[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (2024)

Premium Member
West Des Moines, IA


Premium Member

2017-May-21 1:41 pm

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market

Flyer front

Flyer back

Centurylink is upgrading parts of the Des Moines market with GPON fiber to the home. They are running fiber on power poles in neighborhoods with ariel lines.

· actions · 2017-May-21 1:41 pm ·

Des Moines, IA



2017-May-21 3:37 pm

I've watched them outside my house all morning running fiber down the street. I wonder what pricing structure will look like, or what speeds will be offered.

I'd be fine with keeping my same speed tier but switching from VDSL to fiber so I don't have to fight the occasional finicky SNR in my house. I just signed a new contract though for their VDSL service, so I have I may have to wait

· actions · 2017-May-21 3:37 pm ·

Premium Member
West Des Moines, IA


Premium Member

2017-May-21 3:53 pm

Moving from VDSL to fiber services shouldn't change your contract. If you can make you the switch from DSL to fiber do it. Less latency more reliable service.

Pricing shouldn't be much different don't quote me though till it's there and ready to go.

· actions · 2017-May-21 3:53 pm ·




2017-May-21 6:41 pm

man, i wish they would really hit this market hard with it. What part of dsm are you seeing this? They are putting in fiber in new developments like crazy. I am less than 200 feet from a house with fiber :/

· actions · 2017-May-21 6:41 pm ·

Premium Member
West Des Moines, IA


Premium Member

2017-May-21 6:52 pm

Central Des Moines. Around Windsor heights area. If it's buried you probably won't have it for a while but if you have Ariel drops on power poles to your house maybe sooner [Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (4)

· actions · 2017-May-21 6:52 pm ·

Des Moines, IA

jake1110 to Anon63305


2017-May-21 7:02 pm

to Anon63305

I'm on the western edge of Des Moines, near Windsor Heights as mentioned and it's going up all over the area around me. They were out all day. This is quite the unexpected treat! I'll have to call in tomorrow as the flyer stated to see if I can get on that install list!

· actions · 2017-May-21 7:02 pm ·

Premium Member
West Des Moines, IA


Premium Member

2017-May-21 7:06 pm

It's FTTH GPON services like what's in new neighborhoods. I'll be excited to see what people can get DSL can't keep up for people. I have 1GB service at my house near Waukee from Mediacom. They won't place any of that out here since It's all underground :/

· actions · 2017-May-21 7:06 pm ·

Des Moines, IA



2017-May-22 11:16 am

I gave them a call this morning and they basically just said they'd add me to the list for install once it's ready. He didn't have pricing specifics, but I just signed a new promo rate contract again, so it shouldn't change. I imagine they'd want to eventually convert everyone from phone lines to fiber, so I figured I'd get ahead of the curve if possible.

Maybe I'll finally be able to get a better upload than .896. I'm currently on 20/.896 but it's always overprovisioned to 26.11 and can be bonded for a max of 40. So long as I can keep negotiating cheap prices for the slower speeds, I'm totally happy, especially as a single guy who doesn't exactly need 100mbps+

I'd be blown away if they offered symmetrical up/down speeds!

· actions · 2017-May-22 11:16 am ·

Minneapolis, MN

Calix 803G
(Software) OPNsense

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (6)



2017-May-23 12:47 am

said by jake1110:

I gave them a call this morning and they basically just said they'd add me to the list for install once it's ready. He didn't have pricing specifics, but I just signed a new promo rate contract again, so it shouldn't change. I imagine they'd want to eventually convert everyone from phone lines to fiber, so I figured I'd get ahead of the curve if possible.

Maybe I'll finally be able to get a better upload than .896. I'm currently on 20/.896 but it's always overprovisioned to 26.11 and can be bonded for a max of 40. So long as I can keep negotiating cheap prices for the slower speeds, I'm totally happy, especially as a single guy who doesn't exactly need 100mbps+

I'd be blown away if they offered symmetrical up/down speeds!

Without gpon you will never see symmetrical speeds. Adsl is limited to 1meg up. If you want 2 meg get the bonded service they offer.

