7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (2025)

$16,080 – that’s how much a Pennsylvanian home seller paid in agent commissions on an average home last year. It’s daylight robbery! Home prices in Pennsylvania will continue to rise, and so will commissions.

Selling For Sale By Owner, without a realtor, can save you $10,000 or more on an average home. It does not matter if you’re selling a condo in Philadelphia or a single-family home in Pittsburgh, FSBO is powerful.

High-tech FSBO websites like Houzeo don’t just help you save on commissions. They automatically assign the right MLS paperwork and get your house listed within 24-48 hours. You get 5-star customer service and advanced tech to manage your listing, showings, and closing.

FSBOs on the Rise 🚀

FSBOs are trending! 55% of millennials are comfortable selling their homes themselves. According to Zillow, 26% of Gen X’ers listed FSBO and saved thousands. And why not? 77%of FSBO homes were sold in less than two weeks.

There are two types of For Sale By Owner websites in Pennsylvania you can choose from:

  • Paid FSBO Websites: These websites will get you listed on the MLS – the most powerful marketing tool for home sellers. MLS syndicates your listings to Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, Realtor.com, and numerous other websites.
  • Free FSBO Websites: When you list for free, your listing remains on the company website and does not feature on the MLS. No MLS exposure means fewer potential buyers and a lower sale price for your property.

We have spent thousands of hours researching and reviewing For Sale By Owner websites in the Keystone State. Here are our rankings.

Rankings: 7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania

FSBO WebsiteListing Fee100% Online*MLS AccessOnline Showings & Offers5 Star Customer Service**
1. Houzeo.com$399
2. FSBO.com$399.95
3. ListWithFreedom$195
4. Flat Fee Realty$199 + 0.25%
5. ForSaleByOwner.com$0
6. Zillow For Sale By Owner$0
7. Craigslist$0

*For 100% Online, only FSBO sites with online showings, inspection scheduling, offer management, and mobile app have been considered.

**For 5-Star Reviews, customer ratings above 4.8 out of 5 have been considered.

4 Best Paid For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania

Paid FSBO websiteslist on MLS without Realtor in Pennsylvania for a flat fee. Our rankings are as follows:

1. Houzeo.com



  • Listing Fee: $399
  • Available nationwide
  • 7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (2) 4.9/5(8,000+ reviews)

Houzeo offers 4 FSBO MLS listing packages:

  • Bronze – $399: This package offers MLS listing for 6 months along with maximum photo uploads.
  • Silver – $399+: Along with an MLS listing for 6 months and maximum photo uploads, this package provides unlimited listing changes and open house option.
  • Gold – $429+:It comprises 6 months of listing with maximum photo uploads and includes advanced tech support for a successful house sale.
  • Platinum – $499+: This package offers virtual full-service support with a licensed broker assisting in negotiations, disclosures, and closing.

👉Our Take:We recommend Houzeo for most home sellers. The company has an excellent customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. It has extensive coverage across 47 states + DC, a feat achieved by only a handful of other services.

These are the key features that make Houzeo one of the top FSBO website to list with:

  • Significant Commission Savings: In most states, you will pay just a small flat fee to list on MLS. On average, home sellers who used Houzeo saved $11,490.
  • No Hidden Fees: All costs are disclosed upfront so you don’t have to worry about hidden charges.
  • Near Nationwide Coverage:Houzeo operates in 47 states and DC, with ongoing plans for expansion.
  • Max Exposure: Houzeo packages give you access to the MLS such as Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, and several other FSBO sites.
  • Advanced Technology:With Houzeo listings, you don’t have to go through the hassle of extensive paperwork. E-sign and online forms make listing quick and easy.
  • 5-star Customer Service: Dedicated customer support to address your every concern and make the overall process easy.
  • Mobile App: Houzeo’s mobile app lets you manage showing requests from verified buyers and buyer agents. You can either accept, reject, or reschedule showings at your convenience.

Houzeo’s services are limited in Wyoming, South Dakota, and West Virginia. This means your listings may take more than 12 hours to get updated.

Houzeo is rated4.9 out of 5 starsby thousands of home sellers onGoogle&Trustpilot.

»Houzeo Reviews: With over 8,000+ happy customers, Houzeo is the most trusted FSBO website.

Houzeo.com is one of the top FSBO websites in Pennsylvania. Its advanced tech solutions provide a seamless user experience, listing exposure, and faster sale while having complete control of the process.

