Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)

If 7:277 CAL CZTALTa. LOAZ3s LZAL3. CITY 111AL CSTATE, FOR AND SEM It you are In the market for Chicago Iteal Estate at ritebtpriees. CPIARLIC8 WIIAAR. 184 La Salle-at.

SOUTH SUM REAL EsTATra. IL.4: ".1 TC7 .1 "'V T'o g.4 N. Alk. tP1'. 7 1 Ti.

I 43 v. 4- cv, IL ci MONgTT- otTARAvilmn 713AV24111111 141, anArn 1 '11' FOR SALECROrCE PS GOLD NEORTGAG1911. I- xa to 1.L. Titio Trurt CAC, See toe rot. A4.

tot SON. 1001. 1.,5 La L-alle-ot. TO LOAN-5 AND PPR CENT. ANY trt7t troPrirettel Or outPk EDWI I f4 t-itt 4 LOAN'S ON -Pr-wrD ri 1 rt at o- rat.

4 tilsoo--was. -BAT TG.D wA --N l-A 15.4X' 11; FALLa al IA. aim QUICa BAT ILD wA --N 94 -4k 111A Lk- 1 al ADDING AND loom Stage. --Av PARLOR AND dead floor alcove. handoomely steam hot and water.

bathe; aucelisn i 4 ourtatinaings: couples. $15 and us PLEASANT. ROOlig wars; MUM INOMSOnSbje. 4.0CHIGAN-AV. ROOM.

$5 -7g; home coo stea; tickets $4, $1 meals. wy MICHIGAN-AV. WARM. PLEASANt ragas. with board; reasonable: centrally located.

N.00110.0,10...M...... .0. 1-1 OANAVNRAtDOflL NR. let room for two. wishing the beet; references.

SINGLE AND rooms. excellent board; prices reasonable, fflo.m.owmook owlEmma North Side. CA 00 AND PORTNIVITFIltN FUT. I. SI2 Clearkst.

lel. Cent. 1.4. Coo fr. 01 word Utile-St.

Loairs. Ara reo Coireado Spousel. A. 10:00 Am Mr, vas Di. 1 -a (armhile.

I 1 0 9 trlia E. ,14.104 PIO WPaiWIANCO. 11,411 6-4 'L." 4111 110.911.M.114 1.0.. 1.01 4 1 1041K .10 )44 .1 4 -mei I m.o., OnialLe. Lies AZ --e 16Sv a st -a -evreballopern.

0 43.344 pus 4 1041 pen 4 4., k.t.,... Stil e.k. 4 it. --over. 10:00 To cipmenuLli C.L.

a. of it. 11414 itirta Irraswbwo. (b 4 Aitt keetzisett .10 I ..1 4 El 1 .10 1 11 .1. 4 -sesi 1 m.o., Omaha.

Lies 11.30 a-a 4v a a -it -oraltaistown. Cs- 6 36 Poi all 4 b. I -see- 10-36 pen Cs' :30 i salt tko iiik. toe oiboe t. Stambe moue ier sow ator FINANCIAL.

--t 7 t'; 'ir--- 1 1 7, IF ,11, A 1--- t) Alt, I flf, 1, IA 1 1 1 't is A 0 iiet 4. '1, 1 4. 44; IP', zf 14 S. TSICkt qa .1 'k ler A l.i. -tk kJ 0 'Alig- or Awy Nt Ot 4.

YOU' -REICAJVM LILL ALoOLvit or m4 LOAN PI flAt xi Cla. AN ram Ir LOAN CO, 181 W. R001.4 It DO TOO- WANT BIONET? IN CALL ON 4 .4001. --ra veryr-. 1 A 4 I Zi 1'1 1 -kr th.

CZ ALA Li. al 4 It- .4 4 40 1 I' --f ...1 4S 1 -via Li. i -tie kdi 61. a il 4 5... 4 4 i.

.1 7 i 4- or -or Wr-4, ,4 irl 0 L. ia--1 i 1 -wadi Id. 4 1. I a 4 a XP I 't at I a. rt.

Tn. ir At ---gt- -42 f. like I CL4AtiKkaidt-N 4 1 .1.... 1 .4.1 1 0 0. I alma 0 i.

i -4' rIi. Vsemor 1 --47 l'ili 9'01 pt. i 4, 1 1 .1 TA. 1 lags 4 I ocit t--4 i 111114. 41r a Bo.

Pm AO. 11. IP 4.0 1 4. aro Nvoo- air. IP 1 4 p.a 1.1:' Oat lk 1 1510 I ab et-it 1t4 IdA.

1, 1 tax allartarat-J110. rt. am 1 10' I. 4 104 Neckar lama Si. 2 pa 7 our 'ir'orra 1 k.

ltra tOrniOrlY 1 2. 2 oaa 114W. 1L 1. Apra 11 am torwolra, A llor A or. U.

Noon LW. ILL bar. 11 Itar a Imp 4. 10 am n.11. FL 11 sa Tram, illay 11, 11 am i Iler 1.1z.

It It it -nsodlerts tforatetiY 4 arra i4). Iii. 4 pm trove A 11 IL 10 A Atk Jo I. Itpsn P1: raltia4 at 1 A 1 1 CALA CPS loo- tm.nst linfe. A vents.

It 3 ittP4 ft I Degirbert; -et flooloo 0-mertmeore oro forqPot 4 Wire Dit Sem 4 IL-100a o--A Le enotoenso toe tho girmorral. They tiro e'l eft r-Aoet w)L-1L will Awry AL I 0 -0 110 from palms uaraily oekot Le Ss-Lemma-A of lino Weave. Li thrill hut aro Leoluelon 111104 lubmastil 114 ra 2 Pt Pi 9 v- 0 Llatot Piano 1-.) eitatTAIPV 1IAILT438- 6 tnenes. Imlitsb410 Itiebr gla. -a.

from 4-Kb to lool. ORGANS. en vozetradjrutogrocrtmeat 014 1011054- 17 flm assortmeat tit soessulguausg: 610-11 1 pen wont. Barkerisourg. Triter.

110:20 pm Ili P6 Nariheirli Iowa and Dakotas 1:30 pm ii.s Clinton. Cedar Itstelds. nos tat 1 sick Ellis and Isetsdwood 10:30 vas 11:4 1 eat 'Jonah Limited. 910:06 pm 7:4,4 ens t. a i htit' liteitVoilli.

Jmevi arm own ialle. Mattison. 6:30 Pla I Claire 010:13, pia 3:44 Pat Wince. La Crams. 941 are tilif i -a i Los Creme.

Weals- law, L-4 ern 1 innesota Din 67 :00 WA Fond ilia Lae. Oshkosh. Nos- 3:00 661 nab. Appleton. Green Orin nil az Oshkosh.

Appleton Jet. 3:00 Dm 11:10 am Green Bay and Menominee. line pas 14,14 Ashland, Hurley. Bessemer. $:410 am eta Ironwood.

Rhinelander 4 3:00 pm pm shit' h. 0. ym.y. Menominee. a 3:00 ant 44 Ili ast Marquette L.

Superior 1 f. am Green bay. Florence. Hurley 2:11.1 eta Daultlinort Rock island. lkiallne---Le.

10 a- p. 10:30 p. m. Rockford ind Preeport-Lv. 115 S.

in. a. sm. p. stkail min.

na- 1'0 am. PA i41.b,d Beloit and a. Ma. a.m.- 4.15 p.m. 14:42 P.m., .5:05 p.m p.

10 a p. M. Milwaukee-Lir. $3 a. nu.

4 ti a. as. .6 ii. a- in-, 2 p. tn 3 is.

3 P. .10:30 P. ill 'Dlr. tEa Pan. sSatt.

4 Li -Y. to Greets Bay. cat.Idon. tEs bat. aDly .46, ADvANezzo TO SALARIED EMPLOYES.


COI. ELLS-AV. AND 413T- vacant. good location. for 3 and 4-room fiat splusomic excellent transportation.

TROTTER at KIMBALL. 132 La Salle-at. FOR SALEWILL SACRIFICE IF TAKEN AT once, seven-room 2-story and basement brk rsttlence: all modern conveniences. Address Tribune office. FOR SALE--IrOR HOME PROPERTY ON 'ME finest streets and boulevards, call on EUGENE A.

BOURNIQUE at Chamiler Commeroo 8-4413- FOit SALENEAR UNIVERSITY, 50 frame house, on easy TROTTER KliaBALL, 184 La irrxile-st. FOR SALECHOICE 22-FOOT LOT ON FORNAT av. near 37th-st. McKEY POAGUE. 125 Dearborn-et.

NMAR 51st-et 25x125 feet. $1.500. RENSHAW 97 Washinston-st FOR SALETO BUT A HOME ON THE BOVLEyards or in Kenwood district to to IdIATI0014 HILL, 414 Home Insurance RMS. FOR 10-ROOM near line condition; only a5.1100. OLIVER SCOTT, 115 Dearborn-st.

FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE, MOD 3- story stone front store and 2 flats. 23 FL LM-st. KINNET STANDISH, 185 Dearborn-M. FOR SAPGREAT ISARGAIN--25K1e1 FT lot on Andiana-av. near e2d-et.

only SI. WATSON BARTLETT. 160 Washington-et FOR DREXEL." 8311 DRIZXL: 12 flats. 215.000; rental 21.800; 21.500 cash. bal.


