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Natural origin biodegradable systems in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine …· 2017. 9. 15.· tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: present status and some - [PDF Document] (1)


Natural origin biodegradable systems intissue engineering and regenerativemedicine: present status and some

moving trends

J. F. Mano1,2, G. A. Silva1,2, H. S. Azevedo1,2, P. B. Malafaya1,2,

R. A. Sousa1,2, S. S. Silva1,2, L. F. Boesel1,2, J. M. Oliveira1,2, T. C. Santos1,2,

A. P. Marques1,2, N. M. Neves1,2 and R. L. Reis1,2,*

13B’s Research Group—Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Department ofPolymer Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar and 2IBB—Institute for

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal

The fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine aim at promoting theregeneration of tissues or replacing failing or malfunctioning organs, by means ofcombining a scaffold/support material, adequate cells and bioactive molecules. Differentmaterials have been proposed to be used as both three-dimensional porous scaffolds andhydrogel matrices for distinct tissue engineering strategies. Among them, polymers ofnatural origin are one of the most attractive options, mainly due to their similarities withthe extracellular matrix (ECM), chemical versatility as well as typically good biologicalperformance. In this review, the most studied and promising and recently proposednaturally derived polymers that have been suggested for tissue engineering applications aredescribed. Different classes of such type of polymers and their blends with syntheticpolymers are analysed, with special focus on polysaccharides and proteins, the systemsthat are more inspired by the ECM. The adaptation of conventional methods or non-conventional processing techniques for processing scaffolds from natural origin basedpolymers is reviewed. The use of particles, membranes and injectable systems from suchkind of materials is also overviewed, especially what concerns the present status of theresearch that should lead towards their final application. Finally, the biologicalperformance of tissue engineering constructs based on natural-based polymers is discussed,using several examples for different clinically relevant applications.

Keywords: natural origin polymers; biomacromolecules; tissue engineering;biomedical applications; biodegradable


In the new paradigms of regenerative medicine, the useof materials in contact with biological materials (cells,tissues/organs, physiological fluids and biomolecules) isa current illustration of the need of interdisciplinaryscientific approaches that combine the most recentadvances in materials science and technology, basicsciences and life sciences. In tissue engineering,matrices are developed to support cells, promotingtheir differentiation and proliferation towards theformation of a new tissue. Such strategies allow forproducing hybrid constructs that can be implanted in

patients to induce the regeneration of tissues or replacefailing or malfunctioning organs. Different materialshave been proposed to be used in the processing ofscaffolds, namely biodegradable polymers. Natural-based polymers offer the advantage of being similar tobiological macromolecules, which the biologicalenvironment is prepared to recognize and deal withmetabolically. Owing to their similarity with theextracellular matrix (ECM), natural polymers mayalso avoid the stimulation of chronic inflammation orimmunological reactions and toxicity, often detectedwith synthetic polymers. In this review, the differentnatural-based materials that have been proposed to beused in tissue engineering strategies will be overviewed.An important aspect is also addressed, which is the

J. R. Soc. Interface (2007) 4, 999–1030


Published online 3 April 2007

*Author for correspondence ([emailprotected]).

Received 12 December 2006Accepted 31 January 2007 999 This journal is q 2007 The Royal Society

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processing of such kind of materials into porousmatrices, a task that usually needs other technologiesrather than those usually employed in the processing ofconventional synthetic polymers. There are also clinicalneeds for processing biomaterials into other shapes,including nano/microparticles (for control releaseapplication), or into two-dimensional structures (e.g.membranes as wound dressing). Non-invasive materialscontaining cells and bioactive agents are very attractiveapproaches in tissue engineering and regenerationcontexts, which will also be discussed. Section 7 isdevoted to the clinical applications of such materialsand their in vivo performance for different cases.


The design and selection of a biomaterial is a criticalstep in the development of scaffolds for tissueengineering. Generally, the ideal biomaterial shouldbe non-toxic, biocompatible, promoting favourablecellular interactions and tissue development, whilepossessing adequate mechanical and physical proper-ties. In addition, it should be biodegradable andbioresorbable to support the reconstruction of a newtissue without inflammation (Kim et al. 2000). On theother hand, novel concepts of tissue engineering areimposing new and more specific requirements onmacromolecular components. Living organisms areable to synthesize a vast variety of polymers, whichcan be divided into major classes according to theirchemical structure: (i) polysaccharides, (ii) proteins,and (iii) polyesters. Nowadays, with the advances inbiotechnology, natural polymers can be obtained bythe fermentation of micro-organisms (Widner et al.2005) or produced in vitro by enzymatic processes(Kobayashi et al. 2003). However, the largest amountis still extracted from plant (Franz & Blaschek 1990;Morrison & Karkalas 1990; Stephen et al. 1990) andanimal (Izydorczyk et al. 2005) sources or from algae(Percival & McDowell 1990).

2.1. Materials inspired by the extracellularmatrix

The ECM is the optimized milieu that nature has beendeveloping to maintain homeostasis and to direct tissuedevelopment. Therefore, a great effort has been made tomimick theECMto guidemorphogenesis in tissue repairand tissue engineering (Hubbell 2003). A strategy hasbeen proposed to isolate the main constituents of theECM and directly use them after purification, with orwithout further modifications. As ECM plays aninstructive role in cell activities, the hypothesis here isthat such biomolecules would maintain the biologicalinformation and other physico-chemical features, whichwould preserve a potential space for new tissuedevelopment after cell seeding. This would help toovercome one of the main drawbacks in the use ofsynthetic materials, which lack cell recognition signals.A description of some protein-based biomaterialsisolated from ECM follows. These materials are typi-cally extracted from blood plasma and the skeleton.Other functional proteins, including growth factors,

enzymes and interleukins, which are used essentially asingredients to be incorporated into biomaterials, will notbe discussed here.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body.More than 20 genetically distinct forms have beenidentified, type I being the most abundant and mostinvestigated for biomedical applications (Hayashi1994). Characteristics such as high mechanicalstrength, good biocompatibility, low antigenicity andability of crosslinking enable the tailoring of themechanical, degradation and water uptake properties.To obtain matrices with adequate mechanical proper-ties, chemical glycation procedures or heat treatmentshave been proposed (Hubbell 2003). Combinations ofcollagen with other materials have also been prepared.For example, collagen microsponges may be easilyimpregnated into previously prepared synthetic poly-meric scaffolds, which will increase their mechanicalperformance (Chen et al. 2000). On the other hand,growth factors and other active agents can be combinedwith collagen-based systems, including scaffolds andgels to prolong their release rate and increase theirtherapeutic effect on tissue engineering approaches(Geiger et al. 2003; Wallace & Rosenblatt 2003).

Fibronectin is a multifunctional component of theECM, known to induce cell attachment and spreadingthrough its cell binding site and related synergy sites.The ability of such glycoprotein (a disulphide-bondeddimer of 220–250 kDa subunits) to serve as a substratefor cell adhesion is based on the biological activity ofseveral modules: the RGD tripeptide, arginine-glycine-aspartic acid, in the tenth Fn3 module plays here animportant role (Ruoslahti & Pierschbacher 1987) andhas been incorporated onto the surface of numerousbiomaterials; several strategies have been summarizedby Hubbell (2003). One of the suggested strategies wasto deposit layers of oriented fibronectin to enhance theavailability of its cell binding site (Calonder et al. 2005).On an oriented fibronectin layer, compared with anisotropic layer, human umbilical vein endothelial cellsspread significantly faster in a more spherical way.

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are linear chains con-sisting of the repeating unit of a disaccharide, gener-ically a hexosamine (glucosamine or galactosamine)and a uronic acid component (Hayashi 1994). With theexception of hyaluronic acid, such chains are attachedto a central protein to form the proteoglycans. Owing totheir ionic character, GAGs are able to absorb largequantities of water, and this osmotic swelling providescompressive strength.

Fibrin plays an important role in haemostasis andspontaneous tissue repair (it naturally forms duringblood coagulation). Fibrin is a complex network formedby polymerization of fibrinogen in the presence of theenzyme thrombin. Fibrinogen can be isolated from theblood plasma of the patient, limiting its potential fordisease transmission and immunogenic reactions.Fibrin is not a regular component of the ECM, but isfound as a temporary matrix that will be furtherreplaced by the ECM, and is currently used as fibringlue in clinical applications. Fibrin has been a useful celldelivery matrix for cartilage tissue engineering,especially in combination with other biodegradable

1000 Review. Natural origin systems in tissue engineering J. F. Mano et al.

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Table 1. Examples of some polysaccharides available in nature, their relevant properties and applications in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

polysaccharide source repeating unit relevant propertiesexamples of proposedapplications

starch plant (e.g. corn, rice,potato, wheat,tapioca, etc.; Morrison& Karkalas 1990)
























H4 H










H 4 O


































α(1 6) branch point














































starch is a highly availablematerial and can be easilymodified (crosslinked, oxi-dized and acetylated; Xieet al. 2005); it can beconverted into a thermo-plastic (Rodriguez-Gonzalez et al. 2004), orblended with syntheticpolymers to improve theweakness of starch and thusobtain better mechanicalproperties (Ciardelli et al.2005); amylose forms gelsand films; it is enzy-matically degraded bya-amylase (Azevedo et al.2003), which exists in serum

starch-based scaffolds pro-duced by melt-based(Gomes et al. 2001, 2003;Salgado et al. 2004a) andrapid prototyping (Lamet al. 2002; Pfister et al.2004) techniques for boneand other TE applications

cellulose plant (cotton, wood,straw, etc.; Franz &Blaschek 1990);microbial (bacterialcellulose, e.g. Aceto-bacter xylinum;Svensson et al. 2005)





































cellulose can be converted intodifferent derivatives (car-boxymethylcellulose, cellu-lose nitrate, celluloseacetate, cellulose xanthate;Franz & Blaschek 1990)that can be easily mouldedor drawn into fibres(Entcheva et al. 2004)

cellulose acetate scaffolds forcardiac TE (Entchevaet al. 2004) and bacterialcellulose for cartilage TE(Svensson et al. 2005)

arabinogalactan(larch gum)

plant (extracted from theheartwood of the wes-tern larch Larixoccidentalis;Chandrasekaran &Janaswamy 2002)


































































partial structure of arabinogalactan





















this polymer is a highlybranched polysaccharidewith high water solubility(70% in water; Stephenet al. 1990; Ehrenfreund-Kleinman et al. 2002)

arabinogalactan-basedsponges for TE(Ehrenfreund-Kleinmanet al. 2002)













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Table 1. (Continued.)

polysaccharide source repeating unit relevant propertiesexamples of proposedapplications

alginic acid brown algae (Phaeophy-ceae, mainly Lami-naria); microbial(bacteria Pseudomo-nas mendocina, Azo-tobacter vinelandii;Percival & McDowell1990)


















D-Mannuronic acid (M) residue





















L-Guluronic acid (G) residue










simple gelation with divalentcations (e.g. Ca2C, Mg2C,Ba2C, Sr2C); it is the sizeand proportion of the Gblocks in the polymer chainthat determines the forma-tion and strength of gelsformed with calcium(Percival & McDowell1990)

cell encapsulation matrix(Jen et al. 1996; Rowleyet al. 1999; Kampf 2002);injectable cell deliveryvehicle (Bouhadir et al.2001); alginate scaffoldsfor hepatic TE (Glickliset al. 2000); alginatehydrogels for cartilage TE(Awad et al. 2004; Mouwet al. 2005)

agar red algae: Rhodophyceae(Gelidium and Graci-laria spp.; Percival &McDowell 1990)







































