, we are all going back"(edited)

[5:22 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Let's get on with it then!"

[5:22 PM] DM: So what Ryleigh sees is some big cat footprints in the dust down the hall. Along the wall is a large stone diorama of what seems to be a powerful noble woman in her prime, surrounded by attendants, slaves, and other trappings of wealth and power. A vista of fantastic floating cities covers the wall.

[5:23 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks down the hallway further.

[5:23 PM] Ravaphine: Rav follows

[5:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak follows

[5:23 PM] DM: You guys keep walking a short distance, and the hall takes a sharp turn to the left ahead.

[5:26 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh peers around the corner before stepping around it.

[5:29 PM] DM: You guys can see that there's a room that opens up around the corner. You don't hear anything moving.

[5:30 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves around the corner and heads down the hallway.

[5:30 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine follows behind

[5:31 PM] DM: There are no bootprints. Only tiger pawprints.

[5:32 PM] DM: Shreds of dusty tapestries lie scattered across the floor. Friezes on the walls are defaced with deep gouges, making them unrecognizable. An altar of pale gray marble stands gouged and cracked against one wall.

[5:33 PM] DM: You can also see big white marble slabs that were once doorways, now open on a center hinge. That's probably why Seirixori was pushing on things.

[5:34 PM] DM: In addition, some of the rooms beyond the marble doors have some sort of dim light coming from them.

[5:34 PM] Ravaphine: "I don't see any footprints anymore, just the paw prints...I don't think Nolanos went down this way"

[5:34 PM] Ravaphine: "We just saw Poni on the ground and he says he was dropped. Which means there could be a chance that Nolanos is back in his hometown, I hope"

[5:35 PM] DM: Poni: "Sometimes I miss having eyes just because I want to roll them. I told you. He disappeared. Vanished. Teleported, most likely."

[5:35 PM] Ravaphine: "So what if we just go back to Bellbury and find Nolanos from there?"(edited)

[5:35 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Good, now let's go. She needs help, I told ye!"

[5:36 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh stops dead and turns back to Urrak and Ravaphine, "You're tell me that there's a possibility that Nolanos isn't here? What do you mean someone needs help?"

[5:36 PM] Ravaphine: "Urrak says she hears a voice calling for help. Do you hear her?"

[5:37 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "No?" Ryleigh realizes that something might be off.

[5:37 PM] Ravaphine: "But also if we leave this place, will we be able to come back for the component..."

[5:38 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at Rav and subtly nods, she then grabs Urrak, "PUSH IT!"

[5:39 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine pulls out poni and hugs both ryleigh and urrak at the same time while pushing the button

[5:40 PM] DM: You all take force damage... and you do not leave.

[5:41 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What the f*ck"

[5:41 PM] Ravaphine: "What...what just happened"

[5:41 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks around confused, "it didn't work...that's not good"

[5:42 PM] Ravaphine: "Something tells me our friend Poni here doesn't want us to leave"

[5:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What n world are ye tryin' t' pull?" She pulls away, rubbing her arms

[5:43 PM] DM: Poni: "While I'd love to take credit and tell you to find the damn component, that wasn't me."

[5:44 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh ignores Urrak and looks at Poni, "Great, so we're stuck here. Fine. Then lets get the damn thing and leave."

[5:45 PM] Ravaphine: "We can try again, but I don't want us to get hurt more."

[5:46 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shrugs, "Alright, one more time?"

[5:47 PM] Ravaphine: "Are we sure about this"(edited)

[5:48 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh grabs Urrak again, holds onto the Rav, and says, "push it."

[5:48 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine pushes the button again

[5:49 PM] DM: Rav takes one point of force damage... and you do not leave.

[5:50 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Oi! THAT IS ENOUGH"

[5:50 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine opens her eyes, not realizing they were shut tight

[5:50 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What in the hells are ye tryin' t' accomplish?"(edited)

[5:51 PM] Ravaphine: "We're just trying to get back to Bellbury"

[5:51 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sighs in clear frustration, "SERIOUSLY!?" she ignores Urrak's outburst again, looks around the room and through gritted teeth says, "fine, you want us, you got us."

[5:51 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Are the two of ye deaf?"

[5:51 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): She moves further into the room.

[5:52 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak follows

[5:52 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Come on, it's this way..."

[5:53 PM] Ravaphine: Rav follows

[5:55 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Come on, come on," Urrak waves the group into the room and follows the tracks "These are Seirixori's."

[5:55 PM] DM: They do go into both rooms.

[5:56 PM] DM: Four stone sarcophagi rest in this room, each bearing the sculpted image of a robed human figure in repose.

[5:57 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walk to the Southeast one and moves it aside.

[5:58 PM] DM: The sarcophagus rolls aside. A hole drops down from below it into another room below.

[5:59 PM] DM: Meanwhile, from each of the tombs, a specter emerges, howling in fury.

In the kitchen[]

[1:38 PM] DM: Outside the main room downstairs are the stairs that go up to the residence part of the mansion, and Kendall's just sitting there at the bottom of them.

[1:39 PM] Seirixori: Seir shifts nervously, "I'm... sorry, I didn't mean to make you leave."

[1:41 PM] DM: She smiles. "Oh, it's no problem, dear. I thought you might like a moment to chat without my old ears listening in. Teasing is one thing. I didn't mean to hit on such a sore spot."

[1:42 PM] Seirixori: She shrugs, "You didn't know. Not many do." She moves to sit down, but stops herself and paces, mumbling to herself.

[1:44 PM] Seirixori: She stops and speaks, quickly, "Can you... remove any curse? Or just some curses? Do you have to know what they are? How do you even figure that out? She's going to kill me."(edited)

[1:45 PM] DM: She kind of just blinks then laughs. "Get yourself in some trouble out there?"

[1:46 PM] DM: Then she stands on about the second or third step and says, "Come over here. It'll make me feel better to actually fix something today."

[1:49 PM] Seirixori: "Maybe?" Seir walks over.

[1:51 PM] DM: She puts her tiny hand on your forehead and says an incantation, and this time, the glow doesn't stop where your skin meets hers. It actually spreads through you and you feel the kind of gross, sickly feeling leave you. She drops her hand.

"Don't make a habit of keeping the truth from her, though. She deserves better than that."

[1:55 PM] Seirixori: "I know." She says sadly, "I... I know. I was going to tell her after dinner. It's already weird..." Seirixori picks Kendall up in a hug. "Thank you."(edited)

[1:57 PM] DM: "Oh! Ok! You're welcome... you can... put me back down though."

[1:57 PM] DM: She's kind of giggling nervously like she has no idea what to do about being picked up by someone so tall.(edited)

[1:59 PM] Seirixori: "Sorry." Seir sets her down.

[4:40 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs heavily, "How much trouble do you think I'm in?"

[4:41 PM] DM: She smiles and sits back down on the step, sliding over so there's space for you if you want it. "Depends on what you were doing and why, I suppose."

[4:42 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori groans and plops onto the step next to her, "I just wanted to know what we were going to get ourselves into tomorrow. I wanted to be more prepared than normal. I just... wasn't expecting... that."

[4:43 PM] DM: "Adventuring's full of surprises and danger, isn't it? Kind of goes with the territory."

[4:45 PM] Seirixori: "I'm starting to understand that, this is... extremely new."

[4:53 PM] DM: "I take it that it wasn't entirely by choice, then."

[4:56 PM] Seirixori: "No," Seir says, visibly angry, but she closes her eyes and takes a breath. "But now I don't want to leave." She turns to face Kendall quickly and changes the subject, "So, you know about myconids?"

[4:57 PM] DM: "Very little. There was a colony in the Underdark beyond the Bastion."

[4:59 PM] Seirixori: "Do you remember the name at all?"

[5:01 PM] DM: She shakes her head. "No... I don't think we talked to them at all."

[5:04 PM] Seirixori: "Oh...h-have you ever heard of the neverlight grove? That's where Stool's from but I don't know where that is and..." Seir stops herself from saying too much again and shrugs. "That's where they were before they took them to the drow prison."(edited)

[5:06 PM] DM: She shrugs. "Sorry. I don't honestly remember much about that trip. It was a long time ago. The Bastion would have good records about what's down there though. Maybe they would know. Just don't-- well, I... never mind."

[5:07 PM] Seirixori: "Don't what?"

[5:08 PM] DM: She frowns a little, debating about whether she's said too much already. "I was going to say that if you were planning to go there, maybe don't take Gunnloda with you."

[5:13 PM] Seirixori: "Oh." Seir tilts her head, thinking, "I'm ... not sure she'd let me go otherwise." Seir laughs dryly, "I tend to get in trouble easily."

[5:14 PM] DM: "Has she told you about... why she left Dhog Lodir?"

[5:16 PM] Seirixori: "No, not really." Seir shrugs, "I didn't want to push when I asked."

[5:18 PM] DM: She nods. "And she didn't seem... off in the slave pens? Have you been inany other... do you know what the Underdark is?

[5:24 PM] Seirixori: "I... we were together briefly, and she seemed... well she was acting different towards me and that was... well, different. And no, I don't. Honestly, you can probably assume I know pretty much nothing." The last bit comes out harsher than intended.

[5:30 PM] DM: "Well... it's not really caves, that's like saying the Everstorm is a bit of a drizzle. It's like a whole new world, underground. She hasn't had much issue with caves that go directly to the outside, but... just keep an eye on her if you end up going that way."

[5:32 PM] Seirixori: "Of course I will."

[5:36 PM] DM: She looks at you for a second then smiles. "So... family, huh?"

[5:44 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori's face turns red, "It's been... it's been a long time since anyone has treated me like... like I'm normal." She shrugs, "It's...nice."

[5:47 PM] DM: She tilts her head and really looks at you for a minute. You get the feeling you are being judged. Weighed. "I want you to think about what I'm going to ask. Be honest with yourself... for her sake."

[5:49 PM] DM: "Is your interest in her... or is it in feeling better about yourself? If you felt like you had other options, would you still feel the same way?"(edited)

[5:57 PM] Seirixori: Serixori tilts her head, "I didn't mean just her when I meant family. She's just a part of it. I..." Seir closes her eyes and breathes slowly, trying to not let her annoyance show, "I'm not interested in Urrak, or Ravaphine or even Ryleigh or any of them and they've been... mostly just as kind." She opens her eyes and looks at Kendall, "I ... I like her and I know it's barely been a week, if that, but she's just..." Seir trails off, not sure how to finish, "I just really like her." she finishes softly, slightly frustrated that she can't find the words.(edited)

[6:09 PM] DM: Kendall nods. "I just wanted to make sure you know what you're feeling." She smiles a little and puts her hand on your shoulder. "Be good to her. She's my family too."

[6:15 PM] Seirixori: "I may not know a lot, but I know that at least," Seirixori stands and holds out her hand, "I will. Come on, I kind of maybe worried her a little before I bolted."(edited)

[6:16 PM] DM: She lets you help her up and will follow you back.

[6:19 PM] Seirixori: Seir walks back into the kitchen and plops on the floor wherever Stool is.

[6:23 PM] DM: Gunnloda gives you both welcoming smiles as you return. "Everything ok?"

Kendall: "Yep. Moonstreams were still talking, so I didn't want to interrupt."

[6:23 PM] Seirixori: "I might have been cursed for like ten minutes." Seirixori says quickly.

[6:25 PM] DM: Gunnloda looks at you, then over at Kendall. Kendall puts her hands up with a laugh. "I didn't do it."

[6:27 PM] Seirixori: "Might have gone into the portal alone, Ryleigh and Urrak were there to watch!, I just... wanted to be prepared." she mumbles. "But I'm fine, it's fine." She coughs, her face red.(edited)

[6:28 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "They were watching? Where are they now? How did they let you get cursed?"(edited)

[6:30 PM] Seirixori: "Uh... it's really dark and they couldn't really see what happened. I also might have opened something? I... don't actually know, I thought they were coming here, or the cask, but I didn't see them when I got Stool."

[6:32 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "You'd think they'd be caught up by now."

[6:36 PM] Seirixori: Seir sighs, "I thought I was the one that went off on their own." she jokes.

[6:37 PM] DM: Kendall: "Why don't we go take a walk and check on them and let Gunnloda finish up with dinner?"

[6:40 PM] Seirixori: "Sure, and I know an easy way to find them," Seir let's out a little chuckle and grins as she shifts into a dire wolf.

[6:41 PM] DM: She raises her eyebrows and points at you with her thumb as she says to Gunnloda: "I like her."

[6:41 PM] DM: Kendall: "Lead the way!"

[6:43 PM] Seirixori: Seir bounds off outside to find her stupid friends.

[6:44 PM] DM: You check the Cask and the square and find nothing... so you head to Poni's... where you see Ravaphine in the center of the portal with Urrak next to her, both surrounded by kind of glowing purple, spectral ghost-like creatures... and you see one touch Urrak and her face goes pale.

[6:45 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori whimpers and takes a step back.

[6:46 PM] DM: Kendall: "Oh, they look like they've found more trouble than you did."

[6:48 PM] DM: Kendall: "Well... should we go save the day?"

[6:49 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori whines but nods and takes a breath before jumping in.

Let's get ready to rumble[]

[6:02 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Prepare yourselves, I just woke up something bad."

[6:02 PM] DM: Specter one gets first go. It's going to attack the one closest to it, the one that touched its final resting place.

[6:02 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Godsdammit, Tin Can!"

[6:02 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak draws her sword

[6:03 PM] DM: Specter two will also fly forward and fail.

[6:05 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak jolts in front of Rav and throws her javelin of lightning at the spectors "Ryleigh! Duck!"

[6:06 PM] DM: The lighting streaks through both the specter and Ryleigh, but misses the last one.

[6:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh staggers and grunts, "I wasn't quick enough, gods that was electrifying."

[6:08 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Oh sh*t, sh*t sh*t sh*t..." Urrak whips around and uses Commanding Strike "Ryleigh!"

[6:13 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh swings the Justifier at the specter slightly behind her.

[6:13 PM] DM: The axe swings and passes through the specter.

[6:14 PM] DM: The next specter also swings at Ryleigh, but it also fails to connect.

[6:18 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh casts divine favor and swings her axe.

[6:18 PM] DM: The axe fails to connect again.

[6:19 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I'm jumping in!"

[6:20 PM] DM: Ryleigh leaps into the hole... There are murals on the walls decorated with rich pigments and inlays of semiprecious stones. A gilded sarcophagus stands atop a stone bier along the west wall. There, at the corner of the room, you also see the component.

[6:20 PM] DM: Brysis’s wraith arises when creatures enter the chamber. “Your death will free me from this prison. You will serve me even in your death.”

[6:23 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at the creature and determinedly says, "I won't be dying today." Then yells up to the others, "GUYS THE COMPONENT IS DOWN HERE, BUT THERE'S A WRAITH HERE TOO!"(edited)

[6:24 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "A WHAT?"

[6:25 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "RAV! WE GOTTA GRAB 'ER"

[6:25 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I haven't got time to explain it to you! but its the things you're fighting but worse!"

[6:31 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine moves up and casts burning hands at the 3 spectres

[6:35 PM] DM: So two take half damage and the other takes a quarter because they are resistant to fire as well.

[6:38 PM] DM: The last specter flies toward Urrak, but it also can't find purchase at all.

[6:40 PM] DM: Ok! Top of the round. Specters one and two... are upset that their prey left and will come up on the others.

[6:42 PM] DM: The specter's finger pushes through Urrak's armor to touch your body and it sucks some of your very life away.

[6:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak runs towards the hole, grabbing Ravaphine by the sleeve, and jumps in(edited)

[6:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She disengages with the specters as her Action Surge

[6:47 PM] DM: Rav smacks her arm against the hole as she falls in, but the three of you are all down in the hole.

[6:47 PM] DM: It is, unfortunately, the wraith's turn.

[6:50 PM] DM: It reaches forward and touches Urrak. You take necrotic damage, but your max hp does not decrease.

[6:51 PM] DM: Urrak falls unconscious.

[6:52 PM] DM: With her awesome orc heritage, though, she comes back at 1 hp.

[6:53 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: The chill of death creeps through Urrak, her life force feels completely drained from her. She leans on her sword as her entire body trembles(edited)

[6:54 PM] DM: Before the next specter can act,

[6:54 PM] DM: Seirixori and the robed halfling from before step out of what seems like the wall.

[6:55 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori growls at all of you cuz you're stupid.(edited)

[7:01 PM] Seirixori: Seir moves around everyone and goes to the component.

[7:05 PM] DM: Ok! Kendall steps forward and puts her hand over the symbol on her chest. "Begone!" The wraith and one of the specters saves, and the other three dissipate.

[7:06 PM] DM: She frowns. "Well, I hoped that would go better." She heals Urrak for another 6 hp.

[7:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh moves to the coffin and tries to open it.

[7:09 PM] DM: She manages to push open the lid. Inside is a body, dessicated and mummified, and several pouches. Across her chest is the golden hilt of a sword with no blade.

[7:12 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sheathes her axe.(edited)

[7:17 PM] Ravaphine: Rav casts magic missile at the wraith

[7:18 PM] DM: Four bolts of arcane energy burst forth from Rav's hand and slam into the wraith. It howls.

[7:18 PM] DM: The final specter floats its way down to you.

[7:19 PM] DM: And will attack Ravaphine because she is closest.

[7:20 PM] DM: The specter reaches forward and as its ghostly fingers reach inside you, you take 11 points of necrotic damage, but your hp max is not reduced.

[7:21 PM] DM: Kendall will cast Spiritual Weapon at level 4 and create a spectral mace behind it.

[7:24 PM] DM: And it will fly forward and smack the wraith.

[7:26 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak chugs her potion of healing and throws the bottle to the floor. She musters up all of her energy and swings her greatsword at the wraith

[7:27 PM] DM: The sword slashes through the form, but it doesn't look like it hurt as much as it should.