Hotels. HOTEL, D-ST AND MICHIGAN- -High trade, absolutely fireproof; 11 UV vowel. Anew furnished: hot and cold running wa- le; European per day. with private bath $2. plan, $2,50 per day urn steam heat.

elec. ught; WaDash-av. cable pasties door. Take -A-Side Elevated to 22d-st AND OHIO-STS management; business-man. family hotel; neighborhood; walking distance; better ac-, dation than can be obtained at any other in Chicago at the price T.L.

North th PRIVATE HOTEL, 11611 Lake-ay. Idst completed. modern, very elegantly fur- hed, with due table; read, for Inspection: a half Lck C. R. two blochs street car line; RAINIER HOTEL NICELY FURNISHED rooms, $2 a week and upward: steam sloegele light: everything first-class.

RAINIER HOTEL. 55 Cur. Cottage Grove-ay. htlYWAY HOTEL. DEARBORN AND few more nice, clean room.

single or os suite; good table; elevator. electric bell. steam 15 week and up. fit)Tfil. HAVES etTH AND LEXINGTON-AV.

1 block from S. S. elevated. I. and electric red.

team heat. Tel. Oak. 658. Am.

Eur. plan. I Isesion Ram Peter, rq) Mitts LI Noarrusit adi Pacpurct Ono wilco. Plain figui es. rosy norteento.

trioboo rented. acid ib.arop,i, Any Owl hutrumont ptuvhonod frown us tt 001 titan troy bo returned within two yeAme tea purchamo orlon allowed towotd any Ube Disco in our mock of Wither Woo- W. W. CO. trinetsbilabed O.

w. cot. Unmask-ay. Mel INityr rq) C-Modura Cattags Paciwril ALPHrEIS at. palomino.

MI104 b.1., You cap borrow any amount You mint oa AIY TERMS. AT LOWEST RATES. ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. EIORSES.

CAR. RAGgx WITHOUT REMOVAL. ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE WITIIOUT UORTGA031. Payments armored to atilt ootrraillenoto of 'borrower: partial payments eau be mole at any Mum rogueing Interest accordingly. kto eaten taken out or You get the tCil amount of the loan ittowalL You owl deal with me quickly.

privately. natio, tactoittri7d enntidenttallY It be to you edoentoge to call at my oilleo tug, wine tillielewera ALPHETTILW. SMITH. INVESTMENT sit fitiariat. astITA09rmaToN-to POOH 101.


FOR SALE-54 AND 58 EL cunTle-sr 110X126, small frame house; oh-o for cask: Outer-TROTTER 113 La 31.AhlPity'4"1-A"'"'IVAI6 LT lgrol sT-4 1 rnvieln. PLYIni.illt Oti svAlllutAlAimilitIO. Ckgtoubilk I etch 2 Pellmsbla izity 2 it. Victoria A 41 1111. kosrenrch AY 2 Leontbehland; A rAlatnetidochland le Twr "111" I Thura-4itt Pa nvA Etc.

4VICIEl. PiNTiL01.1 a 41, varHAJ.Latts...4 re otorta. Iwo. 1 lirrisiderose litsY 4 volnicia ve la 34 rennsylvantA ay IS Iusicia .1 snake- Protm-111, .1 411 1- livoldsrsos vercit IS lane 1 Ponnsylvania amerce lit retried' June I Pretoria. April 34 loaldersos June IS nesicis.

April 1 5, Wesinsylvattin June 21 passeleta It Protoria. July 6 Soon to 1 gamblers direct. htibi Isiet eltuithin to PIngloind. Irioland. and Scotland.

to the Land Of Ow loildldebt to.umtt end to the Peltie and the 1 rincipal eitlas or 1 0Sm IrtAT 13117LDEN PUS- 1 4,. via D1 -iMAPJE. the new yacht PIVIN-. 4 VICTOAIA LUISE and S. B.

Attarsrn 11.a. AU nnolatenents strictly erst-olass. Attractivo itineraries arranged. Further parPoulain on deletion to the -BURG-A1113133CAN L1N1L "If. w.

cot fiandolpii and La Malle-nts. SUBURBAN REAL SEISTATIL 'OR SALECHOICE IMPROVED AND VACANT In the beautiful North Sher suburb of Wiltastte houses for mut. Address Or 'call en W. PANITSHICA. -Wilmette.

HOTEL. 2124 ttei of two and three, also single. with Private pL Tel. 10Zid South. AND BOWEN-AVP NNW.

wont. fine table: elevator. Oakland 1'92. BOARD WANTED, uCRaTiontickCAepatGOssect.mXneecIL.erWitaAs son-sts. Trains.

Leave. Arrive. GZ Bay. Iron 5:00 am I pos Madison 3:00 ant 4:4 5 5.4 Beloit. 8:20 am ti 1 2 .4 Bt.

Paul. Minneapolis. 000 am 1): 5 -4 Delavan, xuseu. 11.rril1 am i --4 Piadison Prairie dta Chien 600 tun 4:44 Delavan-Beloit ara II -A Rockford, Beloit Janesville pve 1 :0 pm IP: Cedar Rapids, City, Dub. 2:44 pin 1: -4 Delavan.

O. Bay Portage put ill; t) P. du Chan tit Wert 1:00 pm Ike tefo Ptockford, ISeloit. Janesville 4:00 pm 10:1 ate 5:00 pm 19 N. Iowa, S.

Makiliti. 6:15 pm i boo Rockford and Beloit 6:15 pm Omaha. C. bluffs, WIL-Cit3r. 6:15 pm Mr) 41111 Des Moines OtP- Paul.

ioneer 630 pm :60 am Limit St. Fast Pau .1 ail. 11:55 pm am ti Green bay. Wiitlairilalt; 21' thion. Calumet, Marg.

10:80 pm 7:00 mu The Copner Country LAtn. St. 10:30 put 7:00) am Wausau. Minocqua, 4,10:50 pm am Ced.Rapids X. pm roJs al a N.

Iowa, Minn. Dakota 1012 it 10 i pas Omaha. C. Bluffs, Denver. 10:25 pm 10.1..t pro Milwaukee.

14., 9:00 a. tll :50 a. 3010 p. ut. 445:00 p.

an, 6:50 p. 40:55 p. re. Daily. tEa.

Sun. $11n. ilex. Mon. trt REMOVAL.

LOWEST AND MOST FAVORABLE Trits.s. PAIR Trizienizarr AT TRE 01P PMELITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO, MONROM-11T, MTH FLOOR. CORNER cLARE-ST. rlARDA ENTLEMAN FROM I 4 East would like a home during his stay of IS it 4 In this city; price no object; state 402. Tribune offloo.

PIANO SALESROOMS ovsacRawrorn. 17Priglit Pianos of well-knewn makes at examtional reduction to make reem for roily stook bowl arriving. Note the following barest in used pas: Three special mattogreay-oitas perreets. 4 mr0 440 to close. Haines Bros.

large also twos-lied cone. 11190; Ballot ik D'vls unriagat. Pota- tion upright, calckering ukirtet. 144- wig, Iittle lealweeay aaa .1,4 gook, Smith upright, $troll b.ettywatis:Critt. I lire Kraltawar 'airtight.

lamest oftiarc-e-sitered Palk Leland mhotrany us 4. ti: Age-lead -varlet, asses. vertsbt 4164- walnut case, second-hand, fine; large mahotteng 1 Knabe uprieht I fa; two Tmiad IKnabe gratmla at a I sacrifice; Newhall upritritt, MU it IteeLOotaelswitY square. $100; Haseiton cetrinot grand, kffe: brsonse upright, 11185; Steinway baby grand. In perfect condition, leeks sa good as nein Sterling walnut upright, Sltd: Steinway SOO; Groveeteen oiler upright So0: Huatiraokett oak upright $170; Kranich Bach uptight.

Fischer Upright. 1150 Kellar mahotrany upribti fig(); 3, uptight. Brewster npri-et, 150; Arlon (new) uptight, largest sine. mahogarrY ease StOtA this is a sample piano; Washburn int- right. al aad many others.

New mahtwany upright, with harp. zither, and mandolin streets, at 41150. Choice of a dozen regular MOO idyl upritahts (a manufacturer's eurPitla tash) at whale th.T las. Easiest instalinsent terms will be granted. Handsome scarf and modern stool inclotiett bglers at a distance should write tor special 'bargain hat rid also our schedule for freight rates on pianos.

We Ship pianos everywhere. Inexpensive pianos bought from us wry be exchanged later towards the perches of a btetavrag or Knabe. Steinways and Knabes sold (nor by us. New piano to rent. upward.

Years met allowed if purchased. LYON HEALY. Witbara3t-av. Mid Adeasei-st 302 W. COR.


Clark-st. Money loant4 to salaried emploxes on their plein note. Igo do not requiro any indorsor. oo-algnor, or oiliest. OUR RATES APE LESS THAN ONE-HALIP CHARGED BY Riy-OULAR uottir LENDabsa Sustueee strictly confidntial.

Got ovir rates and plans if contomplating making a loan. Open very veiling until I o'clock. Mondays and Saturdays until 9. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE NO INDORSER OR MORTGAGE REQUIRED-- No PUBLICITY or embarrassing inquiriss: ono outold of our omce will know of the soot, so WE WILL POSMVELY MAKE TERMS than you can cur elsewttore. Ws 1011111 from 140.00 MX Large i011111 a 11110011111at3r Como and see Us and you will bo treated courteously whether you borrow or IDOL BAENVER Ca, 84 bank floor.

Dexter Building. OPPOSITE TIRE FAIR. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHAD-- 1, ins on same. 6 por cent per tannin- (rive larger cash and loan values than companies. RICKARD HERZFELD.

