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Game Guides
ByKim Snaith
The joy of Neon Abyss, a new Rogue-like platformer from Team17 and Veewo Games, is in its vast amount of items and pick-ups.
As you play through the game’s ever-changing dungeons, you’ll amass an arsenal of power-ups based on the things you pick up. There are literally hundreds in the game. You may well never see the same pick up twice (or maybe you’ll keep getting the same ones). That’s Neon Abyss for you; it’s random.
Below you’ll find a list of all the items we’ve come across so far inNeon Abyss. Here you’ll find every item’s name along with what it does. It’s by no means exhaustive, but we think we’ve got a lotof them. As we keep playing and coming across new items, we’ll update the list below.
- 2077 – the more shields you have, the more damage your weapon does
- Acorn– eggs can block bullets from enemies
- Agent watch– each time you pick up a key, your weapon damage increases, but it will decrease every time you use a key
- Air force medal – increase weapon damage while in the air
- Alien tech – chance to fire a heat seeking bullet
- Ancient mask – chance to recover hearts if you kill an enemy with bombs
- Annoying hat – chance to drop extra crystals when you get hurt
- Atlantis bubble – some of your bullets have shields that can block enemy bullets
- B-virus – when you kill an enemy, there’s a chance it will explode
- Bamboo dragonfly– if you’re down to half a heart, you’ll gain the ability to fly
- Battle pass – the more coins you have, the more bullets you can shoot
- Beast amulet – reduce your rate of fire but greatly increase weapon damage
- Bent spoon – add a crystal container and increase gun damage
- Berserker blood – the fewer hearts you have, the more bullets you can shoot
- Big daddy– immune to explosion damage
- Black rum – when you use a bomb, all your eggs will explode
- Blasting cap 101 – your bomb creates a cross shaped blast
- Blue protocol – add shields and upgrade weapon
- Broccoli – add heart container
- Bullet crown – each time an enemy is killed in this room your weapon bullets increase
- Candy corn – the more pets you have, the further you shoot
- Canned cat food – add a heart container
- Carp streamer– extra jump
- Cat medallion – the fewer crystals you have, the more damage your weapon does
- Chocolate coin – get coins every time your pet evolves
- Chocolate cookies – every time your pet evolves you drop a bomb
- Clay doll – chance that killing an enemy will release an explosion from you
- Clown hat – chance you fire a fake rat
- Coin bomb – coins will explode if you don’t pick them up after 3 seconds
- Creambeer – add heart container and crystal container
- Crowbar – increase melee attack damage
- Crown of thorns – deal melee damage to enemies who make contact with you
- Crystal Heart Candy – every time your pet evolves, you’ll drop two crystals
- Cyborg – reduce heart containers and add shields. Increase weapon damage
- Dangerous receipt – 10 bombs
- Dark side– if you’re down to half a heart, you immediately deal damage to all enemies
- Death believer – kill enough enemies and you’ll drop extra hearts
- Demon book – you have a chance to get an angry sprites each time you kill an enemy with bombs
- Demon wings – trade a heart container for the ability to fly
- Devil horn – increase weapon and melee damage
- Devil hotline – double melee attack damage while in the air
- Devil’s trade– each time you get hurt, there’s a chance you’ll take double damage, or no damage at all
- Dimensional bags – chance to drop random goodies when you get hurt
- Divinity – fly and increase movement speed
- Double yolk – double the number of eggs you have
- Drilling warhead – increase weapon damage and rate of fire
- Earth bread – add a heart container
- Elastic gel – bullets randomly rebound when they hit the wall
- Electric drill – each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance you’ll gain a bomb
- Elf bread– increase your movement speed and recover a heart
- Energy cube – change of getting a shield every time you activate the portal stone
- Espresso– increased rate of fire
- Evil bracelet – every time you use a key there’s a chance you’ll get an angry sprites
- Fanatic mask – chance to recover hearts when you get hurt by an explosion
- Fatal dance – shoot straight down while you’re in the air
- Film magazine – add extra bullets per shot and increase your weapons range
- Firecrackers – there’s a chance this bomb will drop a pickup when it explodes