[7:29 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori picks up the component in her mouth, grumbling as she does and gets in reach of Urrak.(edited)

Seirixori takes 14 points necrotic damage from the wraith's touch, but no max hp reduction.

[7:33 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh grabs the golden hilt of the sword.

[7:33 PM] DM: When you grab the hilt, a blade of pure radiant energy bursts forth.

[7:35 PM] DM: Ryleigh jumps up into the sarcophagus to get an angle and swings the lightsaber down on the wraith for a total of 14 radiant damage.

[7:36 PM] DM: It hisses.

[7:38 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine sees that Seir has grabbed the component so she yells at everyone to grab onto each other and pushes Poni

[7:39 PM] DM: Ryleigh, Kendall, and Ravaphine take force damage.

[7:42 PM] DM: The specter is going to attack again and Ravaphine falls unconscious, Poni falling from her hand.

[7:43 PM] DM: The specter will attack Urrak instead then.

[7:43 PM] DM: But misses.

[7:43 PM] DM: Kendall will swing with the spectral weapon again, then reach over and cast Spare the Dying on Rav so she's stable and takes no death saves.

[7:44 PM] DM: The mace comes down on the wraith's head and it dissipates.

[7:45 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak turns around and swings her Greatsword at the specter

[7:46 PM] DM: The sword cleaves through the creature.

[7:48 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She recovers from her swing, her bones feeling as brittle as glass, and swoops down to pick up Poni

[7:52 PM] Seirixori: Continuing to grumble Seir drops the component at Kendall's feet and goes to bite the stupid ghost.

[7:53 PM] DM: Seir bites down.

[7:54 PM] DM: Ryleigh cure wounds herself.

[7:55 PM] DM: Rav! Is unconscious but does not have to do death saves.

[7:55 PM] DM: The specter will attack the wolf that just bit it.

[7:55 PM] DM: And miss.

[7:55 PM] DM: Kendall... will move her weapon to over Ravaphine and smackadamole.

[7:56 PM] DM: The mace hits and the creature sags in the air.

[7:57 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak swings at the specter again

[7:58 PM] DM: The sword passes through it and it dissipates.

[7:58 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak spits on the ground where the apparition once stood "f*cker."(edited)

[7:58 PM] DM: Kendall glances around. "That all your friends, then, dears? Whew... that... was not how I remembered that working."

[7:59 PM] DM: Kendall reaches over and heals Rav for 16 points.

[8:00 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori just sits and growls.

[8:00 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Let's get the f*ck outta here" Urrak says through labored breaths

[8:02 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Well...we might as well look around"(edited)

[8:02 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: she looks for loot

[8:03 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh sighs in relief, "thank the gods" she then turns to look at the weapon in her hand.

[8:05 PM] DM: The sword, Ryleigh, looks like a longsword made of pure radiant energy, but other than that, you'd need to identify or take a short rest with it to learn more.

[8:03 PM] DM: There are pouches in the sarcophagus, but they don't have anything in them of substance. However, you find an invisible chest in one corner of the room.

[8:04 PM] DM: Inside, you find 4000 sp, 1200 gp, eleven zircon gems, a magic necklace, a potion in the shape of a heart, and a greater healing potion.

[8:05 PM] DM: There's also a thin gold sheath over the sarcophagus you can peel off if you want to.

[8:05 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak scoops the chest out with all the strength she can muster

[8:05 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Urrak, here." Ryleigh walks over and holds the bag of holding open.

[8:05 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She dumps arm's contents into the bags "No worries, we'll split it all."

[8:07 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over to halfling, "excuse me, do you have the ability to identify this magical item?"(edited)

[8:09 PM] DM: Kendall shakes her head. "Not today anyway. I'm not much for identifying. Just cleaning up the mess afterwards."

[8:10 PM] DM: She reaches out and heals you for 20 hp.(edited)

[8:11 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori starts pacing, looking at everyone.

[8:11 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Ok...Let's go..."

[8:11 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles, "thank you, I didn't realize how drained I was."

[8:12 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine hugs Kendall. “Thank you so much for saving us. For saving me. Let’s go home, everyone”

[8:12 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Oh wait, sh*t." Urrak jogs to the hole and attempts to climb

[8:13 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t...."

[8:15 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She gets up, grabs her javelin from the floor and drops down again. "Alright...let's get back t' Poni's...I feel like rubbish."

[8:15 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "I am definitely ready to leave this place."

[8:16 PM] DM: Kendall holds out the component. "I take it this is important somehow?"

[8:16 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Very..."

[8:17 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori stalks over and sits next to Kendall.

[8:17 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "It'll help us complete the arch and bring back the townspeople. It's also one of the reasons Poni insisted we come here."(edited)

[8:17 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine pets Seir

[8:18 PM] Seirixori: Seir doesn't let you.

[8:18 PM] DM: Kendall scritches your ears. You're taller than she is.

[8:18 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Please I need t'...sit down."(edited)

[8:18 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Everybody, grab on t' me..."(edited)

[8:19 PM] DM: Urrak and Kendall take force damage and the teleport does not work.

[8:20 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Why can't we get out of here!?" She grabs Poni, "damnit work!"(edited)

[8:22 PM] DM: Rav, Kendall, Ryleigh, Urrak all take damage and Urrak goes unconscious.

[8:22 PM] DM: Kendall dodges Urrak's body, then reaches down and heals her.

[8:23 PM] DM: Kendall: "I take it this isn't normal."

[8:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Not....at all..."

[8:23 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shrugs, "again?"(edited)

[8:23 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine hugs herself. “I don’t know what’s happening”

[8:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak leans on Seirixiori "Again."

[8:24 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori begrudgingly lets her.

[8:26 PM] DM: Kendall and Ryleigh take damage.

[8:27 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Here, take this." She gives Poni back to Urrak.(edited)

[8:28 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Give me that damn thing"

[8:28 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak reaches for Poni

[8:29 PM] DM: Kendall, Urrak, Rav, and Seir take damage.

[8:29 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Piece of hairy RUBBISH" she pushes the button again

[8:31 PM] DM: There's a sqeeeeezing sensation as you're all dumped in a pile in Poni's basem*nt at 1 hp each.

[8:31 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak lands with a thud, coughing up a bit of blood into the air "f*ck...that...place.."

[8:32 PM] DM: Kendall scrambles out of the way. "Wait... Before we... Just... wait for a few minutes." She pulls herself to her knees and starts a prayer.

[8:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh staggers and falls to her hands and knees. "All that, to find Nolanos and he wasn't even there."

[8:33 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine sits on the ground and hugs her knees. “This is getting too much. The places are getting more terrifying as we go”

[8:33 PM] DM: After a few minutes, you all feel a burst of healing energy and you all regain 22 hp.

[8:34 PM] Seirixori: Seir's still breathing heavily, "Why does no one lisTEN TO ME?!" Seirixori yells, her form shifting back into the dire wolf and she snarls before taking off.

[8:35 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Please...no yelllin'" Urrak rolls over to her side

[8:36 PM] DM: Kendall watches Seir leave. "She do that often?"

[8:36 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Yes..."

[8:37 PM] Ravaphine: “It’s not like it was for naught. We needed to find the component regardless. But we need to stay together as a team”

[8:37 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak struggles to stand a bit, as she's still getting used to her new armor, but eventually she does.

[8:38 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh stands and walks up the basem*nt stairs but calls down, "we have a dinner to attend soon, we should get ready." and heads to the Cask.(edited)

[8:39 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "A'course...dinner." Urrak walks up the stairs, her insides feel as hallow as a fresh grave

[8:39 PM] DM: Kendall: "Gunnloda's got some great stuff cooking. It'd be a shame to be late."

[8:40 PM] Ravaphine: She sighs. “I completely forgot about dinner. I hope we aren’t late” Rav gets up to go to the cask to clean herself up

[8:40 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak meets with the rest of the party in the cask

[8:40 PM] Ravaphine: “Should we bring a pie? Flowers?”

[8:41 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What do ye bring to a funeral?" Urrak asks grimly(edited)

[8:41 PM] Ravaphine: “Not pie I suppose”

[8:42 PM] DM: Kendall: "Ha! No, she's got it covered. She'd accept any gift graciously, but it's not expected or desired."

[8:42 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine looks for some flowers to pick to bring to the dinner table

[8:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak finds a seat at the bar. "Ready when ye are."

[8:44 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Hopefully Moonstream Manor has soft chairs..."

[8:44 PM] DM: Kendall goes for a comforting tap on the shoulder, but can only reach your hip. "You'll feel better after you sleep."

[8:45 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak smiles down at her "I hope yer right..."

[8:46 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine makes her way to the bar and pours two drinks. One for herself and one for Urrak. “It’s on the house,” she says with a small smile before consuming the entire pint

[8:47 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak chuckles, she goes to take a large gulp as she usually does but chokes a bit and slows down

[8:49 PM] Ravaphine: “Take it easy there. I’d much rather have you alive, please. You did great down there to help our team”

[8:49 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Best I could do, I suppose..."(edited)

[8:51 PM] DM: Kendall cliiiimbs her way up to a stool. "We had a half-orc fighter too. Gal named Tematur. From Vatru, bit different coloration than you."

[8:52 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "We come in a few shades" she chuckles "I hope I'm at least half as good as her."

Kendall smiles. "You'll get there. Takes a few scuffles to really find out what you're worth.

[8:52 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine slides over to Kendall and starts wiping down a glass. “Anything I can get for you?” she says, pretending to be a bartender

[8:53 PM] DM: Kendall: "No thanks... Gunnloda's cooking is worth savoring with every tastebud, not just the sober ones."

[8:54 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Y'ain't wrong" Urrak finishes her glass

[8:57 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak heads upstairs to change out of her platemail and into her studded leather armor. She smooths her hair out and walks back downstairs "Hot in all that steel nonsense"(edited)

[8:59 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks down the stairs wearing common clothes, her hair is down from its usual braid.

[9:00 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak turns towards her, dropping her mostly empty pint glass as she sees her new look "Oh...wow."

[9:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks over the rest of the group, "wait...are you guys just wearing your armor?...I..am I overdressed?"

[9:03 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She quickly bends to pick up her flagon "Oh uh...no I don't think so." She looks a bit to the left of Ryleigh "It''s just...fancy Orc dress is uh...generally frowned upon. It's probably the exposed uh...bosom y'know." Urrak's cheeks turn a bit pink(edited)

[9:06 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles at Urrak, "I think people should wear what they're comfortable wearing. And if thats armor for you, then wear it."

[9:06 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak nods "Aye, aye yer right." she places her hands on her hips "Ok...we should go."

[9:09 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh gestures toward the door and smiles broadly, "After you?"

[9:10 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak walks out the door and towards the mansion

[9:11 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh follows.

[9:13 PM] DM: You go inside. There's a door to the side that leads to the kitchens. The Moonstreams aren't down from upstairs yet, but you can probably guess dinner will be in the big open room where the two long tables are with Eloise's desk.

[9:14 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Do ye see Seir? She walked off ahead of us...she should be here by now." Urrak heads into the dining area(edited)

[9:15 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks around the hall, "maybe we should check the kitchens? That's where her lover is, no?"(edited)

[9:18 PM] DM: The door to the kitchen is open.

[9:18 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Her what now?" Urrak calls out, just catching the faintest hint of her question

Seir's escape[]

She'll just pace in the grove for a few then go back to the mansion and just sit with Gunnloda and Stool

[8:48 PM] DM: K. She's in there just putting the finishing touches on the dishes. It's a nice big five course meal, a roast, some veggies, fresh bread.

[8:55 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori goes up to her and kneels just hugging her from behind, taking a few calming breaths. "Hey."

[8:56 PM] DM: She pats your hand. "Hi. Did you find them? Everything ok?"

[9:01 PM] Seirixori: "We found them. Yes." She sighs. "I'm... actually really glad you guys were still here. I... I don't think anything would have been fine."

[9:06 PM] DM: She leans so she can look at you over her shoulder. "But it is? Everyone made it out ok?"

[9:07 PM] Seirixori: "Yes, yeah, Kendall was a huge help with that." Seir sighs heavily again, "They didn't listen..." she mumbles.

[9:09 PM] DM: Gunnloda sets her spoon down and spins around to hug you back. "I'm glad you're ok." After a moment she pulls back and smiles. "This is a much more comfortable height. You are very tall."

[9:16 PM] Seirixori: Seir grins her face a little red and gives her a kiss, "It does make some things easier."

[9:19 PM] DM: They are totally standing there in the middle of the kitchen, Seir on her knees, kissing and hugging when you look inside.

[9:19 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak walks into the kitchen "Ah...hello Seir."(edited)

[9:20 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh follows Urrak, "see, I was right." gestures to the two(edited)

[9:21 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "That ye were..."

[9:22 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh seems completely unfazed by the entire situation.

[9:22 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak nervously looks away, blushing slightly

[9:22 PM] Seirixori: Seir's blushing and tries to hide her face, "ugh, hi."

[9:22 PM] DM: When Gunnloda realizes they have an audience, she blushes deep red, but barely moves away. "I hear you got into some trouble? Everything ok, dears?"

[9:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "We were uh...just lookin for ya...and it should be, yeah. Hopefully...."

[9:24 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles at the pair, "We apologize for interupting. And for the most part we got back in one piece." She places a hand on Urrak's shoulder, "do you need any help in the kitchen Gunnloda?"

[9:25 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "No, actually everything's pretty much done here. I was just waiting to bring it out."

[9:26 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak blushes a bit deeper. "Great let's uuuh get t' dinner then."

[9:26 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She speedwalks out of the room

[9:26 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Would like help doing that then? Or would you rather we take our seats?" Ryleigh looks concerned for Urrak and mumbles, "she's being odd..."

[9:27 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Thank you, but I think I've got it handled."

[9:28 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh gives a slight bow and leaves the kitchen.

[9:32 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Well... that was something."

[9:34 PM] Seirixori: "Mhm." Seirixori mutters, "You know I'm gonna help you anyway, right?" she grins, standing.

[9:36 PM] DM: Gunnloda chuckles. "It's the only way I don't kick you out of my kitchen."

[9:50 PM] Seirixori: Seir just grins and leans down to kiss her again, "If you say so."

[9:51 PM] DM: She smiles. "You can take those two trays and find us seats. I'll bring the rest."

[9:53 PM] Seirixori: Seir gives a small salute and takes them and heads out.

[9:30 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak is already seated at the farthest table(edited)

[9:30 PM] DM: Kendall's sitting in a chair next to Urrak.

[9:31 PM] DM: There are two long tables in the room.

[9:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh takes the other seat next to Urrak and bluntly asks, "does affection make you uncomfortable?"

[9:32 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "E-Excuse me?"

[9:34 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Your face seems to redden whenever others kiss or embrace."

[9:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I was married fer 7 years, Ryleigh. I'm not afraid of...affection."(edited)

[9:35 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I suppose it's just...well ye look very nice t'night. That's all."

[9:35 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She looks away "And y'gotta admit, it's awkward seein yer friends in an...intimate moment." she motions in a general forward direction, waving her hand around in a tight circle.(edited)

[9:38 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh quirks an eyebrow, "I suppose it could be awkward, but intimacy between lovers is perfectly natural and shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable." She pauses in thought, "and thank you for the compliment."

[9:40 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Y-yer welcome." a couple beads of sweat form on her forehead. "I'm...very happy fer Seir."

[9:44 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh laughs at Urrak, "Lighten up. I apologize for making you uncomfortable, it wasn't my intention - if it had been, you'd be a babbling mess."(edited)

[9:45 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak was taking a sip of provided water and nearly choked on it as Ryleigh uttered her last sentence. "I see..." she coughs(edited)

[9:52 PM] DM: Kendall: "I'm almost out of spells for the day, love. Don't die now."

[9:52 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She coughs a bit but gives the "Ok" hand sign to Kendall(edited)

[9:54 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks perplexed by the exchange.

Session 31[]

[5:14 PM] DM: DAY 7, BELLBURY, 6 PM

It's been a really long, really trying day. Some of you came face to face with people who love(d) the people you love(d), some of you almost died when you got trapped in a tomb, some of you got betrothed to creepy dudes or bit by werewolves and told there is no cure. Really, it's just been one sh*t-awful day... but you're gathering here in the Moonstream's mansion to feast on a dinner prepared by Gunnloda to... "celebrate" your successes.

[5:19 PM] DM: The Moonstreams came downstairs and took their spots at the head of the table while Gunnloda brought the food out (kinda helped by Seir).

Eloise: "Thank you for joining us. It's trying times, but in these times, you find your staunchest allies and friends. I'm glad that no matter what it is we face due to this catastrophe, the gods have seen fit to grace us with your help."

[5:20 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori scoffs to herself quietly.

[5:21 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak awkwardly raises her glass in a quiet toast. She finishes the water quickly

[5:23 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh nods her head in acknowledgement.

[5:23 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine seats herself a little further from the group and offers a small smile to the moonstreams

[5:23 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Well... let's eat."

[5:27 PM] Seirixori: Seir kind of stares at all the food on the table and suddenly realizes she has no idea how this works, "Hey uh..." she leans over and whispers to Gunnloda, "How...does this work, exactly?"

[5:27 PM] DM: Gunnloda chuckles a little. "We eat, dear." She helps pass around and serve to those seated next to her.

[5:32 PM] Seirixori: Seir pouts a little, "I know that," she whispers. "Thanks." she mutters poking at the food. She's hungry, and it smells great, but there's this festering anger from earlier and she can't seem to rid herself of it.

[5:25 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh starts to fix her plate.

[5:25 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak follows behind, watching and mimicking the actions of the paladin. Feasts she understood, but this? This felt like something completely alien to her.

[5:27 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh leans over and whispers to Urrak, "are you alright, you look uncomfortable."

[5:28 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Ah, I suppose well, t' be honest I've never been t' an event quite this..." she leans in a bit and whispers to Ryleigh "...fancy"(edited)

[5:30 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles, "oh, I see. Well, think of it like any other dinner, just more utensils and fancier clothes."