In La R. 813. Established 1873. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE) with permanent positions: also on u'urniture. pianos.

diamonds, watches. sealskins. eto at a very low rate: no extra c)iartres: business otrictlY private. 140 Dperborn-st- Room LIFE INC POLICIES PURCHASED ----LOANS on same. tiek: endowment.

tontine. and distribution policies discounted at glivo hilithar cardi and loan values than companies trm.1 sutra Weak 4 to 6 per cent. JOHN V. VOL. 101I Dearborn-et.

120 UP LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE: NO SEeurity: everything private; easy- payments- THE NATIONAL DISCOUNT 211 LA SALLE-ST. R. go MAIN 4564. OPE14 UNTIE P. lig.

MONEY LOANED SALARIED EMPLOYES without mortgage, without indorser; quickly. easy rates, tasY PaYments. E. M. BENNETT Suit.

gli. 84 Adams-st. SALARIED PEOPLE. RETAIL mEitcHArrfs. teamstore, boarding-house klopers.

furnished money without security; WIT PaTmouts. TOLMAN. If322 Masonic Temple. LOANS TO ALL OF SALARIED PRO- pie: tow rat an air quick results; confidential; can or writs. Railwar EntPloYsc Supply R.


1114. 145 La Salls-stLOANS TO SALARIED LOW RATES; EASY PAYMENTS; NO PuBLIcrry. 220 ROANOKE 145 LA SALLE-ST. WANTEDLOAN $3,000 FOR ONE YEAR PROM privato party, to increase bussinolli; good ifeenritgl no commission. Address 962.

TribtmeoMeo LOAN $10 TO 4200. ON SALARIES. CALL OR write: open until T. IL 16. 88 Washington-st.

SUMMER RESORTS FOR BALEPICTURESQUE INTERIOR LAKE resort site for saleOne of the moat charming and naturally romantic interior lake resort sites to be found in Wisoonsin, consisting of 160 acres, and a beautiful lake, almoet entirely surrounded by this track and giving 1 miles of delightful lake frontage located four miles from Tomahawk. and from the Milwaukee road is offered cheap if taken soon. For full description, etc. on or address L. IC 1RAKE; Great Northern Potei, Coy.

REAL ESTATE WASTER, WANTEDOAK PARK HOUSE. S. OF LAKE- on 50 ft. lot. in exchange for house on Prat near 334 steam heat.

hardwood. 116.000. TuarrEn KIMBALL. 132 La Salle-st. WANTEDEQUITY IN MODERN STEAM-heated fiats.

near Garfield Park. to exchange for clear vacant and old Improved West Side property; none but principals need apply. Address TOL Tribune Mee, WANTEDOWNERS WISHING TO MAKE Quick sales consult our Auction department. E. A.

CUMMINGS I. W. con Washington and Dearborn-sts, WANTEDFOR CASH. 40 OR 50 FT. CORNER.

south of good transportation. WHITESIDE WENTwoRTH. 140 Dearborn-st. WANTEDTHE CARE AND MANAGEMISNT of West Side real estate. WALTER T.

DWIGHT 161 W. Madison-st. WANTEDFOR CASH. 6-FLAT SO. Side.

C-11. MULLIKEN. 108 Dearborn-at. rf I (LONDON). Slag ednotaar at 10 a.

tn. Shortest and most cotwentmt route to London. Estallent coneactions at PR. St. touts- I 1124.

St 13 It. Ne'a 271 4. Neer 3. vaderland s' Vaderl AILADELPHIA-QUEENSTO RPOOL. Mallows every SI.

vb. 23 Pelee t. Kara la 3. Rhyaland Parch Waea Search 23 STAR IAN'S. NEW YORITO ANTWEItP.

Say every edneaday at noon. Neordlan 104. Southwark. 4 11A. Weetrroloalt liar.


Warren P. Purdy. Manager. TEL NO LA SALLE-ST. Pofling from Chloado.

And! 74th NORTHMA-N April Sot AVM POOL NOATPliplAeTrnic lit HAI-TPTJP1 wairrowN haw 4th LIVAAPOOL TO South Sid10. To TTNT, MICHIGAN-BLVD. a Hotel, fireproof; high grade: a few room. st4 per week each. with closet.

steam heat, oleo-'Nat finely furnished: prompt bell service' -mit bathrooms on each floor, no sato: gentlemen, new popular-priced cafe. 1)arINIT--STEAM HEATED ROOMS: THE LA- vette, 10, 12, and 14 E. Harrison-st. one block set- of the Auditorium: walking distence. 14) SENT-243 MICHIGAN-AV resets, bath; walking distance; gen- r----11 14) KEN'D-1344 NICELY FUR-rooms; reasonable: walking distance.

IJKSINT-11937 BEAUTIFUL. SOUTH geese, lavatory. closetaillteam; 1. cable. North Side.

inewr--4041 NICELY FUR-aced large front room: $4.50. Tel. Black 743. Ti RELIANCE LOAN 100 Room 204. Title and Trg.

Dorm BMW OrrICEust buildin lin W. dIth-st. corner Itato-st. Inert SIDE OFTICE-- SIT W. Madison-et, Room 2, corner Ostilen-af." Loan inads on furniture.

pianos, horses, wagonProPerty left in your own possession. Our South and West Side offices ars epos ovenints until o'clock to accommodate people living on Suth and West StOes. Lowest rotas in city. Risme TERMS TO GOOD BORROWERS. BURLINGTON ROUTE---TBL.

NO. 11831 MAIN Berths and tickets at 211 Clark-et. and U44too Passenger Station. Canal and Adams-stsi. Trains Leave.

Arrile. Ottawa. Streator Is Ls. Salle 1 11:20 am 1 31:10 pm Rochelle. Rockford.Forreston 2 am all pee hiendota.

S430 am 2:1,6 psa Galeab's Burrittlt, Ammon' it all5 am Via-Wm Bluffs. Omaha. Deadwood. Hot Sortnirs. S.

D. 11:05 am 11:34) pm Helens. Tacoma. Portsestd Reg ant 13:3 3 pm Illinoist and Iowa local 11:140 ant I n.3 ant I All points le 'resat', 11:30 min If pot Galesburg. Quincy, BateelQ.

.11:30 ant :1 pm Rork Island. idolises. Int 4 iss4 Denver. Utah, Ottszioresa 4134 put 0 pm Fort Vadison and Kfoirek pea 2,: i pm Pock pot 4 Yorkville. Ottawa.

Streator 410 pee t101 3 mn C. lithails. Omaha. Lincoln SAO pea SA4 Ed Kansas City ist JoisePb. i Atchion 8:50 JIM St.

Paul. Minneapolis. Om Ong Dubuque, LaCrosse. :30 pm 94 i 14-4 Kansas City. St, Joseph lel pm 7:04 Quigley A Ratutibal 101 3 pm 3 awl Et.

Paul, 4tienospoils ii pm tint' p-e Dubuque. La Crowe. Winona 10:114 pm spot Denver. Utah. Calltornia 11:00 pm Te stia C.

bluffs. Omaha. Lincoirs 11:00 put Case Deadwood. Slot Sorters. S.

:11:00 Pm 0 Vol Keok and nd Fort ManssOn 1:00 pea .14. emu DIST. tDally ex. ftsmday Daily es. Ilstekr Is.

er- 41 TO RE1VTeeall01.111ES. Soutk Side. I-1 RENT CORNER 4CHIGAN-AV. AND a-story and basement stone front house; Ise ioeation for ladies tailor. dressmaker.

milliner. Or Weer Wetness: rent reasonable. MONORE 1624 Marquette Bldg. Welt Side. 11.1:17tt NT.

T--BY E. 410qDBIDOE It 86 WAS11- t. and 449 W. Madison-it--17 Loomis- rt. rielt house.

14 rooms. $45. REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOANS- AT 414. ADAM SCRAM, NNW STYLE PIANOS IN ALL th natural wood outstay'. are unmeshed in work- mansUittaction, tomb, and tone: eery piano war- muted tsti ears; pries rpasobable: gear.

buy of tuattufaetursr. hattatoutuned SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT REDUCED PRICES. Dunham UPTI1101t212 Emerson upritauts. $116, Vose Sons uprigh s. pi ADM Decker Sons me Weyer Bros- uprights.

PS. Behning upright. $115. balls-et emulsion omistlit. VIOL Bradford upright, $141.

8Mtaws'? r-sass uprights, Deker Bros. upright ra OM-Julius Bauer uptight, bI.S. Kale upright, ildS amm plows. eachO-0. OWL rgans, $441, U.4 pa U- WE SELL ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS CITgAPTAT BAT.


858 Lincoln-ay. and I Blue Room SOT. Branch Mese open evening. until 11:30.1 MONEY LO- PRIVATELY ON FURNILsr. pianos.

homes, carriages. without removal. at lowest rates. If you want money and too call on me. Live and let live Is my motto.

Time and payment to suit borrower. A. H. WILL141111. e4 Dearborn-et.

Room 22. $25 TO 111110 WANED TO GOOD PARTIES ON furniture andignos at the Introit rates and east- eat terms: con utial and courteous treatment: tone eetablish and reliable. Call on us. EAGLE LOAN TO LA R. St.

WE LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS WITH-out removal; weekly or monthly payments: strlitIA erlvatel Pacers free. IcHARDEOrt Alg 142 La R. 2. LOANS ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS.

AND JEWelr, at lowest rates. stArre P0110. reliable Amerioan pawnbrokers. lea S. Cbtrk-it.

WANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. vrrrft no publicity: when in needot money call on ea 118 Dearborn-st. Room 300. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON FURNITURE.

ETC. Ioom 512 rivet National Bank Buildings. TitiE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY BANK la loaning moner on Chicago real Tempo rart building loans made in 24 boors. LOUSINESS CHANCEL AT 4114. WANTEDPARTY WITH $20.000 TO 130.000 A8 financial or special partner in a well established grain and stock commission business.

Have private wires to country points. With sufficient ital to properly handle the business it will naY from 130.000 -to $100,000 per year above all expenses. Fine opportunity for right party. For particulars exidress Id OW. Tribune office.

TO and $4 par mouth. 200 new vatiAt gs one year's rant llowad if purch. toned, movad. stored. ADM anAd azePt.ogadAT beriA 147-14 Want corner Union-id.


INTEREST CEASING THE DA ANY TIME. INTEREST CEASING THE DAY TO RENTPLATS. Eolith 11141e. riM4T--EEVir 4 'AND 5 BOOM PLATS: COIL It and rizo nix; steam beat; be 1....4 floorel janitor. Ian 8 KRAMER.

47th and Calumet-ay. 'kJ" 111--LICNON FLATS i 3, 4 ROOMS, $15. 818; etc. Office, Al ottage Grove-ay. IISNT--ARIZONA APARTMENTS, 42D-ST.

0 1 4 to 8 rooms; elegant" 1165 Oak. North 81664 LTIVA T. r.eDctab1 woman. peat argiticTeat. 913.

Tribune office. Ninestlaneoun. "1NT-4. 6. AND 8 ROOM PLATS.

WITH without steam, also stores, South and West RICHARDSON. owner, 140 La Salle. 11, Otis Block. 'AND HOUSES ALL OVER altjr. or send for our printed list.

1 O. STONE A 2 06 La Salle-st. MISS AND 1213111141. W. TATtrm.

CONNULIT140 MINING ZNOI eer cad NertallorkiaL 424 New York Lite Chicago. 'Plum Central 2054. J. DIIMPLA-111PN -YOUNG. ANAL, Citiottlf AND mayor.

1154 Ilonadoott. Motto Nor. 2414. CRICA00 AND ALTON VISION Arm-neva Station.

bet Mediums end Aetteru-ets. Ticket Sloe. 101 1-bott Cant- 1, 1. Daily. tExcent Suntmey.

betree. Ar, ye. So Set Accommodation IP trao) atta l': 01 pm Prairie State 94 toe it pea Prairie bate 9:60 sums 119 4 ota Th Alton Limited-41t. am 4:, 1 iun Joliet Accommodation 1 pre 1 i rut Peoria and City 5:16 Sus 1 Pm Dwight Accommodation 54 pus era Mtut City caura, put 11 cue Louis ridaro 0:44 Pm Joliet Accommodst ell put km St. Louis K.

C. 1 4 p-ci :60 ant Peoria Sprinalleld biu at tx.011t1.), 1:14 oil WABASH RAILROAD DEPO't, VtPARFN Station. Polk and Dearborn-sta. list4 ft-s, 97 Atte-me-at. and 15 Convenes-et City trace except Stradarl.

Can. depot i a. Daily. tbscept Surm.ux. Lease.

A. Pt. Lmtbs Vestibuled tinuted.otri ites t- 0 peoria epringitel4 :1,4 4-1i i I-. St. Louis Limited :14 0 Lk 4 St.

Louis Peoria, 41-4 It '''t Peoria Texas Lim vr. it toe Forrest I' 4:4 pm 9 a Montpelier i.rì aro Detroit, N. Fails, and N. Put i 4 I-4 Detroit. N.

Falls Bos. 0 1 pie -At Toronbt Can. Ea. 0:11 putt 0 A Cont. N.

see tt OP PAYMENT. Amount Of payment ucn be ar- railliecd, to sulk borrower. The entire a party it can be paid at any time and WITtrOt4 EXTRA INTEREST OR CHARGE OF ANT OGDEN. SHELDON 34 Clark-et SPECIAL NOTICE. TRH NEW CRUIVING YACHT.

PRINZEASIN VICTORIA LUISE WO feet lope). LEAVI41 MEW TORE MArICH 9 FOR THR InEDrrziatAintAN AND BLACK SEA. Some accommodattons for PASSAGE TO GENOA ONLY. eta Madeira and Gibraltar. Rata 2100 and upwards.

Apply Hamburg-Amrican LILS TI. er. ear. Rand 01911 and La Sails-sta. MUNtION LINE STEAMSHIPS TO CUBA MOM NEW YORK SEM-11ONTEILY.

Fine ShiesRolendid Service-ROM MOBILE WEEKLYin connection with the Mobile and Ohio IL It. ALONG THE NORTH balOREHavana, WtatanMa. Cardenas. esthete's. Nuevitas.

Gibara. and baracoa, and other porta. torean's Steamship Line. 27 N.

Y. mond Whitcomb. 103 Adams-it. Chicago. or tickets.

stateroom reservations. and general information. illustrative and descriptive matter et tba Mobile Service. apply to tieket events of the OHIO R. R.


17 ray 15 Qilo b. If liar. 21 Apr. I ay 2 I -entente Apr. 8 leiay I limy 28 Apr.

10 May 8 June 5 Cinelrie 741 Apr. lo Jure 4 July 10 TIJAI vrrrit RATES NOW IN MACK S. TS ERENCIS. General Western Agent. TeL 173.

94-06 Dearborn-et. IAPAN-CitillIAPgrLIPPIN'S ISLANDS-- VIA LLONOLDIAL Pacific rail IL IL Co. Occidental Oriental S. 11. and Oriental S.

IL Co. Prom San Francisco: RIO DB JANEIRO. Feb, Pith; COPTIC. March 7th: AMERICA MARTS. March 15th.

For rates. freight. or passenger. Izmir to W. G.

FtErmyza. Agent. 238 Chicago. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Naw York-Rottardam, via Boulogne-sur-Mer.

MAASDAM. Feb. ts, 10 a. nu. Rotterdam direct.

Twin-screw S. 8.300 tons. ROTTERDAM Sat. March 10 a. in.

ROTTERDAM AMSTERDAM. Meh. 9. le a. Rotterdam direct LINE.

os La Chicago. Phone Main 4140. AZORFS.NAPLEIL AND GENOA BY PRINCE LINE NEW STEAMERS. Cabin and up to Azores; to Italy E111 and an. Trojan Prince 28, Tartar Spartan Prince Mar 23, Trojan Prince 25 C.

Et RICHARD CO. 61 Broadway, N. Y. Romano Schiavone; G. W.


Shorter ones. including ITALY and Magnificent tour et all MEXICO. Programs fret, Also tours to Irlorida. West Indies. HENRY GAZE SONS.

220 S. Clark-at 01147Z PRICE AND UNIFORM Rua TITE1 MANY-TOWN CROWN PIANO. "CROWN" Investirate its merits. In ANO. "CPOWN" Prove its claims.

PIAN CROW" N3Know its quaitties. PIANO IT IS SOLD OM BASF TH ANGIELUSIDaclursTRAL PIANO ANGELUS ThO origami PIANO PL.A1 ANG-MLUS Most compists PIAN011 ANGAILUS Most perfect PIANO er Tiat SEE IT! HEAR IT! TRY I PIANOS Various stsndard makes, BARGAINS PIANOS Different styles. BARGAINS PIANOS from POO to SO. BARGAINS MONET TO LOAN WITHOUT COMMISSION ON Chicago and suburban property at 8 and 6l4 per cent socording to security liberal Payment privileges if desired. Building loans a speolatty.

Prompt attention given to applications. COMPANT. 108 Dearborn-xi. WANTEDTO RzwrLts? TOER HOUSES and flats with, SOUTHARD TRAINER, Tel. Oak 705.


E. J. DENNIS DR. E. 3.

DENNIS PHYSICIAN AND SPECLAJAST IN DISEASES OF WOMEN. SKILLFUL AND SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN by Improved Relief guaranteed in case undertaken. Consultation and advice fres. Home for ladies remaining under my care. Hours, 10 a.

m. to 5 p. tn. Sunday. IOa.m to 1 p.m.

Correspondence strictly confidential. Temple. TeL Centra3 1133. 167 N. E.


LADY CONSULTANT. ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS successfully treated by the leading specialists In the city Elegant accommodations. Patients from out town receive my special attention. Ccmsultation frac Hours, 9 to 6 10 to 1. Piano to runt Pianoe tuned.

GEO. P. BENT Salesrooms: a Wabash Ave. Washington Boni. LOANS ON CHICAGO REAL ESTATE IN amounts of 62.000 and over at 6.

51a. and IPA Der cent interest. Without commission or Prompt service. I PAY ALL EXPENSES HENRY VAN VLISSINGEN. Main floor.


HOUGHTELINGk 164 DEARBORN-ST. 1501. WISCONSIN CENTRAL RT. co.crtroe2Tr"1 230 S. Clark-st.

'Phone liar, UST. and Park Row. Daily. traces Epsfoott.y. St.

Plink Minneapolis. 1 Loma. kosh. Ell II Claire.Ashland. 2-44 are lc.

II Ironwood ft Pacidc 00:14 psis :4 P- 4 Duluth and ....,..100:13 pm 44, Waukesha. Fond dtt IAA. i till I ls A Oshkosh. Neenah I till.) put 4 Chippewa Falls 4k Eau Cishre.111:1,0 ant 4 Waukesha Local pre VOSE PIANOS1851. lb VOSIC PIANOS.

