Dragon Age Inquisition Hinterlands Side Quests Guide (2024)

The Hinterlands is the starting area in Dragon Age Inquisition. You should expect low-level quests in this area but they will help you practice basic combat techniques and level up a bit.

Do note that you will probably get bored if you try to finish the entire region before entering any other region. Though it may help take down High Dragon and farm Power and Influence Points.

For more help on Dragon Age Inquisition, read our How to Level Up Fast, Gold Farming and How to Unlock Multiplayer Characters.

Holding the Hinterlands
Quest location /Objective: You can start this quest by visiting Scout Harding and players are asked to establish camps in the region to support the Inquisition activity and hold the Hinterlands.

Reward: 50 Influence along with 1 power per camp.

Walkthrough: Camp sites are marked on your map. Establishing a camp will give you influence, experience and fast-travel points. So, try to make camps as soon as possible. The main challenge you’ll face during camp quests is reaching each location.

Furthermore, you’ll see that multiple camps can be established in every major wilderness locale. Be on the look out for dangerous enemies along the way.

In the Elements
Quest Location / Objective: Some of the Apostate mages have hidden supply caches in the area. Your objective is to report the location of cache to Whittle.

Talk to the recruit at the west of the Crossroads after securing it from a fight between Mages and Templars or explore the Southwest portion of Hinterlands.

If you find and claim a cache, a talk will prompt among your party, regarding how the caches can be beneficial for the Crossroads. After this, you’ll be given a waypoint directing you to the recruit.

Reward: 1 power, 80 influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: This is not a difficult quest. All you have to do is go to the location of the cache and claim them. They are not well hidden, so you won’t have a hard time collecting them all. The way points on the quest map will be very helpful in putting you on the right track for each of them.

Still, keep in mind that in order to claim one of the caches, you’ll have to defeat an ice barrier. If you have a mage in your party or are a mage yourself, it’ll be easier to defeat this ice barrier. Return to Whittle and report the locations of all five caches and complete the quest.

East Roads Bandits
Quest Location / Objective: Speak to Bellette in the northeast of the Crossroads. Follow the dirt road to find her. Doing this will trigger the quest.

She’ll tell you that some bandits are ahead and are attacking the refugees. Your objective is to deal with these bandits.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: Like the previous two, there is nothing much to it. Just kill every single bandit and as soon the last one bites the dust, your quest is complete.

Hunger Pangs
Quest Location / Objective: Speak to a hunter in Crossroads to start this quest. Your objective is to deliver ten pieces of Ram meat to the refugees. The quest will become available after clearing the crossroads.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: Your map will guide you to the locations where rams are found frequently. Since these creatures don’t fight back, killing them is child’s play. Each ram will give one unit of meat, so you’ll need to kill at least ten of these.

Keep in mind that although killing them is easy, catching them is a completely different thing. They are quick, and they’ll run at the first sight of danger. Catch and kill ten of them and return with the meat. The quest is now complete.

A Healing Hand
Quest Location / Objective: After you clear the Crossroads, speak to the officer there, to start this quest. Refugees at the Crossroads need the help of a healer. Your objective is to convince one to visit the refugees. The quest will become available once you cleared the crossroads from mages and Templars.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: The officer you speak with will tell you about the healer located in the north, in the village of Redcliffe. The healer is an elf and will not be easily convinced to come to the crossroads. This task will be easier if you’re an elf yourself or have Solas or Cassandra in your party. Cassandra will convince the healer to come.

A Common Treatment
Quest Location / Objective: If you manage to conceive the healer to move to the Crossroads, then you can accomplish this quest there. If she’s at the Redcliffe, then you can do the same from there.

Players should note that this quest will become available after they address the Chantry at Val Royeaux.

Reward: 40 Influence and 40 XP

Walkthrough: The healer will give you a list of the herbs she needs. Read the list. It’ll tell you to get four Elfroots and two spindle weeds. The herbs can be found close to the lakes, rivers and ponds in the Redcliffe village.

Once you collect them all, you just need to bring them back to the healer to complete this quest.

An Advanced Treatment
Quest Location / Objective: Speak to the healer to trigger this quest. However, you must first complete “A Common Treatment.” Your objective is to get some more herbs for the treatment of injured patients.