· actions · 2017-May-23 12:47 am ·

Des Moines, IA



2017-May-23 7:18 am

Yeah, I know DSL in general has poor upload. I'm on a VDSL2 line right now and when I switch to GPON I'm wondering what type of upload they'll give me.

So if I pay for 40mbps over GPON, what will my upload speed be?

· actions · 2017-May-23 7:18 am ·

Minneapolis, MN

Calix 803G
(Software) OPNsense

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (8)



2017-May-23 8:10 am

said by jake1110:

Yeah, I know DSL in general has poor upload. I'm on a VDSL2 line right now and when I switch to GPON I'm wondering what type of upload they'll give me.

So if I pay for 40mbps over GPON, what will my upload speed be?

Normally 5. But you can select other speeds

· actions · 2017-May-23 8:10 am ·

Des Moines, IA



2017-May-23 8:41 pm

Thanks! Good to know. I look forward to upgrading!

· actions · 2017-May-23 8:41 pm ·

Cedar Rapids, IA

pjfranke to jake1110


2017-May-30 4:31 pm

to jake1110
said by jake1110:

Maybe I'll finally be able to get a better upload than .896. I'm currently on 20/.896 but it's always overprovisioned to 26.11 and can be bonded for a max of 40.

said by jake1110:

Yeah, I know DSL in general has poor upload. I'm on a VDSL2 line right now and when I switch to GPON I'm wondering what type of upload they'll give me.

So if I pay for 40mbps over GPON, what will my upload speed be?

You're already on VDSL2 service, but only on 896K up? That seems odd. I'd imagine that with 20/896 you're actually provisioned for an ADSL2+ connection.

I'm in the Coralville market, and I didn't get any notice, but saw on logging in that I can now get "up to 60Mb" instead of the 20Mb I've been stuck at for a few years. Actually, they seem to have filled up the 20Mb ports, and for a few months I was seeing "up to 12Mb" was available. That might have pushed up the priority of upgrading my neighborhood.

Calling customer service, I was told I could get 80/40, 80/5, or 100/5 bonded VDSL service, or 40/5, 40/20, or 60/5 VDSL. It's about a 2 week lead time for the tech to move my lines to the new port, but I'm looking forward to that tasty (for DSL) 40/20 service at ~$30/mo for a year.

· actions · 2017-May-30 4:31 pm ·

Minneapolis, MN

Calix 803G
(Software) OPNsense

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (10)



2017-May-30 8:01 pm

said by pjfranke:
said by jake1110:

Maybe I'll finally be able to get a better upload than .896. I'm currently on 20/.896 but it's always overprovisioned to 26.11 and can be bonded for a max of 40.

said by jake1110:

Yeah, I know DSL in general has poor upload. I'm on a VDSL2 line right now and when I switch to GPON I'm wondering what type of upload they'll give me.

So if I pay for 40mbps over GPON, what will my upload speed be?

You're already on VDSL2 service, but only on 896K up? That seems odd. I'd imagine that with 20/896 you're actually provisioned for an ADSL2+ connection.

I'm in the Coralville market, and I didn't get any notice, but saw on logging in that I can now get "up to 60Mb" instead of the 20Mb I've been stuck at for a few years. Actually, they seem to have filled up the 20Mb ports, and for a few months I was seeing "up to 12Mb" was available. That might have pushed up the priority of upgrading my neighborhood.

Calling customer service, I was told I could get 80/40, 80/5, or 100/5 bonded VDSL service, or 40/5, 40/20, or 60/5 VDSL. It's about a 2 week lead time for the tech to move my lines to the new port, but I'm looking forward to that tasty (for DSL) 40/20 service at ~$30/mo for a year.

Many dslam cards when needed fallback to adsl when the distance is farther away. Even if no fallback. 6kft as an example the upload speed is limited just like adsl.

· actions · 2017-May-30 8:01 pm ·

Des Moines, IA



2017-Jun-3 8:08 pm

Interesting, I didn't know this! So, even if I'm showing profile VDSL2 - 8A on my modem, I could be on ADSL2+ @ 26.11mbps?

Either way, I won't be on there too long with GPON coming soon!