Fifty years ot proirressive piano making mewls Too run ne risk when you buy TO LOFTS, Floors and Lotto. TO RENTMAY 1, IN MY BUILDING. 153-9 S. a most desirable loft. about 9.000 mg.

tet splendid ligb t. electric power. passenger anal freight elevators; everything first-clams. see janitor at building. or JOSEPH DOWNEY.

Owner. 11. 182 La Salle-mt. TO RENT-8 E. WASHMTGTON-STBEFORE deciding on location look 241.11oor.

253t91, light from 3 sides. suitable for light wholesale or retail business; steam heat, passenger and freight ele- vators; opposite Public Library and Postollice- II RENTWELL LIGHTED FLOORS. 50X168 with powers steam heat, freight and tabeer elevators. electric light, and automatic 153-135 Jackson-blvd. See '14 KiliN'TFLOORS.

84 WABASH: 24X164; MoD ern building; fine Luifer prism light; steam: fle -trio elevators; possession May 1 or sooner. glANK M. ELLIOT. 123 La Salle. Room 000.

FINANCIAL PROMOTEROF HIGH STAND-log, in touch with Eastern money market on mining lines must be of high standing and furnish the best of references; permanent work and salary suitable to position; connections even, way, desirable. Address with references stating ability experience, to Union Consolidated Mining Company. fourth floor the Andrus Minneapolis. MIME and be prepared to visit these bikes wa telegraphic notice if applicant is satisfactory. FOR SALEOR RENT-4IARGAIN EITHER way--'rhe Harvey House.

Niagara Falls. N. Y. opposite New York Central depot: live minute walk from the falls; modern throughout with established business; accommodates 75 to nif people. splay JOHN MALONEY.

proprietor. INVESTORS WANTEDWTH PRODUCT CERtain, want ten men with $500 each ($50 monthly) to develop field of gilsonite oil, and gas; they profitable Industries for investment. Address Ti Tribune office. FOR PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 011F the late Nathan W. Foster.

deceased; well equip-pad with stock. furniture. fixtures. and apperatne. Address ELIZA M.

FOSTER. Executrix. Room IL Commercial Block, Galesburg. Illinois. FOR SALEOR EXCIIANGE-)'OR CHICAGO Property of any kind or mining stocks, house and lot; also stock of groceries in small town near Rochester, N.

Y. Inquire of ALBERT ROUSE. Morrison Hotel, City. FOR SALEA '11rAntrrAc-runn; SPECIALTY. conserved vegetables: special processes: patented three times; a g.

ti. 'numerous rewards. Write in French to NAfLT LE HAUPT. Banquiers. Mantes I ancel.

FOR SALESTOCK OF GROCERIES AND PRO-visions in thriving town; good full in- vestigation requested. Address T. C. DAVIS. 115 W.

Galion. Ohio. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. WHOLESALE and retail departments, centrally, flne plant and store: large country trade; clears $3.000 yearly. GOLSEN, Tacoma Bldg.

A 000D BUSINESS-MAN WITH 140.000 CAN find vary profitable investment for time and money in an established mantis'. business. Address. with references. 552.

Tribune office PERSONAL SEAMSTRESSES WITH RED tape, in a(i)tistocratio suburbs. to sell Ific bleier be horseradish for Horseradish Randolph. FOR SALEAN OLD ESTABLISHED CORNER saloon of good reputation at intersection of car lines. G. IL MUELLER.

3000 State-st. FOR SALECHEAP. AN ESTABLISHED AND Profitable millinery business of 12 years standing. Address A 23T. Tribune.

office. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE: ACCT. ILL-health; cheap for cash. 4727 State-it. WANTEDA NICKEL PLATING PLANTS state what you have.

407. Tribune Mee. vosig ptAxo EASTMAN ZOAra. TAIIITZU Second-hand pianos keep accumulating. Low prices are the rule here.

You will be surprised at the quality of pianos that we offer at 215. $40. 800. gad, glitk and upward. Easy terms of payment.

200 new pianos to rent at la per month and upward. MONEY LOANED WITHOUT COMMISSION At LOWEST CURRENT RATES ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. R. PRINDIVILLE, R. 517 OM Stock Exchange.

MONEY TO LOAN ON CHICAGO REAL EState at 5 and 5141 per cent; no attorney's fees; privilege to pay part or all before maturity and atop Interest thereon. ROSE. QUINLAN 70 Dearborn-st. ALWAYS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON CHIeago real estate at current rates; no delay. GOLD MORTGAGES FOR SALE.

CANNEL McCLUER. 107 Dearborn-st. Lake View office. 18011 near Roscoe. MO NE TO LOAN ONIMPROVED CITY PROPERTY.

from 4 to 6 per cent- according to amount of security. MEAD COE. 100 Washington-at. znstaarrow HANNA GRADCATE 0101 E'DINBrRO. SCOTLAND, 76 ROOM 32, THIRD FLOOR.

Skillful, scientific treatment of all diseases of women by improved metbOds. which relieve the moat obstinate cases In a few tours. Correspondence solicited. ROM 0 to 6. Sundays.

10 to 1. 7 CURES ALL INFLAMMATIONS rritations. ulcerations of urinary tract, mucuous membranes; combination remedyonly one in America: cheaper remedies don't cure; free medicine sent prepaid until recovered, it prescribed tot DALE SEMPILL. 135 Clarkiit Chicago. WELD HALL, Eight.

TWO RETREAT AND 11031E 1POR Expert treatment all diseases ot women, no delay or uncertainty; no fee titl relief is assured. The RETREAT. Room 307 Inter Ocean Building; hours 10 to 5 Sunday 10 to 1. BEAVER LINE. ROYAL.

MAIL STEAMSHIPS-- Week' 3r sanitise to Queenstown and Liverpool. Lowe rates from and to Europe. c. Ir. enharn.

Phone Central 1569. 182 Clark-mt. COOK'S TOURS TO ALL PARTS OF THE world. Send for list of parties and excursions. THOS.

COOK St SON. 234 S. Clark-et. 1olmi. TO RENT.P-HOTELS.

licil-room hotel on North Side, completely fora' wad; Coupled at present; steam beat elevator, tpo. Address 84S. Tribune filo. Lasko nalrlSattoia GOODRICH LINE STEAMERS TO MILIVAIrkse and Racine. 8 D.

tn. daily: fare Ticket Moe and docks foot Michigan-ay. Tel. Cent. T.

TO RZNIT-MISCELLANEOVIL RAILWAY TIRE TOSE SONS PIANO MANUFACTURERS. 24 WABASH-AV. FURTHER 'REDUCTION IN SECOND-HAND Plano to took room tor now stock 1 Hoboken upright Twichell upright 1 Citickoring Wright 110 Fischer upright 120 Decker Bros. upright 120 1 Emerson Wright 140 I fLrr uprtrrihibt 160 105 Grainer, nearly new. upright 126 EM4VIrSett large walnut upright 200 1 Steinway upright 230 1 Huai) mahogany upright 1 Steinway botany.

nearly new. 676 CASH OR FAIrmElsrrs J. O. 'MICHELL. 231 Wabash-ay.

WILSTEILIT ZOLDS. RENTFACTORY BUILDING AT 391' T0405 Kinsie-it 1203030; 6 stories; yard room and dI rbads; welt adapted for wood rental: tool vide. .1. WILSON. 192 S.

Ash RENT BUILDINGS. STORES. 'AND I -TS in all parts of the for list vttLLIS FRANKENSTEIN. 164 La Salle-it. TVrrPFNNSTLVANIA LIME CITICAG, tion Passenger Station.

Adams. CABAL Pm Madison-sta. Ticket Mem at station, at corner Jackson. and al Attaitassuts Rotel- Through trains run aa follows: From Chicago to Leave. Arrive.

rfirt Wayne and Alliance am 07:44 am Indianapolis Louisville 010:00 am 05:10 Dayton Cincinnati. 01000 am 0r.0 944 Columbus and ththe' Ens 010:115 arn 057 Baltimore Wasitingtim 010:05 tin .5 trito Philadelphia New York. 01015 ma 0414 9 P1 Baltimore and Washington ..012:01 ten 022 's pso Philadelphia and New Tork 0131 ten SP 0 pas Baito. Washington-0 3.0 pm Philadelphia New York 0 BOO pas. TW Pennsylvania.

5:50 toll excl Pittsburg Wash ington 5:30 pm se ma Philadelphia New York 5:3 pm 04) Pittsburg Spec (al 0 pm 014 6,4 Indianapolis Loulavills 0 3:40 pm 0a-4 Dayton Cincinnati pm optt 6-0 Columbus and the Ewa 8:40 pm TO tam Youngstown New Cast1e 011:40 pro Pin Pittsburg and the Foot 011:45 pm 01:4 eget 311CRIGAN CENTRAL, N. B. A A. Nftara Falls lionte. Ticket niers.

lie Adams statioss It- is ilk and Park Rowe TM brat My lble park. 4.11 Dec. lie 190. Iwo Arrive Detroit Kan and Express I-team Pas New York and Boston bosectsi. MO.

sot Ct os Niag Fans, New Vert, end beans SA 11-41 ILO PK' Kalamazoo 41 SA1 isti Ill-10 am Detroit Toght Migrant 9.PS put att ate Mag Pak listr York. aid 'Bottom 01149 pas 0 1 i4 sad Bag City Sleeper I CM Ica Via Pere liarquetto it. B. Gr. Rap liesketionoind Petoskey 7.1911211.

pia Grind Bawds and Traverse Coq. 111 oi-emen kpra Grand lumina and Muskegon 4 Ort it put Oraad ilikpidit Express pm Asa tmkoson and Peloakes. $11.114 pat I 1.4staa Via Grand Sapid Grand Papids Local OBS Id" rit Graad 5spids 15 pen 5.1 1-4 rand Sopa Exprem rn ika tEx.eunday I ha.hiossdON MVENNSTINANIA ien Passenger Station. 8 REAL ESTATE 5 PER CENT erIthout usual commission. Highest standard of correct service.