- Fission device – chance for bullets to split into extra bullets
- Flowerpot – chance your bullet will split into extra bullets
- Forbidden mask – enhance stats in all areas
- Fruit popsicle – add a heart container
- Frying pan – chance to block bullets
- Gamma ray – bullets can pass through walls
- Garland clip – add extra bullets per shot and increase weapon damage
- Ghost bottle – bombs launch 10 piercing bullets when they explode
- Giant barbecue – add a heart container, increase weapon damage but reduce rate of fire
- Gingerbread man– if an attack kills you, you’ll exchange an egg for half a heart
- Gladiator helmet – increase melee damage in a room every time you get hurt
- Go board – add extra bullets per shot and increase your movement speed
- Golden Apple – upgrade weapon. Increase movement speed slightly
- Golden bell – chance to get coins when you kill an enemy with melee damage
- Golden bird – the more coins you have, the faster you shoot
- Golden skulls – the more coins you have, the more melee damage you do
- Golden statuette – chance to get a guard sprite when you use coins
- Golden teeth – drop coins when you get hurt
- Golden torch – get an extra treasure room at each new level
- Grape candy – drop a crystal if an empty egg hatches
- Grim hood – each time an enemy is killed in this room, your damage increases
- Hacking tool – 99 keys
- Hair dryer – Increase weapons range and rate of fire
- Hand mirror– chance of firing a ricocheting bullet
- Hard hat – you won’t take environmental damage
- Hard mints – get half a shield every time a pet evolves
- Heart key – if you don’t have a key, use half a heart instead
- Heart necklace – chance to drop hearts every time you use a key
- Heart of the Ocean – add shields. Increase weapon’s damage
- Hiccups – random item if you get hurt 6 times in a row
- Hip flask – greatly increase weapon damage
- Hot chili – bullets now deal fire damage
- Hungry Amulet – kill enough enemies in melee and you’ll recover half a heart
- Immortal heart – revive after death once
- Imperial Force – chance of firing a laser
- Infinite key – unlock anything for free (expires end of level)
- Inner eye– preview the description of an item without picking it up
- Iron frog– Launch 10 bouncy bullets after a bomb explodes
- Kings crown – weapon does more damage when you’re at full hearts
- Knife and fork – chance to get an egg when you kill an enemy with melee damage
- Kongming Lantern– chance to get a guard sprite when you get hurt
- Lidless eye – reveals the map and secret rooms
- Like of the king – upgrade weapon. Increase bullet velocity
- Lion headgear – the more pets you have, the more damage your gun does
- Lithium battery – chance of firing an electric bullet
- Little pickaxe – reveal nearby hidden rooms
- Locksmith – if you don’t have a key you can use coins instead
- Mad Mask – Greatly increase rate of fire
- Magic vortex – weapon does more damage when crystal containers are full
- Magic wand – chance to gain crystals when you get hurt
- Magical bean – recover all hearts and increase weapon’s range
- Magician’s hat – each time you pick up a key you get an extra one
- Makeni-neko – you get an extra bonus when you pick up coins
- Marshmallow –while at full health, eggs always hatch
- Matchbox – if an egg touches stone (doors or chests) they’ll both explode and disappear
- Medal of Honor – increase movement speed and weapon damage
- Mercenary lord – the more coins you have the more damage your weapon does
- Metal panties– drop six instant bombs when you get hurt
- Midnight mask – increase weapon damage when you get hurt
- Mini radar – mark all secrets on your map
- Mjolnir – your melee attack deals electric damage
- Monocle – get a key if you hatch an empty egg
- Most wanted list – twice the coins when you kill enemies
- Mustard poop– eggs can cause touch damage to enemies
- Nanotechnology – after a bomb explodes it’ll split into more bombs
- Nerve system 6.0 – increase weapon damage and movement speed
- Nightmare mask – chance to get an evil sprite when you get hurt
- Ninja costume – make an extra jump. Increase melee damage
- Nougat – every time your pet evolves you drop a key
- Onion helmet – temporary protective shell per room
- Pain drop – increase weapon damage and rate of fire
- Paper plane– increase weapon range and damage
- Paper windmill – increase your rate of fire and weapon damage
- Party popper – launches 10 bullets after a bomb explodes
- Pegasus –you can fly!
