Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)

vV r- Kl'EFPNTK Walter G. Kueffner, aged 64. at AUNDER8 Robert H. Saunders. M.

be CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE Wed, Dae. 24, 1852 PLAN FOR NEW OBITUARIES Maj. Gen. Fletcher Gardner DE BONTE Mathilda De Bonte, 5010 W. Qulnry street.

Dec 22. 1952, beloved Wife of the late Paul Da Bonte. loving mother of Josephine Laswers, Horte'iue ttruyf. Rachel Krenz, and the late Frana end Emil De Bonte. grandmother of flvc.

At chapel, 2024 E. 75th street, where services will be held Friday. Dec. 6, at 2:30 P. m.

Interment Oak Wood. DENISON John W. Denison. Dec. 33.

1952. husband cf Teresa C. Denison. father of John C. Denison and Mrs.

Gardner J. Fabian, three grandchildren, brother of Donald G. Denison and Mrs. Harlan B. Collins.

Servtoes 2 p. m. Friday at hi home. 1621 Wesley avenue. Evanston.

Burial private. DESMOND EUen M. Keatlnf Desmond, Dee. 22, beloved wife of Owen fond mother of Mrs. Grace Holland, Mrs.

David S. Paden, Owen, Gerald and the late Ralph sister of Mrs. Margaret Schillo. Funeral Wednesday. 9 a.

from chapel, Serf boulevard at 77th street, to St. Bride's church. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre.

SOuth Short 8-S822. DONATH Sylvia Donath, nee Berman, 61 1841 E. 76th street, beloved wife of George, dear mother cf Sandra and Ronald, fond sister of Rae Kramer. Estelle Lisner of Lot Angeles. and Harry Berman of Toronto, Canada.

Service Friday. 10 a. at chapel, 6955 Stony Lsiand avenue. Inter- ment Oaa Woods. FIND WOMAN, 82, DEAD ON STREET; WILL ON BODY Miss Anna E.

Hobelman, 82, of 1264 Early av was found dead early last evening in front of the Monadnock building at ,333 Federal st. Apparently she had fallen from a window of the building. In her purse was a savings passbook of the First National bank showing a balance of $5,527. tt also contained the name of Mrs. Anita Acker ley, 2645 N.

Laramie who said Miss Hobelman, her second cousin, had retired several years ago as a lumber company secretary, and had lived alone at loved husband ot the late Cora lond father of Jessie Veenkant and Robert brother of Mrs. Nellie Woodward and J. Wirt Saunders, grandfather ot Lynn and Allen Veenkant, Member cf Favenswoc4 lodge. No. 777, F.

A A. and American Medical society. Services Friday. Dec. 26.

11 a. at funeral home. 6200 N. Western avenue, comer ol Foster. Interment Rosehlll cemetery.

SCHACHEXL Frank J. late ot 1907 S. 48th court. Cicero, beloved husband of Georglana. nee Vlach: dear brother cf Margaret Heinz.

Services Friday at 10:30 a. m. at chapel. 2534 S. Pulaskt road.

Interment Bohemian National. LAwn-dale 1-3972. SCHAEFFNEB George Schaeffner, beloved nusoana or Lottie Balasa Schaeffner, brother of John. Peter and the late Joseph. brother-ln-Uw of Verne.

Helen and Catherine Scnaeffner. Stanlev, Andrew Lefty 1 and Waiter Balasa. Funeral Friday. Dec. 26.

at 9:30 a. from parlor, 1750 W. 35tr stret to Our Lady of Good Counsel church. Burial SL Mary s. LAIayetta 3-1664.

SCHIMEK Raymond James Schlinek, late et som street, husband of Bemice, nee Johnion; father of Beverlyjean. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlmek. brother Mrs.

Ben I Mae) Kwaak. Mrs. Roy Agnesl Dempsey. and Mrs. WllUera I Lillian I Collins.

Resting at funeral heme, street and Phillips avenue. Services 1 p. m. Friday. Interment Evergreen cemetery.

SOuth Shore 8-6959. Member cf tne Street Car Men a union, division 241. SCHMIDT Elite beth SchmiSt. beloved wife cf rrana, loving mother ef Verna Krlck, Merced Sommers. Willard.

Franklin. Ralda Partchewstu, Edwin. Carleton, and Raymond, fond sister of Anton Brezinskl, dear grandmother cf 11. Resting at chapel, 2410 W. North avenue.

Funeral services Saturday at 1 p. m. at Wicker Park Lutheran church. Le Moyne and Hoyne avenue. Interment Chapel Hill Gardens cemetery.

SCHNAKE.NBERO Henry Sehnakenberf aged on years, oeioveo Husband of Myrtle, nee Miller; fond father of Robert, dear brother cf Helen Feltr. and. John, loving grandfather of Candace. Services Friday. 1:30 P.

at chapel, 8905-07 Lincoln avenue, under auspices of Acme lodge No. 1081, A. F. and A. of which he was past master.

Interment, Eden cemetery. Member cf Scottish Rite bodies: Trowel post. No. 160. A.

and Columbus Council, No. 383, Royal League. SCHNEIDER Anna H. Schneider of 4739 W. "luuKiun oouievsro, beloved wife of Theodore, dear sister of Herman SeidllU, Rutn Wallace.

Elnora Edgren. and the late Nor. man. Resting at funeral home. 5709 W.

Madison street, where service will be held Frldsy, 2:30 p. zn. Interment Woodlawn, AUJtin 7-2012. SCHUMACHER See John P. Higgins notice.

SCULLY See Mary Wren notice. 80BCZAK Aplonla Sobezak, Dec. 22. 1953, oi osoa rvewport avenue, loving mother cf Richard Shirley. Edward Sobcsak.

Chet Stevens. Zee Galllvan. and Marlon Jenkins, mother-in-law or Estelle Shirley, Robert M. Galllvan. Matthew Jenkins, and Dee Stevens, grandmother of seven, great-grandmother of two.

Funeral Friday at 9:30 a. m. from funeral home, 6259 Roscoe street, to St. Ladlslaua- church. Interment St.

Adalbert cemetery. SOMER9 Margaret Somers. formerly cf 5953 rrmceion avenue, Dec. 22, 1832. wife cf the late William A.

Somers, mother of the late Alfred H. Somers. At chapel. 2024 E. 7Sth street.

Jefiery boulevard at 75th, where services will be held Friday. Dec. 26, at 1 p. m. interment Oak Woods.

8TELTER Julius Stelter. beloved husband ot eien, nee Hugel; dear father of Rutit Taylor, and La Verne Klrchenberg. one grandchild, brother of Otalie Dingel of Europe. In state at Bethel Evangelical Lutheran church. Springfield and Hlrsch.

from 2 p. m. Friday, Dec. 26. until the hour of service, 2:30 p.

m. Interment St. Lucas'. At rest in funeral home. 4138 w.

North avenue, until 1 p. m. Friday. Inio. BElmont 5-6812.

SULLIVAN Lillle Rose Sullivan, beloved wife oi Vincent, fond mother of Jerome and Grace Shug, sister of Elsie Kamjan. Funeral Friday, 10 a. from chapel, 5911 W. Madison street, at Mason avenue, to Our Lady of Angels church, interment Queen ot Heaven. EStebrook 8-7600.

SWITZER Emmet B. Swltzer cf Et Cerrito. uk. a 7. 1(32, survivca oy widow, Maude, three sons, and a daughter.

Former resident of Chicago. ULRICH Mary Ulrlch, Dee. 23, of 2030 isingnam atreet, beloved mother of Henry, fond sister of Sophie Horter and Paul Gerber, sister-in-law of Joseph Hartman, aunt of Bernhard. Services Wednesday, 2:30 p. at funeral home, 3429 Fullerton avenue.

Interment Montrose. VLASATY James Vlasaty. late of 3403 S. Lombard avenue, Berwyn. 111., dear husband of Frances, fond father ot Blanche Bozicnlk, lather-ln-law of Raymond Bozicnlk.

grandfather of Raymond James. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 24. 1952, at 1 p. from chapel, 227 W.

Cermak road. Berwyn, 111., to Bohemian National cemetery. Member ot Medinah Temple Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite: Bohemian lodge, Ko. 943, A. F.

A. Klub Dobrovsky: Bohemia Low 12 club; Lawndale Chapter. No. 343, R. A.

M. of Illinois, and Syracuse, NO. 500, K. cf P. VOKURKA John Vokurka 1022 E.

Liberty drive. Wheaton. beloved husband of the late Sophia, fond father ot John Jr. and the late Ceorgina Stank. Resting at chapel, 12a N.