[5:32 PM] DM: To be fair, this is pretty much just a family style meal. Nothing actually fancy for those of you who didn't grow up in a forest or orc stronghold.

[5:32 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine waits for everyone to finish making their plates. "Everything smells wonderful, Gunnloda" she says very quietly, still feeling the tension

[5:33 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Thank you, dear. Is something wrong? Why are you sitting so far away?"

[5:34 PM] Ravaphine: Rav averts her eyes away from Seir and looks at her thumbs. "I uhh...I have big elbows"

[5:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak sits with a bit of a sharp exhale. The damage the ghost caused earlier is still lingering a bit in the marrow of her bones. She begins to eat slowly, saying nothing, but listening intently.

[5:34 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh notices Seirixori picking at her food, "Seir, the food is great, why aren't you eating?"

[5:36 PM] Seirixori: Seir just looks at Ryleigh, like really? "It's nothing that can't wait." she mutters, shoving a fork full of food in her mouth, not even noticing what it is.

[5:37 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh raises an eyebrow at the subtle aggression but doesn't say anything further about it.


[5:16 PM] DM: So you remember that there was a dinner planned. You remember you felt like you really had to do what Poni asked and went through the portal, but you were teleported back to Dirasa for a couple hours. Now, you're back in Bellbury's town square. Before you get really settled, you're approached by a woman, fair skin and dark wavy hair.

"Excuse me?"

[5:18 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Um. Hello... is there something i can help you with?"

[5:20 PM] DM: She smiles and holds out her hand. "Malica. I was wondering if you might know where... I think her name is Urrak? She told me she'd show me around later."

[5:25 PM] DM: She seems pretty straight-forward. You haven't seen her around before. Maybe she's a new arrival.

[5:27 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos takes a moment, before deciding "Sure. I think I know where she might be right now." He holds his hand out, "My name is Nolanos by the way."

[5:28 PM] DM: She smiles. "Thanks. I just... don't want to be a bother."

[5:34 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos leads Malica to the Moonstream mansion, a little awkwardly. He doesn't know this person and it's a little weird since he can't help but think she was possibly... um. led on by Urrak.

[5:36 PM] DM: Nolanos enters followed by a woman, pale skin, shoulder-length dark, wavy hair. She hesitates when she sees what a Thing this appears to be, but enters anyway.

[5:38 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak looks up from her food, mouth still working on a bit of meat and catches the eyes of the new arrival. Her stomach flutters a bit as she downs the morsel ungraciously.(edited)

[5:39 PM] Seirixori: "Nolanos brought a friend," Seirixori says, wanting the attention off her.

[5:39 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Um. Hi guys..."

[5:42 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine motions for nolanos to come sit by her

[5:43 PM] Alex - Nolanos: Nolanos gladly takes the invitation and sits next to her

[5:45 PM] Alex - Nolanos: "Hi Rav," he whispers, smiling at her "What'd I miss? Last thing I remember was that punk Poni making me go into the portal."He sort of grumbles the last bit.(edited)

[5:39 PM] DM: Woman: "Sorry, I didn't realize... I can find you later for that tour if... sorry."

She starts backing towards the door.

[5:41 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak erupts from her chair suddenly "M-Malica! Wait!"(edited)

[5:42 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at Urrak, slightly concerned. Then asks, "you two know each other?"

[5:42 PM] DM: Malica: "I ran into her earlier. She said she could show me around, but I don't want to interrupt."

[5:42 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: A pang of heat courses down her midsection. "Aye, what the she said."

[5:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She sits back down awkwardly

[5:43 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh turns to the moonstreams and Gunnloda, "any objections to adding another?"

[5:44 PM] DM: Eloise: "Of course not. The more the merrier."

Gunnloda: "There's plenty to go around."

[5:45 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh stands from her seat and moves her plate, "Malica, wasn't it? Here, take my seat since you clearly know Urrak." She moves the chair out to offer it to the other woman.

[5:46 PM] DM: Malica: "I... thank you."

[5:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Oh Ryleigh y' really don't have t'---Hi, Malica. Good t' see ye again."(edited)

[5:46 PM] DM: And she'll come sit too.

[5:46 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): As Ryleigh walks down the table she gives Urrak a wink and nudge.

[5:47 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak blushes a bit and twists the napkin in her lap in a tight twist. She turns to Malica "Have ye been...settlin' in alright?"

[5:48 PM] DM: Malica: "Can you really get settled in when all this is happening?"

[5:49 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She chuckles a bit, "Aye, I suppose yer right about that. But please, let any of us know if there's anythin' we can do to help make yer stay more...comfortable."

[5:51 PM] DM: Malica nods and pushes her hair behind her ear nervously. She's a half-elf, you can now see. Gunnloda gets up to get a new place setting for the new arrival and says "Welcome, dear," as she sets it in front of her before sitting next to Seir again.

[5:51 PM] Nolanos: "Hey, Seir"

[5:51 PM] Seirixori: "Hey," Seirixori mutters to Nolanos, around another fork full of food.

[5:51 PM] Ravaphine: Rav looks sadly at Nolanos. "The last place took a lot out of us. We can talk about it after dinner though. Things here might be a little tense though" she whispers while the exchange with Malica is happening

[5:52 PM] Ravaphine: "Hello, welcome to dinner" Rav says to Malica

[5:52 PM] DM: Malica: "Thank you."

[5:53 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "So, Nolanos, what have we learned?" Urrak says, eyes on her plate and fork in hand

[5:54 PM] Nolanos: "Poni is insufferable? I don't know."

[5:55 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak drops her fork a bit too harshly. She chuckles darkly "Of course not, kid."

[5:56 PM] Ravaphine: “Please, lets just. Enjoy dinner. We can talk about things afterwards”

[5:58 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos, feeling even more awkward than usual, just quietly gets a roll and fidgets with it.

[5:59 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at everyone, "we can't really enjoy dinner until its all out in the open. We almost died back there, but what were we doing there anyway? Seir came back bloodied and tired. What were you thinking going in there you three?" She looks pointedly at Nolanos, Rav, and Urrak.

[6:00 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "The lizard boy got a real funny idea to walk mad wizard first int'a the portal" She points at Nolanos "He got....charmed or some sh*t by that gnome f*ck."

[6:01 PM] Seirixori: "What?" Seir growls, her anger shifting from the rest of them to Poni.

[6:02 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Least that's what I gathered from Rav 'ere"

[6:02 PM] DM: Gunnloda reaches over and puts her hand over Seir's.

[6:02 PM] Ravaphine: “We wanted to make sure he was okay. I’ve heard that magical items can charm a person into doing things. But when we found out he wasn’t even in the portal...we couldn’t leave. We didn’t know why” she says as she just stares at her cup in front of her

[6:04 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "We were attacked by some small ghosts and one very large ghost." she puts a hand on her chest "Some o' that dark magic still lingers in 'ere."

[6:05 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, squeezing Gunnloda's hand. "I hate him," she whispers harshly.

[6:05 PM] Nolanos: "I'm so sorry...." he says, tentatively placing his hand over Rav's. "I'm sorry you all were hurt because of me."(edited)

[6:06 PM] DM: Kendall: "There are places in the Underdark where the air is so full of chaos and evil that magic doesn't work right. You might have found one."

[6:06 PM] Ravaphine: “I can’t even begin to think about how many times Kendall saved me. And how you all fought so hard. I barely even remember half of the fight. But all that matters is that we are all here now and that we are okay. And I am sorry for getting you all into that predicament in the first place. I should have known better than to let somebody tinker with dark magic” Rav sighs and closes her eyes, trying to not let the tears fall(edited)

[6:08 PM] Seirixori: "I'm going to find a way to bring him back, and then I'm going to kill him again," Seirixori mutters, her shoulders sagging at her misplaced anger.

[6:11 PM] DM: Gunnloda takes Seir's hand and kisses her knuckles before holding it with both hands in her lap. "Just breathe."

[6:15 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori nods, a blush forming on her cheeks, "Yeah, okay, right, I can do that."

[6:10 PM] Nolanos: "You couldn't have known that... prick was going to react like that. It was my dumb idea to remove his batteries to try and preserve them anyway."

[6:12 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at the others, "there. Now we can actually enjoy dinner."

[6:12 PM] DM: Cae and Eloise are having their own quiet conversation at the head of the table.

[6:13 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak takes a deep breath. "Aye let's."

[6:14 PM] DM: Roast, veggies, fresh baked bread

[6:21 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh's smile starts to grow and she stands, "a toast: to making new friends" she lifts her goblet to Malica and Kendall, "to reuniting loved ones" she tilts her cup in the direction of the moonstreams, "and to the continuation of forging friendships, relationships, and battle buddies." She looks from Nolanos and Rav to Seir and Gunnloda, then her eyes land on Urrak and she takes a drink.

[6:22 PM] Nolanos: "Here, here, " Nolanos says as he raises his glass and takes a drink.(edited)

[6:22 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Here here" Urrak mumbles and downs her drink

[6:23 PM] Ravaphine: Rav raises her drink and takes a sip

[6:23 PM] DM: Everyone lifts their glasses, Gunnloda with her other hand so she can keep holding Seir's.

[6:23 PM] Seirixori: "I don't... understand the cup thing," Seir mutters but lifts her drink up with the rest.

[6:23 PM] DM: Cae: "Oh!"

[6:24 PM] DM: She stands and goes into the kitchens and returns with a bottle of wine.

Eloise: "The Dragonwyck?"

Cae: "Is there going to be a better time for it?"

[6:24 PM] DM: She pours everyone some of the good wine.

[6:26 PM] DM: Kendall leans over to Ryleigh. "Lovely toast, dear."

[6:28 PM] DM: Kendall then calls down to the other end of the table after taking a sip, "And lovelier wine! Thank you to our gracious hosts."

[6:29 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh continues to smile and nods in thanks to Kendall.

[6:31 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori looks at the wine a little wearily, "It wasn't a good idea the last time I had a drink." she mutters, but takes a sip of it anyway.

[6:32 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh also takes a few polite sips before placing the cup within Urrak's reach, "in case you want more."

[6:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak's face flushes a deep red, "Th-thank ye, Ryleigh."

[6:32 PM] DM: As the wine and good food works its magic, the tension at the table starts to loosen and soon enough, people are calling for food from the other end and generally talking too loud and sharing too much. Cae's passing the bottle around to those who want more.

[6:34 PM] DM: Misha's trying to find just the right angle for her ring's shine. Cae and Eloise are whispering at each other, smiling.

[6:37 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: After a few good swigs of wine, Urrak starts to feel herself loosen up. Her eyes drift to Moonstreams and smiles slightly. A small pang of sadness thrums in her chest.

[6:37 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine places a citrus fruit next to Seir’s hand and continues to make conversation with the others at the end of the table

[6:40 PM] Seirixori: Seir grins excitedly at the fruit and takes a bite out of it. "Thanks," she swallows and then whispers, leaning so she can see Ravaphine around Nolanos, "Sorry for earlier, I thought..." she sighs, "I thought you guys just didn't care about what I said."

[6:43 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos slightly leans back, to make the eye-contact easier.

[6:45 PM] Ravaphine: “You were brave enough to come back from that place alive. It was dangerous, but when poni made Nolanos go in by himself, we couldn’t let that happen. I’m sorry for making it seem like we weren’t listening. We just wanted to make sure all our friends were safe” she says as she places her hand on Nolanos’

[6:47 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos gently squeezes her hand. He doesn't really know what to say, but he has feelings. Words are just hard.

[6:48 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori nods and turns to the Moonstreams, taking a piece of the citrus and setting it on one of the pieces of meat before shoving it in her mouth, "Does Takara take care of the Citrus Grove or do you guys have someone do it?"

[6:49 PM] DM: Eloise: "We have a full contingent of workers, both year-round and seasonal for the harvest."

[6:50 PM] DM: Cae chuckles. "Don't get her started. She'll never stop."

[6:51 PM] DM: She elbows Cae gently.

[6:51 PM] DM: Eloise: "The orchard is Bellbury's main export and the backbone of the economy here."

[6:51 PM] Seirixori: Seir grins, "Well, I would gladly thank you for the fruit, she's too smug for me to want to thank her about it."

[6:52 PM] DM: Eloise: "I can't really take credit, but you're welcome."

[6:54 PM] Nolanos: A small smile appears on Nolanos' face as he watches Eloise and Cae interact. He finds how they interact so sweet and, as he once heard someone say, he thinks to himself 'goals...'

[6:56 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: As everyone focuses on the Moonstreams or their food Urrak whispers to Malica "Are you alright?"

[6:57 PM] DM: Malica nods. "I'm ok."

[6:57 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak nods assuredly

[6:57 PM] Seirixori: "Oh! Hey, do you know who Moki? Takara mentioned them to me earlier when I went to ask her about..." she motions to Cae, "stuff."

[6:58 PM] DM: They look at each other, clueless, and both shake their heads. Cae: "Doesn't sound familiar."(edited)

[7:00 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What are ye goin on about, Seir?"

[7:02 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, I went to talk to Takara about the werewolf thing and she said something about her own champion, Moki, wasn't powerful enough either." Seirixori shrugs.(edited)

[7:03 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak eyes Seir was an expression of deep confusion as she finishes her glass(edited)

[7:04 PM] Seirixori: "What?" She asks at Urrak's look.

[7:00 PM] Ravaphine: Rav can’t help but be a little nervous and intimidated by the beautiful woman sitting next to Urrak

[7:01 PM] DM: Malica's keeping very much to herself right now, kind of closed in on herself and quiet, like a wallflower forced to be at the prom. She seems kinda nervous, always brushing her hair back behind her ears.

[7:03 PM] Ravaphine: Rav notices Malica's hesitation. "I don't think we've met before. My name is Ravaphine by the way." she reaches her hand across the table towards Malica

[7:04 PM] Ravaphine: "Are you a friend of Urrak's?"

[7:07 PM] DM: She shakes Rav's hand and kind of glances over at Urrak and back. "I just got here from Lughagen. She was the first person I saw."

[7:08 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Truly fortuitous."

[7:10 PM] Ravaphine: "Welcome to Bellbury," she nods slightly

[7:11 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Rav here's a real friendly type." she says with a small smile(edited)

[7:11 PM] DM: Malica: "Thank you."

[7:12 PM] Ravaphine: She blushes, feeling embarrassed in front of the beautiful woman. "I just want to make sure everyone who is here feels welcome" she says while avoiding eye contact

[7:13 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak notices Ravaphine's reaction and chuckles

[7:13 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos also quietly blushes, for some reason. 'You're just being dumb. Calm down, self,' he thinks

[7:15 PM] DM: Cae: "Misha, are you going to stop staring at that stone at some point in the next week?"

[7:16 PM] DM: Misha: "Don't be jealous."

Cae laughs. "Jealous. Right."

[7:17 PM] Ravaphine: "Ryleigh. You've been awfully quiet over there with your roast"(edited)

[7:22 PM] DM: Now that everyone's pretty much done eating, Gunnloda stands to start clearing dishes, but Kendall hops up. "Sit down, dear. You cooked." And Kendall starts clearing plates instead.

[7:25 PM] DM: Malica goes to help Kendall since she's little and starts piling dishes to take back to the kitchen.

[7:20 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks at Ravaphine and moves to sit next to her, "I'm just enjoying listening to all of your conversation." She then leans around her to talk to Seir, "however, I do have a question....Seir, did I hear correctly...you said 'when you talk to Takara'?"

[7:21 PM] Seirixori: "Yes...?"

[7:22 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak has zero clue what is going on

[7:22 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Like she actually manifests before you? You have actual conversation with her - like us - right now?"

[7:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Sorry... Who is this Takara person?" Urrak asks raising her hand a bit(edited)

[7:23 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah... I mean she was a halfling once, but she changed to her normal look after I was upset about something."

[7:25 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks intrigued and lets out a low whistle, "that's incredible! You've had actual conversation with your god! Wow."

[7:26 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, no. She's not mine. Mielikki is.. well sort of. She says a lot less than Takara though."

[7:26 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "She talks t' what now? Did ye say gods?"

[7:27 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "So you talk to more than one, regularly? But how?"

[7:28 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine follows into the kitchen with more dishes and plates

[7:29 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos gets up and decides to help with the dishes as well.(edited)

[7:30 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak looks up as she begins a new glass of wine. "Where's everyone headed off to....?"

[7:31 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I guess I'll uhhh be right back then." She follows the others into the kitchen, slightly confused and slightly buzzed

The Kitchen[]

Kendall thanks you both for helping bring dishes in while Malica gets started rinsing the plates.

[7:32 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine walks up next to Malica and starts to wash dishes next to her.

[7:33 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos finds a towel and dries the clean dishes

[7:33 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak walks in awkwardly holding her plate. "Why'd ye all run off like that?"

[7:33 PM] Nolanos: "Just being helpful i guess? I felt bad not helping."

[7:33 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine looks back and forth between Nolanos and Malica, "We wanted to help with the dishes"

[7:34 PM] DM: Kendall: "Rule one, never let the cook do the dishes."

[7:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I see..." Urrak walks slowly to the sink and places her dish inside."I suppose yer right."

[7:34 PM] Nolanos: "Thats a sound rule. Gunnloda works very hard, that's for sure."(edited)

[7:35 PM] DM: Kendall: "Sounds like she's found herself a place here, huh?"

[7:35 PM] Ravaphine: "We love her"

[7:35 PM] Ravaphine: "Not...not like that. But she is like a family member at this point"

[7:36 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Gunnloda's incredible. She's saved our skins more times than I can count."(edited)

[7:36 PM] Nolanos: "She's pretty amazing."

[7:37 PM] DM: Kendall: "She is."

