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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Afternoon 6-16-24

Good EveningDinar Recaps,

EU Basel 3 Announcement: The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) isa comprehensive suite of capital rules. They are developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) as part of Basel III. Their intentions are to apply these rules to banks' wholesale trading activities.

The EU plans to delay FRTB because moving first would put EU banks at a competitive disadvantage to US banks.

This is a coordinated effort globally. Where one goes, we all go. Europe has given themselves a back wall date of January 1st, 2025 to to fully implement Basel 3 requirements. It looks like they have moved into a place that other countries are going to have to catch up to going forward.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Afternoon 6-16-24

Good EveningDinar Recaps,

EU Basel 3 Announcement:

The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) isa comprehensive suite of capital rules. They are developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) as part of Basel III. Their intentions are to apply these rules to banks' wholesale trading activities.

The EU plans to delay FRTB because moving first would put EU banks at a competitive disadvantage to US banks.

This is a coordinated effort globally. Where one goes, we all go. Europe has given themselves a back wall date of January 1st, 2025 to to fully implement Basel 3 requirements. It looks like they have moved into a place that other countries are going to have to catch up to going forward.

Look for gold to be reclassified during this time and the digital economy to go ahead and move into its mass adoption. ICMA Group

© Goldilocks


"Lagarde Urges Governments to Respect Global Trade Rules"

Remember what we said the other day about Trade Wars beginning, and how, Treaty Agreements are signed at the end of them.

Trade Wars are attempts by countries to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.

This will cause distortions in prices that will have to be reset under new Treaty Agreements that are universally signed.

Look for this to come at a time when Basel 3 Capital Requirements can be implemented into a new financial order. Bloomberg

Here we go.

© Goldilocks


Here is the list of countries that will join BRICS:

* Africa:
* Algeria;
* Morocco;
* Nigeria;
* Chad;
* Equatorial Guinea;
* Eritrea;
* Senegal;
* Zimbabwe;
* South Sudan.
* Asia:
* Azerbaijan;
* Bangladesh;
* Bahrain;
* Indonesia;
* Kazakhstan;
* Kuwait;
* Palestine;
* Pakistan;
* Syria;
* Thailand;
* Vietnam;
* Sri Lanka;
* Türkiye.
* Latin America:
* Bolivia;
* Venezuela;
* Honduras.

BRICS Summit October 2024


Hello, World!

Figure Technology Solutions has launched Figure Connect, its blockchain-based marketplace for private credit.Outside of the qualified mortgage sector, most loan purchase agreements (LPAs) are bespoke, making them illiquid. Figure’s is promoting the use of standardized sales terms and documentation to make the market more liquid. Ledger Insights Figure Technology Solutions


Bitcoin Suisse, one of the largest digital asset players in the country, has issued a digital bond via the Obligate platform. When asked for more details about the bond, Bitcoin Suisse told Ledger Insights that it is a technical prototype with a 12 month maturity, available only to qualified investors.
Ledger Insights Bitcoin Suisse


Marui, the large Japanese department store, issued a digital green bond in May. Not only did it use blockchain, but it was also directly issued to its customers as investors, with Securitize Japan providing the blockchain platform. Besides the digital bond, the green investment also has a blockchain angle.

It was a smalldigital bondissuance of just Yen 170 million ($1.1 million) with the investment available to Marui’s EPOS credit card holders. The 1% interest on the bond is partially paid in EPOS points and partly in real money.

The bond proceeds are intended to purchase a renewable energy power plant, although the small print also allows for energy-efficient building upgrades. Marui is partnering with Updater (formerly Minna Denryoku or Minden) for the renewable energy plant.

Updater has a blockchain-based platform,Enection 2.0, which tracks the source of renewable energy, allowing business buyers to pair electricity sales with energy attribute certificates (EACs) for green energy. Ledger Insights Marui Enection 2.0 Digital Bond


BIS launches Toronto Innovation Hub -Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise


Testimony of Chairman Rostin Behnam Before the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate |CFTC


PCPD Corporate Video |Youtube


FADGI is part of a broader effort by NARA to move away from paper-based processes towards digitization.

Federal Agencies Digital Guideline Initiative (FADGI) guidelines are mandatory for federal agencies and affiliated organizations when digitizing archival records.

The guidelines went into effect in June 2024 as part of the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) effort to move away from paper-based processes.By June 2024, all permanent records archived in the National Archives must be digitized and meet FADGI three-star quality standards. Digitization Guidelines Government Technology Insider


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What Iraq Must Do Before RV Can Happen |Youtube




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The industry opens the door to investment in the Al-Qaim phosphate plant

6/12/2024 Baghdad

Anbar Governor's Advisor for Energy Affairs, Aziz Khalaf Al-Tarmouz, announced today, Wednesday, that the Al-Qaim phosphate plant will soon be transferred for investment after a hiatus that lasted for more than 15 years.

Al-Tarmouz said, "A large number of investment companies have submitted their papers to obtain this investment opportunity."

He added, "It is hoped that the project will be referred to one of the international investment companies within approximately 45 days."



The industry opens the door to investment in the Al-Qaim phosphate plant

6/12/2024 Baghdad

Anbar Governor's Advisor for Energy Affairs, Aziz Khalaf Al-Tarmouz, announced today, Wednesday, that the Al-Qaim phosphate plant will soon be transferred for investment after a hiatus that lasted for more than 15 years.

Al-Tarmouz said, "A large number of investment companies have submitted their papers to obtain this investment opportunity."

He added, "It is hoped that the project will be referred to one of the international investment companies within approximately 45 days."

He continued, "The value of the investment contract is about 3 billion dollars, as the plant is considered one of the most important sovereign strategic projects that serve the
economy of Iraq and Anbar."