β13 3

3,6-anhydro L-Galactopyranose


agarose forms thermallyreversible gels (cold settinggels at approx. 388C);however, the meltingtemperature is much higher,approximately 858C; thisgives agar gel a very largegelling/melting hysteresis(Izydorczyk et al. 2005)

agarose gels/sponges for car-tilage (Awad et al. 2004;Miyata et al. 2004; Mouwet al. 2005; Ng et al. 2005),disc TE (Gruber et al.2006) and nerve regen-eration (Balgude et al.2001); production of ana-tomically shaped, engin-eered cartilage constructsusing chondrocyte-seededagarose hydrogels (Maucket al. 2003); cell encapsu-lation matrix (Jen et al.1996; O’Connor et al.2001; Kampf 2002)

carrageenan red algae: Rhodophyceae(Chondrus crispus,Eucheuma cottonii,Eucheuma spinosum;Percival & McDowell1990)































OSO 3–











β-D-Galactopyranose 3,6-anhydro-α-D-Galactopyranose








































β13OSO 3























OS O3–



k-carrageenan gels in thepresence of KC ions to formstrong crisp gels; i-carra-geenan gels in the presenceof Ca2C ions to form elasticgels; l-carrageenan is non-gelling but forms viscoussolutions (Percival &McDowell 1990)

carrageenan-based polyelec-trolyte for cell encapsula-tion (Prokop et al.1998a,b; Bartkowiak &Hunkeler 2001; Shumilina& Shchipunov 2002)













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Table 1. (Continued.)

polysaccharide source repeating unit relevant propertiesexamples of proposedapplications

chitin animal (crustaceanshells, exoskeletons ofinsects and otherarthropods); microbial(fungal cell walls;Lezica & Quesada-Allue 1990)



























β1 4


























β1 4

chitin is insoluble in mostcommon solvents, but canbe converted by chemicalreactions into solublederivatives (Kurita 2001);chitin derivatives are enzy-matically degraded by lyso-zyme, which exists in bloodserum and phagocytic cells,but the rate of degradationdepends on the DA (Freieret al. 2005a)

chitosan fibre mesh scaffoldsproduced by wet spinningfor bone TE (Tuzlakogluet al. 2004); chitosansponges as scaffoldingmaterials for bone forma-tion and cartilage TE(Nettles et al. 2002; Seolet al. 2004); chitin-basedtubes for nerve regen-eration (Freier et al.2005b); chitosan particlesagglomerated scaffolds forcartilage and osteochon-dral TE (Malafaya et al.2005); injectable chitosan-based cell delivery vehiclefor cartilage TE (Cheniteet al. 2000; Hoemann et al.2005)

hyaluronic acid animal (synovial fluid,vitreous humour of theeye, umbilical tissue;Drury & Mooney2003); microbial (fer-mentation Bacillussubtilis; Leach et al.2003; Widner et al.2005)




















N-Acetyl-D-glucosamineD-Glucuronic acid







hyaluronan is soluble in waterand can form hydrogels bycovalent and photocros-slinking with hydrazidederivatives, by esterifica-tion and annealing; it isenzymatically degraded byhyaluronidase, which existsin cells and serum (Drury &Mooney 2003)

prototype benzylic ester ofhyaluronic acid scaffoldfor ligament TE (Cristinoet al. 2005); hyaluronan-based sponges for thetreatment of osteochon-dral defects (Solchagaet al. 2000), flat sheets ofnon-woven hyaluronan-based scaffold as vasculargraft (Arrigoni et al.2006); photocrosslinkedhyaluronic acid hydrogelsas TE scaffolds (Leachet al. 2003)













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Table 1. (Continued.)

polysaccharide source repeating unit relevant propertiesexamples of proposedapplications

dextran microbial (bacteriumLeuconostoc mesen-teroides; Naessenset al. 2005)
























































dextran is soluble in bothwater and organic solvents(e.g. dimethyl sulphoxide;Jiang et al. 2004); it is stableunder mild acidic and basicconditions, and contains alarge number of hydroxylgroups available for modifi-cation/conjugation withother molecules (Mehvar2000)

porous hydrogels as scaffoldsfor TE applications(Levesque et al. 2005)

gellan gum microbial (bacteriumSphingomonas elodea;Ciardelli et al. 2005) O























































D-Glucuronic acid

native or high acyl gellan gum















































D-Glucopyranose D-Glucuronic acid

low acyl gellan gum

high acyl (HA) gellan gumgives soft, elastic, transpar-ent and flexible gels atpolymer concentrationshigher than 0.2%; HA gelsset and melt at approxi-mately 70–808C with nothermal hysteresis;however, low acyl (LA)gellan gum can form hard,non-elastic and brittle gelsin the presence of cations,including Ca2C, Mg2C,NaC, KC and HC; the gelstrength of LA gellan gumincreases with increasingion concentration; cationconcentration can alsoaffect gel setting and melt-ing temperatures(Izydorczyk et al. 2005)

laser sintered polycaprolac-tone/gellan as TE scaf-folds (Cascone et al. 2001;Ciardelli et al. 2005)













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substances, such as alginate (Perka et al. 2000) orhyaluronic acid (Park et al. 2005b). It has also beenused in the regeneration of the skin, with considerablesuccess, and even in the loading and posterior release ofgrowth factors (see Hubbell 2003 and referencestherein).

Hydrogels enabling enzymatically mediated cellmigration are part of an interesting strategy to mimicthe ECM, whose aim is to develop matrices that couldpromote cell ingrowth throughproteolytic degradation ofthe matrix, usually requiring the action of metallopro-teinases that are secreted by cells. Very elegant workshave reported the use of conjugates of poly(ethyleneglycol) and specific peptides that can be hydrolysedunder the presence of enzymes involved in cell migration(Mann et al. 2001; Lutolf et al. 2003a). Growth factorscan be entrapped that can also promote mesenchymalstem cell (MSC) infiltration and corresponding differen-tiation (Lutolf et al. 2003a,b). Instead of peptidesegments, denaturated fibrinogen segments were com-bined with poly(ethylene glycol) to form biosynthetichybrid hydrogels (Almany & Seliktar 2005).

Self-assembling materials, also aimed at mimickingthe ECM, have been proposed as hydrogels for tissueengineering applications. Peptide-amphiphilic-basednanostructured fibrous scaffolds were produced bypH-induced self-assembly that could also inducebiomineralization (Hartgerink et al. 2001). A three-dimensional network based on nanofibres formed by theself-assembly of peptide-amphiphilic molecules was alsoused to encapsulate neural progenitor cells, showing theability to induce very rapid differentiation into neurons,while discouraging the development of astrocytes (Silvaet al. 2004).

2.2. Other protein-derived biomaterials

Animal- or vegetal-derived proteins have been shown tohave potential to be used as scaffolds for tissueengineering applications. Silk proteins, for example,contain a highly repetitive primary sequence that leadsto a high content of b-sheets, responsible for the goodmechanical properties of silk fibres. It has been reportedthat silk fibroin may have potential to be used in tissueengineering applications, where mechanically robust,long-term degradable materials are needed (Altmanet al. 2003). For example, highly porous silk scaffoldswere combined with adult MSCs for in vitro cartilagetissue engineering (Wang et al. 2005). Additionally,casein and soybean protein-based materials were foundto be promising materials for use in different biomedicalapplications, including the production of scaffolds fortissue engineering (Vaz et al. 2003). The major draw-back of such materials is the possibility of eliciting somelevel of foreign body response following implanta-tion in vivo, which can be minimized, for instance,by purification.

2.3. Polysaccharides

Polysaccharides consist of monosaccharides linkedtogether by O-glycosidic linkages. Differences in themonosaccharide composition, linkage types andpatterns,T






















































































































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chain shapes and molecular weight dictate their physicalproperties, including solubility, flow behaviour, gellingpotential and/or surface and interfacial properties.Polysaccharides are derived from renewable resources,namely plants, animals and micro-organisms, and aretherefore widely distributed in nature. They performdifferentphysiological functions andmayoffer a variety ofpotential applications in the fields of tissue engineeringand regenerative medicine.

2.3.1. Plant polysaccharides. Starch is a mixture ofglycans that plants synthesize as their principal foodreserve. It is deposited in the chloroplasts of plant cellsas insoluble granules composed of a-amylose (nor-mally 20–30%) and amylopectin (normally 70–80%;Morrison & Karkalas 1990). a-Amylose is a linearpolymer of several thousands of glucose residues linkedby a(1/4) bonds. Amylopectin, consisting mainly ofa(1/4)-linked glucose residues, is a branched moleculewith a(1/6) branch points at every 24–30 glucoseresidues in average (table 1). Amylopectin moleculescontain up to 106 glucose residues, making them some ofthe largest molecules in nature (Voet et al. 1999).

Cellulose, the primary structural component of plantcell walls, is a linear polysaccharide of D-glucose unitslinked by b(1/4) glycosidic bonds (table 1). The fullyequatorial conformation of b-linked glucose residuesstabilizes the chair structure, minimizing its flexibility.This highly cohesive, hydrogen-bonded structure givescellulose fibres the exceptional strength and makesthem water insoluble despite their hydrophilicity (Voetet al. 1999). Cellulosic materials exhibit, however, poordegradation in vivo (Entcheva et al. 2004).

2.3.2. Exudate gums. Exudate gum polysaccharides areproduced at the surface of a plant, usually as a result oftrauma or stress (physical injury and/or fungal attack).These exudates are complex, uronic acid-containingpolysaccharides; some are even associated with proteins(Stephen et al. 1990). Most gums are soluble in waterand have high viscosity. Major use of gums is in thefood and pharmaceutical industries, where their emul-sifying, stabilizing, thickening and gel-forming proper-ties are the main physical requirements (Stephen et al.1990). The gums with major commercial value are gumarabic, larch gum, gum karaya, gum ghatti and gumtragacanth (Stephen et al. 1990). Arabinogalactan is amajor D-galactan obtained from soft woods such aslarch (larch gum). It is composed of b(1/3)-linkedD-galactose units, each containing a side chain atposition C6. It is extracted from the Larix tree andavailable in 99.9% pure form with reproduciblemolecular weight and physico-chemical properties. Thehigh solubility in water, biocompatibility, biodegrad-ability and the ease of chemical modification in aqueousmedia make it an attractive polymer for the synthesis ofscaffolds for application in tissue engineering.

Gum arabic is an exudate gum obtained from Acaciatrees and consists of a variable mixture of arabinogalac-tan oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and glycoproteins.It is an acidic arabinogalactan with a complex structure.The main chain of this polysaccharide consists of

b(1/3) and b(1/6)-linked D-galactose units alongwith b(1/6)-linked D-glucopyranosyl uronic acid units.Though gum arabic has high water solubility (up to50% w/v) and relatively low viscosity (Izydorczyk et al.2005), it exhibits emulsification, encapsulation and film-forming abilities.

2.3.3. Algal polysaccharides. Alginate, the monovalentform of alginic acid, is a linear polymer of b(1/4)-linked D-mannuronic acid and a(1/4)-linkedL-guluronic acid, which occurs combined with calciumand other bases in the cell walls and intracellularmatrix of brown seaweeds, constituting the mainstructural component (Percival & McDowell 1990).The residues are present in the blocks of each monomer,separated by regions in which they are randomlyarranged or alternating. The proportions of mannuro-nic (M) and guluronic (G) residues (table 1), and thelengths of the blocks, can vary considerably, dependingon the source of the alginate. The polymer undergoesionotropic gelation in the presence of divalent cationsand gelling depends on the ion binding (Mg2C/Ca2C!Sr2C!Ba2C; Izydorczyk et al. 2005). One of thedrawbacks of alginate hydrogels is that the degradationoccurs via a slow and unpredictable dissolution processin vivo (Rowley et al. 1999; Bouhadir et al. 2001;Boontheekul et al. 2005).