W3L C. HEINEMANN Bank tioor, 92 La Saile-it. CHANDLER MORTGAGE CO. INOT INCORporatedl. 110 Dearborn-st First mortgage loans on Chicago estate; building Loans.

Choice 111,4 per cent mortgagee for sale. GREENEBAUM SONS. LAIZKERS. 83 80 Dearborn-st. LOANS MADE ON CHICAand GO REAL leurrAri AT LOWEST RATES.

MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL E.STATE, GRAHAM SONS. Bankers. Fire Insurance. and Steamship Agents. 134 W.

Madison-et. Open evenipgs. ILLINOIS SANITARUM, 279 W. ADAMS-ST. Expert physician and surgeon.

For obstetrics, gYnecology, surgery. and medians. Rest and cure for women in delicate beelth. MRS. HORTA FAUSTMANN.1131 WELLS-ST, Skillful and scientific treatment of all disease of women, 20 -years experience: fair treatment and advice free.

MES. DIE'TRICII. 206 18. HALSTED-ST. irAltias ladies before and during confinement sure help and best of care guaranteed.

DR. W. B. CARROLLSPECIALTY DISEASES of men only; 25 years' exp. Office.

4141 Inter Ocean Building. 130 Dearborn-st. bit. EMMA RELLW10. 351 WELLS-ST.

Licensed physician; Berlin Parts- female diseases; home; success guaranteed. TeL N. 1048. IDA VON SCHULZ, 492 N. home for ladies; personal attention siren all cases.


0Mce and hospital. 273 W. Adams-st. DEAFNESS erRED OR NO PAT. C.

ROWAN. Milwaukee. Wis. WATCHES, JEWELRY. WE ARM OFFERING SOME SPECIAL BAR-gains in medium-sized diamonds just now.

If you are thinking of buying a ring for Yourself (or her), now is the time, to do so to advantage. We will arrange the OaYments so that you can stand the pressure without feeling it LOFT'S BROS. dr CO. 10S State-st. Watches.

Diamonds. and isweleY. ILLINOIS CENTRALALL THROUGH TRAINS from Central Station. 12tb-st. and Park Row.

Trains for the South (except fast mall) can be takes from 39th-st. Hyde Parkikoand 6341- st stations. Tickets at city ticket office. Ada tuul at Auditorium Hotel- Leave. Arrive.

N. oeleans, Memphis Special. 8:30 am pm Hot Spega.Ark.;via Memphia, 8:30 am 1)55 pm Mempnis and New Orleans I Limit'dHot lepgs. Ark. 8:10 pm 100'arn via Memphis.

Nashville. and Jacksonville. Monticello. IlL. and Decatur 8:10 pm 10.50 11M St.

Louis and Springfield Diamond 10:15 pm 7:35 am St. Louis and Springfield Daylight Special. Decatur. .11:35 am 7:30 Dm Cairo, Decatur, St. L.

local 8:35 am pro Fast mailNew 2:50 am Bloomington and Chats wortb. 4:30 pm pm Cbampaign and Gilman 1:10 pm Evansville Express. am 7:00 pm Evansville, Cairo. And SWIM 8:40 pm 7:00 am Mankakee and 4:30 pm 10:00 am Omaha. San Francisco 5:45 pm 9:30 am Dubuque.

S's City. Sr Falls 5:45 ora 0:30 am Omaha Sioux City Ex 8:50 am 9:30 pm Dubuque C. Fast Mail 2:55 am 2:00 ant Passenger. 2:30 pm 10:05 am Rockford Dubuque 3:45 pm pm Daily. tExcept Sunday.

HOVSEIBOLD ts--Tr SACRIFICE TODAY AT ANY OFFER' 4 entire contents ot my costly furnished 14- I private residence, 4541 such at 4, 4 brass beds, box springs, hair mattresses, h's golden oak extension table, leather seat -qg chairs. china closet with 3 bent filial 4 -4, lams size board. massive Turkish leather, or and chair. leather couch, genuine mabogan7 pietas parlor curio cabinet. Vernis martin I osa motile nishogany dressers, chiffoniers, -ring tables and ladies' desk.

davenport. 'V table. combination desk and bookcase. all in 4 di ON Px12 rugs, imported, Turkish rugs, 4 --41. hall tree.

pictures, bric-a-brac. draperies, range: will sell separately; everything is new: must be seen to be appreciated. GOQD1111; GI a etT.11,,"111 A IF A. MOM? 0,111111,171,0 NEW AND SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS Billings up 85Lyon Healy 75 Schubert UV. ION Vose 45 Kimbali sq.

55 Story ik Clark B. 375 Gray up 97 Slacker up 120 story at Clark 500 Emerson Sq 39 Sterling up 140 Story Clark 850 Kmtbe up. 210 Vose Son up 145 Story ik Clark 700, Kimball up. 120 Other upright, 160. $100, and Other equares, $15, $2n.

240. and up. Piano tuned, rented $2.50 up. STORY CLARK, 255 Wabash-ay. i IMIMMMIEN LADIES TREATED SUCCESSFULLY FOR S5 by DR.


70 Est. 1S68. Diamonds, watches. silver- ware, etc. Our prices lower than any house In Chi- atm.

ran value paid for diamondi old gold, duplicate wedding presents. Responsible parties only N. B.Will pay spot cash for large or small lots of gold filled 14-1E, 25 year eases. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD GOLD. SILver.

diamonds. duplicate wedding presents, and antiquities. or negotiate sales of such articles; confidentiat. Bredt 57 Washington-st-Room 812. STRELITZ WHOLESALE JEWELERS.

DIAMONDS AND WATCHES; MAST PAYMENTS. 2D FLOOR. 167 DE.ARBORN-ST. MONEY TO LOAN, We have a large amount of Chicago money and will act promptly on all applications. Lowest rates.

MADDEN 204 Dearborn-at. REAL ESTATE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT AT lowest rates on approved real estate security; prepayment privileges. BARNES 157 14a Salle-et. IL W. BUCHMAN.

3101 real estate loans, and Insurance: collect rents, pays taxes. manages estates for non-residents. O. P. GIBBS 125 LA SALLELOANS ON city Ir.

farm loans. Wisconsin. Iowa. Illinois; city exchanged for farms. MONEY TO LOAN ON VACANT OR IMPROVED PROPERTY; BUILDING LOANS MADE.


3. H. VAN 'VLISSINGEN MONEY loaned on Chicagd real estate at lowest rates: tmMediate Inspection. Main floor. 95 Dearborn-st.

INTEREST RATES 41,4 TO 43 PER CENT; WANT choice real estate loans: building loans made. KOZMINSKI YONDORF. bankers. 73 Dearborn. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON AP-proved Chicago real estate security.


La Salle and Washington-eta. Loans made on Chicago real estate. OBLIOED TO DIPPOSIS elms will sell reasonable if taken at once. '1411 rilabogang parlor set. leather couch 4 s-itirs.

Wilton carpets and rugs. paintings 4. lace curtains. and brass beds.ouar, A 0-4 bedroom suit. cost hair mattresses.

mabogany and oak dressers, large wed oak sideboard. with extension table. and ir theirs to match; parlor tables. rocker. corn', -kg bookcase.

lady's desk. halltrett. steel range. nont: goods are A Number One: used but a loouths. 8415 N.

opposite Newberry 1 i 1 7 LEGAL -NOTICES Alm PROPOSALS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED States. for the Northern District of Illinois. Northern Division. Charles Miller complainants, vs.

Freenort General Electric Comtutnir raaet defendants. Bill. No, 25.111. Notice is here- by given that all claims against the Freeport Gen- Electric comminv or its receiver are required to be presented for ellowance to the said receiver. the undersigned.

William O. Johnson. at his office. lila The Rookery. No.

217 La Salle-st. Chicago. within sixty days from the date hereof. This notice- is given pursuant to a decree of the eald court heretofore entered in the above entitled cause. which provides, among other things.

that any such claim which shall not be so nted or filed within the period aforesaid shall not be enforceable against said receiver or against the property of said Freeport General Electric company, which. by said decree. is directed to be sold. or against the purchaser or purchasers at such SSW or his or their successors or assigns. WI'LLIAM 0.

JOHNSON. Receiver. Feb. 1901. JULIUS BAUEt 224-226 WABASH-AY.

Chicagos oldest piano manufacturers. values in first-class pianos. Real bargeAn ill second-hand pianos. Pianos rented vrIth privilege of inirchase. Agency for the HARMONIST.

the latest Best of them all; easy to play; a child can manipulate It. Affords greatest variety at artistic effects. Don't fall to call and hear it JULIUS BAUER 224-226 Wabash-ay. 1 oExuncle sTEINvirAY UPRIGHT PIANO. 1 Sterling upright.

1150: 1 Whitney upright. 1135: 1 Janet Davie upright. 11245; the above pianos are in excellent condition and fully guaranteed; worth from 150 to $100 more; pianos to rent at 83 Der month: rent allowed if purchased. STEGER SONS PIANO MPG. 225 cot Jackson-blvd.