He explained, "The Ministry closed the tender a week ago, awaiting its referral to the relevant international companies." LINK


Revealing the embezzlement and waste of 200 million dinars of public money in an Iraqi governorate


The Federal Integrity Commission revealed, on Friday, that an arrest warrant had been issued against a former official in the Samawah Municipality Directorate. For embezzling nearly two hundred million dinars of public money, in addition to issuing an order to bring in two officials in the directorate.

The Government Information and Communications Office indicated in a statement today that the work team consisting of the staff of the Authority’s investigation office in Muthanna, which moved on (6/12/2024) to the Samawah Municipality Directorate, revealed, after investigation, auditing and review work, the existence of financial violations and cases of embezzlement of money. This year, it was carried out by the former municipal collection official, explaining that he cut off the collection receipts for the real amounts owed by the citizens and collected from them, and tampered with the second copy of the “carbonated” receipt by registering it with amounts that were less than the real amounts actually deducted.

The office continued that the accused was paying the smaller amount to the directorate’s fund. Based on the “carbonated” copies that he tampered with, explaining that the audit work concluded that as a result of tampering with the receipts and distorting the amounts and their dates; In order to overcome the payment delay period, an amount of (198,920,467) one hundred and ninety-eight million dinars of public money was wasted.

He continued that the judge of the Integrity Investigation Court in Muthanna issued an arrest and investigation order against the accused, the former collection official in the Samawah Municipality, in addition to bringing in the accounts, control and internal audit officials there, based on the provisions of Article (315) of the Penal Code. LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes. But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines? It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...

Nader From The Mid East Article: "Iraq Bulks Up Gold Reserves, Inch Up World Rankings" Quote: "Their holdings have grown to 145.7 tons, a bump of over 3 tons compared to 142.6 tons the previous month. This enough to nudge Iraq one spot higher in the WGC's global ranking, landing them 31st place out of 100 countries."

BRICS: $517 Billion in Unrealized Losses Hits US Banking System

Geopolitical Analyst: 6-15-2024

While the BRICS alliance is strengthening its banking system, the US seems to be on a downhill.

In the last three years alone, 15 US banks collapsed renewing fears of financial instability across the homeland. Banks such as the Republic First Bank, Citizens Bank, First Republic Bank, Signature Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and First State Bank, among others, collapsed in the last three years.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) published the latest report that the US banking system is looking at an unrealized loss of $517 billion.

The FDIC also stated that US 63 lenders are currently on the brink of insolvency.

The banks are now saddled with more than half a trillion dollars on the balance sheets in their papers. The development shows that the US banks are at risk while the central banks of BRICS are massively accumulating gold.

While the unrealized losses are only on the balance sheets, they could become a liability when the banks require liquidity.

The number of lenders on its Problem Bank List rose significantly last quarter, reported FDIC. This puts the US banking system under pressure as BRICS is dumping US treasuries and the dollar.

In the last seven months alone, BRICS member China has sold $72 billion worth of US treasuries.

The BRICS alliance is also spearheading the de-dollarization movement by convincing developing countries to end reliance on the dollar.

The number of banks on the Problem Bank List, those with a CAMELS composite rating of ‘4’ or ‘5’ increased from 52 in fourth quarter 2023 to 63 in first quarter 2024.

The number of problem banks represented 1.4% of total banks, which was within the normal range for non-crisis periods of 1% to 2% of all banks.

Total assets held by problem banks increased $15.8 billion to $82.1 billion during the quarter,” read the FDIC report.

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BRICS SUMMIT 2024: What is on Agenda?

Fastpo: 6-15-2024

The BRICS Summit 2024, set to take place in Kazan, Russia, in October, will address several critical issues and priorities under the theme "Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security."

28 Countries Joining BRICS With Names and Capacities:

The summit's agenda includes the expansion of BRICS membership, with the addition of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, aiming to bolster the group's global influence. Economic and financial cooperation will be a focal point, with discussions on using national currencies in trade to reduce dependency on the US dollar, and the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025.

BRICS SUMMIT 2024: What is on Agenda?

Fastpo: 6-15-2024

The BRICS Summit 2024, set to take place in Kazan, Russia, in October, will address several critical issues and priorities under the theme "Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security." 28 Countries Joining BRICS With Names and Capacities:

The summit's agenda includes the expansion of BRICS membership, with the addition of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, aiming to bolster the group's global influence. Economic and financial cooperation will be a focal point, with discussions on using national currencies in trade to reduce dependency on the US dollar, and the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025.

Political and security coordination will be enhanced to address international and regional threats collectively. Cultural and humanitarian collaboration will also be emphasized, promoting cooperation in science, technology, healthcare, and environmental protection. The summit will advocate for a multipolar international order and fair global financial systems, reinforcing the principles of international law.

Over 200 related events will be organized throughout the year, showcasing the comprehensive efforts of the BRICS nations to strengthen global development and security.

In this video, we will explore the main agenda of the upcoming BRICS Summit 2024, shedding light on the key priorities and collaborative plans of the BRICS bloc in preparation for the event.

What Next?

BRICS+ Massive Expansion Signals Western Policies Failed, Iran in BRICS |Prof. Mohammad Marandi

Lena Petrova: 6-16-2024

Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi is an academic at the University of Tehran and a political analyst. Professor Marandi and I are discussing the recent news with respect to the BRICS bloc, economic development aspirations for the global majority and what Iran’s full membership in the BRICS+ means for its economy.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: this was in Iraq's news

Venezuelan Minister: We are close to producing one million barrels of oil per day

Venezuelan Oil Minister, Pedro Telechia, announced that his country is close to producing one million barrels of oil per day for the first time in more than five years. “We can officially say that we have exceeded 950,000 barrels per day this month,” Telechia said during an official event in the capital, Caracas, adding, “We are very close to producing one million barrels.” Oil production peaked in 2008 with 3.5 million barrels per day, but declined years later due to strict US sanctions.