Galactans, the major polysaccharides of the redalgae Rhodophyceae, comprise agars, carrageenansand related hybrid polysaccharides. Agar is made oftwo components: agarose (a non-sulphated fraction)and agaropectin (a mixture of various sulphatedmolecules). The separation of agarose from thepolysaccharide mixture is based on the differences insolubility and chemical reactivity, which is associatedwith the anionic character of agaropectins (Percival &McDowell 1990). Agarose is a linear polysaccharidebased on the (1/3)-b-D-galactopyranose-(1/4)-3,6-anhydro-a-L-galactopyranose unit (table 1). Thisarrangement allows the chains to join together andadopt a double helix. The two chains are wrappedtogether so tightly that any gaps are closed, trappingany water inside the helix.

Carrageenan polysaccharides are linear polymersconsisting of chains of (1/3)-linked b-D-galactose and(1/4)-linked a-D-galactose units, which are variouslysubstituted and modified into the 3,6-anhydro deriva-tive, depending on the source and extraction conditions(table 1; Thanh et al. 2002). All carrageenans are highlyflexible molecules, which at higher concentrations windaround each other to form double helical structures.This gives them the ability to form a variety of differentgels at room temperature. k- and i-carrageenans formthermoreversible gels on cooling in the presence ofappropriate counterions. A particular advantage is thatthey are thixotropic (Bartkowiak & Hunkeler 2001), i.e.they thin under shear stress and recover their viscosityonce the stress is removed.

2.3.4. Animal polysaccharides. Chitin is the principalstructural component of the exoskeletons of invert-ebrates, such as crustaceans and insects, and is also

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present in the cell walls of most fungi and many algae.It is a hom*opolymer of b(1/4)-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues (GlcNAc; Lezica & Quesada-Allue 1990). Chitin can be converted into solublederivatives such as chitosan, carboxymethyl chitin andglycochitin, among others (Kurita 2001).

Chitosan is soluble in diluted acids. The numberfraction (%) of GlcNAc residues in the polymer chain isdesignated by degree of acetylation (DA) and influ-ences the chitosan physico-chemical properties, such assolubility, reactivity, biodegradability and cell response(Khor & Lim 2003; Freier et al. 2005a). Water-solublederivatives (e.g. carboxymethyl chitin) can also beobtained, extending the domain of applications ofchitin, especially in the biomedical field. Chitinderivatives possess many unique properties, such asbiocompatibility, biodegradability, hydrophilicity,adsorption capability and high reactivity. Moreover,chitin-based polymers are materials with great versa-tility to be processed in different forms (fibres, sponges,membranes, beads and hydrogels; Khor & Lim 2003; DiMartino et al. 2005; Yi et al. 2005).

Glycosaminoglycans are unbranched polysacchar-ides that consist of alternating uronic acid andhexosamine residues. The extracellular spaces, inparticular those of connective tissues such as cartilage,tendon, skin and blood vessel walls, contain collagenand other proteins embedded in a gel-like matrix that iscomposed largely of GAGs.

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan orhyaluronate, is an important GAG component ofconnective tissue, synovial fluid (the fluid thatlubricates joints) and the vitreous humour of the eye(Drury & Mooney 2003). Hyaluronic acid is a linearpolysaccharide composed of 250–25 000 b(1/4)-linked disaccharide units, which consists of D-glucuronicacid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) linked byb(1/3) bond (table 1). The disaccharide units ofhyaluronic acid are extended, forming a rigidmolecule whose numerous repelling anionic groupsbind cations and water molecules. In solution,hyaluronate occupies a volume approximately 1000times that in its dry state. Hyaluronate solutionsexhibit clear viscoelastic properties that make themexcellent biological absorbers and lubricants. Inaddition, hyaluronic acid can be easily and control-lably produced in large scales through microbialfermentation, enabling the scale-up of derivedproducts and avoiding the risk of animal-derivedpathogens. Chondroitin-4-sulphate and chondroitin-6-sulphate differ only in the sulphation of theirN-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) residues. Dermatansulphate is derived from chondroitin by enzymaticepimerization of C5 of glucuronate residues to formiduronate residues. Keratan sulphate is the mostheterogeneous of the major GAGs, in that its sulphatecontent is variable and contains small amounts offucose, mannose, GlcNAc and sialic acid. Heparin alsoconsists of a variably sulphated repeating disaccharideunit, with an average of 2.5 sulphate residues perdisaccharideunit,whichmakes it themosthighlychargedpolymer in mammalian tissues.

2.3.5. Microbial polysaccharides. Dextran is a branchedbacterial polysaccharide, produced from sucrose via theaction of dextransucrase enzyme (Naessens et al. 2005),consisting of a(1/6)-linked D-glucose residues withsome degree of branching via a(1/3) linkages(table 1). The molecular weight and degree of branch-ing is dependent on the source of dextrans and mayvary from 0.5 to 60%. Both the degree of branching andmolecular weight distribution affect its physico-chemical properties (Mehvar 2000).

Gellan gum is a high molecular weight bacterialexopolysaccharide. It is a linear anionic heteropolysac-charide composed of the tetrasaccharide (1/4)-L-rhamnose-a(1/3)-D-glucose-b(1/4)-D-glucuronicacid-b(1/4)-D-glucose as a repeating unit (table 1). Inits native, or high acyl form, two acyl substituentsD-acetate and D-glycerate are present. Both sub-stituents are located in the same glucose residue. Thehigh acyl form produces transparent, soft, elastic andflexible gels that are resistant to heat and acid, whereasthe low acyl form produces firm, non-elastic brittle gels.Gel formation is due to a conformational heat reversibletransition from a state of single random macro-molecules to a more ordered state, where macro-molecules pair with each other to form double helices(Cascone et al. 2001).

Pullulan is an extracellular microbial hom*opolysac-charide of glucose, produced from starch by fermenta-tion, and consists in repeating units of maltotriose(a(1/4)-linked) joined by a(1/6) linkages (table 1).Some advantages of pullulan are its non-toxicity andlack of immunogenicity (Gupta & Gupta 2004).

Xanthan gum is an anionic polysaccharide producedfrom glucose via fermentation by the bacteriumXanthom*onas campestris (Rosalam & England 2006).The structure of xanthan is based on a cellulosicbackbone of b(1/4)-linked glucose units that havetrisaccharide side chains of D-mannose-b(1/4)-D-glucuronic acid-b(1/2)-D-mannose linked to C3every second glucose unit in the main chain. Someterminal mannose units can contain a pyruvate groupand mannose residues attached to backbone units arevariably acetylated. It has unique rheological proper-ties (high viscosity even at low concentrations) andforms hydrogels by annealing the solution in sol stateand subsequent cooling (Iseki et al. 2001).

Cellulose can be produced by the bacteriumGluconacetobacter xylinus (table 1). Bacterial cellulose(BC) has unique properties, including biocompatibility,high water-holding capacity, high crystallinity, a finefibre network and high tensile strength in the wet state.In addition to its cost-efficient and relatively simpleproduction, it has the advantage of in situmouldability(Svensson et al. 2005).

Table 1 summarizes the polysaccharides that arecurrently used in the field of tissue engineering andregenerative medicine. However, there is a wide varietyof other potentially useful polysaccharides exhibiting adiversity of structures and functions (e.g. pseudoplasticbehaviour, gelation, water binding, etc.), such aslaminarin, gluco- and galactomannans, exudate andmucilage gums, xanthan gum, levan, curdlan, amongmany others, which remain unexploited within the

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biomedical field. This situation may be associatedwith their current unavailability, difficulty of theirisolation/purification and processing and/or lackof information related to their biocompatibilityand toxicity.

An important aspect to consider when using naturalmaterials is that they can induce an undesirableimmune response due to the presence of impuritiesand endotoxins, depending on the source of thematerial. Additionally, their properties may differfrom batch to batch during large-scale isolationprocedures due to inability to control the processingtechniques. Nevertheless, as knowledge about thesenatural materials is widening, new approaches, includ-ing methods for production, purification, control ofmaterial properties (mechanical and degradation rate)and for enhancing material biocompatibility, are beingdeveloped for designing better scaffolding materialsto support the development of more natural andfunctional tissues.

2.4. Naturally derived polyesters

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are degradable, bio-compatible, thermoplastic polyesters derived frommicro-organisms, used as a reserve of carbon andenergy. A great variety of materials of this family canbe produced, but the use of PHAs in tissue engineeringhas been mainly restricted to two polymers, namelypoly(hydroxybutyrate), PHB, and poly(hydroxybuty-rate-co-valerate), PHBV (Williams et al. 1999; Chen &Wu 2005); the copolymerization produces less crystal-line, more flexible and more readily processablematerials than pure PHB. Previous works have shownthat such materials can be used as cell support for tissueengineering application (e.g. Deng et al. 2002).


Successful tissue engineering strategies require thedevelopment of an adequate scaffold that supports theregeneration process. The scaffold provides a three-dimensional structure and template upon which thetissue-specific cells attach, proliferate and produceECM. The scaffold should provide sufficient surfacearea for the initial cell seeding and subsequentproliferation and colonization of the construct.Furthermore, the necessary diffusion of nutrients andmetabolites in a three-dimensional environmentdemands highly porous scaffolds (Karageorgiou &Kaplan 2005). Ideally, the material should degrade inagreement with the deposition of ECM.

3.1. Particle leaching

Particle leaching is one of the most widely usedprocessing methods to obtain controlled size of theporosity of scaffolds (Riddle & Mooney 2004). Theprocess is based on the dispersion of a porogen agent(such as salt, sugar or others) either in a liquid,particulate or powder-based material (Hou et al. 2003;Lee et al. 2004c). The liquid may be solidified by solvent

evaporation, crosslinking or other reactions, and thepowder may be compacted using pressure and tempera-ture. After the shaping process, the porogen agent isdissolved by immersion in a solvent specific to it andporosity is created (Lee et al. 2003). Besides the unevenpermeability caused by the poor dispersion of theporogen, it is relevant to highlight its adverse effectover the mechanical properties of the porous structure(Zhang et al. 2005). Advantages of this process includeits simplicity, versatility and easiness of control of thepore size and geometry. The pore geometry is obtainedby the selection of the shape of the porogen agent,whereas the pore size is controlled by sieving theporogen particles to a specific dimension range. It is,however, difficult by this method to accurately designthe interconnectivity of the pores (Moore et al. 2004).

3.2. Freeze drying

Freeze drying is a commonly used process to stabilizeand preserve heat-sensitive bioproducts. The method isbased on the formation of ice crystals that induceporosity through ice sublimation and desorption. Thekinetics of the freezing stage controls the porosity andthe interconnectivity of foams (Liapis et al. 1996). It ispossible to control the porosity level of the foams byvarying the freezing time and the annealing stage(Hottot et al. 2004). Values of porosity up to 90% withdifferent interconnectivities are common in freeze-driedstructures. The main difficulty associated with thisprocess is to ensure structural stability and adequatemechanical properties of the porous constructs aftersubsequent hydration. This limitation hinders its usewhen the application involves conditions with mechan-ical stress, even at low-to-moderate levels. Our groupdeveloped bioactive chitosan/hydroxyapatite scaffoldsusing this method (Malafaya & Reis 2003). Anotherstudy (Oliveira et al. 2006) developed bilayeredscaffolds based on chitosan and hydroxyapatite aimedat osteochondral application, where the porousmorphology of the chitosan layer was induced byfreeze drying.