Houzeo’s flat fee listing helps you save thousands on realtor commissions. You also get dedicated customer support, which makes the home-selling process much easier and effortless.

📞 Need Help? Schedule a FREE Consultation

A Houzeo expert can answer all your questions regarding our packages.

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2. FSBO.com



  • Listing Fee: $99.95 - $399
  • Limited a la carte items
  • No credible reviews were found.

FSBO.com has 2 packages for FSBO home sellers:

  • $99.95 – FSBO Package: This package lists your property on FSBO.com and Redfin for 6 months. You can upload unlimited photos and a video. It allows you to make changes and cancel your listing anytime.
  • $399.95 – MLS Package: With this package, your property is listed on the MLS for 6 months with 20 photos. Your listing is syndicated to Zillow, Realtor, and Trulia.

Listing Upgrades

  • Classic FSBO.com Yard Sign w/ Stand: $75
  • Open House Posting: $50
  • Directional Arrow – For Sale By Owner: $12
  • Sign Riders: $12

👉 Our Take: FSBO.com has been in business since 1997. They allow you to customize the plans by offering some services separately. You can add or skip these services based on your needs.

» Pros and Cons of FSBO.com: Read to know what sellers have to say about FSBO.com

Here are some key highlights of listing with FSBO.com:

  • Multiple Categories of Listings: You can feature your listing in a special section dedicated to foreclosure, pre-foreclosure, tax lien, or bankruptcy.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The website is easy to navigate. This helps you to easily create your listing and add property information.
  • Nationwide Coverage: With FSBO.com your property gets a nationwide exposure.

During our research, we identified several disadvantages of listing with FSBO.com:

  • Limited Automation: FSBO.com shares your information with a local broker who does the listing for you. You have to do all the paperwork manually.
  • Unpredictable Broker Quality: Sellers are connected with local brokers for listing. Moreover, online FSBO.com reviews are mixed.
  • Extra Charges for Listing Photos: You need to pay $50 extra for uploading more than 20 photos to your listing.
  • Expensive à la carte Services: You need to pay $50 – $150 for services like e-lockbox rental, showings, yard signs, and open house postings.

FSBO.com has no credible customer reviews on popular review sites like Google or Trustpilot.

» FSBO.com Reviews: Read why the oldest FSBO website isn’t the best anymore.

FSBO.com is accessible nationwide. It provides coverage in over 50+ markets.

Apart from listing your house For Sale By Owner, FSBO.com offers no major services. The à la carte items are expensive, and you’re charged extra for uploading more than 20 photos.

3. ListWithFreedom



  • Listing Fee: $149 - $295
  • List within 48 hours
  • 7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (5) 4.2/5(1,800+ reviews)

ListWithFreedom provides 3 packages:

  • Gold Package – $149: This package allows a listing term for 6 months and 6 photo uploads with unlimited changes.
  • Platinum Package – $195: This is the most popular package with 6 months listing term. It allows you to upload a maximum of 25 photos.
  • Platinum+ Package – $295: With this plan, the listing term is 12 months, with an online showing scheduler and maximum photo uploads. However, you must pay an additional 0.25% fee at closing.

👉 Our Take: ListWithFreedom can be a decent choice for experienced sellers. However, they offer limited services like limited photo allowance and overpriced add-ons.

ListWithFreedom is one of the oldest Flat Fee MLS services based out of Florida. Here are some of its best features:

  • Affordable Pricing Plans: ListWithFreedom listings start at $149.
  • Unlimited Listing Changes: You can make unlimited modifications to any of their packages.
  • Buyer Leads Forwarding: All buyer leads are directly forwarded to you with no agent involvement.

ListWithFreedom has two major drawbacks you should know about:

  • Hidden Costs: ListWithFreedom charges between 0.1% to 0.25% at closing (over your one-time flat fee payment). This closing cost is not mentioned on their pricing page.
  • Average Customer Reviews: ListWithFreedom does not enjoy robust customer reviews. Past sellers said that their experience was just average, thanks to the lack of pricing and negotiation assistance.

ListWithFreedom has a 4.2 out of 5stars rating from 1,800+ reviews on Trustpilot.

» ListWithFreedom Reviews: Is ListWithFreedom Legit? Read our blog to find out.

