I was born in Wuhan on June 14, 1988, at 9:30 am. What are my rising, sun and moon signs? (2024)

Your rising sign is in Leo

Ascendant - your persona

The rising sign is the sign rising at the junction of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. A zodiac sign. The rising sign is our external expression, the person you are perceived by the outside world. Therefore, your rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. Usually a person's sun and rising sign are different, and this is why we call the rising sign our "persona". Most of the time, our Sun is hidden behind our rising sign. The rising sign governs a person's main personality traits, innate character, and first impression. The rising sign reveals not only the patterns of our speech and behavior, but also our clothing, hairstyle, appearance, etc. are all affected by it.

The rising sign is Leo - a centralized strongman

1. The desire to control everything appears arbitrary at home.

2. Have leadership qualities, save face and be good at performance.

Even if his sun sign is a shy Cancer or Capricorn, once he has the rising sign of Leo, it will immediately make him less heroic in front of others, yes! This rising sign will The mask of a person is that of an emperor. He always displays a solemn and luxurious temperament. He hopes to be in a leadership position among the crowd and to attract everyone's attention. People with this rising sign should weigh themselves, otherwise, It is very likely that he will do something to make a fool of himself. It is much better to be an emperor who is true and in line with his abilities than an emperor who is vain.

Your Sun is in Gemini

Sun - outlook on life, personality

People usually ask: What is your zodiac sign? Your answer is your sun sign. The sun shapes a person's personality and soul.

The Sun is in Gemini - a flexible propagandist

1. Good at communicating with others, flexible in thinking and good in expression.

2. Dual personality, not focused, unable to persevere.

Your high intelligence and multi-faceted nature are due to your developed brain and nerves. Your abilities do not belong to the "heart". And very sensitive, a nervous master type in nature. So it's good for you to get more rest. You are usually not physically strong, and if the Sun is in bad aspect, you may suffer from lung problems. You have good intelligence and memory, but unless otherwise indicated by other zodiac signs, you are not personally capable of innovation. However, your knowledge is rich and correct, and you have keen perception and intuition; your writing and speech are also as novel and flowing as flowing water. As a debate veteran, you are very rational.

With your versatile skills, you enjoy playing a multi-faceted and ever-changing role; you find satisfaction by living two different lives at the same time and enjoying both sides of life. Whether in work, hobbies, entertainment or even love, you often have two or more partners at the same time.

The feminine side of Gemini may have multiple personalities, which may cause them to be multi-faceted and see things in an excessively superficial way. As a result, they are unable to focus on completing a certain undertaking, and lack a sense of accomplishment, resulting in an inexplicable obsession with time. waste. Not only that, you can't stand long and monotonous work.

On the other hand, the masculine Gemini shows amazing abilities, broad vision, correct insights, full of implementation and will be a capable supervisor. Such people are trustworthy. But the yin and yang of Gemini people give people a feeling of hesitation and indecisiveness.

Generally speaking, you are changeable and spontaneous, and can change your schedule at any time at work in order to complete your work more efficiently.

Usually you are very tolerant of family life, but you are not fully focused on it. You may adopt a relaxed and superficial attitude towards relatives and spouses, because you are controlled by reason, unless other horoscopes can Counteract this tendency and you are less prone to emotion. There may be a tendency to play with feelings; this is not in your nature, and as such you rarely experience deep feelings.

In astrology, Gemini governs the human body’s arms, upper respiratory tract, human nerve endings, and the part of the brain that controls thoughts. Therefore, your hands are particularly sensitive. It is not surprising if you have the habit of smoking; because it is your habit to use your hands and lungs. If the position of the sun is not good, the risk of contracting lung cancer will increase.

Your moon is in Gemini

Moon-emotions, relationships with women, food tastes

The moon represents your private emotions and also represents The influence of childhood on you, the moon affects your relationship with your mother and women, and also shows your preference for "eating".

The moon is in Gemini - a kite that is restless in the room

1. Does not like a static life, is eloquent and quick to react, and is the initiator of plans.

2. Like to find reasonable explanations for all behaviors, and have high emotional fluctuations.

The moon in Gemini has the ability to move quickly, which symbolizes the coming and going of people, conveying ideas and information. During the period of the moon in Gemini, it is the time when many gossips and news are conveyed. When it is lively, because people can strongly demonstrate their communication skills and have particularly keen observation skills at this time, they can often distinguish the differences between similar things and then tell others through the transmission of messages. In terms of performance, Gemini Moon signs are more sincere, but they usually lack deep thinking and are impatient. Gemini Moon sign people are more accustomed to short-term constraints and short-distance travel, because Gemini Moon signs are used to constantly feeling. Change, so you will find that people with this Moon sign are used to running around, talking very noisily, and can also put themselves in an environment that they have never encountered before, and this matter is not at all in his original plan , people with the Gemini Moon sign think very quickly, and their speaking, reading and writing abilities are greatly improved in this Moon sign, and this is also the way they express their emotions.Radio, television, letters, news, magazines, these communication tools are usually operated under the influence of the Gemini moon sign. People with the Gemini moon sign will also express themselves according to the popularity and integrate themselves into the trendy crowd. It affects people around you like relatives and friends, but you will also be affected by these people, just like communication.

Your Mercury is in Gemini

Mercury - values, expression, communication

Mercury represents your way of thinking and expression. Do you think the problem is tight or full of flaws? Are you good at carving out details; or are you good at grasping the whole? Whether to value empirical judgment; or to value rational judgment. Is the speech sharp and to the point; or is it confusing. All depends on Mercury.

Mercury in Gemini - a girl with many faces and flexible communication skills

1. Versatile but difficult to specialize, pay attention to the truth.

2. Strong organizational and understanding skills, deep thinking ability, easy to receive external information, so thinking sharply.

The best comment for you is that you are "smart", have a quick mind, and have strong observation and learning abilities. You have thousands of ways to absorb knowledge, and you are good at drawing inferences from one instance to other cases. You have high attainments in writing and language, and you are particularly successful in the communication industry. But the mind is constantly changing, giving people a feeling of unrest.