3.3. Phase separation

Phase separation of polymeric solutions can be inducedby various techniques. An extensive review of theprocesses available has been published elsewhere(vandeWitte et al. 1996). Thermal-induced phaseseparation is based on the decrease in solubilityassociated with temperature increase. After demixingis induced, the solvent is removed by extraction,evaporation or freeze drying (Yang et al. 2004). Inair-casting precipitation, a polymer solution is preparedby dissolving a polymer in a mixture of a volatilesolvent and a less volatile non-solvent. Upon evapora-tion of the solvent, the solubility of the polymerdecreases and the phase separation takes place(Zeman & Fraser 1993). Immersion precipitation isthe casting of a polymer solution as a thin film on asupport or by extruding the solution through a diefollowed by subsequent immersion in a non-solventbath (Cheng et al. 1995).

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Several natural-based biodegradable polymers andcomposites have been processed by this route, includingchitosan/nano-hydroxyapatite (Almany & Seliktar2005), chitosan-gelatine/hydroxyapatite (Zhao et al.2002) and alginate/hydroxyapatite (Lin & Yen2004) composites.

3.4. Fibre meshes and fibre bonding

Fibre meshes produced from melt- or solution-spunfibres have also been investigated as TE scaffolds. Ourgroup has developed starch-based scaffolds (Gomeset al. 2003; Pavlov et al. 2004) by melt-spinning blendsof starch with ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer,poly(3-caprolactone) (PCL) and polylactide (PLA)into fibre bundles. In this methodology, fibre meshscaffolds are produced by applying a heat treatment tobond fibre bundles (Pavlov et al. 2004). For thesescaffolds, cell survival was shown to be highly depen-dent on scaffold porosity, which is believed to be relatedto the more efficient diffusion of nutrients within thescaffold (Gomes et al. 2004a). Our group has yetproposed another method for the production of fibremesh scaffolds from non-fusible materials, by directlyproducing fibre bundles by wet spinning (Tuzlakogluet al. 2004).

3.5. Melt processing

The non-thermoplastic behaviour of natural polymershas limited the application of melt-based processingmethods for the production of TE scaffolds to thesematerials. However, several melt-based processingmethodologies, such as compression moulding com-bined with particulate leaching, extrusion and injectionmoulding with blowing agents, have been proposedwithin our group. Foaming during melt extrusion orinjection moulding is based on the use of physical orchemical blowing agents that are responsible forinducing porosity. Research on these processing routeshas mainly been focused on the use of chemical blowingagents. So far, TE scaffolds based on thermoplasticblends of starch with ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymerand cellulose acetate have been produced by meltextrusion, employing endothermic chemical blowingagents based on mixtures of citric acid and sodiumbicarbonate (Gomes et al. 2002). These scaffolds havebeen reported to be highly biocompatible (Salgado et al.2002) and to exhibit adequate properties, both in termsof porosity and pore geometry, for supporting cellgrowth and apparent bone formation (Salgado et al.2004b). A similar strategy has been applied for theproduction of TE scaffolds based on injection moulding(Gomes et al. 2001; Neves et al. 2005). Compared withextrusion, injection moulding uses the combined effectof heat and shear to plasticize thermoplastic formu-lations. More recently, physical blowing agents such assupercritical CO2 and water have been used to produceTE scaffolds by injection moulding (Haugen et al. 2005;Leicher et al. 2005).

3.6. Batch foaming

Traditional methods for the production of microporousmaterials are based on phase separation of a hom*o-geneous polymer solution by temperature quench or bythe addition of an anti-solvent. Alternatively, it ispossible to produce porous morphologies by firstsaturating a polymer with a high pressure or super-critical gas (usually CO2) at controlled temperatureand submitting it to pressure quenching induced byrapid depressurization. The production of TE scaffoldsby batch foaming is based on the saturation of apolymer with pressurized gas, followed by a rapidpressure reduction that causes thermodynamic instabil-ity and subsequent nucleation and growth of gas pores.Mooney and co-workers (Harris et al. 1997, 1998)pioneered the use of this strategy for the development ofTE scaffolds based on PLA, PGA and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) in combination with particle saltleaching. Recently, anisotropic composites based onPLA and hydroxyapatite (HA) were produced(Mathieu et al. 2005, 2006) by a different methodbased on the saturation of the polymer above itsmelting temperature with supercritical CO2 followedby rapid depressurization, which resulted in porositylevels up to 87.8% (Mathieu et al. 2006). As opposed tothe use of high pressure or supercritical, other foamingmethods have also been investigated, which rely on theuse of chemical foaming agents. Silk fibroin scaffoldswere developed using ammonium bicarbonate as aporogen agent (Nazarov et al. 2004). In this case, asolution of silk fibroin solution containing ammoniumbicarbonate was dried and stabilized with ethanol,before being foamed in hot water. An alternative batchfoaming method for the production of scaffolds is basedon the supersaturation of a polymer paste containingsodium bicarbonate salt particles with citric acid (JunJin & Park 2001). This methodology has been appliedto the fabrication of galactose-conjugated PLGAscaffolds (Tae Gwan 2002) and PLGA scaffoldsincorporating dexamethasone (Yoon et al. 2003).

3.7. Electrospinning

Electrospinning (or electrostatic spinning) can be usedto produce polymeric nanofibre non-woven membranes.The process is controlled by a high intensity electricfield created between two electrodes bearing electriccharges of opposite polarity. One electrode is placed inthe polymer solution and the other is placed in thecollector. The polymer solution is pumped from aneedle forming a drop of solution. When the electricfield produces a force in the droplet that is able toovercome the surface tension of the solution, a jet ofpolymer is ejected, producing the fibres. The solventstarts to evaporate at the instant of jet formation andcontinues after the nanofibres are deposited in thecollector. The characteristics of the nanofibres andmeshes depend on various properties of the solution andon the processing parameters. This process gained arenewed interest in the early 1990s for the developmentof nanostructured membranes aimed at biomedicalapplications. Most of the work in this field uses

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biodegradable synthetic polymers (such as PLLA andPCL) to produce non-woven membranes for varioustissue engineering or drug delivery applications (Li &Xia 2004). Extensive reviews of the electrospinningprocess can be found elsewhere (Reneker & Chun1996). Different modifications of the process have beenproposed in order to produce non-woven meshes orfibres with specific tailored morphologies, such ashollow fibres (Yu et al. 2004), aligned nanofibres(Li et al. 2004; Xu et al. 2004) or continuous nanofibreyarns (Ko et al. 2003).

3.8. Rapid prototyping

The difficulties and limitations of the previous proces-sing routes have led to the investigation of alternativeprocessing methodologies based on solid freeformfabrication (SFF) or rapid prototyping (RP). One ofthe main advantages of the latter is the possibleintegration of RP fabrication with computer-assisteddesign and medical imaging acquisition and processingtechniques for the production of anatomically adaptedscaffolds, featuring customized internal architectures.Although the integration of the previously mentionedtechnologies for the production of TE scaffolds is notexactly novel, only recently a common designation hasbeen proposed: computer-assisted tissue engineering(Sun & Lal 2002; Sun et al. 2004a,b; Tuan & Hutmacher2005; Wettergreen et al. 2005).

In this area, great emphasis has been given to thedevelopment of TE scaffolds by extrusion-based RP.In techniques such as fused deposition modelling(FDM), a filament of material is heated up andmelted in an extrusion nozzle and deposited layer bylayer, according to a programmable path. Thetemperature and flow of the material is controlledby an extrusion head, while the scaffold constructionin the Z-axis is ensured by the relative movement ofthe platform to the extrusion head. Hutmacher andco-workers (Hutmacher et al. 2001; Schantz et al.2002, 2005; Zein et al. 2002) have reported thedevelopment of TE scaffolds using the FDM of PCL.In the so-called three-dimensional deposition process,also referred to as three-dimensional bioplotting, thematerial in the powder or granular form is heatedinside a barrel and the molten material is displacedby a plunger or piston, while in precise extrusion, theplasticization of the melt is made by a rotating screw.Our group has been developing TE scaffolds based onthermoplastic blends of starch using this approach.Figure 1 presents, as an example, a scaffold geometrybased on starch/PCL blend, featuring an orientationpattern between consecutive layers of 08/908, a fibrethickness of 0.5 mm, a spacing between fibres of 2.0 mm(in the same layer) and an offset fibre distance (betweenconsecutive layers) of 1.0 mm. Selective laser sinteringhas also been used to process natural-based polymerscaffolds. In this technique, each layer of the scaffold isbuilt by scanning and sintering of a powdered substrateby a laser beam.

The non-fusible behaviour of many natural-basedpolymers limits the application of SFF techniquesbased on melting. Three-dimensional printing is an

alternative RP fabrication of scaffolds, which usesstarch as a binder (Kim et al. 1998; Lam et al. 2002;Pfister et al. 2004; Seitz et al. 2005). Three-dimensionalprinting is based on the selective bonding of powderparticles via the deposition of a binder resin. Solidfreeform fabrication techniques have also focused onthe processing of non-fusible natural polymers, such aschitosan and chitosan/hydroxyapatite composites(Ang et al. 2002; Geng et al. 2005). In this approach,the scaffold is built layer by layer through thedispensing of a chitosan/acetic acid solution intosodium hydroxide-based media that causes the neutral-ization of the acetic acid and the formation of a gel-likechitosan strand. Figure 2 shows chitosan scaffolds beingbuilt by three-dimensional bioplotting in our researchgroup, where the reproducibility of the chitosan patternis evident. The use of low temperature in this processingmethod enables, in principle, the encapsulation of cellsand bioactive molecules, which is not possible in melt-based processes. An example of this is the developmentof gelatin/alginate scaffolds encapsulating cells (Yanet al. 2005a,b) produced by the consecutive depositionof a mixture of gelatin/alginate and hepatocytes cells,using a microdispenser and subsequent crosslinking bycalcium chloride or glutaraldehyde. Other studies(Campbell et al. 2005; Weiss et al. 2005) focused onthe scaffold fabrication by inkjet printing of fibrinhydrogen printing incorporating fibroblast growthfactor 2 (FGF-2) and bone morphogenetic protein 2(BMP-2). Hydroxyapatite-based scaffolds have alsobeen developed (Wang et al. 2002b) by the so-calledthree-dimensional gel lamination system, in whichgelling of sodium alginate and calcium chloride wasused to gel a hydroxyapatite slurry. An alternativemethod is to use RP technologies to manufacture asacrifice mould based on which scaffolds are produced(Sachlos et al. 2003).