150 PIANOS FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS: Wegtnan. Baines Politer. Bryant, helms. and others: easy payments. 15.

Mk and hi per soonth: rent. 13 and 14 month: esoond-hand pianos. 110 end up. J. A.

BRYANT. 144 and 144 14 floor. near Madison. PIANOSBEWARE OP bogus Instruments offered as genuine iliteinwaY pianos. A fine stock of used very low prices may be found at LEO HEA- LY'S.

Wabash-ay. and they ars the only authorised Steinway agents is Chicago. UPRIGHT PIANOS TO RENT ON LOWEEP possible terms, with privilege of appWng one year's rent on purchase of an THE Joirm CHURCH 200 to 206 Wabash-ay. Tire LAIC SHORE 1107111101 N. Y.

C. R. It. and IL Van Buren-at. and Pacific-ay.

ton naval, lamp' and 22d-et. City ticket office. ISO Clark-et. Daily. tEit.

Sun. No. Lear. Arr 4ve No. Day Eames a 2 7:00 am Alb'y 0 8:30 sun sp-ne 2 N.

T. Bost. 10:30 am 4:4 )e-a New England 2:00 pm 111 )4011 1 3 Lake Sher 5:30 pm pas le Elkhart aceorn $10:0) are 171 NIEt 8:30 pm 1:14 are 37 N. T. Bost.

10:35 pia 814 aid 33 Buffalo the East ..82 8:00 am SIONON 11077713--DEPOT. DEARBORN 'Manors. Ticket office. 232 Clark-at. aad principal hotels.

Leave. Arrive. Chicago Florida 8140 pm Indianapolis am Wit LataYette Loialsvills. 8:30 am pm Indianapolis and SAO aM 'pm Indianapolis and Cincinnati. am 1114 Indianapolis and Cincinnati 11.1,4) pm Lafayette 1120pm 0104 am Lafayette and 8:30 pm i ans Indianapolis and 8:30 am 10.

ans Daily. tEx. Sun. tiltmdar Onri and Thursdays only. bWodnesdays and batunasy only.

atAcutircalr. MACHINERY FOR SALE One 16x36 Allis Cor lies engine, in exosilent condltion. FARNHAM ViTILLOUGHBY. 501 Atwood Bldg. FOR SALE-14 GASOLINE 180; 8 Lewis.

2140; also 22 Charter. cheap; rev laced by Columbits; all sizes, fully grutd.1 taasonable prices. Gates Mfg. 62 S. Canal-st.

WANTED-1 100-H. P. or 2 60-H. P. BOILERS, either new or second-hand; also I engine.

Send descriptions and lowest price toe. MILLENBACH. 650 S. Chicago. WANTEDTO BUTSECOND-HAND PLATING upplIes.

dynamo belting. wheel. etc. state what you have and lowest cash twice. Ji nsTrzx 24,8 Milwaukee.

FOR SALETO-IL P. SFEWEN AuTomATic engine. I2x36 Babcock Wilcox auto. engin. 12x7x10 duplex pump tbdi Crane D.

C. elevator engine. The EL H. Wachs 158 Indiana-it. QILD REFRIGERATOR9 TO ORDER FOR te residences.

clubs, hotels, restaurants. hos4. and meat markets: we have several second-market cooling-rooms for male: bargains. ORE LOCKETT HDWIL CO. D--6 CARLOADS OF GOOD AND MEDILorniture for the Pan-American: will tar Dor cont more than dealers: no junk Address KING.

228 Wabash-ay. AOLD GOODSSPECIAL SALE EVERY -week new and slightly used furnittwe; place In Cbtoago. 85 to VI E. 8Ist-st. PHALIN.

BENNETT CO. FINE FURNITURE 4 etorP coupe or cart at 8813 State-et. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CO. eelt. store h.

h. furniture. tel. Oak. 80.

T. W. Philpot. Mgr. GOOD CONDITION FOR 8- ale: cheap.

Inquire at 4819 third gat CARPETS TovBs. RELIABLE 4' a prices: eas3layments; liberal treat- 4NDARD FURNITURE 889 State. tr4110 FURNITURE HOTELS. ROUSES. 4.

WALLS. 881 W. Madison-st. CHICAGO. BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC Passenger Station: Van Buren.

near Clark-stCity ticket office, cor. Adams and Dearborn-eta. Trains-- Leave. Arrive. Fast Mail to Des Moines 2:59 am 4:45 pm IIltiiota Davenrt Ma 11-4, 900 am 2:50 pm Des Moines and Iowa Mail 9:00 am.

200 pm Peoria 9:00 am 2:00 pm Washington A 9:00 am 4:45 pm Joliet 11:45 am 3:45 pm Local to Davenport 1 1:00 pm pm Joliet Accommodation 3:15 pm am St. Paul Minneavolis 4 :00 pm 10:45 am Cedar Rapid Sioux Falls 4:00 pm 2:59 am Peru Accommodation 5:02 pm 9:11 am Joliet 5:00 pm 3:90 tun Lenwortb. Atoll. A ex. 1.., t- Peoria 5:45 pm 4:45 pm Omaha 6:30 pm 010:45 an Big Five) to Denver.

C-SPrga Pueblo. Utah. tik via Omaha and Lincoln. has composite Library Buffet tar. Dining car pm 7-59 am Cedar St- Paul pin I 1:00 am K.

City. Atch St. Joe Des 1 Moines. Omaha. Tex.

pm 4 1:00 am Peoria ..,.11:30 pm 2:00 am Daily. tEx. Sunday: Sat. tr.n. Mon.

ATCHISON. TOPEKA AND SANTA FE 1 Trains leave Dearborn Station. Polk and Dearborn. Ticket office, 100 Adams. 'Phone Cent.

2037. Datie, Except Sunday. Leave. Arrive. Streator.

Galesburg. Ft Mad.t 2:58 am pm The California Angeles. San Dietra.S.Friatt. 1 :90 pm 2:15 pm Streator. Pekin.

Monmouth 108 pm pm greater Joliet, Lockport, Lemont. -lett am Lemont, Lockport. Joliet 5:08 pm 8:42 am K. City, Utah TOL 6:00 pm 0:30 am K. City.

Cal. and Stexico 10:00 pm 40 2:40 am K. City. Oklahoma A 9:00 pm HART FRANK 128 AND 180 WARRINGTONet.Loans on Chicago real estate and building loans made at lowest market rates. No 11ONEY TO LOAN ON CHICAGO REAL EState at loweet rates.


STONE 206 La Salle-et. I telephones. Main 520, j. WM. HOWARD 160 WASHINGTONst.Money to loan on vacant and Improved; lowest rates.

cLAInvoirAwns. MRS. IL ELLSWOtTH, '30 YRS. A CLAIRVOY- ant and palmist. can be consulted daily at her U.

W. cot State and RoMn likttrsuica 70 IL Madison-st. She will read your entire past. present. and future: give advice on all affairs of love business, or health.

1100re 10 to 3. Thursdays to 9 Piria, the palmist. can be consulted at this office. Readings 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Readings given by mail- Send self-addressed and stamped envelope. MME. LULU. TRUTHFUL FORTUNE TELLER and palmist; satisfaction given and full readings; ladles Idol gentlemen 00c. 207W.

IIRS. LA ORANGE. CLAIRVOYANT. 801 st. near Robey station; 10 to 10.

ERIE LINES CHICAGO ERIE RAILROa Ticket Steen, 242 Auditorium lbwotat, Dearborn Station- 'Phone OM Main- Daily- tDally ea Standar, toPliVe. Nitre. Marion Local 110 am pee New York and. 'Boston o00 pm Ianteetoara and Buffalo 3 pui pea Rocbeeter Huntington pm 103'1 MN New York and PIA pm Columbus and Norfolk, Va. ,2:300 Pre TtrE CELEBRATED CEASE BROS, PIANOS, Used exc1us1vel3r at the Chicago Auditorium Conservatory; also the Beckley and Carlisle pianos, sold only at 210 Webash-av, A BEAT-J-11mm NEW UPRD.IIT PIANO.

2125, IN bargain. Melville Clark Plane Co- diN-Wo W. Madison-st. EDGAR M. SNOW 101 WASRING1'014-- et.

loan on Chicago improved real estate: lowest current retell: no delay; we pees upon security. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES---PAYAhie in currency DUNLAP SMITH' ITO Dearborn-st. E. W. 155 LA HAVE money to loan on Chicago real state upon lowest current terms.

Co IP HORSES AND CARRIAGES -A LADY WILL DISPOSE OF THE FOLLOWING carriages. harnesses, etc. to an immediate pur- chaser at 1-3 cash: Extension top cutunder surreY iverY ughti. seats 4. cost $375.

priest $116: Spring, shifting top. rubber-tired buggy. price $100; handsome stanhope, price $80; set gold mounted surrey harness. price Alb; met light road harness, price Ob. P.

S.All of the above ars practically new, purchased in New York last separately. Inquire or address owner's residence, SU NV. Adams-st. LLNXS BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. ETC FOR BALD-812COND-HAND BILLIARD AND POO tables; we rent tables with privilege of buying- Tho Brunettick-Balke-Collender 2d3 and 3,66 Wabash-ay.

TO LOANSPECIAL FUND WOO AND wards. 8 and er neat. E. N. WEART 115 Deerbotn-et.

BALTIMORE OHIODEPOT. GRAND (MNtral Paotsenser Ticket Mere. 244. Clare. at.

and Auditorium. No extra, tare ott trains. Leave. Aviv. Local Harwell, 7:13 p-s N.