Your Venus is in Gemini

Venus - aesthetics, love outlook, male appreciation of the opposite sex

Venus represents your aesthetics and love outlook. That is to say, what kind of state do you feel most comfortable and happy in? Whether you like gorgeous and complicated, or simple and simple, etc. all depend on Venus. What kind of girls boys like, generally look at Venus.

Venus is in Gemini - a fickle lover

1. Emotionally, he likes the new and hates the old, but appears calm when it comes to marriage.

2. Have good interpersonal relationships and like artistic and literary activities.

The emotional attitude of this sign is relatively laissez-faire. Even if they are dating you, they still hope to maintain an open attitude, such as a rich social life or an attitude towards making friends. They are naturally lively and lively. When walking among the crowd, even if you worry about whether he will fall in love with someone else because of this, he still won't give you a guarantee. They want their life to be free, even if a guarantee will be regarded as a constraint. , you can find that they like to observe things like innocent children, and it is difficult to concentrate. Even love will have the same attitude, so if you have a happy and playful attitude when dating with Venus, you will get a good response. If you still hold on to the idea of ​​​​wanting to be with him forever, I am afraid that you will be the one who suffers. And the female model that is most able to attract Gemini and Venus should be a smart, lively, responsive, eloquent and well-spoken woman! Like the host of a radio show! Or a witty and humorous TV host. A girl without a brain may attract their attention, but once they find out that you have an empty mind, they are likely toRun away from you in a hurry.

Your Mars is in Pisces

Mars (Mars) - mobility, sex, women’s appreciation of the opposite sex

Are you quick or slow in doing things, impatient or chronic? , whether you are attacking or receiving in bed, whether you are skill-based or talent-based, all depends on this. What kind of boys girls like, generally look at Mars.

Mars is in Pisces - a passionate guest who travels all over the world for love

1. Emotionally quite delicate and sensitive, with a gentle personality that sometimes appears weak.

2. Lack of strength and too indulged in love.

Mars in Pisces tend to indulge in sex and relationships. Their sex is gentle and romantic, which often makes lovers sink in. If they don’t have to go to work the next day, they may linger with you until dawn. , people with Mars in these positions sometimes look very weak, because Mars in Pisces lacks strength. Even so, it lacks control over emotions and strength. If you say, "Such a weak Mars sign will not hurt People! "Then you are wrong. They are bound by strong emotions and have poor self-control, so they are prone to do terrible behaviors in a trance. Remember that they often fall into this state. Once they want to break up, they will have to break up." Pay more attention to his environment and his emotional and mental state.

Your Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter - growth, expansion, luck

Jupiter has positive aspects of prosperity, growth, expansion and expansion. nature. Jupiter is the most auspicious planet. When the planet is in transit, everything will go well and all bad things will turn into good fortune. Jupiter is indispensable for getting promoted, getting rich, winning prizes, and ranking in exams. Jupiter also affects a person's moral standards, life philosophy, and goals pursued in life.

Jupiter in Taurus - a smart and practical operator

1. Good at utilizing resources and maximizing their effectiveness, preferring a comfortable life, and tending to be luxurious.

2. Have perseverance and patience, but tend to be stubborn and only value practical values ​​and have no concern for illusory spiritual values.

Excellent values, know how to accumulate wealth, and have the ability to inherit the ancestral legacy. The lucky place to work is in the banking, stock market, and financial industry, where financial processing can fully develop. He is also good at cooking and appreciating gourmet food. He also likes to collect antiques, jewelry and art to preserve value and appreciate taste. You understand life very well, and good food and a comfortable home are important elements in your life. Remember not to be overwhelmed by greed.

Your Saturn is in Sagittarius

Saturn - test, responsibility

Saturn can find a career that suits you, and it also means that you will face trials and what you learned from them. For example: When you encounter failure in a certain field of work, will you choose to change careers? Or choose where to fall and where to stand up? These are all issues reflected by Saturn.

Saturn in Sagittarius - a spiritual leader with wisdom

1.Live in accordance with social morality and become the most serious defender of morality.

2. Strong willpower, able to implement one's own beliefs, and attaches great importance to reputation, so it is difficult to accept criticism from others.

You are very motivated and strive to pursue advanced knowledge. You are an absolutely serious and good student. You are extremely enthusiastic about diplomas. Even if you get multiple doctorates, you are still not satisfied. You are overly rigorous and stubborn about pursuing knowledge. Therefore, you have to pay attention to whether becoming a knowledgeable scholar still cannot satisfy your extreme thirst for knowledge.

Your North Node is in Pisces

North Node - the direction of development in this life

The "North Node" is also called the "dragon head". The Chinese call it "Rahu", which is the intersection point of the ecliptic and the moon's orbit around the earth. Represents the point of gaining, increasing confidence in expansion, this is the area where you must strive or compete. The house in your chart where the North Node appears is the area you should strive to achieve. In reincarnation astrology, the North Node also represents the direction in which an individual should strive to develop in this life.

The North Node constellation is Cancer - the road to achieving self-excellence in life

In your life, you will strongly realize these thoughts of yourself, and you will continue to use your thoughts and yourself Come observe the whole world. Use your imagination and your dreams, because your inner world is rich and infinite, just like the outside world. Develop your endless compassion for the perfections and imperfections of the outside world.

Psychological adjustment direction 1: From Virgo’s trivial worries to Pisces’ spiritual learning.

Psychological adjustment direction 2: From the serious attitude of Virgo to the casual attitude of Pisces.

Your task in this life is to use a peaceful mind and creative imagination to open yourself up to the influence of higher-level forces and find the meaning of life.

However, at the subconscious level, you may be affected by the negative characteristics of virgins in your previous life. You are unwilling to give up your perfect requirements for work plans and life order, and you will be unable to get rid of rigid behavior patterns. Therefore, you must moderately give up the habit of hating imperfection, so that you will not use the critical ability of detailed analysis to criticize yourself or others, and let yourself fall into a state of inner poverty.

You need to relax yourself and love yourself unconditionally in order to break away from the busy work mentality in life practice and instead accept the meaningful feedback from the inner spiritual world.