· actions · 2017-Jun-3 8:08 pm ·

Minneapolis, MN

Calix 803G
(Software) OPNsense

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (12)



2017-Jun-3 8:11 pm

said by jake1110:

Interesting, I didn't know this! So, even if I'm showing profile VDSL2 - 8A on my modem, I could be on ADSL2+ @ 26.11mbps?

Either way, I won't be on there too long with GPON coming soon!

No in that case. Your still vdsl. But hiw far away you are is still the factor at play.

· actions · 2017-Jun-3 8:11 pm ·

Des Moines, IA



2017-Jun-3 8:19 pm

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I actually know the physical location of the DSLAM and I'm pretty far out. Just for kicks, I plugged in an address down the street about a block away and it shows 80mbps offered. Really helped me visualize how short of distances they can go with it.

I know it can be pretty inaccurate but my loop length usually shows about 1930, which actually seems somewhat close.

· actions · 2017-Jun-3 8:19 pm ·

Minneapolis, MN

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (14)



2017-Jun-3 8:21 pm

If you are 2k ft away engineering could have messed up and just didn't put the correct 196k hz loss into the system. Anything 3kft and under as long as the cable is clean can handle 40mbps x5

· actions · 2017-Jun-3 8:21 pm ·

Chicago, IL

brad152 to pjfranke


2017-Jun-4 11:12 pm

to pjfranke
said by pjfranke:
said by jake1110:

Maybe I'll finally be able to get a better upload than .896. I'm currently on 20/.896 but it's always overprovisioned to 26.11 and can be bonded for a max of 40.

said by jake1110:

Yeah, I know DSL in general has poor upload. I'm on a VDSL2 line right now and when I switch to GPON I'm wondering what type of upload they'll give me.

So if I pay for 40mbps over GPON, what will my upload speed be?

You're already on VDSL2 service, but only on 896K up? That seems odd. I'd imagine that with 20/896 you're actually provisioned for an ADSL2+ connection.

I'm in the Coralville market, and I didn't get any notice, but saw on logging in that I can now get "up to 60Mb" instead of the 20Mb I've been stuck at for a few years. Actually, they seem to have filled up the 20Mb ports, and for a few months I was seeing "up to 12Mb" was available. That might have pushed up the priority of upgrading my neighborhood.

Calling customer service, I was told I could get 80/40, 80/5, or 100/5 bonded VDSL service, or 40/5, 40/20, or 60/5 VDSL. It's about a 2 week lead time for the tech to move my lines to the new port, but I'm looking forward to that tasty (for DSL) 40/20 service at ~$30/mo for a year.

CenturyLink's standard 20Mbps offering is 20/.896

It's why i originally went bonded, was so i could have usable upload. I could do 896k upload single, or 5Mbps bonded

The packages were built by Qwest originally, and that was a LONG time ago when upload was not *that* important.

· actions · 2017-Jun-4 11:12 pm ·

Cedar Rapids, IA



2017-Jun-5 11:37 am

said by brad152:
said by pjfranke:

[It seems they had] filled up the 20Mb ports, and for a few months I was seeing "up to 12Mb" was available. That might have pushed up the priority of upgrading my neighborhood.

Calling customer service, I was told I could get 80/40, 80/5, or 100/5 bonded VDSL service, or 40/5, 40/20, or 60/5 VDSL.

CenturyLink's standard 20Mbps offering is 20/.896

It's why i originally went bonded, was so i could have usable upload. I could do 896k upload single, or 5Mbps bonded

The packages were built by Qwest originally, and that was a LONG time ago when upload was not *that* important.

I'm pretty sure I've asked about that at some point, and was told I couldn't get bonded in my neighborhood. Given what I described, with availability going from 20Mb to 12Mb, there may not have been the free ports to support it. My line doesn't seem to train up higher than 25/1.3'ish anyway, so at best I likely could have gotten 2-3Mb upload.

Only another week until my service appointment! Ugh, another week until my service appointment. [Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (16)

· actions · 2017-Jun-5 11:37 am ·




2017-Jun-12 11:58 pm

I live in Norwalk and it sounds like the Connect America has helped me out. I am not in one of the areas that CL got $ for, but i am adjacent (1000ft) and it looks like they have turned it on. I can get up to 40, (possibly 80M) internet now. I should have it Thursday if all goes well.