[7:39 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Glad t' see you two gettin along." Urrak smiles at Rav and Malica

[7:40 PM] Ravaphine: Rav chuckles nervously. "Malica will fit right in with us here"

[7:41 PM] Ravaphine: "Did you come here by foot? What brings you to town?"

[7:41 PM] DM: Malica: "Magic, apparently. Urrak was nice enough to tell me about what was happening in town."

[7:42 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "It's a jarring experience. Figured I'd let her know the situtation right away."

[7:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak starts to take the dried plates from Nolanos and places them on nearby racks

[7:44 PM] Ravaphine: "It's definitely not something I will ever get used to"

[7:48 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos just kind of focuses on drying things and tries not to look up at Rav or Malica too much

[7:51 PM] Ravaphine: "What were you up to before," she pauses, "we lovingly call it 'poofing' here" she asks Malica

[7:53 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak starts to sweat a bit but continues stacking dishes

[7:54 PM] DM: Malica: "Just traveling. Nothing fancy."

[7:58 PM] Ravaphine: "Urrak over here has also traveled a bunch"

[7:59 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Very true. Traveled nearly the whole continent. Sellin' this and that." She waves a dish in circular motion and continues stacking

[8:02 PM] Ravaphine: "Did you both happen to come across each other in your travels? That's a thing I never got to do. I got to read about all these far off places, but from the comfort of the library."

[8:04 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Oh no, though I've met folks like Malica before. Far from home." She stacks the last dish. "No I ran int'a Malica here right in Bellbury"

[8:05 PM] Nolanos: "We do seem to be doing a lot of traveling lately, though. If that counts for something."

[8:07 PM] Ravaphine: "This is true, we get to put all these adventures under our belt for free and at a fraction of the travel time"

[8:09 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Seems Poni's at least a little useful" She laughs to herself, relaxing as she leans on the sink

[8:05 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I was talkin' t' Cyan and she just poofed mid conversation---I dunno when she'll be back. I was headin' t' the Cask t' grab a pint when I ran int'a Malica."

[8:12 PM] DM: Malica smiles a little. "Where are you all from?"

[8:13 PM] Nolanos: "My parents and I left Patauban when I was young, but I live in Ardabeh now. Or. Well. When I'm not here."

[8:14 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "And I'm sure anyone in this room could tell ye where I hail from" She smiles crooked, recalling old memories in the stronghold

[8:17 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos smiles, "Ah yes, the D'Akshi Stronghold, right?"

[8:17 PM] Ravaphine: "I come from Rodoza"

[8:17 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak winks and points a finger at Nolanos. She clicks her tongue "Bingo"

[8:18 PM] DM: Malica: "I've been in Alderrath for... as long as I can remember."

[8:18 PM] Nolanos: "What's Rodoza like?"

[8:22 PM] Ravaphine: "It's very green. Winters are very cold though, but I love the snow. Such a beautiful place," she pauses and looks at Malica before continuing, "But the only thing I miss about it is my mother. What is Ardabeh like?"(edited)

[8:32 PM] Nolanos: "It's pretty warm, usually. The city I live in is a college town, if you believe it," he laughs a bit. "We do research on a magic storm in the area."

[8:33 PM] DM: Malica: "You're near the Everstorm?"

[8:35 PM] Nolanos: "Yeah, I study it with my colleagues. It... doesn't always go well. I guess." As he says this last bit, he gets slightly more flustered.

[8:36 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Didn't think ye had it in ye t' do somethin' like that. Sounds mighty dangerous." Urrak folds her arms

[8:36 PM] Ravaphine: Rav's eyes light up at the mention of magic colleges. "I've always wanted to study at one of those. What do you study?"

[8:37 PM] Nolanos: "I have it in me to do a lot of things, trust me," he says playfully.

[8:38 PM] Ravaphine: "Maybe you can teach me a thing or two"

[8:39 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Riiiiiight then. Malica, would ye care t' join me outside?" Urrak stretches a hand out to her(edited)

[8:40 PM] DM: Malica: "Sure." And she follows Urrak out.

[8:39 PM] Nolanos: "And I mostly study tinkering at the nonmagical college. I try to think of things that could help people going into the Storm. And I've been trying to figure out how to truly animate clockwork familiars, like Reyes."

[8:40 PM] Nolanos: "I'm sure we can learn from each other.." Nolanos says, grinning a little

[8:43 PM] Ravaphine: "Oh no, everyone has left us. Shall we go reconvene with the rest of the group?"

[8:46 PM] Nolanos: "I uh. Sure? If you wanted to. I mean. I enjoy spending time with you and. Uh. Yeah." Suddenly, Nolanos is back to being his super awkward self, and he inwardly curses his lack of social skills. So he just stands there, stammering slightly and fidgeting with a now slightly damp towel (from the dishes, of course).(edited)

[8:48 PM] Ravaphine: "Come on, let's get back to our friends." She smiles at the mumbling boy and grabs his hand to walk back into the dining room

[8:50 PM] Nolanos: "Yes, lets." He lets Ravaphine take his hand and lead him away, smiling and blushing ridiculously.


[7:32 PM] DM: Eloise takes her glass of wine over to her desk and Cae follows, sitting on the edge of it. People are starting to break off into their own smaller conversations.

[7:30 PM] Seirixori: "Um, yes? I... I don't know? They're just sort of... there." She shrugs, and kind of withdraws into herself, the attention making her nervous and she scratches a little at the base of her throat, "Mielikki... uh saved me. So she sometimes sits with me in her forest when I want to get away from the others. Takara's just... weird."

[7:35 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh picks up on Seir's discomfort and gets up to put a hand on her shoulder, "Seir, its unusual for the gods to speak directly with someone. They must favor you." She smiles gently, "I must admit, I'm jealous. But if you ever want to talk about it further - I'd love to hear more."

[7:36 PM] DM: Misha takes the chance to slip away upstairs away from all the boring adults.

[7:38 PM] Seirixori: "Gunnloda told me it wasn't exactly normal, but I kind of forgot. I'm nothing special," she mumbles. "I'd rather they didn't leave a mark if they 'favored' me."(edited)

[7:43 PM] DM: Gunnloda half-chuckles and squeezes Seir's hand. "You're pretty special."

[7:43 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Her smile falters and she says determinedly, "No, Seir. Don't let the world deceive you, you are special." Ryleigh then sighs like the topic has gotten to heavy for the mood. She takes a few steps back, "I think I need some air" and goes to stand by the door.

[7:47 PM] Seirixori: Seir blushes from their comments, but frowns at Ryleigh's departure, "I... did I say something wrong?" she asks Gunnloda.

[7:47 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "I don't think so. Are you feeling better?"

[7:50 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori nods and hugs her, "Yes. I... thank you for ... for calming me down. I really don't like Poni."

[7:50 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "I know... he hasn't done much to earn being liked either, but there's not much we can do about it right now."

[7:53 PM] DM: When you look, she's talking to Kendall in the doorway.

Ryleigh and Kendall[]

[7:49 PM] DM: You notice Kendall slip out of the kitchen and she heads through the doors you're next to outside.

[7:51 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh clears her throat, "where are you off to?"

[7:51 PM] DM: Kendall: "Oh, just to go check on Rimands."

[7:52 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "On who?"

[7:52 PM] DM: Kendall: "Rimands. My dog."

[7:54 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Ah, well I'd say be careful but I've seen you in combat so there's no need."

[7:55 PM] DM: She chuckles. "I'm far too rusty for combat. We're lucky I even had a spiritual weapon to call on."

[7:58 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles, "You saved our asses back there. We wouldn't have made it out without you, thank you for that, I have to much to do to die so young."

[7:59 PM] DM: Kendall smiles. "It's no problem, dear. Would you like to walk out with me?"

[7:59 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "If you don't mind having the company? I don't want to intrude."

[8:01 PM] DM: She shakes her head and walks outside to where her big shaggy dog is. It's saddled and pants at her.

[8:01 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks out and hold her hand out for the dog to smell.

[8:02 PM] DM: He sniffs you and kinda noses your hand. Kendall pulls a piece of meat out that she'd pocketed from the table and feeds him.

[8:03 PM] DM: "To be honest... I was thinking I was going to go home."

[8:04 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Any particular reason why?"

[8:04 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh scratches behind the dogs ears.

[8:06 PM] DM: She sighs. "It's complicated. Could you do me a favor though?" She pulls a stone from her pouch. "Could you give this to Gunnloda for me? Tell her that if she needs me, I'll come for her."

[8:10 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh takes the pouch, "of course, may your travels be safe." She pauses and then continues, "while I may not be much, I am indebted to you for rescuing us. If you ever need a sword, you shall have mine." Ryleigh gives a slight bow.

[8:11 PM] DM: She smiles. "You're going to be great some day."

[8:13 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh just smiles and heads back inside to the others.

[8:13 PM] DM: Kendall and Rimands disappear.


[7:52 PM] Seirixori: Seir nods and looks at where Ryleigh is, "Do you think she'll talk to me?"

[7:53 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Why wouldn't she?"

[7:55 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori shrugs, "I don't know, I'm not really good at it."

[7:56 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Maybe later, when she's not busy again."

She looks at your entwined hands like she's thinking about something.

[7:59 PM] Seirixori: Seir nods and looks at her for a few moments before asking, "What is it?"

[8:01 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Hmm? Oh... just wondering if now's the right time."

[8:04 PM] Seirixori: "For?"

[8:08 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "It's... I have a way to help keep you safer. But to do it..." She pulls the wooden box from her pouch, the one you saw her pull from her chest in the portal. When she opens it, there's two rings inside. "I'm not trying to pressure you or anything. It's not... it doesn't mean anything more than you want it to."

[8:13 PM] Seirixori: Seir blinks and stares at the rings, not quite understanding. "I..." She looks at Gunnloda and just stares some more, "I'm not... How does this help keep me safer?" Her voice squeaks, but she's smiling.

[8:15 PM] DM: Gunnloda chuckles. "They're spell components. We each wear one and I can help you not get hurt as much."

[8:16 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh walks back inside. She's about to approach Gunnloda when she realizes Seir and Gunnloda are having a moment and instead hangs back for a little bit.

[8:21 PM] Seirixori: "Oh! Right that...that makes sense. Yeah, okay." Seir grins and hold out her hand, wanting Gunnloda to put it on her finger, "it would be my honor," she nearly chokes on her laughter.

[8:22 PM] DM: Gunnloda smiles and takes one of the rings and slides it on. It's small, but it magically resizes to fit.

[8:26 PM] Seirixori: "Neat." Seir leans over and kisses her, "So... I get to keep you around wherever I am?"

[8:27 PM] DM: She looks confused. "What do you mean?"

[8:30 PM] Seirixori: "I mean, just...something you gave me. And if I'm at...well in Limabey, there's like a little part of you with ... me? That sounded a lot better in my head..." She blushes.

[8:31 PM] DM: Gunnloda smiles and kisses her back. "Of course. Now we just need to fix this teleporter."

[8:32 PM] Seirixori: "Yes, that." Seir's smile falls a bit.

[8:33 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "I should find Kendall. The sooner I get back, the sooner I can come back here."

[8:34 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh watches the exchange and eventually decides its safe to approach. She walks up to Gunnloda, "I'm sorry to intrude but Kendall gave me this for you.." she hands Gunnloda the pouch, "..and she said that if you ever need her - she'll come for you."

[8:35 PM] Seirixori: "She left???"

[8:35 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Yes, just a bit ago."(edited)

[8:37 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, I... wanted to talk to her..." Seir frowns.

[8:37 PM] DM: Gunnloda opens the pouch and pulls out a stone with intricate carvings. She puts the stone back inside before looking back up at Seir. "What about, dear?"

[8:38 PM] Seirixori: Seir blushes, "Oh, um... nothing important... just to thank her for... something."

[8:39 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Well... she left a sending stone. If you can fit it in 25 words, you can use it to tell her."

[8:41 PM] Seirixori: "Oh! uh... maybe later." She turns to Ryleigh, "Are... are you ok? I didn't say anything wrong to make you leave did I?"

[8:46 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks confused, "it wasn't you or anything you said. I hate the way you've been treated. I hate the way the world sees you." Ryleigh grits her teeth, "the way they see your kind."

[8:48 PM] Ravaphine: Rav and Nolanos come back to join the others

[8:49 PM] Seirixori: "Oh." Seirixori blinks, "That's..." she blinks back tears and shakes her head at the sudden rush of feelings, "...thanks."

[8:53 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh waits until she's looking into Seir's eyes, "don't measure your self worth by their judgement, they're the ones who are wrong - not you." She places a hand on Seirixori's shoulder and sits down.

[8:55 PM] Ravaphine: Rav watches the exchange from the doorway just full of feelings

[8:57 PM] Seirixori: She just nods, stunned for a few moments, "That's... I'll try." is all she can manage to get out.

[8:57 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos hears Ryleighs last comment and just quietly absorbs that statement, subconsciously squeezing Rav's hand.

[9:01 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori stands quickly, "I'll... I'll be right back," she leans down and gives Gunnloda a kiss on the forehead before taking off.

[9:02 PM] Ravaphine: "She always leaves," rav says, sadly

[9:02 PM] DM: Gunnloda smiles. "I think she's just... used to dealing with things alone."

[9:03 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh nods in understanding then realizes some people from their party are missing, "Where's Urrak?"

[9:04 PM] Nolanos: "Urrak went somewhere with Malica. Not sure where though"

[9:05 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh smiles mischievously.(edited)

[9:06 PM] Ravaphine: "Maybe we shouldn't go find them" she chuckles

[9:06 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "You read my mind."

[9:07 PM] Ravaphine: "Something tells me those two know each other very well."

[9:08 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh shrugs, "maybe."

[9:09 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): "Perhaps we should head back and get some sleep. Today was long and draining."(edited)

[9:10 PM] Ravaphine: "I like the sound of that. Let's go say goodbye to Cae and Eloise first"

[9:12 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh looks towards the moonstreams, "We should."

[9:13 PM] Ravaphine: Rav approaches the moonstreams. "Cae...Eloise. Your home is very lovely and we thank you tremendously for inviting us over for dinner"

[9:14 PM] DM: They look up from each other. Eloise: "Of course. Thank you for everything you've done."

[9:14 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine leans in to hug both of them

[9:15 PM] Ryleigh (Nicole): Ryleigh politely waves at the pair and heads out of the house.

[9:18 PM] Ravaphine: Rav follows to the cask

[9:18 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos waves in an awkward thanks and follows Rav and Ryleigh

[9:18 PM] DM: You guys do happen to catch sight of Malica and Urrak chatting on the way to the Cask.

[9:23 PM] Nolanos: "So that was a fun dinner, eh?"(edited)

[9:24 PM] Nolanos: "A bit slow to start. Awkward and what. But fun."(edited)

[9:25 PM] Ravaphine: "Kind of like all our adventures. Minus dying"

[9:25 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos laughs a little at this, "yes, exactly!"

[9:26 PM] Ravaphine: "Which, by the way, you dodged a giant bullet in that last adventure. I never want to fight another ghost"

[9:27 PM] Nolanos: "What even happened? I only got a slight glimpse of what it was like before I poofed out."

[9:30 PM] Ravaphine: "We thought...we thought something happened to you. Either that or you poofed away which is what i had hoped. You were charmed and went in by yourself like when seir went in by herself and she got really hurt. We all did, but we got the component. Thankfully Kendall was there to pray to her god to heal us all and keep us alive"

[9:33 PM] Nolanos: "It seems I have to thank Kendall the next time I see her. I don't know what I would have done if you were..." Nolanos lightly clears his throat, struggling for words. "I'm really glad you're okay."(edited)

[9:35 PM] Ravaphine: "I'm glad you are okay too. But now we know to never anger Poni ever again" she offers a small smile to Nolanos


[8:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak walks into the crisp evening air, thankful for the reprieve "Gods that was close....What y' doin here Cy---Malica?"

[8:43 PM] DM: "I didn't know there was a whole thing tonight. I was just looking for you. You said you wanted to introduce me to everyone."

[8:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I understand, I guess I shoulda clarified when...I had a feelin this dinner would be tense at the very least. Hard time for introducin' someone." She runs a hand through her hair. "Trust me when I say I'm tryin' me best t' keep this all under wraps, but Rav...she seems t' be a bit more perceptive than the rest."

[8:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I just...want t' make sure yer safe." She places a cautious hand on her arm

[8:48 PM] DM: She smiles a bit sadly. "You're not the best liar either. It might not be... sustainable. Most of them... I think most of them might be ok. Ryleigh worries me."

[8:50 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Aye, I never have been." She smiles a bit and nervously rubs her neck "And Ryleigh? Why's that?" she thinks a bit "Are ye worried she'll hurt ya?"

[8:51 PM] DM: She looks nervous, a little on edge. "She... kinda threatened me. When she whispered to me before you guys met the... the vampires."

[8:51 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What'd she say t' ye?" Urraks brows furrow and her hands begin to clench

[8:53 PM] DM: She puts her hands out on your arm. "It's not... it was my fault. I was scared."

[8:55 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Malica..." she tries to catch her eyes "You'd tell me, right? If ye truly felt threatened?"

[8:57 PM] DM: "I've been on the run so long... I get scared, I make allies with my magic. Then I leave again before it becomes an issue. I... can't leave here. I used my magic on Ryleigh and Nolanos in case you were mad at me. She was only reacting to that."

[8:59 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Y-y' didn't think I'd hurt ye, did ye?" Urrak's face falls

[9:01 PM] DM: "I didn't know what to expect. Most people... they think we kill for our faces. I was afraid you'd think I'd killed her. I mean... I-- I probably was partly to blame, but..." She stops talking, worried again.

[9:01 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak feels her heart leap into her throat "What was that last bit...?"

[9:08 PM] DM: She takes half a step backwards. "Not... directly. We were-- I told you I loved her. I did the wrong thing. She got mad. Told me about you. She was still so in love with you. She left. Alone. If I hadn't... maybe she wouldn't have left."