Summary of the generation surrounding the surname (1):

Beilei, Yiwu, Zhejiang

Yin. Benign, Yingjun (sound). Every king. transport. prosper. supply. text. Chapter 2 (End)

Qingtang Village, Baima Town, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province

As, yuan, good, family, country

Zoumatang, Maoshan, Yin County, Zhejiang Province

Open Astronomy Yonglong Yinzong Zulie

. Jiangxi Shangrao

The purpose is to be moist to all parties, to be glorious, to be faithful to the text, to be etiquette and virtuous, to have a peaceful and prosperous society, and to be prosperous.Lutai, Yushun's humility, Xiaoyoushu's help, learning and fragrance, Shaowan's feldspar, Pinglu's order home, Yuanxuanyong's thoughts, ZUJI Zongzhuang Peiyuan's planting in Germany, Tianxi's beauty, kindness and handwriting Kang.

4. Jiangdu, Jiangsu

Grace, tin and blessing, world, life, party, Gui

Hanyang, Hubei

Rongguoliangzhen must be a sterile cherry blossom, Rong Changzu Shunchi Lai Yifang, poetry and literature Peize strengthen compliance, Tianfu Wang Anyi, career maintenance

6. Chennianzhuang, Ling County, Shandong Province

Germany, Wenxing, phase, world biography, Qing Dynasty

7 Hanyang's

Keyong's bright brilliance stunned the peace Statecraft, Loyalty, Family

8. Chongqing Yongchuan

Lun Jinglun Li Li's articles serve the country, private (or poems, thoughts) books are passed down to the family, and they have never been replaced by Guanghua

Zhang Zhaixiang Tuchen Village, Shen County, Shandong Province

>Guangxi Xing Yu, Wang Feng CFI pregnant Shao was born, Hengliang has a long road to Mingde

10. Suburban Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, Wuzhen

Excavation, Rujin, macro-control, national

11. Yongchuan County, Sichuan Province

Star economics, Renbori articles, serving the country, heirlooms of private books have never been less glorious for generations.


Qionghai City, Hainan Province, transportation, forever, Shao Hui

13. Ji'an County, Changzhu, Taihe County, Jiangxi Province, Bingmaobang,

Jia Jiaqing Changyi Mingtinghuan article. During the Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, more than one hundred families in Yanzhou used Liu Shaoqi's prescriptions in the Six Classics.

Dunren's etiquette has never been described, and he has been known for his goodness for generations. Zhiyouke, according to reading ability, Picheng Song Zude Yongguang Young.

14. Several sub-bays of Guo Shizi Mountain in the deciduous sand field of Macheng Township, Huangzhou Government, Xiaogan City, Hubei Province

Country, Pitt, plus Dating Yong, Yuan, Xing, Wentian, Yao, Zu, De, Official, Qing China, because of safety

15. East China Sea, Jiangsu Province

The 16-year-old Jing Xiangxing was born in Dongchuan, Zhushan County, Hubei Province

"Yuan Guozhi flourished in the long-term Song Zude, Zong Qinghou and Gong Dynasty Yang extended the poems and literature of Huixian City to show their benignity


Yongning Town, Shishi City, Fujian Province, Gangfang Village and Renjian. Long hair. Allegiance. Vertical wing. Square

18. Zhengzhou

Case, country, election day

19. Northern suburb of Xuzhou

< p>Longxing. Loyalty. Thick. Pass home page. Far Eastern poetry book. World long

20 40 Dazhou

Mr. Vega Daqi, to the school, Qi Changrong said , Zhuo Yongxile, whose parents' thoughts are new, has a wealth that lasts for thousands of years.To brothers Davydenko

Yi Qi, Sichuan Guang'an Yuechi Yuhuang Temple Si Liang, Yao, Zhou Shuntang, civilian and military loyalty in today's world, remarkable heroes for generations Active

21 22. Shishou City

Sejong's training in Xiaoyi but first, a chess piece of Yongzheng

23. , Hunan, Changsha

The king rejuvenated the country and established a good Dejia Korea. The news of the opening of the school is a sign that we have never given up on the project.

24. Hunan Suining

is far away. calendar. A good name for representatives. Yang

25. Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Spring, Qiwen, Ming, Qian, Kun

26. Xiaogan City

The Yongchuang Pavilion still stands in the heavens and tells the story of the Four Teng Periods. Create a literary forum, cloud, because of the fixed base

27. Liuzhou Financial Security

Lai Xingguang Tengwen, the weight of people in the four seasons of the world, Jundegu Yuelongshan, Yi Mouyan Yichang Cultivation Foundation Yongkechang Descendants Xiang

28. Sichuan

Zhang Chunxian Sloan School of Management Mingdaoxi Guangfu BR /> 29.

Expensive, Meng Ke Township, Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Puyang City, Henan Province Ming Guan Shu Lin Jianguang Ruixiang Yun brave writer's ambition stone, positive things

30. ... />'s Shi Yu CITILAND King, Civilized Family Security, Ren Haiyong Changtai (Yun), Zhong Yanguang Juyuan

On the 31st, the New Hampshire House of Representatives was sworn in in Hengyang County, Hunan Province< /p>

Gong/ /Ming/ /Road/Fixed/Country/Significant/ /Xiangting/Germany/Mega/Red/Long/Yun/

32. Lingbi County, Anhui

Mingchang Xinglong's honest heirlooms far away in the world of poetry and literature

33 Xiaogan Township, Macheng

Tianzheng will prosper from generation to generation, and courts will prosper all nations, Hubei , the clever Long Shun never shines upon Xiang.