Ralph Harvey headed ListWithFreedom has affordable listing packages that are ideal for an experienced seller. Also, the listing process is quick and simple.

ListwithFreedom does not provide any pricing or negotiation assistance. Therefore, if you are new to the real estate market, you will need guidance throughout the selling process.

🚩You Should Know:ListWithFreedom charges a 0.25% fee at closing. They do not disclose this fee upfront on their “Pricing” page.

4. Flat Fee Realty


Flat Fee Realty

  • Listing Fee: Varies
  • 0.1% to 0.25% additional fees
  • No credible reviews were found.

Flat Fee Realty offers a single Flat Fee MLS package, the price of which varies by state.

  • MLS Listing Package: This package offers a 6-month listing with 6 photos, syndication to Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com, along with local MLS listing and state disclosures.

Listing Photos Upgrades: You can add up to 25 photos for $50.

👉 Our Take: If an affordable plan is your priority, then you can consider Flat Fee Realty. However, they do charge additional fees for optional upgrades like additional photos.

These are some pros of Flat Fee Realty in the areas it operates:

  • Cost-Effective: Flat Fee Realty offers an affordable flat fee listing package.
  • Free Changes: You can make changes to your listing without paying any additional fees.
  • Easy Cancellation: You can cancel anytime and get a refund within 30 days of purchase. If you decide not to sell your home, some of your listing fees will be refunded.
  • Market Exposure:Your listing gets syndicated to Realtor.com, Trulia, and Zillow, significantly expanding your chances of attracting potential buyers.

Here are some major dealbreakers we came across in our review of Flat Fee Realty:

  • Non-customizable Packages: You cannot customize the packages. This may restrict your ability to select specific options tailored to your preferences.
  • 0.25% Commission at Closing: Flat Fee Realty charges a 0.25% commission at closing. Even though they claim the buyer agent pays this, the entire commission comes from the seller’s proceeds.
  • Limited Coverage: The company’s service availability may vary and is subject to change without notice.

Flat Fee Realty has no credible reviews yet.

» Flat Fee Realty Reviews: Read our in-depth review of Flat Fee Realty.

Flat Fee Realty offers a single MLS package that varies from state to state. With this package, you get free listing changes and related seller disclosures.

Moreover, Flat Fee Realty requires you to pay a minimum 2% buyer agent commission, 0.25% of which goes as a kickback to your listing agent. This means you end up paying a small commission to the listing agent at closing.

3 Best Free For Sale By Owner Sites in Pennsylvania

Free For Sale By Owner websites in Pennsylvania offer online exposure, but don’t guarantee a successful FSBO sale.

5. ForSaleByOwner.com



  • Listing Fee: $0 - $495
  • Available in 80+ U.S. Markets
  • 7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (8)4.5/5(60+ reviews)

ForSaleByOwner.com includes 2 FSBO packages:

  • ‘Do It Yourself’ FSBO Package – $0: In this package, your home only gets listed on the ForSaleByOwner.com website.
  • ‘Closing Assistance’ Package – $495: You get the assistance of a licenced real estate broker. However, for this, you need to have a potential buyer.

👉 Our Take: ForSaleByOwner.com does not list on MLS. This can be a strong drawback in your selling processes.

These are some pros to consider:

  • Nationwide Coverage: ForSaleByOwner.com caters to customers throughout the United States.
  • Control and Flexibility: You can set your schedule, host showings, and manage the sale process at your convenience.
  • Direct Buyer Interaction: You can directly communicate with potential buyers through their messaging system.

We have found certain cons about ForSaleByOwner.com in our research:

  • No MLS Listing: This site does not list your property on MLS. You can only list on the ForSaleByOwner.com website.
  • Lack of Technology: It can be time-consuming and demanding to manage the listings, showings, negotiations, and paperwork.
  • Privacy Violation: Even though listing on ForSaleByOwner.com is free, payment details are still necessary.
  • Lead for Rocket Homes: Your listing information is shared with Rocket Homes agents. They may frequently contact you to solicit MLS listings.

ForSaleByOwner.com has a rating of 4.5out of 5 stars on BestCompany.com.

» ForSaleByOwner.com Reviews: Read this blog to learn more.

Founded in 1999 by Damon Giglio, ForSaleByOwner.com is considered one of the biggest FSBO websites. They claim to have 7 times more traffic than other For Sale By Owner sites.