Hale atreet, Wheaton. Funeral Friday, 11 a. m. WALLACE Joe Wallace. See Wolosiyn notice, WALSH Patrick Walsh, formerly of 5129 Lowe, beloved husband of late Julia Nolan Walsh, father of Patrick, brother cf Robert.

Mary Brady, and John of Chicago, and Catherine Godfrey, Elizabeth Ryan, Martin and Michael of Ireland. Funeral Friday, 9 a. from funeral home, 5438 S. Halsted street, to Et. John the Baptist church.

Interment Holy Sepulchre. Native of Grange, County Limerick, Ireland. BOulevard 6-0662. WASHBURN Dr. Chester A.

Dec 22. 1952, of 4118 N. Ashland avenue, beloved husband of Bertha fond father of Helen and Charles A. fervlces at chapel, 2701 N. Clark street.

Wednesday, at p. m. Interment private. Please emit Dowers. WEI88 Frank A.

Weiss of 4428 N. Dover street, Dec. 21. 1952. dearly beloved husband of Alice, nee Salmen; devoted father cf Patricia and Jimmle, dear son of Waiter and Ella Weiss.

At chapel, 5601 N. Ashland avenue, until 9 a. Wednesday; In state at Bethany Evangelical and Reformed church. Paulina and Cullom avenue, from 10 a. m.

until services at 11 a. zn. Interment Memory Gardens. WHEELER Ethyl Me Wheeler, Dee. 23.

et Miami Beach, formerly of 6836 Bennett avenue, beloved wife of the late Claude loving mother of Claude A. Jr. of San Antonio, Tex. and Mrs. Marian MacConnell.

grandmother of Claude Allen. Resting at chapel after 8 a. m. Thursday. Funeral Friday, 2 p.

from chapel. Jeffery boulevard at 77th street. Interment Oak Woods. SOuth Shore 8-8822. WHITE James F.

White, Dee. 32. beloved; husband of Elizabeth, dear son ot Lottie. Services Wednesday, 2 p. at chapel, 2221 TJneoln avenue.

Interment Rosehlll. Member of Hotel and Apartment Hotel Service, local 593. WINTERS Henry C. Winters, age 86, cf 8819 Exchange avenue, passed away Monday. Dec 22, at South Chicago Community hospital.

Survived by wife, Mary; cue son, James Fred; two daughters, Mrs. Elmlra First and Betty-Jean; three grandchildren, three brothers, and two sisters residing in Teanessee. Funeral services at the chapel, 7042 Kennedy avenue. Hammond. 3 p.

m. Friday, Dec. 36. Burial Elmwood cemetery. WOLOSZrN Joseph Wolosryn, beloved husband of Stephanie, devoted father cf Joanne and Robert, dear son ot saiomea, nee wis-niewakl, and the late John, brother ot Louis.

John and the late Caslmer, Alexander and Leon, son-in-law ef Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oleszko. Resting at chapel, 2010 W. 51st street.

Funeral notice later. ARmitage 6-4 575. WREN Mary X. Wren, nee Downey, late of 2620 w. 72d street, beloved wife ot Maurice (MosteJ, sister ot Matthew, Mrs, Florence MUrphy, Mrs.

Marceila Selapis, John. Robert, Mrs. Dorothy Leddy, James, and the late Thomas Bernard and Irene. Funeral Friday, 9:15 a. from funeral home, 4 6th place and Wallace street, to St.

Adrian's church. Interment St. Mary's, BOulevard 8-0703. YOUNG Josephine Young, late cf 7743 Marquette avenue, daughter of the late Alfred and Benedicts Young, sister of Mrs. Frank E.

fJMnette) Hoe j. Mn. Herbert TYardaJ Andersen. Mrs. Alice Walker, tint, and the late Jacob F.

Resting at funeral home. 79th street and Phillips avenue, entll a. m. Frldsy, then to lie in state at St. Luke's Lutheran church, 77th street and Constance avenue.

Services at 3 p. m. Interment Oak woods. SOuth Shore 8-6959. ZIF.NKO Antoinette Zlenko.

see Mleczko. be I loved wife of the late Walter, dear mother of Frances Underwood, Emeline Boruckl, and Chester mother-in-law of Alex Borueki, 1 Frank Underwood, and Grace zienko. Funeral Friday, 9:30 a. from chapel, 4920-24 Irving Park road, to Our Lady cf Victory church. Interment St, Adalbert's.

Klldare 5-6220. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION OF THE TRIBUNE Order for mail subscription must be accompanied by remittance to cover. Rates tn Illinois outside Chicago, Indiana, Iowa, Mich fk an, and Wisconsin: Daily without Sunday, one year, $7.50: six months. 83.75: three months, 82.00; on month. 75 cents.

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Give postofflce address in full, including county and state. Remit in express money order, draft, or in registered letter at our mk t4 The Tribune company, publishers. Tribune) Square, Chicago. We cannnt be responsible for currency gent thru the mail. Persons wishing to take The Tribune by carrier may order it by postcard or telephone) superior 7-01 00.

When delivery la Irregular make complaint. All unsolicited tnantrscrlrts, articles, letters, and picturee sent to The Tribune are sent at the owner's risk and The Tribune company expressly repudiates any liability or responsibility lof their safe custody or return. MEMBER OP THK ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use for republication ot all the local news printed in this newspaper, as well SJ all AP news dispatches. I CHICAGO YANK KILLED, JOLIET CORPORAL SHOT Hubbard Woods Officer Missing in Korea A Chicago army sergeant has been killed, a Hubbard Woods marine lieutenant is reported missing in action, and a Joliet army corporal has been wounded in the Korean war, according to defense department casualty list No. 717 released yesterday.

The dead man is Master Sgt. Edward W. Lewis 27, formerly of 6419 Rhodes whose wife, Waivie, now lives at 4510 Wood-lawn av. Lewis was killed Dec. 9 as he fought with the 15th infantry regiment to take Jackson hilL He enlisted in the army shortly after his graduation from Englewood High school and fought thru the Italian campaign in World War II.

He then worked for two years as administrative supervisor in the mail department of the Veterans administration, 366 Adams before his reenlist- 2 Lewis leftl and Duabaagh ment in 1947. He arrived in Ko rea in June. Also surviving is his father, who lives at 6323 St. Lawrence av. Marine 2d Lt.

Franklin P. Dun-tiaugh, 23, of 993 Green Bay Hubbard Woods, has been missing in action since Dec. 5, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.

Dunbaugh, have been informed. He entered the marine corps in June, 1951, after his graduation from Harvard university. He has been in Korea since last June. Dunbaugh, a graduate of North Shore Country Day school, suffered- a shell fragment wound in the shoulder on Sept. 15 but returned to the 1st marine infantry regiment after recuperating in a hospital in South Korea.

The wounded man is Corp. Benedict A. Sow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.

Sowa, 1008 Hacker Joliet. 1 KILLED, 2 HURT WHEN ENGINE FALLS INTO PIT Madison, 111., Dec. 23 (JP)-One man was killed and two others injured today when a diesel switch engine ran off the end of a track and fell into a pit in which some men were working south of here. George Cline, 36, of Cowden, 111., was killed. John HRoberts, Ramsey, 111., suffered a back injury, and Earl Fletcher, Charleston, 111., Was cut and bruised.

Madison police said the workmen removed a section of track normally over the pit, which is used in cleaning steam locomotives in the Nickel Plate railroad yards. A barricade had been erected to warn of the missing trackage, officers said. switch engine, operated by Hugh Stuart of Madison, broke thru the barrier, police said, toppled into the pit. PLANE CRASHES INTO TRANSPORT AGROUND; 14 DIE SEOUL, Korea, Dec. 23 () A small plane taking off from a Korean air base collided yester day with a taxiing transport car rying hospital patients, killing all 14 aboard the two aircraft, the air force said tonight.

The two-engine air evacuation transport plane was manned by a Greek crew. The Greek pilot was the only one to be brought alive from the wreckage. He died later in a hospital. The victims, in addition to the Greek pilot, were six hospital pa- tients, three Greek crewmen, two air force flight nurses, an Amerl can air force medical corpsman and the pilot of the small plane The air force withheld the names of the victims. JARECKI ORDERS MANAGER VOTE IN DES PLAIN ES Judge Edmund K.

Jarecki of County court yesterday ordered a referendum Jan. 31 in Des Plaines on the question of whether that city shall adopt the city manager form of government. The voters also will decide whether aldermen shall be elected by wards or at large in event the city manager plan is adopted. A petition asking the referendum, and containing 1,137 signatures, was filed by Howard W. Clement, attorney who said he headed a citizens committee which circulated the petition.