34. Linwu County, Hunan Province

Guang has long recognized that Huanshizong allowed the old people to hold lanterns, such as the benign Bo Chuxin and Lu Shou, who thought about the patriot doctor Qing Wen Cai Shuai, Yingxian should choose the path to high school < /p>

35 Gaoyou Town, Henan Chenjiazhuang

System Shao, science, forestry, crane, phoenix, qi, chile, sea, dragon fly, health

36 Sichuan Yingshan County

Ming Chongzhen, thousands of ancestors, the country's son is famous in the country, Dai Yong is famous, its prosperity is prosperous, Jia Zhili is just ordinary virtue and wealth

< p> 37

, Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, is located in Yongkechang, Jiasheng, Tiankai Wenyunji is based on Chang, and settled in Guohua Jinchang on the Xijia American Line

38. Longzhou, Guangxi

Germany, Chong, Hou, Fu, Tian, ​​Baosheng, People

39. Teochew

Stone selection. Taipan Liang Liu Zhijun Zetong Qin. National Tweedy. I owe Ren Ming a whole tree of public electoral loyalty forever.Local fixed family status

Shao Ke Xu Shu Qisiyin of Xiaoyou


Tongshan County, Zhonghou, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, biography, family, distant , poem, book, after, world, long

41. Hengyang, Hunan

King Kong, Wu, is holy, high, look, well, see, woo

42. The village of Chenjiawan, Mi Town, Jingzhou, Hubei

Ming Zhengke opened the selection and the loyal Liu Zhijun Zetong was always fixed at one end of the family Xing Xiaoyou Shaoke Xu Wenqi Si Yin

> 43 Stone Beast, Hubei

Shi Shuguang’s loyalty and filial piety inspired Houkun...

44. Anhui Dangtu County

Fu Lu Shou Yong Chao does the extended Zuyuan Province uplink table introduction Square Gram Compliance Yifan

Can Syria outline regular trimming on the mutual reference patent Successively brilliant

The origin of economics is dizzy, Kang Xiao’s friend Zheng Zhizhi Zhenxiang Kuang Fuyi

An Dingming-Liang

45. Sichuan Dazhu

The real day preserved jade, Dajin Jia Shizha. Said that a Huaguo Wencha thread should be cleared

The court is virtuous, Li Xuemingxiang and Xu Shili are the heirs of the family to receive salary on behalf of the family

46. Majia Village, Sixingang Town, Linli County, Hunan Province

Xin, Shu, Li, Guang, Family, Ancestor, Loyalty, Yi, Yao, North Korea, Ting


Tianjiangxi Jiujiang Ruixian County Wenfu maintains the bright seat case, should be my home's Daotong School Maode established, Hongxin Stone Thread, Jing's wholly-owned (), Huaguo Coat of Arms

>48. Jiangsu Huaisi

Like jade, Henan, professional, rich, footwear, liter, complex, and Thailand, Corfu, concept, salty, money should

49. Nanjing

Repair? Shi? country? House? precious? Rainbow Road? Confucianism? Germany? Fang

50 Monument Village of Pengzhuang, Tingzhou, Fujian, Mingxingdai

Mao Liang Bingwen Po, condensate Yi An Shengchang (for management),

The name of the original beauty restored by Jing (Zhiying) the longer it is,

Qingyu unchanged Jishan goes to the fragrance of Yong heritage

The flourishing home audio is remarkable Prosperity over Ruiguang

The establishment of Taize Xin Yuan Kun Qiang Wei Fuzhuang,

The construction of the opening of Stone Appreciation Hong Kong, Zubang glory.

51. Guizhou Qualifications:

Xitian, (paid);

Text, Light, School (China), World (Wing), Hong Kong;

Thoughts , i, flat, safe and just;

Town, country, chamber of commerce, loyalty.

52. Jieyang City, Guangdong Province

Jun, Chen, Hu Yi, He Liang (responsibility), thick, energy, hair, light, large system,...

< p>53 Changling Street, Huangpi District, Wuhan City

Order of generations: Spring returns to the family, the morality of the monarch, and the brave treasure of the Ming Dynasty.

54. Pingchang County, Sichuan Province

Position (guardian), transportation, phoenix, cloud, civilization, light, righteousness, virtuous, stone, rattan, North Korea, Ting (ting), huan, straight, zhao Festival (North Korea), lamps,

55. , Anhui Province Huaining Sanqiao Chentang "Shudetang"

Qualifications: Chen Luanshipu You Jinmu Shuijiu Yu Yongchang Wangting Guangguo Qiaochuanjiacun has extensive service

56. In Suining City, Sichuan Province, the fat soil entered Shaanxi. For the sake of the country, Gongchang extended the government, and the mother of the deceased in the Chen family was taboo to have no examination of the tombstone, but the punishment of the word Mobi was to denudate the male twins for five long years, Shao Gang, the fourth of Sanfugang Bei Gang Wu Guigang

The family tree sends the song with the given name: "Behind because of you 9 countries first Acer Pei Ying mellow sharp Qixuan Yang Yongsi bully um Shen do the country should linger Qiang Shize believed that thousands of years ago

57 Sichuan Bazhong connects Yang Yiyangshan Chen's Hubei and Hunan's Sichuan sixth-generation genealogy: Hongshao, Qi, Yong, fixed, shun, safe

58. During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Chen entered Luojiatian, Duyun City, Guizhou Province

20 water characters: Yongan, learning, interpersonal, country, corporate governance, expansion, Mary, in the macro world , morality, filial piety, friends, in addition to the king, maintenance, light, Huang Xianrong, Seoul, Xi.

59. Chen Pai representative of Hunan Shuangfeng Lotus Leaf Town:

Dachao Niu Xing was formed under the influence of the Lord - Toufa Shiqing

World Zuo Gongqinghuan's

Raymond Dun's poems hang in the shade, and outstanding astrology gathers

< p>Dan Chao Rong Huiwei awarded the meaning

Free Chuze Longmian sent

Riyuanchuan? Is a feasible origin

< p> 60. Feixi County, Anhui Province

Literature Guangzong, elite auxiliary status, reasonable security Chang Hongzhao Shigui

61. Dachenzhuang and Xiaozhuang, Zhuanghe County, Liaoning Province Chenzhuang

The 20-character family tree is as follows:

Yuan Xu'e Junguang flew joyfully in the sky, uniting all the skins. After he took office, Yushu vibrated forever.