Although ForSaleByOwner.com offers various paid services, none of them include a For Sale By Owner MLS listing. Further, your information is provided to a Rocket Homes affiliated agent. These agents contact you frequently to solicit MLS listings.

6. Zillow For Sale By Owner



  • Listing Fee: $0
  • Available in 80+ U.S. Markets
  • 7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (10) 1.4/5(350+ reviews)

Zillow offers the following listing plans for home sellers:

  • FSBO Listing on Zillow – $0: You can list your home for free on Zillow’s FSBO platform.
  • Zillow Premier Agent – 3% commission: This is the traditional way to sell your home. You get access to a real estate agent who guides you through the entire sale process.

👉 Our Take: Zillow is a comprehensive real estate website that offers a variety of tools and resources for home sellers.

» Does Zillow Charge For Sale By Owner? Click to know if it’s free or not.

You should consider these points while choosing Zillow:

  • No Fees: You can list your home on Zillow’s FSBO website free of charge.
  • Free Cancellation: Zillow listings can be cancelled without any additional charges or hidden costs.
  • Maximum Market Exposure: It is one of the most popular real estate websites, with millions of monthly visitors. This means that a large number of potential buyers will see your listing.
  • Nationwide Coverage: Zillow FSBO services are accessible in all 50 states across America.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Itswebsite and mobile app are easy to use and navigate. Users can search for properties based on location, price, features, and other criteria.
  • Offers Rental Services: Zillow is one of the best rental websites in America. It offers a built-in tenant screening tool, rent collection feature, owner portal, pricing suggestions, etc.

We identified several disadvantages of listing with Zillow:

  • Slow Listings: Your listing can take up to 72 hours to update from the time you submit your property details.
  • InaccurateZestimate: Zestimate, Zillow’s property valuation tool is often inaccurate. This misleads both buyers and sellers.
  • Limited Support: Zillow’s customer support may not match the level of personalized guidance other FSBO companies offer.
  • Lead for Real Estate Agent: Your listing information is shared with Zillow’s agents. You’ll get calls from agents rather than potential buyers.
  • Hide FSBO Listings: Zillow hides FSBO listings behind agent listings. They are often two clicks away and get almost no traffic.

Zillow has a rating of 1.4 out of 5 stars from 350+ reviews on Trustpilot.

» Zillow For Sale By Owner Reviews: Read our in-depth review on Zillow.

Zillow is the most popular Pennsylvania real estate website. It attracts more than 200 million visitors every month. To list your home on Zillow For Sale By Owner, simply sign up and create your free account.

Zillow FSBO listings do not appear on the MLS. Thus, they have limited exposure. Additionally, all FSBO listings on Zillow are hidden in the ‘Other Listings’ tab. This significantly reduces the success rate of free Zillow FSBO listings.

7. Craigslist



  • Listing Fee: $0
  • Available in 80+ U.S. Markets
  • 7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (12) 1.3/5(300+ reviews)

Since Craigslist is one of the biggest classified websites, it offers free listings:

  • FSBO Listing on Craigslist – $0: You get an FSBO listing on Craigslist. Here you can upload your property’s description, location, and some photos.

👉 Our Take: With Craigslist you can post your house for sale for free. However, you don’t have MLS exposure.

» Where Does Craigslist Operate: Click here to learn more about Craigslist.

These are some key pros to consider:

  • User-Friendly Website: Craigslist’s website is easy to navigate. This helps you to easily create your listing and add property information.
  • Free FSBO Listing: Most of the FSBO sellers who opt to advertise on Craigslist do it to save up on the agent’s commission.
  • Good for Distressed Property: Craigslist is a great platform for distressed properties. This is mainly because many cash buyers, house flippers, and investors keep track of listings on Craigslist.
  • Huge Traffic: According to Similarweb, Craigslist is the most visited classified website in the USA.

Here are a few cons to keep in mind:

  • Lowball Offer: Customers have reported that buyers on Craigslist make lowball offers.
  • Scammers and Pranksters: Craigslist is infamous for being a playground for scammers. Many people who list their homes on Craigslist get unsolicited calls from scammers posing as buyers.
  • Short Lifespan of Ads: Craigslist ads are listed in reverse chronological order, the newest ones always have the most prominence.

Craigslist has a poor rating of 1.3 out of 5 stars from 300+ reviews on Trustpilot.