Gets 25 Years in Holdup After Plea of Guilty Davenport, Dec. 23 Spe ciall--James Royal Green, 25, of Clinton, today was sentenced to 25 years in Fort Madison penitentiary in connection with a filling station holdup shooting. He pleaded guilty before District judge Matthew Westgate to a charge of robbery with aggravation. Green held up the Midwestern Oil company in West Davenport Sunday night and wounded Charles Defrates, 62, relief I I 'i i mil Jean P. de La Chapelle Services for Jean Passerat de La Chapelle, 86, a retired glass manufacturer, who died last Wednesday in a nursing home in Englewood, N.

were held Saturday in Tenafly, N. J. He formerly was associated with his father in the La Bastie Glass works at Ottawa, La Salle county. He went to New York in 1909 and engaged in the wine importing business with Henri E. Gourd.

He was a former secretary of the French chamber of commerce in New York. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Jacques Cornet and Mrs. Jean Fulchiron; three sons, Jacques of Chicago, Henri, and Richard, and a sister, the Rev. Mother Vicar Theresa de La Chapelle of the Convent of the Cen-acle, New York.

Mrs. Ethyl Mae Wneeler Services for Mrs. Ethyl Mae Wheeler, 72, of Miami Beach, a Chicago resident until recently, will be held at 2 p. m. Friday in the chapel at 7651 Jeff ery av.

Mrs Wheeler, who died Monday in Miami Beach, was the widow of Claude A. Wheeler, architect who died in 1951. She was the found er of the Washington and Jane Smith Old Peoples Home, 2340 113th pi A son, Claude A. and a daughter, Mrs. Marian MacCon- nell, survive.

Mrs. George Donath Mrs. Sylvia Donath, 42, of 1841 E. 78th died yesterday in her home. She was the first president and the honorary president of the Kaminsky Cancer Research group.

Surviving are her husband, George; a son, Ronald; a daughter, Sandra; two sisters, Mrs. Rae Kramer and Mrs. Estelle Lisner, and a brother, Harry Berman. Services will be held at 10 a. m.

Friday in the chapel at Island av. Mrs. Owen E. Desmond Mass for Mrs. Ellen Keating Desmond, 85, of 8130 Essex wife of Owen E.

Desmond, former president of the O. E. Desmond company, building contractors, will be said at 9:30 a. m. today in St.

Bride's church. She died Monday. Mrs. Desmond was a lifelong Chi cagoan. Besides her husband she leaves two daughters, Mrs.

Grace Holland and Mrs. David S. Paden; two sons, Owen and Gerald a grandchild, and a sister. Countess Margaretta LONDON, Dec. 23 (VP) Margaretta, dowager countess of Win-chilsea and Nottingham and the only daughter of the late Anthony J.

Drexel of Philadelphia, died Monday. The countess was married in 1910 to the 14th earl of Winchilsea. He died in 1939. Two daughters survive, Lady Daphne Straight, wife of Whitney Straight, airman and racing motorist, and Diana Tiarks. LIVINGSTON MAYS, PASTOR, EDUCATOR, AND DIPLOMAT DIES Nashville, Dec.

23 (P) Dr. Livingston T. Mays, 79, Bap- tish minister, diplomat, and educa. tor, died of a heart attack in a Nashville hospital last night. He filled the pulpit of North Shore church, Chicago, during his 50 years as a pastor.

Dr. Mays served pastorates in arge cities of the United States and in Rome, Italy. He was a past president of the Southern Baptist convention. He was appointed American con sul in Canada by President Wit son in 1914. Dr.

Mays served as president of the Cuban American college in Havana; dean of the summer School of Theology in Ridgecrest, N. professor at Furman university, Tennessee Col lege for Women, and the Univer sity School In Montgomery, Ala. SEIZE SPEEDER IN STOLEN AUTO AFTER COLLISION Samuel Graclos, 24, of 4456 Honore was held last night by Englewood police after he was captured by Policemen James Egan and Joseph Solecki of the motorcycle unit in the rear of 6007 S. Racine av. The capture cul minated a chase in which Gracios driving a stolen car with no license plates, ran several stoplights at high speed, crashed into a parked car at 6005 Racine and then attempted to flee on foot.

The car had been stolen earlier in the evening from Joseph Mi tros, while it was parked at his home at 4327 Hermitage av. Gracios at tracted attention of the policemen at 59th and Ashland av. They gave chase when they noted the lack of license plates as he ran thru the 59th st. stoplight, northbound in Ashland. After the crash, Solecki pursued Gracios into an areaway and Egan.

who had gone, around to the rear. seized him as he leaped over a fence. DISHWASHER'S $11,000 IN BANK BARED BY DEATH A Loop hotel dishwasher who lived frugally and walked to work each day was discovered yesterday to have had more than $11,000 in bank deposits. Police said Nick Weber, 72, who had worked unti: October-at the Bismarck hote: died Monday in his $5 a week room at 919 Madison apparent ly from natural causes. His bank books revealed that he had de posited $800 two days before he quit his because of failing health.

Residents of the hotel said Weber never spoke of any rela tives and that he was a Bulgarian immigrant. POLICIES TOLD BY GUTKNECHT BY PERCY WOOD State's Atty. Gutknecht. discussing the problems of his new of fice, said yesterday that he would rather indict a $50,000 a year lawyer for extending a bribe than a 6,000 assistant prosecutor, or a $250 a month clerk, for accepting a bribe. "But if I got the evidence Gutknccht I'd indict them all," he added.

1 have told my staff that, and I have also told them that I want integrity first and ability second. Eut I want ability. "I said that if there is any irruption in my office, and my assistants know it and don't report it to me, they will be discharged." Finds Nothing Wrong Gutknecht continued, "I have found nothing wrong with the staff, added: "I have told the staff that their duty to the county comes first, and then their duty is to the state's attorney. Their duty to a crooked colleague exists not at all. And if anybody has a primary school boy's idea that it's wrong to peach, even tho the honor of the county is at stake, then I don't want him with me.

Love of country comes ahead of any school boy's mistaken ideas. "I have in mind that men in the state's attorney's office can rarely be dishonest unless there are dishonest lawyer outside." Discusses Personal Tax The Cook county prosecutor said that he didn't believe In discussing detailed plans so early in his administration, but he promised to press action on a great backlog of unpaid 1951 personal property tax cases which he found pending in the office. "There are more than 200,000 cases for. 1951," Gutknecht said, plus about 125,000 for former years. I haven't any idea yet of how much money is involved but I will be collecting a lot for the county on these cases.

'We are going to do the best we can but where we will get the staff to prosecute and the judges to hear the cases, I don't know. Another thing which is worry ing the new state's attorney is the traffic branch of the Municipal courtclose to his heart since he presided over it in the '30s and instituted a record system of past violators which he said now has been junked. Needs Streamlined Office Gutknecht comes into this pic ture because of the fact that he must assign an assistant to try these cases, and the assistant, he said, will not now have a record of the man he is prosecuting." My office needs streamlining, the prosecutor continued, "and I propose to see that it is done. Take the traffic situation: Certain prose cutions for serious offenses in an honest and intelligent manner are more important to the safety pic ture than wholesale prosecutions dictated by revenue considerations and based upon the theory that arrests have no relation to the capacity of the courts. Education and drastic prosecu tion of the most serious violations is more important than wholesale arrests that crowd the courtroom to such an extent that the serious offenses are lost in the shuffle 3 GUNMEN COW 12, GET $350 Three Nro unmen took 4350 and a eloek yesterday in a holdup et th Greenstein Drug store, 2358 vn Buren t.

Twelve persons, in cluding 10 customers, were neraea into a rear room belore the robbers ned. -FUNERAL D1RZCT0BS- Funeral Information LAIN SON SOUTH CHAPEL S16 W. 63D-ST. PHONE: WEntworth 6-0025. WEDNESDAY STREET George H.

10 a. m. at chapel, FRIDAY PETERSON Aaron. 1 p. m.

at chapel, NORTH CHAPEL 5501 N. ASHLAND-AV. PHONE: LOngbeach. 1-2645. WEDNESDAY BELL Russell.

10 m. at chipl, CARMICHAEL Julia. 11 a. m. at chapel MOTSKO Andrew.

At chapel until 12 nbon POPPE James. 1 p. m. at chapel BO SENGREN Alfred. 2 n.

m. at chapel KCHWANHT William A. 9 a. m. at chapel, ntiss-jrni a.