The ‘traditional’ drug delivery approach can be appliedin the context of TE when strategies include theencapsulation of growth factors or living cells withinthe scaffolds. In turn, scaffolds can be designed astraditional drug delivery carriers to control a site- andtime-specific release profile and also to protect thegrowth factor (Malafaya et al. 2002). Having thisstrategy in mind, one can understand the role ofmicrosphere-based technology in tissue engineeringapplications. Microspheres have been used in the fieldof tissue engineering mainly to encapsulate growthfactors or cells. But microspheres can also be used asinjectable scaffolds to support cell growth and prolifer-ation directly or can be aggregated by these cells inorder to form living tissue-engineered constructs.Furthermore, the aggregation of the microspheresthemselves can be used as a processing technique toproduce porous scaffolds. Another approach that hasbeen usually used is to embed loaded microspheres(with growth factors or cells) in hydrogels that are thenimplanted as an integrated construct. Finally, micro-spheres can be combined with porous scaffolds by either

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L = SE1


EHT = 15.0 KV2.00 mm

WD = 27 mm MAG = X 15.0 PHOTO = 42

L = SE1


EHT = 15.0 KV2.00 mm

WD = 44 mm MAG = X 15.0 PHOTO = 44



Figure 1. Starch/PCL scaffolds produced by three-dimensional bioplotting as observed in (a) the isometric perspective and(b) the XX0 building direction, featuring an orientation pattern between consecutive layers of 08/908 and 1 mm offset fibredistance between consecutive layers.

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direct incorporation within the scaffold, injectingtogether when implanted, or more rarely used as acoating of these scaffolds.

4.1. General considerations on microparticles

Polymer spheres with sizes up to 2 mm are produced byvarious processes, including precipitation, spray dryingor suspension, emulsion and dispersion polymerizations(Tuncel et al. 1996; ODonnell &McGinity 1997). Theseinclude microcapsules and vesicular systems in which acavity is surrounded by a unique polymeric membraneand microspheres, which are matrix-filled systems(Couvreur & Puisieux 1993).

If they are aimed to be used as drug delivery systemsand are fabricated as microspheres, they can be injectedwith a syringe (Eliaz & Kost 2000; Tinsley-Bown et al.2000) or administrated intranasally as dry powder(Tinsley-Bown et al. 2000), and therefore surgicalimplant is avoided. In the case of bone and cartilagetissue engineering, they can be injected or combinedwith the scaffold used for implantation on the repairsite, as well as can serve as substrates for cells ofinterest. In the latter, they can serve either as part of anin vitro strategy or an in vivo vehicle.

4.2. Cell–microparticle constructs

Cell culture techniques have become vital for the study ofanimal cell structure, function and differentiation and forthe production of many important biological materials,such as vaccines, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, inter-ferons and nucleic acids. Microcarrier culture makespossible the practical high-yielding culture of anchorage-dependent cells. In microcarrier culture, cells grow asmonolayers on the surface of small spheres, which areusually suspended in culture medium by gentle stirring.Cells cultured on microcarriers are often used assubstrates for the production of viruses or cell products

and the microcarrier method is compatible withstandard production procedures.

These principles were extrapolated to tissue engin-eering, where these systems might be used both as astrategy for cell expansion and as components ofconstructs containing materials and cells. An exampleof such extrapolation is found in Qiu et al. (1998, 2001),where the authors were able to create bone tissueengineering construct using rat marrow stromal cul-tures and microcarriers in a high aspect rotating vessel(HARV) bioreactor.

This approach holds great potential for tissueengineering applications, and the challenge remains indesigning the appropriate microcarriers that suit theneeds of the system. Microspheres have also been usedas injectable scaffolds for tissue engineering. In thisway, it is expected that easy filling of irregularly shapeddefects can be done through minimally invasive surgicalprocedures. One can easily identify two differentapproaches: one where microspheres can be injectedimmediately mixed with cells (Kang et al. 2005) andanother where microspheres can serve as a carrier forin vitro cell attachment and are injected at a later stage(Senuma et al. 2000; Newman & McBurney 2004). Aninteresting study (Curran et al. 2005) refers to the use ofTGF-b1-loaded microspheres as microcarriers forchondrocytes expansion and ECM formation in abioreactor that can be applied in cartilage tissueengineering as injectable system or as integral con-struct, depending on the formation (or not) and size ofa*ggregates of chondrocytes-seeded microspheres.

Another strategy based on microsphere-based tech-nology is the production of porous scaffolds based on thechemical, thermal or physical agglomeration of micro-spheres. A novel processing route based on chitosanparticle aggregation was already described for theproduction of cartilage and osteochondral tissueengineering scaffolds (Malafaya et al. 2005), wherebilayered scaffolds were developed using the particleaggregation (Malafaya et al. 2005). The group of

(a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) Chitosan scaffold being built by three-dimensional bioplotting by our group and (b) its pattern as observed by stereolight microscopy. The distance between fibre strands is 1 mm.

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C. T. Laurencin (Devin et al. 1996; Ambrosio et al.2001; Borden et al. 2002a,b, 2003; Khan et al. 2004) hasbeen applying this technique for the development ofmicrosphere-based matrices for bone repair. Theresearchers have tried different approaches by devel-oping sintered microsphere-based matrices (Bordenet al. 2002b, 2003) or gel microsphere-based matrices(Borden et al. 2002a). Composite microspherescontaining hydroxyapatite were also used for thefabrication of polymer–ceramics three-dimensionalmatrices for bone applications (Devin et al. 1996;Ambrosio et al. 2001; Khan et al. 2004). Heating thepre-fabricated microspheres above the glass transitiontemperature further processes the three-dimensionalstructures, as a means of forming contacts betweenneighbouring microspheres (Borden et al. 2002a). In thegel microsphere-based matrix approach, the gel micro-spheres are previously obtained by emulsion withpoly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA; Borden et al. 2002a). Theensuite aggregation process is based on multiple steps,including air drying, freeze drying, rehydration with saltleaching and new freeze drying. In general, microsphere-based matrices show very interesting properties for apossible application in bone repair. Recently, the samegroup has been working with blends of chitosan/PLGA(Jiang&Laurencin 2005) to take advantage of chitosan’sgreat flexibility in chemical modifications within itsamino and hydroxyl groups.

These three-dimensional structures based on micro-particles can also serve as vehicles for the delivery ofbiologically active factors (e.g. growth, differentiationfactors or DNA) in order to manipulate cellularprocesses occurring within the scaffold microenviron-ment. Nof et al. (Nof & Shea 2002) have developedDNA-loaded microspheres that were subsequentlyaggregated into an interconnected open-pore scaffold(above 94% porosity) via a gas-foaming/particulateleaching process.

Another widely used strategy is based on theincorporation of microspheres into hydrogels. Ideally,these combined systems allow greater control overprotein activity and stability when compared withproteins incorporated directly into the matrix (which isoften associated with a fast release even if covalentlylinked), and also provide advantages over methodsrelying on ‘fine tuning’ of the hydrogel structure anddiffusivity. A tissue engineering strategy for adiposetissue uses gelatin microspheres incorporating basicfibroblast growth factor (bFGF) that are integratedinto an extract of basem*nt membrane protein(Matrigel) (Tabata et al. 2000; Kimura et al. 2002).This strategy aimed at increasing the development of avascular supply, essential for generation and mainten-ance of the adipose tissue, as well as for other mainliving tissues such as bone. Furthermore, this work(Kimura et al. 2002) concludes that gelatin micro-spheres incorporating bFGF enable Matrigel to effi-ciently induce de novo adipogenesis at the implantedsite in respect of the formation rate and volume ofadipose tissue when compared with the controls.

Leach et al. (Leach & Schmidt 2005) have developeda combined system composed of BSA-loaded micro-spheres incorporated into a photopolymerizable

hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel. Another example isthe combination of microspheres containing TGF-b1(DeFail et al. 2006) or TGF-b1 together with micro-spheres containing IGF-1 (Elisseeff et al. 2001), whichhave been incorporated into PEO-based hydrogels withor without chondrocytes encapsulated for cartilagetissue engineering applications.

Another strategy presented by the group of Mikos(Payne et al. 2002a–c) is to use gelatin microspheres asmicrocarriers for marrow stromal cells (Payne et al.2002c) that are further incorporated into injectablepolymeric scaffolds (Payne et al. 2002a,b). The resultssuggest that temporary encapsulation of cells in cross-linkedgelatinmicroparticlesmaypreserve the viability ofcells, creating the possibility of using these as part of aninjectable hydrogel scaffold for bone tissue engineeringapplications aimed at minimally invasive procedures.

Finally, microspheres can be combined with porousscaffolds by either direct incorporation within thescaffold or injecting together when implanted. Thestudy of Isogai et al. (2005) clearly demonstrates thatthe impregnation of the loaded microspheres into thescaffolds is much more effective when compared withthe simultaneous injection of the loaded microspheres.

Other studies may be found in the literature wheregelatin microspheres are combined with collagensponges for different applications, such as periodontaltissue regeneration (Nakahara et al. 2003) or adiposetissue engineering (Kimura et al. 2003).

A common concern for tissue engineering of differentliving tissues is the vascularization. Site-specific deliveryof angiogenic growth factors from tissue-engineereddevices should provide an efficient means of stimulatinglocalized vessel recruitment to the cell transplants andwould ensure cell survival and function. Obviously, themicrosphere-based technology seems to be ideal to inducethis complementary vascularization in tissue-engineeredconstructs. An example is given by Perets et al. (2003)where bFGF-loaded microspheres are incorporated intoalginate porous scaffolds to enhance vascularization afterimplantation in rat peritoneum.The number of penetrat-ing capillaries into the bFGF releasing scaffolds wasnearly fourfold higher than that into the control scaffolds(Perets et al. 2003). Furthermore, the released bFGFinduced the formation of large andmatured blood vessels,as judged by the massive layer of mural cells surroundingthe endothelial cells (Perets et al. 2003).

For cartilage tissue engineering, studies that usemicrosphere-based technologies have mainly focused onthe use of chitosan-based systems. Kim et al. (2003)have designed a type of porous chitosan scaffold,containing TGF-b1, to enhance chondrogenesis. Itwas demonstrated that the scaffold containing theloaded chitosan microspheres significantly increasedthe cell proliferation and production of ECM. A similarapproach using chitosan-based materials was reportedby Lee et al. (2004a), where a three-dimensionalcollagen/chitosan/glycosaminoglycan scaffold wasseeded with rabbit chondrocytes and combined withTGF-b1-loaded chitosan microspheres. This set-upallowed for evaluating the effect of released TGF-b1on the chondrogenic potential of rabbit chondrocytes insuch combined systems. It was observed that both

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the proliferation rate and GAG production weresignificantly higher in the TGF-b1 microsphere-incorporated scaffolds than in the control scaffoldswithout microspheres.

To summarize, the described combined systems usingmicrosphere-based technologies seem to be suitable fordelivering cells or agents, such as growth factors, inscaffolding for tissue engineering applications of livingtissue regeneration such as for bone and cartilage.


Skin is a very heterogeneous membrane and its primaryfunction is to serve as protective barrier against theexternal environment. The ability of the skin to repairitself after a minor wound is remarkable, but when thedamage is severe or occurs in large amounts of skinarea, proper and immediate coverage of the woundsurface with an adequate dressing is needed toprotect and accelerate wound healing (Bradley et al.1999; Clark & Singer 2000). Ultimately, the immediatewound coverage, permanent or temporary, is one of theprincipal goals of wound management (Clark & Singer2000). Ideally, autologous human skin is considered asthe ‘gold standard’ for treatment of skin wounds.However, skin grafts are not always the perfectsolution. They are limited with respect to the con-ditions needed for tissue availability, graft rejectionsand conformability with the surrounding tissue withrespect to thickness and pigmentation (Bradley et al.1999; Clark & Singer 2000; Young & Parenteau 2002).