» How to Sell a House on Craigslist: Learn the step by step process of selling your home on Craigslist.

Craigslist is the biggest classifieds website in the U.S. In terms of traffic, it is the second most visited website, with more than250 millionmonthly visitors.

While Craigslist can give your listing decent exposure, it can also attract scammers and fraudulentcash house buyers. Hence, we recommend that you put very limited information about your property and request identification from anyone who makes an offer.

Here’s a Quick Recap of The Best FSBO Websites:

Reviews: America’s Best FSBO Websites

We’ve reviewed the best paid and free For Sale By Owner Websites in 2024

Tips for Listing Your House as For Sale By Owner in Pennsylvania

You may feel overwhelmed by the difficulties involved in selling your house yourself in Pennsylvania. To effectively navigate the FSBO process, consider the following tips:

  1. Market Research: Evaluate the local PA real estate market. Learn about recent house sales prices, market trends, and the typical time it takes to sell a home.
  2. Prepare Your Home: Make necessary repairs and renovations. Clean, declutter, and stage your house to make it appealing to potential buyers.
  3. Price it Right: Set a competitive price for your house. To get a fair market value, consider getting a professional appraisal or using online tools.
  4. Market Your Home: Create a detailed marketing plan. Use high-quality images and create a virtual tour or video walkthrough.

Alternatives to For Sale By Owner Websites inPennsylvania

If you thinkselling your house yourself in Pennsylvaniais too complicated for you, here are some other options you can consider:

  • Low Commission Agent: A low-commission realestate agent offers you the same services for a reduced commission rate.
  • Cash Home Buyer:Pennsylvania cash home buyers make all-cash offers, usually within 24 to 48 hours. These companies reduce the hassle involved in real estate transactions.
  • iBuyer:iBuyers likeOpendoorandOfferpadtypically offer a property’s Fair Market Value (FMV). They purchase hundreds of homes throughout Pennsylvania.

Which Is the Best For Sale By Owner Website in Pennsylvania?

The Best FSBO sites excel in affordability, coverage, and technology.However, it depends entirely on your needs.

Several free FSBO listing sites offer basic exposure. However, their reach may be limited compared to MLS-integrated FSBO sites. Consider For Sale By Owner websites that list your property on the MLS and save thousands in commissions.

High-tech FSBO sites in Pennsylvania like Houzeo help you get maximum exposure, 5-star customer service, and advanced tech.

7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (13)
    ✍️ Is Houzeo Legit? Yes, Houzeo is a tech-centric For Sale By Owner website and real estate platform that gives you access to tools only real estate agents have.

Eager to Know How Houzeo Works?

We have got you covered. Check out if Houzeo is legit and why its packages are the best way to sell a house by owner.

How to List on MLS With Houzeo?

5 Easy Steps to List on MLS with Houzeo as FSBO

Start Your MLS Listing NOW!

» Houzeo Reviews: Find out what customers have to say about Houzeo.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I list my home For Sale By Owner in Pennsylvania?

You can list your house For Sale By Owner with PA Flat Fee MLS services like Houzeo.com, FSBO.com, List With Freedom, Flat Fee Realty, and more. Your home will be listed on the MLS, the most powerful tool to market your home for sale.

What is the best FSBO website in Pennsylvania?

Houzeo.com is the best MLS listing site, as it provides an unbeatable combination of max savings, 5-star customer support, and cutting-edge technology. Houzeo has a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars on popular review websites like Google and Trustpilot.

Where can I list my house For Sale By Owner for free in Pennsylvania?

You can list your home for free on ForSalebyOwner.com and classifieds websites like Craigslist and Zillow.

What to look for in an FSBO website?

When looking for a For Sale By Owner website to list your home on the PA MLS, look for user-friendly interfaces, online visibility, and features such as listing customization and marketing tools.

Related: best for sale by owner website, for sale by owner listing services pennsylvania, for sale by owner websites pennsylvania, for sale by owner sites pennsylvania, best fsbo sites pennsylvania, best fsbo websites pennsylvania.

  • For Sale By Owner Websites
  • Pennsylvania
7 Best For Sale By Owner Websites in Pennsylvania in 2024 (2025)


Should I sell now or wait until 2024? ›

Best Time to Sell Your House for a Higher Price

April, June, and July are the best months to sell your house in California. The median sale price of houses in June 2023, was $796,400, which is expected to grow more in 2024. However, cities like Arcadia and San Mateo follow an upward trend throughout the year.