1 1 a. m. in cnurcn FRIDAY LESTER Flirenca H. 1 p. m.

at chapel SOUTHWEST CHAPEL 2121 W. 95TH-ST. PHONE: BEverly 8-2182. WEDNESDAY MORITZ Victor C. 1 p.

m. at chapel MULIJNS Michael F. 9:30 a. m. In church KEGKNSBl RGF.R Henry.

2 p. m. at chapel SCU LIU Albert. 10 a. m.

at chapel, SOUTHEAST CHAPEL 2024 E. 75TH-ST. PHONE: FAlrfax 4-7177. WEDNESDAY GOLDEN Charles E. 10 a.

m. at chapel FRIDAY DE BONTE Mathilda. 3:30 p. m. at chape! SOMEBS Margaret.

1 p. m. at chapel. LAIN SON C. H.

JORDAN CO. FOR 98 YEARS Funeral Directors Chlcaeo and Suburb. 200 E. Erie-at. Superior 7-7709.

-FLOWERS TEE New Modern RIdreland Floral Invites vour account. CaTt STanley 8-1069. SerTinf Chicago tad suouroa over years. -IN MEMORIAM- BLACKBCRN Raymond Arthur Blackburn. la memory ol my husband.

1 can't aay Merry Christmas, Raymond aear. Because you are rone away from here. But God will love aad keep you, 'Till we meet again tome day. HEARTBROKEN WIFE. CELESTE.

BAY Dorothy M. Day. In loving memory of my dear wire. Who passed away Dec. 24 1946.

HERBERT H. DAY SR. ETCHINGH AM Annie Etchlngttam. In mem ory or my mother; one but rot forgotten LOVING DAUGHTER, ANNE TORK.ELSON FRATERNAL NOTICES FLORENCE KAMINSKY CANCER RESEARCH affiliation Michael Rese Tumor Clinic AH members Please attend funeral of Mrs, George Donath Sylvia Donath J. our hon- orary president, services riaay.

io o'ciocx, at Itinera! home, 89th and Stony Island. MRS. SAUL WAM.AC.E, president. 1 i Ill i rf: wm imimm San Antonio, Dec. 23 (JP) Maj.

Gen. Fletcher Gardner, 83, a retired army physician, will be buried tomorrow in Fort Sam Houston national cemetery here. Gen. Gardner, a veteran of the Spanish-American war, Philippine insurrection, Mexican border incident, and World War died yes terday here. He became interested in the lost Mangyan and Tabanua languages of the Philippine islands while on duty there.

His research covered 35 years and he wrote five volumes which saved the near extinct languages from oblivion, His first wife was a. classmate, Dr. Lucy Woodward Gardner. practiced as partners Blooming' ton, until her retirement in 1915. Survivors include his second wife, Mrs.

Florence Guild Bruce Gardner. Mrs. Harold L. Bowman Memorial services for Mrs. Ger trude Butterfield Bowman, wife of Dr.

Harold Leonard Bowman, pas tor of First Presbyterian church, Kimbark av. and 64th who died last Friday in her home at 6432 Kimbark were held in the church Sunday. Dr. Harrison Ray Anderson, pastor of Fourth Presbyterian church, preached. Mrs.

Bowman was active in the Y. W. C. A. and in the First Pres byterian society.

She was a for mer president of the Woman's as sociation of First Presbyterian church. Besides her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Barbara Kirkpat rick and Mrs. Dorothy Trippel, and five grandchildren survive. Bernie G.

Anderson Bernie G. Anderson, 72, died yesterday in his home at 325 Oak Park Ridge. Before retiring 10 years ago, he had been secre tary and treasurer of the Ander son and LInd Manufacturing company, which he had founded about 1900. The firm produces window frames and other types of mill work. Mr.

Anderson had resided in Park Ridge for 28 years. Surviv ing are his widow, Ida; a son, Herbert and three daughters, Mrs. Alice Merrill, Mrs. Beatrice Jones, and Mrs. Iola will be held at 1 p.

m. Friday in the chapel at 120 S. Northwest Park Ridge. Dr. H.

Saunders Dr. Robert H. Saunders. 71. of 4420 N.

Hermitage a physician and surgeon who practiced on the north side for 40 years, died yes terday in Illinois Masonic hospital. He was a graduate of the old Val paraiso university medical school branch, later taken over by Loyola university. Dr. Saunders was on the staff of Illinois Masonic hospital. Surviving are a son, Robert, and a daughter, Mrs.

Jessie Veen-kant. Services will be held at 11 a. m. Friday in the chapel at -5200 Western av, Samuel C. Jennings Samuel C.

Jennings, 85, former ly of Evanston, founder and former president of the Columbian Bank Note Company of Chicago, died yesterday in Evanston hospital. He was a trustee of the University of Chicago and a member of the Union League club and Westmoreland Country club. Surviving are two brothers, Forest and Jerome. Services will be at p. m.

Friday in the chapel at 1460 Sherman Evanston. John W. Denison John W. Denison, 65, of 1621 Wesley Evanston, died yester day in Evanston hospital. He was a retired vice president of the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust company.

Surviving are his widow, Teresa; a son, John a daughter, Mrs. Teresa Fabian; a brother, Donald, and a sister, Mrs. Harlan Collins. Serv ices will be held at 2 p. m.

Friday in the home. Miss Rosemarie Sain Miss Rosemarie Sain, 20, daugh ter of Warden Frank G. Sain of the Bridewell, died yesterday in Columbus hospital. She was a pupil at St. Mary of the Woods academy in Terre Haute and had returned to Chicago for the Christ mas vacation.

Also surviving are her mother, Mrs. Martha Sain, and two brothers, Lt. Frank and Kenneth. George W. Rightmire Columbus, Dec.

23 Of)-- George Washington Rightmire, 84, president of Ohio State university from 1825 to 1938, died today in University hospital. He had been in failing health several years. He leaves a son, Brandon associ ate professor of mechanical engi neering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Arthur D. Roach Services for Arthur D.

Roach, 74, of 202 E. Eastman Harvard, McHenry county, will be at p. m. today in the chapel at 29 Air Harvard. Mr.

Roach, a retired North Western railway engineer, died Monday in Harvard hospital. Surviving are his widow, Minnie; a son, Donald, and daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Davis. Edward J. Moinet Detroit.

Dec. 23 Edward Moinet, 79, who served as federal judge here for 19 years, died today, Judge Moinet retired from the federal court bench. March 1946. He wfls appointed in 1927 by President Coolidge. Mrs.

Arthur Gaebler Mrs. Jessie Hall Gaebler, for merly of 1239 Garfield died yesterday in St. Petersburg, Fla. She was the wife of Dr. Arthur Gaebler, retired physician and surgeon who formerly practiced at the Garfield blvd.

address. Arthur Brayton Des Moines, Dec. 23 () Arthur Brayton, 61, longtime head of the Des' Moines convention bureau, died here Tuesday. He had been in critical condition since a brain operation last spring. ma home in Aurora, Dec.

22, husband of Clara, father cf Mrs. Carl A. Johnson. Funeral services Friday, 2 p. at St.

Paul's Lutheran church. Aurora. Interment Bt-Pi ill's cemetery, Aurora. HL Friends may call at the chapel, 333 Downer place. Aurora.

LANG William B. Lange. suddenly, 1430 S. i in avenue, cicero, oeiovea nusoana oi Antoinette, nee Havllcek; devoted father of Agnes Peck and William B. brother of Elizabeth Howe and the late Arthur.

Herman, Haonaii Soukop. and Martha Specking, grandfather ra six. Funeral Friday, Dec. 26, 1:30 p. at chapel.

5128-30 W. 2 5th atreet, Cicero. Cremation Woodlawn. Member of Cicero lodge. No.

955, A. F. A. M. OLymple 3-00 80.

LEARNER Anna Learner, nee Nathan, cf 7200 Union avenue, beloved wife of Max. dear mother of Lenore Dodge. Louise Herman. William and Herbert, fond sister cf Lee and Milton Nathan. Esther Weiss.

May Cohen, and Marie Rosenberg. Services Wednesday. 11 a. at chapel. 6935 Stony Island avenue.

Please omit flowers. LEASON Anna Lesson. Dec. 23. late cf 1705 n.

Mooay avenue, beloved wife of the. late Frank L. Lesson, dear mother cf Mrs. May Fulton and the late Jay H. Leason, grandmother cf Frank Robert and James Jay' Fulton, sister of Mrs.

Mayme Gregg and the late John Harris. At funeral home, Austin boulevard and Lake street. Funeral Friday, Dec. 26, at 9 a. to St.