Considering tissue engineering and wound repair,several approaches involving the use of growth factors,matrix materials, epidermal sheets, dermal replace-ments and complex skin substitutes have beendescribed (Clark & Singer 2000; Bello et al. 2001;Bakos & Koller 2002; Jones et al. 2002; Young &Parenteau 2002; Horch et al. 2005). Most of thecommercial bioengineered skin devices consist of acombination of sheets of biomaterial matrix (e.g.collagen, hyaluronic acid) containing cultured cells(Bello et al. 2001; Jones et al. 2002; Horch et al. 2005).

Several kinds of temporary dressings have beendesigned to provide a bacterial barrier, to control painand contribute to an adequate environment forepithelial regeneration. Based on their nature of action,wound dressings are generally classified as passive,interactive and bioactive products (Bradley et al. 1999;Paul & Sharma 2004). Traditional wound dressingssuch as gauze, knitted viscose dressings and tulledressings are passive devices that protect the woundfrom further injury, while wound healing takes placebeneath naturally. However, these wound dressingsmay adhere to the wound, promoting the patient’s painand trauma. Interactive products include polymericfilms, hyaluronic products, hydrocolloids and hydro-gels, which can alter the local wound environment.

Even with advancements in wound dressings, thereis no single dressing suitable for all types of wounds, andoften, different types are needed to be used during thehealing of a single wound (Bradley et al. 1999).Currently, a variety of natural polymer-based mem-branes obtained from chitin (Yusof et al. 2003, 2004;

Kumar et al. 2004; Tanodekaew et al. 2004; Muzzarelliet al. 2005), chitosan (Khan et al. 2000; Wang et al.2002a; Khan & Peh 2003; Azad et al. 2004; Kumar et al.2004; Marreco et al. 2004; Paul & Sharma 2004; Wuet al. 2004; Campos et al. 2005; Wongpanit et al. 2005),alginate (Wang et al. 2002a), cellulose (Wu et al. 2004;Czaja et al. 2006), hyaluronic acid (RuizCardona et al.1996), gelatin (Chang et al. 2003b; Tanaka et al. 2005),collagen (Grzybowski et al. 1997; Lee et al. 2002; Wuet al. 2003; Sripriya et al. 2004) and their derivativeshave been developed, in an attempt to supply the highdemand for new materials for skin repair, wound coveror dressings in the treatment of different wounds.

Researchers have focused on bilayered membranesfor wound dressing, with incorporation of antibioticsinto these matrices for preventing infections. Thesetypes of bilayer wound dressings are composed of densetop layer and underlying porous sponge-like layer. Theexternal layer protects the wound and serves as anartificial epidermis, while the inner layer is designed forthe drainage of wound exudates and attachment ofwound tissues (Grzybowski et al. 1997; Mi et al. 2001,2002, 2003; Lee et al. 2002; Sripriya et al. 2004). Mi et al.(2002, 2003) reported the incorporation of silversulphadiazine (AgSD) into asymmetric chitosan. Theresults indicate that AgSD-incorporated bilayer chit-osan wound dressing may be effective in the treatmentof infected wounds.

Current strategies for tissue regenerative wounddressings have also aimed at the development ofimplantable matrices that mimic the natural tissue.In this context, natural proteins such as collagen(Grzybowski et al. 1997; Lee et al. 2002; Ruszczak2003; Wu et al. 2003; Sripriya et al. 2004), gelatin(Chang et al. 2003b), soy protein (Silva et al. 2003,2005b), casein (Silva et al. 2003) and silk fibroin (Santinet al. 1999) have been studied separately or ascomposite materials in a template to be used in skintissue engineering due to their similarity with the livingtissues. An important issue for the treatment of aninfected wound is to sustain sufficient drug concen-tration at the site of infection. Therefore, different typesof medicated collagen dressings with antibiotics weredeveloped (Lee et al. 2002; Sripriya et al. 2004). Leeet al. (2002) have developed an infection-preventingbilayered membrane by combining silver sulphadiazineand a laminin-modified collagen membrane, which wasshown to facilitate the dermal wound healing process. Asimilar bilayer wound dressing system that mimics thenatural skin was later reported by Sripriya et al. (2004).

In another approach (Chang et al. 2003b), proteinmodifications such as crosslinking were used for theimprovement of functional properties of gelatin, in orderto solve the problem of its high solubility in aqueousenvironments. It was found that the degree of inflam-matory reaction of membranes treated with genipin(crosslinking agent) was significantly less severe than theone observed for the glutaraldehyde-crosslinked dressing.Tanaka et al. (2005) reported the in vivo efficiency of agelatin film sheet impregnated with epidermal growthfactor (EGF) for a novel therapeutic device for cutaneouswound repair.

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Despite significant wound care advances, unmetneeds remain. Nevertheless, since many wounds can behealed with dressings that do nothing more than coverand protect the wound from infection, biomacromole-cule-based bilayer dressings could represent a signi-ficant advance in wound management.


6.1. General principles

The principle of bioencapsulation has long beenaccepted by the scientific community (King & Goosen1993). This concept arose as a consequence of the use ofpolymeric microcapsules for the impetus behind theneed for immunoisolation of transplanted cells or smallclusters of tissue, when treating serious and disablinghuman conditions. The main goal of encapsulated celltherapy research is not only to develop a confinedbarrier to entrap living xenogeneic or allogeneic cells tobe transplanted, but also to prohibit the entrance of thehosts’ antibodies and immune cells, and by this meansavoiding immune rejection or the use of immunosup-pressive drugs (Gentile et al. 1995; Brissova et al. 1998;Li 1998). Additionally, this barrier must also beselectively permeable to allow the diffusion of oxygen,supply of nutrients and release of toxic metabolites. Inthis context, a suitable material to accomplish theencapsulation must act as a membrane to provide aprotective environment, while supporting cells tomaintain their function, differentiation and prolifer-ation (Zielinski & Aebischer 1994). Thus, an importantcomponent of this three-dimensional volume is theavailability of an ECM that allows the anchor of cells orsimply the stabilization of their positioning (Zielinski &Aebischer 1994; Uludag et al. 2000).

Numerous techniques have been developed for theimmobilization of cells prior to transplantation (Lopezet al. 1997; Uludag et al. 2000; Muralidhar et al. 2001;Yeo & Park 2004), but this can be achieved by twobasic mechanisms: (i) microencapsulation, which typi-cally involves the use of spheres with size ranging from100 to 300 mm in diameter, and (ii) macroencapsula-tion, where a higher number of cells can be transplantedinside a chamber, or in one/several relatively largecapsules/hollow fibres of 0.5–6 mm in diameter and0.5–10 cm in length (Gentile et al. 1995). Anotherrecent alternative has been the use of injectable,biodegradable materials, which can be easily formu-lated with cells and later on, harden in situ. Despite theadvantage of using microcapsules due to the optimalgeometry for diffusive transport (high surface to volumeratio), the chambers or capsules have attracted a greatdeal of attention because they present better mechan-ical and chemical stability and are easier to implant(Li 1998; Uludag et al. 2000; Weber et al. 2004). On theother hand, injectable systems are advantageous whenthe site of the injury is difficult to access, the material ofinterest cannot be processed by melt- or solvent-basedtechniques or because the device is designed toincorporate active agents that do not withstand suchprocessing routes.

The main applications of these systems are as drugdelivery carriers, as encapsulation agents for a diversityof cells, proteins and other bioactive agents, as well astissue engineering scaffolds, mainly of soft tissue(Boesel & Reis 2004; Gomes et al. 2004b; Silva et al.2005a, submitted).

The current injectable systems may be divided intofour main classes: (i) thermoplastic pastes (polymersthat can be melted or softened at low temperatures andinjected into the body), (ii) in situ crosslinking/poly-merizing systems, (iii) in situ precipitation systems(water-insoluble polymers that are dissolved in aphysiologically compatible solvent and precipitateupon contact with body fluids), and (iv) injectablehydrogels, which solidify due to a change in theirenvironment (pH, temperature, shear, etc.).

Recently, natural-based materials have become thefocus of attention regarding injectable systems. Besidesdegradability, they offer the additional advantage ofeasier synthesis/preparation and large availability.

Sections 6.2–6.4 will review the most recentadvances in the use of natural-based, degradablematerials as encapsulation and injectable formulations.

6.2. Chitosan

One common alternative for preparing injectablematerials has been by grafting synthetic polymerswith low critical solution temperature (LCST) char-acter to natural-based polymers. Examples include thegrafting of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm;Cho et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2004b; Chung et al. 2005a),Pluronics (Chung et al. 2005a,b) and polyethyleneglycol (PEG; Bhattarai et al. 2005a,b) to a chitosanbackbone.

PNIPAAm is soluble below its LCST, but becomesinsoluble (hydrophobic) above this temperature (Choet al. 2004). In PNIPAAm-g-chitosan, the graftingpercentage varied between 9.6 and 712 wt%, and thepolymer presented an LCST of 328C, making it suitablefor biomedical applications (Lee et al. 2004b). Thesystem was adequate for supporting the culture ofMSCs, allowing their differentiation into chondrocytesboth in vitro (Cho et al. 2004; Chung et al. 2005a) andin vivo (Cho et al. 2004), and was shown to be non-toxicand biocompatible (Lee et al. 2004b).

Pluronics is a family of PEO–PPO–PEO triblockcopolymers of ethylene oxide (EO) and propyleneoxide (PO) (Chung et al. 2005b) and some membersare thermoreversible gels. Their graft onto chitosanyielded a thermosensitive hydrogel, with the transitiontemperature of 30–358C when the grafting percentagewas 460–1100 wt% and the solution concentration washigher than 16% (Chung et al. 2005b).

In the case of PEG, hydrogen bonds betweenhydrophilic groups of PEG and water predominate atlow temperature, while hydrophobic interactionsbetween polymer chains prevail as temperatureincreases (Bhattarai et al. 2005b).

Another alternative method to prepare thermallygelling materials is by chemical modification of chitosanwith anhydrides or aldehydes (Gerentes et al. 2002).The physical hydrogel is obtained when the equilibrium

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between polymer/polymer interactions and polymer/solvent hydrophilic interactions is achieved. Forchitosan, this occurs for a DA of approximately 80%(Gerentes et al. 2002).

Neutralization of acidic chitosan solutions withglycerol phosphate (GP) allowed the production of athermally gelling solution (C–GP) at approximatelyneutral pHs (6.8–7.2) (Chenite et al. 2000, 2001). Themost important interactions responsible for this ther-mal sol–gel transition are the chitosan–chitosan hydro-phobic interactions, enhanced by the structuring actionof glycerol on water. These gels were able to deliveractive bone protein in vivo and lead to de novo cartilageand bone formation (Chenite et al. 2000). C–GP gels,when loaded with primary articular chondrocytes,preserved chondrocyte viability and phenotype, residedat least for one week in a mobile osteochondral defectand served as a scaffold to help build new tissue(Hoemann et al. 2005). To decrease the very fast releaseof low molecular weight hydrophilic compounds, lipo-somes were added to the C–GP solution, allowing acontrolled delivery of at least two weeks while increas-ing the gelation rate and gel strength (Ruel-Gariepyet al. 2002). Hydrophobic drugs, on the other hand,could be delivered for at least a month withoutmodification of the formulation (Ruel-Gariepy et al.2004). Intratumoral injection of the drug-loaded gelwas as effective as four intravenous injections of thesame drug (Molinaro et al. 2002). However, animportant drawback was the acute inflammatoryresponse of the gels when injected subcutaneously(Molinaro et al. 2002); the higher the DA, the strongerwill be the response.