Last month, Washington re-imposed sanctions on Caracas six months after easing them, in response to "the government's continued repression of opponents before the July elections."


Tishwash: this was in Iraq's news

Venezuelan Minister: We are close to producing one million barrels of oil per day

Venezuelan Oil Minister, Pedro Telechia, announced that his country is close to producing one million barrels of oil per day for the first time in more than five years.

“We can officially say that we have exceeded 950,000 barrels per day this month,” Telechia said during an official event in the capital, Caracas, adding, “We are very close to producing one million barrels.”

Oil production peaked in 2008 with 3.5 million barrels per day, but declined years later due to strict US sanctions.
Last month, Washington re-imposed sanctions on Caracas six months after easing them, in response to "the government's continued repression of opponents before the July elections."

However, Spanish energy giant Repsol has received permission from the United States to continue operating in Venezuela.
The Venezuelan Oil Minister said last month that he was optimistic that Venezuelan oil production would reach one million barrels per day soon, for reasons including the agreement with Repsol.

Telechia is also the president of the Venezuelan oil giant Petroleos de Venezuela (Pedivesa).
Venezuela's production reached 910,000 barrels per day by the end of May, according to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
The country's production fell to less than one million barrels per day in 2019 when the United States imposed sanctions following the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro a year ago.

By 2020, the number was less than 400 thousand barrels.n link


CandyKisses: Sudanese on Eid: We are committed to the sovereignty of Iraq and the extension of the hand of law

On Sunday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani congratulated Iraqis on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

Al-Sudani expressed, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, his calls for more goodness, security and stability for the Iraqi people and the peoples of the Arab and Islamic worlds, and also called for mercy and victory for the people of Gaza, stressing the need to respond to aggression from them.

Al-Sudani stressed the renewal of the covenant with the Iraqi people of all categories and sects to continue to work hard and diligence to achieve all the provisions of the government program, which aims to meet the demands and aspirations of the Iraqi people and face the challenges and difficulties that stand in their way.

Al-Sudani added that the government continues to shoulder its responsibilities towards Iraq's sovereignty, extending the hand of law, liberalizing and developing the economy, achieving progress and development, creating creative opportunities, and combating social ills and corruption throughout the country.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, also offered his congratulations, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, and called in a statement, received by Shafaq News Agency, for concerted efforts to enhance security and stability and support the construction and reconstruction movement.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives renewed his call on the international community to stop the Zionist aggression against Palestine and the countries of the region, stressing the need for serious and immediate action in order to break the siege on the Gaza Strip to bring in urgent humanitarian aid.


CandyKisses: Iraq's oil exports to America rise significantly in a week

The US Energy Information Administration announced on Sunday that Iraq's oil exports to America rose during the past week.

The administration said in a table seen by Shafaq News Agency, "The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from 9 major countries amounted to 6.120 million barrels per day, up by 363 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 5.757 million barrels per day."

She added that "Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to 228,000 barrels per day last week, up by 102,000 barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 126,000 barrels per day."

The administration pointed out that "the most oil revenues of America during the past week came from Canada at a rate of 3.974 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico with an average of 987 thousand barrels per day, followed by Saudi Arabia with an average of 278 thousand barrels per day, and from Nigeria at a rate of 208 thousand barrels per day."

According to the table, "the amount of US imports of crude oil from Ecuador was at a rate of 149,000 barrels per day, from Brazil at a rate of 134,000 barrels per day, from Libya at a rate of 87,000 barrels per day, and from Colombia at a rate of 75,000 barrels per day."

Mot: ... Have a Very Happy ~~~~~~

Economics — Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2)

Mot: .. the ole chip off of ~~~

Economics — Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (3)

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 16 June 2024

CompiledSun. 16 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Judy Note: Members of the Cabal are desperate for money, and they are targeting those involved in the Global Currency Reset. Be aware of anyone contacting you asking for personal information. It has been advised that “if you are contacted by any unknown party, please note their name and contact details. Do not provide any information or sign anything. Now is the time when many criminal individuals and organizations will try to obtain data.”

Sat. 15 June 2024 Mike Bara: “I just heard from a bond broker who was waiting to be paid commissions by the US government for bringing in historic bonds. He said he would be paid on Tues.18 June 2024.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 16 June 2024

CompiledSun. 16 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Judy Note: Members of the Cabal are desperate for money, and they are targeting those involved in the Global Currency Reset. Be aware of anyone contacting you asking for personal information. It has been advised that “if you are contacted by any unknown party, please note their name and contact details. Do not provide any information or sign anything. Now is the time when many criminal individuals and organizations will try to obtain data.”

Sat. 15 June 2024 Mike Bara: “I just heard from a bond broker who was waiting to be paid commissions by the US government for bringing in historic bonds. He said he would be paid on Tues.18 June 2024.”

Fri. 14 June 2024 Wolverine:

“It has started. A lot of Bond People are getting paid. It’s the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of this planet. I am absolutely overwhelmed. Looks like things are kicking off – I had three different intel saying Zurich has started. People are receiving notifications and having contracts signed, some are under NDA and will be waiting for their blessing by next week. If you say that is not true, it is because it is not yet your turn. It is a process.

“Soon we will get messages to come through to be ready. I was quite emotional, because I am in that platform, soon I will be signing that NDA, but when that happens, I am sorry, you will not hear from me because I will have to shut down, but it depends on what the NDA says, what you can and cannot say, but if I cannot talk about Intel I cannot do the live chat, but If I can talk about it, I will do more live chats.

I received another message from Brazil. They received their contracts, signed their NDA and they are waiting for their blessing. One person from Colombia called me and said: “Wolvie, Wolvie, I received the email! Oh my God, I received my email! This person has had a very hard time and barely able to survive and he was praising God that this was to finally come through. He will receive those funds by next week.