You will need to find six Elf roots and one royal Elfroot.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP.

Walkthough: You already know where to find the Elfroots but getting your hands on a royal Elfroot isn’t as easy. It can be found in the small farm plot. The one near the starting Hinterlands camp.

A Rare Treatment
Quest Location / Objective: Once again, speak to the healer. She needs more herbs to treat certain patients. You will need to collect five spindle weeds and two crystal grace bunches.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: You already know where to find spindle weed but in order to find crystal grace, you should know that it is commonly found in the southwestern region.

The primary challenge in this quest is that the enemies you encounter along the way and upon reaching the southwest regions are a bit tougher than your average opponents. You will encounter heavily armed mercenaries and on occasions, some wild bears.

Apostates in The Witchwood
Quest Location / Objective: To start this quest, find a note inside a cabin located on the road to Redcliffe from Crossroads. Furthermore, this quest can be triggered by finding a note on the dead body of an apostate, near the first camp.

Your objective is to find the apostates and deal with them permanently. After you read the note, an area will be marked in purple on the map, head there.

Reward: 2 power, 200 Influence and 354 XP.

Walkthrough: Near the first camp established by the Inquisition, there is an ongoing battle between the Inquisition and the apostates.

You can join the battle right after Scout Harding in done briefing you on the matter. Once your party is done with the first group of these attackers, some of them will run for their lives towards east.

Among the dead bodies, there will be a note that will tell you about a larger apostate stronghold in the north of the Crossroads. In the west of the Crossroads, you’ll find a tunnel that will take you to northern parts of the Hinterlands.

Here, you’ll see a large-scale battle between Templars and mages. All of them will consider you an enemy. Avoid engaging too many enemies at once. You can let your enemies battle each other and get weaker; this will help you finish them-off easily. The quest will take you to a cave outside of the camp.

After you are done with the fight, enter the cave. Once you do, deal with the last wave of the apostate which shouldn’t be a difficult task by now. The quest is complete as soon as the last mage falls. You have the option to loot the cave.

Templars to the West
Quest Location / Objective: This quest is started after reading one of the letters you’ll find on the corpse of a Templar you kill during the Agrarian Apostate quest. It Can also be triggered by finding a letter in Fort Conner. Your Objective is to deal with a Templar camp along the western road.

Reward: 2 power, 200 Influence and 354 XP.

Walkthrough: Go south along the river. You’ll see a broken bridge; it’s a landmark so claim it. Proceed south of this landmark and go up on a hill off road. You’re heading in the right direction if you find a wooden palisade wall.

Kill every Templar behind this wall and by doing so, your quest will be complete.

Praise the Herald of Andraste
Quest Location / Objective: You will find a cultist called Anais at the entrance of Lornan’s Exile, speak to Anais to start this quest. Your objective is to seal the fade rift.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: Lornan’s Exile is a camp located in the south of Dwarfson’s Pass Camp. At the far end of this camp, there is a cave that will lead you to a rift crystal. Eliminate all the enemies and seal the rift. Your quest will be completed once you speak with Anais again.

Shallow Breaths
Quest Location / Objective: You will find an unnamed refugee at the center of the crossroads. Speak to him in order to start this quest. Objective is to obtain a potion from his son.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: The son who has the potion, lives with a cult in the mountains. You can locate the entrance of this cult on the southern edge of the map. You just have to speak with the son and get the potion that will help his mother breath. Get the potion and return to the crossroads.

Master of Horses
Quest Location / Objective: Master of Horses in triggered by speaking with Scout Harding at the Crossroads. You must clear the Crossroads first though. Your objective is to convince Dennet to give the Inquisition some horses.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: You will need to do some tasks in order to earn Dennett’s aid. Speak with him and trigger “Trouble with Wolves” and “Farmland Security.”

Exit the farmhouse and look for some horses in the south. One of them will be saddled, mount it. This completes your quest, but you’ll need to complete both “Trouble with Wolves” and “Farmland security,” to earn his aid for the Inquisition.