6.3. Alginates

A rapid curing hom*ogeneous and stable gel wasformulated with a solution of alginate (2%) and CaCl2(Stevens et al. 2004). Variations of the alginate andcalcium salt concentration, choice of gelling ion andguluronic units content influence the gelation kinetics(Stevens et al. 2004). The use of poorly water-solublesalts (CaCO3 and CaSO4) influences gelation rate and,consequently, mechanical properties (Kuo & Ma 2001).If tricalciumphosphate is used to promote gelation, itadditionally creates an osteoconductive environmentthat can facilitate cell attachment (Luginbuehl et al.2005). Such injectable gels were also mixed withinsulin-like growth factor, resulting in a sevenfoldincrease in proliferation rate of osteoblast-like cells(Luginbuehl et al. 2005). When cultured with chon-drocytes, Ca-alginate was able to support periosteum-derived chondrogenesis, although the constructs didnot form a hyaline-like cartilaginous tissue (Stevenset al. 2004).

A periodate-oxidized sodium alginate has beenused to crosslink gelatin in the presence of boraxto produce injectable systems (Balakrishnan &Jayakrishnan 2005). Hepatocytes were successfullyencapsulated in the gel and remained viable for morethan four weeks.

Similarly, Na-alginate and chitosan solutions weremixed to produce an injectable gel (Park et al. 2005a).

The gel was used to encapsulate MSCs and BMP-2, andthe system was injected subcutaneously, being ableto stimulate new trabecular bone formation (Parket al. 2005a).

6.4. Other systems

Hyaluronic acid. It has been shown to be possible tocontrol the degradation and mechanical behaviour ofphotopolymerized HA networks (Burdick et al. 2005)and encapsulate articular chondrocytes using such typeof network in vivo (Nettles et al. 2004). These findingsare important since the photopolymerizable systemscan be easily used in other applications (Masters et al.2005) and with minimally invasive procedures (Parket al. 2005b), thus facilitating the filling of irregularlyshaped defects.

Cellulose sulphate. Cellulose sulphate (CS) consist-ing of a sulphate ion substitutes at a carboxyl group atevery third position. Cellulose sulphate was shown tohave the potential to immunoisolate cells from rejectionprocess through encapsulation (Pelegrin et al. 1998;Schaffellner et al. 2005). This also allowed CS to beused for the designing of multicomponent capsulesfor maintenance of cells during the cryopreservationprocesses (Canaple et al. 2001). A pioneering workusing a one-step CS/poly(diallyl-dimethyl-ammoniumchloride) (CellMAC) assembly on a copolymerizedtransient alginate scaffold fosters advances forhardware-driven microencapsulation, as well asprotein production in animals and bioreactors (Weberet al. 2004).

Collagen. Collagen gels belong to a special kind ofinjectable hydrogel, which solidify due to changes inshear stress. The gels are shear-thinning, which meansthat their viscosity decreases as the applied shearincreases, and when the shear is removed, they regaintheir semi-solid aspect (Wallace & Rosenblatt 2003;Boesel & Reis 2004). These gels are available asinjectable suspensions of collagen fibres or viscoussolutions of non-fibrillar collagen in aqueous media.However, the collagen network is too open to retainmost of the active agents of interest, requiringsecondary mechanisms to produce gels adequate forencapsulation or tissue engineering purposes (Wallace &Rosenblatt 2003).

One example is the crosslinking of alkali-treatedcollagen with a PEG-based star polymer underphysiological conditions (Taguchi et al. 2005). In situencapsulated chondrocytes remained viable and wereable to express mRNA and aggrecan after three weeksof encapsulation (Taguchi et al. 2005). Another systemconsisted of denatured single-stranded collagen copo-lymerized with dextran (Marston et al. 2005).

In addition to the aforementioned polymers, othernatural-based materials have been used for preparingencapsulation and injectable systems. Such type ofpolymers include starch (Ignoffo et al. 1991), agarose(Orive et al. 2003; Sakai et al. 2005), carrageenan(Bartkowiak & Hunkeler 2001; Muralidhar et al. 2001),silk fibroin (Yeo et al. 2003), gelatin (Payne et al.2002c) and gellan gum (Chilvers & Morris 1987;Moslemy et al. 2002).

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Nowadays, it has been demonstrated that the suit-ability of natural origin polymers for tissue engineeringpurposes is highly dependent on the tissue that needs tobe engineered. The histological, physiological andbiomechanical properties of each tissue determine thesuccess of the regenerative process, therefore restrain-ing the choice of the materials.

7.1. Cartilage regeneration

Cartilage is a tissue with remarkable functions thatarise in part from the composition and structure of thehighly hydrated ECM. The major challenge in theregeneration of cartilage is to avoid the formation offibrous cartilage, which lacks the biochemical andmechanical properties necessary to yield a completeand durable repair (Solchaga et al. 2001). Thisinability to reconstitute the cartilage tissue and theneed to maintain the phenotype of chondrocytes havepromoted the proposition of various materials (Changet al. 2003a; Gigante et al. 2003; Iwasaki et al. 2004;Mouw et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2005) to perform asthree-dimensional culture systems for cartilageregeneration.

Chondrogenesis from chondrocytic cell lines (Li &Zhang 2005), primary chondrocytes (Gigante et al.2003; Masuoka et al. 2005; Mouw et al. 2005) or MSCs(Meinel et al. 2004a; Wang et al. 2005) seeded innatural origin scaffolds has been achieved, although notyet fully understood.

Alginate has often been proposed for cartilageapplications due to its similarity with GAGs thatcompose the ECM of chondrocytes. Alginate gels,containing hyaluronan or fibrin, induce higher chon-drocyte proliferation when compared with alginatealone, which was also attributed to the presence ofmatrix-like molecules, from hyaluronan and fibrin,that function as anchor sites for the cells (Lindenhaynet al. 1999). Nonetheless, alginate gels implanted inrabbits after in vitro pre-culture with allogenicchondrocytes induced the formation of a tissue,which was practically indistinguishable from thenormal cartilage (Fragonas et al. 2000). The differentresults might be explained by the fact that transport ofsoluble factors varies with cell density, cell–cellsignalling and, consequently, an alteration in matrixmetabolism (Williams et al. 2005; Sakai et al. 2006).In fact, alginate gels with increasing cell densitypresent enhanced mechanical integrity due to exten-sive matrix deposition.

The hypothesis that cationic chitosan hydrogelswould form an ideal environment in which largequantities of newly synthesized anionic proteoglycancould be entrapped has been under examination(Roughley et al. 2006). In fact, chitosan has beenshown to be able to retain the majority of theproteoglycan produced by entrapped intervertebraldisc cells, independently of the method used to generatethe hydrogel. Thus, chitosan is also being used in thefield of cartilage regeneration to improve cell adhesion

to alginate structures. Chitosan–alginate scaffoldsexhibit superior biological and mechanical propertiesover their chitosan counterpart, showing greatpotential to accelerate tissue growth and retain thechondrocytic phenotype (Iwasaki et al. 2004; Li &Zhang 2005). The combination of chitosan and gelatinehas also been shown to be a promising alternative forauricular cartilage regeneration using an autologousapproach (Xia et al. 2004).

Primary porcine chondrocytes seeded on gelatin/chondyoitin-6-sulphate/hyaluronan tri-copolymer,aimed to mimic natural cartilage matrix, after seedingand culture in spinner flasks, which allowed a betterdistribution of the cells, were able to retain chondrocytephenotype for five weeks. However, the amount ofsynthesized matrix was not enough to form cartilage(Chang et al. 2003a). The in vivo study (Chang et al.2006) of the same materials using a porcine modelshowed that although a good appearance was seen inthe condyles treated with either allogenic or autologousgraft, the overall results were not overwhelming, sinceit was only possible to regenerate hyaline cartilage and/or fibrocartilage.

Silk-based materials were not able, per se, totransmit the necessary signal to trigger the chondro-genic pathway (Wang et al. 2005). The presence ofdifferentiation factors such as dexamethasone andtransforming growth factor (TGF-b3) was proved tobe essential for the survival and differentiation of theMSCs, at least for up to two weeks of culture, whichcorrespond to the maximum proliferation rate in thosescaffolds. In addition, very small differences in thetranscript levels of specific cartilage ECM genes weredetected when comparing the cells in the silk-basedscaffolds with those in the pellet culture under the sameconditions (Wang et al. 2005).

Although collagen scaffolds with a prematuredegradation do not provide the necessary structuralintegrity for ECM deposition during chondrocytecultivation (Meinel et al. 2004a), atelocollagen scaffoldssupported the formation of cartilage in vitro withenough elasticity and stiffness to be handled in vivo(Masuoka et al. 2005). However, the mechanicalstrength of the regenerated articular cartilage remainsto be investigated. In fact, a comparative studybetween atelocollagen and alginate gels (Sakai et al.2006) suggests that although cells proliferate better inatelocollagen, alginate is more appropriate to obtainhigh levels of proteoglycan synthesis and accumulation.

Despite the many evolving approaches in cartilagetissue engineering, many of the relevant variablesinvolved in the process are yet to be defined. Cells, forinstance, range from primary expanded chondrocytesto manipulated progenitor cells and their differen-tiation, towards a chondrogenic phenotype within theconstruct environment, are highly dependent on theproperties of the material. In the case of progenitor cellsin which relatively rapid changes in phenotype areexpected, the influence of the material environment oncell behaviour and matrix composition may be morepronounced than in the primary chondrocytes, thusleading to different results.

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7.2. Bone regeneration

The major concerns associated with polymeric scaffoldsfor bone tissue engineering are low mechanical strengthand shape retention failure.

Silk-based scaffolds have been shown to supporthuman MSC (hMSC) attachment, spreading andgrowth in vitro. However, depending on variablessuch as processing conditions (Jin et al. 2004; Kimet al. 2005), surface properties (Meinel et al. 2004b) anddegradability rates (Meinel et al. 2004b), differentresponses in terms of bone-like tissue formation wereobserved.

Collagen scaffolds, due to their fast degradation, donot allow isomorphous replacement with a newlyformed bone. Presumably, due to the stable macro-porous structure and slow degradation, the progressionand extent of osteogenesis were markedly and signi-ficantly higher for silk and RGD–silk scaffolds whencompared with collagen scaffolds (Meinel et al. 2004b).Other studies have nonetheless proved that thecrosslinking (Xiao et al. 2003; Meinel et al. 2004c) orthe reinforcement of collagen scaffolds with materialshaving improved mechanical properties (Kose et al.2004; Li et al. 2005, 2006) renders scaffolds adequate forbone tissue engineering. Some chitosan scaffoldspresent mechanical weakness and instability due tothe high degree of swelling. The increase in mechanicalstrength, achieved not only by changing the processingmethodology (Seol et al. 2004), but also by chemicallybonding chitosan with other natural origin polymerssuch as alginate (Li & Zhang 2005), promoted thein vitro proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasticcells (Seol et al. 2004; Li & Zhang 2005), as well as therapid vascularization and deposition of connectivetissue and calcified matrix in vivo.

Hyaluronic acid has been mainly used as a carrier ofbone (recombinant bone morphogenetic protein(rhBMP)-2; Hunt et al. 2001) and vascularizationinducing agents (copper ions; Giavaresi et al. 2005)for cancellous bone allografts and not as a scaffoldingmaterial. In fact, although the advantages of thehyaluronic acid as natural material and the fact thatthe cell-signalling functions of this material aredependent on molecular weight are evident (Huanget al. 2003), there are still many uncertainties abouthow it affects osteoblast activities, thus diminishing itsapplication as a bone tissue engineering scaffold.