I am not hearing much from Reno. Hopefully, I will get some news coming from there. The admiral needs to go first, so we will get news for the 4A group, that is a private for that group, so the Admiral needs to go first.

Notifications should be coming out – HOLD ON. Just received a message that HE just received his blessing!)There you go guys, just got a pop-up message! It is a special code that describes his blessing. If you are a bondholder that registered with a group, it is coming your way as soon as they arrange payout for all of their members.

For the Tier4B, for currency/bonds, we just need those notifications.I am sure we will receive those notifications for currency on the weekend. I am very positive we will receive that notification. Some are asking about “why cell phone notifications”? That is for bondholders in groups.The leaders will have phone numbers for their members and send texts to all members. There is a different set up with different groups. In my group we have emails, most have emails.

Fri. 14 June 2024 member friend in Zurich: “Dear Mr XXY, I hope you have a good day. I would like to inform you of the good news soon. In addition to exclusively positive news, we can now see an amazingly positive bustle in the market. All official buyers are working feverishly to prepare files for settlement, and this month we can see the first ones. HARP first settles all types of dragons and HK-$, but only a few days later with German bonds and then currencies. What is important now is peace of mind on the part of the environment and, above all, intermediaries, confidential cooperation with the protection of all security interests, as well as good direct cooperation and communication between the sellers and Mr XY and/and you. As previously stated,: If you are contacted by any unknown party, please note their name and contact details, do not provide any information or sign anything. Now is the time when many criminal individuals and organizations will try to obtain data.

Fri. 14 June 2024 Source in Zurich: “Yesterday, the telegram channels blew up when one of the leaders of the Pentecostal group put out a YouTube video. People were overjoyed, emotional and I had hundreds of private messages coming to me. What’s App was blowing up… people were full of Joy. What we received is they have gone liquid. It is purely liquid now and now they are on the verge of releasing those funds right now.


Global Financial Crisis:

Sat. 15 June 2024: 85,000 Users locked out of savings accounts at “YouTube Bank” as fears over bank failure grow:

Sat. 15 June 2024 Charlie Ward: “I’m talking to you from Dubai. The BRICS countries have just put embargos on the US and Israel. That’s never happened before because of the power of the Federal Reserve which has controlled countries by putting embargos on them. Now the tables have turned. It’s the power of BRICS now.”

Sat. 15 June 2024 Japan: The Bank of Japan has announced it will start reducing bond buying, following years of purchasing nearly every financial asset available. The financial market in Japan is broken. Things are moving in slow motion.

Sat. 15 June 2024 BRICS: Over $70B in Trade Will No Longer Be Settled in US Dollars:

Sat. 15 June 2024 European Stocks on track for worst week since October.

Sat. 15 June 2024 The Nasdaq hit a new all time high with 72% of Nasdaq stocks closing red, and twice as many new lows as new highs. – ZH

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26 A dinar is a dinar in country. Whatever they come up with that's what it's going to be for them. But outside the country of Iraq, on an International level the Iraqi dinar is going to grow in value're going to watch it grow. You're going to say, 'Hey it's at $1.50 to 1, SOLD!' Trade everything in. Somebody may say, 'Well let me wait a little bit more.' A few weeks go by. 'Hey, look it's up at $2.00. Exchanging everything!' ...outside of Iraq, we're going to be watching the float.

Militia Man If they have a real effective exchange rate like al-Sudani said, that the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar, the parallel market goes away...Obviously the stronger the currency is the cheaper it is for Iraq to do what they need to do. It's a no-brainer. It's that simple.

Iraqi Parliament Discusses Key Logistics for Upcoming Term

Nader: 6-15-2024

Iraqi Parliament is back in July! Here's what laws are on the table:

1. New benefits: Service & Retirement plan for popular Mobilization Forces gets priority.

2. On Hold: Complex laws like oil & gas and Federal courts wait for Government action.

3. Coming soon: Changes to Civil Service Law and Personal Status Law.

4. Uncertain Future: General amnesty law on hold until new Parliament speaker arrives.

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


Clare: Withdrawing has become easier.. Al-Rafidain begins deploying ATM machines in institutions and malls

6/14/2024 Baghdad –

Today, Friday, Rafidain Bank began deploying ATM machines in its main branches, then institutions, commercial areas, and malls.

The bank stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by the 964 Network:

Al-Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATM machines in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas, and malls, respectively, in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank’s services in accordance with Al-Rafidain’s strategy to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers.

Media Office of Rafidain Bank LINK



Clare: Withdrawing has become easier.. Al-Rafidain begins deploying ATM machines in institutions and malls

6/14/2024 Baghdad –

Today, Friday, Rafidain Bank began deploying ATM machines in its main branches, then institutions, commercial areas, and malls.

The bank stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by the 964 Network:

Al-Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATM machines in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas, and malls, respectively, in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank’s services in accordance with Al-Rafidain’s strategy to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers.

Media Office of Rafidain Bank LINK

Ashley: To fill them with "new lower currency" (word to Eddie lol) and begin introducing said new lower currency to the citizens visually via broadcastings, then physically while simultaneously adding value/purchasing power. IMO

Carol: If he’s bringing out new ATMs it’s because of the new electronic system they are going to and for the lower notes he’s bringing out. And some of the banks didn’t get the new ATMs last time because they were under sanctions at that time. All of this in my opinion. And thank you Frank for asking that question.

Dinarling: IMO to reach more citizens, easier way to access old notes by converting to new notes and conveniences on the receiving of new notes and gathering of the old notes for the masses imo


Clare: The Prime Minister directs the Ministry of Finance to finance projects in Dhi Qar with an amount of 50 billion dinars

6/15/2024 Baghdad -

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed, today, Saturday, the Ministry of Finance to finance projects in Dhi Qar Governorate in the amount of 50 billion dinars.