Giles' church. Columbian and Greenfield aveuuee. Oak Park. Mass at 10 a. m.

Interment All taints' cemetery. LOMBARDI Sec Msrchfschl notice. LOREK See Msrcheichl notice. LORIA Salvatore Loria of 5423 8. Carpen ter, De loved husband of Mary Dvuono Loria, fond father of Caesar, Theresa Perrin, Sally Bavido, Eugene, and Ann Forte, grandfather ot 10.

Funeral Friday, 10:30 a. from funeral home, 6438 S. Halsted street to Visitation church. Interment Mount Carmel. Boulevard 8-0662.

MANN Mrs. Christine K. Mann of 832 Host coe street, Tuesday, alter long illness. Deferred mother of Mrs. Oscar A.

Wyggers, Evansville. Herbert F. Mann. Spring Valley, and Mrs. Alwyn A.

Binz, Chi cago, sister ci hiii Louise muck, louis a. Huck. Miss Verona Huck. Christian Huck. and Herbert Huck, all ot Evansville, grand mother of Mrs.

J. J. Salazar, Germany, and Jovce Ellen Wyggers, Evansville. At rest at 1358 W. Wellington avenue.

Funeral notice later. MARCHESCHI Vincent MarchMChl, suddenly, beloved husband of Catherine, nee Mar- cheschi; fond son ot Glno and Concetta, nee dear father ot Gloria and Jerry, brother of Mrs. Anna Lorek and Mrs. Leda Pierpaoll. Funeral Saturday.

Dec. 27. ai 9:30 a. from funeral home. 866 Wells street, to Assumption church.

Inter ment Mount Carmel. DEiaware 7-1525. MCCARTHY James H. McCarthy, Dec. 23, ef 7640 Cornell avenue, beloved son oi tn late James P.

and Helen, loving brother or Mabel Mrs. Helen Goodrich, Mrs. Dorothy Wyness, Mrs. Ruth Halaburt, Mrs. Cora Beverldge, and the late Charles.

Funeral Friday, a. from chapel, Jefiery boulevard at 77th street, to Our Lady of Peace churcrr. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre.

SOuth Shore 8-8823. McCORKLE Thomas B. McCorkle, residence 75d0 Lueua avenue, beloved son or Carrie, nee Weaver, and the lata Thomas, dear brother of Mrs. Pearl Edwards. Roy Mrs.

Dorothy Bennett, and Arthur E. Funeral Wednesday, 1:30 p. at chapel. 9500 Commercial avenue. Interment Chesterton, Ind.

EOutn Chicago 8-0155. McFARLAND Wesley H. McFarland. beloved Husband cf Clara, nee Barker; fond brother er Margaret Ullrich. Funeral Friday, Dec.

26. at 1 p. from funafl home. 3701 W. 63d street, at Washtenaw avenue, where services will be held.

Interment Mount Hope. fKospect 6-8300. McGETRICK Mamie Cuff McCetrick ef 9326 S. Bishop street, beloved wife of the late Edward c. fond mother ot Mae, Edward, Roy, James, Irene Aubuchou, Law rence, end Robert.

Funeral Friday. 9:15 a. from chapel, 5516 S. Ashland ave nue, to St. Margaret's church, mass 10 a.

m. Interment, Holy Sepulchre. PRoipect e-o3i. MEJDRICH Joseph Meldrlch. 1936 8.

Ra cine avenue, beloved husband of Lillian, nee Novak; loving father of Marlene, fond son-in-law of Anton and Frances Novak. Funeral Friday, 9 a. from chapel. 134 W. "19th street, to Et.

Procoplus' church. Interment St. Adalbert's. Member ot Na tional Athletic club. CAnal 6-0915.

MORTTZ Victor C. Morltz, 10501 S. May street, Dec. 32. 1952, beloved husband ot Rose H.

Morltz, loving father of Ethel Smith, Vera De Vaux, and Elizabeth Morltz, grandfather of three, brother of Mae Mlnton and John Morltz. At chapel. 212 V. 95th street, where services will be held Wednesday, Dec. 24, at 1 p.

m. Interment Acacia Park. Member of Modern Woodmen cf Amenca. MUELLER Frederick J. Mueller, passed away Sunday mgnt.

lormeriy or 1516 N. Monitor Member of First St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church. Survived by sister, Sophie Keltzow, two daughters, Marie and Clara janssen. and two granddaughters.

Nancv and Gayle Janssen. Lying in state at funeral Parlor. 8849 W. North avenue Tuesdav.Prl vnte funeral services Wednesday. Member of mtneran Mutual rue insurance company.

MULLING Michael F. Mulllns, 1648 W. 93d street, Dec. 22, 1952. husband cf the late Julia Ryan Mumns, lather of NOdl Mulllns, Mrs.

mane uunn, Mrs. tsunnte costeno, George Vincent Charles Albert Ryan the late Laura, and John Mulllns. Funeral from chapel. 2121 W. 95th, street, Wednesday, Dec.

24, at 9 a. to St. Ethelreda's church, 8718 Paulina. Interment Holy Sepulchre. NEBERIEZ A William.

A. Neberieza, late Cf 5421 W. Washington boulevard, loving husband of Mary, nee Lubent; dear lather ot Vincent, father-in-law ot Bemice, darling grandfather of Bruce and Billy. Funeral Saturday, 8:30 a. from funeral home, corner of 15th street and 50th avenue, Cicero, to St.

Anthony's church. Interment St. Caslmir's cemetery. Member cf DarluS-Girenas American Legion post. No.

271, end Flat Janitors union. Information, OLympic 2-1003. NEVELL See Groll notice. OCKAY John Ockay, late cf 2156 W. Cortex street, beloved son of Jennie and late Joseph, dear brother Of Helen Fantell, Mildred Angelo, and Anna.

Funeral Friday, 9 a. from chapel, 2245 W. Huron street, to Holy Rosary church. Interment Mount Carmel cemetery. SEeley 3-5400.

ODWALD Anthony Odwald beloved husband of the late Julia, fond father of Mrs. Gertrude Turza, Edward, Mrs. Pearl Zandlo, end Anthony dear brother of Mrs. Anna Glon, Mrs. Lillian Lessk, and Mrs.

Pearl Blelinski, grandfather of eight. Funeral Friday, Dec. 26, at 9:15 a. from funeral home, 4255-67 W. Division street, to St.

Mark's church. Interment St. Adalbert's cemetery. ALbany a-3600. PALM AN Stephen Palman Dec.

32. of 6714 Clyde avenue, beloved husband cf Julia, dear father of Mrs. Helen Schever, Stephen Elizabeth, and John, grandfather of Mrs. Irene Risen. Robert Schever, Julianne, John, and Cecrgeanne Palman.

Burial Friday at Crown Hill cemetery, Knox, Ind. PAPFAS Gus J. Pappa. bfloved husband cf Demetra, nee Regas; dear father of Nick. Mary Cakos, and Julia Ortfco, father-in-law of Bill Cakos and Eugene Orrlco, four grandchildren, dear brother of Peter brother-tn-iaw ot Julia and Nlckolata.

Fu- Friday. Dec. 36. from chapel, 19 6. Ashland.

Services 1:30 p. m. at Holy Trinity church, 1101 S. Peoria street. Interment Elmwood cemetery.

FAWLOWSKI Edward Pawlowskl, late of 4344 23th place, beloved husband Of Stephanie, nee Beres: dear father of Joanna, Edward and Diane, fond son of Joseph and Martha, brother of Chester. Funeral Friday. 9 a. from funeral home, 2712 S. Klldare avenue, to Epiphany church.

Interment Resurrection. LAwndale 2-2156. PETERSON Aaron Peterson. 6450 S. Pamel! avenue, Dec.

33, 1952, husband cf Florence Peterson, father of Dorla De Luca and Harold Peterson. At chapel, 316 W. 63d street, at Harvard avenue, where services will be held Friday, Dec. 26. at 1 p.

m. Interment Mount Vernon Memorial Park. PIERPAOLI See Marcheschl notice. PODALL Fannie Pod all at Los Angeles, formerly of Chicsso. beloved wife of Paul.

dear mother of Robert. Services 3 p. m. at cnapei, Bias Broadway, interment Weatlawn. Family at home of Robert Podall, 1960 Fargo avenue.

POLI.E Emma Pclle, Dee. 32, 1952. age 87. widow of George Pclle. beloved mother cf red C.

Poile. Mrs. Emma Plump, George olle, Mrs. Bertha Cetselman. and Mrs.

