Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (2025)

Neon Abyss is a beautiful rogue-like platform game that requires as much skill as it does a good weapon. However, with so many weapons that each have such a wide range of attacks, it's important to know what gun you're looking for. After all, the last thing you want to do is ignore one of the best weapons in the game.

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It's worth mentioning that most of the guns are pretty powerful and due to them being so unique it does make it a little challenging to judge the best ones. However, there are a fair few that just work so well for any player, as long as you have the skill to back it up.

9 Black Raven

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (1)

Shooting with the black raven and the design of the gun

All good things have a negative, that's just common knowledge when it comes to roguelikes like Neon Abyss. This couldn't be clearer with the deadly Black Raven and its rather spiteful punishments. It shoots two individual lasers that class as piercing and takes two seconds to reload. The piercing allows you to hit more than one enemy that's in the same direction and can be incredibly useful.

The negative, though, is that you can detonate yourself. This detonation costs half a heart and one crystal but does do some pretty impressive damage to enemies around you and can also be used for blowing up necessary blocks. It's essentially like carrying a bomb. If it happens to drop during one of your runs, remember the risk and determine if it's worth the reward. Even without the detonation, it's still a pretty good gun.

8 Lullaby

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (2)

Shooting with Lullaby and the design of the gun

Not all guns are loved for their power or fire rate. The Lullaby has a passive ability that allows your bullets to not only hurt enemies but pick up any dropped items, except weapons. It fires electric bullets and has a normal rate of fire while also giving you a silver egg that will never hatch.

You could love or hate this gun really, it depends on your style of gaming. However, it's well worth mentioning that the bullets don't shoot straight but go in circles, which can be pretty frustrating or beneficial depending on someone's playstyle.

7 Black Widow

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (3)

Shooting with the black widow and the design of the gun

Using this gun allows you to roll forward a short distance which can be insanely useful when you want to dodge out the way of an impending bullet or enemy. Doing normal damage and firing in the form of a laser, Black Widow looks the part and shoots pretty well, although the gun does have a slower reload which can be a little limiting, especially since it reloads after two lasers.

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That being said, the Black Widow is a fan favorite and can kick ass if you need it to, especially with its penetrating bullets. Unfortunately, getting hold of this weapon is pretty much luck. Keep an eye out for it on your travels and if this gun sounds like you, don't hesitate to grab it.

6 Golden Sam

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (4)

Shooting with the golden sam and the design of the gun

Power, precision, or parkour. Each player has one they specialize in and therefore look for in a weapon. For the Golden Sam gun, those who prefer brute power will have found their calling. Its in-game description is literally highlighting how "power is more important than precision" which really just shows how strong this gun really is.

It's called Golden Sam because of its active ability in which the gun drops random coins depending on the weapon level and the number of red envelopes. It has a fast rate of fire and shoots normal bullets so nothing special. Nevertheless, it packs a punch and can be useful if you're looking at buying something expensive down the line! Similar to most of these guns, there isn't a specific way to get hold of Golden Sam so look out for it dropping!

5 Famine

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (5)

Shooting with famine and the design of the gun

If aiming is a problem for you and you still want an insanely powerful gun, look no further than the amazing Famine. With tracking bullets and an awesome-looking gun, you'll dominate most rooms you go into, as long as you get out the way after shooting. This is because it may be a little frustrating due to it taking 1.7 seconds to reload after only four shots but with the power of this gun, there might not even be any enemies left in the room.

One of the active abilities you get by using this gun is that it will increase the rate of fire in that current room, so hopefully, it's a pretty powerful room so you can use this to its full ability. Similar to Black Widow, there isn't really a tactic to get hold of Famine, so look out for it and hope luck is on your side.

4 Hawkeye

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (6)

Shooting with hawkeye and the design of the gun

This rather traditional-looking gun is pretty useful when you're in a room with a lot of enemies. When you hit an enemy with a bullet it becomes a marked target. This will stack for every enemy you hit, then all you need to do is detonate them all at once! It doesn't even cost a heart, just two crystals.

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Ultimately, this gun is ideal for a room filled with enemies that just need to go. It can be a pretty powerful gun when leveled up and will certainly help more than it will hinder. Keep an eye out for this one if you find yourself getting overwhelmed.

3 Red Dragon

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (7)

Shooting with red dragon and the design of the gun

It may seem odd placing a gun with no active or passive abilities and labeling it one of the best weapons in the game. But with a fast fire rate and rockets that center in on an enemy on its own, who can argue against it!

The Red Dragon can shoot two homing rockets per shot, and it can fire up to eight before it needs to reload. Ultimately, this gun is as cool as it looks and is well worth it if you're looking to do a little chaos with a lot of damage.

2 Destroyer

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (8)

Shooting tiny lasers extremely quickly, this gun can quickly become overpowered once you increase its lasers. It's rapid, powerful and looks amazing, and even has an ability that can just save your life every time you walk into a room!

As a passive effect, Destroyer has a chance to spawn a few evil sprites each time you kill something. Evil sprites act like the zombie pet and seek out enemies to damage them but will disappear once they kill something so they won't take out an entire room. You have to do some fighting for yourself, unfortunately.

1 Death Ray

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (9)

The Death Ray is often considered the best gun in Neon Abyss purely because it fires an incredibly powerful laser with an unlimited range and piercing ammo. This all adds up to a gun that can shoot an unlimited amount of enemies in a line. It's perfect to clear a room quickly and efficiently while still feeling like an absolute badass.

It has a pretty slow rate of fire but can allow you to blink a short distance forward so it's also perfect for dodging those near misses. If you can get your hands on it, definitely take this gun and try it out, it might just win you the game.

NEXT: Ranked: The Best Roguelikes On PS4

Neon Abyss: 9 Best Guns, Ranked (2025)


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