The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement - received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) - that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani received the head of the Dhi Qar Governorate Reconstruction Fund, Muhammad Jawad al-Zaidi."

The statement added, "During the meeting, Al-Sudani listened to a detailed explanation of the most prominent projects included in the Fund's plans in the governorate since its establishment, and a review of completed and lagging projects."

The statement continued, "Al-Sudani directed the Ministry of Finance to finance projects in the governorate at an amount of 50 billion dinars. He also directed that work on the projects be two shifts, and that a specialized consultant be present for the fund's work."

The statement continued, "The Prime Minister stressed the necessity of investing the fund's money in development, service, and investment projects that suit the needs of citizens, and provide sustainable job opportunities for the people of the governorate, and in accordance with the priorities of the government program." LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26 They went on televisions and they're showing us...Rafadin Bank...brought in all of this equipment...It's in these crates. They're telling us they are deploying the latest ATM machines in all banks today. They said the next step they would follow up with are the commercial areas...They also said they're going to release all of these ATM machines in malls and many other locations. They're saying these ATM machines have the latest technology and are state of the art. FRANK: These ATM machines have the new software...for the lower notes and that's why the CBI is positioning them for you right now.

Mnt Goat ...Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. And now the spigot is wide open...the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by contact in the CBI told me there is a very high probability that we would see the currency swap out in this month of June and so we watch and wait.

MASSIVE CRISIS: Petrodollar Collapse & Banking Threats Will Crash the US Economy | Andy Schectman

Lena Petrova: 6-15-2024

The FDIC Warns Your Deposits May Not Be Safe, Massive Red Flag For Depositors

Atlantis Report: 6-15-2024

The FDIC has recently warned depositors that their funds may not be as secure as previously believed. This alarming statement has sent shockwaves through the financial world, prompting individuals and businesses alike to question the banking system's stability.

The FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, has sounded the alarm bells, cautioning all depositors that their deposits may no longer be as safe as they once believed.

This warning from a regulatory body tasked with ensuring the banking system's stability raises significant concerns for depositors and investors alike.

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-14-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Project Meridian FX: Joint project by the Eurosystem and London Centres, and the Bank of England, to test synchronised settlement in FX |BIS |ProjectMeridian

Project Meridian Announcement: "The Eurosystem and London Centres of the BIS Innovation Hub, together with the Bank of England, have launched Project Meridian FX, to build on the findings ofProjectMeridian by focusing on foreign exchange (FX) transactions." Meridian FX has completed testing of the usability regarding standing orders for various types of assets and technologies ie foreign currency exchange.

It is expected to take the lead on innovations regarding real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems operated by central banks.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-14-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Project Meridian FX: Joint project by the Eurosystem and London Centres, and the Bank of England, to test synchronised settlement in FX |BIS |ProjectMeridian

Project Meridian Announcement:

"The Eurosystem and London Centres of the BIS Innovation Hub, together with the Bank of England, have launched Project Meridian FX, to build on the findings ofProjectMeridian by focusing on foreign exchange (FX) transactions."

Meridian FX has completed testing of the usability regarding standing orders for various types of assets and technologies ie foreign currency exchange.

It is expected to take the lead on innovations regarding real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems operated by central banks.

By focusing on FX transactions, Project Meridian is expected to settle FX trade issues, such as costs, risks, and time involved in cross-border transactions. BIS |ProjectMeridian

© Goldilocks


Project Meridian |Youtube


Why It’s Time for Corporates to Jump on the ISO 20022 Bandwagon |Pymnts|Investopedia

“Now with the CHIPS ISO 20022 migration completed, the entire industry is clearly one step closer to realizing the benefits together,” Lee told PYMNTS recently."

She goes on to emphasize that the potential for ISO 20022 cannot be complete without involvement with banks,corporates, and financial institutions.

Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) is well on its way in interfacing ISO on the QFS several financial institutions that are still in process of completing this launch.

"CHIPS is a private-sector, bank-owned system for electronic payments in US dollars. CHIPS is the largest US dollar-based money transfer system in the US and is used for large interbank transactions."

CHIPS is the preferred method of payment for large transfers. Over 95% of USD cross-border payments utilize this service for its completion.

© Goldilocks


What is Clearing House Inter bank Payment System (CHIPS)? Urdu / Hindi |Youtube


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SEC asking Ripple for 100M settlement


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A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

On June 14, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold.

The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

On June 14, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold.

The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

Economics — Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (13)

Also Read:Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underwayto learn about the path for this new gold-based currency to succeed as a powerful alternative the US Dollar and the Global Fiat Currency Debt System.

Understanding the CTCU

The CTCU operates within a decentralized ecosystem facilitated by a blockchain platform. Each authorized node within this ecosystem can issue settlement and payment units denominated in CTCUs. These units serve as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value for cross-border transactions among BRICS nations.

The CTCU is pegged to a basket of assets to ensure stability and trust. Specifically, it is anchored to 1 gram of gold, with the remaining value equally divided between two currencies from BRICS countries.

This hybrid backing provides a robust foundation for the CTCU, mitigating the volatility inflationary devaluation typically associated with fiat currencies.

Example: Brazil’s Economic Transformation with the CTCU

Consider Brazil, a key member of the BRICS Alliance. By adopting the CTCU, Brazil can streamline its international trade processes and stabilize its economy.

Here’s how the CTCU can provide substantial value to Brazil and RV their currency:

1. Enhanced Trade Efficiency:
Brazil imports a significant amount of goods from China. Using the CTCU, Brazilian importers can bypass the complexities and costs associated with currency conversion and fluctuating exchange rates. The CTCU provides a stable and predictable medium of exchange, reducing transaction costs and increasing trade efficiency.