62. Shanzao, Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province

Yi means monarch, filial to parents, friends... /> 63. Huangchuan, Henan (Guangzhou Metropolitan City, Henan)


The sound of family couplets resonates with the Yi family, Yingchuan Shize Chang (door)

Qualifications: Dianchuan Campbell, Jiaqing Hongchang, Yongshao Su Xianze's great show

64. Songyang County, Anhui Province

In ancient times, capital was still under control, lacking prime ministers, winning the court "

65. Ancient river channel, Chen's family temple couplets in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province


Jiang Chunshui Xiang


In ancient times, it was still a competition between thousands of sails

The stream flows to the source


Guyuan Cong Family Audio Old

Pujiang Shenshi Zechang


Gutong Habitat Phoenix

Xize lies in the dragon


The ancient family heirloom sounds based on the historical classic Gui surname

The river culvert sent Chaoyuanze to trace since Putian


The first performance of the Fourth Ancestor Keshaojiqiu Youth Jude

The scale of the sacrifice of worship Gongji Zudou reported the case in Germany


Lamp cabinet:

The radiance of the ancient moon clears the stream

The ancient Yangzhi Hanhui Zuo stream

66, Anxi County, Fujian Province Penglai Liu Chen's

Zi generation (Zhao Mu) ranking (X. Qi): Zhen Hongguang Cheng Daye quoted Yi Zheng Li Yin Zhe Qin's conscientious general Emperor De Shao Shunzu Shangyun Ji.

67. During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Pei Chen, Binjiang, Thailand, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province

Poetry day:

The dominant four seas and five lakes Chen

Mountains shadow the world.

Blue Guiteng, Jixiu Maoping,

The descendants of Bu Qingyun.

At the beginning, the father-in-law An public high school rented Zifu, and the 50 characters of the third generation of Zuwei are as follows:

The country's literary talent lies in the Liangzi monarch.

Shi Rupingde was born in Chaojing Yuntong.

On Zuo Guangyao's day, his prosperity will always be filial to the saint.

Chengren’s scenery was named after Zhaoqing.

Can be maintained, Xu Zurong industry, Xinfeng Yanxianying


Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province, Qingyuan Changxingyuan, Chunhe Jingmaochang Glasses


69 in Fuzhou, Jiangxi

It is said that the Ming Dynasty moved from Gao'an City, Jiangxi, to the large terracotta farm, and the tribes line "Pearl Yingbiqiu (sound)," sent out

< p> 70 Chen, Dongxin Township, Guiping County, Guangxi

Guangdong Huidong moved to the east, sent to:

### - $ - Yong - Gao - Zuo - Just - Wen - Yue - Ho-###

71. Gaoping District, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, Qi'er Town

The word is sent (when the sky is clear, it is said that he always bravely abides by honest rituals, writes about family status, and is prosperous and melodious.) Kangxi Six Relocation to Chushu Nanchong City

72. Huangyan, Zhejiang

The family tree of the working generation is arranged as: Zheng - Guo - Dao - Yinshi - Qi - Kaili - Zhengyi - Must - Xian 73. The genealogy of the Liu Tong family is arranged in letters

The good bells of loyalty, filial piety and thrift and the holy names of any porcelain statue of Yan Qing, Liang Yi, tens of thousands of your blessings in the city.Fu Sheng Yongguang Thai Broadcasting Zhen Qizhenyu People Zuo Qiwei, Chang Henglong and Ruijing will allow Calyx Fengzhu to weave, Hua Xitong, Di Gaolan cotton? Ordering

The number of tables, the woodland worshiping the valley is easy to make fortune

Erhuai Li Jin Chengqi restored and opened the world, scheduled the world Xiu Mao Chong Fanyan to enjoy Li Chun Yuxi, and Chuanteng Nose, 74. Hunan Shuangfeng North Korea will bear the representative of Ye Chen's corpse

Sex, the master attached to the formation of Niu-tou Master Qing

The world's leftist Communist Qinghuan

< p>Raymond Dun's poem hanging in the shade, so far

Service Domain Li Shao Dedi's Light Fan

Dan Chao Rong's Reward Symbol Meaning

Free Chuze Longmian sent

Yan Chuanzheng or sued the origin

75. Jinsha, Guizhou, Sanhe, Zunyi

Current verses: The red plain is full of trouble with weapons

The horizon of abandoned soldiers

The roar of the five-horse Taizai is like thunder


Eternally go to Qilinjiang Dingbus

Divided into three and five years

Remember this poem eight by 35

< p>Connected to the oxen formed after the influence of the Lord - Zongzu is also associated with China

76. Wenzhou moved to Yuhuan County Huancheng West Qinglingtou Dakengchen

Full, fragrant, long text, Chengyun, World Yongming, Duoyin, Germany, Zhanghuai, water, flood 77 in Chishui, Guizhou Province Qingfeng Village, Chenghou Town

Hongwanjia, light weight, board head, tomorrow, forever, and blessing

78. Qiannan area

Ping, Zhongming, Jade

77. Yingjing County, Sichuan Province. The tribe uses the following characters:

Korean Russians, pensioners in Shiqiu Xiao Palace

The seat is still prosperous, the family is prosperous and prosperous

Ancestor, Yinghe;

Cultivation of morality and dedication to enlightenment Yin Zan

And after recording,

Yimen, industry, until he saw the move;

< p>78. The ancestors of Sichuan Dazhu were in Hunan Chenzhou (Chen's East Gate) and Sichuan Dazhuliang (Liang Ping, Dazhu) during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. The seniority "Flowers and Fruits Wen Zha'en Thread Court Benign

79. Teng County, Shandong Province The boundary village

"Zhao Ming" allows "G" macro"

80. There are tens of thousands of people in Zhijin (Agong, Deaf, Breeding Farm District) in Guizhou Province who have passed through the Hongzong White Horse allusion in the era of "Hundred Scenes to Become a Hegemon Security Blanket and Great Wanfu Xian..." At that time, Qi Yu Wen The founding stage of light, elegant high (flood)...

81. Ma'an Town, Sichuan Qualifications:

Feng Shang During the Liang Dynasty, the fourth generation of Zhao Youting flourished.

Always a lucky star, good luck to the elderly, Davydenko is famous for.