Trouble with Wolves
Quest Location / Objective: This quest is triggered after speaking to Dennett during the Master of Horses quest. However, you’ll need to speak with his wife Elaina at the farm to start this quest properly. Your objective is to deal with the wolves to save the farmers.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: Travel to the east and enter a cave called Wolf’s Hollow to deal with this problem. It doesn’t matter how you kill the wolves, as long as they end-up dead. After you’re done, return to Elaina and inform her that those wolves won’t be eating any farmers again.

Farmland Security
Quest Location / Objective: This quest is triggered after speaking to Dennett during the Master of Horses quest. However, you’ll need to speak with Bron to start the quest properly. Your objective is to setup a series of watchtowers in the area.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: First go to the three locations marked on your quest map in order to claim them. After this, you must visit the war table to complete “Watchtowers in the Farms” mission. Once you complete the mission, return to Bron. Your quest is now complete.

Horses for the Inquisition
Quest Location / Objective: Speak to Dennett after you have completed “Farmland Security” and “Trouble with Wolves.” Your Objective is to convince him to give a horse to the Inquisition.

Reward: Dennett joins the Inquisition, 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP.

Walkthrough: After you complete “Farmland Security” and “Trouble with Wolves” speak to Dennett, he will automatically send his horses to the Haven. The quest is now complete. However, you can further talk to him and convince him to join the Inquisition. Cassandra can help with this.

In the Saddle
Quest Location / Objective: You can start this quest by speaking to Seanna after completing Master of Horses. Your objective is to complete Seanna’s first, second and third race.

Reward: Gold

Walkthrough: You must compete in three races, and each of the race will become difficult and the time limit will become shorter as you move forward. Complete all three of these races to resolve the quest.

Sketch of Calenhad’s Foothold
Quest Location / Objective: This quest can be triggered by finding a sketch on a corpse just south of the camp in Hinterlands. Your objective is to find the spot marked on this sketch.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44 XP and Armor

Walkthrough: After recovering this sketch, travel to the west of the camp, towards the castle ruins. You’ll see a Fade rift close to the ruin and there is a pretty good chance that you’ll be engaged by some demons at this point.

In order to reach the point indicated on the map you must find a way to climb the broken-down wall leading to the upper-level of the tower, in northwest of the ruins.

Once you climb on it, you must keep walking along the wall. There will be a blocked antechamber, use a ladder to climb down. Open the chest inside and that’s it.

Blood Brothers
Quest Location / Objective: This quest can be triggered by reading a note inside a hut just south of the Outskirts camp. Your objective is to go the location which gets marked on your map after you read the letter.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44XP and Mercenary Blade

Walkthrough: The location which should now be marked on your map to the north will guide you to a corpse which can be looted. Looting is easy, no trouble there, but you might have to kill a few enemies before they let you get near the body.

Stone Dreams
Quest Location / Objective: You’ll find an abandoned house just north of the crossroads, read the note inside to start this quest. Your objective is to kill the apostate in the hills.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44 XP

Walkthrough: You’ll find a cave at the Ash warrior’s refuge. Kill the man inside and loot the cave for what it’s worth.

Love Waits
Quest Location / Objective: Loot the body of a woman located to southwest of the Outskirts camp to start this quest. You’ll find a letter indicating that she was on her way to join a cult. Your objective is to inform the woman’s lover of her death.

Reward: 1 power, 80 influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: The location of the cult’s village will be shown on your map. It’s located in the south of the Hinterlands close to a tower leading to a cliff. Once you’re inside the village, enter a tall keep on the right-side.

You can spot the woman’s lover (Berand) overlooking the center of the village from a balcony.

Open a Vein
Quest Location / Objective: Loot a letter from a corpse located in the cave southwest of the Outskirt camp. Your objective is to find the vein of lyrium.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: Once you recover the letter from the body, the location of a mine will show up on the map. The mine is blocked by a barrier which can be taken down by a mage or staff attack. Explore the mine extensively to find the dead body of a dwarf.

Loot the body and your quest is complete.

My Lover’s Phylactery
Quest Location / Objective: Go to the southwest of the Dwarfson’s Pass camp, you’ll find a body of a Templar there, loot the letter on the body to start the quest. Your objective is to return the phylactery to Ellendra.

Read the letter to know more about phylactery.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: You can fast-travel back to the crossroads and finds Ellendra in the cave to the northwest of the settlement. Talk to her and complete the quest.