2. Stable Value Retention:
The CTCU’s value, pegged to gold and a basket of BRICS currencies, offers greater stability compared to the Brazilian Real, which can be subject to inflation and economic volatility. Brazilian businesses and individuals can hold CTCUs as a more reliable store of value, protecting their wealth from domestic economic fluctuations.

3. Improved Investment Climate:
The introduction of a CTCU-based bond market can attract foreign investment into Brazil. Investors seeking stable returns can purchase CTCU-denominated bonds, providing Brazil with an influx of capital for infrastructure and development projects. This increased investment can spur economic growth and development.

4. Facilitation of Sanctioned Trade:
In scenarios where Brazilian companies face trade restrictions with certain countries, the CTCU offers a viable alternative. Transactions conducted in CTCUs can circumvent traditional banking systems that are subject to international sanctions, allowing Brazil to maintain vital trade relationships without geopolitical constraints.

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

Operational Mechanism

To utilize the CTCU, Brazilian companies would convert their local currency (Real) into CTCUs through authorized financial institutions. These CTCUs can then be used to conduct trade with other BRICS nations. For example, a Brazilian company importing electronics from China would pay the Chinese exporter in CTCUs. The Chinese exporter can then use the CTCUs to purchase raw materials from South Africa or invest in Russian energy projects, creating a seamless and efficient trade network.

Trust and Transparency

The decentralized nature of the CTCU ecosystem, supported by blockchain technology, ensures transparency and security. Each transaction is recorded on an immutable ledger, providing a clear and auditable trail of all CTCU movements. This transparency builds trust among BRICS nations and global investors, reinforcing the credibility and stability of the CTCU.

The Bottom Line

The CTCU represents a transformative leap towards a more stable and equitable global financial system. By addressing key economic challenges and providing a reliable alternative to fiat currencies, the CTCU can significantly enhance the long-term financial stability of BRICS nations. As Brazil’s example illustrates, the CTCU has the potential to revolutionize trade, investment, and economic growth within the BRICS Alliance, heralding a new era of financial freedom and prosperity.

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Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway

On June 14, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Exploring the Revolutionary RV Potential of the BRICS Alliance’s New Gold-Backed Currency and Releasing a Global Financial Reset

In This Article:

Introduction to the BRICS Alliance’s Bold Ambition

Key Ingredients for the Success of a BRICS Gold-Based Currency

Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Implications

Overview of the New Gold-based Currency Structure

The Transformative Impact on Global Trade and Sanctions

Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway

On June 14, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Exploring the Revolutionary RV Potential of the BRICS Alliance’s New Gold-Backed Currency and Releasing a Global Financial Reset

In This Article:

  • Introduction to the BRICS Alliance’s Bold Ambition

  • Key Ingredients for the Success of a BRICS Gold-Based Currency

  • Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Implications

  • Overview of the New Gold-based Currency Structure

  • The Transformative Impact on Global Trade and Sanctions

Economics — Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (14)

The BRICS Alliance is on the cusp of a financial currency and system infrastructure revolution.

They aim to disrupt the US Dollar-dominated fiat currency system with a groundbreaking gold-backed currency.

The new gold-based currency is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

This initiative promises to reset the global financial order, offering a beacon of hope for a debt-free future. This article addresses the vital elements required for the success of this new gold-based currency, the challenges it faces, and its transformative potential on global trade and sanctions.

Introduction to the BRICS Alliance’s Bold Ambition

The BRICS Alliance represents a dynamic coalition of emerging economies determined to create a fairer, more balanced global financial system.

Their proposed gold-backed currency, has no name or currency symbol at this time, so for now I will continue to refer to it as the CTCU (for common trade currency unit).

With its introduction, the world will witness a shift towards financial freedom, trade equality and renewed prosperity.

Key Ingredients for the Success of a BRICS Gold-Based Currency

1. Ensuring Currency Stability and Free-Floating Mechanism

For the CTCU to thrive, it must be allowed to float freely in the global market. Currently, the Chinese Yuan does not meet this criterion, limiting its potential as a reserve currency. A freely floating CTCU, supported by stable and transparent economic policies from all BRICS nations, is essential for success.

2. Establishing the CTCU as a Genuine Reserve Currency

A successful CTCU would be recognized and accepted as a reserve currency by central banks worldwide. This involves building trust in the currency’s stability and reliability, backed by the economic strength and resources of the BRICS nations.

3. Development of a CTCU-Based Bond Market

A functioning bond market is crucial for the widespread use of the CTCU. It provides a mechanism for investing and lending, offering returns on CTCU holdings and enhancing its appeal to global investors.

4. Widespread Acceptance and Willingness to Trade in CTCUs

For the CTCU to succeed, businesses and individuals must be willing to trade and accept Bricks over local currencies or the US Dollar. This requires significant shifts in trading practices and confidence in the new currency.

5. Overcoming Export Mercantilism

China’s current export mercantilism—prioritizing trade surpluses and accumulating foreign reserves—must be addressed. Without changes in this policy, the CTCU would face similar challenges as the Yuan in becoming a global reserve currency.

6. Building Trust

Trust is a fundamental component of any currency’s success. The BRICS nations must demonstrate a commitment to maintaining the CTCU’s value, backed by tangible assets like gold, and ensure transparency in their financial practices.

Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Implications

Export Mercantilism and Trade Imbalances

China’s historical trade surpluses have led to the accumulation of US Dollar reserves. For the CTCU to succeed, there must be a shift towards balanced trade practices. This change would involve significant economic reforms and a willingness to move away from mercantilist policies.

Trade Dynamics and Practical Challenges

Global trade operates at the individual and business level, rather than between nations. A Brazilian business, for example, would need to convert local currency to CTCUs, engage in transactions, and ultimately manage the CTCU holdings. The lack of a CTCU-based bond market and other financial instruments complicates this process, reducing the currency’s attractiveness.