Florence Hunt. Services at chapel, 7509 Stony Island avenue. Friday. 3:30 t. m.

Interment Oak Weeds. Member of paint chapter. No. 733, O. E.

S. Information FAirfax 4-2900. PUZMAN Rsdolpn Pnzman, 3405 S. Hamlin avenue, beloved husband of Victoria, fond father Cf Rudolph J. end Mlldnd Bem-hagen, father-in-law of Lillian Puzmtn and Richard Bemhagen, grandfather ot Donald.

Services Wednesdsy, Dec, 34, 1 p. at chapel, S440 W. 26th street. Interment Mount Auburn. Bishop 7-B802, OLympic 2-1023.

EEGENSBrSGEB Henry Regeniburrer. 8219 S. Justine, beloved husband et Marie Re-gensburger, father ot Richard and Walter. At Chapel. 2121 W.

95th street, where services will be held Wednesdsy, Dee, 34, at 2 p. m. interment private. Reilly See Edward J. Keating notice.

RICHIE Sam Richie of 8233 Drexel avenue, beloved husband of Sarah, dear father cf Sylvia Devine. Adelle Richie, grandfather of Barbara, Deborah, and Wick I. brother ot Morris of New York. Gussie Richie cf Los Angeles. Cal.

Services Wednesday. 10:30 a. et chapel, 4225 W. Roosevelt road, comer of Trip. Interment O.

K. O. Forest Park. Family at 8222 S. Drexel avenue.

BICHTER Anna M. Rlchter. Dec. 22, beloved wife cf Henry loving mother cf Mrs. Mabel Landgrebe and George, sister cf Clara Kiekert.

grandmother of six. Services Friday. Dec. 26, 3:30 p. at chapel, 124 Madison street.

Oak Park. Interment Woodlawn. BOCHFORD Patrick Rochford, suddenly, beloved husband of the late Dorothy, fond father ot Patrick and Sharon, brother cf Sister Mary Andrew, R. S. Mrs.

Charles O'Connor, Mrs. John Forde. Thomas. James, and John, end the late Michael and Margaret cf KiStimagh, County Mayo, Ire. land.

Funeral Friday, 8:30 a. from mortuary. 1000-1010 E. 7th street, to Little Flower church. Burial Et.

Mary's. BY AN Mary I.taloney Ryan, wife cf the Iste Thomas fond mother of Dr. Thomas F. Ryan. John Catherine Gorman, and Margaret Devery.

sister ot Margaret Xruen. Catherine, Edward Makmey, Annie Fogerty, the late Winifred and Frank Maioney, grandmother ef nine. Furseral Friday, 9:30 a. from chapel, 8911 W. Madison street at Mason avenue, to St.

Thomas Aquinas. Interment Mount Carmel. EStebrook 8-7500. 4 i1 ni 11 EACH Charles H. Each, late of 7412 Ver non avenue, husband of the late Alice, nee Cavanaugh: father of Adelyn.

son of the late John and Lena, brother of Mrs. Fern Thompson of Casper, John Clyde, Mrs. Roy (Gladys Mathias. and the late Roy I. Resting at funeral 'home, 79th street and Phillips avenue.

Services 1:30 p. m. Wednesday. Interment family lot. SOuth.

Shore 8-6959. EIDEN Betty C. EWen, nee Olson. Dec. 33.

oeany ceioved wire of Arthur loving mother of Betty J. Nugent. Patricia Van Schlndle. Barbara, Margaret, and Robert Eiden, sister of Frances Runge, Harry. Wilbur, and Charles Olson.

Funeral Friday at 9:30 a. from funeral home, 6216 Clark street. Services at St. Timothy church at 10 o'clock. Interment All Saints'.

FRANZ Gloria Mercedes Frani. nee Davln, beloved wife of Herbert G. Franz loving mother of Mercedes Davln Franz, be loved daughter of James and Roberta Davln lovina sister of James J. Da via Jr. Visitation Friday.

Funeral Saturday. Dec. 27, from funeral home, 127 N. Northwest highway, Park Rldse. 111., to St.

Paul of the Cross church. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment All Saints' cemetery. Des Plaines, 111.

TAJ. cott 3-2808. GODENRATH See Groll notice. CRILLI Carl Grill), Dec. 23, 1952, beloved Husband of Leona, dear father of Carl Jr, and Edward, fond son of John and Lena, brother of Eileen Buck and Rlcca Grilli.

Services Friday, 1:80 at funeral home 5017 Chicago avenue, interment uien oak cemetery. GROLL Otto Groll ef 9733 Charles street. beloved husbsnd of the late Anna, loving father of Margaret Grundmann. Victor. Magdalene Godenrath.

Anne Nevell, John and the late Gustave. 11 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren. Resting at funeral home. 9900 S. Throop street, until 11 m.

Fri day, services Friday. 2 p. at St. Stephens Lutheran church, 57th and Sangamon streets. Interment Evergreen.

Mem ber of Frohsein-Mozart Singing society. GRUNDMANN See Groll notice. HAGBERO Charles V. Hagberg of Salem. beloved husband of Eva, aear rattier of Charles, father-in-law of Dorothy, brother of Nellie Whltaker, Rose R.

West, and Oliver. Services Friday, 2:30 p. m. at funeral home, 3301 Fullerton avenue, under the auspices of Northwest lodge, no. 1151, A.

F. it A. M. Interment Mount Olive. HA.1DTJK Katherine Halduk.

nee Gronklewlcz of 4425 S. sawyer avenue, Deiovea or Walter, fond mother of Edward, John. Chester. Walter, and Ted Kozlol, and Adam and John Halduk. fond sister Of Anna Majka mother-in-law of Gertrude, Jean, Ann, Marie and Sophia.

Funeral Friday, at 9:30 a. m. from chapel. 4401-03 S. Kedzie avenue, to Five Holy Martyrs church.

Interment Resur rection. LAiayette 3-7781. HANNEMANN Dorothy Hannemann, nee In-durante, late of 12821 S. Parnell avenue, beloved wife of Carl, dear mother ot George and Carl daughter of Peter and the late Marie Indurante. sister of Angeline Ingraffia, Rose Bellizzi, Angelo, Frank, and Ben, Indurante.

Funeral Friday, 10 a. from chapel, 5120 W. Fullerton avenue, to St. Genevieve's cnurcn. interment si.

Joseph's cemetery. ARmitage 6-7800; HARMON Robert H. Harmon of Blue Island, beloved husband of Frances, nee Elnhom: loving father of Ruth Tuten of South Carolina. Esther Mel or of California, and the late Robert fond brother of Margatet Wegner and Jean Matlis. Resting at funeral home, 13050 Greenwood avenue.

Blue island Mass Friday at 9:30 a. m. at St. Benedlct'i church, York and Gregory streets. Blue Island.

Interment St. Benedict's cemetery. HARTM AN Harry Hartman Of 7121 Drexel avenue, beloved husband of -Melfie, nee Johnson: lond father of Dorothy Rosemond and Robert Hartman, two grandsons. Rest ing at chapel, 7350 Cottage Grove avenue. Funeral Friday.

Dec. 26, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Oak Woods. HATZ August George Hatz, devoted husband of Clara Holienoacn riatz, orotner oi irac Hatz and Anna McCarthy.

Funeral Friday, 9:30 a. from chapel, 7319 Madison atreet. Forest Park, to St. Bernardine church. Interment family lot.

HETZEB Mathias Hetzer, dearly beloved husband of the late Mary, loving father of Matthew, fond grandfather of Matthew Richard and Mayona, father-in-law of June Ann. Resting at funeral home, 7600 W. Grand avenue, at The Circle. Funeral Friday, Dec. 26, et 9:45 a.

to St. Cyprian's church. Burial St. Joseph's cemetery. MErrlmac 7-1111 or GLadstone 3-1234.

HF.BWY Kathertna Herwy, beloved wife of the late William, fond mother of Vivian Van den Bos, grandmother of David. Services Friday, 3 p. from funeral home, 9568 Beiraont avenue. Franklin Park. Inter ment Concordia.

GLadstone 5-2818. BIGGINS John P. Rigglns, late of 4450 N. Spaulding avenue, beloved husband of Lillian, nee Schumacher: fond brother ot Anne the late Jasper Arthur, Frank. Lilly Shipp, Pearl Dougherty.

Dora White. Funeral from chapel, 3100 Irving Park road, Friday, 9:30 a. to Our Lady of Mercy church. Interment St. Boniface's.