I am sitting on a 7M connection (optimized around 8.1) and i'm about 5100ft from the CO currently. This will be a huge boost. I'm glad to see the improvements coming.

· actions · 2017-Jun-12 11:58 pm ·

Chicago, IL

1 edit

brad152 to pjfranke


2017-Jun-13 1:11 am

to pjfranke

said by pjfranke:
said by brad152:
said by pjfranke:

[It seems they had] filled up the 20Mb ports, and for a few months I was seeing "up to 12Mb" was available. That might have pushed up the priority of upgrading my neighborhood.

Calling customer service, I was told I could get 80/40, 80/5, or 100/5 bonded VDSL service, or 40/5, 40/20, or 60/5 VDSL.

CenturyLink's standard 20Mbps offering is 20/.896

It's why i originally went bonded, was so i could have usable upload. I could do 896k upload single, or 5Mbps bonded

The packages were built by Qwest originally, and that was a LONG time ago when upload was not *that* important.

I'm pretty sure I've asked about that at some point, and was told I couldn't get bonded in my neighborhood. Given what I described, with availability going from 20Mb to 12Mb, there may not have been the free ports to support it. My line doesn't seem to train up higher than 25/1.3'ish anyway, so at best I likely could have gotten 2-3Mb upload.

Only another week until my service appointment! Ugh, another week until my service appointment. [Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (19)

1.3ish is because it's ADSL2, if they swapped you to VDSL2 8a or 17a, you'd be able to do 40/5 easily with bonding

Actually, you are maxing out the "maximum" available for ADSL2 on both downstream/upstream. I'd be interested to see what would happen if they'd swap you to a VDSL2 17a card.

My apartment in Chicago was on an ADSL2+ card and stuck at 18/1Mbps on u-verse.. the tech came out and swapped my card to a VDSL2 card on a 17a profile, and now i have 50/10 on a single pair no problem.... but this is at&t (attached are my stats at 1,300ft)

· actions · 2017-Jun-13 1:11 am ·

Cedar Rapids, IA



2017-Jun-16 4:36 pm

said by brad152:

1.3ish is because it's ADSL2, if they swapped you to VDSL2 8a or 17a, you'd be able to do 40/5 easily with bonding

Actually, you are maxing out the "maximum" available for ADSL2 on both downstream/upstream. I'd be interested to see what would happen if they'd swap you to a VDSL2 17a card.

My apartment in Chicago was on an ADSL2+ card and stuck at 18/1Mbps on u-verse.. the tech came out and swapped my card to a VDSL2 card on a 17a profile, and now i have 50/10 on a single pair no problem.... but this is at&t (attached are my stats at 1,300ft)

Now that I've been upgraded and I AM swapped to a VDSL2 card, this is the stats. I went with the 40/5 for the highest rate available with promo, upgraded to 40/20 for $5+/mo. Much happier, and it'll be nice when doing remote backups, or uploads to YouTube. Attenuation seems to have gone up a bit, for some reason.

 > xdslctl info --showxdslctl: ADSL driver and PHY statusStatus: ShowtimeLast Retrain Reason: 0Last initialization procedure status: 0Max: Upstream rate = 46271 Kbps, Downstream rate = 76193 KbpsBearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20128 Kbps, Downstream rate = 50111 Kbps Link Power State: L0Mode: VDSL2 Annex AVDSL2 Profile: Profile 12aTPS-TC: PTM Mode(0x0)Trellis: U:ON /D:ONLine Status: No DefectTraining Status: Showtime Down UpSNR (dB): 13.8 25.2Attn(dB): 12.6 0.0Pwr(dBm): 14.0 12.2 VDSL2 framing Bearer 0MSGc: 18 129B: 70 77M: 1 1T: 60 4R: 16 16S: 0.0451 0.1223L: 15440 6147D: 524 219I: 87 94N: 87 94 Counters Bearer 0OHF: 62124177 1651651OHFErr: 750 0RS: 2592329521 1005639RSCorr: 328424 0RSUnCorr: 68142 0 Bearer 0HEC: 26866 0OCD: 78 0LCD: 78 0Total Cells: 3601662480 0Data Cells: 115268460 0Drop Cells: 219Bit Errors: 0 0 ES: 83 0SES: 0 0UAS: 28 28AS: 126532 Bearer 0INP: 2.00 2.00INPRein: 0.00 0.00delay: 6 7PER: 2.03 5.52OR: 94.28 195.41AgR: 50205.72 20323.42 Bitswap: 18083/18083 0/0 