82. Gansu Jingyuan Steep Castle Character Generation:

The ranking is from the world of people, Xing, Chen Yu, Shi (disabled), Tian#

82 Zhucheng Chenjia Guanzhuang, Wei, Zhong, Rugui, Bing

83. The most recent generation-by-generation sequence of the original ancestral home of Jintang, Changle County, Sichuan is: Since. blessing of. plot. Kindness...

84. Liaoning Liaoning's genealogy arrangement Sid, Chuang Wang Yanjun, Jiashan overthrow, Liangjingdao size, Hongchang in Thailand

85 Anyuan County, Jiangxi Province

Yangyong Public Open Camp Ancestors, send language and wisdom to Yuan and Zhaoda, Qing Dynasty and Chen Sheng help, Gong Kuan, Xin Minhui, good deeds and good fortune, Thailand pays tribute to Sun, transports trillions of tin and enjoys prosperity, represents all talents and virtues, Xian Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Liang Ming Dynasty, Chongwen Kedeng Assistance, keep calm and travel, Yin Si Zushao, eternal life

86. Articles from Tonghaikou (Mianyang Zhouling), Xiantao City, Hubei Province

Spectral Method



Jia Zhengtian Xin Shunqi The teacher is responsible for the church

Loyalty, filial piety and righteousness

Long-lasting prosperity

The bright and great saint

Never look at the long roots


Keep its door derived

According to the Sun and Moon Jingchun

87. Chen near Zhumadian City: The indigenous people near Runan County, taking into account the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, but the war in the late Ming Dynasty, the ancient ancestors who held the spectral line died near the Xianren Bridge near the city in the northwest of Runan. The spectral lineage was lost, and the ancestors of the previous generation were not discovered. His taboos. Baidexin Public moved to the villages of Lengshui River, Dachenzhuang, Xiaolizhuang, Niuwangmiao Chenzhuang, and Qiaoxi Chenzhuang at the junction of Runan and Zhumadian City; the descendants of the second son Delin Public moved to Queshan County Three miles north of the city of Guandian, the male offspring of three sons, Deshang, moved to Runandong (now Pingyu) Temple Children's Bay. In the 1933 genealogy, the three generations of ancestors had new male descendants, five generations (IV) and less than fifty generations (IX). Continuing this book, the thirteenth descendant of the third generation ancestor and two generations of Queshan Shopping of Delin people continued to be included in the book. There are no clues yet in Temple Child Bay.

No. Hall: Juxingtang

Long Zhongde Zhong, "Wenwang sh*ting Leiwan circuitous faction word Qisheng

Excel of the heart of the family, Wei Jianbao, Dongguo Xiangze, Qinghai Ming

88. Xishangou, a famous village in Longxing Town, Yubei District) whose generation is:

Have a son The text should be higher than the board school to keep the integrity of the beam

Door-to-door maintenance and courage to the world Wang Anyi, appointed as Shanze Chief of Fangzun, Texas

89. Dehui: Ancestor Dengzhou, Shandong (today's Yantai, Weihai) Bailu Lake, Wendeng County, Shandong Province

Generation font:

Case, hole, macro, day, tomorrow

Code,Soldier, expensive, Chunxing

Remarkable size, Germany, gain

Yong, far, vibration, family, sound

Ancestor: Kong Hong , Kong Liang

90. Heping Nanpan, Liuzhou City, Guangxi:

Will. example. Kerry. Chapter One. arrive. Benevolence. world. What. long.

91. The third community of Qunying Village, Baohua Town, Hechuan, Chongqing moved to Qingtan, Bajia Gejiazhai, Hexian County, Zunyi County, Guizhou Province, a southern rural area. Chen Dali, the ancestor of the original Pengcheng people, his wife Li, Chen Zhongde, his wife Fourier, and Chen Wen The current wife Wang Chenpu and his wife Liang Yuqing Yongzheng moved to Sichuan and Chongqing to gather in the white highland rock land of Moon 7 and the old courtyard of the Chen family at the foot of the mountain (now the third community of Qunying Village, Baohua Town, Hechuan City).

Zi generation: When Zhongwen was opened in Shunguo, Chaoyuan prospered and Yongzhengshan combined with the fundamental eternal red

92 Fujian Yongan Twenty Kingdoms has passed 20 V, Zi generation The spectrum is only used

(Twelve): Mingxun Kaihuizhi, the deep planting of iron increases Huan, the material of Xizhi is Binghuan Jin + Tong (zi) Yinggui Fire + Pound (zi) Pei. The 1987 compilation continued the new name taboo line: Qiu Jundong fire + Kun (the word entered) based on the melt analysis of Wei Kunze, Kui Hao Bin Jiong earth + education (such as Word), New Han cypress fire + extension (as one word) Kennedy.

93. Zhuangshi Sanli, Chiping, Shandong, Tai, Yuzhao, Kyrgyzstan, UK, Shun.

94. In Pushi Village, Qiaoxia Town, Yongjia Town, Wenzhou, the ancestors said that here we have the descendants who moved from Yongjia to Quan.

Growing up will bring greater benefits to the friends of Ketang, Shouqian and Shang Boxin

Scholarship, good fortune, Mao Mingshi, Jiguang BR />Seeing laughter, economic prosperity, eternal love? China

95 to the field of Pengxi'an Building, Sichuan

The country is prosperous, Tianxingshun Officially facing Qingliang

Drexel must be a good Xueguang Daoyi Zhang

> Tingxian Wen Mingming's auspicious and good maintenance Su

Oil status: Qishang Shize Yonglongchang

96 Ankang, southern Shaanxi, Huzhen Pacific, case Guangyao Qiangming

97. Biyang Mushan is lined with F, Nanchang City Government Nanchang County Zizhuling Zhushi Lane, Huguang Wuchang Prefecture Baoqi County Xiashan Group their Tianqun Fort (High) Entrance Landing Nine Every Drop Chenjiazhai (Yimen) p>

Xianpulu School: The heart should be Richang and the world should be upright Yuanhenglizhen

98. Chen, Tu Village, Fushan County, Yantai City, Shandong Province: Hongzhi Lift in the Ming Dynasty, Chen Bin, Jiangsu Province, Shanghai County, Ren Ninghai known status (now Muping District, Yantai City), descendants thrive in Tu Village, Fushan County, Yantai.