The mimicking of ECM by using natural originmaterials has been further attempted using comp-lementary approaches, in order to improve the per-formance of these materials. A nano- and microfibrecombined starch-based scaffold (Tuzlakoglu et al. 2005)showed that its unique architecture, being able tosupport and guide cells, can also provide an idealstructure for cell deposition and organization to be usedin bone tissue engineering.

A real situation in the assessment of the suitability ofscaffolds to be used in bone tissue engineering has to dowith the specific in vitro calcium deposition on the topand bottom of the scaffold, when using static cultureconditions, instead of being throughout the structure(Gomes et al. 2003; Meinel et al. 2004b). A better cell

distribution and, consequently, the uniformity ofmineralization (Gomes et al. 2003; Meinel et al.2004c) as well as the orientation of bone matrix (Meinelet al. 2004c), although restricted by the interconnec-tivity degree of the scaffold, can be achieved under aflow environment. Bone marrow cells cultured withstarch-based scaffolds also responded to flow perfusionconditions by augmenting the production of severalbone-related growth factors, namely TGF-b1, FGF-2,vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and BMP-2(Gomes et al. 2006).

The success of subsequent transplantation of thein vitro engineered construct is believed to rely not onlyon the properties of the materials but also on theosteoprogenitor cell sources. It is expected that theseeded cells will secrete specific ECM componentsin vitro, to induce proliferation and differentiationinto osteoblasts and result in the formation of a newbone in vivo (Mizuno et al. 1997). In the majority of thestudies, the choice of cell source is not clear, since it isnot based on relevant aspects, such as the capacity ofthe transplanted cells to trigger endogenous cascadesfor recruitment and differentiation. In fact, the preciserole of implanted vital cells in the induction and themineralization in vivo is not yet determined. Xiao et al.(2003) showed that differentiated osteoblasts andin vitro developed matrix are not involved in directbone formation. However, the used construct didappear to induce differentiation of host mesenchymalcells during the repair of critical size bone defects due tothe bone-related proteins (ALP, osteocalcin, OPN,BMP-2 and BMP-4) deposited along the collagenscaffold or present in the intercellular matrix withinthe scaffold.

7.3. Skin substitution

Wound repair has been achieved following two maintissue engineering strategies, either using scaffolds ormatrices, which can be cellular or acellular (Jimenez &Jimenez 2004). Decellularized matrices have beenshown to stimulate angiogenesis and to modulateendogenous growth factor functions (Chandler et al.2000; Jimenez & Jimenez 2004). So far, scaffolds madeof fibrin (Bensaid et al. 2003; Hokugo et al. 2006),hyaluronic acid (Mao et al. 2003; Liu et al. 2004),chitosan (Berthod et al. 1996; Ishihara et al. 2001;Gingras et al. 2003) and collagen (Guerret et al. 2003;Hudon et al. 2003; Ruszczak 2003; Jarman-Smith et al.2004) from a variety of origins, alone or combined(Berthod et al. 1996; Hafemann et al. 1999, 2001; Kleinet al. 2001; Mao et al. 2003), were shown to be promisingfor wound healing applications.

The use of cells (e.g. keratinocytes and fibroblasts)within a three-dimensional matrix (Jimenez & Jimenez2004) is also a usual approach in skin tissue engineering.However, wound dressing treatment, especially whenthe skin substitution is required, is not a problem-freeprocess. That is, it requires the restoration of thecontinuity of a living tissue and an integrated responseof several cells to injury, which are necessary topromote cellular colonization and remodel the matrix.Therefore, inflammation and neovascularization, for

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example, are required processes for healing, if onlycontrolled (Klein et al. 2001). In fact, animal originmembranes composed of fibrous collagen and elastin asdermal substitute scaffolds were shown to elicit achronic inflammatory response, leading to the damageof the tissues instead of tissue repair (Klein et al. 2001).Immunogenicity issues, in fact, can be raised whenconsidering protein-based biomaterials. Collagen, as ananimal origin protein, would be expected to elicitspecific and uncontrolled immune reactions. However,collagen is one of the most popular materials for themajority of dermal substitutes, as it possesses differentlevels of structural order and is a natural substrate forcellular attachment, growth and differentiation(Ruszczak 2003). Some in vitro studies demonstratedthat human dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes can becultured with collagen membranes, indicating itssuitability for permanent dermis replacement orwound healing situations, after chemical modifications(Hafemann et al. 2001; Hudon et al. 2003; Jarman-Smith et al. 2004). Another study (Keefe et al. 1992)also revealed a normal inflammatory response after thein vivo implantation of collagen-based scaffolds. Thus,the practical use of collagen for wound healing is limitednot due to its immunogenicity but due to the problemsrelated to storage stability and the time required toprepare enriched collagen solutions (Ruszczak 2003).

Other natural origin materials are also proposedfor skin substitution. Fibrin-based scaffolds withpoly(glycolic acid) (PGA) for guided skin regenerationhave been tested in vitro and in vivo (Hokugo et al.2006). In addition, fibrin scaffolds proved to be goodmatrices for the spreading and proliferation of hMSCs,enhancing their suitability for wound healing and skinsubstitution (Bensaid et al. 2003). Chitosan alone(Berthod et al. 1996; Ishihara et al. 2001; Gingraset al. 2003), modified with hyaluronic acid (Mao et al.2003) or collagen (Berthod et al. 1996), has also beenreported to be suitable for wound healing and skinsubstitution. Berthod et al. (1996) developed a col-lagen–chitosan sponge on which human fibroblasts,cultured for one month, produced differentiatedconnective tissue. An in vivo study demonstrated thata tissue engineering construct of collagen–chitosan andhuman skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, transplantedin the back of nude mice, enhanced nerve regeneration,proving it to be a suitable construct also for skinsubstitution (Gingras et al. 2003).

7.4. Cardiovascular tissue regeneration

The overall goal of vascular tissue engineering is toobtain the same mechanical and biological properties asa native vessel (Boccafoschi et al. 2005). The use ofcollagen conjugated with different types of cells in vitro,such as primary rat aortic smooth muscle cells(Weinberg & Bell 1986; Tranquillo et al. 1996;Boccafoschi et al. 2005) and endothelial cells (Weinberg& Bell 1986; Boccafoschi et al. 2005), to mimic theblood vessels is not a new approach. It represents asuitable option for vascular tissue engineering, due tothe low in vitro thrombogenicity and the ability of thescaffold to support the spreading of primary smooth

muscle and endothelial cells (Boccafoschi et al. 2005).Nowadays, other studies are being carried out toevaluate long-term cytocompatibility and the potentialof both elastin and collagen scaffolds to be repopulatedby host cells in vivo (Simionescu et al. 2006). Tan &Desai (2003, 2004, 2005) proposed a new strategy forthe construction of blood vessels using different types ofnatural origin matrices, such as collagen, chitosan,Matrigel and fibrin. These materials were used tocreate a three-dimensional pattern within microchan-nels composed of poly(dimethylsiloxane). The multi-layer structure within the microchannels was builtthrough microfluidic delivery of cells within thebiopolymer matrices, layer by layer with a controlledflow rate, achieving a three-dimensional configuration(Tan & Desai 2003, 2004). Three types of cells (humanlung fibroblasts, human umbilical vein smooth musclecells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells) wereused to create the multicellular three-dimensionalculture system, which was shown to be useful to buildup multiple layers of cells in well-defined geometrieswith controlled ECM composition. This three-dimen-sional well-controlled micropatterned multilayersystem allowed the re-establishment of the in vivo-likecell–cell interaction concept that exists in the vascularsystem or other laminar-structured tissues (Tan &Desai 2005).

The use of natural origin polymers for heart valvereplacement or septal occlusion has also been proposed.In vitro and in vivo (in a lamb model) studies withnatural scaffolds based on collagen showed low infiltra-tion with inflammatory cells (Jux et al. 2003).

7.5. Knee ligament

Collagen (Noth et al. 2005) and silk (Altman et al. 2002;Chen et al. 2003) have been proposed as natural originmaterials to be used as scaffolds for knee ligament tissueengineering scaffolds.

The ideal knee ligament replacement scaffold shouldexhibit sufficient mechanical strength, demonstratemechanical behaviour similar to natural ligament andpromote the formation of ligamentous tissue. Thescaffold should degrade at a rate that allows the newtissue to receive an appropriate level of load withoutdanger of rupture (Laurencin & Freeman 2005), withconcomitant structured matrix deposition (Altmanet al. 2002). Silk fibre matrices have been shown toprovide a suitable scaffold to support adult stem celldifferentiation towards a ligament lineage (Altmanet al. 2002). Although promising, silk performance wasshown to be improved by coating the surface with RGDsequences (Chen et al. 2003). Ge and co-workers (Geet al. 2005) concluded that bone marrow is a bettersource of MSCs for anterior cruciate ligament whencompared with fibroblasts from the anterior cruciateand the medial collateral ligaments (Ge et al. 2005).

In another study with bone marrow-derived MSCsseeded on a type I collagen hydrogel, Noth andcolleagues (Noth et al. 2005) suggested that thesecells repeatedly adopt a defined longitudinal orien-tation and organize the surrounding matrix in parallel,highly organized fibres in a wavy pattern with bundles

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of ECM when submitted to cyclic stretching. However,these constructs are still too weak to allow the in vivoimplantation.


In the field of tissue engineering, a great deal of efforthas been put in to prepare different formulations basedon natural polymers. However, despite all the extensiveliterature containing references to the so-called‘natural-based’ systems, it is the authors’ opinion thatmuch work is still needed to obtain clinically successfulmaterials. Many improvements can be made in thiscontext, as such systems offer a great versatility. Theymay be, for example, chemically modified and com-bined with ceramics or other polymers (blends,copolymers and inter-penetrated networks). Theirinteraction with cells and tissues may be improved ortuned, by adequate chemical modifications, such asgrafting with peptides (e.g. RGD), or by surfacetreatments (e.g. surface plasma modification or modifi-cation of surface chemistry through grafting with otherpolymers). Many attempts have been made to producesmart naturally derived systems that could be used intissue engineering applications, including (i) develop-ment of new injectable thermogelling materials thatcould be used to deliver cells or growth factors throughnon-invasive routes, (ii) novel matrices that can bedegraded by adequate cell signals and actions, (iii)scaffolds or hydrogels that can deliver relevant bio-active agents in specific conditions (temperature, pH,ionic strength or presence of specific enzymes), and (iv)self-assembling systems that can be tuned by externalsignals. Different processing routes have been proposedto produce scaffolds with a great variety of porousarchitectures. This is an especially delicate task, asnaturally derived macromolecules are typically non-meltable (without degradation) and may be insoluble inmany solvents. This compromises the use of many ofthe most traditional techniques to produce tissueengineering scaffolds. Efforts should, in fact, be madeto develop or improve new or combined processingstrategies to obtain repeatable porous constructs withcontrolled porous morphology, preferably at differentscale levels (e.g. combination of nano- and microele-ments or pores), comprising different materials that arespatially organized and having the capability to deliverrelevant molecules such as growth factors in acontrolled way. Such new scaffolds should be designedfor different applications, addressing particular aspects,such as: to induce vascularization; facilitate thedeposition of calcium phosphates in predefined regions;guide the regeneration of tissue in certain directions(through gradient delivery of factors or anisotropicporous architecture); permit the development ofdifferent tissues (e.g. regeneration of osteochondraldefects); or inhibit calcification and cell adhesion ( cardiovascular application), just to cite someexamples. The field is widely open for new creativeresearchers to make some dreams come true in realclinical applications.


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