Y. and Wash. Yee. Limite4 10:10 am 0: tar N. Nita.

Ves. Limo- 330 pm 00:00 aut Columbus WbeelIng Exp pm el 4 eve Cleveland Pltta. 0 Put sae Daily. tDlly ex. Strodei.

AND OFFICE FIXTURES. TOP DESKS. ROLL 4 IL owlval ohaire, 112-00; 5-ft. oak high top dooka. 224; will fo-----outilta your old dealt and chair.

BAKER. Dearborn-at. 44-4 LoalKS-4 Wit mak then In great curt at our loss: a tow wood 4 op alpdatt STAF 22 Pl. Via -4 174 E. Madisonet.

Bar. 2727. GAP ALL SIZES. NEW OR USED. o4 east or 'soy lbaYalentelita SABATH SAFE look litn-av.

LEGAkNT BRUNSWICII POOL AND BILLIARD INSTRU CTI ON. I itables. melt rentreaoonable. Vtatturen. FOR SAtEr-CHOICE LIST OP 1ST GOLD tortes es.

HAVE. ER DELFOSSE. 115 Washington-et. LOANS TO OWNERS. 11,000 TO RIVER to Fullerton lake to Halsted.

CHAS. T. PALMER. 8 A Portland Block. cfficAtoo zuTERN ILLINOIS RAILROAD Ticket Mee.

131 Auditorium Annex. and Dearborn Station. Dearborn and Po ik-ato Tel- ephone Central SM. tExeept supday. eept Sat.

tExeatat Mon. Leave. Arrive. Terre Haute Evansville $:30 am 9:15 pm Southern DI. 8:90 9:13 pm Mtn.

Brasil am 143 pro crvitea410 lelorida am 9:90 pm cage Nashville Lam. pm De Lis am Terre Haute Pc Evansville 11:34 pm 6:33 am -Arkansas Texts-. PM Ctoa am DDminte ear on Moat trillitigt. NOG CARDS SO 'ENVELOPES. 11.60; BILL.

bea6r. $1. poraablets. catalvra circular cheap. Z.


Branches, ell ove and America. BEST NATIVE TEACHERS. FEE 'REASONABLE, AL LESSON AWARDED TWO 41OLD AND TWO MYNA MEDALS AT PARIS EXPOSITION for best and most practical inethod. Gleams NMV141118140115, CCNARD LINE Errl'ABLISHED 1840. NEW 1-0 R.K.

BOSTO.N.QUEENS'N,LIVERPOOL. Etruria Mar. 2 Mar. 39 May 11 Juno 8 9 Apr. 0 May 4 Juno 1 Umbria Mar.

10 Apr- IT May 25 Juno 12 Campania Ma. 23 Apr. 20 May 18 Juno 15 27 June 1 Bareala(new twin-aerew) May 11 Jun a 25 July 29 Cunard line record-5 days. hours. 21 lutillutesT.

G. WHITING. Dmizbera sod Peo-I44. COMIAGNIE (INFRA! TRANSIMANTIQVE. Preach linoNow York to HavrePara Sailing or.

SI Tbitradas St 10 a. m. IAquitaine Le. Bratagn I La ob. 291 Los Men.

14 ram Enuresis MABILMOrg. Company'soctal vestibuled trainrvre-Paris in four hours. Isediseed cahlis rate. 1 and utritarlii. IL W.

KO 0. W. 21 VACATION TOURS AND EXCIIIIR81ON13 Porto Rico. Pros-leo. Japan.

R.tropo. 1 41 Adat-ir-t. rafrq-n IIVSICAL RIG POUR ROL-TRDEPOTS, Park Row, and 224. 39th, NM. mind 444d-sts.

o.does at Auditorium. tEs. Sunday. Leave. Indianapolis land am -e touhtville am t.t., 34 I 'incinnati and.

Wets.hinstrion. 1144 pm I a Lafayette and toulaville. pm II; i Indianapolis and Clneinn.iti..4..30 pre oTt ool.m.e,00sommoo NICKEL-PLATETHE NEW YORK. and St. Louis R.

R. Depot. Van on Elevated Loop. All trainsom Liman. New York and Roston ant New York 1- 4 New York and Boston Citv ticket odic, 111 At3ems-st.

Arr-T ra TO ON GOOD IMPROVED crr or suburban real E. A. IIENSHAW irt Washington-it. JOIN E. COLNON 90 WASHINGTON- st Loans on real estate; best terms; no dela, 1 we pass on serurity; building loans a specialtY.

WILLIAM A. BOND 115 have funds to loan at current rates In sums suit: we pees on security. McLANE GUNN 100 WASHINGTON-ST. neat estate loans: we pass Qn security; no delay: 11 eaPensst bulidirug loans made. REAL ESTATE LOANS AT 5 PER CENT.

$2.500 and upwards. with prepayment Drivilesion. LAWYERS. COLLECTED 'Olt POOR PEOPLE 't to stoner, we quickly collect wages. 10041-4 bEllu, eta on percentage; our ie- iron) your bill wben collected; 'lb Greene Agency.

305. Central OIL a fairrYER QI7lETLIr matters, and personal In url 4.1.r bind: consultation tree. Call or CPMERINO PIANOS ISRPRPSPNTPD IN Slaloms solely CLArrON bIlltidir CO. lid bond for bulletin of second-band pianos. GRAND PRIM PI 1400.

To pee TATart a pianos. sm Try tbssa. britoNo a r. Wabas-. --GNINGEN PIANOtil AND Vine display; niEW styles; low gcse Tteerp VT PRINT1110 MATERIAL.

261E34 33X48 MIEBLEIS. 19E42 HUBER. 40X58. 31IS3 48 3 11,,2 revolutions; 11444 Babcock. Used Potter.

t1 cottrU. thitz30. Hoes. drums. POWELL.

Zan Dearborn. coorntELL DRUM. TAPELEFB. Ara: other homing- Wanner's Printers' loCachinery. fr 'n CHICAGO, GREAT WESTERN RY- MAPLE Leaf Route- t-immt Contml Estation.

WI-ay. And Harr1son-0- Adams. 'Hume Igetoteetzt. tExmtpt Smptity. Arnim.

Do. 41:4, pm IL, CRT, lefiL. t1014 pm Dest moineciltarshalletra :10:114 Pm 9 i'lO Pos g-venmorr 111-rnn Lnon 3-1R pm 1 Itm.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Is Chicago Tribune Republican or Democrat? ›

Under their leadership, the Tribune distanced itself from the Know Nothings, and became the main Chicago organ of the Republican Party.

Can you read the Chicago Tribune for free? ›

On, there are three levels of participation: Non-Subscriber: You can read a limited number of articles at no charge.

What if I didn't get my Chicago Tribune today? ›

For customer service issues, including questions about your subscription or delivery, call 312-546-7900. You can report a missed delivery here. Email addresses for staff are listed on stories and on reporters' author bios.

What is the most respected newspaper in the US? ›

The New York Times

For more than 150 years, Times readers have expected their newspaper to provide the most thorough and uncompromising coverage in the world. The Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.749 million subscribers.

Is the Chicago Tribune a good source? ›

Overview. Ad Fontes Media rates Chicago Tribune in the Middle category of bias and as Reliable, Analysis/Fact Reporting in terms of reliability. Chicago Tribune is a daily newspaper and the largest news organization in the Midwest, with a focus on the Chicago, IL, area.

Is Chicago a Republican city? ›

Traditionally, Chicago, East Saint Louis, and the Quad Cities region have tended to vote heavily Democratic, along with the Central Illinois population centers of Peoria, Champaign-Urbana and Decatur.

Is the Chicago Tribune closing? ›

After 43 years of spewing out countless millions of newspapers, the production run was the last for the Chicago Tribune at the massive plant along the Chicago River. The largest newspaper printing plant in North America is coming down. Chicago's first casino will go up in its place.

What is Chicago Tribune famous for? ›

The Tribune, winner of 27 Pulitzer Prizes, is known for its innovative investigative reporting, insightful coverage of the arts and culture, and community-leading opinion writing.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday.

How much is a daily Chicago Tribune? ›

*Savings based on newsstand rates of $4.00 Daily, $5.75 Sunday plus $4.99 weekly Standard Digital Access.

Can I get the Chicago Tribune mailed to me? ›

To manage your print and digital subscriptions, start a new subscription or submit questions or complaints about home delivery, billing or vacation holds, call 1-800-TRIBUNE (874-2863) To contact customer service online, go to HOME DELIVERY RATES (Weekly rates*) MON-FRI SUNDAY 7DAYS ...

How do I access Chicago Tribune? ›

How do I log in to the website?
  1. From any page on, click or tap on the “log in” button in the upper right corner.
  2. In the “email address” field, enter the email address that is connected to your subscription.
  3. In the “password” field, enter the password you previously created.
  4. Click or tap on “log in”.

How much does it cost to put a death notice in the Chicago Tribune? ›

Starting at $315.00. A printed notice in the Death Notice section of the Chicago Tribune that references a Maiden Name and refers reads to see the notice under the person's married last name.

What is the top paper in Chicago? ›

1. The Chicago Tribune. The Chicago Tribune is a Pulitzer Prize winning paper and the flagship publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

1. Dainik Jagran. Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage.

What is the most watched news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper today? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
1Wall Street JournalNews Corp
2New York TimesNew York Times Company
3New York PostNews Corp
4Washington PostWashington Post
21 more rows
Feb 19, 2024


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.