Zi generation tin derivatives, Victoria, academia, Yao Ming, extensive training world, Ze...

99. Chen, Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province:Immigrated from Xichuan, Danjiangkou, Henan, and his family tree is "good people govern the country, CCA chapter".

100. (Yimen Chen) Chongqing Chuandong Daomiao, Wujia place name, Chenjiaping: Confucius fled to Shaoyang County, where he grew up in Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province. He was the leader of the Baoqing Legislature in Hunan for several years, and later distributed housing to the Eight Immortals of Chongqing, Wujia to Chenjiaping, Xilane.

Word generation order: Ode to the strange, healthy interpersonal Shengzhuo, Sulfur Xiuguang Tiande, Zhongling Hexanthrane, Swelling will undoubtedly forever vibrate heaven and earth, Jishan Wealth Fat, Prosperity for all generations spring.

101. Travel to Mianyang, Hubei, L:. . . Far, far away, for a long time, Zhang, Li, Zhi, was the first. . .

102. Tongxin Wushe, Fushou Township, Nanchuan City, Chongqing:

Epitaphic School: Meng Yi’s remarkable Tianshi Ying

The country of the court is booming, and the legislation is great and the people are prosperous


103. Guizhou 6 There are thousands of people with the surname Chen in Zhijin Anshun, Guizhou Province. In the Ming Dynasty, they came from Qiaotou, Qiaotou, Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province:

Generation: Chaoxing, First, Chicago Yan, Macro Regulation, positive, blessing, longevity, light (LUN), open, rich, expensive "if" Yan Ziyi arrives in Guangdong or Guangxi

104. Aojiang, Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province: Zi Generation: Concept, exhibition, Seoul

105. Frequency of 10,000 groups of Etang Primary School in Xinhua, Hunan:

(1), Chen Gun and Chen Xuchang groups are newly moved

But today it can be significantly far away and has a long-standing reputation;

Dao Sheng satisfies hunger and is rich, and Xun Hong and Qizhao are benign;

Deng Tingxiu Jin Ye Shou Yichang, suggested;

Courtesy rules are permanent, poetry and literature Mao Ze; < /p>

Dunlun restored Jude and returned the righteousness to the Zong Church;:

The jade clear flames and stars gathered together, and the country's glory was outstanding.

(2), with the old score: Qianlong Yongkang, Guimao year, Sarkozy sent the order:

However, this can be significantly far from the good Mingyang

The thickness of the open base ends due to the special thread;

A major revision in the industry, Su Wei Shou Yichang

Liyue Jiasheng Vibration, poetry and literature Shi Zeguang;

The Hong Kong stage revives Jude, which means Lie Huan Zong Church;

The remaining Qingxing original polyethylene, Zhiyan Wanshichang.

106. Yangzhou, Jiangsu: There is a grand ancestral hall, and the joint family of "Tong Yao": "The house of San Yao with great virtue is famous far away in Surabaya and is famous for its long history." Ranking of the 20th generation in the early Ming Dynasty:

Self-denial pregnancy, Germany first, Ren Jundun’s life (), Wenfang’s troubled world, this book can be read by Qi Hongji< /p>

107. Dengzhou, Henan: Daiwen - same - tomorrow - light - wisdom - reasonable "

108. Panjin: Zi generation"The words "Great Courage", Wan Yu Guang. Phoenix Tree Overthrow

109. Dushan County, Guizhou Province: Jiangxi moved, for the first time after about 1860, to Fuquan Dushan County, Guizhou Province. Now the term of the characters is: Shi, Yu, Kai, Zhi Gao, Guo, Wen Xing... .

110. , Tangyuan Town, Linqing City. Point out the old man said: Ancestors are obviously true, show (tomb). The two ancestors are related to each other, and Kwai Hing's nephew is now living in the search ancestral hall. The representative of the class is significant. , Yuyimen.

111. - Migration route of the surname Zhaotong (westward migration) in Yunnan: Changge County (Yingchuan), Henan --- Macheng County, Xiaogan City, Hubei --- Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province (cross-border) Jiangxi --- Dading Government of Guizhou - --- Zhaotong, Yunnan (westward movement)

Plate: Cent Youth Splendid, Blessings Should Be Considered Text, Shi Zixue, Most Bright, Anbang State Yongzheng Court.

112 Guixi people should be the door of a righteous family, Ai Xiangtang. Nearband sorting: Fu\BIN\Star\Ritual\Meaning


Gaodengzhou Government Laiyang County, Shandong Province, Yuan Xuechun Kuang Xiao

A complicated day for Ren Return to Xi'an

>Lian Zhongpi, I only know that my ancestor Chen Shangneng "after"

Yushu shook Yongchang

114. 700 years ago (Ming Dynasty) Yuan Chang Jiang Xiyimen Chen moved to Gaoyi, Henan Biyang Province rural Chen Wacun, now known as the generation: Feng Xiaorong long, wide, f*ckiang.

115 Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province An old man named Chen moved from Fujian, ranked in order: , Switzerland, Bank, representing the right of the original chapter text, Germany, Yunda, Xirong, Liang.

116. Surnamed Chen, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, Zhejiang Listening to the old people of previous generations, we know that the birthplace of previous generations was on the north bank of Jiaojiang, Zhao Yong and Liang Sizi

117. Ninggang County, Jiangxi Province, Jinggangshan was established in 2002 In the same year, the order sent by Ban Ki-moon was transferred from Jiaying, Guangdong to Jiangxi as follows: Bingxi Chu's case of light entering Shichang, Keshao described, for a long time the transmission of Fang, the origin of Taoist thought, the family sound of Yongyang, Rui Ying Xingju, Wang Huantianzhang.

118. In Wusheng County, Sichuan Province, on both sides of the Jialing River. The surname is tribal and the generation:

The first Jude is opened in batches of Xinghong every week; < /p>

The eternal plan towers, the official Qing Dynasty China worship

The ancient long dragon is always Gang Changze.