[9:09 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Please, for the love of all the heavens can ye just be straight with me." Urrak sighs, bowing her head and placing her interwoven fingers on top of it(edited)

[9:10 PM] DM: She hangs her head. "I'm sorry. It's... reflex. Defense mechanism, I guess."

[9:12 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak paces a bit "I...understand...well actually I don't but...I understand tryin' t' protect yerself." She looks over to her and places her hands on her hips "I'm sorry."(edited)

[9:13 PM] DM: "I just... feel like I chased her away and it got her killed. I didn't want her to go at all. I wish I'd just kept my mouth shut."

[9:14 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Y'can't blame yerself. Ancy has always been very...independent. I'm sure it wasn't entirely your fault." She turns a bit to hide a couple tears. She quickly recovers, wiping her face with a sleeve. "We should...we should join the others."(edited)

[9:18 PM] DM: "I'm sorry. I don't... I don't want to hurt you. You must be a wonderful person if she loved you so much."

[9:19 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak laughs "Not as good as ye may think." she pauses and hears the group say their goodbyes to the Moonstreams and walk off. "Ah, I think they're leavin'."

[9:20 PM] DM: "How do you think we should handle this?"

[9:21 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "While I don't think any of 'em would mind truly...I wouldn't do anything t' put ye in danger" she folds her arms in thought(edited)

[9:25 PM] DM: "If I could just... leave. But I can't. I could just... be someone that you don't know. Keep to myself until this whole thing blows over."

[9:27 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Malica, please" she places her hands on her shoulders "Breathe. I promise I'm gonna keep you safe. And trust me, I'm not tryin' t' pull anything." She gives her shoulders a slight squeeze. "Will ye come with me t' the Cask?"(edited)

[9:28 PM] DM: "I... ok?"

[9:29 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Sorry, I've never been the best at...talkin 't' folks." She blushes a bit and fiddles with the empty loop of leather on her bandoleer "So, shall we?"

[9:30 PM] DM: She's confused, but nods.

[9:31 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak walks into the Cask, Malica in tow "Ah good, yer all awake..."

[9:32 PM] Ravaphine: "where have you two lovebirds been"

[9:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Oh n-no it's not like that." Urrak raises her hands in front of her "Not at all."

[9:34 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I was just offerin' her my protection if some creep at th' inn tried t' pull anything funny"

[9:36 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak turns to Malica "Have y' any coin? I can spot ye for a private room."(edited)

[9:36 PM] Ravaphine: She turns to Malica. "Urrak will protect you. She protects all of us. You're safe here"

[9:37 PM] DM: Malica: "I have one. Thank you."

[9:37 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Excellent." Urrak nods a tad too furiously. "Well then, I think we should all get some sleep."

[9:37 PM] Ravaphine: "I don't think anyone is collecting any money for the cask, Urrak" rav jokes

[9:38 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak blushes a bit with embarrassment. How long had she been sleeping here?

[9:39 PM] Ravaphine: Rav smacks Urrak in the arm. "Go get some sleep. We got a long day ahead of us"

[9:39 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Aye, that we do."

[9:40 PM] Nolanos: "Adventure awaits," Nolanos smiles.(edited)

[9:44 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Right...anyway." She turns back to Malica "Have a good night then...Malica." she smiles a bit. "Hope t' see ye soon."

[9:45 PM] DM: Malica gives her a smile back. "Thank you and... I'm sorry again. For everything. Just... everything."

[9:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Ye don't have to apologize, truly. But if it helps...I forgive ye." she gives her shoulder a quick squeeze before walking upstairs to sleep

[9:40 PM] Ravaphine: "I usually go rest in the citrus grove if you'd prefer to rest up here at the cask, Nolanos. I like the breeze" She gets up and makes her way to the grove and pockets a few more fruits on the way

[9:41 PM] Nolanos: "Ravaphine! Wait!" he jogs to catch up with her.

[9:45 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos lightly tugs at her hand when he catches up to her. "I um. I wanted to tell you something, and you don't have to say anything in return if you don't want to, but. Well."

[9:49 PM] Nolanos: He takes a breath, steeling himself a bit. This is surprisingly difficult for him, even though its a vital life function because wow his heart is just going. "Ilikeyou," he rushes out. "I like you" he repeats, exhaling. "Quite a bit, actually."(edited)

[9:50 PM] Nolanos: "Again, you don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know. Um. Okay."(edited)

[9:53 PM] Ravaphine: "You...you do?" Ravaphine can't wipe the giant smile on her face. "I really like the way your mind works and we make a fantastic team. Let's just see where this goes okay? Right now, we need to worry about getting back home and getting the people of bellbury back. But I would love to talk more about this later"

[9:56 PM] Nolanos: "I do, yeah. " Nolanos smiles. "And yes. You're very right. We need to focus."

[9:58 PM] Nolanos: "I'll let you get some sleep then. Adventure awaits, and what not. Sleep well, or. Well. Trance well, heh."

[9:59 PM] Ravaphine: "Now come with me to the citrus grove. You need your rest (not really cause he didn't die with us but still)" She grabs his hand and she leads him to a big tree to sit under. She sits cross legged and puts a pile of clothes on her lap for him to lay on

[10:01 PM] Ravaphine: Rav's ears perk to the west. She swears she hears screaming, but closes her eyes and thinks nothing of it

[10:02 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos curls up and tentatively rests his head on her lap before eventually falling asleep.

Later Urica[]

[10:58 AM] DM: So, you said good night, but... got restless? Couldn't sleep with thoughts of Ancy bouncing in your head? So you went to find Malica, which, it's easy enough to figure out which room she'd be in.

[11:01 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak, sick of tossing and turning, raises from her bed. She sits on the edge of it for a spell, debating if what she feels she needs to do is right, but eventually she gets up to find Malica's room.

[11:03 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She leaves her own rented space, the lightness of her traveler's clothes feeling foreign after days of wearing heavy armor, and finds her door. She pauses, taking deep breaths, and knocks softly "Malica...?"(edited)

[11:06 AM] DM: There's a moment of silence, but the door opens just a bit and you can see Malica standing there, looking out. When she realizes it's you, she opens it a bit more to let you in. The room's pretty empty, the bed still made. There's a decent sized bag sitting in the corner, but that's the only indication that anyone's staying in the room.

[11:07 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I'm...sorry t' intrude. I suppose I could come back later if it's better for ye..." she fidgets a bit, twisting and rubbing her fingers with her other hand.

[11:09 AM] DM: "It's ok. I can't sleep anyway. Do you... want to come in?"

[11:10 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak nods, and steps inside. She takes another deep breath, "I'm sure ye can guess what I'm about t' ask ye...do you mind if I sit?" she motions to the bed.

[11:11 AM] DM: She shuts the door behind you and shakes her head, gesturing towards the bed. "Go ahead."

[11:13 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak sits, her hands balling into tight fists as she tugs at the fabric of her breeches. "I need t' know. I need to know everythin'. Everythin' about...Ancy." She looks at the floor as she says her name

[11:16 AM] DM: She nods and crosses her arms in front of her, leaning against the wall opposite you. "Are you sure you're... ready to hear it?"

[11:18 AM] DM: For the sake of clarity, Cyan was always kind of larger than life, outgoing, cheerful, flirty... Malica, since she's changed, has been quiet, withdrawn, nervous, almost scared. Even now, she's folded in on herself and soft-spoken.

[11:21 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I don't think I'll ever be truly ready but....I won't find peace without knowin'. I'm just...tired of wonderin'. The worry it...it feels like I'm being haunted. Buried under a mountain of 'what if's'." she grips the small leather bag on a rope around her neck beneath her shirt. Slowly she lifts her eyes to Malica. In a small voice, completely unfitting of a half-orc fighter laden with scars, she whispers ,"Please."

[11:25 AM] DM: She nods and kind of looks away, rubbing her arms like she's cold. "I was in Lughagen when she came in. I was a face for the guild there... she said she had a message from someone in the Onyxward guild, but they'd gone dark. We hadn't heard from them in... a month or more by that time."

[11:28 AM] DM: She shrugs, a faint tint of pink crossing her face. "I wanted to help her. I volunteered to help her try to track down the people from Onyxward. We worked together for... months. Trying to piece together the clues. All this time, she was using the name Ravana. She never mentioned where she'd been or why she'd left Onyxward until we found something... evidence that pointed towards the Gray. Do... you know what that is? Do you know anything about Alderrath?"

[11:31 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She shakes her head softly "I'm afraid my worldview's a bit limited. Before this all happened I'd never been much further than Nampuli."

[11:31 AM] DM: "She never talked about before?"

[11:31 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "As I'm sure ye noticed, Ancy never spoke too much about the past." she smiles slightly(edited)

[11:32 AM] DM: She half-scoff/half-chuckles sadly. "She... compartmentalized well. It's... a good trait to have when you're in our line of work."

[11:33 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I imagine so. It never mattered much t' me...when she was near me, that's all that mattered." her eyes begin to water a bit(edited)

[11:37 AM] DM: She lowers her head a bit, then continues. "When we found that evidence that the Gray was involved, she told me about when she was younger. She'd had a job that... something wasn't right. Somehow she wound up on the Gray's bad side. She was scared. The Gray... it's like... it's almost like a scary story you tell kids to keep them in bed at night. If you're bad the Gray will get you. Most people think it's a fairy tale... but she knew better. She left Alderrath altogether. I'm... guessing that's why she was in Nampuli. Trying to get as far away as she could, hoping she was safe."

[11:41 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "This Gray...it's some kind of guild?" she tries to recall any kind of mention of such a force, but comes up empty "Or...bandits?" Urrak's brow furrows as she tries to comprehend

[11:42 AM] DM: She shakes her head and there's just... fear written across her face. She's been soft-spoken this whole time, but she drops even further to a whisper. "Vampires."

[11:46 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: A chill shoots down her spine "Gods..." she runs a hand through her hair, eyes shifting around as she processes this revelation "And they...they found her then...when she....Gods I probably put her in so much danger tryin' t' keep her close..." she swallows hard, as a couple of tears fall from her eyes.

[11:49 AM] DM: Malica moves over to sit next to you and puts her hand on your arm. "You had nothing to do with it. They were... she thought they tracked her to Onyxward, but when they couldn't find her, they... she had a friend who sent her a Sending that the Gray was coming for them. Nampuli's sunshine would have been better for her than staying in Alderrath. Nowhere's safe there."

[11:52 AM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "And ye...yer sure they...caught up with her...?"

[11:58 AM] DM: She sighs, pulling her hand from your arm. "We were making a plan. She wanted to get closer. Try to find where they were headquartered or find out if anyone from Onyxward was still alive. We'd spent so much time together and... I must have read it wrong or... just saw what I wanted. I thought there was more than work between us. I messed up. I pushed too hard. That's when she told me about you. Told me that I--" she sniffles. "And then I messed up more. She... got mad and left. She took the information we'd gathered and walked out. Told me she didn't want to see me again."

[12:00 PM] DM: "In all our research, all the information we'd gathered, we'd never found any hint of anyone who had ever looked for the Gray and survived. Not one."

[12:07 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak places a hand on Malica's knee without much thought, "I...appreciate y' tellin me all this." she pauses a moment, lost in her memories "Y'did so much for her, and I know it came from an honest place." She looks Malica in the eye. "I just hope ye don't...it wasn't yer fault. Ancy is just...was just...a captivatin' woman. And workin' so close with someone fer a time well...feelin's happen." she comes out of her wistful state suddenly and returns her hand to her lap "I...sorry. Again with th' touchin...." She chuckles to herself and shakes her head. "I'm just...a real mess these days."

[12:12 PM] DM: She shakes her head. "It's... fine. You're ok, and... I thought you should know. All of it. But you're wrong... about me. It was selfish. I was selfish. I shouldn't have... and now she's... gone and I'm here with you and neither of us is with her and..." She trails off and then you hear in the smallest voice, "there's nowhere to run."

[12:15 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Hey," she brushes a bit of hair behind Malica's ear "I meant what I said. That I'd protect ye. I don't make promises I can't keep." She struggles a bit to smile, eyes still red from recent tears "I'm gonna do everythin' I can t' make good on that. And as for Ancy..." she goes to fiddle with a loop of leather that isn't there "I...I might have a way t' find her."

[12:21 PM] DM: She looks confused for a moment, then her eyes widen in realization, then fear. "Poni? But... she... it's been months. And you might be able to protect me from the people here, but... if you--" She takes a deep breath to give herself time to string together more than three words. "If you go looking, you will find them... and you can't protect anyone from them. They will find you even if they have to go through everyone you love to do it."

[12:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I...know it seems insane but. Well, it's hard t' explain but...I pledged my love t' her fer life" she sighs "I...have t' try."(edited)

[12:24 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "As long as there's a way...I have t' try."

[12:25 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She sits silently for a bit, mulling over her thoughts, "Thank ye again, Malica. I needed t' hear the whole story." She moves to stand(edited)

[12:28 PM] DM: She looks conflicted, but shakes her head. "I-- I'm sorry. I can't. My best chance is to just... keep moving. Keep changing. I can't help you... but... good luck? And... if you do somehow manage to find her... please just... tell her I'm sorry."

[12:31 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I understand. I wouldn't ask me t' put yerself in danger." she places her hands on her hips "But...if there's anythin' else y' can tell about these Gray, t' give me some kind of idea of what I'd be dealin' with I'd appreciate it." she walks backwards a bit, slowly "For now...I think we both should get some sleep." she reaches the door, resting a hand on the rough wood "G'night, Malica."

[12:32 PM] DM: "Good night."

Seir's Mistake[]

[9:02 PM] Seirixori: She's gonna go up the stairs and take a few moments to gather herself before looking for Misha.

[9:03 PM] DM: You've been in Cae and Eloise's room. There are several other rooms up here, but only one looks like it's of the same sort of stature. Most of them look more utilitarian.

[9:04 PM] Seirixori: Seir knocks on that door and calls out, "Uh... Misha?"

[9:05 PM] DM: She opens the door. "What... can I help you?"

[9:07 PM] Seirixori: "H-hi! Um..." Seirixori shuffles, not at all prepared for why she even came up here in the first place, "I.. I was wondering if I could see your ring! It... it looked really nice."

[9:08 PM] DM: Her face goes from kinda surly to bubbly in a blink. "It's so pretty, right?" She shows you the ring.

[9:11 PM] Seirixori: "Yeah! So, how'd, what was his name again? Prince Caruhm? Was it... nice?" She asks with fake cheer.

[9:12 PM] DM: "It was beautiful! And so many books to read and beautiful dresses and he's so nice and charming and handsome."

[9:15 PM] Seirixori: "That sounds... wonderful. It looks much nicer than mine! Would..." she hesitates, "...can I try it on? I'm sorry I just want to see if it looks good, skin color and everything, you know."

[9:16 PM] DM: She holds her finger out next to yours. "The ruby doesn't look very good against pink, I think... but your silver ring does. Where'd you get that?"

[9:17 PM] Seirixori: "Oh, Gunnloda gave it to me! The... the dwarf downstairs." Seir smiles.

[9:22 PM] DM: "Are you betrothed too?"

[9:26 PM] Seirixori: Seir hesitates to answer, but she shrugs, "Sure. Definitely. She's great and really nice and she makes really good food..." Seir trails off, stopping herself, because this was not at all what she came up here for, "Anyway... so uh... what's this Prince like anyway?"

[9:27 PM] DM: "He's just... perfect."

[9:27 PM] Seirixori: "Perfect? That's... it?"

[9:28 PM] DM: She shrugs. "How would you describe yours?"

[9:31 PM] Seirixori: Seir opens her mouth to respond, but closes it when words don't come out, "Yeah, that's... That about sums it up." She clears her throat, "What uh, where does he live?"

[9:32 PM] DM: "Well, he has a castle, but he's not always there. He was traveling."

[9:38 PM] Seirixori: "Ok, but... like what ... kingdom is he part of? Princes have kingdoms right?"

[9:39 PM] DM: She thinks for a second. "I don't know. I didn't ask."

[9:41 PM] Seirixori: "Right..." Seir just looks at her disbelieving. "You'd like to see him again, right?"

[9:41 PM] DM: "Of course. He'll find me, I'm sure. He's so powerful."(edited)

[9:42 PM] Seirixori: "That's... great." Seirixori takes a deep breath, "Well, I can find him for you, if you'd like. But... I'd have to borrow the ring for a few minutes, if that's ok?"

[9:43 PM] DM: "Can you really?" She lights up, but then frowns. "I don't want to take it off, though. What if you drop it or it gets lost or he can't find me?"

[9:47 PM] Seirixori: "I swear I won't lose it, I'll treasure it like my own. It will come to no harm." Seir sighs, "And... if he's as powerful as you say, he'll be able to find you anyway. That's how.. how uh... love works right?"

[9:48 PM] DM: She pulls her hand back, shaking her head, a furrow in her brow deeper than before. "I don't want to take it off."(edited)

[9:49 PM] Seirixori: "What's wrong with taking it off?" Seir pulls her own ring off, "It's... nothing happens to it see?" She waves it around a little and then slips it back on.

[9:50 PM] DM: "I don't want to, ok? Just... maybe you should leave."

[9:51 PM] Seirixori: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, are you sure you don't want me to find him?" Seir casts Charm Person.

[9:52 PM] DM: "I don't need you to find him. He'll find me. He said so."

[9:55 PM] Seirixori: Seir curses under her breath, "Yes well, none of this even sounds right! I hope this works, why do I keep doing these things?" Seir takes a breath before shifting into a giant spider... and attempts to use web on Misha.

[9:56 PM] DM: She is restrained.

[9:58 PM] Seirixori: Seir goes to take the ring off her finger.

[9:58 PM] DM: When you start pulling it, Misha starts screaming out in pain.

[3:54 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori stops and looks confused, before reaching for it again and pulls at it, but only to see if happens again.

[3:55 PM] DM: It does. Seems like trying (and I say trying because the ring's not moving) but trying to take it off causes immense pain.