Agrarian Apostate
Quest Location / Objective: Head south of the Outskirts camp, you’ll find a widow in a small hut. Speak with her to start the quest. Your Objective is to recover the ring of her dead husband from the Templars.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44 XP

Walkthrough: The location of a templar camp should be marked on your camp by now. Go to the camp, kill all the Templars and loot the bodies to find the ring. Now return to the window to complete the quest.

Conscientious Objector
Quest Location / Objective: Go to a landmark called The Templar Burns, to the southeast of the Dwarfson’s Pass camp. Loot the body of a man laying on the hill to read a letter and collect a key. Your Objective is to go to a cabin located in the highlands.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: Once you collect the key, go to the location of the cabin located on the map. Travel to the cabin to unlock it but be careful, there is a terror demon waiting for your party inside.

Strange Bedfellows
Quest Location / Objective: Speak with a scout standing to the north of Dwarfson’s camp to start this quest. Your objective is to find a missing scout.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177 XP

Walkthrough: Go to the area marked in purple. There will be a tower near a cliff. Nearby you will see the missing scout under attack by some Templars. Kill all of them, except the scout of course.

Return to the worried scout near the Dwarfson’s Pass camp to complete the quest.

A Spirit in the Lake
Quest Location / Objective: Speak with an NPC named “Storyteller” in the Redcliff village to start this quest. Make sure you have a Blood Lotus. If not, you can find some growing nearby. Your objective is to take the Blood Lotus to the lake.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44 XP and Warlord Sword

Walkthrough: Get to the small central island in the lake. You’ll find a dock with a small bowl at the end. Place the Lotus in the bowl to complete your quest.

Safeguards Against Looters
Quest Location / Objective: Find a cabin to the southwest of the Redcliff Farms camp. Inside you’ll find a letter, read it to start the quest. Your objective is to search the hills.

Reward: 80 Influence and 128 XP

Walkthrough: The location of a cave will be marked on your map after reading the letter. The cave is called Wolf’s Hollow, the same one you visited during “Trouble with Wolves.”

You’ll find a container filled with goods inside the cave. Loot it to complete the quest.

Letter from a Lover
Quest Location / Objective: You’ll find an abandoned campsite in Dead Ram Gorge, read the letter inside to start this quest. Your objective is to bring some felandaris to a tree on a hill.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: Felandaris is a rare herb found in this locale. Search for it hidden in a chest somewhere and go to the location marked on your map. Place the herb on an altar to complete this quest.

Failure to Deliver
Quest Location / Objective: Slightly northwest of the Broken Bridge landmark, you’ll find a letter laying on the ground next to a dead body. Your objective is to search the river for a package.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44 XP and Carta coat

Walkthrough: After reading the letter, a location will be marked on your map. You can find the package easily by following the way point and using the search ability.

When you’re close enough to the package, your compass will start pulsing. Once the package is found, loot is to complete the quest.

Business Arrangements
Quest Location / Objective: There is a cabin just northwest of the Dusklight Camp. Loot the body nearby for a letter to start this quest. Your objective is to confront tanner of her involvement with the Templars.

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to enter Redcliff village, if you haven’t yet addressed Chantry in Val Royeaux.

Reward: 40 Influence and 44 XP

Walkthrough: After you have gained access to the village, confront tanner at the far rear of the Redcliffe village. Speak with Tanner and decide what to do with her to complete this quest.

The Ballad of Lord Woolsley
Quest Location / Objective: There is a gate which separates the Redcliffe village and Redcliffe Proper. You’ll find a one-eyed man called Jimmy near the gate, speak to him to start this quest. Your objective is to find a ram named Woolsley and bring it back to jimmy.

Reward: 1 power, 80 Influence and 177XP

Walkthrough: Go to the lack and head south of its central Island. Once there, you’ll find a very differently colored ram. That’s Woolsley, get him back to Jimmy and that’s it.

Where the Druffalo Roam
Quest Location / Objective: You’ll find a notice on a fence panel near Dennett’s House. Read the notice to start. Your objective is to find the farmer’s druffalo.