Member Brownson council. No. 1030, K. ot and Our Lady of Mercy Holy Name. BOCKERTS Elizabeth Hockerts.

daughter Cf the late Joseph and Mary, sister of Mrs. K. Perkins and John N. Funeral Friday. 9:30 a.

from chapel. 2938 Lincoln avenue. Requiem mass at 10 a. St. Alphonsus church.

Interment St. Boni- face's cemetery. Member of L. C. B.

St. Alphonsus" branch, NO. 578. INDURANTE See Dorothy Hannemann notice. INGRAM Marguerite Ingram, nee Perry, beloved wife of the late Harold fond mother of Elizabeth Calahan and Jean Gooley.

services Friday, Dec. 26, 1 p. at funeral home, 5200 N. Western avenue, corner of Foster. Interment Rosehlll.

JACOBS See Annie Beusse notice. JENNINGS SSmuel C. Jennings of Evanston, husband ot the late Louise M. Jennings, nee De Clerque, brother of Forest R. Jennings of St.

Louis and J. Jerome Jennings of Chicago. Resting at chapel. 1460 Sherman avenue, Evanston, noon to 6 Wednesday, and after 3 p. Thursday, where services will be held Friday at 1 p.

ra. Interment Forest Home cemetery. JENNINGS Walter J. Jennings cf Algonquin township, passed away Monday in Elgin, fond husband of Clara fond father of Winifred A. Weber of Brookfleid, Dorothy and Mar garet of Elgin, Delores oi cr.icago, james cf Downrs Grove, Walter of Elgin, and Jerome of Crystal Lake, loster Son of Ncra O'Boyle, foster brother of Joseph of Storm Lake, la.

Funeral Friday. 8:30 a. from O'Connor funeral home, 364 Division street, Elgin, to St. Margaret's church, Algonquin. Mass at 9:30 a.

m. Interment Naperville. KEATING Edward J. Keating of 3216 Leland avenue, beloved husband of Catherine, nee RelUy; beloved son of Edward R. and the late Mary, nee Coughlin: brother of Jerome Keating and Berenice Conant.

Funeral Friday, 10 e. at funeral home, 2307 S. Laramie avenue. Interment Queen of Heaeen cemetery. Bishop 2-1799, OLymple 3-0200.

KEMP John A. Kemp, Dee. 21, husband of the late Anna, loving father of Victoria Quldd and Mary Dembo, grandfather cf John Quldd and Adrlenne Nickel, great-grandfather cf Suzanne Quldd. brother of Pauline Yasgar of Little Falls. Minn.

Funeral Friday at 9:30 a. from chapel. 8630 George street, to St. Bartholomew's church. Interment St.

Adalbert s. EPaulding 3-6630. KEMPCZYNSKM Se Kemp notice. KLECKNER Henry A. Kleckner of 718 V.

15 th avenue, Melrose Park, beloved husband of Bertha, nee Backus; loving father of Arthur, Richard, Betty Rlbnlcek, Charlotte Buonaluto, and Barbara, fond brother of Frederick Kleckner, Caroline Graf, and Ann Schuttler, grandfather of Gloria Jean. Services Friday, 1:30 p. at funeral home. Lake street at 2d avenue, Maywood. interment Forest Home.

Fillmore 3-0014. KOERTIWG Otto Koerting, formerly Of 1644 N. Tripp avenue, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth, nee Hlnn: fond father of Rudolph and Walter, grandfather of Wayne, Kent. Craig and Scott. In state at Bethel Evan gelical Lutheran church, Springfield and Hlrsch, from 13 noon Friday, Dec.

26, until the hour of service, 1 p. m. Interment, st. Lucas'. At rest in funeral home.

4138 W. North avenue, until 10 a. m. Friday. Info.

EKlmont 6-6812. KOLA James X. Kolar of 3849 W. Cermak road, beloved husband of Barbare, nee nynous; devoted father of Edward F. ana Robert fond brother of Frank.

Funeral Friday, Dee. 28. 8:30 a. from funeral home. 6227 W.

Cermak road, to Blessed Sacrament church, mass 9:30 a. m. Inter ment St. Adalbert's. GUnderson 4-2050.

KOWALftKt Frances Kowalski, nee Podolskl, beloved wife of Harry, dear sister of Mrs. Helen Schultt, Mrs. Florence Mondrall. Mrs. Eleanore Klelnhans.

Mrs. Berle Kolar, Adrlene Nolan, John, William, and Raymond Funeral Friday, Dec 26, from parlors, S325 W. Fullerton. to SU Stanislaus B. M.

church. Interment EL Adalbert 'a cemetery. KOZIOL See Halduk notice. KRASiNKKr Edwin Kraslnski. late cf 8241 N.

Oganam avenue, husband of Eleanor, dear father of Norbert, Daniel, and George, son of Stanley, brother of Jeanette Wloch and Roman. Funeral Friday at 9:30 a. from chapel, 3630 George atreet, to St. Hyacynth's church. Interment St.

Adalbert's. SPaulding 2-6630. KRErTZER Clarence Kreutzer. Dec. 32, 1952, beloved father of Ariine and Clarence Jr.

and the late Pauline Kreutzer, loving grandfather cf Lance, dear brother of WHUam Beck. Edna and Nell, nephew of Alma Gerlach and Anna Albrecht. Member cf Hamlin Park lodge. No. 1069.

A. F. M. Services Wednesday. Dec.

24. at 3 p. at chapel, 2114 Irving Park road. Interment Acacia Park cemetery. KROPP Emma C.

KroDD. Dee. 21. at MtamL mother of Roy A. and Raymond sister of Mrs.

Anna Gavert. Restinr at 134 Madison street. Oak Park, Tuesday evening after 8 p. m. Interment private, the Early av.

address since the death in 1945 of her brother, David E. Hobelman, former commodore of the Corinthian yacht club, A will was found pinned to her girdle. It was dated Nov. 21 of this year, and left her household furnishings to the Good Will Industries, 1500 Monroe with the exception of dishes, which were left to a neighbor. The body lay in the street for two hours, awaiting the arrival of a coroner's deputy from a west ern suburb, who ordered its re moval to the chapel at 426 S.

Dearborn st. HUMAN TORCH DIES OF BURNS IN HOSPITAL John Kobida, 73, 11270 Cham- plain a janitor burned Sunday his home, died yesterday in Roseland Community hospital. Kobida was burned when his lighting of a cigar after an alcohol rub ignited alcohol fumes and set fire to heavy underwear he had donned. Despite his burns, Kobida walked to the hospital, where he regularly worked. DEATH NOTICES ADAMS Mary Adams, nee Bessler, beloved wire of William fond mother of Anna, Rose.

Stanley, Edward, mother-in-law of Emil Jlrkobsky, Serah, Gertrude, grand mother of six. great-grandmother of nine Funeral Saturday, Dec. 27, at 9 a. from parlors at 5325 W. Fullerton, to St.

John Bosco church. Interment St. Joseph's cem etery. Information, Berkshire 7-2876. AGNEW William G.

Agnew. formerly cf 8721 S. Hermitage avenue, beloved son of the late Gawn and Catherine, dear brother of Thomas, Samuel, Joseph, Nathaniel, and the late James. Resting at chapel. 938-40 W.

69th street, where services will be held Friday 1:30 p. m. Friends may call at chapel after 2 p. m. Wednesday.

Member of Building Service Municipal Employees union. local No. 46. Interment Mount Hope ceme tery. Hudson 3-Oldd.

ANDERSON Bennle G. Anderson. 323 Oak street. Park Ridte. 111., beloved husband of Ida nee Olsen: loving father of Alice Merrill.

Herbert Beatrice Jones, and Ioia Oberg, dear grandfather of three, fond brother Of Ole Oscar, L. and Amelia Sonne. Resting at funeral home, 120 Northwest highway, park Ridge, where services will be held Dec. 26, at 1 p. m.

interment Towne of Maine. ANDERSON Charles A. Anderson, beloved husband of the late Minnie, nee steiiing; dear father of Evelyn De Goey and Leona, grandfather of Thomas. Geraldine, and Rob ert Toft fond brother ol woya. victor, Delphia, and Frieda.

Funeral at chapel, 4401 Lawrence avenue, Friday, 2 p. Interment Montrose. Mulberry 5-4400. ANDERSON Donald X. Anderson of 936 Barry avenue, beloved son.

of Walter and Elsie, fond brother of Dorothy Peter, Mrs. Gloria stauss, waiter Kennetn, Robert, Raymond, and Alan Anderson. Funeral Friday 2 p. m. at chapel, 929 Belmont avenue, interment Glen Oak ceme tery.