[4:00 PM] Seirixori: "I knew there was something weird happening, but what the hells do I do about this?" she grumbles. "sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, this won't even budge." Seir tries to ignore the scream of pain but it's too much and she just stops, "Why do I do these things by myself all the time!?!?!"

[4:01 PM] DM: Misha's just crying, stuck inside this web. "Please, please stop. It feels like you're taking my finger off."

[4:02 PM] Seirixori: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Goddess that might even be an actual option," Seir whispers to herself, "But this isn't normal, can't you see that?"

[4:04 PM] DM: "Maybe it's just too small, but whatever it is... please? Please stop."

[4:07 PM] Seirixori: "It wouldn't hurt that much if it was too small," Seir starts pacing, unsure of what to do now. "You need help and why the hell do we keep running into f*cking assholes!?"

[4:08 PM] DM: You hear very rapid footsteps coming down the hall.

[4:10 PM] Seirixori: "Oh... right, this could be very good or very bad..." Seir cringes but goes to the door and opens it.

[4:12 PM] DM: Cae's rushing up and when she sees you, she skids to a stop. Her face is flushed, more than it should be from just coming upstairs. "What are you doing? Where's Misha?"

[4:14 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori takes a deep breath and starts talking, very fast, "Ok, ok, this isn't what it looks like. Or maybe... no. I thought something was weird with the ring and then I asked her about the Prince and she doesn't even know what he's a Prince of and then I tried to get her to give me the ring but she wouldn't so I tried to take it and she started screaming and there's something wrong with that ring and...and I don't know what to do."(edited)

[4:18 PM] DM: She just pushes forward into you so she can look in the room, and when she sees her daughter, trapped in a web and crying in near hysterics, she spins around and shoves you back against a wall, pinning you with a forearm across your collarbones.

[4:21 PM] DM: "You come into my house and assault my daughter? You shouldn't even be here."

[4:24 PM] Seirixori: "Of course I shouldn't be here! But your wife waited too f*cking long to do something about the asshole gnome so I am here and I saved your gods damn wife, and you, and I'm telling you something is wrong with that damn ring on your daughter's finger and it's going to get her killed!" She's breathing hard and it's taking her everything to not get angrier.

[4:30 PM] DM: She slams her hand into the wall next to you and looks down at you, near growling herself. "You don't get to talk about my family like that, tiefling. You don't get to come into my house and put your hands on my daughter--"

About this time, you hear Eloise's voice coming from the stairs. "Cae! What are you doing?"

Cae doesn't take her eyes off you, but she says to Eloise, "Misha's room. Go help her."

[4:35 PM] Seirixori: "You're not listening" Seir shakes her head, she can feel it this time, now that's she concentrating so hard not to lose herself to her anger, "if you don't believe me, you try to take it off! And I'll leave your stupid family alone and never come back here if I'm wrong." she growls.

[4:40 PM] DM: Eloise slips past the two of you into MIsha's room and you can hear her... very vocal reaction to what she sees. There's a brief pause where you can sort of see her trying to free Misha, over Cae's shoulder, and she comes back out, tears in her eyes. "Let her out of there. Now."

[4:43 PM] Seirixori: "Try to take off the ring first," Seir growls, still staring at Cae, "You won't have to see me again if you just try it, just once."

[4:47 PM] DM: Misha: "Please don't. It hurts so much."

Eloise: "Be careful, Cae. She's... angry and turns into animals."

Cae's lip curls a little. "Then we'll have something in common. I believe my wife, my gods damn wife as you said, told you to do something and when the Baroness tells you to do something, you f*cking listen. Release her."

[4:52 PM] Seirixori: Seir continues to stare, her breathing more labored, but she isn't angry, she's trying not to cry, "Fine." Her breath hitches and the tears spill down her face in spite of her reluctance to let them, "Fine...fine." She looks to Eloise. "Let-- let your family die then. What do, what do I care." She hiccups and struggles to get out of Cae's grasp.

[4:55 PM] DM: You slip free of her grasp.

[4:57 PM] Seirixori: "I'm sorry, I was just... I just wanted to help you, sh*t." Seir mutters, wiping her eyes, "Why do I try?" She runs out of the room.

[4:58 PM] DM: You hear Cae and Eloise both shout after you, "Stop!" and "Get back here!" And you can hear one of them, probably Cae, giving chase down the hall.

[5:01 PM] Seirixori: Seir shifts into a tiger and takes off.

[5:01 PM] DM: I assume out of the mansion? Where to?

[5:02 PM] DM: When you burst out of the doors, you see Gunnloda just kind of waiting at the fountain. She looks up, confused.

[5:05 PM] Seirixori: Seir pauses, whimpers, and gives Gunnloda a small and a lingering stare. She takes off again, towards the grove, making her way as far back as it goes, staying in her tiger form, hoping that if anyone comes looking she can hide from them.(edited)

[5:07 PM] DM: As far as you can tell... you get away. For now.

Session 32[]

So. It's an hour or two after you left the mansion to go to sleep. You left the others downstairs to get some rest, but found yourself unable to close your eyes.

[4:28 PM] Ryleigh: "I should have known sleep wouldn't be my ally tonight, not after everything...." she rolls out of bed and puts her armor on, then heads downstairs.

[4:30 PM] DM: As you come out of your room, you see a woman walking in, still tightening her leather pauldrons. She has the Moonstream crest on her tabard. "Ah, I was looking for you. Captain Usan wants you. He's next door, at the mansion."

[4:32 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh raises an eyebrow and asks, "me?" and checks to make sure no one is standing behind her.

[4:34 PM] DM: She nods. "Yeah, you're the only one not staying at the mansion. Something happened and he wants everyone he can get."

[4:35 PM] Ryleigh: "very well, we can head there now." Ryleigh looks at the woman with concern.

[4:45 PM] DM: She leads you over to the mansion. There's now a man in leather armor standing outside the door like he's on guard. She takes you inside and to the right, to a hall you haven't been down. There's a whole section of the mansion there with a small barracks, a set of cells, and a handful of offices. Captain Usan, the scarred man who led the caravan down here, is standing there, waiting. The Mirranite, another Moonstream guard, and two more militia members are waiting as well. Once you and the other guard enter, he nods his greetings. "We've been asked to provide some assistance to the Moonstreams tonight. Someone assaulted their daughter. We're not to pursue, but to keep watch on the area and capture her if she returns."

As he finishes his statement, he sees Eloise approaching and gestures for you all to wait. He steps into the hall and there's a short conversation before he returns.

"Change of plans. We need to go round up all of her... associates. Bring them to the mansion until things get figured out."

He nods at the guard who escorted you here and the Mirranite. "You two, go check the Cask. The half-orc and anyone else with her."

He points at the other three. "You go check the grove. Some of them were seen headed that way."

And as the others filter out, he steps up to you. "Where do your loyalties lie, Asten?"(edited)

[4:49 PM] Ryleigh: "I won't deny that I've been aiding them in restoring this city. That is why Riverrun sent me. However, I also won't draw any conclusions until I know the whole truth."

[4:51 PM] Ryleigh: "You said that MIsha was assaulted? Is Eloise in any mood to speak with me about the event? That is...if she is willing, of course."

[4:55 PM] DM: Usan: "It's not my place to ask her. I just need to know whether you are going into the room with or without your weapons."

[5:02 PM] Ryleigh: "I am here to do what is best for the people of this city, that includes the Moonstreams. I wish to know the truth about the events this evening. I can promise that I will not initiate any violence."

[5:05 PM] DM: Usan: "And if you're told to take them into custody? Lock them in that cell over there?"

[5:06 PM] Ryleigh: "If they are deserving of such punishment, then yes, for I also have a duty that is higher than my personal interest."

[5:09 PM] DM: He eyes you for a moment. "I want you in the dining hall. Just know I have my eye on you."

[5:11 PM] Ryleigh: She gives him a slight bow, "I would expect nothing less from you Captain." Ryleigh walks to the dining hall, taking adeep breath as she goes.


You're in the grove, settling down to sleep and trance when you hear motion. Footsteps and voices coming your way.

[5:00 PM] Nolanos: "Huh wha-" Nolanos mumbles sleepily, sitting up

[5:01 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine gets on her knees and tries to find the source of the sounds

[5:01 PM] Ravaphine: "Did you hear that" she whispers

[5:02 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos quickly wakes up a bit more and gets on his feet as well. "I think so... whats going on?" He whispers in return.

[5:03 PM] Ravaphine: She pulls him behind a tree to try to hide while still peering over to the source

[5:07 PM] DM: You guys see three people, a human woman in a Moonstream tabard, a human man, and a half-elf man, all in leather armor with shortswords at their hips. They seem to be looking for someone.

[5:09 PM] DM: "Do you see anything?"

"No, it's dark as hell out here."

"I think Hell's probably not that dark..."

[5:11 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos listens intently, not moving at all, trying to gather more information

[5:12 PM] DM: Maybe 30' right now? They're spread out a bit, like they're trying to scan as much as they can.

[5:13 PM] DM: They are moving generally in your direction.

[5:14 PM] DM: It's like they're being quiet enough to sneak up on someone, but every now and then forget they're looking for people and say something.

[5:15 PM] Ravaphine: "Should we try to mess with them, or try to talk to them" Rav whispers to Nolanos

[5:16 PM] Nolanos: "Talking seems like the better solution, in the long term," he whispers back

[5:17 PM] Nolanos: "Ready?"

[5:17 PM] Ravaphine: She nods. "Ready"

[5:19 PM] Nolanos: He takes in a breath and, making sure to step on a twig, or make some sort of noise, he steps out from behind the tree, and addresses the search party. "Oh, hi there... Lovely night, right?"(edited)

[5:21 PM] Ravaphine: Rav comes out from behind the tree as well. "The stars are so beautiful out tonight, Nolanos! Look and there's the moon -oh! I guess we aren't alone here tonight. Hello" she waves

[5:22 PM] DM: They all reach for their weapons, but don't draw. The one with the Moonstream crest speaks, "Your presence is requested at the mansion. Immediately."

[5:23 PM] Ravaphine: "Is everything okay?"

[5:23 PM] Nolanos: "Is something wrong? Is everyone okay?" Nolanos asks, immediately worried

[5:27 PM] DM: She repeats herself. "Your presence is requested at the mansion immediately."

[5:28 PM] Nolanos: "Ok?" A bit unsettled, Nolanos reaches for Ravs hand and walks to the mansion.

[5:29 PM] Ravaphine: She walks next to himtowards the mansion


[4:53 PM] DM: As you pause at the door to say good night, you hear the sound of armor outside and a door swing open. Before you can really place the sound, you hear a thumping at the door you're standing at. A metallic thump like a gauntlet on wood. Malica shrinks back at the noise.

[4:54 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak freezes, unsure of how to handle what she knows to be armed guards. All her equipment is in her room. She puts a hand to the door and turns "Malica," she whispers "Get in the bed."

[4:56 PM] DM: She looks confused for a second, but does.

[4:56 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She opens the door a crack and puts on her best tired voice "Hullo. Can I help ye...?"

[4:57 PM] DM: Outside is the steel-covered woman you'd encountered before, outside the temple, and a guard in leathers with the Moonstream crest on her chest. The paladin moves to push the door open further. "You're wanted back at the mansion."

[4:58 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She pushes back a bit on the door "Come now y've just woken me an' my wife ere and yer tellin me I gotta drop everythin' and head t' where did ye say? The mansion?"

[5:03 PM] DM: Tor pushes the door open. She shoves it open hard enough to push you back a bit and reaches for her sword, but doesn't draw it. "I'm only going to say it once more. You and your "wife". Mansion. Now."

There are no windows on the second floor.

[5:05 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Alright now, let's relax a bit..." she holds her hands out in front of her to distance herself from the paladin. She looks back at Malica, a look of concern on her face, "We'll come with ye. Just...don't hurt her."

[5:10 PM] DM: She steps back from the door and gestures for you both to move.

[5:10 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak holds out her hand to Malica, giving a reassuring nod.

[5:11 PM] DM: Malica follows, shying away from the very intimidating looking steel-woman as you pass her.

[5:13 PM] DM: The Moonstream guard takes the lead with the Mirranite walking behind you, watching you for threats, and they take you towards the mansion. Outside, there's a man in leather armor standing at the door to the mansion like he's on guard.

[5:14 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak looks around, taking in the whole scene, her mind working a million miles a minute to figure out what in the Hells is happening. "Can I ask what exactly's goin' on?"

[5:16 PM] DM: They lead you into the dining hall where you haddinner just a couple hours prior.

All together now[]

[5:22 PM] DM: Ryleigh walks out of the side hall just in time to see Urrak, wearing just her traveling clothes, and Malica being escorted into the dining hall by the MIrranite and the leather-clad Moonstream guard who had summoned her.

There's a man in chain mail with the Moonstream crest on his tabard, Captain Usan, following Ryleigh in, and as you all enter, you see Gunnloda, still in her armor, but without her shield or weapons, looking distraught sitting in one of the chairs.

[5:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I been standin' here long enough. What in the 9 Hells is goin' on?" Urrak looks visibly stressed

[5:24 PM] Ryleigh: "Urrak, you need to calm down. Misha was assaulted and since we were the last in the house, I assume they need to question us."

[5:24 PM] DM: The guard gestures for you to fully enter the room and steps aside. The Mirranite takes a position next to the door.

[5:25 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Misha was what now? Assaulted? By who? I'll kick their ass if it lets me sleep." She walks into the room as instructed

[5:27 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Gettin' yanked outta bed in the middle o' night... with--" she grumbles but stops herself

[5:28 PM] DM: Usan: "Might as well take a seat."

He glances at Ryleigh and the other paladin, giving the Mirranite a look, then exits the room.

[5:29 PM] DM: Malica walks over towards where Gunnloda's sitting and sits across from her.

[5:29 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak takes a seat and crosses her arms

[5:32 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh doesn't sit, she also doesn't immediately join the group, but choosing to stand a little ways from them, still armed and armored.

[5:31 PM] DM: After a few more minutes, another group of three, a guard and two militia members, escort Ravaphine and Nolanos inside. The armored woman steps forward and starts taking your weapons from Nolanos and Ravaphine, anything that's visible.

[5:31 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I got nothin' fer ya." she holds her hands up in a kind of 'See?' gesture(edited)

[5:33 PM] Ravaphine: "What....what is happening. Why are you taking our things" Rav says, but complies

[5:34 PM] Nolanos: "Will someone please explain whats going on?"

[5:34 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos lets the armored woman take what she will and stands near a wall

[5:34 PM] Ryleigh: "Listen, because I'm positive I'll be more polite then they will. Misha was assaulted, and I'm assuming they need to speak with us, since we were just here." She waits, still separated from the group, "I promised that I wouldn't initiate any violence and if one of us is responsible.." she sighs, "I said I would uphold what punishment was handed out."

[5:35 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Well that's comfortin'"

[5:36 PM] Nolanos: "How did this happen? Wait, where's Seirixori?"

[5:36 PM] Ravaphine: "Misha?? Is she okay? This family has been through enough."

[5:36 PM] DM: You don't see the Moonstreams.

[5:37 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Misha... will be ok. Come, sit."

[5:37 PM] Ryleigh: "They wouldn't tell me if she was or wasn't alright."

[5:37 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine pulls up a seat next to Gunnloda

[5:37 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh looks puzzled, "wait, how do you know that?"

[5:38 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "What kind of daft bastard assaults aristocracy? There's guards all over this place"(edited)

[5:38 PM] DM: Cae strolls in, a bow in hand and suited in her armor and cloak. She looks around and says, "None of them leave this room until I return."

[5:39 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh's eye narrow at Cae but she says nothing.

[5:40 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I ain't tryin' t' be difficult but could ye just tell us who this idiot was so we can get him quick? I've had some f*ckin' rough days and I'd like t' get back t' sleepin'." Urrak stands with her arms still folded(edited)

[5:41 PM] DM: Cae frowns. "Look around and take a guess." She turns to see Usan following her back inside the room. "None of them." Then she walks out.

[5:42 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Look around what are ye'..." she does, and soon realizes who isn't there

[5:42 PM] Ravaphine: Rav surveys the room and makes eye contact with Urrak, knowing

[5:42 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "That daft, bleedin' de--Tiefling." her hands lower to her sides and turn slowly into fists

[5:44 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh sighs defeatedly, her suspicions confirmed.(edited)

[5:45 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Is there a f*ckin' reason we keep dealin' with her bullsh*t?" She turns to the group, face getting visibly red "She's put us all in danger!"

[5:46 PM] Ravaphine: "Urrak please, we're all trying here. Maybe she was just trying to help in her own Seir way"

[5:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "She even dragged C--Malica int' all of this!" She attempts to calm herself a bit by pacing

[5:46 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "She's dangerous...unhinged."(edited)

[5:48 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I'm not puttin' my life on the line for some kid with n-no impulse control!" she's visibly sweating as she yells(edited)

[5:48 PM] Ravaphine: "She does everything with a purpose!" Rav stands, trying not to escalate the situation. "Purposes we might not understand now, but she does it for all of us."

[5:48 PM] Ryleigh: "She's put herself in danger, Urrak. She's only inconvenienced us," Ryleigh places a hand on Urrak's shoulder, "We don't know what happened yet, try to calm down until the anger is warranted."(edited)

[5:49 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Well it'd be nice t' be informed once and awhile..." she tries to relax, but looks away from Ryleigh

[5:50 PM] Ravaphine: "It's frustrating not knowing. I doubt Seir is the only person who has secrets around here" Rav says as she sits back down(edited)

[5:43 PM] Ravaphine: Rav whispers to Gunnloda, "It's not true right? There has to be a misunderstanding? We all know how she likes to go off on her own sometimes"

[5:50 PM] DM: Gunnloda sighs, looking at her hands. "She... never came back after she left. I was waiting outside for her in case she'd gone somewhere else, when I saw a tiger burst out of the mansion doors, followed by Cae. Cae... she thinks Seirixori attacked Misha. Misha was charmed, stuck in a spider's web, and just... crying hysterically. She said the pink tiefling was trying to steal her ring."