Which site is best for property purchase? ›

  • HomeBazaar.com: Homebazaar.com is an online real estate platform that is built to redefine property buying, renting, and selling processes. ...
  • 99 Acres.com: 99 Acres covers every single aspect of the real estate industry. ...
  • MagicBricks: ...
  • CommonFloor: ...
  • Housing: ...
  • Prop Tiger: ...
  • Makaan: ...
  • Quikr Homes:
Jul 21, 2021

How to sell your house without a realtor in PA? ›

How to Sell a House By Owner in Pennsylvania (2024 Update)
  1. Make your home presentable.
  2. Set a price.
  3. Create a listing.
  4. List your home.
  5. Show your home.
  6. Negotiate with buyers.
  7. Close your sale.

What is the best house buying company? ›

Compare House Buying Companies
House buying companyRatingGoogle score
15 more rows
May 16, 2024

What is the best month to sell a house? ›

Here's how each month of the year ranked for the best time to sell a house. The highest-earning months are, in ranking order, May, June, April and March. Just over 18 million purchase transactions took place during this period, according to ATTOM.

Is 2024 a good year to buy a home? ›

Buying a home this year, particularly in early 2024, might mean you're able to beat the rush, as the market could get more crowded if or when rates drop further. Waiting, however, could give you more options to choose from as supply improves, along with the potential for increased mortgage affordability.

Can you sell real estate in PA without a license? ›

It is a common question. And, the answer is yes! You can sell your own home without a license in Pennsylvania and in New Jersey.

How do I sell my house in Florida without a Realtor? ›

You can list your Florida home without a Realtor on cash marketplaces like Houzeo.com and Sundae. You can get multiple cash offers, some up to 100% of the Fair Market Value. Additionally, you can offer your properties to iBuyers. They make instant cash offers of up to 80% of FMV.

How to sell a house without a Realtor in Georgia? ›

How to sell by owner in Georgia
  1. Know local laws. Start by doing your research to make sure you understand the state and local laws around selling your home. ...
  2. Prepare the property for showing. ...
  3. Create a listing. ...
  4. Market the property. ...
  5. Consider offers. ...
  6. Close the sale. ...
  7. Pros. ...
  8. Cons.
Feb 18, 2024

Who is the best person to sell your house? ›

A listing agent has your back when it comes to the financials, like setting a listing price and marketing, staging, and making repairs to your house. He or she can also help you navigate more personal issues, such as your timeline, and what you're hoping to achieve with the sale.

Which home selling site is most accurate? ›

Compare Providers
Company NameCost
Zillow Best OverallFree to buyers, renters, and sellers
Realtor.com Most AccurateFree to buyers and renters
Trulia Best Mobile AppFree for users
Foreclosure.com Best for Foreclosures$39.80 monthly for web version;14 $39.99 for mobile version
3 more rows

Who is best to sell your house? ›

Selling your home through an estate agent

Perhaps the most traditional option for selling your house or flat is to use the services of an estate agent. These are experts in local property markets who will do most of the work involved with trying to find a buyer for your home, but they'll charge fees for their work.

Will 2024 be a good year for the market? ›

A “steamy” economy should lead to strong profit growth, and healthy earnings will be needed to keep the market rising. Big Money participants forecast a 12% jump in earnings per share for the S&P 500 in 2024, slightly ahead of consensus forecasts for an 11% increase.

Will prices increase in 2024? ›

The all-items Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of economy-wide inflation, increased 0.4 percent from March 2024 to April 2024 and was up 3.4 percent from April 2023. The CPI for all food increased 0.2 percent from March 2024 to April 2024, and food prices were 2.2 percent higher than in April 2023.

Should I sell now before the recession? ›

Should I sell my house now, before there's a recession? Recessions mean belt tightening and potential layoffs. If your area is hard-hit by job losses, the number of qualified buyers will be severely limited — if you're concerned, it might be best to sell before that (potentially) happens.

Should I sell my stocks now or wait? ›

So understand that stocks that trigger the 8-week hold rule often sell off fairly hard during the holding period. This rule helps you sit through that and avoid selling too soon. Once the eight weeks from the original buy point have passed, you can sell to lock in your gains or continue to hold.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6291

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.