- Pen No 7 – use keys as bombs when you have no bombs
- Pepper soup – add heart container
- Persian turban – a number of crystal containers
- Ping pong – chance to fire a bouncy bullet
- Plague mask – chance or recovering half a heart when you kill an enemy
- Player two ready – the more enemies you hit without stopping the more damage you’ll do
- Police badge – add extra bullets per shot and increase bullet velocity
- Popcorn – bullets explode on impact or after they’ve travelled a certain distance
- Power diamond – upgrade weapon, increase melee and weapon damage
- Power helmet – if you get hurt in this room, a ring if lightning will surround you and damage nearby enemies
- Prophet chip – kill enough enemies and you’ll drop shields
- Protein powder – the more eggs you have, the further you can shoot
- Pumpkinhead – when you get hurt you’ll explode
- Quantum core – increase your guns damage and adds shields
- Rabbit ears – double jump
- Rainbow candy – get a gift every time your pet evolves
- Rainforest souvenir– kill enough enemies and you’ll drop extra eggs
- Ready aim eye – each time an enemy is killed, your eye gets sharper, increasing your weapon attack speed
- Ritual mask – add a crystal container. You can recover hearts by using 5 crystals
- Rocket mod – chance you’ll fire a heat seeking rocket
- Rogue’s badge – increase movement speed and jump height
- Royal antlers– drop coins when you use keys
- Ruby earrings– every time you pick up a coin, there’s a chance you’ll get extra hearts
- Running shoes – increase movement speed
- Sacred tears – chance to get a protective shell each time you kill an enemy by bombs
- Sapper backpack – bombs explode bigger, brighter and better
- Sapphire ring – every time you pick up a coin there’s a chance you’ll get shields
- Saturn lollipop – the more eggs you have the faster you can shoot
- Scarlet Tale – increase rate of fire if you get hurt while in this room
- Seals patch – upgrade your weapon and increase your movement speed
- Seed of stone – your bullet will create a platform on the wall
- Shadow blade– do more damage when you attack from behind
- Sharkbait– Use eggs as bombs when you have no bombs
- Shroud – add a crystal container. You get crystals after killing enemies
- Silver brooch – every time you pick up a coin there’s a chance to get extra keys
- Silver compass – show all rooms on map
- Slayer of demons – kill enough enemies and get crystals
- Slingshot – add extra bullets per shot and increase weapon’s range
- Smithing hammer – upgrade weapon. Increase weapon damage
- Snowglobe– chance to fire an ice bullet
- Soul flask – add a heart container and recover some hearts
- Space soda – add heart container and increase your weapon damage slightly
- Space spanner– each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance to get a key
- Stark module – increase weapon damage and bullet velocity
- Strange mask – add extra bullets per shot and a shield
- Strawberry candy– the more pets you have, the more bullets you fire
- Sturdy shield – add shields. Some attacks will deal no damage to you.
- Super logo – upgrade weapon, increase jump height and movement speed slightly
- Tanghulu – add a heart container
- Telescopic sight – increase weapon range and jump height
- Tesla coil – a ring of lightning surrounds you and will damage nearby enemies
- The towel – you’ll only lose half a heart when you get hurt
- Thunder Engine – the more shields you have, the faster you fire
- Tobe beef – add heart container
- Toffee apple – every time your pet evolves you’ll drop half a heart
- Traveler hood– extra jump
- Unknown mask – adds a crystal container and shield
- V.O. Field – if you’re down to half a heart you’ll immediately drop a shield
- Vanilla ice cream – the more eggs you have the more damage your bullets do
- Virtual assistant – when you lose a shield, there’s a chance you’ll get a guardian sprite
- Void coin – increase weapon damage and rate of fire
- Wade tech – increase rate of fire
- Welding mask – chance to drop keys when you get hurt in an explosion
- Winged Hat – double jump
- Wizard sword – each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance you’ll receive extra crystals
- X-ray – bullets can pass through enemies
Kim Snaith
Co-owner and editor-in-chief
Kim's been into video games since playing Dizzy on her brother's Commodore 64 as a nipper. She'll give just about anything a go, but she's got a particular soft spot for indie adventures, roguelikes and puzzle games. If she's not gaming, she's building Lego or watching Friends reruns for the 96th time. You'll also find her work on That Brick Site and Space.com.
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