[5:52 PM] Ravaphine: "That just sounds riddiculous. Knowing Seir, she was probably just trying to help Misha snap out of her charm but with a little bad luck thrown in"

[5:52 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Well it ain't like tigers grow on trees around here...Or pink folk for that matter." she bows her head "f*ck. I can't believe this sh*t."

[5:53 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh shakes her head, "she didn't strike me as the type to hurt someone for information..."

[5:53 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "I'm sorry. It's my fault you're all here tonight. I just... I didn't want to believe it, so I offered to find her and... Cae must have thought I'd help her escape or something so she decided we needed to be controlled."(edited)

Ryleigh's stance shifts at the word 'controlled'

[5:54 PM] Ravaphine: "Will Cae hurt her?"

[5:54 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I'm certainly gonna."

[5:55 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine tilts her head and shoots Urrak a look

[5:55 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "I don't know. She's... how would you feel if you found your daughter stuck in a web, crying?"

[5:56 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Don't eyeball me wizard, this ain't the time!" she points a finger at Rav

[5:56 PM] Ravaphine: "Why are you so upset about this, Urrak. We aren't going to be hurt or injured. They just want answers."

[5:56 PM] Ryleigh: "let's hope thats all they want" she says to Ravaphine.(edited)

[5:57 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I'm upset cuz unlike the rest o' ye, I have people t' protect. And t' do that, I need t' be breathin' which, if things keep goin' the way they are, I won't be cuz a certain pink fool dragged me int'a more trouble than I asked for."

[6:00 PM] Ryleigh: "We don't have the entire story yet and jumping to conclusions is getting everyone upset. We need to wait until Seir is here and hear what happened. The truth is somewhere in between the two stories."

[6:01 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She turns to Ryleigh "The girl was a tiger last she was seen. She could be anywhere by now."(edited)

[6:04 PM] Ryleigh: "I have a feeling she didn't go far. Unless she is entirely guilty."

[6:05 PM] DM: Gunnloda stands up and moves to a seat at the other end of the table, away from all the yelling. She drops her head into her hand.

[6:06 PM] Ravaphine: "I wish we could go out and find her. Getting confronted by authority won't fare well"(edited)

[6:06 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak sighs "Aye, she'll just run from soldiers."

[6:07 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Maybe Gunnloda could..." she stops herself after looking over to the dwarf. "Er...perhaps Nolanos. He's the least threatenin'."(edited)

[6:09 PM] Ryleigh: "They wouldn't allow us to leave. They even took Gunnloda's weapons - trust is clearly in short supply."

[6:10 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh walks over to Tor and stands next to her.(edited)

[6:13 PM] DM: She doesn't move.

[6:14 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak walks over and sits next to Malica. She folds her arms on the table and whispers "Sorry..." but keeps her eyes on Ryleigh, trying to guess her scheme

[6:14 PM] DM: Malica pats Urrak's arm but stays silent.

[6:15 PM] Ravaphine: Rav walks up to the closest guard. "Excuse me, guard, may I use the restroom?"

[6:15 PM] DM: "No."

[6:21 PM] Ryleigh: Eventually Ryleigh moves from Tor and takes a seat next to Gunnloda, just silently being there.

[6:21 PM] DM: You all settle in mostly for a bit, quiet conversation and dozing in your chairs. You can count this as a short rest if you have anything that recharges. Usan comes and goes, sometimes telling some of the guards to go somewhere else or do something else.

[6:22 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak is 100% asleep on the table


[4:59 PM] Seirixori: Seir's rushing through the trees, not paying attention to the passing time or area so when her tiger shape drops, she stumbles and falls, narrowly missing a tree. She doesn't get up, her breath ragged from the run and the tears still falling down her face. She's sure she ruined everything. There's no going back after that, she knows the look Cae was giving her. She's seen it enough.

She spends several minutes with her head in her hands, trying frantically to think of what to do. She could just run, just keep running, not turning back. Stay in the forest in Limabey when she gets teleported back. Just stay where she can't cause anymore trouble, she deserves the names and the looks the druids will give her when she stays in their presence far longer than she usually does.

Maybe she'll try and go back and go find her mother. Sneak her way back in and go through the portal, taking her own trinket so no one can find her, and leave Poni in the basem*nt. She pulls out some paper and charcoal, the things she used when making maps when she wandered the Limabey forest and starts writing a couple notes and shoves them in one of her pockets when she's done.

Gunnloda...Gunnlodaand Stool. She can't leave them.She can't. Even if... even if Gunnloda is tired of her sh*t.

She starts crying harder, something she didn't know was possible, and she starts removing the cloak Urrak gave her, the studded leather armor Eloise let her have, the ring they got from Zunis. She pulls out the potions that were in her pouches. She reaches for the notes, but leaves them because they are only if she were leaving. Anything she ever got with her friends and sets them in a pile, stepping away so they're out of reach.

Seirixori leans against a tree, her head aching and her chest hurting. She closes her eyes and waits. She didn't try to hide the way she ran. So she's just going to wait, wait and face what she did, because she just wants to see them one more time.

[5:03 PM] Seirixori: She fidgets with the ring Gunnloda gave her. Not sure if she'll be able to keep it.

[6:02 PM] DM: Cae's voice calls out from somewhere behind you after you've been sitting there for some time. "Let me see your hands, tiefling."

[6:03 PM] Seirixori: Seir's shoulders sag and she hesitantly slips the ring back on. "I'm sorry," she whispers, but does as Cae says.

[6:05 PM] DM: "Do you have any weapons on you?"

[6:06 PM] Seirixori: "No. Everything I had is over there."

[6:07 PM] DM: She circles around to where she's in your line of sight. She's got an arrow knocked and drawn on her bow. "You're not running."

[6:08 PM] Seirixori: "I... no."

[6:09 PM] DM: "Are you going to make me shoot you? Believe me, I'd like to."

[6:10 PM] Seirixori: Seir shrugs, she hasn't looked up, "I-- I wouldn't stop you."

[6:12 PM] DM: She loosens the draw on the string, but keeps the arrow in place. "Start walking. Back to the mansion."

[6:13 PM] Seirixori: Seir stands, a little shaky, andstarts walking.

[6:23 PM] DM: After a few hours, there's motion at the door again as Seirixori, wearing nothing more than her clothes, walks through the door, Cae right behind her with an arrow nocked to her bow.

[6:23 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine starts to draw a smiley face on Urrak's face with her quill but it scratches her face and Urrak jerks awake

[6:24 PM] Ravaphine: She gasps lightly and sits back down.

[6:25 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Hmm? What's goin' on?" her vision snaps back into focus and soon she sees Seirixiori. She bolts up and says darkly "You."(edited)

[6:25 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh places a hand on Gunnloda's shoulder and whispers, "she's here." Then stands.

[6:26 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori flinches slightly, but her heads down and she doesn't look up.

[6:52 PM] DM: Gunnloda looks up, but doesn't move.

[6:53 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine looks over at Seir and Cae

[6:53 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak starts to slowly walk towards Seirixiori, rage plain in her face(edited)

[6:54 PM] DM: Usan holds out his hand. "Don't come any closer."

[6:54 PM] Ravaphine: "What's going on"

[6:55 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak stops. She huffs a quick breath out of her nose. "If ye live, we ain't done."

[6:55 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: She walks off again

[6:57 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh looks past Seirixori and addresses Cae, "are we waiting for Eloise and Misha to join us?"

[6:59 PM] DM: Cae's eye twitches a little, like she was going to give Ryleigh a look but turns to Usan. "Captain, see that this one is put in the cell. I'll return shortly."

[7:00 PM] DM: Cae walks out, her cloak flashing out behind her. Usan jerks his head to Ryleigh. "Come on then. You heard her."

[7:01 PM] Ravaphine: "Ryleigh, what's going on? Why are you doing this"

[7:03 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh takes a deep breath, "I said I would do what needs to be done, but only if she were found guilty. She is clearly unarmed, there is no reason to jail her yet." She waits a moment then says, "I will escort her to where the trial will be held."

[7:04 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak yells from the back of the room "She's a magic user! What's she need arms fer?"

[7:05 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh gives Urrak a look and turns her attention back to Usan.

[7:05 PM] DM: Tor takes a step forward. "Is there a problem, Asten?"

[7:06 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: *a soft raspberry sounds in the distance*

[7:09 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh looks at Tor, "Law and order, Mirranite. We should hear testimony of the accusations against her. I will escort her to the jail IF we are not doing the trial here. Otherwise, does she not have the right to recount her side?"

[7:10 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh does take several steps forward, arms open, in a non-threatening way.

[7:11 PM] Seirixori: "Ry- Ryleigh, please, just do it," Seir's voice is hoarse, "It doesn't matter, it... it just doesn't matter."

[7:11 PM] DM: Usan: "Lady Moonstream gave an order. It will be done."

[7:12 PM] Ravaphine: "Stay strong, Seir. Don't give up, please. We'll fix this."

[7:14 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh grits her teeth, "Alright, I don't want any trouble. I just wanted to ensure her rights won't be forgotten because of Lady Moonstream's emotions for her daughter." She moves next to Seir and starts towards the direction of the jail.

[7:15 PM] Seirixori: "I'm sorry," Seir says, looking up for the first time, but in Gunnloda's direction.

[7:16 PM] DM: She's still sitting at the end of the table, watching.

[7:17 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak just stares. She mumbles something to Malica, and folds her arms on the table again.

[7:19 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh almost places a hand on Seir's shoulder, then stops, "Serixori, would you please come with me to the jail to await trial? I do not wish to take you by force."

[7:20 PM] Seirixori: "I was just trying to help," she whispers, and then nods, going with Ryleigh.

[7:21 PM] DM: So you two head out of the room

[7:21 PM] DM: Usan follows after looking at Tor and jerking his head towards the rest of you.


[7:22 PM] DM: Once out of the room, you go left to the side of the mansion nobody's explored yet. There's two cells in one of the open spaces there, the doors shut but unlocked.

[7:24 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh walks over to the cell door and opens it, gesturing for Seirixori to walk in, "I don't know how you landed yourself here Seirixori" and shakes her head.

[7:24 PM] DM: Usan follows, but he watches from the doorway.

[7:25 PM] Seirixori: "The ring. Please, just... get someone to check it." She walks in and just sits on the floor, staring at her hands.

[7:27 PM] Ryleigh: "The ring? Misha's? What about it?" Ryleigh whispers and she makes a show of locking the cell.

[7:27 PM] Seirixori: "I tried to pull it off, that's what...," she sighs, "I tried to take it off and she screamed, like it hurt her."

[7:29 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh nods her head so Seir knows she understands what needs to be done, "I can't promise anything, but I'll do everything I can to help Seir. Just think about how you could have done this differently...try and learn from this, won't you?"

[7:33 PM] Seirixori: "That's why I came back. I... I know I messed up, I know. If..." she wipes the tears that start streaming down her face, "If they make me leave or..." she pulls out a couple notes from a pocket. "Can you give these to them. One's... one's for all of you the other..." she trails off, one clearly has Gunnloda's name on it. "I wrote them when I thought I was going to leave but I guess it's still the same."

[7:34 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh goes to take the paper but hesitates and turns to Usan, "may I? it's just letters to her friends?"(edited)

[7:35 PM] DM: He frowns, but nods.

[7:36 PM] Ryleigh: She takes the papers, "I'll do what I can, Seir." Ryleigh sighs then says, "but I am so disappointed in you. You've put your life at risk, and you should learn to value it more for those who care for you." She starts walking to the door.(edited)

[7:38 PM] Seirixori: Seir nods and just fidgets with the ring on her hand, ignoring the tears still on her face.

[7:38 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh walks back towards the others.


[7:22 PM] Ravaphine: "May we...leave now?"

[7:23 PM] DM: Tor: "No."

[7:24 PM] Ravaphine: "What else can we help with?"

[7:24 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "So what we're jus' stuck 'ere? Being....not-prisoners?"

[7:25 PM] Ravaphine: "If we could just talk to the Moonstreams, I'm sure there has just been a misunderstanding."

[7:25 PM] DM: Eloise and Cae walk in.

[7:25 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Save it Rav, the tin can only seems t' know one word. Oh and speak o' devils."

[7:26 PM] Ravaphine: "Speak of the devil" she whispers

[7:26 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak tilts her head in mild interest at the Moonstreams.

[7:26 PM] DM: Cae: "A misunderstanding? What about mind control and webs and being uninvited in my daughter's room is a misunderstanding?"

[7:27 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak stands and walks towards them, being cautious not to get too close "The part where none of us even knew that mad woman was pullin' that sh*t."

[7:28 PM] DM: Cae: "That's why you're here. To make sure you didn't help her escape and to determine if anyone else was aware of what was happening."

[7:29 PM] Ravaphine: "Please, Cae, Eloise. When we went to go save Misha from where she got teleported, I noticed some sort of....curse or charm in where she was. Seir was probably just trying to help. She never tells us where she's going, so we didn't know what she was going to do. Children don't just get engaged to strange men they don't know. Didn't that seem quite odd to you?"(edited)

[7:30 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "...Y'did say she hates fancy dresses, Eloise."

[7:32 PM] DM: Cae steps forward again. "I'm sorry. Are you trying to argue that there is a reason valid enough to enter my daughter's room without anyone's knowledge, charm her, web her, and then assault her to the point that I heard her screaming in pain?"

[7:32 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I ain't tryin' to argue anythin'. The tiefling's mad. But she..." Urrak sighs begrudgingly "She may have a solid motive at least."

[7:34 PM] Ravaphine: "The way Seirixori approached it was less than ideal, and there are more ways to do things than in secret. I do hope Misha is okay, but maybe there was a purpose to the visit"

[7:39 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh walks back into the main room, her eyes settling on Cae and Eliose.

[7:40 PM] Ravaphine: "I apologize for any grief this has caused. We're all just kind of lost, and wanting to help others. Please don't think any differently of this group. Our intentions are still the same" she says sadly

[7:42 PM] DM: Eloise: "Did any of you know what she was planning to do?"

[7:43 PM] Nolanos: "I know I didn't..."

[7:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Y'think I'd've let her if I did? Great Gruumsh...."

[7:43 PM] Ravaphine: Rav stares at her hands and shakes her head slowly. "She didn't tell us where she was going"

[7:45 PM] Ryleigh: "Seirixori said that she went to your daughter's because she believed her to be under a curse. I am not excusing her actions, because they were wrong, especially after you graciously invited us into your home." Ryleigh steps closer, "We were all unaware of her actions, however, we all believe that she did not intentionally mean to hurt your daughter." She looks at Eloise, "when I pulled your daughter from that place she was in a sort of trance. Has she been acting abnormally?"(edited)

[7:47 PM] DM: Eloise: "Of course she has. What has been normal today?"

[7:51 PM] Ryleigh: "But what if it isn't about today? What if its bigger than that. what if he comes for her?" She squeezes her eyes shut and then looks at the Moonstreams, "Eloise, Cae...have you asked her about him? because we took her and he may want her back. I believe Seirixori was thinking that too."

[7:56 PM] DM: Eloise looks at Cae who frowns. Gunnloda finally stands and approaches. "If... there's something wrong with it, I can call Kendall back to look. None of us wants Misha to be hurt. Let us help her. Please?"

[7:56 PM] Ravaphine: "Let us help. Please"

[7:57 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Seir's a dumbass but...she's our friend. And she means well...usually."(edited)

[7:57 PM] DM: Eloise nods at Gunnloda. "Call her."

Gunnloda pulls the stone from the pouch Ryleigh'd delivered to her and closes her eyes. The stone glows for a second, then goes dark again.

[7:58 PM] DM: Cae grumbles and walks out.

[8:04 PM] DM: It takes a couple minutes, but there's a spark and then a familiar halfling in Sovereign Host robes and a samurai hat pops into existence next to Gunnloda. She looks bleary-eyed and half-asleep.

Gunnloda reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you."

Kendall: "Of course, love. What's wrong?"

[8:05 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Misha. Can you... go see if there's anything wrong? If you can help her at all?"

[8:06 PM] DM: Eloise: "She's sleeping, but I'll take you up."

[8:08 PM] DM: Kendall glances around, a bit confused, back at Gunnloda, then follows Eloise out of the room.


[7:59 PM] DM: And Cae arrives over here. She walks up and puts her hands on the bars. "Why?"

[8:02 PM] Seirixori: Seir closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, "I just... I wasn't going to do anything, I swear. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't just making things up. I asked her about the Prince and she jsut... she doesn't even know what he's Prince of? And then I asked if I could see the ring and she freaked out when I asked her to give it me. So I just..." She's trying to slow down, she can tell she's talking too fast, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't..." she's crying again, "I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't know it was going to do that."

[8:06 PM] DM: Cae: "And you never thought to tell anyone else or talk to her mothers?"

[8:08 PM] Seirixori: She curls in on herself, "I'm not used to people listening to me," she whispers.

[8:10 PM] DM: Cae: "Your... what, lover? Girlfriend? Whoever she is to you is calling her friend. You'd best hope she finds something. And even if she does... don't think you're free and clear."

[8:12 PM] Seirixori: She nods sadly, more people to disappoint. "I...know," she says at the last comment.

[8:18 PM] DM: Cae sighs and turns to leave.


[8:09 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia peers in curiously as she walks in.

[8:10 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "We partying over here?"

[8:10 PM] Nolanos: "...Brimeia? How did you get in here?"

[8:10 PM] Nolanos: "I mean, hi. But also what?"

[8:10 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Ah, ravashing Ravaphine!" Brimeia tilts her head at Nolanos's question(edited)

[8:11 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "I walked through the door? What do you mean?"

[8:12 PM] Nolanos: "Just, we've kind of been on lockdown tonight. It's great to see you though, you're looking well."