Reward: 40 Influence and 40 XP

Walkthrough: You can find the drufflalo by heading to west towards a ravine in the Redcliffe village. When you find it, you’ll see it being attacked by some wolves. Save the druffalo and return to the owner to complete this quest.

Playing with Fire
Quest Location / Objective: Read a letter which can be found near a corpse just southwest of the Upper Lake to start this quest. Your Objective is to defeat the demon in order to bring someone’s grandfather back.

Reward: 40 Influence, 44 XP and master demon slaying rune

Walkthrough: After you read the letter, a rock will be marked just southwest of the body. When you reach this rock. Get close to it and circle it three times to summon the demon. Kill the demon to complete this quest.

The Mercenary Fortress
Quest Location / Objective: You’ll find some orders either on or near the mercenaries in Avvar Blade Valley or Hafter’s Woods, read the note to start. Your Objective is to defeat the mercenaries.

Reward: 80 Influence and 128 XP

Walkthrough: The mercenary fortress can be found in the south of the search area. You’ll notice a lake near it that meets a road to the south. That road will take you to the fortress. Once you’re near it, a landmark sign will appear on your radar. Clear-out the mercenaries to complete this quest.

Map of a Farmland Cave
Quest Location / Objective: To start this quest, you’ll need to find a map in Hefter’s woods. It can be found by heading east of the mercenary fortress. Your objective is to find the location mentioned on the map.

Reward: 80 Influence and 128 XP

Walkthrough: The map you found will tell you to look for a cave northwest to Dennett’s house. Near the cave, there is a an Astrarium. Head west from the Astrarium until the location of the cave appears on your quest map.

Use the search ability to find the hidden treasure inside.

Return Policy
Quest Location / Objective: You’ll find a body just west of the Broken Bridge landmark. Read its letters to start the quest. Your Objective is to return the treasure to the western fortress.

Reward: 80 Influence and 128 XP

Walkthrough: Once you read the letter a mark will appear on your map, directing you towards the southwest. Return the object you collected from the body to this location. The location is just around the Grand Forest Villa landmark.

You’ll see a small pedestal near a rock, place the object on it. This will summon a demon and killing it will complete this quest.

Flowers for Senna
Quest Location / Objective: Speak to a widower in the Redcliffe village to start this quest. Your Objective is to take some flowers to his wife’s shrine.

Reward: 80 Influence and 128 XP

Walkthrough: Once you volunteer to take some flowers to his wife’s grave, a location will be marked on the map. The grave is on top of a hill and there is only a thin path in the south to climb on top of it.

Drop the followers on her shrine and return to the widower to complete this quest.

Bergrit’s Claws
Quest Location / Objective: There is a cliff overlooking Dennett’s farm. You’ll find a letter laying on the grass. Read it to start the quest. Your objective is to find three bear claws.

Reward: 80 Influence, 128 XP and three great bear claws

Walkthrough: You can find these bears in the southwest of the Hinterlands, close to the Forest camp. They will resist and will put up a fight. However, your party should be able to handle them.

There are three bears who roam this area, each of them will drop one claw.

Collect all three to complete the quest.

Hinterland’s Who’s Who
Quest Location / Objective: Go to the area known as the Old Simon’s Cave, on the western edge of the map. Go west of the southwest of the Forest Camp, and northwest of the Grand Forest Villa.

Once you have found the cave, loot the body inside and read the letter. Your Objective is to bring this letter back to his family.

Reward: 80 Influence and 128XP

Walkthrough: Once you have the letter in your possession. Head back to the Redcliffe Farm. The location of a mailbox is marked on your map. Post the letter to complete this quest.

Deep Trouble
Quest Location / Objective:To the southwest of Lake Luthias, there is a waterfall which has an alcove behind it, investigate it, in order to start this quest. Your Objective is to find the key to Valammer.

Reward: 3 power, 400 Influence and 1,025 XP.

Walkthrough: Head to the mercenary fortress to obtain this key. It won’t be an easy task if you’re not at least a level 7 or 8. Carry useful gear that will help you in battle. The mercenaries are not giving up the key that easily.

If you manage to get on top of the fortress and kill the leader, you’ll get the key to Valammar. The key can be found at the top of the balcony in the left.

Dragon Age Inquisition Hinterlands Side Quests Guide (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.