Case Study: Saudi Aramco and Brick Transactions

Consider a scenario where Saudi Arabia’s Aramco sells oil in CTCUs. The company would need to convert CTCUs to other currencies or financial instruments to utilize its earnings. Without a developed CTCU financial ecosystem, this process remains cumbersome and impractical.

The Transformative Impact on Global Trade and Sanctions

Sanction Avoidance and Digital Currencies

While the CTCU faces significant challenges as a global reserve currency, it holds promise for sanction avoidance. Countries and individuals subject to US sanctions could use the CTCU to conduct transactions beyond the reach of US financial systems.

The development of digital currencies further facilitates this process, offering a more covert means of trade.

US Sanctions and Global Retaliation

The US has extensively used sanctions as a foreign policy tool. The proliferation of a BRICS gold-based currency, coupled with decentralized digital ledger technology, would undermine this strategy by providing alternative transaction mechanisms.

This shift may not dethrone the US Dollar completely, but could significantly limit the US’s ability to enforce sanctions globally.

Long-Term Financial Stability

In the long run, a successful CTCU would contribute to a more diversified and stable global financial system.

However, this requires overcoming significant economic, political, and trust barriers. The establishment of the BRICS Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU) and its potential gold backing illustrates ongoing efforts to achieve these goals.

Overview of the CTCU Currency Structure

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold. The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

The CTCU operates within a decentralized ecosystem facilitated by a blockchain platform. Each authorized node within this ecosystem can issue settlement and payment units denominated in CTCUs.

These units serve as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value for cross-border transactions among BRICS nations.

The CTCU is pegged to a basket of assets to ensure stability and trust.

Specifically, it is anchored to 1 gram of gold, with the remaining value equally divided between two currencies from BRICS countries.

This hybrid backing provides a robust foundation for the CTCU, mitigating the volatility typically associated with fiat currencies.

Also Read:A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currencyto understand how the new BRICS gold-based currency unit will RV smaller country currencies upwards against the major fiat debt currencies (such as the USD and EURO).

The Bottom Line

The BRICS Alliance’s pursuit of a gold-backed currency represents a bold move towards reshaping the global financial landscape.

While the path to success is fraught with challenges—ranging from establishing trust to developing robust financial markets—the potential benefits are substantial.

A successful CTCU would facilitate sanction avoidance, promote economic stability, and provide a meaningful alternative to the US Dollar-dominated system.

Contributing article:


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CandyKisses: Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATMs in its main branches

15 JUNE 2024 15:07 Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Rafidain Bank announced the start of the deployment of ATMs in its main branches.

His media office said in a statement that "the bank has started deploying ATMs in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas and malls, respectively," noting that "this is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank's services in accordance with the strategy of Al-Rafidain to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers."


CandyKisses: Rafidain Bank begins deploying ATMs in its main branches

15 JUNE 2024 15:07 Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Rafidain Bank announced the start of the deployment of ATMs in its main branches.

His media office said in a statement that "the bank has started deploying ATMs in its main branches, and then institutions, commercial areas and malls, respectively," noting that "this is in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank's services in accordance with the strategy of Al-Rafidain to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers."

Tishwash: Al-Sudani: The Iraqi government is following a new approach aimed at activating the private sector

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Saturday, that his government is following a new approach in its program aimed at activating the private sector in Iraq and achieving equality between it and the public sector in rights and social security.

This came during his meeting today with a number of young graduates from Dhi Qar Governorate, as part of his sovereignty’s communication with the youth, following up on their demands and listening to their vision, according to a statement issued by the Iraqi government.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani touched on the fact that Dhi Qar possesses the elements of economic advancement, human resources and investment opportunities that go beyond its borders, stressing that the government guarantees the right to peaceful demonstration and the protection of demonstrators on the path of communicating demands and publicizing rights, in a way that does not negatively affect the work of projects and civil services.

He pointed out that the government is following a new approach in its program aimed at activating the private sector, to create more basic job opportunities in the continuation of economic development and advancement and efforts to attract investments, as well as working towards achieving equality with the public sector in rights, social security, distribution of residential lands, and others.

The Iraqi Prime Minister asked the young graduates to present their vision and demands, and propose solutions, especially with regard to comments regarding youth employment offices. In order to contribute to supporting the stability of the governorate and creating sustainable and productive development, attracting employment requests and cooperating in meeting them between public and private sector institutions and investment projects.

Al-Sudani directed the provision of a special program from the “Riyada” initiative to care and support youth, allocated to Dhi Qar Governorate, in proportion to the population ratios. In order to grant loans to emerging, small and medium enterprises, as well as directing government banks to grant operational loans, and giving priority to young people, graduates, qualified people, and certificate holders. link


CandyKisses: Parliament hints at a "revolution" in the completion of laws in the new legislative term - urgent

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Today, Saturday (June 15, 2024), MP for the Fatah Alliance, Salem Al-Anbaki, confirmed that the new legislative term of the House of Representatives will witness a revolution to legislate laws.

Al-Anbaki told Baghdad Today that "there is a parliamentary consensus to focus the new legislative chapter to legislate important laws and stalled for political, technical or legal reasons, and we will witness a revolution to legislate a large number of laws."

He pointed out that "the Presidency of the House of Representatives directed all parliamentary committees to inventory their laws so that they are included on the schedules of the next legislative sessions and with the aim of voting on them, especially since there are approximately (140) Laws that need a vote in the House of Representatives, some of which have been suspended since previous parliamentary sessions."

Political forces are working to block important laws due to the great controversy. These laws represent as a result of being fateful reports, especially the "Oil and Gas" law and the "Federal Court".

The first legislative term of the second legislative year ended on June 10, after the term was extended from May 10.


CandyKisses: The start of the escalation of pilgrims to the "Arafat" hair in preparation for the great stop tomorrow

Baghdad Today - Follow-up

With the sunset of the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the escalation of pilgrims began to Arafat, in preparation for standing tomorrow, Saturday, at its pure level, and the best day when the sun rose, to perform the greatest pillar of Hajj , which is to stand on its level, and whoever missed Arafat missed the Hajj.