[8:14 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Ah, thank you Nolanos. And you as well."

[8:13 PM] Ravaphine: "Brimeia! My friend. Please, guards. Let her sit with us here"

[8:13 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Oh, and.... who is this lovely vision? I think I've seen you a time or two, briefly?"

[8:13 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia looks over at Ryleigh

[8:13 PM] DM: Usan: "I don't care who walks in as long as you don't walk out. And leave your weapons with me."

[8:13 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Yer walkin' int'a a real hornet's nest, friend. And that there's Ryleigh." she points to the Paladin(edited)

[8:13 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "She's outta yer league." Urrak teases

[8:15 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh acknowledges Brimeia, "you have." Then winks at Urrak's comment.

[8:11 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh walks over to Gunnloda and hands her a peice of paper, "it's for you..." then walks over to Ravaphine and hands her a similar looking peice of paper, "From Seir, for you guys."

[8:14 PM] DM: Gunnloda takes it and looks, but tucks it away without reading it.

[8:13 PM] Ravaphine: Rav takes the paper from Ryleigh but realizes that it's not an appropriate time to read it yet so she puts it in her pocket

[8:17 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia glances around at all the papers passing. "What's all that about?"

[8:18 PM] Ravaphine: "Letters from Seir, to all of us. We should read them when we are....away from all of this"

[8:19 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia turns to Ravaphine. "Oh? Where is our fiery friend?"

[8:20 PM] Ravaphine: "She...she's in jail" Rav squeaks a bit at the end

[8:18 PM] Ryleigh: "Seirixori has been imprisoned for assaulting a teenager, who's mothers happen to be the rulers of this area. These" Ryleigh gestures to the papers, "are her notes to the team and Gunnloda, she said she wrote them when she thought she was going to run away from this."

[8:19 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "It's all a bit of a mess."(edited)

[8:20 PM] Ravaphine: "How have your last few days been at home?" she says, trying to change the subject

[8:20 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Jail?!" Brimeia looks aghast. "What for?"

[8:21 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Bri, she just explained it to ya." Urrak chuckles a bit

[8:21 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh looks around confused, "did I learn invisibility?" then smiles at her attempted joke.(edited)

[8:23 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos lightly laughs along with her

[8:23 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "She was probably focusin' more on yer pretty face than what ye were sayin'" Urrak playfully nudges Ryleigh's arm with her elbow

[8:25 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh quirks a playful eyebrow at Urrak's comment but doesn't comment further.

[8:26 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Ha, you know me too well, Urrak"

[8:27 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "Is... Seirixori going to be alright?"

[8:27 PM] Nolanos: "Hopefully... She's stepped in it pretty deep though."

[8:29 PM] Ravaphine: "Physically, yes. Her heart, it might be hurting for a little while"

[8:29 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Aye, here's hopin' Kendall can work her magic and fix all this." Urrak sighs, taking a moment to think and goes back over to Malica for a moment

[8:31 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Guess I'm still a pretty bad liar, eh?" She says softly to Malica, a mischevious smile on her face

[8:32 PM] DM: She looks up, confused. "That you cared about her or that you didn't?"

[8:33 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I do care about Seir, and truly I was angry with 'er. I was talkin' about the fiasco at the inn but, I suppose ye think I'm more cunnin' than I truly am."

[8:33 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "I'm...sorry ye got dragged int'a all this."

[8:34 PM] DM: Malica: "Oh... no, I don't think anyone would be fooled by the 'wife' claim. It's... ok. I just want to get out of here."

[8:35 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak laughs a bit louder than she expected "Yup, never was good at lyin'..." she takes a breath "I'll get you outta here. Don't worry. Then ye can go back t' bein'...low profile I suppose."


[8:31 PM] DM: After several minutes, Cae returns and starts unlocking the cell. "Let's go."

[8:32 PM] Seirixori: "Oh...are you sure?" She stands.

[8:33 PM] DM: She opens the door and gestures for you to start walking.

[8:33 PM] Seirixori: Seir walks out.


[8:35 PM] DM: After a few minutes, Eloise walks back in and sits at her desk. Kendall follows, and they're followed soon after by Cae and Seirixori. Cae walks Seir up to a spot in front of Eloise's desk, then walks around and stands behind her wife. Usan steps up behind Seirixori. Kendall stops next to Gunnloda.

[8:37 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh stands but doesn't move forward.

[8:40 PM] Ravaphine: Ravaphine just sits and stares at what's happening

[8:39 PM] DM: Eloise leans forward and drops a gold and ruby ring on the table in front of her.

[8:41 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: "what's going on?"

[8:41 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh shushes Brimeia.

[8:45 PM] Kyris - Brimeia: Brimeia leans toward Ravaphine. "I missed a lot, didn't I."

[8:41 PM] DM: Eloise: "Kendall said it's cursed. She managed to remove it without hurting Misha."

[8:42 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori's shoulders slump in relief, but she refuses to look up.

[8:42 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Holy sh*t."

[8:43 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak steps forward "How's Misha...?"

[8:44 PM] DM: Eloise: "She'll be... ok. In time. However..." she turns back to Seir. "It doesn't change what you did. Did you use a charm spell on my daughter?"

[8:46 PM] Seirixori: Seir cringes, "...Yes."

[8:46 PM] DM: Eloise: "Did you trap her in a web?"

[8:46 PM] Seirixori: "Yes." she whispers.

[8:47 PM] DM: Eloise: "Did you... hurt my daughter?"

[8:48 PM] Seirixori: "I... I didn't know it was going to do that."

[8:52 PM] DM: Eloise leans back in her chair with a tired sigh. "I'm... at a loss. I don't have my guard, my town is... deserted, dying. My wife is..." She shuts her eyes and shakes her head before sitting back up and looking at you with tears in her eyes. "I trusted you. I invited you into my home. I offered to equip you, to reward you. I had plans to speak to my sister about-- And now this. Bars won't hold you. As long as this... situation is in effect, you can't be jailed or exiled. I can't let this stand... but I don't know what I can do."

[8:55 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori closes her eyes, "I can... I can leave." She whispers. "Just... go into the forest whenever I... whenever I'm back here. Or stay in... stay in that basem*nt."

[8:55 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "And if ye...need someone t' sit awhile behind bars. I can do that for ye. I know nothin' of magic or any o' that nonsense, but I'm sure a strong spellcaster can keep me from dissappearin' for a time. Seir's too squishy for prison anyway." She laughs as she extends her pressed together wrists.

[8:57 PM] Seirixori: "What? No.. you... you didn't do anything."

[8:57 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Just...keep me alive. Like I said " she turns to Seirixiori and winks "We ain't done."(edited)

[8:59 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh steps forward, "what if she does serve jail time and we volunteer to rotate being on watch and we will be held responsible for her actions while she is imprisoned. This way your people recognize order is being maintained and you understand that we did not support the way she got her information."(edited)

[9:06 PM] DM: Eloise leans forward, elbow on the desk, rubbing the bridge of her nose like she's getting a headache. "I can't afford to let you all waste time on that when my people are suffering." She sighs heavily and looks up at Seir again. "Probation until the arch is completed. You are to do everything you can to assist in fixing the arch and bringing my people home. We will revisit this... issue at that time if you are not sent home immediately. Should you break my trust again before then... it will be execution. Do you understand and agree to these terms?"

[9:07 PM] Seirixori: "...yes."

[9:07 PM] Ravaphine: Rav nods to herself

[9:08 PM] DM: Eloise nods and stands. "Then please, all of you... leave my home."

[9:09 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos quietly stands and heads to the door, waiting for the rest of the group.

[9:09 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh gives a slight bow to the Moonstreams and then heads to the door.

[9:09 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak motions to Malica and follows

[9:10 PM] Ravaphine: "Yes ma'am. Back to our mission" Rav speedwalks to the door, but turns around. "Are we allowed to have our stuff back?"

[9:10 PM] DM: Everyone shuffles outside. The guards return to the guards' wing to go back to bed. Gunnloda and Kendall are talking quietly off to the side. Usan gives everyone their stuff back.

[9:10 PM] Seirixori: Seir walks to the fountain, sitting at it and staring at the water.

[9:11 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Well that was...somethin'." She places her hands on her hips. "Is everyone alright? At least as much as they can be?"(edited)

[9:14 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh looks up at the stars, "it's late, everyone should try to get some sleep." She walks over to Seirixori, "you should too."

[9:14 PM] DM: It's probably like... 4 am right now.

[9:14 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Y'don't have t' tell me twice..."

[9:15 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos quietly walks up to Seirixori, sitting next to her. He doesn't say anything for a moment thinking his words through. "...It hardly feels like tonight was even real... I know you had good intentions, just share those intentions with us, I guess. We're in this together, as friends."

[9:15 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: "Aye, what Nolanos said. We're supposed t' be a team."

[9:16 PM] Ravaphine: Rav sits on the ground next to seir and Nolanos. "Yes. One team one dream. We're all friends here. No one gets left behind, or forgotten"

[9:18 PM] Urrak D'Akshi - Half-Orc Fighter: Urrak stretches and yawns "I'm about t' pass out where I stand. I'll catch up with all of ye in the mornin'...or...late afternoon perhaps." She looks over to Malica "If ye'd like, I can escort ye back t' the Cask."

[9:18 PM] DM: Malica nods and goes with Urrak.

[9:20 PM] Ryleigh: After telling everyone to get some sleep, she says nothing more, but instead walks over to where Kendall and Gunnloda are.


[9:22 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh walks up to them and clears her throat.

[9:23 PM] DM: They look up at you, both looking very tired.

[9:26 PM] Ryleigh: "I wanted to apologize for needing your help so soon after your departure, Kendall." she waits a moment and then says to Gunnloda, "I'm also sorry if it seemed I was 'on the other side'..I care, I do. But I can't afford to make enemies with these people."

[9:29 PM] DM: Kendall yawns. "If she needs me, I'll be there."

Gunnloda: "You don't need to apologize to me, dear. I understand. Thank you for... what you did."

[9:33 PM] Ryleigh: Ryleigh gives them both a half smile, "I didn't do anything more than tell the truth and hoped they'd listen." She yawns and says, "I think we could all do with a few hours of sleep...." then starts walking away.

[9:34 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "Good night."


[9:18 PM] Seirixori: "Sorry..." Seir mumbles, still staring at the water, twisting the ring on her finger.

[9:19 PM] Nolanos: He then reaches into his bag and pulls out a small metal panther. "I made this one of my first nights here, after the incident with the lizardfolk. At the time, I planned to give it to you the next morning. You seemed to have had a rough day... Anyway, its meant as a show of friendship. I hope you'll accept it and let it remind you that you're not alone." He holds it out to Seirixori, waiting tentatively.

[9:20 PM] Seirixori: "I don't... I don't deserve that." she whispers, tears running down her face.

[9:21 PM] Ravaphine: Rav rubs Seir's knee and starts to make her way to the cask

[9:22 PM] Nolanos: "Of course you do. You deserve to have people in your life that care about you. This is just something to help you remember."

[9:23 PM] Seirixori: She takes it, still hesitant, "...thank you."

[9:24 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos smiles, "You're welcome. You're a good person, friend."

[9:25 PM] Seirixori: "I don't think everyone will agree with you..." she says more to herself, not moving, but staring at the panther and rubbing it lightly.

[9:26 PM] Nolanos: "Well, they're clearly morons and their opinions don't matter," he says, nudging her lightly

[9:27 PM] Seirixori: Seir nods, giving a small smile, "You should go get some sleep, I'm sorry for keeping you all up."

[9:30 PM] Nolanos: "It's quite alright. Well worth it to be here for a friend in need." Nolanos smiles warmly and stands. "Just try to get some rest, yeah? I know it might be hard considering what happened tonight, but try? Goodnight, Seir."

[9:32 PM] Seirixori: "Goodnight," Seir mutters, turning so she can sit fully and puts her face in her hands.

[9:39 PM] Nolanos: Nolanos takes a moment before quietly walking toward the Cask.

[9:38 PM] DM: After several more minutes of quiet conversation, Kendall and Gunnloda turn and start walking towards the temple.

[9:42 PM] Seirixori: Seir watches them go before standing up and heading towards them, "I..." She freezes because she has no idea what to say without crying, "I'm sorry. I didn't... I'm sorry." She says again, making sure she's a good few feet behind them.

[9:44 PM] DM: They stop and look back, then at each other. Kendall reaches out and squeezes Gunnloda's hand then keeps walking into the temple.

[9:50 PM] Seirixori: Seir doesn't move any closer and she closes her eyes, trying to will the tears to stop. "I... Sorry I didn't... I didn't tell you. I wasn't sure... I'm sorry." She repeats, not wanting to speak the real question she has.

[9:54 PM] DM: Gunnloda's chewing on her lip, opening her mouth to say something, then closing it. "I don't know what I can say."

[10:00 PM] DM: She frowns and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I... When the sun rises and Kendall's hat is ready, I'm going to go back to Vatru. At least... until I end up back here again."

[10:02 PM] Seirixori: Seir's breath catches in her throat. It was something she prepared for earlier but not like this, "I... Okay. Okay." She let's out a breath, catching at the last second and her voice breaks when she asks, "Did... Did you want it back?"

[10:07 PM] DM: She closes her eyes, trying to take steady breaths and maintain control of herself. "I don't... I don't understand why. Why couldn't you just... say something? I... I thought... I don't know what I thought. I don't want to control you. I don't want to make you someone you're not. But if this... if this is who you are..."

[10:11 PM] DM: Gunnloda: "You... you pounced on Urrak. You attacked a girl. You can't control your shifting... where does it stop? What will it take? I can't... I can't. Not like this."

[10:19 PM] Seirixori: "I'm sorry, it's... I know it doesn't, doesn't excuse anything." Seirixori's not even trying to stop crying now, "I'm not, I'm not used to people caring about what I say.. .about... about anything." She groans, "That... That doesn't matter, I'm just sorry, I'm so sorry."

[10:25 PM] DM: "You can say it until you've gone purple in the face... I can't be your leash. I can't be the only thing that keeps you from hurting people who shouldn't be hurt. It's not fair to either of us."

[10:33 PM] Seirixori: Seirixori just closes her eyes and nods. She slips the ring off, clutching it to her for a brief moment, before handing it to Gunnloda. "I'll miss..." She clears her throat, "Please stay safe." She says, turning away and heads to the Cask.

[10:35 PM] DM: You can barely hear a soft, "You too."


It's about... 5 am, day 8, after all the mess with Seirixori's trial. Seir finds herself walking down the stairs to Poni's basem*nt, but someone's already down there. Ravaphine is holding Poni, watching what looks like a sleeping gnome in a bed, barely being lit by dawn's first light coming through the window.

[10:34 AM] Seirixori: Seir nearly trips down the stairs, "Oh... I... I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone would...be here." she whispers, clutching something in her hands.

[10:37 AM] Ravaphine: Rav panics and pushes the button to turn off the portal. After she wipes the tears off her face, she looks to Seir. “Hi, I didn’t know if you wanted your citrus grove back for the night. I didn’t know where else to go”

[10:37 AM] Ravaphine: “Come sit with me” she pats the ground next to her

[10:38 AM] Seirixori: "It's... a pretty big grove..." she whispers, hesitating. Eventually she sits next to Ravaphine. "I'm kind of glad you're here though."

[10:41 AM] Ravaphine: “I’m glad you’re here, too. Not just in the basem*nt but that you’re still part of our team and that you aren’t hurt. What’s that you got in your hand there?”

[10:42 AM] Seirixori: Seir freezes, and closes her eyes. She lets out a breath before opening her hands, revealing a small component. "I..." she clears her throat. "I took it... earlier."

[10:44 AM] Ravaphine: Rav takes the component and throws it up in the air, and catches it like a baseball. “I hate these things,” she chuckles, “but whatever did you need it for?”

[10:47 AM] Seirixori: Seir continues to look down at her hands, on the verge of tears, "I... I wasn't sure if we... if we'd all get teleported back home instantly or not. When we put it all together... I just... I wanted..." she covers her face. "I just wanted to make sure I could say goodbye." she starts crying, sobbing.

[10:50 AM] Ravaphine: Rav leans over and rubs the tiefling gently on the back. “I would ask you to hug me, but I enjoy having my limbs,” she jokes, trying to lighten the situation. “I never even thought about what would happen when we get all the pieces together....not being able to come back.”

[10:51 AM] Ravaphine: “We got your letter by the way! Haven’t had the chance to read it to the group but I figured there’s a time and place for it. What if we...no that would be silly”

[10:52 AM] Ravaphine: Rav gets up and puts Poni behind a couple books

[10:53 AM] Seirixori: Seir freezes, nearly forgetting she gave the letters to Ryleigh. "I'm not sure the letter matters much anymore..." She murmers. "What if we ...what?"

[10:55 AM] Ravaphine: Rav does the shhh sign with her finger, and pulls out a thick book from the shelf. She takes out her dagger and carves out a square big enough to put the small component inside

[10:56 AM] Seirixori: "But..." Seir lowers her voice, "I've already ... I don't want to make them more angry at me... they'll literally have me killed."

[10:58 AM] Ravaphine: "This is true, I don't want you to get in more trouble" Rav frowns but she puts the book back up on the shelf

[10:58 AM] Ravaphine: "What brought you down here tonight? Did you need to use the portal?"(edited)

[10:59 AM] Seirixori: "No... I was... I was just going to put it back." Seir stands, playing with the trinket Nolanos gave her, "I'm sorry that I... that I interrupted you."

[11:01 AM] Ravaphine: "There was nothing to interrupt, just trying to feed my curiosity is all. Although I'm always so tempted to just jump in"

[11:04 AM] Seirixori: Seirixori sighs, smiling sadly, "Just take someone with you... even if it's... back home. No one else needs to lose everything," then she whispers, mostly to herself, "again..." Seir clears her throat, "because they went off by themselves." she laughs, "I should know." And she starts to head up the stairs.

S: Teleporter Plot 5 (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.