ANDERSON Frank O. Anderson of 4129 Mcnticello avenue, beloved husband of Anna fond father of Frank, Lucy, Elsie, Florence, and John. Services at chapel, 3234 North avenue. Friday. Dec.

26. at 3 t. Interment Arlington cemetery. Friends may call after 3 p. m.

Wednesday. Please omit Sowers. ANDERSON John C. Anderson Of 128 113th street. Chicago, formerly of Mark ham.

111., husband of Florence, father of Darwin and Laura Zaragoza, brother cf Mrs. Amanda Pletz, Mrs. Molley Wheeler, and Mrs. Laura Purcell. Resting at chapel, 15335 Broadway, Harvey, where services will be held Friday, Dec.

26, 1 p. m. In terment Oakrldge. ANDBESEN Corp. John S.

Andresen of Edge- water Beach, Flint Valparaiso, Killed in action Oct. is. iy52 near Kumwa, North Korea, beloved son of Hans and Elsie, nee Spear; beloved brother of William. At chapel, 929 Bet mont avenue, Chicago. Saturday.

Dec. 27 alter 10 a. m. Services Saturday, 2 p. m.

Funeral private, umit nowers. ANTKOWIAK Joseph E. Antkowlak, late ot 3003 s. May atreet, lormeriy ol 3079 8 Bonfleld Street, beloved husband Of Anna, nee McBrlde; dear father of Viola Walczak Sylvester, and Bernard, father-in-law of Frank Waiczak, Virginia and Loretta Ant kowiak, grandfather of Patricia Ana and Dennis Antkowlak. Funeral Friday.

9:30 from funeral home, 1145 W. Slst street, to St. Bridget's charph. Interment, Resurrection. LAiayette 3-9182.

ARBF.TMAN Jacob Arbetmt.n, at Miami Beach, beloved husband of Rae, de voted brother of Israel, Hyman, Nathan Joe, Mitchel, Rose Friedman, and Cells Metcoff. Services Wednesday. 1 p. at chapel. 8206 Broadway, Interment West- lawn cemetery.

BECKER Edward C. Becker, beloved husband oi Paulina, loving lather of Paul, Elizabeth French, and the late Edward brother of Henry, granaiather Of nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Resting at funeral nome, osaj-sa uuerton Grand avenue, Services Wednesday, Dec. 34, at 2 p. m.

Interment Elmwood. MErrlmac 7-8280. BENSINGER Fautlne Benslnger, wife of the late Albert, dear mother of Virginia Vollni. Pauline Weislow, and Eugene. Funeral Wednesday.

9 a. from chapel. 624 N. Western avenue, to St. Matthias' church.

ARmitage 6-7600. BEC85E Annie Beusse of 2013 Bingham atreet. beloved wife ot the late Herman, Devoted moUier of Henry, Carrie Jacobs, and Walter, mother-in-law of Caroline Beusse, Esther Beusse and John Jacobs, also survived by two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, sister of Henry Schlee. Services Friday, 1:30 p. at funeral home, 3301 Fullerton avenue.

Interment Arlington. BOOOW8KI John T. Fogowskt beloved husband of the late Michalina, loving father of Anna Lewandowskl, Emily Ceglarek, John Helen Kobierowski, Rose Ray-Held, and Edward, father-in-law ot Joseph Lewandowskt. Thomas Ceglarek, Stanley Kobierowski, Elmer Rayfteld, Helen, and Lillian Rogowski, 13 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. At rest at funeral home, 4553-61 Milwaukee avenue.

Information, Klldare 5-2115. BRONKE Leonard A. BrOnke Of 1941 N. Tripp avenue, beloved husband of Eva, nee Blanga: loving lather ot Arthur Elmer Lawrence F. and Dorothy dear brother of Paul, Elisabeth Drastild.

and Emil. Funeral Friday at 9:30 a. m. from chapel. 4117 Armitage avenue, to St.

Philo rnena church. Interment St. Adalbert s. Member ol Holy Name society. BElmont 5-6019.

BfRKE Geraldine A. Burke, beloved daughter of the late William Elisabeth, dear sister ot Mrs. Ray J. Beahan and Mrs. Harry V.

Buckle. Funeral Friday, 9:15 from parlors. 67th street and Dorchester avenue, to St. Francis De Paula church. Interment Mount Olivet.

CARTER Grace A. Carter, nee Ainsworth, cf 1017 Grove street. Evanston, formerly of River Forest and De Moines, survived hmhand Edwin son Edwin sister Mrs. O. V.

Moon of Des Moines, daugh ters-law May Kerner Carter, and. three grandchildren. Resting at chapel, 6128 Roosevelt road, at Taylor avenue. Oak Park, where services Will be held Wednesday, et 11:30 a. m.

Interment Des Moines, la. Village 8-6106. COOPERMAN Toba Cocperman, wife of the into sam. beloved mother of Harry. Frances Llnzer, Adele Freedkln, Edith Alpert, Rose Stern, Seymour, and Hannah, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Services Wednesdav. 2 P. m. at chapel. 3140 W.

Lawrence avenue. Interment Westlawa ceme tery. Please omit flowers. COl'TUBt 5eorge T. Couture, formerly of Globe Oil, Dec.

21. at home of sister In Milwaukee. Burial Dec. 34, Eau Claire, from Golden Funeral home. CZESZEWSKI Peter Cseszewski, beloved husband ot Agnes, nee Prym; fond father ot Eugene, Richard.

Bemadette Nelles, Peter PIC. Edward of United States army, Robert, Arthur, and Marlene, father-in-law of Virginia, Ruth. Wlluam F. and Hazel grandfather of six, brother of Anastasia Mysika and Evelyne Baine. Funeral Friday, Dec, 26, at 9:30 a.

m. from funeral home. 5120 W. Fullerton avenue, to St. Gene vieve's church.

Interment St. Adalbert s. DALEY Charles E. Daley, beloved husband of Delia, nee Du Buque: loving father of Delia Elghnor. Clarence, and Melba Groher, fond brother oi John, Eugene, Mrs.

Ora Sazton Mrs. Leila Lynn, Mrs. Grace Bushey, and the late James. Funeral Friday. Dec.

26. at 9:30 a. from funeral home, 3246 Jackson boulevard, to Cur Lady of Sorrows church, interment St. Mary's. KEdzie 3-2394.

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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Is the Chicago Tribune conservative or liberal? ›

It believes in free markets, free will and freedom of expression. These principles, while traditionally conservative, are guidelines and not reflexive dogmas. The Tribune brings a Midwestern sensibility to public debate.

What is Chicago's leading newspaper? ›

For most of the city's history, the Chicago Tribune has been Chicago's leading newspaper in terms of both local circulation and national influence.

What if I didn't get my Chicago Tribune today? ›

You can also call Customer Service at 312-546-7900. To request redelivery of your newspaper you should report the issue between the hours listed below: Monday through Saturday: 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sundays and Holidays: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

What is the most respected newspaper in the US? ›

The New York Times

For more than 150 years, Times readers have expected their newspaper to provide the most thorough and uncompromising coverage in the world. The Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

Is the Chicago Tribune popular? ›

Chicago Tribune, daily newspaper published in Chicago, one of the leading American newspapers and long the dominant, sometimes strident, voice of the Midwest. The newspaper—as well as its parent company and later media conglomerate, the Tribune Company—was founded in 1847 by three Chicagoans.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday.

Who owns the Chicago Tribune? ›

Alden Global Capital – the massive, secretive firm that purchased Tribune Publishing in 2021 – is now the second-largest newspaper chain in the U.S., with some 200 papers to its name.

Is the Chicago Tribune closing? ›

After 43 years of spewing out countless millions of newspapers, the production run was the last for the Chicago Tribune at the massive plant along the Chicago River. The largest newspaper printing plant in North America is coming down. Chicago's first casino will go up in its place.

Where is the Chicago Tribune printed at? ›

Freedom Center is currently used as the headquarters and office location of the Chicago Tribune. They also print the newspapers for the Chicago Tribune there, along with other publications who rent out space.

How much does it cost to put a death notice in the Chicago Tribune? ›

Starting at $315.00. A printed notice in the Death Notice section of the Chicago Tribune that references a Maiden Name and refers reads to see the notice under the person's married last name.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

Dainik Jagran

Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage. It is known for its city-centric supplements and local cartoons.

What is the most popular news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper today? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
1Wall Street JournalNews Corp
2New York TimesNew York Times Company
3New York PostNews Corp
4Washington PostWashington Post
21 more rows
Feb 19, 2024


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.