119., the back wall of Yuanyang Township, Da'an District, Zigong City, Sichuan Province Chenwan, ancient labor. According to legend, Li Zicheng moved from Tuchuan to Huguang. The characters are: highway, red, sound hole, four characters

120 An old man in Shucheng, Anhui said that if the Ming Dynasty moved from Jiangxi to Mobile, it may be somewhat related. I only know Chen Youliang’s family tree.A few sentences: Dade Super Fat, Jilaichang

121. The family tree of the top figures in Sihong County, Jiangsu Province is "Church" Yimen, Jiujiang, Jiangxi. The family tree has a "Jia Zhixing (New) Lin Guangyao Gate, Stele Pavilion."

122 Changsha, Hunan Genealogy:

Old-fashioned language:

The founding of the People's Republic of China from the state of Yingjiexiang to the great prosperity of the universe to the faithful sea to the everlasting music of prosperity

The vertical meeting of reason Hao's growing day Chang Shao Chongli Chao Chukai Town Dayong Gangchang

In the language of repairing the old school:

The world is open and the fate is thick and bright, and the line industry is always happy and academic. The previous generation of Huixian City should North Korea

Yongzhengji has sent out the language:

The descendants of the Yong Dynasty, the descendants of the Yong Dynasty, Shao Xue Xue forever

The Republic of Guiwei is new Language of variety:



Address of this article: https://www.1wtz.com/astrology/14198.html

Copyright Notice:Unless otherwise noted, all articles are original on this site

I was born in Wuhan on June 14, 1988, at 9:30 am. What are my rising, sun and moon signs? (2024)


How to find rising sign by date of birth? ›

You need your birth day month as well as the time you were born to find your rising sign. Here I have included the rising sign charts. For example, if your birthday was January 16 and you were born at 3:04 pm, you would go to the January row, second column and at 3:04 your rising sign would be Gemini.

How do you know your sun, moon, and rising sign? ›

To find your sun, moon and rising signs, you'll want to create a birth chart, which maps the planets' placements at the time and place you were born. Astrologers use a book called an ephemeris, which provides charts of what each planet was in on a particular day at a particular time.

How to find the moon sign with date of birth? ›

It spends about two to three days in each sign, so, you'll need to look at your chart or use an online moon sign calculator to pinpoint where it was at the time of your birth. Simply insert the date, time, and place of your birth into a moon sign calculator and you'll have the answer.

What is my rising star sign? ›

Your rising sign is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.

How to spot a Gemini rising? ›

Adaptable and innately curious, Gemini Rising individuals constantly seek new experiences and thought-provoking exchanges. Their energy is playful and youthful, adding a touch of liveliness to any situation, which is why they're more than often charming and popular among their social circles.

How do you find your sun sign? ›

The sun spends roughly 30 days in each sign, so if you are born within that month-long time frame, that is your sun sign. For example if you are a Virgo, it means your sun is in Virgo, and if you are a Sagittarius you can know that your sun is in Sagittarius.” Every star sign brings something unique to the table.

What does a moon sign in Gemini mean? ›

Summary: Moon in Gemini Meaning

People with a Gemini moon sign have a positive world view, but they can struggle with anxiety, indecisiveness, and feelings of inadequacy. This can result in them having trouble opening up to people, committing to people as well as projects, and appearing immature at times.

What's your sun and moon sign? ›

What's popularly known as your “sign” in horoscopes is actually your Sun sign. The Moon represents your essence, and in that sense, it's even more important than the Sun. Your personal Moon sign is the zodiac sign that the Moon was positioned in the moment you were born.

What are my big three signs? ›

Taken all together, your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are often called your “Big Three.” Each of these signs plays a v. important role in your birth chart, and each describes a different part of your personality and life story.

When the Moon is in your birth sign? ›

When the Moon returns to the position—or even just the sign—it was in at your birth, this is called the Lunar Return, and it happens about once a month. Your emotions and intuition will be heightened and you might feel a lil bit moody.

How do you check the Moon when we were born? ›

There are two ways to figure out which phase of the Moon you were born under. The first and easiest way is to enter your birth time, date, and location into a free birth chart calculator that includes Moon phases, like this one from Astro-Seek or this one from Astrostyle.

Can you know your moon sign without birth time? ›

Knowing the exact time, date, and place of your birth is essential for an accurate chart reading. For example, the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days. If you were born on a day when the Moon traveled from one sign to another, only your birth time would pinpoint what sign it was in when you were born.

How do I calculate my rising sign? ›

How can you calculate your rising sign? You can figure out your rising sign by using the AstroTwins' free birth chart calculator. You just need to know your time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth to obtain your chart. This is especially important for rising signs, since they change every two hours.

What is my star sign? ›

Star sign table
Star signDatesStar sign symbol
Aries03/21 to 04/20♈️
Taurus04/21 to 05/20♉️
Gemini05/21 to 06/21♊️
Cancer06/22 to 07/22♋️
8 more rows
Jan 30, 2023

What is my rising sign ruled by? ›

The planet that rules over your rising sign is your chart ruler. This is because your rising or ascendant sign represents your first astrological house in astrology, or how you interact with the larger world.

What determines my rising sign? ›

Your rising sign is determined by the time of your birth. If you were born right before or right after dawn, your sun sign is likely the same as your rising sign. If you were born just before or just after sunset, your rising sign is most likely to be exactly opposite from your sun sign.

Which is the rising sign on a birth chart? ›

Also known as the rising sign, the Ascendant is the furthest left point of the central horizon line and quite literally reveals which zodiac sign was emerging from the eastern horizon at your exact moment of birth.

What are my big 3 signs? ›

Chances are, someone has asked you about your "big three." That's astrological shorthand for your sun, moon, and rising signs, also known as an ascendant.

How to calculate ascendant sign manually? ›

  1. Step 1 – Longitude of standard meridian of India – 82°30'E.
  2. Step 2 – Longitude of place of birth for Bangalore – 77°36'E.
  3. Step 3 – Difference of two longitudes – 82°30' – 77°36' = 4°54'
  4. Step 4 – Multiply by 4 – = (4*4) : (54*4)
  5. Step 6 – Apply LMT correction = 8 hr 45 min – 19 min 36 sec.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.