While the process of escalation to Arafat's shrine will be through the Mashaer train, which accommodates 72,000 passengers per hour, in addition to 12,000 buses that carry out a frequency system to transport pilgrims through organized routes and a well-thought-out plan.

The Day of the Great Stand

And tomorrow is Saturday The ninth of Dhul-Hijjah "the day of the great stand" performing the noon and afternoon prayers in short and plural, then they begin to leave heading to Muzdalifah to stay overnight, and then move from it to Mina to complete the rituals of Hajj.

The area of Arafat is about 33 square kilometers, in which more than two million pilgrims gather, as the past decades and over the years have proven the ability of the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - may God protect him - to accommodate More than these numbers, providing them with all amenities and security, and distinguished service without the pilgrim feeling hardship.

Arafat hairy

The land of Arafat is characterized by its levelness, surrounded by a series of mountains in the north of which there is Mount of Mercy, which consists of a small flat surface and wide area formed of hard stones of a large black color, and its length is 300 meters, and its circumference is 640 meters and the base of the mountain rises from the surrounding ground by 65 meters and there is a 7- meter-high sign on the top of the mountain, and this mountain is called by many names such as Jabal El, Mount Repentance, Mount Dua'a, Al-Nabit, and Jabal Al-Qurain.

Pilgrims look forward to standing on the "Mount of Mercy" in Arafat during their performance of Hajj rituals in honor of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), who stood on him and delivered his farewell sermon, and Pilgrims are keen to pray and pray to God Almighty for mercy and forgiveness.

Mot: ... Great Gift fur Fathers Day it is!!! Fathers day hearing aid

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Mot: .. Always Check ~~~~~Ceiling fan

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 June 2024

CompiledSat. 15 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset

Fri. 14 June 2024 MarkZ: “They are looking at Saturday night 15 June 2024.”

Fri. 14 June 2024 Mike Bara: “A certain “Bondholder” has not been paid. He is, however, seeing test deposits made to his account, and fully expects to be paid tomorrow Sat. 15 June 2024. Fingers crossed.”

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce: Military Sources say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) and Bond Holders were to come out and the new Iraqi Dinar Rate be published in the Iraqi Gazette by Sat. 15 June 2024.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 June 2024

CompiledSat. 15 June 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset

Fri. 14 June 2024 MarkZ: “They are looking at Saturday night 15 June 2024.”

Fri. 14 June 2024 Mike Bara: “A certain “Bondholder” has not been paid. He is, however, seeing test deposits made to his account, and fully expects to be paid tomorrow Sat. 15 June 2024. Fingers crossed.”

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce: Military Sources say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) and Bond Holders were to come out and the new Iraqi Dinar Rate be published in the Iraqi Gazette by Sat. 15 June 2024.

Thurs. 13 June 2024 Wolverine: “I’ve been told by some very, very high sources to be patient – that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. It will happen in a matter of days. It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on Tues. 11 June. These released funds will become liquid once the 800 holder numbers and emails are released.

Wed. 12 June 2024 TNT Tony: “They want this done by Sat. 15 June 2024. Banks are expecting to work this weekend. Iraq has country wide celebration planned for Sun. 30 June.”


Federal Reserve Closing, GESARA Being Implemented:

Benjamin Fulford writes and mentions the Philippines has 90% of the world’s gold as HRM QR told us long ago.

For this reason, US banks affiliated with the Federal Reserve Board closed 79 branches in just six weeks, bringing the total number to over 400 in 2024.

The fall of the Federal Reserve Board and its U.S. corporation is why the secret war over what should replace it has intensified.

One faction is the GESARA group, whose plans, as David Wilco*ck reports on his Telegram channel, are as follows:

GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was enacted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world in accordance with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change signed in 2015, starting with the restored Republic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act).

NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage and other bank debts incurred through illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee year” or complete debt cancellation. Abolishes the federal income tax in the United States. Establishes a flat 17% tax rate on non-essential new items that represent only sales tax revenue for the government…Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with IRS employees being transferred to the U.S. Department of the Treasury….Introduces restores constitutional law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrain all judges and lawyers in constitutional law. Remove all dark cabal agents, administration officials, and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their consistent unconstitutional actions.

However, Pentagon sources report a “rainbow U.S. note ready to be floated for the U.S. economy to weather the storm of the end of the U.S. dollar. It will be backed by gold and confiscated assets. It is also backed by the gold of Taiwan and the gold borrowed from the Chinese elders of the Philippines, who own 90% of the world’s gold, to celebrate an anniversary and to pay off debts worldwide.”

Meanwhile, BIS controllers of the current financial system say: “Around 135 countries and monetary unions, representing 98% of global GDP, are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).”

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat ...Iraq’s exit from the list of “high-risk countries" ...was officially announced by the International Task Force (FATF) last week. Yes, “the writing is on the wall” now as this is the BEST news...Iraq’s exit from the list of high-risk countries could not get any better. They are slowly clearing the way to the reinstatement, one obstacle at a time...They were not about to release the currency back to FOREX with this in place...WOW! WOW! WOW! news for us today

6-14-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Did you see...Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics? This is extremely important part of the monetary reform...They know it's no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

Buckeyetree Iraq continues to transform into the modern era with banking and now fiber optics. With security and stability and safety (banking laws against terrorism and corruption), investors / companies will find a good environment to do business...Praying with the blessings to be realized that this will be in the coming "days" or sooner. Big plans for an improved Iraq and for ministries.

Iraq Oil Prices Sky Rocket, But Can They Keep Going?

Nader: 6-14-2024

Iraq Gets New ATMs rolled out by Rafidian Banks

Nader: 6-14-2024

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