· actions · 2017-Jun-16 4:36 pm ·

Des Moines, IA

jake1110 to Technicholas


2017-Dec-14 11:45 am

to Technicholas

Does anyone happen to have an update on this progress? I emailed Centurylink and chatted with someone over the phone from a local store, but neither have an ETA.

I imagine these upgrades can take a while. It's been about 7 months since these fliers were first distributed.

Turns out I actually am in need of faster service, but only on the upload side. I'd like to get anything higher than 896kbps but without resorting to a bonded service. If fiber actually is in the works, then I'd much rather skip the cost of a new bonded modem, service visit, ect. in fact, if they tell me that i must use a bonded service, I'll likely switch to cable anyway. I really just need 2mbps or higher upload

· actions · 2017-Dec-14 11:45 am ·

Des Moines, IA

lewisjd to jake1110


2017-Dec-28 3:56 pm

to jake1110

I'm in Ankeny and on 1Gb/1Gb. The problem is currently is that the GPON's are over capacity. Tech called me today because they were supposed to move me to a less crowded line. Said it's a no-go because they are all at 100% or more. New equipment is on the way, but expect 2+ months.

So currently, on their 1Gb, I'm getting slower speeds than on the 100Mb line. :-(

· actions · 2017-Dec-28 3:56 pm ·

Phoenix, AZ

Chongo to Technicholas


2018-Jan-1 11:31 am

to Technicholas

The Phoenix metro area is also being upgraded. The above ground areas are the first areas. Our neighborhood is active. I’m scheduled for 01/15. My mom lives four houses down from me and was installed in November. Prism is also available.

Odd thing is we never had those door flyers before they started the work in our neighborhood.

· actions · 2018-Jan-1 11:31 am ·

Des Moines, IA



2018-Jan-2 9:59 am

Interestingly enough, I was finally able to get in contact with the Centurylink project manager and he mentioned to call back on 1/15 to schedule a fiber install.

It's crazy because CL's chat/email/phone support didn't even know about it, nor did the local store. That could definitely be a looming issue for CL as they upgrade people to fiber, considering their door to door salespeople have been calling the current connection fiber, despite being VDSL(but fiber to the node).

If the pricing is the same as their DSL and I can get my faster upload speed, looks like I'll be sticking with CL. I haven't had many issues with their DSL, but over time, my SNR has been slipping. Mediacom has been persistent as well and has some good promos, but I don't think I really have a negative opinion of them currently.

· actions · 2018-Jan-2 9:59 am ·

Phoenix, AZ

postxx to Chongo


2018-Jan-5 1:02 pm

to Chongo

What neighborhood in Phoenix is this? We have above ground/alley utilities but no upgrades at my new home.

· actions · 2018-Jan-5 1:02 pm ·

Phoenix, AZ



2018-Jan-6 10:28 pm

said by postxx:

What neighborhood in Phoenix is this? We have above ground/alley utilities but no upgrades at my new home.

East of 24th st and south of Camelback.

· actions · 2018-Jan-6 10:28 pm ·

Des Moines, IA

jake1110 to Technicholas


2018-Mar-6 4:57 pm

to Technicholas

I would like to add that the fiber is now ready! I signed up to have mine installed this Friday.

When looking online, speed/prices look like this with price for life prepay promotion.

Without that promo, each speed is $5 more per month.

1Gbs - $80
100Mbs - $60
40Mbs - $40

· actions · 2018-Mar-6 4:57 pm ·

[Qwest] Centurylink upgrading Des Moines market - CenturyLink (2024)


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